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Author Topic: Marine South Expo features latest in technology & equipment for training  (Read 2448 times)

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Marine South Expo features latest in technology & equipment for training


JACKSONVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) – The latest in military technologies and uniforms were on display Thursday at Camp Lejeune and 9 On Your Side was there to get a first-hand look.

Nearly 100 vendors came out to the expo showcasing everything from state-of-the-art combat vests to lightweight and compact satellites to virtual battlefields.

The Marine South Expo wrapped up its final day Thursday but drew thousands of Marines in to show them the latest technology and equipment for training.

One retired Sergeant Major said everything he’s seen at the expo was a newer version of what he used when he enlisted.

“You look at what we have today it is night and day,” said Retired Sgt. Maj. Michael Barrett.

From guns to lifelike casualty dummies, to radio essentials, younger Marines said they’re looking for what makes their jobs easier.

“Make it faster, easier to use, lightweight,” said Corporal Phillip Condreay.

Vendors are also looking to get feedback at these expos of what Marines are looking for to use on the battlefield.

“For example, a year from now that Marine could come back and see that prototype and go ‘Oh my gosh there it is, that’s that thing, that’s what I need, we need, on the battlefield to fight and win,’” said Barrett.

One of the vendors that incorporated feedback from Marines is Bohemia Interactive, which makes software of virtual battlefields.

They said, since many of our current Marines grew up in the ages of gaming, these life-like training methods give them a more interactive experience and saves the Corps millions of dollars.

“Go in and do all the mission rehearsals without spending fuel, ammunition, or time on the ranges which is very valuable,” said John Givens, President of Bohemia Interactive.

The software allows you to choose any location in the world and grabs images from that area letting you virtually train like you’re actually there.

The Marine South Expo will be held in April of next year. It will also be held at Quantico and Camp Pendleton.

Original article: Click Here
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