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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2017, 05:20:56 PM »
Beta Patch 535

Patch 535 is available for PC, Mac and Linux now on the beta branch. Don’t know how to access beta? Read this.

Build process and design save process bugs have been corrected, new designs should appear in your Fleet > Engineering ship list and built ships should appear in your Home > Ships list. Note building of a ship does take time and the UI elements for displaying the current processing builds is not yet available. Typically, a ship will build within 1.5 months; the UI will be extended in an upcoming patch to include display of currently active builds and the ability to cancel pending builds.

Ship Parts
Adjustments have been made to the origin point of several parts to improve placement and surface snapping. These changes will affect existing designs but will not cause errors or designs to be lost.

New Game Experience
Government players will be shown a list of up to 10 available home worlds on creation of a new game. This is an early step in the process of improving the new game experience and similar subtle features will be applied to Private, Syndicate and Corporate on creation of new profiles. Each origin option will have a unique flow through the first few steps of the game to help players make those early decisions such as ‘What home world to choose’, ‘what ship to fly’, ‘who to fly with’. Keep an eye on the Steam announcements for more information.

General Improvements
Quite a few minor bugs and gaps have been resolved between the 525 and 535 builds. The majority of these are maths corrections and sequencing fixes. Organization Reports, Asset Reports and ship stats have been greatly improved but are not yet complete. Cultural impact, Fleet maintenance and Trade calculations are still being ignored by the rollup calculations as these aspects are under construction. Organization influence and population calculations should be now be working as intended.

Known Issues
Rena Borsch tasks cannot be completed, Rena’s mission controllers are still in the process of being updated for recent changes and should be completed over the next couple of patches. Saige Marie and 12CE881 contacts are undergoing similar conversions and will update along with the Rena Borsch fixes. Updates to the contacts missions are being held until corrections to the organization rollup calculations are complete.

Ship build pricing is deliberately being calculated lower than intended, this to insure its easy for players to build and test new ship designs, ship maintenance costs are not yet being figured into organization experiences.

The build order UI under Fleet > Engineering only allows you to build a single ship at a time and forces that ship to your private inventory. Fleet management is currently under construction and when complete the build order UI be unlocked to allow construction of fleet ships in bulk.
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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2017, 06:15:32 PM »
Beta patch 545
19 Sept

Patch 545 is available for PC, Mac and Linux now on the beta branch. Don’t know how to access beta? Read this.

Patch 545 introduces a number of changes and improvements to NPCs, contacts and the tasks and missions they offer. Rena Borsch has been updated and will offer players a series of repeating tasks which reset on the 3rd ‘Investigation’ task. Over the next few patches we will be introducing additional tasks and two new contacts Saige Marie and 12CE881.

Underlying systems driving the NPCs and their related tasks have been update in preparation for upcoming content. The structure of save data has been updated as a result of these changes, existing save files should automatically convert to the new model.

Rena Borsch has 3 place holder tasks that will loop as you play through them. Over the next couple of patches we will be introducing two new contacts ‘Saige Marie’ and ‘12CE881’ who together with Rena Borsch will offer a series of interlinked tasks tailored to the players origin choice.

Update to AI logic for wings and solo ships correcting conditions where the AI would hold onto older decisions longer than intended. This should result in a more responsive AI during combat.

Update to the Contact UI in support of new functionality, this update also completes updates to task missions to account for the previous round of changes to asset load sequence. This should correct issues players had with completing Rena’s tasks.

Ongoing work is progressing to complete the strategy systems which drive organization management and organization AI. At current players can claim worlds, manage their own worlds improvements and profit from accumulated resource. Station upgrades, trade facilities and political arrangements are not currently available.

For the time being we have disabled player death, that is you cannot die in space missions. Shield and armour values can drop to 0 however your ship will not explode and the enemy will still treat you as a viable target allowing you to continue play. This is of course temporary as we continue to test and balance ship strength, AI and mission design.

Known Issues
Rena Borsch’s mission tasks will loop on the 3rd mission ‘Investigation’. This is deliberate for patch 545. It is also known that the wording of missions may have errors and are generally lacking, these are placeholders and will be replaced in upcoming patches with final content.

Claiming worlds from the profile view does not correctly cost the players accounts. The worlds will still be claimed they simply will be claimed for free. This will be corrected in an upcoming patch.

Switching to profile and from profile switching back to map via one of the ‘Find’/’zoom’ buttons of the profile does not always animate through the galaxy correctly. The conditions for this error have been isolated and will be corrected in an upcoming patch.

Some elements of the profile view’s organization report do not sum/total correctly. This is due to some aspects of the report with pending dev work and will be corrected over the coming patches.

