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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #75 on: September 22, 2017, 08:09:48 PM »
Dev Blog #77: Status Update

Hello and happy friday! It's been some time since our last update, and we've been hard at work on some things that we're pretty excited about.

Nirvana District

On the content side, we've made huge progress on the new district. Nirvana was the entertainment and nightlife hub of Eden, before the affliction took hold. This is a massive area, with a distinct new visual style and locations to visit; those of you who enjoy exploring uncharted new areas will surely enjoy uncovering everything it has to offer. Nirvana will be launching sometime mid-October, so look forward to that! We'll probably be dropping a few teaser screens between now and then as well.

Multiplayer Progress

We've also made some big strides when it comes to co-op/multiplayer support. Laying the groundwork has been a bit of a slog, but most core systems are now coming together at an increasing pace. In the interest of making the multiplayer experience as smooth as possible, we've integrated Steam server API for browsing and joining friends' games more easily.

We'll be doing quite a bit of testing, both internal and through opt-in alphas, to determine the proper balance and gametype(s) we're going to support. When we announced multiplayer was on the horizon, there was some concern from the community that the game was going to become DayZ overnight; that's definitely not the plan! Single player will coexist alongside the multiplayer modes, which could include PVE-only servers, PVP, team-based modes, etc.

Stay tuned for an announcement with more details on testing opportunities once we're further along. We appreciate the patience and understanding while we're heads-down in development on these huge new additions to PAMELA!
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #76 on: October 20, 2017, 12:02:07 AM »
Dev Blog #78: Updates on the way!

Happy Friday! We've got a quick status update for you all before the weekend.

We've wrapped up a big sprint on multiplayer development, meaning a solid chunk of the implementation is complete. At this point, we've been putting some plans together for the rest of the year, and want to circle back onto the single-player experience. There's some pretty cool content coming up: Nirvana, a new NPC, lots of polish, improvements, and more!

Since we've still got a ways before multiplayer is fully complete and ready for you guys to dive into, we'll be refocusing on this content/polish for the next while.This means you'll be seeing more regular updates from us, as well as the weekly devblogs that we used to keep up.

So, what are we working on first? There's a new NPC and buildable coming, which we're pretty excited for you guys to experience. We're doing a ton of polish work across many facets of the game; the character controller, GUI, and combat are all getting a bit of extra love to smooth out the bumps. We've still got a new environment district, Nirvana, in the works. It's nearly complete architecturally at this point, and will just need set dressing before integration.

Beyond those things, we've got some new weapons in the pipeline, a few new NPCs, items, and perhaps most excitingly, an expansion of the game's narrative to provide a sort of overarching goal to work towards (if you choose!). That bullet point is a big one that is a ways off, but we wanted you all to know that it's early in the works!

Lastly we want to thank you all for the patience while we were heads down on multiplayer foundations for the last little while; we made some great progress that can be resumed once the rest of the game gets a little more love. We're all looking forward to be pushing more regular updates again!

That does it for this week! Keep your eyes peeled for a patch incoming next week, along with another update on what we've been working on.
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #77 on: October 20, 2017, 05:54:55 PM »
Update: PAMELA v0.2.5.3 is Live – Tons of Improvements, possible Kaspersky false-flag fix!
P.A.M.E.L.A.ฎ - Mirus

Happy Thursday! We've got a juicy update for you today which includes a ton of polish work, as well as a whole bunch of fixes.

FIrst of all, we may have tracked down the source of the Kaspersky false flagging that many of you have experiences. It seems to be related to the executable name, of all things; the name PAMELA.exe is being flagged as a trojan. We've renamed the exe to PAM_GameLauncher.exe to potentially get around this. If you have been experiencing the Kaspersky issue, we would really appreciate your feedback on whether this fixes the issue!

We've tightened up the character controlled significantly, both in terms of movement and combat. Movement is now much more responsive, and walking is a bit quicker. Aiming with ranged weapons is now locked to the center of the screen for improved target acquisition. Finally, punch animations are much snappier with less delay between clicking and hitting.

Another big point is that text legibility has been greatly improved in the Inventory, Crafting, and AARM menus. These menus should now be easier to read and look slightly more clean overall.

There's a whole bunch more in the full changelog, including a larger base inventory size, jump height increase, and many, many bugfixes.

