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Re: Panzer Corps 2
« Reply #60 on: March 05, 2021, 01:09:17 AM »
Help us test the first Tournament of Panzer Corps 2
Wed, 3 March 2021

The Slitherine Tournament system is being implemented in Panzer Corps 2, and we are looking for players willing to help us test it in a beta starting next week.

What is it?

It is a system which allows us to set up online PvP tournaments with automatic pairing of opponents as well as automatic creation of paired online games between opponents.

It is extremely easy to use: if a player wants to join a tournament, all they need to do is to sign up through the Slitherine site, then when each round starts the system will automatically create games between him and his opponent, and he'll receive e-mail notifications when his turn is about to start.

You can find more information on how it works and on its rules by reading this section.

Help us test it

We're currently about to start the final tests for the Tournament system in Panzer Corps 2, and therefore we're looking for willing testers.

If you'd like to take part in this beta test, you can take part by signing up for the Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1941 Beta, and specify in the "About yourself" section that you would like to take part in the tournament test.

Our producer Shards will contact you privately and send you the link in order to sign up to the tournament. The first round of the test tournament will begin on Monday March 8 at 9 am GMT.

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Re: Panzer Corps 2
« Reply #61 on: March 06, 2021, 02:30:08 AM »
Axis Operations - 1941 || The Battle of Raseiniai
Fri, 5 March 2021

Axis Operations - 1941 will be released on March 18

We're publishing a new Battle video showcasing one of the scenarios coming with Axis Operations - 1941.

It is a large tank engagement that took place during the eatly stage of Operation Barbarossa: the Battle of Raseiniai.

Each scenario in Axis Operations - 1941 has been carefully researched and designed to be different. We hope that this battle video did a good job at showing Raseiniai in Panzer Corps 2.

Furthermore, we have some important news: Axis Operations - 1941 will be released on March 18.

We'll see you next week with another battle video: Bryansk.

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Re: Panzer Corps 2
« Reply #62 on: March 16, 2021, 11:38:14 PM »
Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1941 || The Battle of Bryansk
12 March 2021

Time for a new Battle video of Axis Operations - 1941.

This time we feature a large battle fought on the eastern front: Bryansk. In the video, among other things, we showcase the new muddy terrain coming with the new DLC.

Watch the video

It's only a few days until the release of Axis Operations - 1941. Are you ready?
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Re: Panzer Corps 2
« Reply #63 on: June 28, 2021, 11:35:39 PM »
Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1942 is coming soon
10 June 2021

We're announcing the next Axis Operations DLC for Panzer Corps 2: 1942.

It is a crucial year in WW2, with some of the largest battles of the whole war occuring on the fiercely contested Eastern Front. This new campaign is 17 missions long with players needing to fight both tooth and nail against the Red Army as Germany.

Axis Operations 1942 retains some classic features of the Axis Operations series, such as returning mechanics like Commendation points as well as original and unconventional new mission objectives, including airlifting supplies to pockets of German forces, providing dedicated Close Air Support for Axis partner nations, and one very unusual mission to assist in the escorting of several Kriegsmarine vessels directly through the English Channel.

It is also the first Axis Operations DLC with more than one ending. Given the importance of the battle of Stalingrad, seen by many as the real turning point of the war, you will see different outcomes depending on how well you perform there.

It also includes new units, of course. There are new units for Hungary (improved Toldi II Model 1942 and Turan 1 tanks), new utility and prototype units, to supplement the game's impressive array of mid-war era vehicles and weaponry, as well as visual upgrades for existing German vehicles.

Just like any other Axis Operations DLC, it can be played as a standalone DLC or, if you want, you can import your core army from the previous DLC, 1941. At the end of 1942 you will also be able to export your core army to any future DLC of the Axis Operations series.

Axis Operations 1942 will be released on July 9th.

If you would like to sign up for the beta, you can do so by clicking here. Your feedback is extremely valuable, and it will help us greatly.

Last but not least, we're opening a new tournament for Panzer Corps 2. You can sign up now. The first round will begin next week, on Thursday June 17. It is a PBEM tournament which will accompany us throughout the release of the DLC, and will conclude one day before its release.

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Re: Panzer Corps 2
« Reply #64 on: July 02, 2021, 11:30:24 PM »
    Panzer Corps 2: Anniversary event announcement & Dev Diary
    1 July 2021

    Come celebrate ten years of Panzer Corps with us

    Before we plunge into the detail of our first Development Dairy, we are pleased to announce that we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Panzer Corps Franchise. The celebrations will start on Friday, the 9th of July and will kick off with a live event on Twitch. There will be discounts, a new announcement, the opening of a new tournament and even a live interview with the creator of Panzer Corps: Alex Shargin.

