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Author Topic: Wars Across The World  (Read 40035 times)

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Online Asid

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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2017, 02:48:58 AM »
Version Update - June 2017
Wars Across The World - Strategiae

VERSION: WAW 1.170601a
DATE: 01/06/2017

- (Localization) Improved German and Russian localization of the game
- (General) Updated game credits
- (AI) AI will no longer play retreat cards when it is attacking
- (AI) AI will no longer player retreat cards when defending if it does not have a possible retreat destination
- (AI) AI activates regularly strategic bombing and air support mode

*** FIXES ***
- (Cards) Fixed issue with application of cards that change victory conditions (such as "Government Evacuation" in scenario Bull Run 1861)
- (Cards) Fixed issue where reinforcements sheduled for upcoming turns by a card would not actually arrive (e.g. "Illinois Reinforcements" in senario Missouri 1861)
- (Reinforcements) Fixed issue where game could be stuck in Reinforcement phase while selecting reinforcements destination
- (General) Fixed game crash in Maintenance phase when user has to disband units because of lack of treasury
- (AI) Units like obstacles or bunkers now remain still during land move
- (AI) Aerial Units AI is now more reactive in offensive phase
- (AI) Fixed creation of empty leaders during aerial battle
- (AI) Improvements of AI in Aerial Defense Movement Phase, air support bombers are now used by the AI
- (AI) Guerrilla AI makes better use of hiding and un-hiding on attacks
- (Movement) Units like bunker or obstacle can no longer be moved by the player, even inside it's region
- (Battle) Fixes game sometime stucked after the current human player lost a battle
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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2017, 04:04:14 PM »
Release of Congo 1964
Wars Across The World - Strategiae

The Congo 1964 DLC will be released today.

This game plunges you in the midst of the bloody 1964 Simba rebellion in eastern Congo and its crushing by the mercenaries of Marshal Mobutu. The Simbas want to control as much of the land as possible and to terrorize expatriates and civilians alike. The Congo government must eradicate the revolt, with the help of Belgian and American support, and also with its mercenaries. But beware of Che Guevara surprise intervention !

Also a few of the current DLCs (Normandy, Bulge, Six Days, Mali) have recently been updated and improved in the current build.

Have fun ːsteamhappyː
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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2017, 01:19:49 AM »
July Update
Wars Across The World - Strategiae

- (Localization) Improved Spanish localization
- (Localization) Improved German localization
- (UI) Fixed small color issue in Options menu
- (UI) Hiding a stack now also hides to the enemy the VP/Money indicators showing that this stack contains units with VP/Money value
- (UI) Unit info icons are now always displayed on units in the stack viewers (previously, only Elite icons where displayed)
- (UI) Scenario loading screen now displays the players' flags and types (human or AI)
- (UI) Slight improvement of game option's visual design
- (Purchase) The toolbar no longer auto-hides when the last available unit is bought
- (Movements) It is no longer possible to trigger a recon test by moving twice (or more) in the same region
- (Audio) A train sound is now played if stacks take at least one railroad connection when moving
- (Breakthrough) It is now possible to select which units will perform a breathrough among all units that have this capacity in the victorious stack.
- (Battle) If a battle results in a pursuit, panicked units on the routed side can now be hit (and possibly destroyed) by pursuing units
- (Battle) Air units can no longer get panicked by units that cannot shoot in the Air domain (i.e. non AA units)
- (Battle) In the Battle list, user can now choose to launch the battle in normal mode (one roll per unit at a time) or with accelerated dice rolls
- (Battle) Added fast battle mode where battle dices are launched much quicker. Normal or Fast is selected for each round. By default, IA launches dices in fast mode, but the user can select normal mode.
- (Maintenance AI) AI maintenance phase is now hidden from other players
- (Delivery AI) Unit delivery phase is not displayed anymore when AI is playing
- (Cards AI) The AI can no longer play several times in the same battle a card that allows it to shoot first.
- (Gameplay) Added a bonus income to AI regarding the difficulty level (Basic = 1, Voluntary = 2, Expert = 3)
- (Gameplay) Added a bonus victory point to AI regarding the difficulty level (Basic = 0, Voluntary = 1,Expert = 2) whereas human player have 1 less VP in Voluntary difficulty and 2 less VP in Expert