We hope you enjoy this new update; as always, let us know your thoughts in the comments!

•   Tightened weapon aiming greatly; laser reticle is now locked to center of screen for much more accurate target acquisition
•   Text legibility has been significantly improved in many menus; Inventory, Crafting, and AARM have all been enhanced as well as some others
•   Inventory: full center portion of inventory is now unlocked when starting a new game
•   Decreased brightness/bloom on certain garbage can props
•   Map menu arm now follows view more quickly
•   Sec-RTs now talk less frequently when player is in proximity
•   Jump height has been slightly increased
•   Removed delay on sprinting stopping when using hybrid/toggle mode
•   Increased brightness pulse in hacking menu when hack is completed
•   Loot menu appears much more quickly
•   Improved Seed name spacing in hydroponics menu
•   Player can now immediately aim weapon when IVG is out, rather than having to put it away first manually

•   Fixed certain buildables that flickered on/off when partially out of view of player
•   Renamed .exe to PAM_GameLauncher.exe; this *may* help with Kaspersky false flagging the game as a trojan
•   Removed several garbage collection calls during loading; *may* have been causing crashes for some users
•   Fixed several instances of buildables not showing up in Build Mode list
•   Fixed upgrade node text to show nodes greater than 10
•   Fixed instance of punching and interacting with containers causing input to be locked
•   Fixed turrets not detecting enemies properly when game is reloaded
•   Fixed instance of upgrade node menu backplate not appearing
•   Turrets no longer attempt to shoot NPCs through ceilings
•   Fixed NPC corpses "merging" with other containers in the world
•   Buildable Light now fades on intensity smoothly when placed
•   Fixed Shield Door graphics reloading improperly on game reload
•   Fixed instance of Store Kiosks not working properly when game is reloaded and power state is set to on
•   Fixed container menu breaking when player is arrested
•   Fixed instance of district power efficiency dropping to 0%
•   Fixed Beacon text overflowing when player's distance to Beacon is over 100m
•   Fixed instance of stamina not recharging when player interrupted a power attack with another action
•   Removed a floating battery backup in Garrison
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #78 on: October 24, 2017, 04:44:29 PM »
Patch: PAMELA v0.2.5.6 is Live – Save & Load Fixes and Various Tweaks

*NOTE: This update WILL wipe world save files

Hello everyone! We have a patch for you today to address some of the issues that popped up since the last update. We received many reports regarding issues with saving and loading and were able to track it down. It happened when we changed the name of the game .exe in the last update which was a last-minute change, but has now been resolved!

Unfortunately the last update destroyed everyone’s saves so we had to wipe save files with this update. There is good news about this though as we were able to clean up a lot of sketchy legacy saving and loading code that might have been causing issues for some people.

We listened to your comments regarding other areas of the last update and have made some tweaks based on your suggestions. We’ve nerfed the jump height closer to be somewhere between the old and new, but closer to the old setting. Several people also missed the old way of aiming so we’ll be adding it back as an option in an update in the near future. Many missing colliders around the world have been tracked down and fixed (please keep reporting these if you find them). The last major thing to note is getting stuck in the jump pose after jumping should also be fixed.

There's a number of other changes and tweaks as well, so check out the full changelog below!

•   Lowered jump height closer to where it used to be, but it’s still higher than before (please let us know what you think about this)

•   Fixed players getting stuck when jumping
•   Some text from the world would display over-top of the in-game respawn menu
•   Fixed a bunch of missing colliders where you could walk through various walls and windows
•   Removed some unused assets in the build
•   Fixed issues breaking saving and loading
•   Fixed spamming critical health sound (R.I.P. eardrums)
•   Fixed some coroutines that would error if you exited to main menu
•   New text camera now follows FOV settings
•   If an issue that would allow you to spawn infinite items into a container…
•   Disabled some legacy text that was in the loot menus
•   Strong attacks were happening sometimes when you wanted a quick attack
•   If you died with your inventory or AARM menu up, you could still control them through the respawn menu and could break all input.
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #79 on: October 26, 2017, 06:40:41 PM »
Update: PAMELA v0.2.6.2 is live - Stalkers, Halloween Sale, and Roadmap!
P.A.M.E.L.A.ฎ - NVYVE Studios

Happy Thursday, sleepers! We've got an exciting update for you today, just in time for Halloween.