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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2017, 06:52:36 PM »
Patch Update 555
Heathen Engineering's Terran - Loden DarkStar

Patch 555 is available for PC, Mac and Linux now.

Patch 555 expands Rena Borsch tasks and includes a host of bug fixes and general improvements to rendering, gameplay, AI and UI as well as an update to the underlying engine. The Roadmap has been expanded to include additional detail on recent changes and current development efforts.

Additional tasks are available for Rena Borsch. At current the task will loop resetting on completion of mission #4, this is a temporary solution while additional content is being prepared.

Patch 555 replaces patch 465 on the main build promoting the new ship editor, refined dashboard, contacts improvements, new combat missions, new ships and new ship parts to the main build. Changes to the settings and save files should automatically upgrade from build 465 without issue though custom ship designs may need to be adjusted to account for new parts and stats.

Pilot AI which handles both friendly and hostile ship flight and combat engagement has been adjusted on results from prior patches. Ships should fly in more natural feeling patterns and better maintain formations.

Additional messages are provided during combat to guide the player. The dialog system has been enhanced too, to effect camera controls and mission events. These new features are being rolled out on all new tasks and quests; existing tasks and quests will be updated to better leverage the new capabilities over the coming patches.

Known Issues
Rena Borsch’s mission tasks will loop on the 4th mission. This is deliberate for patch 555. It is also known that the wording of missions may have errors and are generally lacking, these are placeholders and will be replaced in upcoming patches with final content.

Claiming worlds from the profile view does not correctly cost the players money. The worlds will still be claimed, but they simply will be claimed for free. This will be corrected in an upcoming patch.

Some elements of the profile view’s organization report do not sum/total correctly. This is due to some aspects of the report with pending dev work and will be corrected over the coming patches.
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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2017, 04:43:15 PM »
Beta Patch Update 570
Heathen Engineering's Terran - Loden DarkStar

Patch 570 is available in beta for PC, Mac and Linux now.

Patch 570 is focused on organization development, we have updated the planet management screen with a focus on budget distribution replacing the ‘Asset Improvement’ modules and are introducing station upgrades allowing corp and gov leaders to upgrade the planetary stations that orbit each controlled world.
Over the next several beta patches we will introduce Organization Policies and Principles which apply organization wide effects as well as new status conditions such as rebellion, invasion and cleansing which can be applied to populated worlds.
For more details on patch 570 and the upcoming updates be sure to check out the Terran Roadmap.

Maths rollup logic has been updated and reported metrics simplified to:
Credits; this is your organizations available funds.
Resources; the store of materials your organization has available.
Economy; expresses your organization’s economic influence
Industry; expresses your organization’s industrial influence
Science; expresses your organization’s scientific influence
Military; [under development] will express your organization’s military influence

The Home > Profile view’s report panel has disable and hidden pending updates to Organization Policies and Principles. The improved view will make a return as the Policies and Principles patch moves to beta.

For patch 570 claiming a world and upgrading stations has no cost. This is a temporary state for the ‘beta’ build. As the build is completed and stabilised for ‘main’; upgrading stations and claiming new worlds will incur an immediate cost and a recurring administrative cost.

Known Issues
Rena Borsch’s mission tasks will loop on the 4th mission. It is also known that the wording of missions may have errors and are generally lacking, these are placeholders and will be replaced in upcoming patches with final content.

Population value on the planet management view can overlap the credit and resource amounts in some cases. This will be corrected in an upcoming patch.
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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2017, 12:23:34 AM »
Beta patch 581
23 Oct

Patch 581 is available for PC, Mac and Linux now on the beta branch. Don’t know how to access beta? Read this.

Organization Policies
With patch 581 we have introduced the policy system. The policy system is meant give players more control over their organizations allowing you to personalize the stats, capabilities and ideology of your organization to your style. Policies will affect your organization as a whole and can increase growth rates, improve population density, grant new abilities or mitigate adverse effect such as from rebellion. The policies you have applied may also have political impacts aligning you with or against other organizations in the galaxy.

The initial set of policies introduced are basic and work primarily to adjust progression rates for your organization. Each organization type has its own set of available policies specific to the nature of Governments, Corporations, Syndicates or Private organizations respectively. As Early Access continues we will be introducing policies with more substantial effects coupled with greater consequences.

Galaxy Update
New systems, improved galaxy generation and the return of costing. With patch 581 two new regions have been enabled and will populate with star systems. The new Western Fields and Eastern Cradle regions have been enabled and configured to support up to 340 systems combined. Generation of the galaxy its self has received an update for improved procedural placement and population of star systems. As the generation system is tested and stabilized it will allow players to control the starting state of the galaxy on creation of a new game.