*** FIXES ***
- (Cards - Reinforcements) Fixed game getting stuck when rebuilding units (e.g. "New Units" card in Normandy 1944 scenario)
- (Cards) Fixed bug that allowed to play some cards despite their playing conditions not being fullfiled
- (UI) Fixed bug that allowed to simultaneously open multiple instances of the Credits window
- (Purchase) When production is cancelled, the available treasury and summary window are now correctly updated, and units whose production is cancelled are placed back is the list of available units.
- (Saves) Fixed incorrect date/time for autosaves
- (Movement) Fixed bug where paratrooper units entering an enemy region would take the region without going into battle
- (Movement) Fixes an issue where units were able to move on forbidden regions
- (Files) Fixed location of user data (options and game saves) on macOS. Data stored in wrong location is moved to the correct one
- (Breakthrough) It is no longer possibler to breakthrough on a region with a terrain that does not allow it
- (Battle) Skirmisher units no longer inflict panicks during the pursuit phase of battles, but hits instead
- (Battle) Fixed issue where a pursuit could take place in a region whose terrain forbids pursuits
- (Battle) Fixed count of Victory Points at the end of the battle
- (Aerial Movement) Air support can now move through region with enemy land combat units
- (Supply) Fixed bug that allowed a stack to be supplied by a supply source exclusive to the opposing side
- (Boarding) Boarding was only allowed from adjacent region, it is now allowed from anywhere.
- (Maintenance) When player has not enough treasury to pay for aerial units, all aerial units are immobilized. The samme applies to naval units
- (Maintenance) Fixed an error when user choose to apply maintenance cost on the cheapest stack
- (Maintenance) Correction of visual bugs
- (Maintenance) Cost of maintenance for aerial and naval unit is now displayed when player hasn't enough treasury and has to choose on which stack maintenance cost has to be applied
- (Maintenance AI) : Fixed error where player had to choose units to disband during AI turn
- (Purchase AI) Fixed a miscalculation resulting in AI not always applying bought replacements
- Fixed internal bugs.
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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2017, 01:09:15 AM »
July Quickfix
Wars Across The World - Strategiae
VERSION: WAW 1.170727a
DATE: 27/07/2017

- (Movements) The scenario can now specify which side is allowed to use railroads

*** FIXES ***
- (Movements) : Land and naval Recon test are now correctly done at the end of all land and naval movements
- (Movements) : in transports, adding a stack to another stack poping out from a transport made the moving stack dissapear, it now adds the moving stack to the transport
- (Movements) : In land movement, fixed cursor icon when moving above a transported stack. The fusion icon was used instead of the enter/transport icon
- (Movements) : In land movement, fixed an issue that allowed units with 0 movement point to disembark
- (AI) : Fixed issue where AI would get stuck when trying to plan movements whereas no unit could actually be moved
- (Supply) Fixed issue where regions were incorrectly not supplied
- (Maintenance) : Fixed an error that immobilized planes for the rest of the game

- (Hastings 1066) : the Normans receive their fleet in the Channel in April and AI should now make correct use of it for transport.
- (Saratoga 1977) : general Clinton now correctly arrives at NY when card is played.
- (Waterloo 1815) : the cards asking for Prussian units now correctly check nationality. Also, when Napoleon is killed or eliminated, victory immediately goes to Coalition.
- (Tanenberg 1914) : the Russians can no longer use railroads in the scenario, as historical.
- (Normandy 1944) : the Allies can no longer use railroads in the scenario, as historical.
- (Korea 1950) : made the striped areas north of Korea real decorative areas, they can no longer be enterred.
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Online Asid

