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Author Topic: SAELIG  (Read 43811 times)

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« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2017, 04:24:25 AM »
Patch #13 - Going through changes
SAELIG - Stardog

Hey folks,

Patch #13 is now ready for consumption. I do hope you enjoy it.

New Stuff
•   Player character can now work at their own business the same way as a normal employee. The player character can work 24/7, however while working hunger and tiredness rates are increased. Moving the player will stop their work.
•   The player character can now haul their own carts. This works the same way as employees hauling carts. The player can haul carts 24/7, moving the player will stop the hauling.
•   Higher quality foods (Fish cakes, soup, etc) will fill your hunger meter better than normal foods (fruit, eggs, etc.)
•   You can now right click buildings in your building menu to make your character walk to said building.
•   Overview map is now higher and shows roads, town names, and population count. Can now be entered by scrolling out far enough and closed by scrolling in.
•   A new button in your building and cart inventories will restock the contents.
•   Potential spouses now have a criteria for accepting your proposal. Making it harder to marry rich people when you are dirt poor.
•   People who hate you (<= 5) will now refuse to talk to you, making it much harder to mend bridges.
•   If your spouse decides to divorce you they will now try to get back at you and will tell all their friends, who may also start hating you.
•   Key mapping.
•   Workers will now quit if they don't like you.

•   Production events will now be less frequent the more buildings you own.
•   Rare events are now rarer.
•   Starting as a nomad will no longer give you expensive stuff.
•   Nearly every recipe and price has been changed for top-notch balancing. This means that when loading your saved games a few of your productions may be invalid.
•   You can now zoom out further.
•   Cart tracking view has been moved back a bit.
•   Business management AI has been improved and tweaked.
•   Many other improvements.
•   Added gold to Ashbury mine.
•   Travelling Merchant camps will now show up less frequently and is tied to your day length.

•   Spelling corrections.
•   Notification corrections.
•   Characters should be less inclined to get stuck when talking.
•   Character portraits should now be less likely to overlap.
•   Spouse no longer takes a wage at all if they work for you, which means they won't quit if you go bankrupt.
•   No longer will markets double up when the player dies.
•   Consumption from bags and carts will now consume the item.
•   Cart send panel - market colours should now line up with building menu.
•   Fire spots will no longer accept items that are not firewood.
•   Carts will now properly display loads after returning from caravan trip.
•   Rebuilt houses should be accessible again.
•   Seagulls will no longer land on or fly around a destroyed fishing shack.
•   Trading posts will no longer give firewood to people.
•   Horses should now be better at going to grazing spots.
•   People's faces should now correctly show wrinkles based on their age.

If you have an older computer and are still using DirectX 9 then this patch will not work for you because DX 9 support has been removed. I'm not sure how likely it is that anyone was already succesfully playing the game on DX9, but if you do have an older machine that does not support DX11 and you were previously able to play SΖLIG, please do let me know.

I have also updated that MacOS build, and while it isn't listed on the store page, it should be perfectly playable on your Macs. However, I have not setup cloud sync for the saves made on Mac machines.

Saved Games
Your previous saved games should work fine, however you may find on load that some of your productions have become invalid due to recipe changes. Some of the AI changes and general tweaks are best experienced when starting a new game however.

Thanks for all the support! I'm working hard and I hope I'm doing a good job for you.

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« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2017, 02:54:16 PM »
Update #13.5 - Some things were broken, now they are not.
SAELIG - Stardog


I only consider this a half update, so we'll call it #13.5. Also I'm calling them updates now instead of patches.

Basically I really wanted to get some bugs fixed but wanted to give you more than a simple bug fix, so I threw in some other stuff too.
•   Dogs, sheep, cows, etc, should now be less noisy.
•   Disposable pack doing silly things has now been fixed and it should work as designed.
•   In the last update the ability to sit or sleep near fire pits was broken. Now it is not broken.
•   Fixed an issue where the standard leather pack would freak out if you took it off.
•   Added a timeout to breaking in and it now takes longer to do.
•   I fixed a bug that would make your spouse unable to work if your main character died.
•   Changed the flour mill to have a new building next to it.
•   Replaced a lot of props with new props that are better.
•   Added some additional misc buildings to the maps.
•   Sprinkled some magical fairy dust in several places to make some small things a little bit better.

That's all for now folks!
See you in the next one.


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« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2017, 04:35:51 PM »
Update #13.8 - Slight changes.
SAELIG - Stardog

Hello again,

Sorry for releasing another small patch. I really wanted to make a few changes though, so here we go.