With the galaxy update we reenabled the claim cost for systems and worlds and have introduced an ‘imminent domain’ feature of the population system which will cause worlds in systems you control to populate over time rather or not they have been directly colonized. This new feature helps accelerate the early growth of new corporations and governments. Each scanned world in a system you control will slowly populate decreasing its colonization costs and contributing a small amount to influence, if left alone long enough the world will eventually colonize effectively for free. The rate this occurs and the contribution to influence will be affected by the policies and abilities of your organization.

For more details on patch 581 and the upcoming updates be sure to check out the Terran Roadmap.

Clean up of test and debug logic across several sub systems. This is an ongoing effort but should have little or no visible impact to players aside from size on disk and load times of the game.

Corrected maths errors with economy calculations and costing calculations.

Added a base 0.2 influence impact for each colonized world. At current the impact effects all worlds and world types equally.

Added a Data Manager feature to the Early Access screen. Data Manager allows the player to view all game files as stored on Steam Cloud Data and is useful for cleaning up corrupted or orphaned save files. The Data Manager will test the integrity of each file and offers guidance regarding the files validity.

Adjusted organization save data in preparation for NPC organizations, this change will invalidate existing organizations.

Corrected an issue which prevented the game from identifying the last played profile. Players should now see a ‘Resume’ option when returning to the game after their first play post patch 581.

Known Issues
Government and Corporation Saves from builds prior to 581 cannot be loaded. We are looking into a migration process to update old saves to the new structures though this is a lower priority than other items.

It is possible to exploit the first free world offered to new Governments and Corporations allowing you to claim any number of worlds for free. We will correct the bug in a later patch.

Galaxy Events have been disable temporarily. Galaxy events depend on the same placement logic used by star systems, this system has recently been updated and is being tested in Early Access Beta. Galaxy Events will return in an upcoming patch.

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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2017, 04:39:38 PM »
Beta patch 591
08 Nov

Patch 591 is available for PC, Mac and Linux now on the beta branch. Don’t know how to access beta? Read this.

For more details check out the Terran Roadmap on Trello where we have added additional detail outlining the tasks currently in progress, items pending release, the latest release items and much more.

Patch Summary
Patch 591 gives players a new level of control over the game with the new Game Settings. Game Settings can be configured on creation of a new profile and allow players to adjust the size and content of the galaxy, enable and disable features and more.

The galaxy itself has been updated and new games from patch 591 forward can generate systems across the whole galaxy. Improved galaxy navigation tools and optimizations to the interface are being rolled out starting with patch 591 in preparation for trade, politics and of course war at the galactic scale.

In addition to galaxy improvements we have updated the data model and data management systems of the game and continue to debug and optimize existing components and expand upon features that have been partially implemented.

Roadmap Update
The Trello roadmap for Terran has been updated with a number of new lists meant to provide better transparency in a simpler format. New lists have been created for the in progress, pending and recently released items, these are in addition to existing information already available on the roadmap.

You can find more detail on this and upcoming patches on the Terran Roadmap here

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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2017, 04:09:22 PM »
Beta patch 602
14 Nov

Patch 602 is available for PC, Mac and Linux now on the beta branch. Don’t know how to access beta? Read this.

For more details on patch 602 check out the Terran Roadmap on Trello where we have added additional detail outlining the tasks currently in progress, items pending release, the latest release items and much more.

Patch Summary
Patch 602 includes a host of improvements and bug fixes including correction of a hang/crash bug found in patch 591. A full list can be found in the Latest Release Patch 602 list on the Roadmap.

In addition to fixes and improvements the first iteration of captain’s yachts and a preview of the Alpha One restructuring are included in this build. Yachts will be used when you enter civil / non-combat areas and offer greater speed and agility than your warships. The preview of Alpha One has its major structures in place and demonstrates the direction going forward for civil areas such as Hedonia and the 3 sisters stations which will be introduced in the start of Phase 3.

New this build the player’s location in space will be represented on the galaxy map as a fleet element. Fleet elements represent flotilla and can consist of up to 4 divisions approximately 200 warships total. The UI for managing the content of your elements and creating additional flotilla is under construction and should be made full functional in the next few patches.

Proximity of the player’s fleet element or ‘command flotilla’ with stations and systems is now a requirement for warping to local space around these areas. This means you will now need to travel to Alpha One before you can warp into local space and fly around Alpha One. This proximity requirement will be carried over to contact missions, events and other ‘local space’ activities in the upcoming set of patches.

To learn more about the latest changes and whats coming next be sure to watch the Terran Roadmap here
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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2017, 08:27:14 PM »
Beta Patch Update 637
Heathen Engineering's Terran - Loden DarkStar

Patch 637 is available in beta for PC, Mac and Linux now. Don’t know how to access beta? Read this.

For more details on patch 637 check out the Terran Roadmap on Trello where we have added additional detail outlining the tasks currently in progress, items pending release, the latest release items and much more.

