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Author Topic: Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 5 is out!  (Read 1823 times)

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Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 5 is out!
« on: December 02, 2024, 01:17:08 AM »
Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 5 is out!
Dec 1, 2024

Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 5 is out!

The new Update 5 for Falcon BMS 4.37 is out (4.375.0)!

Grab your updaters to get this new release.

Falcon BMS 4.37.5
Known Limitations / Issues

* Mirrors will only show once canopy closed
* Limitations with alpha sorting (you might see transparency issues in cloud, fog, trees, lights, ?)
* F-15C: The HUD SYM switch is still tied to the drift CO callback. The clicks work fine, but the callback for the switch is wrong
* Due to format changes, the avionics configurator will not work anymore? Need to do it manually in *.txtpb format files

Breaking Changes

* As usual, Falcon BMS.cfg is restored to default
* Make sure you check your F-15C keyfiles (updates done)
* OpenXR Toolkit will NOT work and will cause BMS to crash (please remove / disable the tool as it is discontinued)

Data Changelog

---- (Base) ----
-- Falcon cfg is reset --

* Multiple documentation Updates (#973) (#987) (#996) (#1003) (#1004)
* Updated Launcher v2.4.1.18 - initial commit of BmsDisplayConfig applet (#995)
* Fixed Ka-50, Ka-50K and MD-500 sunk in the ground (#978)
* Fixed Helipad point data fix for sinking helicopters (#972)
* Added Messages for new logic to add donors on UI (#936)
* Added sound files for Python4/5 missiles growl and lock sounds: (#931)
* Updated AIM-9X darker head (Great work by Dema!) (#930)
* Updated ranges of all AWACS radars (e.g. E-3 is 430km for a Fighter-sized return) (#928)
* Updated Key Files (#905)
* Fixed DM-52 Seat Arm (#897)
* Removed ancient 2014-era DbgHelp.dll (#855)
* Updated F-16 PW MIL nozzle adjustment (#842)

Code Changelog

---- (Base) ----

* Added for beta testing ARM64EC compatible exe for Falcon BMS and Editor (in Bin/arm64 folder)
* Fixed save and restore sim windowpos, when in VR mode (#5473)
* Fixed potential issues on AI Ground attack (#5445)
* F15 : Adds new GEO Expanded to Castle Left and new logic for Castle Right to handle the SID (#5413)
* Fixed cluster bomb performance - reduce area reduction factor and respect BA and AD for WCMD (#5403)
* Fixed Multi-mon / DPI (#5416)
* UI: makes all edit fields insert by default (#5415)
* Fixed AG radar mfd brightness adjust when not SOI (#5410)
* Added code for AI AirGround Attack debugging (#5401)
* F-15: Adds OWN FCR targets, locklines and shotlines on SID, implements memory for already engaged targets with FOX3 (keeps flashing after cycling over tracks in TWS), update symbology for Link16 tracks on eagle, and remove FCR correlation (#5396)
* Link16: adds ShotLine for human J12_6 (#5394)
* Link16: fix logic MIDS power when power is lost during flight or when AI takes over after exiting 3D (#5389)
* Improved Multi-mon and High-DPI support (#5377)
* Added Display players on the Waiting screen for MP sessions (#5368)
* Link16: onboard correlation and drawing on b-scope for correlated tracks (#5382)
* Tacview: Rate-limit updates by sim time, not frames
* Link16: update correlation with FCR (part 1 of 2) (#5358)
* Fixed EXP labels on B-Scope-HSD and HAD: Should flash only and not invert (#5361)
* Link16: Adds Fighter Tracks logic - adds cancel message and shotlines, and more symbology (part4) (#5353)
* Link16: Adds Fighter Tracks logic - adds TOI symbology to HUD and HMCS (part3) (#5346)
* Link16: Adds Fighter Tracks logic, update J12.6 for human MIDS/JTIDS, adds PDLT logic for J12.6, add locklines logic and draw (part2) (#5338)
* Added Several quality of life upgrades to Falcon Editor (#5336)
* F-15: Fix Castle logic - Make castle aft toggle Formation Display (APG-63) (#5325)
* Debug Shaders, Material Sets in Editor (#4853) (#5323)
* Fixed ModelViewer crash (#5329)
* F-16: adds PDLT auto range logic (#5320)
* F-16 and Link16: adds hands-on donor selection via PDLT and ICP (#5313)
* F-15: Fix Castle logic - Make castle forward toggle TDC control between VSD and SIT display (APG-63) (#5310)
* Link16: Implements PPLI A (low rate) for Aggregated Flights (#5306)
* Link16 on UI: New logic to add donors on UI (adds flight, #1/2, #1,3, fills linear, keeps track last one added, does not wrap) (#5301)
* Fixed heat seekers launched in caged state but without a radar lock. After checking deeper, this kind of shots should be effectively very low chances. Old behavior - Missiles were giving caged lock tone and were following the target NP even though the diamo (#5263)
* Fixed very ungraceful CRT crash when key file contains scancode not in our expected set. (#5279)
* Link16: Adds Fighter Tracks logic, update J12.6 for AI and human MIDS/JTIDS, update draw functions with targetting source (part1) (#5265)
* F16: Fix mismatching of FCR arc and lines on HSD (reported by MIRV) (#5272)
* Fixed CTD when operating canopy whilst under a chute see (#5275)
* Added avionics changes for Python4/5: (#5237)
* Link16: Increase display ranges and fine tune AWACS track quality calculation (#5253)
* Link16 on HSD: adds new logic for L16 declutter: Surv Tracks, Fighter Tracks, Threat Rings, Air IDM tracks (part 3 and final) (#5244)
* Link16 on HSD: adds new draw functions for OSB labels for CNTL Page1 and Page2, refactor logic to enter in new CNTL pages (part 2) (#5236)
* Link16 on HAD: Draw Air tracks on HAD, apply declutter logic (#5233)
* User-mode spinwait (instead of Sleep) to control simloop timing. (#5231)
* Link16 on FCR: Adds A-A FCR Data Link Display Options via COMM IN and OUT, New logic for L16 platforms, new symbology, declutter b-scope (#5224)
* Link16: Improve dash sizes for surveillance tracks (not correlated) (#5226)
* Link16 on HSD: refactor HsdState cases to expand for Link16 declutter options (part 1) (#5215)
* Fixed g-load wingflex (#5207)
* Link16 on HAD: adds Friendly Declutter Level - logic and label for OBS8 (#5211)
* Link16: Adds Declutter symbology on HUD/HMCS when NAV mode and Gear Down with COMM OUT (#5199)
* Fixed TTS - when in TTS and tms up on new target, make that the secondary target instead of going into STT on the primary (#5197)
* Tacview: Fix bullseye coordinate format (#5042)
* Eliminate dep on ancient DbgHelp.dll - to avoid conflict with modern 2nd party DLLs (OpenXR et al). (#5147)
* Asymmetrical frustum + FFR (#5080)
* Restore overwritten config var for 3d pit button hover detect tuning (#5062)
* Upgraded OpenXR loader SDK (#5078)
* Harden g_nAdditionalWorkers to avoid int3 crash and badly sized threadpool (#5064)
* Improved HMCS fine alignment procedure (#5003)
* SimHotasPinkyShift Double Press Manager (SimHotasPinkyShiftLegacy for legacy callback) (#4941)

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