•   Further reduced the chance of a travelling merchant setting up camp.
•   Tweaked the rain chances and transitions a tad.
•   Player should now only get the option to buy food from the alehouse if there is food to buy.
•   Fixed a bug that might've cause the social classe for some families to display incorrectly.
•   Rehashed the marriage acceptance system. When proposing marriage the target will decide to accept based on social class, housing situation, money, and total assets. More information is now given in event of rejection. This is slighly more advanced than it was prior.

Not much, I know, but every little thing helps.


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« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2017, 05:21:57 PM »
Update #14 - Changes, and things like such.
SAELIG - Stardog


I hope all is well. I have released another update, listed below are the changes.

The good bits
•   The supervising system has been changed. It no longer will apply straight away, but instead you must leave your character there for a while before it is applied. The time it takes to apply is calculated based on your day length. You will get a notification when it is done.
•   More time based things are now calculated properly for day length. So you may notice some things take more or less time, depending on your day length.
•   Changed the UI a bit for inventory icons. There is now a B and a S on each item. B = price at which things are purchased, S = price at which things are sold.
•   Tweaked the health system quite a bit and it is now better calculated based on day length.
•   Fixed several small programming errors that may or may not cause small issues.
•   Fixed a bug that could result in a duplication of your family if a very specific set of things happened.
•   Fixed a bug that was stopping the AI controlled Alehouses from producing food.
•   Quite a few tweaks made in an attempt to fix an issue with time not progressing. Unsure if fixed, do not have enough data on the problem to say for sure.
•   Other minor bugs have also been fixed.

Known Issues
•   When manipluating time you may notice that the speed up key does not work when the game is paused. This can be solved by *holding* the speed up key for a couple seconds instead of tapping it.
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« Reply #34 on: November 15, 2017, 03:17:11 PM »
Update #14.3 - Important fixes, and information on the new map.
SAELIG - Stardog


I prefer to deliver juicy well-rounded updates, but I also try my best to keep on top of any major bugs that show up, so in some instances I feel I need to release a smaller update to address any issues that do crop up.

This is one of those cases.
•   Fixed a major bug that could render your saved game unplayable in some cases.
•   Fixed a bug that would cause years to not calculate correctly and appear to stop progressing all together. Note - if you play a saved game that encountered this bug you may need to wait up to 4 seasons before this fix will work.
•   Added a slight chance for being able to survive the plague.
•   Various other small fixes and tweaks.

Also, I have started on the new map and have the basic terrain all done. I'm now adding in all the villages and extra content that comes with this new map. It is by far the biggest and most advanced yet and has a lot of room for exploration as well as facilities for new content that the other maps do not. So expect great new content to come out at the same time as the new map. This also means that when this new map is done I will set about completely remaking the older maps to bring them up to scratch.

I look forward to sharing more information with you a bit later on.

I have been known to post some interesting updates and thoughts to the SΖLIG Discord server, so feel free to check that out too.

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« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2017, 05:12:18 PM »
Update #15 - Some new things, some changed things, and some fixed things

Howdy all,

Update #15 is ready to go. Nothing huge, but we're getting there.

New things and changed things
•   Added additional detail to some notifications.
•   Marriage acceptance has been further enhanced to take into account more aspects of the player's life and situation.
•   Starting a new game will now produce a much better balance of young and old people. No longer will you be stuck with lots of old folks.
•   A few changes to the coat system, the AI should now be smarter about wearing them.
•   You can now choose to purchase a building without any employees.
•   You may notice an influx of new families when you load a saved game. This is the result of a few systems working better.
•   Slight optimisations to saving and loading.
•   More new props added.
•   Testing the waters with a couple new UI designs. Still a lot of placeholder UI, and even some of the new UI is still placeholder.

Fixed things
•   Fixed a bug that could result in extra items if you were working in your business when the shift ended.
•   Fixed a bug that would cause characters to reset if you followed them.
•   Carts should no longer be stranded for days out in the forest after a waylay.
•   A lot of bug fixes for the family tree. Kids from new marriages, previous marriages, and grown up kids, they should all display properly now.
•   Animal data should now load correctly, which means your dog's name will now stay the same.
•   Fixes to some incorrect price data for the meat produced from small carcasses.
•   A bunch of other small bug fixes.

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« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2017, 10:33:17 AM »
Didn't known about this "The Guild 2/3" competitor, i will scout it when i get home.

I don't known either how i could let it pass through, unnotticed, on my walkings on the Steam Store.
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Archtung Panzer!