Stalkers, a deadly new NPC

A new enemy joins the fray in Eden... the deadly and elusive Stalkers! We don't want to spoil the surprise for you guys, but here's a hint: be extra careful at nighttime, and perhaps take a look through your buildable schematics as well... Have fun surviving against these guys, and let us know your thoughts in the forums!

Halloween Sale

The Steam Halloween sale is starting tomorrow, and if you still haven't picked up PAMELA, this week is a great time as we'll be part of the yearly Steam Halloween Sale - You can pick up PAMELA at a 25% discount! We've got some big plans for the next few months on top of all the recent updates, so now is a great time to jump in.

End of year Roadmap

On that note, we'd like to share some of our plans up until the New Year.

New District - Nirvana

We've been working on Nirvana for some time, and it's very nearly complete. It's a massive new area for you to explore, probably larger than any existing districts currently in the game. Keep an eye out for this coming in November.

New Area - Nascent Robotics

While not quite as large as Nirvana, Nascent is a cool little area located in Oasis that's previously been locked down. There are some echo logs inside along with some good looting opportunities.

Non-Permadeath Mode

We'll be adding an option to play the game without permadeath, for those of you who prefer not to restart upon death every playthrough. Ultimately we want as many of you as possible to enjoy the game, and we feel that this option will preserve the existing experience while also providing the option for a more forgiving experience.

Crafting Streamlining

We're going to be doing a pass over the crafting and resource system to reduce the amount of steps required to build items. You'll still be able to build all of the useful items you're currently able to, but the process will be a bit more straightforward that it currently is.

General Polish and Bugfixing

As always, we're continually focused on fixing the issues that crop up in the forums, as well as polishing mechanics to improve you experience. We'll be looking into potential load time improvements and some AI polish specifically during the next little while.

That about covers it for now! See the full changelog for today's update below. Have fun!

•   Stalkers - a dangerous new enemy type; watch out for them at night!
•   Disruptor - a new buildable that may prove useful when dealing with Stalkers

•   Balanced Cyanoreprocessor to be less effective; it was a tad overpowered!
•   Added sound to Impact Catalyst when getting energy from hit
•   Added sound for Reuptake Assist attachment when the effect procs
•   Made Cryo cores more common

•   Chrondrial Converter attachment - corrected health consumption and spelling mistake
•   Fixed Sonar Pulse upgrade schematic not functioning correctly
•   Fixed bug with Kinetic Amplifier that caused player to punch instead of shooting weapon
•   Overclocking Module no longer affects fist attacks
•   Fixed Massive Reservoir effects not applying properly
•   Fixed Impact Catalyst not doubling conversion properly
•   Fixed Reuptake Assist to properly have 15% chance to negate resonance buildup
•   Fixed enemies that are affected by Electron Pulse to be less likely to spot player
•   Fixed Kinetic Amplifier to correctly increase damage to stunned enemies by 10%
•   Fixed pathfinding bug with Sec-RTs that caused them to walk into walls
•   Fixed bug in which pausing game while aiming would break aiming after resuming game
•   Added some invisible walls to areas that were made accesible by jump height being increased
•   Fixed bug related to loading game while falling/dying, which could cause numerous issues
•   Fixed graphical bug with PAMELA's voice visualizer while talking
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #80 on: November 13, 2017, 05:26:29 PM »
Update: PAMELA v0.2.7.2 is Live – Non-Permadeath Mode a Ludicrous Amount of Fixes
P.A.M.E.L.A.ฎ - NVYVE Studios

Hello everyone! Today we bring to you an update so numerous in changes and fixes, if each entry were nutracubes, it would feed an entire Eden. (Bad jokes continuing) And for desert, we’ve finally had time to add the long requested Non-Permadeath game mode! Permadeath isn’t quite for everyone and now you’ll have the option to choose between both modes when you start a New Game. For those who like to live dangerously, if you play the classic Permadeath mode, you will be rewarded with an XP bonus when compared to the non-hardcore variant to balance out the increased risk.

