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Author Topic: Kingdoms  (Read 27984 times)

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Offline Asid

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« on: July 12, 2017, 04:16:59 PM »

KINGDOMS is a procedural medieval RPG in a randomly generated open world. The main feature of KINGDOMS is a smart AI system that completely controls NPC behavior. As the player, you can fully interact with this massive world and become any person you want to be.

Official Site: N/A
Official forum: Here
YouTube Channel:N/A
Steam: Here


Official trailer

About This Game
KINGDOMS is a procedural medieval RPG in a randomly generated open world. The main feature of KINGDOMS is a smart AI system that completely controls NPC behavior. As the player, you can fully interact with this massive world and become any person you want to be.

Main Features:

During the game, the world changes constantly: settlements appear, new houses, taverns, and shops are built. NPCs decide for themselves what to build next and how their settlement should be developed; and of course this living world reacts to any players' actions.

Each npc has his own life goal and acts depending on this goal. Every NPC is unique - temper, motivation, reputation, skills and many other parameters affect NPC behavior. Even when NPCs have the same goal, this goal can be reached in different ways depending on situation.

You can do anything you want, you can go anywhere you want. Explore caves and ruins, fight wild animals and bandits, trade with other characters, open shops, taverns or manufactories, create settlements or even whole kingdoms and manage them or just help other people. It’s up to you!

As with all other aspects of KINGDOMS, we want to make combat as realistic as possible. The movement of your sword depends on mouse movement. Our goal is to make combat intuitive and give you a challenge. One perfect strike can be the final one.

Our mods editor, K-Editor, allows you to make any kind of modifications from new items to global mods. World, quests, AI, items, creatures - All can be changed or modified.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2017, 04:18:58 PM »
VIDEO: Kingdoms Version 17.8 Complete walk-through

A full tutorial video for all the features old and new with Kindoms 17.8 stable release. 

This will cover every feature from setting up a village, crafting, blacksmithing, armies, guards, tips on village happiness, gardening & farming, travel, taming horses, Treasure hunting, mining, etc. This is for everyone new to the game and old timers coming back. 
All shot in 1024 HQ for max detail and quality audio. Video settings are on fantastic to good depending on the series and what I was doing for that session. This is one village from start to finish for this entire series. I hope you enjoy watching and thank you for supporting Kingdoms! 
Note about Frames: My average FR is 120-160 FPS. When these videos are viewed locally they are as fluid as the game itself. When I upload them to youtube they look more like 30FPS.
I plan to do a live stream when the last series is done, which i'll schedule for everyone to watch. This was the recommendation by Youtube to show you just how fluid this game is running.

Footnote: No cheats were used in the making of this movie, and no horses were hurt during filming.

PS: If you find these tutorials useful and want to support the project Kingdoms. Please subscribe to the channel. Thanks!!

Video tutorials
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2017, 04:31:08 PM »
Update 19.5

-Bear model was replaced with new one;
-Bear animations were replaced by new oned;
-Wolf model was replaced by new ones;
-Wolf animations were replaced by new ones;
-New wolf howl sound added;
-Buffalo added to wilflife;
-Old deer model was replaced by new one;
-New deer animations were added;
-Various death sounds added to animals;
-New 1H combat animations added;
-Animals body position now depends on terrain angle;
-Adding shake effect to attack animations;
-Camera shake effect added when player get hit from a sword or an animal;
-Racoon added to wildlife;
-New items added: raccons meat, racoons roast meat, racoon skin, racoon tail;
-Old fox model was replaced by new ones;
-Old fox animation were replaced by new ones;
-Various sounds added to animals;
-Hammer working animation was replaced by new one;
-Hammer sounds added for working NPC;
-Old AI bodies were replaced by new ones;
-More hairstyles added to AI;
-More face shapes added to AI bodies;
-More body shapes added to AI models;
-Leather armomr model was replaced by new one;
-Light iron armor was replaced by new one;
-Poorman's cloth was replaced bty new one;
-Richmans's cloth was replaced by new one;
-Citizen cloth was replaced by new one;
-Knight steel armor was added;
-Plate stell armor was added;
-Various colors were added for cloth and armor;
-Various colors was added to AI cloth;
-AI cloth colors now saved correctly;
-AI cloth parts now can have separate cloth colors (eg shirt and scarf)
-Various colors were added to eyes;
-Various colors were added to hair;
-Knight armomor and plate armomor was added to blacksmith recipes;
-AI cloth that was more "fantasy" then "late medieval" was replaced;
-Vsync now can be enabled\disabled via video settings;
-Light iron armor model was replaced by new one;
-Leather armor model was replaced by new one;
-Female citizen and richmans top models were replaced by new ones;