    The action will kick off at 4pm BST on our official twitch channel: and will be sure to be highlight for Panzer Corps fans like us.


    First detailed look into Axis Operations 1942

    With the 1941 campaign putting the Panzer Corps 2 Axis Operations Grand Campaign on the path to Russia, Axis Operations 1942 is doubling down with a new campaign that is (almost) exclusively set on the Eastern Front of World War II. 

    In this latest DLC campaign of 17 scenarios, Axis Operations 1942 contains all the more Panzer Corps 2 gameplay our players have been enjoying since launch, but also includes some pretty radical twists to keep the gameplay fresh.

    In this fifth chapter of the Axis Operation Grand Campaign, there are some new, high quality prototype tank models to look at, a variety of additional German and Soviet unit camo skins, and a entirely new type of scenario: Close Air Support.

    Close Air Support Missions

    This is something we only very lightly experimented with in the past, in scenarios such as Dunkirk from the 1940 Axis Operations Campaign, but now we are seeing this concept taken to a very advanced state.  It represents several different aspects of the game (Aircraft base mechanics, the mechanisms of AI partners, and bonus objectives) all coming together to form something very new and original.

    In Axis Operations 1942, there are going to be several missions that will only allow the player to deploy their aircraft to the battles!

    Not only does this represent a new type of gameplay, but it is very much rooted in history.  As the war waged on, stretching the German military across Europe, the Luftwaffe often found themselves called in to support far flung operations.  This also gives Panzer Corps 2 an opportunity to explore more historical WW2 battles that are practically never seen in other games, and in this particular case that battle is the Channel Dash of 1942.

    It will be up to the player to provide air cover as three German warships attempt their daring passage right through the English Channel in Operation Cerberus.

    And later on, more Close Air Support missions will appear on the Eastern Front.  One scenario has Hungarian AI allies requesting your aircraft to aid them near Voronezh.  It must be said, it is quite satisfying to have several squadrons of Stuka coming in to the rescue of your allies by diving in to blast a column of Soviet tanks!

    Fear not, players who play with Denied Air Force, these missions are all optional, and you can still deploy your stocks of captured aircraft if you really want to engage with them without a standard German Air Force.

    Historical German Leadership

    After the positive reception to the appearance of Rommel in the Axis Operations 1940 Campaign, we're beginning to dive more into this concept by having even more legendary German leaders appear in and participate in the scenario briefings.

    While the appearance of these historical figures cannot replace the loss of characters we've previously seen, they definitely add both context and perspective to many of the battles players will be engaging with in Axis Operations 1942.

    The first figure is one players have potentially already seen in a few scenarios, but instead of serving as a fighter pilot hero, newly promoted General der Jagdflieger Adolf Galland takes his historical place in Operation Cerberus to brief the player on their upcoming battle.

    Another figure who will be making appearances now is Generaloberst (soon to be Field Marshal) Erich von Manstein.  A legendary figure of the Eastern Front, players will see Field Marshal Manstein in several critical battles, and one often overlooked one on the outskirts of Leningrad during the Autumn of 1942...


    New unit models

    Panzer Corps 2 already contains an absolutely massive library of WW2 equipment models, but there is always room for just a few more.  Accompanying the release of Axis Operations 1942, the following units are being added to the base edition of the game.  These models, as before, are for all players to enjoy, but they get special highlights in the new Axis Operations 1942 campaign content to specifically showcase them.

    • Tiger (P), the Porsche Tiger

    • Just before the start of Operation Barbarossa, there was an idea in Germany to mount their impressive 88mm gun on a heavy tank design.  That idea, plus the surprise of encountering Soviet made medium and heavy tanks during Barbarossa, is where the story of the Porsche Tiger begins.   
    • But after a series of test trials, this design would lose out to the legendary and iconic Tiger I that is now so instantly recognizable.   
    • Several Tiger(P) can be acquired by players who perform above and beyond the call of duty, but it not a tank destined to ever be put into full production.
    • Improved Panzer IIIM and Panzer IIINs

    • Panzer IIIM now has extra turret side armor   
    • Panzer IIIN now has extra turret side armor and extra hull side armor!
    • FW-189 Recon Aircraft

    • The very unique looking Focke-Wulf 189 aircraft was designed with a single role in mind: aerial reconnaissance.  And to this role, it proved to be an exceptional design.   
    • The FW-189 served extensively on the Eastern Front and was known for being very difficult to shoot down thanks to its extreme manoeuvrability.  And unlike other recon type aircraft that are completely unarmed, the FW-189 has some limited armament that it can fight with as well.
    • Barrage Balloons

