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Author Topic: Wizards and Warlords  (Read 13084 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2021, 11:50:41 PM »
Sun, September 19, 2021

Bombs can now be generated as armament for units if the Gunpowder module is enabled. This is a possibility for cultures that have knowledge of Gunpowder or alchemy - and for special miner and sapper unit types. Note that Gunpowder is currently not a full Culture trait, so you'll only see it by inspecting unit types in the

Encyclopedia. It will become a full Culture trait in a future update.

Added four Bomb weapons with different stats: Crude Bombs, Bombs, Shrapnel Bombs and Fire Bombs.

Unit weapons can now have non-Physical base damage. The first example of this is the Fire Bomb weapon.

Increased the chance of Gunpowder weapons being enabled for a culture, when that module is enabled. The chance is still based on technological progress and cultural traits, but more factors are considered and the base chance is slightly higher. I'll continue tweaking carefully if necessary to avoid overshooting.

Fixed a number of bugs relating to the Army Transfer/Split functionality and UI.

Fixed some Fortress Upgrades not showing full details on requirements when unavailable.

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #31 on: October 21, 2021, 11:49:24 PM »
Thu, October 21, 2021

Road Construction can now terminate at Resource Sites (farms, mines, etc). For example: You can now build from a City to a Mine. You still cannot build from a Mine to a Farm (but you can link them with an Outpost as road nexus).
Balance tweaks to Death Knights, Lesser Celestial Phoenixes, Maladonisai.
Grid-based battles now have better logic for determining when a unit counts as charging. It requires the unit to have moved during the turn, and to have moved from a non-engaged position to the final position. This sounds more complicated than it is - if a unit moved into combat from non-combat (including combat -> non-combat -> combat) it counts, but 'sliding' along an already engaged battle line does not count.
Set Defense now gives a Fend bonus against units which charge it. (de facto reduces to-hit).
Set Defense now requires immobility to be active during melee resolution.
Lances are now "Charge Only", but do much more damage.
Workers will now be unassigned from a newly constructed site if they are no longer valid for assignment (requirements for assignment to construction and 'active' site work can differ).
Added two new game settings for Recruitment Pools: Relaxed and Harsh. Relaxed will count the number of units for each culture/pool as two less for all purposes. Non-Harsh now has the upkeep penalty capped at +25%.
Added a 'Summary' button to the Battle Report window. It allows you to see the final outcome of the battle without having to progress through every single round, or stopping when you've seen enough. You can shift-click it to close the window at the same time (tooltip also specifies this shortcut).
Enrage Wildlife now has a 2-turn cooldown and a slightly higher mana cost. It also applies a province-wide effect for 8 turns. During this period re-casts may fail fully or partially (creating an understrength unit). A success will extend the duration, a partial success will extend it partially.
New Spell: Greater Enrage Wildlife (Beasts 5). Summons a larger army and has a lower risk of failure when re-cast with a lingering effect than the basic version.
New Spell: Survival of The Fittest (Beasts 3). Summons a small army of beasts to fight one of your own armies, which will gain additional experience from the battle.
New Unit Type: Catoblepas. Poison-breathing and dark-gazing boar-bull monsters. Unlocked at Darkness Mastery 5 and can spawn in some unaligned armies.
Fixed the missing spell descriptions in the multi-cast 'select spell' dialog.
Fixed a bug where some battles did not register their location correctly and did not get the intended battle name.
Fixed a bug where "Nearby Culture Override" was not saved/loaded as part of game setting presets.
Fixed a bug where the message prompts in the military window did not close via the X button.
Fixed a bug causing tooltips in spell result prompts to not work correctly.
Fixed a bug where conversion-based recruitment pools did not interact correctly with the recruitment window - showing incorrect pool usage and not always giving the correct selection of available units.
Fixed a bug causing character items with a battle effect not working as intended during grid-based battles.
Fixed armor not importing/exporting as part of unit type mods.
Fixed a bug where the context panel showed an incorrect selection.
Fixed a text bug with the 'Compose Epic' event.
Fixed a bug allowing some city stats being able to go negative against the intent (had very strange effects on some mechanics).
Fixed characters not being unassigned from Army tasks if part of a garrison which becomes empty (and non-inspectable).
Fixed "Charge Only" attacks being usable in every round - charge or not.
Fixed "Set Defense" from weapons not always giving the unit this ability during battles.
Fixed Units gaining special abilities from Experience - which they already have from their equipment. This will no longer happen.
Fixed a bug where charges/ammunition for ranged attacks was being depleted much too quickly during battles.
Fixed a bug where some tooltip links did not work as intended.
Fixed a memory leak when loading/starting new games during an existing game session.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2021, 11:46:38 PM »
Sat, November 13, 2021