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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2017, 06:53:22 PM »
Engine Update - September
Wars Across The World - Strategiae

VERSION: WAW 1.170915a
DATE: 15/09/2017

*** FIXES ***
- Naval AI: Naval maneuver test dialog box is now hidden when the AI wins the test and has to choose Long/Short range
- Aerial Movement : Fixed an error that froze the game when crossing a region with an enemy AA inside a structure (Thanks Paul)
- Land Movement : Fixed an error preventing units from boarding on a naval transport
- Land Movement : Units going out from structure on a region with difficult terrain were not able to move, even if the unit count was below the limit
- Naval Movement : Battle was not possible on a Sea region with income when the region was of the same side as the player
- Movements All : Unit stacks handled by computer (AI) no longer finish their moves on / under player's unit stack in same region.
- Unit delivery : Fixed issue where loading a save made after unit(s) purchase and before unit delivery would cause the unit(s) not to be delivered
- Reinforcements : Fixed issue that could cause reinforcement units to be duplicated when they replaced another unit located in a structure
- Cards : Fixed bug where virtual artillery units added by cards were active during all subsequent battles

- Battle : Removed confusing battle messages about Leader Loss
- Battle : In Land and Sea Battles, Air Units are now only affected by combat factor modifiers that make sense for them (terrain and entrenchment of the enemy)
- Battle retreat : Units retreating in battle will now choose to retreat in an adjacent region prior to retreating in a fortress (this can be customzied by scenario/era)
- Cards : Improved cards behaviour when they are played by the AI
- Cards : Increased snap distance between the card moved by the user and the card play zone
- Cards : Some scenarios now allow to keep all cards puchased in hand, even if there are more cards than the limit set in the scenario (usually 5). In this case, discard is only done at the end of the Draw Cards game phase
- Aerial Return to Base Movement : Summary window is no longer displayed when computer is playing
- Aerial Movment : Fixed the case where panicked air units would not return immediately to their base after an interception
- Performances : Improved memory management when user goes back to main menu
- Localization : Updated German localization
- UI : When we need to select a stack that is inside a structure, we now only get out of structures units that are in the inside stack, and not all of them
- UI : Stack Selection with restricted domains now filters out units that do no have the good domain. This is useful for mixed stacks that can be found in ports or airports
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Online Asid

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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2017, 06:58:24 PM »
Release of Finland 1918

Today a new scenario will be released, Finland 1918, featuring the war of independence of Finland at the end of WW1. Play the Reds versus the Whites in an epic struggle in the frozen forests and lakes of Finland.


Finland 1918 is a simulation of the tragic Finnish civil war that follosw the crumble of Czarist Russa.

The Communists control the capital of Helsinki but Russian Soviet support won't last forever.

Facing them, the Nationalists led by Mannerheim would love to defeat the Reds without having to resort to German support, as the latter are keen on make Finland another of their vassals...

Finland 1918 lasts 14 turns of 10 days between January and May 1918. Two players are facing each other: the Communist partisans in the south of the country, backed by Petrograd, opposed to Nationalist militias of general Mannerheim in the north. The land is quite hard and armored trains are the best and strongest ways to move quickly between fronts.

•   The Russians, allied to the Communists, are about to leave but there are still a lot of Red troops, even if of poor quality.
•   The Nationalists have relatively good troops but may be encumbered by their German allies when the latter show up...

The game event cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that their create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.

Estimated Playtime: 1h30.

Favored Side: none.

Hardest to Play: none.
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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2017, 06:42:17 PM »
Release of Kavkaz 1804


Kavkaz 1804 is the story of the conquest of the Caucasus Khanates on the Persians by the Russian imperial forces between 1804 and 1813.

The Russian objective is to seize as many of these mountainous principalities with a limited but modern army.

The Persians, under their prince Abbas Mirza, have to reform their army with Western or Ottoman help to counter the Czar's ambitions.