Patch 637 introduces a host of new functionality to the Galaxy map. Many of these new features are in an ‘initial’ state … ‘dev-speak’ for rough around the edges … and we are looking for the community’s feedback as we work to stabilize the strategy (on map) and action (in space flight) gameplay.

UI Overview

We have consolidated the menus and brought a lot of functionality directly to the galaxy map which serves as the UI’s new ‘Home’ view. Its no longer necessary to drill into system level views in order to claim worlds this can now be done directly from map.

The process of claiming a world has been both simplified and expanded. You can still colonize worlds as before assigning budgets to affect the outputs of the world or you can establish outposts which only fill a single specific output but cost less and yield their focused output faster.

Most functions of the fleet manager have been moved to the Home view as well. You can now place new ship build orders, manage existing flotillas and change your personal ships configuration from the Home view.

Empire Management
Corporate and Government progression and expansion have received notable updates with patch 637. With the introduction of outposts not every controlled world or even system has a permanent population. Trade ships have been introduced which shuttle people, supplies and goods between your outposts, colonies and the free trade ports. Your trade ships return to the capital system distributes the profits back into your empire.

With patch 637 we have introduced the framework for pirates, raiders and other non-organized factions in the galaxy. At current, pirates will only wander the stars waiting for you to attack, in the upcoming patches however you will need to manage their threat or risk the loss of your trade ships and a sizable portion of your income.

Influence has also been updated. As your empire grows so to does your influence and with greater influence comes the ability to expand further. Your influence is determined by your economic, industrial, scientific and military output and is further influenced by your standing fleet and amassed wealth. Colonies and outposts will cost influence in addition to credits and resources to maintain should your influence fall below required limits your accounts will drain followed by the population of your worlds until you stabilize or collapse.

Ships and Fleets
Nine new ship designs have been added and both ship and flotilla structures have been adjusted to leverage new capabilities of the game. The Ship Editor has been partially converted to work with the new ship structures and will be further updated in next few patches. New ship skins, decor, parts, weapons and abilities will be introduced as prepare to transition to Early Access Phase 3.

With patch 637 you can now distribute your ships across multiple flotilla, each flotilla can have up to 50 warships assigned with no limit on the number of flotilla you can field. Flotilla are your primary method to interact with the galaxy at large. For patch 637 you can attack pirates or face off against a copy of your flotilla in the Broken Mirror. In later patches you will use flotilla to complete contact missions, explore the galaxy and more.

The Broken Mirror has been added for Early Access; located near the Alpha One station. Broken Mirror is simply a mirror battle where your opponent’s flotilla is a ship for ship copy of the flotilla you engaged it with. For patch 637 you will be required to personally lead every engagement however an ‘Auto Resolve’ function is planned for later patches.

Known Issues
For more details please see the Terran Roadmap on Trello

•   Some dialogs and panels do not block mouse movements as desired e.g. dragging or scrolling the ship list in the Fleet Menu causes the camera to move or zoom in the map view. This will be corrected in an upcoming patch.
•   Fleet maintenance costs are not deducted from income at current, this is deliberately disabled as we balance initial and maintenance costs of ships and fleets and how that will grow as fleets increase in power and size.
•   Ship Editor decals do not display as expected, this is due to changes in rendering and in general ship structure and will be corrected in upcoming patches.
•   Additional debug hooks are still active in fleet structures which can cause notable slowdowns during the initial shots fired during a battle and at key events such as merging flotilla together on the map. These will be removed as the system is proven stable.
•   Vulcan rendering API is proving fragile and is very sensitive driver updates. Overlays such as Nvidia Experience screen capture and similar have been observed to cause renderer resets (flash to black on-screen aka a hiccup). We are considering possible solutions to stabilize these conditions and have a launch option configured in Steam for Windows platforms that will allow the player to force the game to run in Direct X.
•   Contact missions have not yet been assigned map coordinates but can be accessed via the Logs view. As a result, you will be flying these missions solo (with out flotilla support). We will be updating the contact missions in the next few patches to include a presence in the galaxy requiring you to navigate a flotilla to target before engaging and thus allowing you to auto resolve or fly the mission with the support of the flotilla you engaged with.
•   Scanner range / visible range indicators (bubble outline around your systems and fleet elements on the map) do not initialize correctly in all cases. We have identified several cases where the display of the scanner range simply doesn’t render though is applied and tested, these will typically self-correct as you transition from local space (combat, stations, etc.) back to the home view or load and reload a profile (Main Menu to Home view).
•   Pirates do not grow in power or attack, this is deliberate as we test other systems. We will be enabling pirate AI in later patches where in pirates will become an aggressive threat and will grow/develop over time. For patch 637 they are simply a target you can engage infinitely from the map.
•   Results of battles do not affect either party, e.g. ships lost are not removed from either you or the enemy. This will be corrected in up coming patches, ships damaged or lost in battle will be damaged or lost in the fleet element. Ships will automatically repair over time a process that can be speed up by being near colonies or military outposts.
•   There are known balance issues with some weapon combinations that can result in grossly overpowered ships and ship combinations. These will continuously be balanced of the course of the Early Access as we add additional abilities, weapons and ships to tune the space combat experience.

