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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2017, 04:39:17 PM »
Three days to Battlestar Galactica Deadlock!

Are you ready? We're only three days away from the release of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock!

I'm sure you guys can't wait. If you're excited as we are, maybe you'll love to be with us on Thursday, on launch day, when we'll run a 4 hours long stream on Twitch!

Stay with us from 2 pm CEST to 6 pm CEST and watch Agrippa Maxentius wipe those toasters away and defend the Twelve Colonies. We will release the game at 4 pm CEST, and prior to that we'll give away free keys for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock to ten lucky viewers!

So don't miss it: join us at 2 pm CEST on
. Looking forward to see you all there! So say we all.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2017, 06:01:11 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock is out tomorrow!

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock will be available tomorrow at 4 pm CEST on PC!

We're all looking forward to playing alongside you and fry all those toasters!

Our favorite streamer Agrippa Maxentius will be playing Battlestar Galactica Deadlock for four hours, from 2 pm CEST to 6 pm CEST on
so come join us and stay with us as we release the game. We'll be giving away some free copies of the game, and maybe you will be among the lucky ones to win a key!

On top of that, tomorrow we'll reveal a really neat yet unannounced new feature which will be part of the game!

Can't wait? So say we all!

Matrix Press release
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2017, 12:55:39 AM »
I'm on the fence on this one.  I like the combat in Star Hammer, but I don't like how the Vipers are just another "ship" in a fighter glob. 

I know I'm asking too much for this engine to handle the vipers as they should be handled, but it's difficult for me to overlook.

I will wait and see where the price lands, and go from there.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2017, 01:03:58 PM »
Agrippa streaming now.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2017, 03:03:30 PM »

£32.99 on Matrix/Slitherine
£29.99 on Steam

Matrix/Slitherine purchase gives you stand-alone and a Steam key
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2017, 03:55:35 PM »
Update V1.04

Hi guys,

we have a minor day 1 patch v1.04 that fixes an issue with the German tutorial and a few other issues. You don't need to grab it as its quite large ~1GB (Unity makes small patches very hard). If you're not having any issues don't worry about updating and feel free to wait for the next major patch. For this reason we have not pushed the patch out to you via true update, but are letting you opt in manually if you want it.

The only other point to note is that multiplayer is only possible verses players on the same version. If you do not update you'll only be able to play against other players on v1.03, who have not updated and Steam has been updated to 1.04, so if you want to play multiplayer we suggest you update.

Download the patch here:

Change Log v1.0.4 – 31st August, 2017
* FIX: formatting issue on mission description panel that truncated some long description.
* FIX: corrected issue with loading German tutorial strings.
* XB1: intro uses separate audio channels for music and VO.
* Removed some unused assets (UTJ video capture tool).
* Better translation of "Play" label for video browser in Spanish.
* Movement report data now stored in list instead of a queue to prevent errors on XB1.
* Added analytics events when recording a autocam video and/or opening the video browser.
* Added a cap of 100 to the VideoCapture size (just sent an error if it got to this size, and didn't add anymore frames onto it).
* Updated UCP logo.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2017, 12:52:20 AM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - the Roadmap

 First, a MASSIVE thanks from everyone at Black Lab Games and Slitherine to everyone who has bought and played Battlestar Galactica Deadlock. We really appreciate your support and have been thrilled to see the response to our game.

There are a number of threads around with lists of suggestions and ideas for the game. Whilst we feel that the game we released on the 31st is a complete game, we are of course interested in hearing what people would like to see in future updates. We have plenty of ideas too!

We are already working on expanding the content, both thru free updates to the base game and through DLCs. We can’t say much about these though, as it will be part of future announcements.

This post is to talk about some of the things we are planning in the medium term.

We already have a patch (1.0.5) in the works that will fix some issues a number of players are having, and will improve some of the functionality of the game. Details about that patch will be covered in a separate topic when the patch is available.

Below are a number of the features we intend to work on for updates in the medium term.