•   Units now have an experience level icon displayed if they are level 1+. The tool tip for this icon will show what benefits the unit has gained from those experience levels.
•   Unit experience level display also comes with modding support. See the Modding Guide for instructions on how to change the display with custom images and frames.
•   Improved the unit strength display in most windows to be more readable, with larger and clearer font.
•   Unit strength display now has a tooltip showing the max strength of the unit - and the default strength of the unit type, if a unit is understrength.
•   Tribal Population Growth: Migration now provides a greater benefit to Population Growth.
•   Tribal Camp: An action has been added which allows allocating Food from faction stores to a particular Camp. This will boost Population Growth and provide a buffer against starvation (through a local Food store increase), based on the amount of Food provided.
•   Shrine Dedication: Religion-class followers now contribute to the pool of available dedications. The religion still has to be compatible with the faction, but in most cases this will be so.
•   Influential: New character trait which acts as 'counts-as-class' for Civic.
•   Divine Favor: Added additional domain-specific boons.
•   Divine Favor: Most temporary boons now last 60% longer.
•   Dungeon Expeditions: Increased the experience benefit from having a Mentor in the party. However, Mentors can now longer give other Mentors bonus experience.
•   Character Experience: Overseeing construction of a site or the upgrade of an outpost (to city/fortress) will now yield Experience for the assigned character.
•   Save games are now listed in chronological order - even for autosave files. Many players have expressed that always having autosave at the top does not add value, and increases the risk of accidentally loading the wrong game file.
•   Workers Window: Settle City now includes in the query dialog whether a City has the blocking effect from recent settlement (including duration) and such options are now unselectable by default. Previously you would not be notified until you made a selection, and would have to reopen the window to select a new city.
•   Transfer Units / Split Army: Double-clicking a unit is now a shortcut for to the 'create new army' button. This allows quickly creating a new army with a specific initial unit.
•   "Give/Swap/Revoke Item" actions have been added to the Character Context Menu for Followers (when relevant).
•   Made some visual improvements to the Battle Report window in how units are shown.
•   Added notifications for the completion of City Settlement and Outpost Fortification projects.
•   Fixed an army state corruption bug related to saving/loading games during migrations.
•   Fixed a missing UI update trigger in the Dungeon Window.
•   Fixed Follower text overflow in the Trainer part of the Military Window.
•   Fixed Follower text overflow in the General/Officer panels of the Army Window.
•   Fixed a number of crash bugs in the Transfer Units window.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2022, 03:53:20 AM »
Sat, January 1, 2022

New update to celebrate a new year - happy new year everyone! And thank you so much for a great year. The support and positivity from the player community has been truly amazing. You have provided me with ideas, beta branch testing, bug reports, words of encouragement, constructive criticism and more - I am grateful and I hope that the game will provide you with entertainment and enjoyment for years to come.

It's been a little bit more than a year since version, and a lot has happened since then. I will try to get a post up with a summary of the changes and improvements made, highlighting the major milestones. I will also share my plans and ambitions for the coming months. I look forward to another year of work on this game and I'm excited to see how the game will grow and improve during this time, and interacting with the community, trying to get as many of those awesome ideas and suggestion into the game as possible.

•   New Warlord Type: Sovereign
  •   Can choose from any culture template, start as a random culture template or select from a list of cultures generated for the world
  •   Has the same mechanics as AI Rival Warlords, which is unlike Tribal and more similar to Wizard (without magic).
  •   Start with a full province usually containing a city, a village and a fortress - although this can vary considerably based on what the world generator produces (and the setting chosen).
  •   Sometimes has one or more garrisons of higher tier units present at game start. These have free upkeep for 20 turns, but the Units are also locked to those garrisons for the same duration.
•   Terrain-specific ability logic has been added. This allows units to have stat modifiers and/or movement modifiers applied only in certain terrain (or when not in certain terrain).
  •   The following Unit Types have terrain-specific modifiers: Yetis, Medusae, Jotnar, Rime Trolls, Grendelkin, Giants, Frost Giants. More will be added in future patches.
  •   Modding support has been extended to cover these ability types.