A ton of fixes, updates and improvements have been made towards weapons and all equipment. You’ll have to read the entire list below, there’s so many I don’t know which ones to highlight up here. On top of all that, a few changes have been made to Stalkers so they are less punishing for new spawns. For instance they no longer spawn on the first night so you’ll get a lot more game time in before you meet them. You will also find that they deal less damage as well, they had a 2x damage multiplier when they attacked you while cloaked, but that ended up being almost every attack so that’s been removed.

We had mixed feedback on the new fixed aiming, some people like it, others wanted the old aiming style back. Why not both? You will now find a new option under the ‘Controls’ options menu for Aiming Type where you will be able to switch between the old ‘Free’ aiming and the new ‘Fixed’ mode.

Now to touch on what’s coming in the immediate future! We have some super exciting things in the works right now and we’re excited to get these into your hands. The first is level streaming which will drastically improve loading times. Instead of loading the entire world all at once, we’re breaking it up into small chunks are streaming that off of your hard drive as you move throughout the world. This should also bring with it some extra performance gains across the board, but it’s still in the initial phases of development so we don’t know for sure what we can promise yet. The next large feature that is getting lots of attention right now is Crafting and Harvesting. We’ll be posting all of the specifics about this within the next week or two, but you can expect a seriously simplified system that will be a lot less tedious and faster to use! The last large feature that will be getting a second pass shortly will be the Stalkers. This update does have a few adjustments to make them less punishing, especially at the beginning, but we plan on making their AI smarter so they don’t constantly teleport close to the player as harshly as they do now.

As always, here’s the entire list of changes, enjoy!

•   Non-Permadeath Mode has been added! When you start a new game, you will be asked what mode you want to play. Players who decide to take the extra challenge of the permadeath game will earn XP compared to the non-permadeath mode.
•   Added option to switch between new and old aiming modes (Fixed vs. Free-Aim).
•   Upgraded the game project from Unity 5.6 to 2017.1, this could potentially fix some instances of crashing and the dreaded Black Screen bug that some users were facing. Since these are Unity engine fixes and we are unable to reproduce a lot of these random issues, please comment to let us know if it sounds like this has fixed things for you!

•   Made it easier to nap (Removed the fatigue limits for sleeping).
•   Shield Bash balance: Now reduces stamina, no longer does damage, increased cooldown and also now becomes less effective if you spam it.
•   Improved the way Stalkers and Seekers are being spawned in. This will be most noticeable when Seekers are being called on you (eg. Failing a hack), before they would commonly never show up. More work will be put into the Stalkers and how they spawn in so close to the player in the near future.
•   SEC-RTs now call security if you damage them.
•   Improvements were made to the character’s head-bob when jumping around and moving over uneven terrain. You should notice a lot less ‘jitter’ and a more polished experience when moving around.
•   Lowered font size in recycler menu (was too large).
•   Genome point ‘Engineering’ now makes logic hacking easier.
•   Various improvements to upgrade menu (some fixes, added sounds, etc.)
•   Butcher’s Blade and Warden’s Fist primary attack no longer consumes energy when attack misses.
•   Warden’s Fist alternate attack now deals more damage (before did almost nothing).
•   Arc Welder now deals 2X times damage to robots.
•   Added proper support to 16:10 monitors, menus should no longer get cut off anymore.
•   Removed 2X damage multiplier if Stalkers sneak attacked you (this was pretty much every attack).