- Video recorder. Some players have noted issues with recording their Autocam footage. We'll get that fixed up as soon as we can.

Short/Medium Term

- Campaign configuration. To make the campaign more challenging, we'll look at options for the campaign, such as carrying over damage into subsequent battles, and requiring repairs to be undertaken from the war room. The intention is that you will be able to choose whether you want these options or not, so you can configure the level of challenge from the campaign to suit your play style and need for punishment.

- Colonial fleets in skirmish. Player created Cylons fleets will be available in offline Skirmish from the next update (1.0.5), and we'd like to make Colonial fleets an option too. Most of the work for this is to write AI for the Colonial specific abilities, like Flak, Sweeper Chaff Clouds, Posture, etc.

- More skirmish modes (MP and Offline). Presently, Skirmish battles - both multiplayer and offline - have a single objective, which is to destroy all of the other players ships. We will look at adding more objectives and modes to make skirmish battles as varied and interesting as possible.

- Battle damage. We'll look into ways to show progressive damage to a ship before it's destroyed.

- Fighter AI improvements. It's been noted that Cylon fighters rarely engage with Vipers once they have a capital ship target. We'll intend to look at ways to make Cylon fighters more of a menace on the battlefield.

- Armour. Some players have asked questions about how the armour system works, with respect to which section is taking damage. We'll look at how we can make that a bit clearer in battles.

- Emergency jump during battles. This has been requested a lot, and is on the radar. It's a function that changes the balance of the game significantly, so requires careful design to avoid unintended consequences.

- Balancing. With any tactical battle game - particularly one with multiplayer - balancing is an ongoing task. We are watching the discussions carefully and will continue to make adjustments to the units to ensure the game is properly balanced.

Please let us know what you think by taking part in the forum discussion here.

Again, thanks for playing.

So say we all!
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2017, 06:30:45 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Update 1.0.5 is released!
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Alberto

We just released the first of many updates to Battlestar Galactica Deadlock. We will continue working to make the game even better, so stay tuned! You can read more about our plans on this thread.

We hope you'll like this update. So say we all!


- Added an option to scale the size of the UI. There is now a slider in the main options panel.

- Player created Cylon fleets are now available to fight against in a offline Skirmish. These are marked with a green pentagon in the fleet list.

- Added a "Postpone" button to the battle queue for story and resource missions, which skip engaging in that battle for the current round. This means a mission can be held over to a subsequent round, or the ship(s) at the marker moved away during the next round.

- A number of balancing changes have been made:
> Decreased Adamant max speed
> Increased Jupiter and Artemis hull points
> Increased accuracy of Battlestar Artillery
> Colonial & Cylon Light Turret decreased accuracy
> Colonial Light Turret decreased damage
> Fighter damage decreased across the board

- Changed spawn points for resource missions to avoid creating "impossible" escort missions

- Autocam now captures missiles being stopped by Flak

- Heavy Turrets and Battlestar Artillery autofire rules now default to Capitals

- In Multiplayer Setup, the number of players in the main lobby is now displayed

- Displayed the casualty percentage for auto-resolvable battles in the battle queue

- Key remapping is available from the Options menu in the War Room and during a battle

- Randomised ship names in multiplayer and singleplayer skirmish (for fleet creation)

- Added an option to load a campaign manual save from the War Room or during a battle

- In Multiplayer, balanced co-op enemy fleets

- Made autocam recordings use the format "Skirmish: *Map Name*" and "Multiplayer: *Map Name*" for Singleplayer skirmish and multiplayer battles.


- Fixed Bug: UI stretching at 3840x1024 resolution

- Fixed issue where Esc to skip didn't work if the intro wasn't properly loaded. Fixed this by allowing the skip button even if the video wasn't playing.