-New items for crafting added: meat pie, berries pie, vegetables pie;
-Crafting of all pies types added to the bakery;
-Bakers now craft and sell pies;
-Reballancing food and it's properties;
-Food now won't heal the player;
-Eating of raw meat can damage players health;
-Healing herbs added to the world: azalea, boston fern;
-Player now can craft medicinal plants and strong medicinal plants through journal crafting menu;
-Changing herbalist and alchemist descriptions;
-Gathering animation was 1.5x times increased (in order to match players action when eg fast moving);
-Woodworker can now craft and sell a saddle;
-Animals now have storage-like inventory when skinning;
-EXP gain was removed when skinning an animal;
-String in container window is now individual for each container type - Animal, chest, saddle-bag etc.
-Players fame and reputation now can be changed after completing the quests or killing someone;
-Players title now depends on fame and global reputation parameters;
-Horse saddle is now accessable after horses death;
-Rebalancing fight with animals - meat-eaters attack much faster, but their attack can be stopped by sucessful hit;
-Player now recieves no damage from animals when in god-mode;
-Player now can't delete save without confirmation;
-Game now autosaves every time when sleeping;
-Buffalo items added: skin, horns and meat;
-Buffalo meat can be cooked now;
-High swordsman perks now allow to make a combo by strong hit;
-Items at storages can be sorted by type;
-Items in shops can be sorted by type;
-Proper icons for racoons tail, buffalos skin and horn added;
-Roads were added to the world;
-AI can restore HP buysing medical herbs;
-Reballancing fighting system for 1H weapon: now attack animation depends on swordsman perks;
-"Bandits" section was added to building menu;
-Player now can establish bandits lair;
-Bandit perks were added;
-AI now can build bandit camp;
-Perks that define if AI would become a bandit were tweaked;
-Min distance between bandits lairs was increased;
-More beard variations added to male models;
-AI now can join Bandit camps and build houses there;
-Small bandit shack added to buildings list;
-Bandits houses textures were compressed in order to increase performance;
-Run button added to keybindings;
-Aggro range was added to bandits;
-Bandits will now attck the player when noticing;
-AI now can't build farm or settlement near bandits camp;
-Players global reputaon now will increase when killing a bandit;
-Bandits will attack the pleayer only with >= 0 Reputaion, if reputation is < 0 they won't attack;
-Tavernkeepers shirt and pants were added and used by AI;
-Light iron trousers and footwear models were replaced by new ones;