    • Barrage Balloons are by no means normal blimps or zeppelins and serve their purpose from a stationary position.   
    • Barrage Balloons can block the airspace over a target, requiring them to be destroyed before bombing can commence on targets below.   
    • These units also serve as target practice in training scenarios. This gives fighter aircraft an airborne target they can engage with to fast track their experience levels.   
    • Barrage Balloons are also units on the 'air' layer that are not tied to airfields like normal aircraft!
    • Ju52 and Me323 on the ground

    • Similar to the inclusion of various Soviet aircraft appearing on the ground, these German transport aircraft, when on the ground, will serve as special objective units, especially as objectives to defend.  [/*]
    • Hungarian Toldi IIa tank

    • A new development by Hungary, the Toldi IIa tank represents a significant improvement over the Toldi light tanks that have been made available to campaigning players during their 1941 campaigns.   
    • Superior stats at a lower slot cost will make these vehicles extremely valuable, if you can get your hands on them.
    • Soviet Po-2 Biplane Bomber

    • More commonly designated  as the U-2, which primarily served a role as a training aircraft or reconnaissance aircraft, the Po-2 designation refers to the light bomber variant of this Russian biplane.   
    • The most notable operators of the Po-2 bombers were the Night Witches, a Soviet bomber Regiment that was comprised exclusively of female pilots.  Their earned their particular name not only from their female orientation, but also for their night time attacks against German positions during the Battle of Stalingrad.
    Influencing the Eastern Front

    Ever since the Panzer Corps 2 Axis Operations Campaign has started, there have been players who have been looking for more strategic control of the war's course.  While grand strategy is a bit too far outside the scope of Panzer Corps 2, this idea has been our radar for a while now.

    And the content approaches the Mid and Late War Eras, we believe the Axis Operations campaign is finally reaching the point where meaningful exploration of alternate history paths can begin.

    This is exemplified in Axis Operations 1942 having two different endings!  How this will affect future content, as history and alternate history continue to diverge, we are extremely excited to unveil.  At the very least, it will continue to pave the way for more original content to arrive as we explore uncharted territory alongside the traditional historical battles players may already be familiar with.


    Your Feedback

    As always, we are reading and listening to your feedback.  Many thousands of posts and messages have greatly improved Panzer Corps 2 for its entire player base, and we encourage you to continue to share your thoughts and wants for the game into the future!



    We hope you enjoyed this extended preview of the upcoming Axis Operations 1942.  Axis Operations: 1942 is currently finishing its testing phase, and is scheduled to deploy in mid July 2021.

    In the meantime, don’t forget to join us for our 10 years of Panzer Corps celebrations. The celebrations will start on Friday, the 9th of July and will kick off with a live event on Twitch. The action will kick off at 4pm BST on our official twitch channel: and will be sure to be highlight for Panzer Corps fans like us.

    We look forward to seeing you there.

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    Re: Panzer Corps 2
    « Reply #65 on: July 09, 2021, 11:10:42 PM »
    Panzer Corps goes Pacific
    9 July 2021

    Panzer Corps goes Pacific

    For the first time in its 10 year history the Panzer Corps series is going to thoroughly explore the Pacific theatre of operations in the Second World War. This DLC is the first installment in a new series of campaigns which will portray the dramatic events of the Pacific War.

    In this new expansion players can enjoy many new scenarios and be immersed in a completely new set of terrain graphics, new game rules and a new major faction. Pacific is still the good old Panzer Corps 2 game which fans enjoy and love, but at the same time it’s also a new, different and original experience.

    At long last Japan has been added to Panzer Corps 2. With the introduction of Pacific, Japan is playable not only in a new campaign, but also in random scenarios and in Multiplayer. It is also fully available to modders and designers of custom content. In addition to that, the USA faction has also received many new units, with a particular focus on famous carrier-based aircraft. Overall, 70 new models will be added to the game.

    In the Pacific theater naval warfare played a prominent and critical role, and thus the naval aspect of the game needed to be expanded and have depth added. For this reason, naval game rules have been significantly revamped and extended. All the existing content has also been tested and tweaked to work with the new naval system without any glitches.

    The new Pacific campaign represents many famous (and some not so famous) battles which took place between 1941 and 1943, among which are Guadalcanal, Midway, Wake Island and Tarawa. As players have come to expect, after finishing this campaign, it will be possible to save core units and bring them to the next part of the series.

    We will reveal and show more of Panzer Corps 2: Pacific and disclose the release date in the next few months. More information can be currently found on its product page.

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    Re: Panzer Corps 2
    « Reply #66 on: November 23, 2021, 11:49:48 PM »
    Panzer Corps 2 - v1.02.02 Update
    Tue, 23 November 2021

    We're releasing a new update today, this one consisting of a number of fixes.

    You can find the full changelog below.