To learn more about the latest changes and whats coming next be sure to watch the Terran Roadmap here.
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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2018, 03:07:01 AM »
Early Access Phase 3 Coming to a beta branch near you!

Phase 3 patch of Heathen Engineering’s Terran is prepping for beta release in the coming weeks. This patch as its name might have suggested starts the 3rd and final phase of Terran’s planned early access. During this phase the development effort will be on content and polish as well as player feedback and bug squashing … that’s a given.

Updates to web, social and store fronts are also in the works as we work to improve player information and lines of communication with the team.
Terran Web Site[]
Terran Roadmap[]

The full details of the patch will be published on release day … to be determined.
While you wait here are a few of new features you can expect to see.

The first of 3 heavy class warship categories we will be introducing during Phase 3. The support craft a carrier hosts give it a much greater strike range than any other ship category, but these massive ships have relatively low armour and few turrets so use with caution.

From massive citadel stations to small defence platforms combat structures can host a large array of fast firing long range turrets and long-range support craft.

Citadels replace the concept of a ‘capital star system’ and can be built on any star system currently under your control. With a citadel present the system becomes immune to outside influence and its own influence radius is greatly increased. Capturing a citadel system requires combat and the citadel station is a match for most any single fleet.

The concept of star system control has evolved into the influence system. Influence is increased by developing your economy, industry science and military power. Each system you control contributes to your galactic influence and effects all systems within its influence range. This game play system means it is now possible to take control over other organization's systems without a single shot fired.

Warship fleets, citadels and other structures have a very strong influence on the systems around them and can be used to insure your influence is the dominant influence in a region but also encourage attack from your competition.

Progression Grid
The influence system is tied into organization progression. Put simply the more influence you generate the more nodes on the progression grid you can unlock. Progression grid nodes can unlock new abilities like Terraforming, improve your efficiencies such as decreasing maintenance cost or increasing population limits of your colonies as well as expanding your capacities such as ship count and citadel count.

Where you start on the progression grid depends on what type of organization you choose to start the game with. Governments start with a bonus to population and expansion in an area with similarly themed nodes for example.

New Combat Features
The combat UI has been simplified and split into two modes that players can easily toggle between while in combat.

Command Mode, this is the starting mode and plays a lot like an RTS where you issue move and attack orders to your battlegroups. Thoughtful command and battlegroup structuring is key to victory in most battles, simply throwing a death stack of big ships at a target is a good way to lose a lot of expensive ships.

Pilot Mode, this is the traditional Terran combat view where you have direct control of a warship in 3rd person space shooter action style. New with this patch you can now take control over any ship in your fleet at any time and can freely toggle between modes (command and pilot). When the player is directly controlling a ship (pilot mode) all other ships in that battlegroup will take lead from your actions e.g. will target your target and so forth.

And Lots More!

•   New ships
•   Improved Turrets
•   Expanded galaxy
•   New Organization Type: Armada

And Lots More!
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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2018, 08:34:23 AM »
looks very promissing game.
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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2018, 01:59:41 PM »
Patch Update 738
Heathen Engineering's Terran - Heathen Engineering

Heathen Engineering’s Terran enters phase 3 of its planned Early Access cycle. Patch 738 is available on the beta and main builds for PC, Mac and Linux now.

Don’t know how to access beta? Read this.
You can find more news, dev notes, images and videos on the Terran home page or the Terran Roadmap on Trello.
Patch Summary
Patch 738 transitions Terran into its 3rd and final phase of early access. This patch includes substantial improvements, changes and additions on the technical and gameplay side including a major engine update and removal of much of the ‘debug hooks’ used in previous phases.

New Game Mode
A new game mode ‘Skirmish’ has been added to the game. As the name suggests this mode is combat only and allows the player to configure the two sides of a fight. The configuration tools for Skirmish will be expanded in later patches and is intended to include environment and scenario options. At current players can configure the ships for each side, include stations or citadels and can manual set the difficulty of the opponent.

Organization Influence
Several subsystems of the previous version’s strategy mechanics have been streamlined and unified into the concept of Organization Influence. Influence describes your organizations impact on the galaxy at large. Having influence over a star system means having control over that system. Your influence is physically represented in the galaxy as radiating out from your systems and fleets and can sway the loyalties of nearby star systems. Organization influence is enhanced by developing your population, economy, industry, science and military.