•   Elephants and Mammoths cannot be Chariot mounts for most races
•   Additional mount variance chance (based on size)
•   Chariot-specific mount variance chances
•   Beast Tamer culture trait: reduce cavalry/chariot mount attack modifier from -2 to -1
•   Massively reduced the chance that Cultures are generated with no traits
•   Greatly reduced the chance that Cultures are generated with only one trait
•   If a unit cannot benefit from the Garrison upkeep reduction due to recent movement the upkeep tooltip will now state this
•   Fortress Window: Summary of characters present now includes the Garrison
•   Independent Realms no longer build mines in hexes without resource specials
•   Encyclopedia: World entry now includes any seed used to generate it
•   Prospectors: Geomancy, Subterranean, Wanderlust now increase chance for a culture to generate a character of this class.
•   Independent Realms now have show info on hostile actions in the diplomacy relation log
•   Roads can now be built with a destination which is controlled by allied and vassal factions. One end of the road (ie the origin) still has to be controlled.
•   City: +5% Divine Offering value per level of Spiritual.
•   Bugbear units now have +1 HP
•   Adjusted the animation speed when resolving ranged attacks during grid battles. It will now adapt to the number of units, speeding up when there are many units/attacks.
•   The numerical keys (1, 2, 3, etc) are now keyboard shortcuts for the corresponding top bar button. They can be used to quickly open the main windows: Magic, Military, Economy, Faction, etc.
•   City Window: Added 'Show Unavailable' toggle. This also adds Requirements text to all relevant buildings.
•   Added Monster Slayer character type
•   Gunpowder weapons now do additional damage at short range (25%-)
•   Many gunpowder weapons are less effective considerable at long range (50%+)
•   Attack, Site and Unit Conditions can now utilize base Condition logic (and / or / not)
•   Army Window: Units with (temporary) free Upkeep now have a tooltip showing what the cost would've been without the effect.
•   AI Rivals will now use the same 'Easy' Scouting game setting as the player, with the exception of Very Easy (does not gain if player has) and Hard/Very Hard (gains even if player has not)
•   Spell: Training Day now has a 4-turn Cooldown
•   Many (mundane) unit types now have shorter training time. This mostly affects races which had very long training times.
•   The list of constructed city buildings is now sorted alphabetically.
•   Followers Window: Location is now specified.
•   Followers Window: An Icon now shows when the Follower counts as 'At The Tower'.
•   When giving items to Followers, and they do not gain Loyalty due to having > 5 items already, "(No Loyalty Gained)" will now be shown in the character history log to help make it apparent this is not a bug.
•   Fixed a bug causing the majority of Bow units to have Poisoned attacks.
•   Fixed a bug where diplomatic relations towards an independent realm could get stuck at the current level
•   Fixed a bug where cultures where are an area of the map which was supposed to have a realm seeded was instead empty, and the culture not added to the world.
•   Fixed a number of bugs/issues which could cause an AI Rival to become mostly passive
•   Fixed bugs relating to Rename dialogs
•   Fixed equipment stats not being applied when for encyclopedia tool tips
•   Fixed being able to open the editor while having the new/load game window open
•   Fixed administration center not giving +1 Influence
•   Fixed unit battle leader stat bug. Retroactively fixes save games.
•   Fixed outpost worker add bug (skill req)
•   Fixed bug where effects checking if a unit was airborne instead evaluated if the unit was engaged in melee (even disregarding whether it can fly at all)
•   Fixed a bug when assigning an item after completing the enchant item project. The item was either removed for the vault if a duplicate existed there or not given at all, depending on circumstances.
•   Fixed incorrect requirements for Prison and Mercenary Sprawl buildings
•   Fixed a bug causing lairs to block outpost construction for Warlords
•   Fixed bug where unit type descriptions did not include stat modifiers from equipment in some cases (display bug only)
•   Fixed some spelling errors and missing spaces/commas
•   Fixed Warrior Monk characters almost never being generated
•   Fixed unit type export omitting attack modifier target conditions
•   Fixed city walls not being available after palisades
•   Fixed inverted modifier to recruit follower success from not sharing a class type with the target
•   Fixed a bug where city buildings could be constructed multiple times.
•   Fixed a crash bug related to followers with province-scope location.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2022, 11:35:05 PM »
Sun, January 9, 2022