- Fixed an issue whereby the options panel could not be opened with an Xbox One controller
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2017, 04:13:32 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - The Armory Update

“She’s sturdy, powerful, and cost effective. That alone is the reason why it’s a staple of almost every major fleet in the Twelve Colonies. It’s impact on my personal good fortune is exactly none of your concern, and I believe, outside the remit of this interview.” - Sinon Quade, in reply to being questioned about the propagation of the Adamant frigate in modern militaries

Hello, nuggets! Here’s a brief overview of some upcoming changes to Battlestar Galactica Deadlock in the Armory Update.

Armour Sector Visualisations

There are two main updates incoming for capital ship armour.

Firstly, we’ve heard the community loud and clear, and have made adjustments to the armour sector calculations. Commanders will soon be able to see damage more evenly distributed to the left, right, top and bottom sectors.

Secondly, we are including visualisation of the armor sectors. You can hover over an armour value in the Ship Info panel, and the sector will be highlighted on the ship model. No more guessing where the front ends and the top begins on your Artemis!

Renaming Officers

Officers will be renamable in the single player campaign. A quick visit to Fleet Academy will allow you to select an officer, click on the pencil icon, and let them start their new life with a newly customised name.

Cylon AI Logic

We’ve received a number of reports of Raider squadrons ignoring their Colonial counterparts on the battlefield, and instead doggedly pursuing capital ships without engaging the juicy Viper
targets around them.

We are upgrading the Cylon squadron AI, so that they will more regularly get aggro’d and engage in dogfights with opposing squadrons.

Multiplayer Operational Zone

Unfortunately, we have already uncovered toasters hiding amongst our household appliances who were sabotaging multiplayer matches with unsporting behaviour.
To combat this, we are implementing an Operational Zone in multiplayer to keep both fleets within a reasonable distance of each other. You will see the designated zone if any units stray
too close to the border.

Units breaching the zone border will have their movement penalised. If a unit strays too far outside of the operational zone, their subsystems will be shut down completely!

So say we all!

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2017, 02:36:08 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Tournament!!

By Muso (Slitherine)

Hello everyone!
Today we are going to open the doors to our Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Tournament!

“What is this tournament?”, you ask? It’s our way to involve our community, let them play with other users, win some prizes and (hopefully) build new relationships between us all!

Let’s get down to business: RULES!
- You have time until the 26th of September to join the tournament. We will then randomly pick the players and publish the bracket the following day. The tournament will officially start with the first matches during the second half of that week.
- When the bracket comes out, the players of each pair will have to decide when to play their game and the game rules (which factions they will choose, how long should each turn last and max points available for their fleets). We will do our best to pair players with the same time zone, this way it will be easier for them to agree on date and time of the game.
- This will be a 16-players tournament. The first round will see these players fight in 8 1v1 battle. The winners will proceed to the quarter finals, in 4 1v1 battles. Then the semi-finals will see 2 1v1 battles, and the winners will fight in the finals to claim victory!
- If a player doesn’t show at the agreed time of the game, his adversary will wait for 10 minutes. After that he/she will have to send a mail to our admin, then he/she wins the game. Before the game begins, both players will have to take a screenshot to prove that they are actually taking part in the game. At the end of the game, the winner will have to send a mail to our admin with a screenshot that proves their victory.
- Single elimination. You lose, you’re out.
- The player that achieves victory will be rewarded with something special we can’t talk about yet! The second place will also receive a consolation prize!
- Have fun!

You can join the tournament HERE!

We are also going to have a small tournament between members of Slitherine and Matrix staff, so don’t forget to check out our Twitch stream today and tomorrow at 11 AM EDT / 4 PM BST / 5 PM CEST!
Of course, our favourite streamer Agrippa will take part too, so be sure to follow us![/quote]
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2017, 05:56:55 PM »
The Armory Update is here

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock reaches version 1.0.9 today! In this massive update you'll find some of the new features we have shown you a few days ago, including the armor visualisation system and the Operational Zone for multiplayer.
Now we'll start focusing on the next update: we'll tell you about it soon, so be sure to come check this page frequently!

You can download the update from the Members Area or directly from this link.