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« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2017, 04:10:34 PM »
This is like Guild...But it works  :lol

The developer is very responsive and is working hard.  :thumbsup
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« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2017, 04:50:45 PM »
Update #15.5 - A few more things
SAELIG - Stardog

Howdy all,

Just a quick addition to update #15.
•   Fixed up some bad wording in the tutorial.
•   Fixed up a bug that would notifiy you that an employee had bought a business and then quit their job when you bought a new business.
•   The AI will now light fire pits correctly again, thus using up firewood.
•   You can now set your player to work at one of your businesses by right clicking on it and selecting "Do Work". This saves a bit of time if you swing your player between businesses and productions often.
•   You can now manually restock the sheltered fire spots with firewood.
•   Dogs should no longer follow your family members around, instead they will stay where you tell them to stay.
•   Made an adjustment to burn rates of firewood in fire pits. They now burn a little slower.

Sorry about two updates in two days, but I wanted to get this stuff out.

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« Reply #39 on: December 02, 2017, 02:51:38 PM »
Update #15.8 - Not quite at 16 yet.
SAELIG - Stardog

Howdy all,

Another small update to address issues and to make tweaks.
•   Fixed a few issues related to health, and also rebalanced it.
•   Fixed an issue that would cause animals to follow you around after you had stopped working at the farm.
•   Fixed some more typos.
•   The player can now buy food from the bakehouses if they have food available for sale.
•   General fixes and tweaks to several systems. Most of which probably won't be noticeable.

Update #16 is going to be awesome, I promise.


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« Reply #40 on: January 16, 2018, 07:08:57 PM »
Progress Report

Hey folks,

Updates to SΖLIG have been quite thin for a while now so I wanted to post this article to show you all some of the progress that has been made. Update 16 is well under way and there has been a lot of new stuff added, but we're not finished yet.

I'm delighted to be able to show off this new content.

Renting Houses
This allows you to rent out your unoccupied houses. The rent is paid to you at the end of every day and is based on the value of the house - so the more upgraded a house is, the higher rent will be, but you can also make manual adjustments.

Compare Markets
This allows you to see the stock of items at all markets at a quick glance.

New Map
A very large map with a lot of cool stuff - still a fair bit to do on this.

Wilderness Buildings
Some people will choose to live out in the forest at camps and the like. There will also be abandoned buildings. Unoccupied wilderness buildings can be claimed by the player.

New Buildings
A lot of new buildings. Houses are now way more dynamic and are randomly customised from a large pool of possibilities when you start a new game.

New Props
A lot of new props of all kinds with plenty of variation.
- Basic Beds

- Better Beds

- General village props

Existing Map Updates
I have decided to also upgrade the existing maps to incorporate the new buildings and features from the new map. Previously I was going to replace these maps all together, but for now I will upgrade them.

Buy Already Owned Buildings
Buy buildings directly from the AI by offering more than the value. Calculated based on relationship stats.

Most importantly of all, ducks will now swim if they venture into water.

There is also a wide range of general improvements and fixes to look forward to.

I'll try to keep you all updated on progress. Hopefully it won't be too much longer.

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« Reply #41 on: March 11, 2018, 09:06:36 PM »
Update 16 - Play it now - Public Testing.
I've been hit by a huge number of setbacks for this uodate, personal stuff, engine bugs, hardware issues. All of that is sorted now though so lets get this done!

Update 16 is now in the public testing phase. Nearly every aspect of the game has been change or added to in some way, this list does not reflect every change, addition, or fix.

A new map is coming too, but after this update is done.

New Stuff
•   New business: Farmhouse.
•   Abandoned buildings in the wilderness that can be claimed and repaired.
•   You can now buy already owned buildings for a higher price that is based on your relationship with the owner.
•   All new notifications for when things happen throughout the game.
•   See the action being done by the currently selected NPC.
•   New window that allows you to view all the markets in one screen to compare prices.
•   Rent out your houses for customisable rate based on the actual value of the house.
•   All new houses with exteriors, interiors, and clutter that is randomly generated when you start a new game.
•   New upgrades for houses.
•   New vegetation system.
•   You can now directly pay beggars and minstrels.
•   Many new props.
•   New wild vegetable patches.
•   New fruit trees.
•   New navigation system that brings us one step closer to being able to construct buildings.
•   New buildings for farms and leatherworkers - additional changes to these coming soon.
•   Lots of other smaller things.