    Change log:

    - Fixed crashes and errors when assigning heroes outside the Deployment Phase (both manually or from scripts)
    - Fixed crashes which some people experienced with "Show Instances" option turned off
    - Fixed tooltips over difficulty levels
    - Fixed red selection getting stuck in "import core" popup
    - Fixed encirclement markers not showing for allied players

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    Re: Panzer Corps 2
    « Reply #67 on: March 17, 2022, 11:38:15 PM »
    Axis Operations - 1943 is coming soon
    17 March 2022

    Today we have a great announcement for you.

    We're announcing the next Axis Operations DLC for Panzer Corps 2: 1943

    The Axis Operations 1943 DLC Campaign focuses entirely on the Eastern Front.  But more importantly, this DLC begin to answer long standing questions of the series, culminating in the possibility to permanently alter the course of the war in this campaign... and also in future campaigns to come!

    In addition to the continuing trend of bonus mission objectives inspired by true historical events, this campaign will be supplemented by appearances from additional historical German leaders from World War II.

    As no 1942 campaign could be complete without Stalingrad, no 1943 campaign can overlook the infamous Battle of Kursk
    Engage in a unique take on this battle, often touted as the Largest Tank Battle in History, as you pit your Wehrmacht veterans against the seemingly endless lines of Soviet defenses protecting their salient.

    Axis Operations 1943 will be released later this spring. We will be revealing the release date in the coming weeks.

    If you would like to sign up for the beta, you can do so by clicking here. Your feedback is extremely valuable, and it will help us greatly.

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    Re: Panzer Corps 2
    « Reply #68 on: May 15, 2022, 10:35:47 PM »
    Panzer Corps 2 - Axis Operations 1943 - Dev Diary 1
    20 April 2022

    Opening Statement

    Greetings, Panzer Generals! Before we begin with this Developer Diary, we thought it to be important to address the elephant in the room. No, not this Elephant with its 8.8cm gun...

    But rather, the time gap since the last Axis Operations installment. The first five chapters in the series came out in pretty rapid succession, but then there was many months passing after the 1942 campaign released.

    For that, all we can give you is our apologies. But let us assure you now, it was time well spent recuperating, planning, and continuing work on the awesome game that is Panzer Corps 2.

    One of the biggest time eaters has been needed to plan, and execute, the concept of a split timeline. There's a lot of groundbreakings to take content that is usually added as a fun bonus with no reasonable connections or lingering effects, and instead integrating that in a Grand Campaign that is ongoing.

    Ultimately though, this could mean even more than just a split timeline. Specifically, one of the concepts we've put a lot of thought into the classical late war problem of 'why am I losing the war if I keep winning every battle?'. In theory, we can potentially explore that winning potential, and completely recontextualize the nature of what 'winning' the late war German historical campaign means.

    What if, for example, there were scenarios you couldn't lose in 1944, but instead your task during each scenario was accomplished as much as you can inside of it. Did you just survive the scenario, or did you 'win' it? Victory might only get you as far as a historical outcome, where anything less spells eventual doom.

    The bottom line though, we are at a point where we want the Axis Operations Grand Campaign to be much, much more than just a machine stamping out scenarios, and a lot of extra time and energy was needed to conceptualize just how we could continue to innovate, before we could begin to produce the content. Which leads us to...

    The effect on Axis Operations 1943 East

    With that extra-long gap of time between 1942 and the upcoming 1943 campaign, we've had a real opportunity to take 1943 to the next level, and we want to shine a spotlight on several of the campaign highlights here today.

    In this sixth chapter of the Axis Operation Grand Campaign, we're going to take a look at some of the surprises in the Axis Operation Kursk battles, returning customization options, a lot more historical goodies, and a very special ending that players have been asking us to get in the game for a long time now.

    Kursk in the Axis Operations

    Now we're all certainly familiar with that historical tagline for Kursk of the 'Largest Tank Battle in History'. And with our game literally having 'Panzer' as part of its title, we definitely have that aspect of the battle in play.

    There's going to be lots of action for your brand-new Panthers, Tigers, and other German armor to engage in.

    But more than that, we wanted to take advantage of Panzer Corps 2's unique game systems to make the various scenarios that explore the Battle of Kursk to be a lot more than just tanks clashing against each other.

    Some of these battle maps are so dense, that internal testing shows progress of the player's army slowed down to a rate of advancing just 1 hex per turn! The historical Soviet defenses of Kursk have been brought to life in the Axis Operations 1943 campaign, as layers of minefields, supporting anti-tank weapons, hardened strongpoints, and Soviet air support will fight their hardest to stop your German spearheads from penetrating into the Kursk Salient!

    Most dangerously, the Soviet forces have learned from the past years of conflict and the power of German air support, and now there are many squadrons of Soviet aircraft who have the very specific mission and ability to provide support fire... against ground attacks!

