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Author Topic: Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)  (Read 27457 times)

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Offline Asid

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Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« on: December 07, 2015, 04:29:42 PM »
Set Up for SOWWL NAPOLEON GAMES For Kriegspiel style

You will need to register to download. It is worth it.

This mod improves the play of Scourge of War Waterloo.
1.Many flags used from Gunship's Road To Wagram & Peninsula mod.
2. It adds a more courier orders to the Orders Menu and re-arranges all of them into a slightly more logical order.  British-only formations have been added.
3. All mini-maps have been redrawn.
4. Road errors on all maps have been fixed.
5. Flank and rear fire morale loss has been greatly increased to reflect reality.
6. Cavalry will do great damage to infantry caught in the open and not in square.
7. Three types of cavalry have been instituted, heavy medium and light.  Heavy cavalry will do the greatest damage to infantry. Light cavalry is the fastest of the three.
8. All the formations have been rewritten for smoother deployment.  The Chinese fire drill is gone.
9. Skirmish formation has been changed & its abilities have been increased.  They are faster and significantly better marksmen than line troops.
10. Skirmishers deploy automatically when they move into range of the enemy.
11. Formations on the 'Combat' toolbar maintain their formation when moving.  They do not change into road column before moving.
12. OOBs are modified to take advantage of skirmisher abilities.
13. Overall artillery fire is much more effective.  Canister has a range of 400-500 yd.  However, unlimbered guns will not rotate.
14. Many more flags added thanks to the RebBugler Flag Works.
15. Limited information concerning the progress of the battle has been instituted.  This better reflects the reduced information a 19th century general would have had during a battle.
16. Formation movement speeds have been reduced.  Also infantry double time speed has been reduced by 22%.
17. A more functional toolbar has been created.
18. Courier message spamming in MP has been removed.
19. The company size auto-skirmisher creation has been disabled.
20.Cannon capture has been largely eliminated so as to not decrease the capturing unit by 30 men.  The guns will now rout before being captured.  They can be captured while being routed but this will not cause the capturing unit to lose 30 men.

You will need the latest versions of both the game, KS Sprites Mod, KS Napoleon Mod II and KS SOW Supplemental Maps.

The latest game patch, 1.043 can be found here: Patch 1.043

KS Sprites Mod 1.02: KS Sprites Mod 1.02

Download location for KS Napoleon Mod II 1.15: KS Napoleon Mod II 1.15

The third mod to install is the KS SOW Supplemental Maps.  This is a collection of free maps done over the years and gathered up in one place.  It is not a stand alone mod, (it doesn't have the mini-maps inside it), but is for use with either the Nappy mods for both games or the ACW mod, Courier & Maps.
Here is the link: KS SOW Supplemental Maps Mod 1.09

Other mods can sometimes be used, but care must be exercised, as they may conflict with the required mods. Those which are known to be safe for use are: Realistic Smoke Mod. It is always best to ask before using an unlisted mod.

Setup the Mods.

Start the game and make sure the three mods on your modification screen are selected, (check mark in the box beside them). Click the Use Selected Mod(s) button and exit the game.  When you restart the game, the mods will be ready to use.  Note: the mods will not work with the single player SOW scenarios that come with the game.

Game Option Settings.

SOW is both CPU, (computer brain), and GPU, (graphics brain), intensive. We have found through trial and error option settings that give reasonable performance and keep the game visually appealing.

On the Options screen page 1
Disable Context Menu: checked (Otherwise you will have to click somewhere on the toolbar before you can select another command such as a formation.)

On the Options screen page 2
% trees showing: 75
Display off map trees: unchecked
Max transparent trees: 80
Make walls transparent w/trees: unchecked
Max terrain draw distance: Best
Show Map Objects: Best
Show off-map terrain: unchecked
Max # artillery hit decals: 50
Max units draw distance: 1000
Max trees draw distance: 1000
Max objects draw distance: 1000

If you are hosting the battle these are the host option settings.

Preset difficulty levels: Custom
Map icons display level: Bare Map
Max camera distance from you: 2 (set in sowwl.ini file, see below)
Orders by courier at this command level and above: Brigade
Uniform quality: Best
Show map objects: Best
Sprite ratio: 4 or 6

Now it's time to make a few manual changes to the sowwl.ini file. It will be found in the My Documents\SowWL folder. Open it and scroll down until you find the section titled [Custom]
Find and change the value found for MPplyrradius to MPplyrradius=10
You can also change the value of plyrradius to plyrradius=10 This way you can practice commanding in single player at this camera height.
Now find the section titled [Initialization]
Add the following line: aicount=55
It doesn't matter where you put it in that section. This will make the AI a bit more clever.
Now save the changes you just made. You are finished and ready to play.