Kavkaz 1804 lasts 16 turns each representing about 6 months between 1804 and 1811. It pits the Russians against the Persians in the midst of the Caucasus mountains.Forces of both sides are heterogeneous in quality, and both sides must rely on local Khanates for support and strengthening.

- The Russians have western-trained experienced troops, and many guns.

- The Persians have a large cavalry and a few strategic fortresses, but must achieve their army reform.

The game event cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that their create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.

Estimated Playtime: 1h00.

Favored Side: none.

Hardest to Play: Persians.
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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2017, 07:58:21 PM »
Release of Morat 1476


Morat 1476 is the story of the ‘War of Burgundy’, with the attempts of Charles the Bold to capture the key Duchy of Lorraine and nearby lands, and keep it against hisr adversaries. His foes, the Swiss Confederation and its Imperial allies, must beat and repel their enemy outside of Switzerland and eastern France and possibly seize for themselves the territories neighbouring their realm.

Morat 1476 is played in 24 turns, each representing two months, between Spring 1474 and Winter 1477.

Two players, Duchy of Burgundy and the Swiss Confederation, are facing each other in the Wars of Burgundy, at the end of the Middle Ages.

•   Charles the Bold’s Burgundians dream to create a unified realm in the middle of Europe, with the help of their small but balanced army, made of Gendarme knights, English archers and canons, as well as the alliance of Savoy and Italy.
•   The Swiss Confederation has almost no cavalry but their numerous pikemen and halberd are fearful and they can create an alliance with Lorraine and the Empire to humble Charles the Bold and his ambitions!

The game’s event cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that they create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.

Estimated Playtime: 2h00.

Favored Side: none.

Hardest to Play: Burgundy

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Online Asid

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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2018, 06:12:02 PM »
Happy New Year 2018

We would like to present our best wishes for the new year 2018 to all our gentle users and friends.

We shall give you more WAW games this year again, with a good dozen of new titles added to the collection, in all time periods and with unusual conflicts or long expected ones: among the list, Caesar campaigns in Gaul, British Empire wars, the Gulf War, a few 1918 conflicts (centenary celebration), Byzantium, WW2, warfare in Asia, and much more....

We'll have a completely new website up in a few weeks, and with more community work presented there.

We also plan to revise the whole offer and pricing in the coming weeks, where the initial package will be bigger and options to get season packs implemented, within the limits of what is possible here on Steam. Of course our initial supporters and users will receive some gifts and compensation from us as a reward for their initial support.

We shall intrdoduce also extra features very soon, including the Play-by-Email functionality and a vastly improved IA.

The collection will also go mobile in the first quarter of 2018.

Thanks again for your support and enthousiasm, and we wish you ALL a wonderful new year 2018
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Online Asid

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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2018, 05:03:17 PM »
Release of Persia 1856


Persia 1856 is the conflict between the British East India Company and the Shah of Persia, the former trying to compel the latter to remove his forces from Afghanistan.

The British objective consists in seizing enough strategic cities in southern Persia before European diplomatic pressure forces him to withdraw.

The Persian player should do his best to hold his opponent in check till European powers impose the ceasefire.

Persia 1856 lasts 12 turns, each of 2 weeks, between November 1856 and May 1857. One player controls the British East India Company forces and fleet. The second leads the army of the Shah of Persia.

-The British expeditionary corps is experience but small, and must capture the key locations in southern Iran.

- His opponent has lots of troops but with obsolete weaponry.

The game event cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that their create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.

Estimated Playtime: 1h30.

Favored Side: British.

Hardest to Play: Persians.