First update of the year! I will try to keep a weekly update cycle, as I think that is the best cadence, but I hope you will forgive if it slips now and then. I'll count this one as a success, even if I didn't get as many things into this update as I would have liked. There are a few bugs still left open and I didn't manage to get any new Editor functionality in. The Allied Race bug turned out to be pretty severe, so I had to rip out most of the old code and write a new version. I'm pretty happy with the new one, though, as it has much more flexibility and potential. But it ate a significant amount of time. Still, I am happy with this first update of the year (and the 1.0.3 version). Next week, I should be able to find some time for a recap of 2021. But as always bugs take priority.

Thank you to the many players who contribute feedback, ideas, bug reports, create mods and offer words of encouragement. I very much appreciate it, and I will do my best to put into these updates, as much as possible from that treasure trove of ideas and suggestions.

Hostile Armies now block Resource Site production
Sovereign Warlord: Now gains +1 Pop on City Settlement. This Pop will have the faction primary culture. The other Pop will have culture based on the existing rules (ie overseer, worker and province culture).
Sovereign Warlord: Sorting changed Culture selection list. It is now alphabetical 'core' cultures followed by alphabetical exotic cultures.
Nomad Raiders: Will now pillage resource sites directly on the route towards a raid target
Nomad Raiders: Will now sometimes only sack a resource site and not raze it
Economy Window: Added a Buy All button. It buys the maximum amount available or the maxium amount the faction can afford. The tool tip for the button gives information on which of these is relevant and the total cost.
Faction Window - Deities Page: Double-click to navigate to details
Faction Window - Deities Page: Extended details including info otherwise only shown in Encyclopedia
Grid Battles: Attack cooldown fractions carried over (e.g. .5 turn cooldown results in a turn of cooldown every other turn).
Grid Battles: Characters no longer have unlimited range with ranged/magic attacks. This makes range-modifying traits useful during battles.
Light Crossbow: Reload Delay 2 -> 1
Crossbow: Damage 4 -> 6, slight cost reduction
Heavy Crossbow: Damage 7 -> 8
Arbalest: Reload Delay 3 -> 2
World Generator: More cultures can now have allied races and a greater variety of these are possible. Some are monsters, some are from other cultures, some are from minority races of the same culture.
World Generator: Slightly increased the number of traits that randomly generated (template-based or not) cultures have
World Generator: Added some culture traits to the non-template culture generator which it could previously never roll (they were template only)
World Generator: Cultures of Centauroid races have a very high chance for allied units to be cavalry units (so they can keep up)
World Generator: Added a template-based version of the Stonemen culture generator
World Generator: Subterranean cultures now have a greater chance for Cavalry unit types - and will usually have at least one (before it was very common for them to have none). They do actively wage war on the surface, and it makes the trait less terrible.
Items: Can now have a 'singular' trait which means a character can have only one of these items (for example, no stacking Cornucopia trinkets for silly food bonuses from a single character).
Wizard AI: Slightly improved ability to determine viability of a battle.
Wizard AI: Improved logic to evaluate need/benefit of relieving a siege.
Wizard AI: Will now be less likely to send only a single weak army to handle priority threats. If no sufficiently powerful army is available, it will try to send multiple armies to handle the threat.
Fire-Infused Weapon: Can now affect any melee weapon. Previously only slashing weapons were valid.
City Growth: Pops will now have alignment based on a random other pop in the city (of the same culture). This also prevents fully converted cities from gaining default alignment pops on growth.
Gargantuan Apes: New powerful unit type, specializing in melee.
Trolls and Vampire Trolls: +2 HP
Random Races: Added more feature variety to completely randomly generated races.