-Fixed the issue when horse whistle could be head only with misic on;
-Fixed exploit, when player could get infinite amount of EXP crafting flour bags;
-Fixed issue when player used attck animations when using storage or saddle bag;
-Fixed issue when shops was unable to use, when some AI sold sword there.
-Fixed issue when quest stood active in journal after Quest givers death;
-Fixed issue when AI didn't look at the enemy when fighting;
-NPC inventory is now accessable after AI death;
-Tweaking too long pauses betweet AI attacks with low swordman skills;
-Fixed issue with growing plants in the garden when game is paused;
-Fixed some typos in quest text;
-Old AI names were replaced by correct ones (Big thanks to bon.gart for that kingly gift, you're great, man)
-Fixed the issue when title text was too large to display;
-Fixed the issue when farm scaffold was unable to destroy;
-Fixed issue when player could fall underground or in the groud floor after loading;
-Fixed issue when garden didn't produced any stuff;
-Fixed issue with immortal wolves;
-Fixed issue when player gained exp after discovering own farm or Settlement;
-Berries pie paramater was decreased to 75;
-Fixed issue when animals could moving in circles sometimes, when running;
-Fixed the issue when farm house model was created infinite times causing bugs;
-Fixed issue, when AI worked at manufactory without having finished house;
-Fixing an issue when campfire was unable to build;
-Fixed issue with looped hand animations;
-Fixed issue with unlootabl racoon and fox;
-Wolf attack distance was increased;
-Fixed issue with looped AI fight animations;
-"Stag" was changed to "Deer" (the most important note, haha)
-Fixed issue when title was displayed incorrect;
-Fixed issue with incorrect position of animals body after some attacks;
-Fixed issue with wrong calculated player position when riding;
-Fixed issue whe player could load on roof of a structure;
-Fixing script error in cave generation, that could cause crashes;
-Fixed issue when player couldn't start the game properly, falling into water;
-Fixed issue what sword of dead AI could harm the player;
-Fixed issue with crash after loading a save with many roads saved;
-Roads creation process was optimized in order to fix pissoble crashes;
-Roads load process was optimized in order to prevent crashes;
-Fixed issue what terrain in new world could have old shape changed by old roads;
-Fixed issue when bush coud stay on the road;
-Roads y-pisition was changed in order to improve visuals;
-Optimizing many calculations in different scripts, making them unsynchize in order to prevent crashes;
-Fixed issue when horse could fly over the road;
-Optimization of road creation algorithm in order to prevent crashes;
-Changing road threshold angle to 30;
-Removong collider from some azalea bushes to prevent player stuck;
-Fixing the issue when boston fern could be deleted from the terrain;
-Road calculation script was optimized in order to increase loading time;
-Fixing the issue when creation of new road could "dig" the road near by;
-Tweaking the distance for AI greeting to a leader - if leader is far away, AI will join the settlement without reaching him through whole map;
-Changing roads avoid algorithm - now they'll avoid structures much better;
-LODs added to roads in order to improve performance;
-Fixed issue when horse position calculation when riding up/down the hills and on the road wasn't smooth;
-Fixed issue when players settlement or farm remain undiscovered on the map;
-Fixed issue with incorrect display of food parameters;
-Fixed issue when some animals were unable to loot after killing;
-Fixed issue when world could start during generation process;
-LODs added to all male body parts: body, helmets, gloves, tunic, armor, pants, boots, shirt;
-Fixing the issue wehen some hair were invizible when zoom out;
-Compressing 2000+ in-game textures in order to improove performance and decrease build size;
-Fixed issue, when AI couldnt damage Player or animals;
-Fixed issue when AI damage was calculated incorrect;
-Fixed issue, when players attack animation could loop;
-AI bodies calculation now uses mesh merge in order to incrase performance;
-Shadows were added to AI bodies;
-AI bodies now uses single texturea atlas in order to reduce textures and objects in scene and improve performance;
-More hair styles were added to both male and female;
-Beards were added to male bodies;
-Age wrinkles on the face now calculated right;
-Some armor DEF paramaters were changed in order to fix the balance;
-AI weapon damage now calculated correctly;
-Body and face parameters calculation algorithm was changed in order to increase performance;
-Players body puppet now won't use poorman's cloth by emply cloth slot but body;
-Vsync was added to fantastic quality;
-Changing items in AI hands calculation algorithm in order to increase performance;
-Fixing issue with missing female plate amor metal texture;
-Fixing issue with bugged nose paramters by character generation;
-Key bindings for Map, Inventory and Gathering were added;
-Fixed missing scrollbar in trading menu;
-Fixed issue with farmers looping in city shops;
-Fixed the issue when players stamina or vogour could go down during world and character generation;
-Player now has poormans outfit put on at start;
-Fixed issue when hands animator could play extra attack animation;
-Fixed issue when player could move and look around when hitting tab during building;
-Player puppets cloth was changes to "Peasant" by male and female;
-Compressing some textures in order to decrease their size and imrove performance;
-Roads calculation script was optimized in order to prevent crashes;
-Fixed issue when iron in cave could disappear;
-Fixed issue with bugged roads loading;
-Fixed some looping scripts in AI behavoir;
-Fixed script error of AI shop management, that can cause crashes;
-Fixed issue, when female player character couldn't load correctly;
-Fixed the issue with looped death animations by AI;
-Fixed the issue with bugged melee > ranged weapon animation change by AI;
-Fixed the issue with wrong arrow and bow position by AI when shooting;
-Fixed issue with wrong displayed population number on the map;
-Fixed wrong ship position icon on the map;
-Fixed issue with beard slider during character generation;
-Fixed issue when some in-game setting weren't loaded correctly at game start;
-Map texture resolution was optimized in order to increase performance;
-Fixed issue when AI HP bar has vizual glitch after reloading;
-Fixed issue with pickaxe with no damage;
-Fixed issue with impossibility to build a settlement even if UI shows no settlements near by;
-Fixed issue when bandits lair was unable to build;
-Fixed issue when nimber of road was frowing during loading causing crash or infinite loading;
-Fixed issue when animals could attck the player during loading;
-Fixied issue when AI could start do stuff when loading wasn't over;
-Fixing issue when ship could move during world generation;
-Fixed issue with not disappearing stumps after choppen by AI;
-Optimizing tree chop script in order to fix crashes caused by it;
-Fixed issue when bandits could settle in settlement instead of bandit camp;
-Optimizing face genration script on NPCs bodies in order to increase performance;
-Fixed issue with disappearing horse after dismounting;
-Fixed issue when NPC attack anmation was playing even when NPC was killed;
-Bandits lair and bandits shack icons were added to building menu;
-Fixed issue when game could crash when observing command window;
-Some armor textures were compressed in order to increase performance;
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2018, 11:44:39 AM »
Important development news
[developer]   21 Jul 2018