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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2018, 12:36:33 PM »
Changes, Fixes and Improvements list
Wars Across The World - Strategiae


- (Return to Base Air Movement) Summary window is no longer displayed when computer is playing.
- (Air Defense movement) Air units can only defend on Regions that contain allied units or an allied structure. This prevents potential exploit strategies where planes are used just to prevent the opponent from moving forward.
- (Air defense movement) It is no longer possible to place air units in defense in regions that do not contain allied land or naval units.
- (Air movement) Aerial units located into aircraft carriers can now automatically get out of the ships to intercept enemy air units (CAP).
- (Air movement) Anti-aircraft units now only inflict panics to moving units (except in land or naval battles where they act normally).
- (Air movement) If an air stack enters a region containing enemy air interceptors and enemy AA units, both quick battles take place, starting with AA units shooting at the incoming stack.
- (Air movement) When an air stack enters a region that contains land anti-air units + air interceptors, now two battles actually happen : first the AA units shoot at the moving stack (and can only inflict panics). Then, a quick dogfight opposes moving units and the enemy air interceptors.

- (Battle) During a Land or Naval battle, aerial units that have potential targets but are inside a structure/aircraft carrier now automatically participate in the battle.
- (Battle) In Land and Sea Battles, Air Units are now only affected by combat factor modifiers that make sense for them (terrain and entrenchment of the enemy, cards, but not leaders).
- (Battle) Removed confusing battle messages about Leader Loss.
- (Battle) Units retreating in battle will now choose to retreat in an adjacent region prior to retreating in a fortress (unless scenario states otherwise).

- (Breakthrough) Air units can now be allowed to accompany breakthrough.

- (Cards) Accelerated dice rolls triggered by some cards (e.g. « Focus operation » in the Six Days scenario).
- (Cards) AI now plays its cards in a smarter and less predictable way, especially during pursuits.
- (Cards) Improved cards behaviour when they are played by the AI.
- (Cards) Increased snap distance between the card moved by the user and the card play zone.
- (Cards) Some scenarios now allow to keep all cards puchased in hand, even if there are more cards than the limit set in the scenario (usually 5). In this case, discard is only done at the end of the Draw Cards game phase.

- (Gameplay) Added support for submarine and hidden units in Sea domain.
- (Gameplay) Units with the corresponding property can now attack while keeping their camouflage.
- (Hidden units) Hidden units are no more anonymous when they enter a region with no enemy units but with an enemy structure.

- (Hidden units) Hidden units are now using a half-transparent counter and image.
- (Hidden units) Modified unit discovery rules : now each land stack and each air/sea unit can only perform a single discovery test for each region during a movement phase.
- (Hidden units)It is now possible to perform a discovery test just by moving a stack inside its region. Previously, getting out of the region then coming back was required to do the test.

- (Movement) For units that are not allowed to move because of a card effect, movement points are displayed as a red ‘’-‘’ character instead of a red ‘’0’’, to avoid confusion with units that are allowed to move but have no move points left.
- (Movements) Dropping a parachute unit on a region will cost it all its movement points allocation.
- (Movements) Parachute units can join an allied unit in battle (even without leader), reciprocally an allied unit/stack can join a parachute unit in battle.
- (Movements) Parachute units can now embark air transport units and be dropped on a land region (enemy or friendly).

- (Naval battle) Air units and submarines can now pursue routed units.
- (Naval battle) Anti-aircraft values of naval units do not benefit from battle modifiers when targeting air units.
- (Naval battle) If one of the opponents only have air units, the short range battle is automatically chosen.
- (Naval battle) Maneuver test dices are now hidden to accelerate the pace of naval battles.
- (Naval battle) Planes loaded in attacked aircraft carriers now automatically participate to the battle.

- (Performances) Improved memory management when user goes back to main menu.

- (Purchase) The game now prevents the player from buying more cards or replacements than available.
- (Purchase) The purchase toolbar now displays the number of cards and replacements that can be bought.

- (Saves) The state of the game is now auto-saved when the user returns to the main menu or quits the app.

- (UI) Added a small explosion when an air stack is destroyed during an aerial battle.
- (UI) Aerial battle details are now more understandable, with an indication of the type of battle (dogfight or agains anti-air units). Battles with no hits or panics are not displayed as a victory for the defender anymore, since the attacker is able to continue its mission in this situation.
- (UI) The Information Window now indicates that a unit is able to follow a breakthrough.