Release notes. 1.0.9


- Ship damage segment overhaul & visualisation system.
  > Mouse over the segment name in the Ship Info panel and the corresponding segment will be highlighted on the ship. Segments are also highlighted in the Repairs screen.
  > Damage calculations have been updated so that projectiles hitting a ship match the visualisation.

- Added ability to rename Officers, once recruited

- Changed fighter AI logic when selecting targets to bias towards other fighter squadrons, especially ones that are targeting them

- Added a multiplayer slow down and no fly zone, called the Operational Zone, to reduce griefing :(
  > Updated "Refinery" and "Dark Nebula" to include more environmental elements to support the Operational Zone boundaries

- Cylon Fleets now have greater variation of fleets at every stage of the game, including smaller fleets during mid- & late-game so that inexperience commanders have a greater change of survival

- Made the ship projections a shade of yellow color if they are moved during the current turn (when not selected)

- Made squadrons slightly avoid other squadrons so they don't overlap, making it easier to see and select fighters during combat

- Added 'TAB' key as a non-remappable standalone only button to select the next ship (in the battle scene)

- Added a back button/prompt to the pre-practice panels in multiplayer after selecting the map and fleet points. This hides the multiplayer tab buttons. Esc key will now also go back when in the pre practice panels.

- Minor subsystem position reassignments across some ships

- Post battle screen adjustments:
  > By default, the ship that did the most damage is selected in the post battle panel
  > Added the opponent/ally in the post battle screen for multiplayer games
  > Added a time and date to the bottom left for multiplayer games
  > Added an Enemy Ships Destroyed stat
  > Fixed Bug: Damage dealt isn't tracked if versing the same faction in multiplayer

- Various minor UI improvements for gamepad users:
  > Added 'Y' for battle functions menu gamepad prompt to battle scene
  > Added the subsystem being repaired to the repairing 3D label
  > Made the subsystem health bar flash white in the ship info panel if it was being repaired
  > Added a repair icon animation next to the ship info panel subsystem if it was being repaired (only on gamepad)
  > The gamepad left stick direction is now used to select ship action menu buttons
  > Added some acceleration to the Dpad when positioning a ship in the battle scene

- Prevented a recorded replay from being cancelled before it was setup properly

- Prevented issue whereby double-clicking the record autocam button resulted in start recording being called twice

- Refactored all tutorials when using a gamepad

- Pressing Enter now confirms missile targeting, focus fire, posture, repairing, hacking and cylon system processes.


- Fixed Bug: Achievement issues :
  > Articles of Colonization (achievement not updating when resuming a save file)
  > Fixed all progress achievements on steam not updating properly
- Fixed Bug: Screen resolution issue with 4:3 screens (scaled by width if below 16:9 aspect ratio, and shifted back camera for 3D UI in war room for lower aspect ratios)
- Fixed Bug: Cancelling a squadron launch command will remove all launch squadron command icons for the mothership
- FIX: Disabled the sending of any UI navigation events while in MouseAndKeyboard mode.
- Fixed Bug: gamepad prompts in battle scene didn't have support for Russian characters
- Fixed firewall boost not working when raptors were docked
- Fixed bug where raptors stayed docked with targets after a move command was given (the docked icon remained, while the raptor squadron flew away)
- Fixed bug where subsystem strength was used for quadrant colours in repair subsystems panel, instead of subsystem health
- FIX: Wardriver Missile Jammer now looks for missiles not on the same team instead of looking for faction
- FIX: Post battle panel now uses "WITH" text instead of "VS" for co-op matches
- Fixed Bug: Highlighting issue for fleet index widgets on gamepad.
- Fixed bug where the shipListIndexWidget appeared briefly after selecting a jump location.
- Fixed Bug with TutorialManager where gamepad buttons were disabled even though the tutorial was set to story events only.
- Fixed Issue: Skirmish maps previews take too long to load in
- Fixed Bug: Enable D-pad for functions menus
- FIX: Made chaff clouds savable in mid battle
- Fixed Bug: Post battle screen sometimes did not appear after a co-op MP match
- Fixed Bug: Cannot overwrite saved games or load a game from options menu when using a gamepad
- Fixed Bug: Missing german "flavour" text when zoomed in to a planet
- FIX: Fixed issue where gamepad buttons appeared in keyboard and mouse mode
- Fixed Bug: Exception in War Room after saving diplomat mission
- Fixed Bug: Flak stops when a flak command has been created

Known Issues

- Video recorder feature sometimes fails to complete, requiring the game to be restarted. We are still working on this.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2017, 08:33:32 PM »
Upgrade to Box edition!