    A returning feature

    As you can see in the above image, something we've finally been able to return to the Axis Operations that players enjoyed in the Vanilla Campaign is the ability to turn off the turn limit for this campaign.

    We have structured as many scenarios as possible to allow for the disabling of the turn limit, if the player so desires. We haven't quite got every single scenario to play without a turn limit, many defensive objectives require the timer to govern their conclusion, but as much as possible for this, and future DLC, we will strive to once again allow players to disable the scenario turn limits.
    More History than any past DLC

    One of the biggest beneficiaries of the extra time we've had with 1943, is we have had a lot more time to weave more history into the content. There is, without a doubt, more text in briefings, debriefings, and scenario messages than any DLC we have produced so far.

    Extra special attention has been given to the mannerisms and speech patterns of the historical figures you will encounter in this campaign. For example, many of Erich von Manstein's appearances now directly reflect his true thoughts on the conflicts on the Eastern Front he participated in. This is thanks to us having the time to fully read and absorb some of his extensive writings on the war, to use as reference and to inject authenticity to his character.

    Also, less History than any past DLC (but more history)

    The other thing we have had extra time to really explore is, at long last, the ability for the players actions to actually influence not just their tactical victories, but potentially alter the course of the full war on the Eastern Front!

    Be warned, consider everything you read from here on a MAJOR SPOILER!!!

    In the past, even in the original Grand Campaign, we've never really been able to explore a proper historical outcome. This has always resulted in extremely truncated bits of content, more like just a bonus mission. You finish off Germany as the Allied Powers, and you get a single bonus scenario to explore Operation Unthinkable. You capture Moscow, and teleport to the East Coast of the United States. Or you manage a miraculous victory at the Battle of the Bulge, and go on to a truly fanciful series of events that leads you to Sealion 45. Fun stuff, but complete flights of fancy that act more like bonus material than a fleshed out and highly detailed campaign.

    In Axis Operations 1943 though, we are able to present a major split in the timeline. We did extensive research on the idea of 'what would Germany do next after a victory at Kursk?' And we found that the answer was not 'go on to take Moscow and end the war with Soviet Russia'. After all, before the Battle of Kursk, who had even heard of Kursk? Even in planning for Operation Citadel, German leaders realized how ridiculous the amount of effort and resources being prepared to take basically nowhere that no one had previously even heard of.

    What that means is the historical branch of the Panzer Corps 2 Axis Operations campaign is taking shape like no campaign before it has. We've planned and research a wealth of information to offer our take on what German victory at Kursk could result in both short and long term.

    Suffice to say, the fighting on the Eastern Front is not going to magically stop, but whole new campaigns are going to be fought as your victories erase events such as the German retreat from the Dneiper River, and are replaced by new frontlines that Allied and Axis leadership will have to consider and plan for...

    Your Feedback

    As always, we are reading and listening to your feedback. Many thousands of posts and messages have greatly improved Panzer Corps 2 for its entire player base, and we encourage you to continue to share your thoughts and wants for the game in the future!

    We especially encourage anyone who would like to participate in the DLC BETA testing to do so.


    We hope you enjoyed this first glimpse into the upcoming 1943 Axis Operations DLC campaign, and stay tuned for at least one more of these Dev Diaries to come where we will explore some of the new units, briefing images, and true historical content being added to this latest DLC campaign.
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    Re: Panzer Corps 2
    « Reply #69 on: May 15, 2022, 10:36:18 PM »
    Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1943 - May Announcement
    13 May 2022

    Achtung, Panzer Generals!

    Because the upcoming Axis Operations 1943 is so jam packed with goodies, we have a very special second Developer Diary for you to get another preview of even more of the upcoming additions to Panzer Corps 2!

    First off, the important news! Axis Operations 1943 is releasing the 26th of May!

    With no time to waste today, we're going to jump right into a general game improvement first with...

    A collection of new German hero portraits

    One request we have received time and again is to increase the portrait variety of heroes the game hands out, especially from those players with highly veteran and many times imported CORE forces.  To you I say, we have new assets!

    Panzer Corps 2 has expanded its German hero portrait variety with a number of new images, which should reduce the repetition of seeing the same hero image repeatedly.  This new batch of heroes is focused very heavily on Panzer and StuG crew portraits, to complement the existing infantry and Luftwaffe portraits we already have in game.  And the six images you see here are just a few of the added portraits!

    This change is actually not unique to the upcoming Axis Operations 1943 campaign, but will be available to all owners of any edition of Panzer Corps 2.  Everyone should be seeing these awesome new portraits begin to appear in any German campaign they play as soon as the update rolls out.

    Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, new and improved

    In our extensive historical research of the Eastern Front of World War II, one name seemed to come up time and time again:  Erich von Manstein.  Considered by some to be the most brilliant German military mind during this conflict, von Manstein's list of battles and victories is extensive as it was incredible.  Even before his infamous combat career on the Eastern Front, he lent his genius to the Western Front of 1940, with the so-named 'Manstein Plan' that resulted in the collapse of France in just six weeks!

    We really wanted to do this historical figure justice, so we armed him with amazing looking new portraits as you can see here.  Additionally, players will get deep insight into Field Marshal von Manstein's mannerisms, thought processes, and abilities in this campaign, as we scoured many historical sources to properly represent this historical figure in the campaigns of 1943. 

    In fact, one of our BETA testers gave us feedback that described our depiction of him as  'the Gigachad himself'.  When I inquired what this tester meant by that, they elaborated with this visual they created.

    Jokes aside, this attention to historical characters definitely adds extra flavor to Axis Operations 1943, and could be an intriguing trend for future campaigns to really spotlight specific historical characters!  Maybe one day we'll see the likes of Patton, Bradley, Zhukov, or Nimitz done in such detail?

    New Equipment

    As has been tradition with the new Axis Operations DLC series, we once again have a few new units to showcase!

    Panther Prototype, Daimler-Benz VK 30 31

    After the rude shock of seeing Soviet heavy tanks as early as Operation Barbarossa, German engineers were working overtime to close the gap between their Panzers and Soviet tanks.  By the spring of 1942, the first designs were being prepared, and by early 1943 they were being produced for combat!

    Captured Soviet tanks had a very clear influence on these designs, as this particular Prototype Panther tank shows a very close resemblance to the Soviet T-34/76 tank.

    Panther IVH, Command Tank

    Some astute players have found this strange tank in the game files earlier than we anticipated, and now the time has finally come to talk about it!

    The strangely low Hard Attack value of this vehicle is very much intended, because it is not meant to be a combat vehicle.  In fact, it is not a production model chassis at all.  This particular vehicle resulted from a myriad of circumstances.  Specifically, a shortage of Panther turrets combined with the need for frontline commanders to be better protected in an enclosed command vehicle.

    So the gun in this tank's turret is actually completely inactive, a dummy weapon purely meant to intimidate any potential enemies from engaging the vehicle.  Given a certain Oberst's previous injuries during Barbarossa, this enclosed command vehicle is meant to be his new personal command vehicle in cases where he is forced to take to the field!

    He-219, Bomber Hunter

    Armed with a variety of anti-aircraft cannons, including some of them orientated in a fixed vertical position to attack bombers from below, the HE-219 was an aircraft meant to take on the steadily increasing amount of Allied bombers pounding German military and industrial targets.

    It has poor initiative values, making it a weak dogfighter, but air attack values even stronger than the venerable FW-190.

    SU-76i, Captured Panzer III

    After the debacle of Stalingrad, Allied forces actually had a significant number of captured German vehicles at their disposal.  This was a first, as before this deploying captured vehicles to combat was a luxury enjoyed mainly by the Axis as they rolled across Western and Eastern Europe.

    To better integrate all of their captured Panzer IIIs and StuG IIIs, the Soviets modified the captured German vehicles slightly.  While the hull of these vehicles is distinctly German, the upper structure has been re-armed with the standard 76.2mm weapon seen on many Soviet tanks.

    Azul Infanterie, Spanish Volunteers

    Although Spain was ostensibly neutral during World War II, the Blue Division volunteers did fight for the Axis Powers on the Eastern Front.

    As other infantry units upgrade to their 1943 variants to increase their firepower, especially anti-tank firepower, so too do the Spanish Volunteers get an upgrade.

    Because this is not a unit available for normal purchase, however, only players who import their Azul Infanterie into the Axis Operation 1943 campaign will have the opportunity to upgrade their old Azul Infanterie into their 1943 version.

    A different kind of Historical Campaigning

    In the past, there has always been a lingering issue with Late War German scenario content.  The question of 'Why am I winning every battle, but losing the war?'.  We are going to finally attempt to settle this issue with the split Historical and Ahistorical Branches of the Axis Operations campaigns.

    There has been a huge rethink on how scenario design and objectives are approached.  Thanks to having the Ahistorical Branch which can explore the player desire to fight and win and continuing winning now, the Historical content is no longer obliged to grant outrageous winning conditions in its scenarios.  What exactly does that mean?

    Well it means by the time we get to Berlin 1945, there is probably no objective to magically defend Berlin, and miraculously suddenly turn the tide in this final hour.  The Historical Branch can now focus on being purely historical.

    This probably means it is going to be a very rough campaign, that is extraordinarily punishing to players who think it possible resist the tide of history.  A lot of effort will be directed for the player to actually make history play out as it has.