*** FIXES ***

- (Return to Base Air Movement) Fixed bug where all units of an air stack would return to the same base, even if they came from different locations.
- (Return to Base Air Movement) Fixed movement of air units returning to an aircraft carrier in the case the carrier is not in its origin region.
- (Return to Base Air Movement) Game was sometimes stucked when air units had nowhere to come back (attached structure conquered by enemy for example). They will now try to find another airport within move range or die if no suitable airport has been found.

- (Air movement) Ensured that air units that have panicked cannot move again during the same move phase.
- (Air movement) Fixed multiple cases where the game could hand during air movements.
- (Air Movement) Fixed air units in panic not returning to their base after an interception.
- (Air movement) Fixed air AI not able to fly from moving aircraft carrier.
- (Air movement) Fixed bug where moving air units would always be intercepted by opposing air units : the interception dice test was not called properly.
- (Air movement) Fixed movement of stacks returning to their base after a panic or loss during a battle.
- (Air movement) Fixed rules that determine if a Land/Sea battle should be started after an air stack reaches its final destination.
- (Defensive air movement) Fixed a bug that allowed to send an air stack to a region containing enemy AA units.

- (Air battle) Fixed bug where an air stack with all combat units in panic was not automatically routed.

- (Audio) Fixed missing sound for units doing railroad movements.

- (Battle) Fixed bug where the losing stack could not retreat because the retreat region was difficult and the stack had too much units. Now, extra units are eliminated, starting with units with lowest morale.

- (Cards) Current nations that belong to each player are now saved and correctly initialized when loading a save.
- (Cards) Fixed a bug that cause cause the freeze after playing a card with the effect to reveal hidden enemy units.
- (Cards) Fixed bug caused by cards trying to teleport bunker units (such as "Rokossovski Advance" in Berlin 1945). Now those bunkers are destroyed instead.
- (Cards) Fixed bug that deactivated the zoom on active cards just after loading a saved game.
- (Cards) Fixed bug were a card could heal a wounded leader, although this is not allowed by the game rules.
- (Cards) Fixed crash caused by some cards that have an effect on sieges (such as "Hannibal Rhodos" in Hamilkar 264). The effect of those cards on a structure is now canceled if the side of the structure changes.

- (Cards/Saves) Fixed issue that allowed to play cards after loading a saved game, although the save had been made after playing cards. E.g. this bug allowed to play cards anytime during a movement phase, which is somewhat cheating.

- (Conquest) Fixed crash that could occur when a structure containing units was conquered by an enemy.

- (Disband) Fixed bug where disbanding units located in a structure or a transporter would create "zombie" units.

- (Disband) Fixed bug where re-opening the stack viewer just after disbanding would still show the units that had been disbanded. Now the stack viewer is not closed by disbanding, and the disbanded units are correctly removed from it.

- (Hidden units) : Fixed a recon test error where revealing a unit automatically created a battle, even if units engaged in battle were unable to hit themselves
- (Hidden units) Fixed bug where a hidden stack could automatically take a region after loading a save.
- (Hidden units) Fixed bug where hidden units discovered by an enemy stack were still hidden after reloading the game from a save.
- (Hidden units) Fixed bug where un-hiding a stack in an empty region would not capture it. Now It is not possible to hide the stack again just after capturing it.

- (Localization) Added missing translation for movements that start a blockade.
- (Localization) Added some missing translation for some Unit Action buttons (Camouflage, Entrenchement).

- (Maintenance) Fixed a bug where game would not allow to continue in maintenance phase, in the case were no money was available to pay for air or sea units.