•   Disruptor was showing incorrect item icon in upgrade menu.
•   Disruptor now returns elements when salvaged.
•   Several bugs with Enhancing Disruptors have been fixed.
•   Fixed some rare instances of players dying while loading into the game.
•   Dodging while in a moving elevator would make you fall to your death.
•   Jumping while in certain elevators that were moving could end up with you glitching on to the roof and getting stuck.
•   Stalkers now no longer come during the first night of the game, but instead wait until the 2nd night.
•   The number of Stalkers that come each night was not saving so every time you loaded your game it would reset to one.
•   SEC-RTs would talk over themselves sometimes (saying multiple things at the same time).
•   Starting a new game through the death menu wouldn’t reset the container’s hacking settings.
•   If you equipped a ranged weapon from the radial menu and try to shoot the primary fire, it will ignore the first click.
•   Subverser – Berserk dart did not affect AI.
•   Subverser – Sleep Dart not functional at all (still needs a proper animation, but it at least does something now).
•   Subverser - Sleep and Rage dart FX would not work well when added on top of each other.
•   Reservoirs – Description did not match the capacity, now is dynamic when upgraded.
•   Loadout Menu – Didn’t update what it was displaying if you swapped out the equipment while looking at it.
•   Massive Reservoir was using the wrong item icon (CyanoReprocessor's icon).
•   Special Abilities had no description.
•   Weapon headshots weren’t working properly.
•   Subverser effects didn’t work on some characters.
•   All specials were being shown in the description boxes before being unlocked.
•   Subverser – Special 1 and 2 descriptions were mixed up.
•   Subverser – Damage wasn’t being applied quite correctly, should now do more damage.
•   Subverser – Fixed a visual issue with one of the textures of the rage FX.
•   Warden’s Fist Special 2 should now prevent NPCs from blocking.
•   Warden’s Fist Special 2 should now ignore 50% of the target armor.
•   Warden’s Fist Special 1 should now have a 50% chance to knockout people hit by alternate fire.
•   Weapon upgrade schematic weren’t working properly.
•   Javelin – Default color of the equipment doesn’t match the color of the inventory icon.
•   Javelin – Wasn’t changing its damage values based on charge time.
•   Javelin projectile should now be faster when fully charged.
•   Javelin Special 1 should now deal 2X damage to unaware enemies.
•   Javelin primary attack dealt 35 damage no matter your charge and it also didn’t respect upgrades.
•   Fixed a small hole near Nacent Robotics that you could crawl through and exit the world.
•   Arc Welder Special 1 now adds +1 to the charge ability.
•   Arc Welder Special 2 now arcs electricity to one close enemy.
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #81 on: November 13, 2017, 08:17:28 PM »
Game is coming along nicely. Still no new areas open, last I heard they opened a bit of the mall, more floors I believe. Waiting for another major area open and the MP to get fleshed out before I jump back in , thanks for info Asid.
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #82 on: November 13, 2017, 08:21:12 PM »
Waiting for another major area open and the MP to get fleshed out before I jump back in

I'm waiting for a burger joint to be available on every floor  :happyhappy I'm always starving...
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #83 on: November 30, 2017, 12:04:00 AM »
Dev Blog 79: Feedback Needed! Crafting & Harvesting

Hey everyone!

If you've been following our development, you may have read that we're currently reworking the crafting system to simplify it and make it less painful to use overall. We'll be launching this update alongside with Level Streaming and the massive Nirvana expansion before the end of the year. This is a pretty large change to the game so we wanted to get your opinions on it before we just launched it silently and hoped for the best.

Overview Of The New Crafting System
•   In order to streamline crafting resources the base elements such as carbon have been removed and are no longer needed to create crafting components. Components can now be found and looted directly from the world.
•   Components have also been streamlined by removing their upgraded versions and simplifying their names. Can’t remember if you needed Dymop-something or Alumino-etc glass? It’s just “Glass” now.
•   With the removal of upgraded components, a few leftover junk items have been converted to be extra crafting components to keep some variety in crafting recipes. Our new total for crafting components is 11, where it used to be almost 30.
•   To free up inventory space Components now deposit directly into the Engineering menu and can be seen on the right panel (where the Elements used to be displayed) and each component has its own individual cap (99) instead of the shared cap that elements used.
•   If a component in the menu is at its cap the component will be deposited into the inventory for storage or to feed to the recycler.
•   All crafting recipes have been updated to only use components, with more and rarer components required for rare and powerful items as well as upgrades.

What does this achieve?
What all of this does is remove all those extra steps we used to have where you would have to check the requirements, go and craft the required components from elements (probably stop to check the recipe again, make sure all the items were still in your inventory and not dropped on the ground if your inventory was full), and finally craft the item. Now, you can clearly see if you have the required items or not, and if you do, it’s one button click and the item is yours.

Removing Harvesting
While the effect was pretty cool looking, harvesting elements from world items has been removed since elements are no longer part of the crafting process. That lamp on the table is now just a lamp, and not a random object that you hoped contained Silica. This also lets us dramatically reduce the number of things that need to be saved, loaded and monitored, improving performance.

Being able to harvest everything right from the beginning of the game also allowed the player to create a really strong base immediately without having to explore or work much for it. Changing over to predictable component drops would fix this.