Dear friends, as many of you know, since winter KINGDOMS is moving to new version of Unity engine. It was a very long and hard process for me, but the good news are - it's already there. At the moment i'm finishing to polish the interface (yes, it's absolutely new one, including inventory etc.) The plan was to release it in June, but as usual - one man team is one man team - hope you understand the specific of development. I wanted to release the update 24th of July, but yesterday critical error in dialogs system was found - so i need a little more time to fix it and finally release this unfortunate update. Hope for your understanding!
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2018, 05:44:07 PM »

Hi, friends! Before telling about coming update, let me thank all of you for patience. Reworking of the game is almost finished, endless hours of work are behind, we're almost there. So, shall we begin?

- All scripts were rewritten and reworked, the game works much faster, uses less RAM, can use Multithreading, performance was improved. For now on adding new features will be much easier and faster.

- A brand new island with a changed map;

Read on...Long list
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2018, 02:00:56 PM »
KINGDOMS - Cyfieithydd

-Island model (texture and heights) was changed;
-Main menu was changed: continue button (continue from last save) changelog and language change option were added;
-Old saves (from version 0.252) can be used in all coming updates, no new game needed;
-Loading window was changed: screenshot, player name, world name, playerd time and save time added;
-Save algorithm was changed in order to redice save size;
-Character generation was reworked - perks and appearance setting are now in one place;
-Camera animatin was added to main menu as well as various objects like houses and characers in castle;
-21:9 monitors support was added;
-Bug report system was added;
-Controls mapping was replaced with new one, as well as whole controls system - old Unity one was replaced by custom one;
-Old character controller was replaced with new one;
-Old camera control system was replaced with new one;
-New vegetation generation algorithm was added, old one was removed;
-New setting were added to main menu: graphics, sound, monitor and controls;
-Unity splash window was removed, all options were moved added into the game;
-All in-game text is now stored in one file;

-Main menu design was changed;
-World generation menu UI was changed;
-Character generation menu was changed;
-Inventory UI was changed;
-Loading screen UI was changed;
-Generation progress UI was changed;
-Building window UI was changed;
-Character window UI was changed;
-HUDs UI was changed;
-Compass UI was added;
-Confirmation button were added for following: exit, delete, apply setting etc.
-Dialog UI was changed;
-Central cursor infos were changed;
-Vegetation masks for building and roads were added;
-Rocks models were replaced with new one;
-Snow coverage system was replaced with new one;
-Info UI was replaced with new animated one;
-New trees models were added to the game;
-LODs distance for all vegetation was increased as well as its changing option was added to settings;
-New lighting system was added;
-Old water was replaced with new one;