The influence system impacts nearly every other aspect of the game, see the notes below for more details.

Space Stations
Stations are independent of star systems and can be built anywhere in space assuming they are in range of two or more star systems and are not blocked by an opponents structures. Stations provide area defence, insure the loyalty of linked systems (systems in range) and host defence fleet.

The defence fleet of space stations will automatically engage enemy hostiles in range but cannot be moved from the station. The ships that comprise the stations defence fleet do contribute to your maintenance costs but do not consume ship capacity. When engaged in combat the stations will appear in battle as large structure laden with powerful turrets and large numbers of strike craft in addition to their defence fleet.

Citadels replace the concept of a ‘capital star system’ and are special star bound space stations. Organizations can have multiple citadels though there is a build cap similar what is applied to ships. Like other space stations citadels host a defence fleet and impart a very strong influence effect on nearby systems. When defeated in battle citadels are not destroyed but do transfer ownership to the victor. Keep an eye on your citadel count as having too many can quickly overburden your resources.

Combat Improvements
Combat now supports two modes of player control:
Command mode which is the mode you will start battles in, works similar to an RTS interface. In command mode you can select groups of ships and issue move and attack orders. Clicking a specific ship and switching to Pilot mode will allow you to take direct control of that ship.

Pilot mode can be switched to at anytime after the start of a battle. In pilot mode you have direct control of a single ship in 3rd person space short style. The other ships in the same battlegroup as the ship you are piloting will adjust their planning based on your actions e.g. they will attack your target and will avoid getting too far separated from you.

Battle Groups
A new battlegroup system has been applied to the start up sequence of space battles. Players can now choose a battle grouping pattern effecting how the individual ships in your fleet will be distributed. The best pattern to use depends on your play style, fleet structure and the opponent your facing at the time.

When in command mode it is the selected battlegroup that you are issuing orders to and in pilot mode it is your battlegroup that is taking its lead from your actions. At the start of each battle you will select the group pattern you want to use, this cannot be changed after the battle starts.

Group Options
•   Balanced: this option attempts to distribute the various types of ships that make up your fleet across multiple groups no less than 5 but not more than 10 if possible. For players that want a lot of command control this is a good option as it gives you the greatest number of battlegroups to issue orders to.
•   Class: this option groups ships by class … e.g. light, mid and heavy. If movement/attack control is your focus this could be a good option for you. This option results in no more than 3 groups.
•   Role: this option groups ships by combat role … e.g. recon, support and tactical. Each combat role excels at a specific style for example tactical ships have heavy armour and weapons and are good in a head on fight where recon ships are fast and agile good for hit and run and for drawing out fleets away from structures. This option results in no more than 3 groups
•   Category: this option groups by Class + Role combination as described above and results in no more than 9 groups.
•   Swarm: As the name suggests this simply lumps all ships into a single group, this greatly limits your command options, but it also simplifies control for players that prefer to spend more time in pilot mode than they do in command mode.

Progression Grid
The progression grid takes the place of the previous progression system which was based on reputation gain through contacts. The new progression grid is similar to a ‘talent grid’ system, each organization type has a unique starting place on the grid and regardless of your origin type it is possible to activate every node on the grid.

Progression points are used to activate the nodes of the grid and are earned by growing your influence as an organization. Influence is grown through the development of population, economy, industry, science and military. The nodes of the grid enhance various aspects of your organization improving administration and maintenance costs, increasing ship, citadel and planet population capacities as well as unlocking special abilities such as terraforming, heavy ships and recon ships.

Other Additions and Improvements
•   Engine update
•   Vulkan API removed due to stability issues
•   Heathen Systems update (foundation code of the game)
•   UI update
•   Streamlined GUI
•   Improved key bindings and key mapping systems
•   Improved visual effects across the board
•   Improved audio (systems)
•   And new sound FX and music with more to come
•   New ships
•   Carriers! … & their strike craft
•   Better turrets (visuals)
•   Bigger galaxy (more star systems)
•   Support for much larger space battles

Known issues and gaps
•   NPC Organizations
This is the first iteration of NPC Org AI and its incomplete. The AI for this build can only grow and manage its organization with limited military planning.
•   Carriers are available even if you haven’t unlocked heavy ships yet
•   More ships are coming, only 6 are playable in this build
•   Ship Editor
We have disabled this feature as it needs an overhaul to be inline with other improvements to the game. More on this later.
•   Economy balance
There are aspects of the economy balance that are simply wrong, this will be iterated on throughout Phase 3
•   Placeholder models
We are in the process of removing and replacing placeholder content though there is still a ways to go. You may notice out of place models in particular with Citadels this will be iterated on throughout phase 3. This should not adversely impact gameplay however.