World Generator: Culture generation which is 'forced' from traits and settings will now properly respect the 'no-templating' setting.
Hire Follower: Fixed missing culture-specific character dominating the hire pool (for factions with a main culture). Added a small chance for 'special' characters to appear (e.g. faeries, demons, celestials) for compatible factions.
Encyclopedia: Fixed terrain-specific special abilities missing from unit tool tips
Faction Window - Deities Page: Fixed a bug where the text would become blank and the navigation state corrupted
Faction Window - Deities Page: Fixed a scroll focus bug (for the grid)
Military Window: Equipment which were cultural variants were not displayed when inspecting a unit type.
Pillage: Will now exhaust the army when initiated
Character Traits: Demonic Corruption, Celestial Blessings, and similar 'cosmic alignment' traits were incorrectly blocked for almost all characters
Several text errors fixed (spelling, formatting, etc.)
Grid-Battles: Fixed a number of bugs related to Ranged weapon range calculations. An incorrect (and almost unlimited range) was sometimes used in various calculations.
Grid-Battles: Fixed the Advance to Missile Range order not working as expected
Grid-Battles: Fixed Attack cooldowns not working as intended. Such attacks either had no cooldown or could not be used at all.
Equipment: Weapons with Reload Delay had a off-by-one error when determining the resulting attack cooldown
Worker Training UI: Training time bonus "mentor" shown as "alignment clash"
Recruitment pool: The Refugee event granting a city no longer breaks an existing specialized recruitment pool for that culture.
Recruitment pool: Temporary recruits are now always added to a special pool if one exists. This also means that 'gather recruits' and diplomacy will add to this pool if you've used conversion actions to create it.
Divine Offering: Fixed resource allocation window shown behind Follower Window
Divine Offering: Fixed missing UI update after assignment
Organize Worship: Fixed missing UI update after assignment
Recruitment Cost / Upkeep Cost: Fixed several units that did not have a non-magical version of these, resulting in the magical version applying to Factions without Mana.
Fire Elementals: Fixed the non-functional cooldown on Fiery Globs

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Offline Asid

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2022, 11:16:48 PM »
Mon, February 7, 2022

The Mythos Editor has arrived! I am pretty excited about this, as it's the first part of the Editor support for custom world creation. I want to expand this to eventually cover everything the World Generator does, so that players can create and share their own fantasy worlds - from scratch or by modifying something created by the generator.

There are still a few issues with the Editor - the UI is a bit rough, you can't specify custom Plane unit rosters, etc. I'm sure there are a few bugs in it, also. The next patch cycle is dedicated to Sovereigns and custom unit mechanics - but I will be giving some 'hypercare' attention to the Mythos Editor, and adding some things I didn't manage to squeeze in for this version (custom deity/plane icons and backgrounds in particular).

This update cycle stretched a bit longer than I would have liked, so I will try to avoid large tasks for the next couple of cycles, in order to get the weekly / bi-weekly update schedule back on track. There is a good amount of smaller tasks pending and a slightly higher number of open bug reports than I normally have, but I expect to have those bugs stomped out during this week. So there will likely be one or more small hyper-care/QoL/bugfix patches before the Sovereign improvements are in a patch. But I am aiming for the first of those in the quite near future still.

I had hoped to have Steam Cloud Saves in for this update, but I wanted to give it more internal testing. I am sure everyone can appreciate that save game integrity is important, so I am hesitant to rush this. Hopefully it will be available later this week, for those who wish to use it.

The Mythos Editor has been added which allows creating custom Deities, Deity Groups and Planes - along with (optional) flavor text, this bundle of entities is known as a 'Mythos'. You can then use these in your own games (Custom Mythos setting) or share them via the Workshop. If you want to include a custom 'cover image' for a Mythos workshop item, you can place one next to the file prior to upload/update using the same method as for custom Maps.
You can access the Mythos Editor via the Editor and a new button in the top editor menu.
Data files now have meta-data on what type of data they contain. This is used by the File Dialog to avoid showing irrelevant files, as the different types of Editor content (Maps, Mythos) use the same file format. 'Old' map files do not have this meta-data so will show up in dialogs that they may not apply to. You can load and re-save a map file to add the meta-data automatically. A variety of planned editor/modding features will benefit from this addition.