-City Hall added to buildings list;
-AI tastks were removed from notice board - from now on AI can build basic needed stuff by its own;
-Friendship parameter was added;
-Teaching system was changed - player can't learn all perks from one settler by some luck - each settler is now specialized only in one perk line;
-In order to learn new perks player has to have good relation with settler, money and EXP poitns;
-Taxes now can be taken directly from settler;
-Trees chopping system was changed;
-Gathering system was changed;
-Gathering speed now depends on gardener line perks;
-Building speed now depends on builder line perks;
-Mining speed now depends on builder line perks;
-Inventory management was changed - use LMB for using items;
-Items max stack limit was removed;
-Character max carry wight was removed;
-Taxes management window was added to city hall;
-Wild plants positions were changed: now they're growing in stacks but more difficult to find;

-Minor performance improvement;
-RAM usage improvement;
-AI scripts were changed in order to increase performance;
-House building scripts were changes in order to increase performance;
-Camera shaking on the ship;
-Stuck AI after killing an animal;
-Item disappearing from inventory;

Following translations were added: russian, polish, french, portuguese

Though a lot of work was done, some bugs (including critical ones) can still appear. Be free to report about it using in-game reporting system (F11)
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2018, 12:06:28 AM »
Patchnotes (17.10.2018)

-Fixing the issue when compass was partly invisible on 21:9 monitors;
-Optimizing AI scripts in order to increase performance by high population on the map;
-Reducing AI texture atlas size in order to increase performance;
-Optimizing vegetation spawn scripts in order to increase performance;
-Optimising build compression algorithm in order to increase performance;
-Optimising various assets usare in order to increase performance and reduce RAM usage;
-Fixing the issue when weapon could accidentaly swing after chopping/mining;
-Fixing the issue with wrong bow shooting keys remapping;
-Fixing bugged back door in City Hall;
-Fixed bug, when weapon (i..e bow) could be duplicated by equipping/unequipping when amount was more than 1.
-Fixed issue, when more than max settlers could arrive on the island;
-Tweaking settlers spreading on the island, making them to join settlements more often;
-Fixed issue when horse could walk on water;
-Fixed issue when player could see run animation when being on horse;
-Fixed "self-made wooden bow" name;
-Fixed issue, when mining didn't tool players stamina;
-Fixed issue, when was run out ofstamina, player could chop/mine with the same speed;
-Fixed issie with duplicated farm door;
-Fixed issue with duplicated horse;
-Bug reporting window is functional again;
-Fixed issue when closing Bug reporting window in main menu could cause camera glitch;
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2018, 02:38:48 PM »
Patchnotes (18.10.2018)

-Fixed bugged door in Tax Collectors office;
-Fixed bugged door in three level wooden house;
-Fixed bug when player could shot with infinite arrow equipped;
-Fixed bug when taxes value wasn't saved correctly;
-Fixed bug with wrong switch to new weather;
-Fixed issue, when rain and snow particles were moving together with player;
-Fixed issue when some models were invisible when using "low models quality";
-Fixed issue when horse could fall underground when player riding it;
-Fixed graphical glitch when looking at distance sky mesh;
-Fixed issue when sun was rising in the east;
-Fixed the issue when saved file was unable to load (it was an issue in save system so new game needed, sorry:( )

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2018, 12:55:45 PM »
UPDATE 0.261