•   No longer gifted money when you have none left.
•   NPCs will need to go over and inspect buildings before they buy them.
•   Changes to the amount of money gained when selling directly. This will now match the market price unless the market price is lower than the base price. So, selling directly will always result in a profit.
•   Changes to firewood burn rates.
•   Heavy tweaks to NPC actions and decisions.
•   Changes to the way the market calculates prices for some goods.
•   Many changes to LODs.
•   Fire will now make you warm based on proximity to the fire itself.
•   Changes to how edge panning works. It will now work properly no matter the direction that the camera faces.
•   More people should now be available to hire.
•   Tweaks to wages and various productions.
•   Farm is now called Estate Farm and is designed to focus on fields and corrals.
•   If two corrals or two fields now have the same production, they will be worked together and if there is more than one worker on said production you will get an additional boost.
•   Your rep will automatically be boosted with your children when they stop being babies.
•   Guards will now patrol around damaged buildings more often.
•   Changes to the coat system and how the AI handle them.
•   The AI will now respond better if they're no longer happy in their job.
•   Less rain.
•   Dozens of tweaks to every aspect of the game.
•   Punching people is now a more viable way to kill people when playing long games.
•   Punching people can cause them broken bones.
•   Updated the money notifications to say what was sold or bought.
•   The Trading Post Stall will now sell more things.
•   You no longer need to be tracking the player to engage first person.

•   Fixed a bug that would allow injured people to work.
•   Fixed a bug that would make children unemployable.
•   Fixed a bug that would prevent friends from other towns working for you.
•   Spelling errors have been fixed.
•   Fixed a bug that would still allow rodent production events to happen if you have a cat.
•   Fixed several bugs related to the player doing work at the end or start of the day.
•   Fixed issues when saving and loading games with special characters in the file names.
•   Fixed some tutorial issues with employment.
•   Coats will now provide warmth forever.
•   If you buy your first home it will now automatically be set as your active house, which will stop your spouse from doing odd things and act homeless.
•   Fixed bug that wouldn't allow you to warp the camera when you were tracking a character.
•   Fixed a bug that would allow you to use the market against itself.
•   You can no longer talk to a guard to get out of a fine.
•   Fixed a bug that would prevent you from helping to extinguish building fires.
•   General production fixes.
•   Dozens of other small fixes in all aspects of the game.
•   Fixed a bug with people being incorrectly labeled as business owners.
•   Fixed a bug that would prevent you from talking to children.
•   Fixed the Ashbury Trading Post to allow it to sell firewood.

Save Compatability
In some cases on loading your saves from previous versions you will be missing a building, most probably a house. This is due to the huge reshuffle of buildings and while I tried my best to avoid this issue it is still there. So just keep that in mind.

How To Play
To play this update you need to rightclick on the game in your Steam library and then go into properties. Click on the beta tab and enter the password KingdomOfEngland. Once it is accepted a new update should download.

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« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2018, 01:47:28 PM »
Update #16 - A plethora of delights
SAELIG - Stardog

Well this took far too long to get out. Sorry about that!

This update is pretty substantial, but it shouldn’t have taken as long as it did, I was a bit overwhelmed with setbacks sadly. Anyhoo, I’m back on a roll again and have decided that I would much prefer doing smaller updates more frequently rather than big ones every once in a while.

New Stuff
•   New business: Farmhouse. Produces eggs, honey, and herbs, and is also a house.
•   Abandoned buildings in the wilderness that can be claimed and repaired.
•   You can now buy already owned buildings for a higher price that is based on your relationship with the owner.
•   All new notifications for when things happen throughout the game.
•   See the action being done by the currently selected NPC.
•   New window that allows you to view all the markets in one screen to compare prices.
•   Rent out your houses for customisable rate based on the actual value of the house.
•   All new houses with exteriors, interiors, and clutter that is randomly generated when you start a new game.
•   New upgrades for houses.
•   New vegetation system.
•   You can now directly pay beggars and minstrels.
•   Many new props.
•   New wild vegetable patches.
•   New fruit trees.
•   New navigation system that brings us one step closer to being able to construct buildings.
•   New buildings for farms and leatherworkers - additional changes to these coming soon.
•   Lots of other smaller things.