Phantasmal ability given to the Phantasmal line of unit types. This ability allows replenishment to full strength anywhere in the world at the end of the turn. So these units are now quite powerful for conducting warfare far away from friendly territory as they just need to survive battles, and they're back at full strength.
Inscribe Constructs: New Spellcraft. When researched, it allows adding the Mark line of unit modifiers when recruiting Construct (golem) units - contingent on an Arcane character being assigned to the recruitment.
Cities can now be settled adjacent to other cities - if they are not part of the same province.
Improved the Major Faction seeding algorithm to greatly reduce the risk of factions being placed adjacent to each other and generally increase the average distance between major factions (player and AI rivals).
Enchanted Garden tower upgrade will now unlock scout infantry from relevant culture rosters.
Academy tower upgrade will now unlock spellcaster infantry from relevant culture rosters, with a fallback to medium to high quality light infantry if these are not available (for a given culture).
Divine Favor Boons to remove Insane and Depressed has been added to many domains.
Wizards with Celestial, Demon or Faerie Race now have a very high chance to get the corresponding cult as religion on at least one of any mortal followers generated - with a priority given to Religion-type followers.
Increased the variety of equipment generated for dynamic (culture) unit type rosters and added additional culture trait weights to the generation routines.
Increased the range of possible variations for several culture templates, and reduced the chance of multiple weapon preference traits being generated for a culture.
Increased the average number of culture traits generated for each culture.
Improved the unit type naming routines to increase the flavor/coherence, range/variety and overall quality of roster unit type names.
Added two new spells to Necromancy (Unliving Flesh, Eternal Servitude) which can be used to remove 'Cannot Replenish' (from Zombie and Level 5+ Undead, respectively) and give some other stat buffs.
Added a new Priest character type which is Religious/Civic.
Tweaked the culture-trait/attribute weights for some character types which had a chance that was too high or too low compared to the intent. This should improve the variety of character classes for many cultures.
Sabotage against a besieged city will now progress the siege
Added Greater Drain Soul, which is an improved version of the basic Drain Soul spell. (I still intend to add more ways to gain Souls).
Special Rulers culture trait now affects character generator adding a chance for special character types to be generated with a context-sensitive weighting, so that leadership roles have a greater chance of these.
Additional variants of the Special Rulers trait added.
Expanded the number of Culture Templates which can roll the Special Rulers trait.
Numerous special unit type templates added to the Culture generator.
Eldritch Cultism is now included as a possible roll in the Character generator. It is extremely rare, although more likely to occur with the Insane trait, Cultist class and Enigmatic culture trait.
Demon Worship and Cult of The Elements is now slightly more likely to be generated as Character religion for some character classes and/or cultures.
Spellcaster units (when part of a culture roster) are now unlocked for cities if they have Learning 2+ and/or Spiritual 2+. For some unit types additional requirements (cavalry, heavy, etc) will apply, as per the existing logic.

The icon for a blocked Outpost to City upgrade action is now shown with information on the reason, instead of being hidden.
Fixed Fortification modifiers not being applied for City Buildings as intended and shown in the building description.
Friendly city garrisons are now shown with unit count and proper tooltip for friendly sites.
Fixed bugged requirements for Runic Warhammer. A condition was negated, causing strange availability results (positive and negative).
Cult of the Elements is now listed in the Deity Panel.
Fixed a crash bug related to world generation.
Fixed a bug sometimes causing some of the Sovereign starting units to instead start as part of unaligned armies camped outside the intended starting site.
Fixed cultural variant equipment not being omitted from unit equipment lists in some windows.
Fixed gunpowder, sapper and chivalric units (when enabled via game settings) very often being excluded from available unit types regardless of unit type unlocks.
Fixed chariot units not being available/unlocked as intended. They are now generally available based on the same rules as cavalry unit types.
Fixed an exploit which allowed circumventing site construction hex validation rules.
The intro window is no longer missing for Sovereign Warlords.
Fixed AI Rival toggles (ie the number of opponents) not being registered correctly until another setting is changed. This could cause a preset to be saved without such changes or a game to start with the wrong number of opponents.
Fixed a bug causing an AI rival to become undefeatable despite losing all sites and armies
Fixed a missing unit type icon
Fixed a number of text display bugs
Fixed a number of bugs related to city building availability
Fixed a bug causing custom map province names to be ignored even when specified. They can now be specified for some, none or all provinces, as intended. (Leaving the default 'Province N' name will make it be overriden).
Fixed dodge logic not working as intended during battle resolution. Relative physical unit size was being applied inversely for units with the 'Melee Avoidance' ability.
Fixed a number of battle resolution bugs, most of which were related to ranged attacks, cooldowns and ammo/charges.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #36 on: March 20, 2022, 07:00:24 PM »
Sat, 19 March 2022

Work on custom 'mundane' unit types is still on-going, but here is an interim game update. You'll see some of the work on streamlining equipment mechanics and how they relate to unit types reflected below, but there is a lot of other stuff. In particular, I'm very happy about the custom deity icon/image feature for the mythos editor. I think this new way to add custom graphics without leaving the editor, thus not requiring manually linking image files with arcane script files, is much more user-friendly. This also ties in perfectly with custom unit types, culture editing and other in-progress features.