-New UI for storage management added;
-New UI for trading added;
-New UI for gardening added;
-New UI for sleep added;
-New UI for smithing was added;
-Map was added;
-New UI for craft was added;
-Fixed issue when player was unable to attack after death;
-Fixed issue when sword parameters could be saved incorrect;
-Central text was moved to HUDs;
-Info message speed was tweaked - not it's speed depends on their number;
-Outline added to central info text;
-Outline added to character parameters text;
-Plants gathering speed was tweaked;
-Fixed looped message for farm discovering;
-Scrolling speed at LOAD window was increased;
-Fixed issue with "floating" wooden tower;
-Fixed issue when trees or rocks could block houses entrances;
-Fixed issue when Inn structure didn't destroyed vegetation around in proper way;
-Fixed issue with bugged dialog when friendship is > 10;
-Fixed bugged door in Tax Collectors office;
-Fixed bugged door in three level wooden house;
-Fixed bug when player could shot with infinite arrow equipped;
-Fixed bug when taxes value wasn't saved correctly;
-Fixed bug with wrong switch to new weather;
-Fixed issue, when rain and snow particles were moving together with player;
-Fixed issue when some models were invisible when using "low models quality";
-Fixed issue when horse could fall underground when player riding it;
-Fixed graphical glitch when looking at distance sky mesh;
-Fixed issue when sun was rising in the east;
-Fixed the issue when saved file was unable to load (it was an issue in save system so new game needed, sorry:( )
-Fixing the issue when compass was partly invisible on 21:9 monitors;
-Optimizing AI scripts in order to increase performance by high population on the map;
-Reducing AI texture atlas size in order to increase performance;
-Optimizing vegetation spawn scripts in order to increase performance;
-Optimising build compression algorithm in order to increase performance;
-Optimising various assets usare in order to increase performance and reduce RAM usage;
-Fixing the issue when weapon could accidentaly swing after chopping/mining;
-Fixing the issue with wrong bow shooting keys remapping;
-Fixing bugged back door in City Hall;
-Fixed bug, when weapon (i..e bow) could be duplicated by equipping/unequipping when amount was more than 1.
-Fixed issue, when more than max settlers could arrive on the island;
-Tweaking settlers spreading on the island, making them to join settlements more often;
-Fixed issue when horse could walk on water;
-Fixed issue when player could see run animation when being on horse;
-Fixed "self-made wooden bow" name;
-Fixed issue, when mining didn't tool players stamina;
-Fixed issue, when was run out ofstamina, player could chop/mine with the same speed;
-Fixed issie with duplicated farm door;
-Fixed issue with duplicated horse;
-Bug reporting window is functional again;
-Fixed issue when closing Bug reporting window in main menu could cause camera glitch;
-Fixed issue when settlers went underwater after landing;
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2018, 02:15:22 PM »

-Settlement info added to notice-board;
-Fixed issue when settlers and animals were walking through stones;
-Settlement management window is now shown after settlement establishing;
-Fixed issue when structures were invisible after exiting the cave;
-Fixed issue when item description of item looted stayed active by looting another object;
-Fixed issue when weapons was visible when observing global map;
-Fixed issue when player could stuck in sleeping mode;
-Banner changing was added to settlement management;
-Info about settlers hired (council, tax collector, general, embassador) was added to settlement management;
-Settlement leader now can change banner using settlement management menu;
-Settlement leader now can hire council, tax collector, general or embasador using dialog option;
-With council hired settlement leader can hire tax collector, general or embasador using settlement management menu;
-Fixed issue when house owner could be loaded incorrect after loading the world;
-Fixed issue when settlers number could be displayed incorrect after loading the world;
-Fixed issue when joining the settlement could cause script erros by some settlers;
-Fixed issue when dialogs text wasn't shown correct when using various langugages;
-Dialogs window now automatically changes size, depending on lines length;
-Scroll sensivity in dialog window was changed;
-Now each settler has one ot 8 unique bahaviour models - kind, kalm, joker, arrogant, rude, cunning, bad, covard;
-Existing dialogs were rewritten in order to match each behaviour model;
-Added notification for management window when player has no settlers in settmenet;
-Fixed issue when save couldn't be loaded correct, when sword parameters weren't saved correct;
-Fixed issue when camera position could be bugged, when using various UI menus or using dialog window;
-Fixed issue when some items in inventory could be saved as swords;
-New info pop-up message added for most important information;
-Sound effects added to some messages;
-Fixed issue when animals were invisible after exiting the cave;
-Tax collector now uses City Hall as workplace;
-Embassador now uses City Hall as workplace;
-Council now uses City Hall as workplace;
-2 types of milita was added - ranged and melee;
-Player now can change milita type using settlement management window;
-Player can change milita type only with General hired;
-Player can give various ranks to milita: guard, recruit, corporal, sergeant, captain, general;
-Milita rank can be changed only if General is hired;
-Expected income information added to finances management window;
-Council salary now depends on leaders "Scholar" line perks;
-Tax collectors salary now depends on leaders "Trader" line perks;
-Embassador salary now depends on leaders "Traveller" line perks;
-General salary now depends on leaders commanding line perks;
-Fixed issue when HUD was invisible after using K-Editor;
-Law added "Tax collector can gather taxes twice a month (can cause a rebellion)";
-Law added "Only leader can build houses and manufactories in this settlement";
-Settlement leader now can see settlers property status in management window;
-Fixed issue when AI building speed parameter wasn't working correctly;
-Fixed issue when settler didn't work in bought house;
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2018, 12:03:08 AM »