To participate in a game you will need to join the KS TeamSpeak channel.  Go to the TeamSpeak website and download the free program: TeamSpeak URL
The address and password for our server is:
Password:  20thmaine

To set up TeamSpeak whisper channels so you can privately communicate with the commanders you are next to on the field, read this thread: Whisper Keys Setup

We also have a replay viewer for our games.  Information about it and the download link can be found in the first post of this thread: Replay Viewer

Will stock scenarios work?
Uncle Billy (creator of mod)

"The stock scenarios should be playable, but what may differ is the outcome. In NSD-land, the final numerical score solely determines the level of defeat or victory. This number was arrived at by averaging the scores of the people who tested the scenario using the vanilla game. Given the large number of changes made by the KS mod, that number may be ridiculously easy to achieve or impossible."

However, if you play the scenarios with a view that a real life commander would take; have I achieved my objective and do I still have a fighting force left, then the scenarios may still hold a lot of entertainment value.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2016, 03:34:54 PM by Asid »
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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2015, 01:51:03 PM »
KS Napoleon Mod II 1.16 and KS SOW Supplemental Maps 1.10

Version 1.16 has now been released. Version 1.10 of Supplemental Maps has been released.

1) Amended the artillery AI so that guns pull back or rout away at closer distances from charging enemies than before. This makes guns harder to force back.

2) Disabled guns routing from infantry advances. Infantry now have to charge guns to displace them away.

3) Guns no longer rout away if a friendly unit is nearby and an enemy attacks it. Previously our supporting units logic was not working correctly.

4) We have slowed heavy cavalry charge from 14mph to 12mph and light from 16mph to 14mph in order to lower their extreme effectiveness. We thought cavalry was becoming too dominant and this speed reduction allows a defending infantry player more response time. This also increases cavalry fatigue as it will spend longer in fatiguing terrain and so take more fatigue hits for crossing rivers and woods, etc.

5) Several maps added.

6) Replaced the Austrian marching music.

7) Edited some French and Spanish sprite classes to reduce the number/variation of sprites used.

We've playtested the new artillery morale/cavalry speeds and the game seems more balanced now.

v1.16 is available in the links given here:

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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2016, 09:18:12 PM »
The stock scenarios can be played with the mod if you do a little work.
By Uncle Billy
Original post: Here

You have to download the SDK for the game. There is a link for it on the NSD forum. Then create a folder inside the game's Mods folder, name it Stock Scenarios. Inside that, copy the Scenarios folder from the SDK to your Stock Scenarios folder. Now go into the \StockScenarios\Scenarios folder and rename all the scenarios by removing the WL from the sub-folder names. When you start the game, you should see the names of the stock scenarios when you click on the User Scenarios button. Remember these scenarios were created for use with the stock game so the gameplay balance may be off when you use them with the mod. Don't forget to activate this mod. pale

I believe the stock campaign works with the mod. I've not tried it, but I think someone else on the forum has done so successfully.

The next version of the KS Napoleon Mod will have a number of scenarios added to it. These are battles that were created for our casual games that are played during the week, usually as players vs AI. The next version will be released soon. We are just finishing up final testing of a new Nappy map created specially for us by Mark Tewes.
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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2016, 06:20:31 PM »
KS Napoleon Mod II 1.17 and KS SOW Supplemental Maps 1.11


1. The first SOWWL map named Meckel, created by Mark Tewes is included. Mark made the Gettysburg maps for the original SOWGB game. It contains numerous villages with strong points. The attacker does not have an easy time on this map. Meckel has a west German theme and is based on one of the original 19th century German staff Kreigspiel maps and to see the map in digital form has been a long ambition of Martin James, one of our groups leading members.

2. A large number of scenarios have been added. These are ones that the KS group has played in their MP games. They are fully playable in SP also. You will find them when you press the User Scenario button in the game. They all begin with 'KS'. The country name indicates which side should be the human side in SP or co-op MP play. Most of these will also give good PvP battles.

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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2016, 09:05:24 AM »
KS Napoleon Mod II 1.18 and KS SOW Supplemental Maps 1.12

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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2016, 06:56:47 PM »
KS Napoleon Mod II 1.22

Set Up for SOWWL NAPOLEON GAMES For Kriegspiel style
By: Uncle Billy on Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:20 pm

You will need to register to download. It is worth it.