Component Drops
Components will continue to spawn randomly in the world but now containers and enemies will have a chance to spawn components based on predetermined lists allowing for predictable and in some cases challenging drops. These lists are based on location or enemy type so if you need a Defense Module, for instance, Garrison may have what you are looking for, or maybe “ask” your nearest Seeker.

When Salvaging buildable items or equipment roughly 1/3 of the total components used to craft the item will be randomly returned. Each component is capped to the items total crafting/upgrading cost so you may get lucky and have your rare items returned, but you won’t get more than went into the item in the first place.

To address a long running sustainability issue with hydroponics, food and drink items can now be Salvaged into Fertilizer with a chance to upgrade to a + or ++ version.

Other items have had their ability to be salvaged removed.

Removed the Solder item in favor of just using Repair Kits for all your damaged item needs. Repair Kits remain inventory items that will be consumed when used from the Engineering -> Repair menu. Repair Kits will automatically repair a defined percentage when used based on the items rarity, with rare items recovering less health per use than their more common counterparts.

To reflect the new importance of Repair Kits they are now craftable using a few base components, they're also more common to find in the world.

We hope that this new way of crafting fixes the issues that the previous system had while at the same time dramatically simplifying it and making it more enjoyable to use. Please comment below about your personal thoughts about this new system, you might think the old system was fine as it was, maybe you love the new idea or maybe you're somewhere in-between.

Thanks everyone! We look forward to your feedback.

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #84 on: December 09, 2017, 04:24:08 PM »
Dev Blog 80: Winter Progress Update

Happy thursday! We wanted to share a quick progress update, as it's been awhile since we posted.

The reason it's been a awhile is that we've been wrestling with some Unity engine bugs. To make a long story short, we had to upgrade to the newest version of Unity (2017.2) to fix a crippling bug, but unfortunately this version introduced a new crippling bug with the lighting engine (we are literally unable to build a copy of the game with lighting, currently). Over the past couple weeks we've been working closely with Unity trying to narrow in on the issue and help them get it resolved ASAP.

We're pretty bummed about this roadblock because otherwise, we've got a huge update just about ready to launch. There's Nirvana, level streaming, the major crafting overhaul we mentioned last post, and a whole ton of other fixes and improvements. This is going to be the most substantial content update since launch, and should also improve performance quite significantly across the board (and reduce load times!).

We're super eager to get this huge update out, and are doing everything in our power to assist Unity with getting this underlying engine bug fixed. Thanks for your patience and understanding, we promise it'll be worth the wait.

p.s. - We also meant to share some screenshots of Nirvana by now; this bug we're encountering is unfortunately breaking lighting completely, so any images we'd share would look totally flat and lackluster compared to how it will actually look when shipped. Trust us, we're just as upset as you guys that we haven't been able to share a proper screenshot or two by now!
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #85 on: December 09, 2017, 06:16:45 PM »
when released this will probably be the update that gets me back into the game, looks huge. i have been pretty much wargaming lately.
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #86 on: January 30, 2018, 05:43:38 PM »
Dev Blog #82: Unity Bug Status Update

Hi everyone, we wanted to give you all a quick update on what we've been up to since our last blog post.

We've been in continuous contact with Unity's bugfixing engineers for over a month now, and it seems like they're narrowing in on the issue that's been blocking this update (an issue related to loading lighting data; it's affecting both Nirvana and the level streaming we've been working on for some time now).

Since we don't have an exact ETA on when this issue will be fixed, we are attempting a workaround fix that would allow us to push out the new Nirvana area, our crafting system update, and a whole ton of bugfixes and polish we've been working on these past months. The only thing that wouldn't be present is level streaming (meaning that the game would be loaded bit by bit as you play, making for better performance and much quicker load times compared to how it currently works).

This workaround is still in the testing phase, but we're crossing our fingers it will do the trick so that you guys can jump into some new content while we wait for the Unity Engine bug to be resolved.