To learn more about the latest changes and whats coming next be sure to watch the Terran Roadmap here.

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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2018, 02:21:23 PM »
Patch Update 743
Heathen Engineering's Terran - Heathen Engineering
Patch 743 is live for PC, Mac and Linux! 743 adds 3 new ships to the game in addition to bug fixes and optimizations.

New Ships
This completes the ‘standard’ ships set of Terran. Ship sets are groupings of themed ships and the standard set is simply the set available at start of game. All the ships of the standard set feature well balanced builds e.g. stats are distributed evenly across offence, defence and mobility features. Additional ship sets will be introduced in later patches and each set will feature its own theme both in terms of build stats and in visual style.

The smallest and fastest ship category available; corvettes are ideal for closing range quickly and engaging non-structure targets. In Terran and well most things; the best defence is simply to not get shot. Corvettes being very small and very fast excel at this. These fast ships can break up enemy formations and draw attention from hard hitting but slower fragile ships like carriers giving them time to get in position.

The heavy support category, dreadnoughts have excellent armour, good speed and a health mix of turrets enabling them to engage a range of targets effectively. Dreadnoughts the ideal escort when assaulting hard targets such as stations and citadels having enough armour to survive the approach and enough firepower to make a difference when in range.

The heaviest ship category in game. The fortress is virtually a small mobile station platform featuring a higher turret count than any other ship and heavier shielding and armour to boot. The fortress slow speed limits its use in highly mobile scenarios but a small wing of fortress ships insures dominance if only in that area.

Bug fixes and misc improvements
•   Corrected tooltip errors on the Skirmish configuration screen
•   Heavy and recon ships should now correctly be locked until the related progression node is unlocked
•   Achievements should be now be awarded correctly.
Note that the conquest victory related achievements cant be earned yet as a result its not possible to earn the completionist achievement.
•   General optimizations
There is an on-going process to optimize every system of the game, these changes should have no player visible impact aside of course from the game running better.

Known issues
•   We are aware of long load times when transitioning away from the galaxy map such as when loading a battle from the map or when returning to the menu from the map. This is due to the time it takes to unload the galaxy; something we do to insure better performance in battle for example. We are working to improve this with each successive patch.
•   AI is not brilliant
The NPC organizations are using a simplified AI for the time being, an improved AI process is under development and will be introduced in later patches. This is part of the reason the conquest victory achievements can’t be earned. Put simply the AI isn’t in it to win it yet and is simply growing and org for you to play against.
•   Need for a tutorial

We are aware of the need for an in-game tutorial and improvements to the game guide. These are tasks we are working on and will introduce in upcoming patches. In the mean time you can access the quick start guide by pressing F1 in game or on the web at

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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2018, 09:15:37 PM »
Patch Update 747
15 April - Heathen Engineering

Patch 747 is live for PC, Mac and Linux! 747 adds notifications, tutorial tips, improvements to AI organizations, progression and a lot more.

Notification System
A new notification system has been implemented with patch 747. Notifications appear at the top of your screen and alert you to key events in the galaxy. Tutorial Tips leverage the same system and provide advice based on the current conditions of your organization and the galaxy at large. Both the Notification and Tutorial messages are in an early state and will be further refined and expanded on as phase 3 of early access progresses.

AI Update
A host of improvements to the strategic AI have been implemented with patch 747. AI organizations should be more diverse and generally more aggressive with this patch. There are still aspects of the strategy game mechanics to be completed as a result the AI will not be in its best form but can now play the game to completion. Over the following several patches we will be focused on completing the remaining strategy mechanics and in so doing completing the strategic AI.

Configuration options are in the works that will enable players to modify aspects of the AI at the start of a new game. An initial AI Organizations count has been exposed, more will follow over the next several patches.

General Improvements
•   Recon, Tactical and Heavy ship unlocks have been tied into overall progression. Government and Corporation organizations will unlock these at 5, 15 and 25 progression points respectively. Armada organizations will start with Recon unlocked and will earn Tactical and Heavy at 10 and 20 respectively.
•   Defeating fleet elements, stations and citadels will now award the victor credits, resources and boost influence progression slightly. In addition, the loss of fleet, station or citadel will have a similar but greater adverse effect.
•   Construction and maintenance costs have been adjusted to smooth the high end of the progression curve. Maintaining large numbers of heavy fleets should be more manageable now.
•   Systems linked to stations or citadels receive a production bonus. For the time being this is a fixed bonus (same for all) the intent is to tie the strength of this bonus to organization progression e.g. more established organizations benefit more.
•   When a station is destroyed all systems that were linked to it will receive a major influence boost in favour of the organization that destroyed the station. This will accelerate the rate at which such systems convert.
•   Fleets that idle near un-linked (no station link) systems will periodically apply a major influence boost in favour of their organization. This will decrease the time for conversion to begin as well as decrease the time to reverse a conversion when defending such a system with a fleet.