•   No longer gifted money when you have none left.
•   NPCs will need to go over and inspect buildings before they buy them.
•   Changes to the amount of money gained when selling directly. This will now match the market price unless the market price is lower than the base price. So, selling directly will always result in a profit.
•   Changes to firewood burn rates.
•   Heavy tweaks to NPC actions and decisions.
•   Changes to the way the market calculates prices for some goods.
•   Many changes to LODs.
•   Fire will now make you warm based on proximity to the fire itself.
•   Changes to how edge panning works. It will now work properly no matter the direction that the camera faces. It will also be faster and more consistent.
•   More people should now be available to hire.
•   Tweaks to wages and various productions.
•   Farm is now called Estate Farm and is designed to focus on fields and corrals.
•   If two corrals or two fields now have the same production, they will be worked together and if there is more than one worker on said production you will get an additional boost.
•   Your rep will automatically be boosted with your children when they stop being babies.
•   Guards will now patrol around damaged or recently broken in buildings more often.
•   Changes to the coat system and how the AI handle them.
•   The AI will now respond better if they're no longer happy in their job.
•   Less rain.
•   Punching people will now do more damage, but is still only really a viable way to kill people if they’re unwell.
•   Punching people can cause them broken bones.
•   Updated the money notifications to say what was sold or bought.
•   The Trading Post Stall will now sell more things.
•   You no longer need to be tracking the player to engage first person.
•   Changed how games are loaded, could be faster for some people.
•   Dozens of tweaks to every aspect of the game.

•   Fixed a bug that would allow injured people to work.
•   Fixed a bug that would make children unemployable.
•   Fixed a bug that would prevent friends from other towns working for you.
•   Spelling errors have been fixed.
•   Fixed a bug that would still allow rodent production events to happen if you have a cat.
•   Fixed several bugs related to the player doing work at the end or start of the day.
•   Fixed issues when saving and loading games with special characters in the file names.
•   Fixed some tutorial issues with employment.
•   Coats will now provide warmth forever.
•   If you buy your first home it will now automatically be set as your active house, which will stop your spouse from doing odd things and act homeless.
•   Fixed bug that wouldn't allow you to warp the camera when you were tracking a character.
•   Fixed a bug that would allow you to use the market against itself.
•   You can no longer talk to a guard to get out of a fine.
•   Fixed a bug that would prevent you from helping to extinguish building fires.
•   General production fixes.
•   Fixed a bug with people being incorrectly labeled as business owners.
•   Fixed a bug that would prevent you from talking to children.
•   Fixed the Ashbury Trading Post to allow it to sell firewood.
•   Dozens of other small fixes in all aspects of the game.

Save Compatability
In some cases, on loading your saves from previous versions you might find you are missing a building or two, and some building and cart upgrades. This is due to the huge reshuffle of buildings and while I tried my best to avoid this issue it is still there. So just keep that in mind.

This update includes a Linux build that has had very limited testing. Send me an email ( if you’re interesting in doing some testing and do not already own the game.

New Map
I have previously stated that this update would include a new map. In the interest of streamlining this update I have not included this. The new map will come in a separate update that I will issue alongside standard updates.

Cheers for all your support!

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« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2018, 12:29:52 PM »
Update #16.1 - A few changes
SAELIG - Stardog

Hey there folks,

Just a small update to fix a few things.
•   Removed limit to number of people showed in hiring menu.
•   Fixed a bug that would prevent the tutorial from advancing past the cart part.
•   Fixed a bug that would make your house rentable if you changed your active house.
•   Removed the dog upgrade for the Estate Farm. This upgrade actually had no bonus to it and will be reinstated at a later time.


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« Reply #44 on: April 02, 2018, 03:00:35 PM »
Update #16.2 - Orphans, markets, and fixes
SAELIG - Stardog


Another update for you all.

•   The Offload and Return Home button for the cart will release the driver when it arrives home like it is meant to.
•   Fixed several positions and buildings that would make the player and characters teleport home.
•   Fixed a bug that meant the trading post would calculate prices incorrectly.
•   If a tenant leaves their house the game will no longer crash or get stuck in a loop.

•   Market prices are now calculated differently and each market has its own regional variation based on the wealth of the town. Prices within each market are now less volatile and making money from trading is now less about the quantities in each market and more about the variations between each of them. This is an experimental change that should add a new dynamic to the market and prevent exploitation. Please let me know how it goes. There is a button at the top right of the screen that allows you to compare market prices to assist with trading.

•   The church interior has been redone and a third room added.
•   Adjustments to rental properties, it should now be easier to attract tenants.
•   Changes to horse stable points.
•   Loading a saved game should now be much faster. In some cases it can be up to 4 times faster when loading a saved game.

New Stuff
•   Wells have been added to Estate Farms and Farmhouses.
•   You can now payoff people who hate you as a way to increase relationship.
•   Orphans are now in the game. They can be randomly created when starting a new game, but will come about in existing games if both parents of a child die. A children without parents will move to the church with the monks and live there until they are adopted or grow up. You can right-click on the church and send you player to visit the orphans which will allow you to adopt any of them.

There have also been a few other small changes and fixes.


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