Alongside all of this, we've also got a new weapon in the works that we're pretty excited about! We'll share a preview when it's closer to completion.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, thank you all so much for your patience and understanding. We're working very closely with Unity on this and are doing our very best to get these issues resolved/worked around as quickly as possible.
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Online Asid

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #87 on: February 28, 2018, 02:56:53 PM »
Dev Blog #83: Update Coming Very Soon

Hello all, we've got a short but sweet news update for you today; we're smoothing out some final details, and once that's done, we'll be pushing a huge update including Nirvana, new crafting mechanics, and much, much more! This is the largest single update to the game since we launched into Early Access and we're super excited about finally getting it out to you (thanks for patiently waiting while we dealt with some Unity Engine related hurdles!).

For those of you familiar, we are still battling with a Unity Engine bug which is preventing us from releasing our level streaming update, which will massively reduce load times and should improve performance as well. We were able to devise a workaround which will enable us to push out the Nirvana update, but for the moment we are still stuck with regards to streaming. We'll keep you guys updated as that progresses.

Please note that this update will wipe saves, due to the sheer amount of additions and fixes across the board. We're sorry, but promise it will be worth it!

Keep your eyes peeled for the update later this week. We'll post the full changelog when that goes live.

Till next time!
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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #88 on: February 28, 2018, 10:36:01 PM »
Update: PAMELA v0.3.0.1 is Live – MASSIVE Update: New District, Crafting Overhaul, and a mountain of fixes
P.A.M.E.L.A.ฎ - NVYVE Studios

<Please note! This update will cause existing world save files to be deleted due to massive additions and changes!>

Hello everyone! As promised, we've got a huge update ready for you to dive into. We were able to successfully implement a workaround to the Unity bug we've been struggling with (thanks to James from the NVYVE Team!) which means we're able to put 90% of the features that we've been working on live.

The largest addition is Nirvana, a massive new District located beneath the surface of Eden. You can access this huge new area by accessing an entrance in the Oasis courtyard, opposite from Arcadia. Let us know what you think of this new area - it is by far the largest environmental addition to the game since launch! Here are some tasty screenshots to take a look at before you jump in:

We also launched a huge crafting system update! Instead of reiterating all of it here, I'll link to this blog post we wrote previously that sums up the changes nicely:

This is a pretty massive overhaul which is intended to make the crafting experience more streamlined, and involve less memorizing of components. One big change is the removal of harvesting. We debated quite a bit internally about this, and along with your feedback on our last post, we decided that it was ultimately the right option.

Harvesting, while fun in short bursts here and there, was not really an interesting activity to do long term. Along with the streamlining, we've made crafting more loot based, in which you need to find components from the environment and enemy bodies. The goal is that this will be a more natural and engaging way of collecting components . Please give us feedback on these changes as we want to make sure the balance is just right!

Aside from those 2 main points, we've fixed an absolute TON of bugs, and implemented a ton of improvements as well. As always, find the full list below.

So, the only thing that's NOT in this update that we were planning on, is level streaming. We've been hyping this up for some time now, and are unfortunately still in the process of resolving a Unity Engine bug with Unity's bugfixing team. Luckily we were able to implement a workaround to let us push the rest of this update, but for now we're still unable to release the level streaming functionality. When this does do live, you'll see a big loading time improvement, as well as performance improvements during gameplay. We've super excited about it still, and will keep you guys updated as to how things are progressing on that front.

Phew, that was a big one. We've got lots more in store coming soon to look out for (a new weapon, PAMELA abilities, level streaming, and eventually more story content, enemies, and area to explore). Thank you all so much for bearing with us these last couple months while we've been pushing to get this update out. We'll be aiming to get back into a more regular update cycle, especially once we smooth things over with Unity.


•   New District: Nirvana! It can be accessed via an elevator at the far end of the Oasis courtyard, opposite from Arcadia. Have fun exploring this huge new area!
•   Massive Crafting system overhaul; see this post for full details, there are a ton of changes:
•   Added craftable Canteens
•   Added craftable Ion Cores
•   Added character sliding on steep ledges to prevent player reaching undesireable areas

•   The Map Menu now shows POI icons for kiosks, locked doors, Power Stations, Power Switches, and more
•   Shield Pylon walls now flash red to indicate when they are taking damage
•   Improved positioning on pop up icons when looking at items in the world, for increased legibility, as well as smoothed out their on/off transitions
•   Sleep menu now fades on and off more nicely
•   Added Guaranteed items to each type of Kiosk so that player does not rely completely on RNG for items like Power Cells, etc.
•   Improved flashiness of spending a point in the Genome Point upgrading menu
•   Improved melee weapons' hitboxes for more reliable hit dectection
•   Improved melee weapons' camera shake
•   Added controller button for Pickup All in containers
•   Controller vibration can now be disabled
•   Added ability to revert to default settings in control menu using controller
•   Added callouts for LB / RB on controller in Inventory menu to switch tabs
•   Added radius display when in deploy mode for Power Transmitters to get a better idea of their build radius before placement