This version of the mod is compatible with SowWL version 1.01.  It will not work with the older version of the game, 1.0043.

This mod significantly changes the gameplay of Scourge of War Waterloo.

1. Many additional flags from Gunship's Road To Wagram & Peninsula mod (for Gettysburg).
2. Added more courier orders to the Orders Menu and re-arranged them into a slightly more logical order. British-only formations have been added to the courier menu.
3. All mini-maps have been redrawn in a more period style.
4. Road errors on all maps have been fixed.
5. Morale loss from taking fire from flank and rear has been greatly increased.
6. Four types of cavalry have been instituted; heavy, medium, light and lancers. Heavy cavalry will do the greatest damage to infantry. Light cavalry is the fastest of the three.
7. All formations have been rewritten for smoother deployment. The Chinese fire drill is gone.
8. Skirmish formation has been changed & its abilities have been increased. They are faster and significantly better marksmen than line troops. Skirmishers are now a real threat and need to be countered, not left to shoot away at your close order formations.
9. Skirmishers deploy automatically when they move into range of the enemy.
10. Formations on the 'Combat' toolbar maintain their formation when moving. They do not change into road column before moving.
11. OOBs are modified to take advantage of skirmisher abilities.
12. Overall artillery fire is much more effective. Canister has a range of 400-500 yd. However, unlimbered guns will not rotate; they remain fixed in the direction the battery unlimbers. This allows flank attacks on artillery. Frontal attacks on artillery will be very costly. Battery commanders given a stance and not TC'd will still shift their battery to a better firing position however.
13. Flags removed from individual guns. Now the only flag of an artillery unit is the battery commander. We felt this restriction was in keeping with a game that addresses command at division and corps level. It also looks better.
14. Many more flags added thanks to the RebBugler Flag Works including his new Hanoverian ones.
15. Limited information concerning the progress of the battle has been instituted. This better reflects the reduced information a 19th century general would have had during a battle.
16. Formation movement speeds have been reduced. Also infantry double time speed has been reduced by 22%.
17. A more functional toolbar has been created.
18. Courier message spamming in MP has been removed.
19. The company-size auto-skirmisher creation has been disabled. The KS Mod uses a single battalion-sized unit within each brigade to represent the combined skirmishing capability of that brigade. This unit can be thought of as representing converged light or other flank companies, attached jager companies, or third-rankers from some units (notably Austrians and Prussians). Our national characteristics also mean that some nations at certain periods have very limited or no skirmish capability (such as 1806 Prussians, 1807 Russians and 1808-1809 Spanish). French formations will always have a second unit that can skirmish if necessary which represents their adaptive training and their tactically identical use of fusilier and leger regiments. We decided this was a better tactical tool given the division and corps command levels of the game than splitting companies off from every battalion. It also allowed us to show different national and period characteristics.
20. Cannon capture has been largely eliminated so as to not decrease the capturing unit by 30 men. The guns will now rout before being captured. They can be captured while being routed but this will not cause the capturing unit to lose 30 men and the routed gun will be eliminated instead.
21. Numerous maps have been added (more than 40). These have been ported over from Gettysburg and were the free mod- and add-on maps from that game. Additionally if you own Gettysburg and any of its add-ons, you can use those maps as well in Waterloo (giving another 20 maps). In addition several maps have variants which include such things as impassable rivers (except at road crossings) and fieldwork defenses (using the Gettysburg breastworks sprite).
22. A number of scenarios which can be played in SP or MP.  For SP or co-op MP, there is one side that is recommended for the player(s) to command. There is a initial situation map in each scenario folder for the human side.  It gives the position of that side's troops.
23. Suicidal advance of artillery into the enemy's lines has been mostly eliminated.  Guns also will not fire when friendly troops are in front of them.
24. Cavalry will not attack troops in cavalry unfriendly terrain, e.g. woods, rough, stone walls and towns.
25. Nations available:

Prussia and France (1806)
Russia and France (1807)
Austria and France (1809) - Italian and Danube theaters
Russia and France (1812)
Anglo-Portuguese-Spanish and France (Peninsular 1808-1814)
Anglo-Dutch-German, Prussia and France (1815)

In addition the following minor nations have some sprites to allow some of their units to be fielded. Use of different flags allows further nationalities to be represented (e.g. Neapolitans and Italians, Portuguese Legion, Irish Legion, etc):