    For example, less objectives to Capture all Victory Hexes and clear the map of all enemies.  More objectives to say... escort a historical figure to their historical end.  Adolf Galland is preparing to surrender to the Americans, but he and his unit must not only escape the advancing Soviets, but also evade other German forces that are attempting to stop any and all surrendering of their fellow Germans!

    We will only see the very first glimpses of this in the 1943 campaign, but the foundation is being set in scenarios such as Taman Peninsula where there really isn't the opportunity to win a glorious victory against the approaching Soviets, the only real path laid out in that scenario is to safely evacuate a series of very understrength German and Romanian units before they are overrun and destroyed.

    Your Feedback

    As always, we are reading and listening to your feedback.  Many thousands of posts and messages have greatly improved Panzer Corps 2 for its entire playerbase, and we encourage you to continue to share your thoughts and wants for the game into the future!

    Axis Operations 1943 is currently wrapping up its BETA testing, and we want to give a special thank you to all of our BETA testers for their hard effort to help us make each installment of Panzer Corps 2 content the best it can be!


    We hope you enjoyed this extra look into even more of the new additions coming in the Axis Operations 1943 campaign.  Even more surprises await in the campaign itself, so prepare your Panzers for its imminent release!

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    Re: Panzer Corps 2
    « Reply #70 on: July 13, 2022, 10:19:10 AM »
    Panzer Corps 2 - v 1.04.00 Update
    Tue, 12 July 2022

    Hello everyone,

    today we are releasing a small update for thegame.


    - Added all localizations for Axis Operations 1943
    - Fixed random crash at the beginning of a mission
    - Fixed sync issues in Minsk and other coop MP scenarios
    - Fixed crash when proceeding to the next mission with a 5-star armored train in the core
    - Other small fixes

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    Re: Panzer Corps 2
    « Reply #71 on: October 07, 2022, 12:50:04 AM »
    Axis Operations - 1944 Dev Diary #1
    Thu, 6 October 2022

    Today we are going to share a preview of the original ahistorical campaign coming in Axis Operations 1944

    The Beginning of the End...

    As the Axis Operations Grand Campaign approaches 1944, the end of the Second World War begins to loom. To give this 7th DLC its unique flavour, there are going to be two campaigns available in this one DLC! One campaign that explores continued German successes, and another that follows the dramatic decline and stunning defeats of the German Wehrmacht...

    In this first of two Developer Diaries, we’ll take an in-depth look at one of these campaigns. Today, we will share some previews of what is in store in the totally original Ahistorical Campaign of Axis Operations 1944.

    These are no mere minor or bonus scenarios though. With the fully fleshed out and methodically researched ahistorical campaign that began in 1943 and continues into 1944 and beyond, Panzer Corps 2 promises to offer the largest and most comprehensive take on an ahistorical World War II that has ever been attempted in a Panzer General type game!

    Be warned, there are major spoilers ahead! That in of itself is quite amazing and offers a glimpse into the extent of changes this campaign has in store compared to the World War II we are all already familiar with.

    A New 1944 (Huge Spoilers Ahead!)

    Throughout the course of the Axis Operations, we’ve dabbled in ahistorical content. Aside from the odd bonus scenario, the first big departure into ahistory was the 1940 Sea Lion invasion. Though ultimately unsuccessful, the seeds of changing your campaign destiny were first sown way back in the 1940 DLC. Events revolving around the capture of British Jet Fighter blueprints have been showing up ever since, including the potential early arrival of the Me262 Jet Fighter in Axis Operations 1943.

    Of course, we have to keep in mind where the ahistorical path of Axis Operations 1943 left us. Victory at Kursk, Rostov, and ultimately across the Caucasus has created a very different landscape of the Eastern Front from any we typically know of from history. To aid players in understanding these changes, we have a ton of character dialogue, scenarios that explore these new battles, and a large variety of maps on offer.

    For example, the historical 1944 we all know and recognize has an Eastern Front that looks like this.

    But this new and original ahistorical 1944 begins with a map that looks more like this:

    This German conquest of the Caucasus immediately puts the frontline adjacent to British-controlled Persia. For those that do not know, this trade route into the Soviet Union was a major line of supply for Allied Lend-Lease equipment. Historically, it was known as the ‘Persian Corridor’.

    So right away in the new ahistorical 1944, we will have a departure from the Soviet adversaries we have been fighting against so often on the Eastern Front.

    Allied Power Overwhelming

    Not only will there be new battles to fight, but new optional Elite Objectives just might give pause to even the most deeply imported and heroic stacked of player COREs. With the war approaching its end, the numerical superiority of the Allied powers offers the perfect backdrop to this new objective type. Here is just one preview of these special enemy formations that will test your mettle.