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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2018, 12:16:26 AM »
Update 0.28
KINGDOMS - Cyfieithydd

-New game mode was added: “Pupulated island”;
-Player now can choose game mode before starting new world;
-Fixed issue when General and Ambassador took money when not being hired;
-Player now can set the payment date using management menu;
-Payment date can be changed only once a month;
-Closing button was added to global map menu;
-Default camera position for global map was changed in order not to let camera look at sea at awake;
-Player is now able to use “wait” function to skip time - default key is T;
-Now the info in sleeping-waiting menu is more exact;
-All finances info (payments etc.) is now stored in Finances management;
-Various footsteps sound were added;
-Now footstep sound depend on surface;
-New damage visual effect was added;
-Now character can scream when damaged;
-Many game textures were compressed in order to reduce RAM usage;
-Start object instantiating algorithm we’re rewritten in order to reduce RAM usage;
-Some shaders render was changed to GPU instancing in order to optimize RAM and GPU usage;
-Player now can use 1 length names when creating character;
-Some additional help messages were added to characters generation menu;
-NPC textures compression scripts were changed in order to reduce GPU and RAM usage;
-Terrain shader was changed to new one;
-Parallax was added to terrain texture;
-Player now can build a wall in settlement using building menu;
-Fixed issue when settlers refused to work when having a house;
-2 different wall types were added: stone and wooden one;
-Objects interaction script was optimized in order to reduce RAM usage;
-Player now spawns in biggest settlement when using “Populated island mode”;
-AI houses start position was changed in order to create more organized streets in settlements;
-Gates position in AIs settlements depends on global settlement position: south wall side in the north etc.
-Walls in AIs settlements are build automatically when having more than 6 houses;
-Wall type in AIs settlemts now depend on leaders Builder perks line;
Player now can use global politics map;
-Player now can send an ambassador to discovered settlement in order to create partnership with it;
-When having good relationship with partner settlement Player can make trade agreement with it;
-When having trade agreement settlers from both settlements now can travel to partner settlements and sell goods there;
-Prices of goods in trade agreements depends on settlers Trading perks;
-When having a road build to settlement prices for sold-bought goods are 10% better;
-Settlements controlled by AI can make an partnership-trade agreement-road agreement when having proper Perks;
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2019, 12:02:19 AM »
Update 0.282

-Fixed issue when wall could be build without gates;
-City wall now has 4 gates from each side instread of 1;
-Notice board now has road to City Center;
-Trading roads between AI settlements now calculated correctly;
-Fixed issue with gates scale, when player or AI couldn't pass through it;
-Fixed issue when game could freeze on roads calculation with no roads data for building;
-Roads calculation algorithm was rewritten in order to make road shapes more realistic;
-Roads loadng algorithm was imroved in order to make loading of big roads amount faster;
-Fixed issue when sceeen could suddenly got DoFed;
-Fixed issue when cursor could suddenly disappear on various UI;
-Fixed issue when road calculation could crash the game;
-Fixed issue when pause during roads calculation was applied incorrect;
-Fixed issue when roads could start calculatin when using various UI;
-Fixed issue when player didn't regain Vigour when sleeping;
-Fixed issue when roads roads calculation screen freezed when calculation roads in new world;
-Fixed issue when roads could start calculation in the middle of fight;
-Fixed issue when City Gates could calculate their rotation incorrect;
-Fixed issue when vegetation mask could be calculated incorrect when creating road;
-Fixed issue when game could freeze in settings menu;
-Fixed script error causing impossibility for AI to make trade agreement with another AI;
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2019, 04:33:41 PM »
Update 0.3