Baden - line infantry
Hanover - flag only, use British sprites
Italy - flag only, use French, Westphalian or Wurttemberg sprites
Naples - flag only, use French, Westphalian or Wurttemberg sprites
Nassau (Coalition) - line and light infantry
Nassau (French Ally) - line and light infantry
Orange-Nassau - line infantry
Poland - uhlans
Portugal - line and light infantry
Saxony - 1806 infantry, later infantry, cavalry
Swiss - line infantry in French service
Westphalia - line infantry

The 1806 Prussian army uses sprites from the 1745 Fontenoy Gettysburg Mod. We know these are not correct but they are better than nothing. We are still working on improving them.

You will need the latest versions of both the game, KS Sprites Mod, KS Napoleon Mod II and KS SOW Supplemental Maps.

The latest game patch, 1.01 can be found here: Patch 1.01

KS Sprites Mod 1.03:

Download location for KS Napoleon Mod II: KS Napoleon Mod II 1.22
It is compatible with SowWL Version 1.01

The third mod to install is the KS SOW Supplemental Maps. This is a collection of free maps done over the years and gathered up in one place. It is not a stand alone mod, (it doesn't have the mini-maps inside it), but is for use with either the Napoleon mods for both Waterloo and Gettysburg or our ACW mod for Gettysburg, Courier & Maps.
Here is the link: KS SOW Supplemental Maps Mod 1.14

Other mods can sometimes be used, but care must be exercised, as they may conflict with the required mods. Those which are known to be safe for use are: Realistic Smoke Mod, GCM/Jolly's Terrain. It is always best to ask before using an unlisted mod.

Setup the Mods.

Start the game and make sure the three mods on your modification screen are selected, (check mark in the box beside them). Click the Use Selected Mod(s) button and exit the game.  When you restart the game, the mods will be ready to use.  Note: the mods will not work with the single player SOW scenarios that come with the game.

Game Option Settings.

SOW is both CPU, (computer brain), and GPU, (graphics brain), intensive. We have found through trial and error option settings that give reasonable performance and keep the game visually appealing.

On the Options screen page 1
Disable Context Menu: checked (Otherwise you will have to click somewhere on the toolbar before you can select another command such as a formation.)

On the Options screen page 2
% trees showing: 75
Display off map trees: unchecked
Max transparent trees: 80
Make walls transparent w/trees: unchecked
Max terrain draw distance: Best
Show Map Objects: Best
Show off-map terrain: unchecked
Max # artillery hit decals: 50
Max units draw distance: 1000
Max trees draw distance: 1000
Max objects draw distance: 1000

If you are hosting the battle these are the host option settings.

Preset difficulty levels: Custom
Map icons display level: Bare Map
Max camera distance from you: 2 (set in sowwl.ini file, see below)
Orders by courier at this command level and above: Brigade
Uniform quality: Best
Show map objects: Best
Sprite ratio: 5 or 6

Now it's time to make a few manual changes to the sowwl.ini file. It will be found in the My Documents\SowWL folder. Open it and scroll down until you find the section titled [Custom]
Find and change the value found for MPplyrradius to MPplyrradius=10
You can also change the value of plyrradius to plyrradius=10 This way you can practice commanding in single player at this camera height.
Now find the section titled [Initialization]
Add the following line: aicount=55
It doesn't matter where you put it in that section. This will make the AI a bit more clever.
Now save the changes you just made. You are finished and ready to play.

To participate in a game you will need to join the KS TeamSpeak channel.  Go to the TeamSpeak website and download the free program: TeamSpeak URL
The address and password for our server is:
Password:  20thmaine

To set up TeamSpeak whisper channels so you can privately communicate with the commanders you are next to on the field, read this thread: Whisper Keys Setup

We also have a replay viewer for our games.  Information about it and the download link can be found in the first post of this thread: Replay Viewer

Official discussion + Download links: Click here

Register on the KS forum to download this great mod.

I have met a few of the guys from KS. They are a good bunch :)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 11:55:20 PM by Asid »
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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2016, 07:16:39 PM »
Ligny DLC French Army level scenario played through KS. issue + fix

If you start a French unit on the march the band strikes up "The British Grenadiers.

Make a backup of unitglobal.csv. *

Open the original unitglobal.csv with Excel and navigate to cells N735 and N736 and change the 2 and the 3 in there to a 1 so they both read "SFX_Inf_Walk_1" (without the quotes). Save and exit.