    Aiding you in the ongoing struggle, a cadre of historical German figures make their return in the ahistorical Axis Operations 1944 campaign. One of them is Generalleutnant Galland, who we have seen time and again across the Axis Operations since the Spanish Civil War.

    As head of German Western Fighter Command, General der Jagdflieger Galland will have a very special task for you. There is the matter of a certain invasion that takes place in 1944 that cannot be ignored before your eventual return to the Eastern Front...

    Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, returned

    There is another German character featured in the Axis Operations 1944 ahistorical campaign. In fact, he is probably the single most well-known, and respected, German General of the entire Second World War.

    Even though his days as commander of the vaunted Afrika Korps are now passed, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel is now in command of Army Group B: the German forces currently guard occupied France.

    But off the battlefield, Rommel is also known for being a participant in the July Plot. But when it ultimately failed, Rommel was then forced to take his life. He made this sacrifice to protect his country from the scandal of a trial, but also to protect his family from reprisal.

    To honor this legendary figure from history, a new type of scenario is present in Axis Operations 1944: the narrative scenario. In it, we will attempt to give new life to this character. Aside from the brand new portraits made for him, players will get a chance to see Rommel explain his motivations and decisions firsthand.

    But how and if Rommel will return in the ahistorical campaign of Axis Operations 1944... well we don’t want to spoil everything!

    Your Feedback

    As always, we are reading and listening to your feedback. Many thousands of posts and messages have greatly improved Panzer Corps 2 for its entire player base, and we encourage you to continue to share your thoughts and wants for the game into the future!

    Axis Operations 1944 is currently in its BETA testing phase, and we want to give a special thank you to all of our BETA testers for their hard effort to help us make each installment of Panzer Corps 2 content the best it can be!


    We hope you enjoyed this sneak peek into some of the exciting content that the ahistorical 1944 campaign has on offer. Be on the lookout for our next Dev Diary, where we take a look at some of the new units being added to the game and explore the very starkly contrasted gameplay present in the Axis Operations 1944 historical campaign.

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    Re: Panzer Corps 2
    « Reply #72 on: April 28, 2023, 12:01:04 AM »
    Change Log v1.06.02
    Thu, 27 April 2023

    See here the changelog of the Multiplayer update

    Dear Panzer Corps 2 Community,

    Please see below the release of the latest patch for Panzer Corps 2:

    - Added three Panzer Chess maps to Multiplayer menu
    - Added 12 historical competitive maps to Multiplayer menu
    - FW 189 recon plane no longer gives recon bonus to itself, and has "Low Altitude Attack" trait
    - Panzer VII Lowe tank now has "No Purchase" trait
    - SU-152 slot cost has been increased to 6 and ammo reduced to 3
    - ISU-152 slot cost has been increased to 7

    Thank you to our dedicated community for your continued support and feedback and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield

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    Re: Panzer Corps 2
    « Reply #73 on: April 28, 2023, 12:01:17 AM »
    Panzer Corps 2 - New Multiplayer Update is now available
    Thu, 27 April 2023

    Attention, Panzer Generals,

    The Multiplayer Update for Panzer Corps 2 is now live and ready for action on Steam, GoG, Epic, and Slitherine website (this update will be coming soon on Windows Store)

    With this update, players can now enjoy an enhanced multiplayer experience with exciting new maps. This is also the debut for free Multiplayer “Chess Maps” that offer a fresh and strategic gameplay experience.

    In addition to the new chess maps, players will also have access to 12 classic multiplayer maps:

    - Poland North
    - El Alamein
    - Moscow
    - Ardennes
    - Leningrad
    - Kasserine Pass
    - Balaton
    - Rhine
    - Berlin
    - Gazala
    - Barbarossa
    - Cobra

    These maps have been adapted from the 2021 World Championship tournament and are designed to offer challenging and competitive battles for players of all skill levels.

    To celebrate the release of the new Multiplayer Chess Maps, we are really excited to announce the first Panzer Corps 2 Chess Maps Tournament.

    Do not miss the chance to sign-up for the tournament. You can sign-up here:

    The first round will commence on Monday, 8 May 2023. No further entries can be accepted after the tournament has begun.

    Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

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    Re: Panzer Corps 2
    « Reply #74 on: September 30, 2023, 12:01:15 AM »
    The Insider - First Preview of Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1946
    Tue, 5 September 2023

    The Slitherine Editorial The Insider format is out now!

    I'm sure you guys have seen the Panzer Corps 2 Insider Articles going up on this Slitherine page.  But there isn't any way to comment directly to those articles that I can find, so I thought I'd repost them here on the forum.  1946 is approaching, and we'd definitely be interested to hear our players' thoughts on these inside peaks.  The 2nd Insider article just came out today in fact.   :mrgreen:

    Insider #1 from Sept 5th

    Insider #2 from Sept 29th

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