Great news! If you own the digital version of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock and you would like to upgrade to a boxed, physical edition, it is now possible, and at a very cheap price!

With only 13.99€ plus shipping costs you’re able to upgrade your digital version to a physical one, and have the box edition of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock shipped comfortably to your home.

It contains a beautiful 52 page manual, containing all that you need to know to start playing.

Click here to upgrade your game to a boxed edition!
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2017, 05:08:15 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #2

“Revision 28396 has failed the testing suite. Cause of failure is unknown. Subject is offline.”
“That is disappointing. Deploy revision 28399.”
“Revision 28399 has launched. Initiating the FTL testing suite.”
“... and?”
“Jumps successful. Revision 28399 has passed and remains online, all system functional. Do we begin production?”
“Immediately. It is not my intent to allow Colonial Fleet the luxury of complacency.”

Hello, nuggets! We have been heads-down working on the console versions of the game as of the last few weeks, which is quite the task for a small team. However, we’ve also got some new features coming soon to Skirmish Mode for you all to enjoy.

Colonial AI

Battlestars will fire flak! Sweepers are chuffed to deploy chaff! A fully realised Colonial AI will soon be available to practice against in Skirmish Mode.

Whether you are just wanting to hone your skills against the AI in a sparring match, or are practising your anti-human strategies for when you rise up and seize power of Colonial Fleet, well… we won’t judge.

All of your Colonial fleet builds will be available to play against in single-player Skirmish Mode.

Filter Fleets

Filters will be available when selecting your opposing fleet in Skirmish Mode.
This will allow you to more quickly find the specific fleet you want to fight against, whether it be Cylon, Colonial or one of your own personalised fleet builds.

Skirmish Objectives

Skirmish Mode will soon support different map objectives. This gives you the opportunity to practice escort and sabotage missions whenever you’d like, spicing up your daily skirmish regime.

You will soon get to choose to blow up space stations, protect fleeing civilians, or stick with the tried-and-tested method of killing them all.

Updated Ship Action Menus

Ship Action Menus are being updated from static lists to radial menus. This is primarily a quality of life update for controller users, which also includes shortcuts for commonly-used commands.

However, this is also a measure to future-proof our command scheme for some secret future toys we have coming down the pipeline…

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2017, 03:52:54 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock - Dev Diary #3!

“Sir, another two DRADIS contacts. We can’t keep this many back.”
“We will hold!” yelled the captain. The knuckles of both hands were strained white as he gripped the table edge. “For the people of Gemenon, we will hold!”
Kelly Roeburne looked at the man she had loyally served through twenty-three conflicts, and eight years of service. Another clustered detonation rocked the CIC around them. “Gemenon is already lost. We will only add to their casualties if we stay.”
Her insubordination was met with a hard stare. “Unless you plan to mutiny, XO, I recommend you return to your station and prepare to engage the enemy.”
The thing that would haunt Kelly in the years to come was how easily she lifted her sidearm and pulled the trigger. “The captain has fallen in battle, and I have taken command of Battlestar Atreus. Prepare for FTL on my mark.”

Attention, nuggets! We’ve got a lot to get through with this diary entry, and I don’t want you to miss a single beat of it.

Let’s cut right to the chase. There’s a huge update on the way, with some significant improvements and features added, based on community feedback. There’s some features included that have been popular requests since day one, and some new ideas we’ve had to improve the overall experience.