* Location of file:
Steam version: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Scourge of War Waterloo\Mods\KS Napoleon Mod II 122\Logistics

Matrix version: Scourge of War Waterloo\Mods\KS Napoleon Mod II 122\Logistics

There will be a fix in the next KS mod.

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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2016, 11:10:54 AM »
After a bit of fiddling KS Mod seems to load. I did load 2 KS scenarios and they seemed ok although no enemy seen yet after 15 mins. Assume ok but will have a more in depth test soon.  Need to re read manual now!
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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2016, 01:09:04 PM »
After a bit of fiddling KS Mod seems to load. I did load 2 KS scenarios and they seemed ok although no enemy seen yet after 15 mins. Assume ok but will have a more in depth test soon.  Need to re read manual now!

Hi Chris

If you follow the instructions it is a simple task to install the mod. When the game loads, you are greeted with a new splashscreen with the KS mod text at the top. Also when you go to the "user scenarios" you will see many scenarios with "KS" next to them.

I have been using the mod with no issue. It is not for everyone. It is a simple task of deactivating it if it is not suitable.

Remember. Mods can cause issues with the vanilla game.

I have been speaking to some of my friends about a multiplayer session. Coop against the ai. this is by invitation only at this point as it requires a working setup amongst other things.

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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2016, 02:23:32 PM »
Apart from not meeting the enemy yet seems to be working.  I do have to disable the mod to get a standard scenario as far as first save though, but seems to be happy to run with mod after that.  Splash screen clearly show when mod enabled.

Do you get enemy showing early in the KS scenarios?  Just checking to see if I have anything missing.

Seems to be very fiddly to change facing of a line.
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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2016, 02:37:50 PM »
Apart from not meeting the enemy yet seems to be working.  I do have to disable the mod to get a standard scenario as far as first save though, but seems to be happy to run with mod after that.  Splash screen clearly show when mod enabled.

Start the scenario by:
Single player
User scenarios
Pick a scenario on right hand corner
Scenarios start with "KS"

Do you get enemy showing early in the KS scenarios?  Just checking to see if I have anything missing.

Depends on scenario. I have no issues.

Seems to be very fiddly to change facing of a line.

Make sure no other toolbar is active in the "mods" section. The KS toolbar is part of the mod and should look like the one in this picture

There is another toolbar called "toolbar expanded grog". It comes with the game. Maybe try using that to learn the game in Vanilla?

Hope this helps
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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2016, 03:02:17 PM »
Thanks Asid - yes that toolbar comes up with the KS scenarios but the stock ones still have the basic one without the wheeling buttons.

Forum does say KS does not play properly with the stock scenarios so just a case of enabling KS when not using stock scenarios.

Now have Quatre Bras and Ligny and I see Wavre to come
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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2016, 03:16:33 PM »
Forum does say KS does not play properly with the stock scenarios so just a case of enabling KS when not using stock scenarios.

Now have Quatre Bras and Ligny and I see Wavre to come

There is a way to add the stock scenarios to work correctly. I will post later.

I have all the expansions. If anyone is interested in this type of warfare then this should be on their list.
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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2016, 08:07:09 PM »
How to use stock scenarios with the KS mod

It is the same for Matrix and Steam versions.

The folders had to be renamed to get them to show in the list. All you need to do is remove the "WL" from the front.

WL01-The Emperor's Plan (F-Brig)_  to 01-The Emperor's Plan (F-Brig)

Any issues then ask. I have the modded folder I can send.

1. Download the SOWWL SDK (17.1MB) Here

2. Install it

3. Create the following folder "Default Scenarios" in the "mods folder D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Scourge of War Waterloo\Mods

4. Copy the scenarios folder from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Scourge of War Waterloo\SDK\Base to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Scourge of War Waterloo\Mods\Default Scenarios

It will look like this: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Scourge of War Waterloo\Mods\Default Scenarios\Scenarios . Your scenarios will be inside the "scenarios" folder in each separate folder.


Now go to the Mods menu inside the game and activate the "Default scenarios" folder.

The scenarios will appear in the Single player > User scenarios tab.

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Re: SOW: WL Kriegspiel Mod (K.S)
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2016, 09:26:30 PM »
Now I know you need to rename the scenarios I will give it another go as that was not in original instructions. Everything else done fine so should be ok now but will shout if issues

All fine now thanks
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 10:06:43 PM by chrisreb »
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