•   Stalker's pathfinding has been improved to react better around buildables
•   Fixed bug with Vanishing Shield not properly making player invisible to NPCs
•   Fixed rare input bug that could occur in the tutorial menu
•   Added invisible colliders to prevent player from falling into certain undesirable areas
•   Fixed weapons not always deactivating properly when switching from fore to dorsal attachment slot
•   Fixed some typos on Power Stations
•   Fixed bug with Cyanotubes in which they sometimes spawned in as repaired rather than destroyed
•   Fixed some typos on elevator UI
•   Removed unused radial menu for NPCs
•   Fixed bug in which if the player died during looting something, the overlay would never disappear and not allow any further interaction with the game
•   Fixed a bug with dying while inventory is open
•   Discharge PAMELA Ability upgrades now properly upgrade the force and radius of the attack
•   Guidance PAMELA Ability upgrades now properly upgrade the strength of the light
•   Enhance PAMELA Ability upgrades now properly upgrade the damage of the ability
•   Fixed bug with shield idle not playing properly
•   Fixed bug in which hands would not properly lower after combat
•   Fixed obscure bug with opening IVG quickly while looking at an item breaking it
•   Added camera bob to Warden's first
•   Fixed bug with Butcher's Blade that hit enemies multiple times with one swing
•   PAMELA Abilities now correctly use up District power when used
•   PAMELA Abilities are now correctly unavailable in "No Power" mode; make sure to stay at least in Emergency Mode to be able to use abilities!
•   Status menu now correctly updates with game time
•   PAMELA Abilities can now be used while running
•   Fixed bug in which opening and closing radial menu quickly can block primary attack input
•   Fixed a delay in melee weapon attack input
•   PAMELA Abilities now display a flytext notification when they come off cooldown
•   Weapon sounds now correctly follow player to sound more accuracte when used
•   Arc Welder alternate fire SFX now properly despawn
•   Tutorial popups now work correctly with controller
•   Fixed instances of player cursor appearing when it is not supposed to
•   Fixed certain buttons not being available in certain menus even though they are not being overriden by that menu (for example, you can now turn on/off the flashlight with the IVG open)
•   Fixed some movement inconsistencies between keyboard and controller
•   FIxed inventory text to properly display contoller controls
•   Tweaked cryo bay brightness
•   Thumbsticks now correctly allow menu navigation in all relevant menus
•   Fixed bug with player corpse menu sticking on screen if inventory is opened with "I" key while menu is already open
•   Smoothed out icon transition between inventory and crafting menus
•   Fixed bug with pausing while sleeping
•   Fixed loading issue with pylons not connecting to walls properly
•   Fixed bug with game displaying incorrect version number in main menu
•   Fixed bug where switching aim more from free aim to fixed during gameplay would break aiming until game is reloaded
•   Fixed containers missing their colliders
•   Fixed one of the Garrison cryo bars not properly unlocking Garrison spawn bay
•   Promenade district is now visible from slightly further away to reduce visual inconsistencies
•   Fixed blood on screen effect not showing up properly when game is reloaded
•   Fixed many misc issues with doors locking and unlocking
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Online Asid

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Re: P.A.M.E.L.A.
« Reply #89 on: March 07, 2018, 06:45:58 PM »
1 Year Anniversary Sale

To celebrate our 1 year anniversary on Steam, and our huge Nirvana update, P.A.M.E.L.A. will be available 25% off all week!

We've got a lot more in store as we head into summer, including new weapons, abilities, enemies, and story content. This is a great time to jump in if you haven't already.

Thank you so much to those of you who've supported us throughout this first year, and welcome to those of you who are just getting into the game! Your support and feedback mean the world to us and help us to shape PAMELA into the best game it can be.

We'll be sharing some plans and milestones for the next few months soon, so keep your eyes out for that, and have fun!
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