- (Mouvement) Fixed an issue where a defending stack immobilized by a Card could not retreat, resulting in the attacker and defender stacks staying in the region after the battle.
- (Movement) Fixed bug where landed paratroopers could only move by one region on each turn, regardless of their actual Move Points.
- (Movement) Fixed message when a hidden stack makes an internal move in a region. Previously, the movement message incorrectly stated that the stack was going to conquer the region.
- (Movement) Fixed position of some messages displayed when planning unit moves.
- (Movements) No battle were created when the recon test was valid on a region with hidden units.
- (Movements) Unit stacks from computer no longer finishes their move on / under player unit stack.
- (Land Movement) Units going out from structure on a region with difficult terrain were not able to move, even if the unit count was below the limit.
- (Naval Movement) Battle was not possible on a Sea region with income when the region was from the side of the player.

- (Naval battle) Fixed a bug where a naval battle was not started after an air battle, whereas the moving air units were able to attack a sea stack.
- (Land Battle) Fixed bug where an air stack alone could conquer a region by defeating a land stack.

- (Recon test) Fixed bug where hidden units made recon test when moving into another region (recon test can only be made by units without camouflage).

- (Reinforcements) Fixed bug where reinforcement units were not delivered if they were supposed to replace a target unit located inside a unit transporter.

- (Replacements) Fixed bug that allowed to purchase a replacement for wounded leaders.

- (Retreat) Fixed bug with retreat of defending air stacks.

- (Stack Viewer) Fixed bug where the "Entrench" button was not correctly displayed when the stack was already entrenched.
- (Stack Viewer) Fixed bug where units unloaded from a transport unit could still be displayed as beeing loaded.

- (UI) Fixed bug that hid part of aerial battles from the battles summary window.
- (UI) Long unit names were sometimes not fully displayed.
- (Unit delivery) Fixed issue where loading a save made after unit purchase and before delivery would cause the units not to be delivered.
- (Unit loading) Fixed bug that allowed to load units in any transport air unit anywhere on the map. Now only helicopters are able to load units outside of airports.

- (Unit loading) Fixed bug where units were not loaded correcty in their transport units in the case where several transporters were available.

- (Units) Fixed bug where Units initially entrenched at the start of a scenario would always be entrenched right after loading this scenario from a save.

Quite a good list already... and we're still improving the game ːsteamhappyː
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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2018, 02:37:29 PM »
Release of Estonia 1918



Estonia 1918 covers the Estonian war of independence after the fall of Czarist Russia in 1918. The Estonian government must hold against the Soviet menace trying to recapture former Russian imperial provinces, but also against German troops trying to annex Latvia and its neighbour with the aim to settle for long in the Baltic states...

Estonia 1918 is played in 14 turns each representing a fortnight between November 1918 and June 1919. It opposes three players. The Estonian Independantists must repel the Soviet troops with the help of the British navy, then support the Latvian government against the Germans.
The Soviets must destroy the various Independants and capture both Tallinn and Riga while keeping the Germans at bay. The goal of the Germans is to annex Latvia while eliminating both the Soviets and Independants threats.
The game event cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that their create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.

Estimated Playtime: 1h30.
Favored Side: Germans.
Hardest to Play: Soviets.

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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2018, 05:33:05 PM »
Content Update

Today we updated some content on a few scenarios, mostly languages additions or fixes, or game balance in some scenarios. Most important are:

* German language added in Estonia 1918 scenario
* Expanded scenarios: most game balance aspects reworked. In the expanded scenarios from now, the VP trigger deadline will be 30 or 40 VP, not 20
* Some cards effects fixed.
* Air AI fix for some scenarios
* Overall improvement of AI "plans" in expanded scenarios.