-New quest system was added;
-Quest "Bring berry for hungry settler";
-Quest "Bring 10 berries for hungry settle was added;
-Quest "Bring deers meat for hungry settler" was added;
-Quest "Bring 10 cucumber seeds for a farmer was added;
-Quest "Bring 1 wood for settler without house was added;
-Quest dialog lines depend on settlers temper parameter;
-New UI was added for quest in journal section;
-Player can see active quest goal icon by clicking quest in inventory;
-New quest message UI was changed;
-Fixed issue when terrain texture turned white by various lightning;
-Terrain texture shader was replaced with new one in order to increase performance;
-Road calculation algorithm was changed in order to increase calculation speed;
-Road masking algorithm was changed in order to make vegetation masking more natural;
-Settlement-settlement road calculation was changed in order to make roads look more natural;
-Roads calculation progress was added in the bottom of the screen;
-Houses building anlgle condition was changed in order to improve house placing on hills;
-Fixed issue, when City Hall worker refused to work even with house build;
-Fixed issue when wall could be build without gates;
-City wall now has 4 gates from each side instread of 1;
-Notice board now has road to City Center;
-Trading roads between AI settlements now calculated correctly;
-Fixed issue with gates scale, when player or AI couldn't pass through it;
-Fixed issue when game could freeze on roads calculation with no roads data for building;
-Roads calculation algorithm was rewritten in order to make road shapes more realistic;
-Roads loadng algorithm was imroved in order to make loading of big roads amount faster;
-Fixed issue when sceeen could suddenly got DoFed;
-Fixed issue when cursor could suddenly disappear on various UI;
-Fixed issue when road calculation could crash the game;
-Fixed issue when pause during roads calculation was applied incorrect;
-Fixed issue when roads could start calculatin when using various UI;
-Fixed issue when player didn't regain Vigour when sleeping;
-Fixed issue when roads roads calculation screen freezed when calculation roads in new world;
-Fixed issue when roads could start calculation in the middle of fight;
-Fixed issue when City Gates could calculate their rotation incorrect;
-Fixed issue when vegetation mask could be calculated incorrect when creating road;
-Fixed issue when game could freeze in settings menu;
-Fixed script error causing impossibility for AI to make trade agreement with another AI;
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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  • Posts: 26347
Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2019, 07:10:56 PM »

•   Quest "Bring herbs for ambassador" was added;
•   Quest "Bring herbs for wouded person" was added;
•   Quest "Bring onion for trader";
•   Quest "Bring pepper for tavernkeeper" was added;
•   Quest "Bring stones for soldier" was added;
•   Shootng cursor was added;
•   Shooting cursor size now depends on distance to target;
•   Arrows ballistics was revised;
•   Fixed issue when game could crash after building a large wall;
•   New game mode added: hardcore. Saves are deleted after characters death;
•   World creation menu was changed, new settings were added;
•   "AI can't build walls" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "AI can't build roads" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "No bandits" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "No farmers" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "Gathering speed" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "Building speed" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "Moving speed" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "Bandits aggression distance" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "Craft resources" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "Craft speed" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "Trading comlexity" option was added to world creation settings;
•   "Gold in ruins" option was added to world creation settings;
•   Many texture normals were revised, compressed and optimized in order to increase performance;
•   NPC navigation script was revised in order to increase performance;
•   New quests condition was added: wounded settler;
•   New quest condition was added: Ambassador;
•   New quest condition was added: Soldier;
•   Fixed issue when Ambassador refused to make an agreement with other settlement;
•   Settlement ranks system was changed a bit: 3 types were added - village, town and city;
•   Selltement now can refuse agreement when friendship with leader is negative;
•   Walls building mechanics for AI were revised - not all leader now cam set up a wall, some settlement will remain villages without a wall;
•   Diplomacy UI desogn was changed a bit: summary info wa added;
•   Buttons in diplomacy menu are now context related, i.e. ambassador can't be sent twice to one settlement or friednship can't be declared without partnership relation;
•   Fixed issue when trading agreement couldn't be signed, because ambassador's bug;
•   City Hall members now can be fired right in dialog;
•   Fixed issue when character teleported to ruins after loading the game (new game required);

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