There’s a LOT of stuff coming in the update, some of which we have already talked about. Today, we’d like to highlight three more big additions.

Intelligence Report

Renovations have been ongoing on the Daidalos, and under Helena’s supervision, the CIC has been fitted with a brand new signals and intelligence division.

This is a complete overhaul of the campaign’s economy screen. The Intelligence screen gives commanders a one-stop location for strategic and economic analysis. In addition to tylium income, the screen also gives information about each colony’s Quorum status, any bonuses the Daidalos is receiving, and all current Colonial Fleet objectives.

The most powerful tool on this screen, however, is the SIGINT Advisory. Using all available resources to collect and disseminate signals and communications intelligence, Helena and her team can provide you with up-to-date information on mission objectives, colonies that require help, and sometimes even Cylon movement that would otherwise be hidden behind the fog of war.

With all of these new tools at your fingertips, you will be able to make better, more informed strategic decisions as you defend the Twelve Colonies.

Squadron Groups

This will come as good news to the commanders that love their carriers.

Fighter and utility squadrons will be assignable to Squadron Groups, allowing for single commands to disseminate to multiple squadrons. Use this to customise your fighter tactics on a larger scale, and manage your Raider swarms with the efficiency of a…well, a sentient robot.

Squadrons can be assigned to one of four Squadron Groups - Red Squadron, Blue Squadron, Green Squadron and Yellow Squadron - or unassigned, to maintain its independence.

Keeping these updates to squadron controls in mind, it might also worth keeping an eye out on the subsystem stats of certain carriers…

FTL Retreat

A long requested feature has been the ability to retreat units from the middle of a combat. And while we’ve agreed that the feature would be fantastic, there’s been a lot of design work required to make sure it is implemented correctly without disrupting the campaign’s stability.

As of the Firepower Update, you will be able to give the Retreat command to individual units in resource missions and roaming battles. (The feature is NOT available for Story Missions.) It will take a couple of rounds for the unit’s FTL drives to spool, and in the process use a decent amount of tylium to get the drives up and running so quickly. If the unit survives the wind-up time, then it will FTL out to safety.

Once the battle is completed, the fleet will then regroup all of its units together at a randomised location, minimising the amount of fleet management required to get your forces back into shape.

Also note that officers that flee from battle will not be awarded any Experience Points for events they are not present for! When a fight gets tough, it’ll be up to you to decide whether the officer should stay and risk their life, or jump away to safety.

The Wrap-up

We’re excited to roll this huge update out to our community. It’s been a very busy couple of months for the Black Lab Games team, as we will soon be welcoming our console communities to Deadlock, as well as some future announcements on content updates.

In the meantime, keep your ships in the air, and the toasters out of your systems. So say we all!
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
« Reply #29 on: November 29, 2017, 04:56:09 PM »
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Reinforcement Pack

The First Cylon war escalates... the Reinforcement Pack is coming!

Get ready to face new challenges and adopt new strategies with the upcoming Battlestar Galactica Deadlock™ DLC Reinforcement Pack.

Reinforcement Pack is the first DLC for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock™. It expands on the roster of available ships, adding two per faction. Four new ships filling new roles on the battlefield, bringing innovative cutting edge technology and new ways to wage war.

The Cylons can now surprise the Colonials with short-range FTL jumps using the Phobos Tech-Cruiser and suppress their Viper wings with Cerastes Gunships.

The Colonial fleet is bolstered by the addition of the tough Janus Heavy Cruiser with its three missile slots and also gains added versatility with the Berzerk pocket-sized Assault Carrier, ready to unleash hell with Heavy Turret broadsides!

That’s not all: both the Cylon and the Colonials are now able to deploy and make use of several types of mines. This radically changes your tactical experience, as clever deployment of minefields can disrupt the enemy formation and their attack plan, and allow for extremely effective ambushes.

The Reinforcement Pack DLC will be out on December 8th on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, on the same as the console release of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock™! Are you ready, Admiral?
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