Known Issues
•   AI Organizations are not managing their stations and citadels effectively, this makes it easy to blitz them in the early game as they are not building adequate defences. This will be corrected in later patches.
•   A few conditions have been noted in testing where stations are not changing ownership correctly when an organization is defeated e.g. remain owned by a now dead organization. This makes it impossible to claim these systems but doesn’t affect victory conditions.
•   Log events may occur referencing stations that have recently been destroyed. These log events do not adversely impact the game but are in error and will be corrected in a later patch.
•   Trade Administration for Resources / Credits fails to calculate the correct exchange rate if the organization has a negative resource production. Generally, this won’t adversely impact the game assuming you boost your base resource production before running out of resources completely e.g. build more industry improvements. We will correct this issue in upcoming patches.
•   While it is now possible win or lose the game, there is no fan fare for either condition e.g. we have not yet implemented the ‘Victory’ or ‘Defeat’ screens; Achievements will award on your first corp, gov and armada victory.

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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2018, 01:28:17 PM »
Beta Notes

Did you know Terran has 2 builds available to everyone who owns the game?

Cleverly named Default and Beta, the Default build is a 'stable' build generaly a few minor versions behind what you see in Beta.
Beta on the other hand is where we release builds first and tends to get features just as soon as they compile and survive a test or two.

If you want to check out the Beta follow the steps in this link; note we dont use a password so just leave it blank if it asks.

Beta Build Patch Notes:

Note items marked with (Work In Progress) as Terran is in Early Access the entirety of the game is a work in progress, this mark simply indicates items that are not yet fully functional or otherwise have known breaking bugs.

Build 940 available as of Oct 17th 2018

Patch Changes:
•   Engine updated to 2017.4.12
•   Combat: Pilot Mode
Free Look functionality added during combat when piloting a ship; press the right mouse button to enable and release it to disable.
•   Added a budget breakdown on the trade panel in the galaxy map.
•   Combat: Command Mode
Extended the move command to allow players to indicate a move target above or below the current plane; to use, select the group you wish to issue the order to, click on the point you wish to move to and drag up or down to adjust the position
•   Combat: Command Mode
Normalized camera movement to be more inline with the camera movement controls of the galaxy map.
•   Combat: UI
Added portrait and health information for the currently selected ship as well as hot key indicators for key functions such as stance (defence, balanced and offence) and mode change (command vs pilot)
•   (Work In Progress) A new tutorial screen will appear when starting a new game offering the player a guided review of basic UI elements and gameplay features. This initial version will be iterated on heavily over the next few patches and will be later extended to include combat tutorials.
•   (Work In Progress) Gar Warships, the Gar Warships are returning in a new way. At the start of a new profile you will select a Gar Warship to serve as your capital. This initial implementation introduces the new map element for Gar units and a selection of 3 Gar to choose from. In up coming patches we will be adding more ships to choose from, unique benefits to each ship, special conditions during combat with and against Gar and special strategic effects resulting from your choice of Gar. Your Gar Warship being your capital must survive and it is by destroying other organization’s Gar that you will ultimately defeat them. Gar have similar structural offence and defence to space stations and host up to a full 50 ship fleet making them powerful but critical. As warships Gar can be moved on the strategy map as you would any other fleet element.
•   Corrected an issue with the progress grid that would cause it to incorrectly highlight Government nodes when playing as a non-government organization.
•   Expanded the in-game menu to expose audio controls and key bindings.
•   Additional balancing for Industry and Economy, maintenance costs for outposts, stations and fleets have been adjusted to balance the impact to credits and resources to be more in line with typical grow rates of economy and industry.

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Re: Heathen Engineering's Terran
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2018, 01:01:10 AM »

Updated engine version and adjusted a number of minor issues with tutorial notes, tool tip placement and other player guidance aspects.

Beta has received a new update addressing issues with tutorial and tool tips as well as upgrading the game engine to Unity 2018.2. The target engine update for the next Default build is 2018.3 e.g. the next default build will be on hold until Unity 2018.3 is in a stable state. Updates to the Gar, organization progression and tutorial systems are in the works now with a build expected to hit Beta later this month.

To improve communication between Heathen and gamers we have set up a simple Discord server. This is an experiment for an even more open channel for feedback, support and community building. If you would like to participate you can join here Heathen Engineering Discord Server[]. The idea is to introduce this quietly not to hide it but such that it can grow slowly enough that our small but dedicated team can keep our feet under us :) Feel free to share the link around and do let us know what you think.
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