A more detailed announcement will be made on Wednesday, including the next game released this month.
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Online Asid

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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2018, 12:26:35 PM »
Engine and Content Update - March 2018
Wars Across The World - Strategiae

With this month's release (Malaya 1941) we also added a few engine improvements, as follows:

- (Battle) At the end of a Land or Sea Battle, the defender always loses if its only non-panicked units remaining on board are Air units while the attacker still has Land or Sea units.
- (Board) Added visual effect for situations where a unit stack is destroyed by a card.
- (Board) Unit stack now always have the color of the unit that it is displayed on top of it
- (Dogfight) FIxed message displayed at the end of a dogfight when no unit was hit, the previous one was confusing
- (Entrenchment) The entrenchment level of a stack is now indicated on the stack by repeating the entrechment icon (3 icons for High level, 2 for Medium and 1 for Low)
- (Helicopters) Helicopter units now stay in their current region, unless they are ordered to go back to their base or previous region after their current mission. This order is done using a new button that appears in the Stack Viewer when helicopters are selected. However, helicopters cannot stay in ennemy or sea regions.
- (Leaders) A leader that replaces another one killed in battle now arrives in the structure contained in the capital region, if it exists. Otherwise, it arrives in the region itself.
- (Reinforcements) Reinforcements triggered by cards can no longer be delayed by another card.

*** FIXES ***
- (Aerial back movement) Fixed bug where the game would be stuck in this phase due to helicopters not being able to get back to their base.
- (Aerial Defense Movement) Fixed bug that allowed to drop units in regions were they were not allowed to go during this phase.
- (Battle) Fixed bug where the game was stuck in the battle in some cases where panics had to be inflicted but no opponent could panic.
- (Cards) Fixed bug where a unit destroyed by a card effect would not actually be killed and stay on board (e.g. "Surface to Air Defense" in Mali 2012)
- (Cards) Fixed bug where cards designed to teleport units could not teleport units belonging to opponents of the card's owner
- (Cards) Fixed bug where cards designed to ignore the effect of the terrain on battle's stats had no effect
- (Entrenchment) Fixed bug where entrenchment level was not correctly read from scenario data
- (Movement) Moving into a region that contains enemy units located into a not-fortified structure no longer destroys these units. Instead, they automatically move out of the structure to fight if they can.
- (Movement) Fixed bug where units located in a structure and unable to move could be automatically added to battles.
- (Movement - Battle) Fixed bug where hidden units stayed hidden during battle while they don't have this capacity
- (Options) Fixed AI level option in main Menu and in-game menu : pressing the « Cancel » button would not cancel a modification of this level
- (Siege) Fixed bug where hidden units could besiege a structure (this is not allowed by the game rules)
- (Siege) Fixed terrain effect on sieges surrender value, defender's morale in battle and combat factor during pursuits
- (Six Days) Fixed bug where Arab planes destroyed by « Focus Operation » card would still be considered destroyed in subsequent Purchase phases.
- (Stack Viewer) Fixed some tooltips for action buttons.

- (Changes) Changed some entrenchment levels to work with new Entrenchment code in Berlin1945, Bulge1944, Normandy1944, Estonia1918, Finland1918, Tannenberg1914, Saratoga1777
- (AI): Allied/UN AI improved in Normandy1944, Korea1950
- (Game Balance): changed VP threshold for score victory in Expanded Scenarios.

Thanks for your continued support, and enjoy ːsteamhappyː
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Online Asid

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Re: Wars Across The World
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2018, 12:41:04 AM »
Malaya 1941



Malaya 1941 covers the December 1941 invasion of the Malay peninsula and the air and naval campaigns around it.

The Japanese forces must capture Singapore and their offensive could be well stopped by the mighty 'Prince of Wales' battleship.

The British have to repulse the offensive or hold as long as they can.

Malaya 1941 lasts 17 turns, each representing on average 4 days, between the 8th December 1941 and the 15th February, 1942. It opposes the British and the Japanese over the Malay peninsula.

- The Japanese have 3 powerful veteran divisions and a strong air force, but their navy is puny.

- The British are on the defensive, with troops of dubious and varied quality. But their fleet, with 'HMS Prince of Wales' and possibly 'HMS Hermes' could make a difference.

The game event cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that their create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.

Estimated Playtime: 2h00

Favored Side: British

Hardest to Play: British.

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