Note that one of the new Celestial City Buildings, Hall of War, wasn't really supposed to be enabled yet, so it is missing a unit buff that it should have (and which will come in a future patch). But when I saw I had accidentally enabled it, I just kept it in, as it has Unrest reduction and that's something a lot of players have been asking for.

Mechanics and Content

•   The equipment aspect of the recruitment cost calculation (for dynamically generated units) has been reworked. This will generally lead to lower unit costs. It is part of the foundational work for custom unit types.
•   New City Building: Celestial Hall of War. Requires Celestial Wizard Race and War Mastery 3+. Reduces Unrest, produces Mana and greatly increases Martial stat of city. Also affect a number of other city stats.
•   New City Building: Celestial Hall of Justice. Requires Celestial Wizard Race and Order Mastery 3+. Greatly reduces Unrest, produces Mana, produces Influence and reduces Crime stat of city. Also affect a number of other city stats.
•   New City Building: Workshops. Boosts Industry and adds a small amount of Squalor.
•   New City Building: Toolmakers. Boosts Industry, produces Tools and adds a small amount of Squalor.
•   New City Building: Windmills. Boosts Industry and Growth.
•   New Unit Type: Twisted Marionettes. Research requires Artifice and Darkness Mastery. Melee construct with a very high number of attacks.
•   New Unit Type: Vile Marionettes. Research requires Artifice and Darkness Mastery. Melee construct with a very high number of attacks and additional Darkness damage.
•   New Tower Expansion: Halls of Divination. Grants random event luck, a research bonus and a reduced cost when recycling the 'hire followers' pool.
•   New Spell: Rune of the Phoenix. Rune Mastery. Grants the Phoenix Rebirth ability and bonus stats.
•   New Spell: Phantasmal Horde. Instantly heals a Phantasmal unit to full strength during a battle.
•   New Spell: Blood Portal. Sacrifice a non-Demonic Follower to gain a Demonic Follower.
•   New Spell Chain: Lesser Battlesight, Battlesight, Greater Battlesight. Divination Mastery. Cheap and reasonably strong unit stat battle enchantment.
•   New City Industry Buildings: Metalworks (Bronze), Metalworks (Iron), Glassworks, Dyeworks, Charcoal Burners, Ichor Vats. These change the default city Industry output from tools to one or more other resources.
•   Tower Expansion: Prison now generates influence whenever a Fortress or City is conquered.
•   Tower Expansion: Enchanted Garden now produces more Herbs and also gives a reduction in cost to Plant tag units.
•   City Building: Festering Lake now reduces Unrest and enables recruitment of Vile Slime units at the city.
•   Divination Mastery 8 and 10 now give a +5%/+10% Research Progress bonus
•   Changed the impact of Character Loyalty/Discontent on upkeep and personal income generation. The impact is now slightly greater (in both directions), and no longer has a confusing reversed multiplier to personal income generation.
•   City Pop types now have a greater impact on City Resource Production/Output
•   Rebalanced the cost of several magical/special unit types
•   Slightly reduced the base price/value of Bronze
•   Slightly reworked the calculation of Oricalchum Forge output based on Follower Assignment to make it more intuitive
•   Buffed the impact of the Worker Entertainment Skill
•   Improved and expanded multiple aspects of the random culture generator and increased the average variation from the template baseline
•   Added new allied and cavalry unit types to the random culture unit generator
•   The Learning and Spiritual stats of Cities will now yield a Research Project bonus for Wizards.
•   Lesser Depravity, Depravity, Greater Depravity: These spells now yield a variable amount of Soul resources per turn to the caster. Each mortal pop in affected city has 2% / 4% / 6% (lesser/normal/greater) to yield 1 / (1 to 3) / / (1 to 5) Souls. These are evaluated per pop and the distribution isn't even, as (1 to 3) is D6-3 (min. 1) and (1 to 5) is D10-5 (min. 1). So a city of 20 mortal pops affected by Greater Depravity can yield from 0 to 100 (20 x 5) Souls per turn, but will on average yield 2.4 (0.06 x 2 x 20). Note that these spells can also be cast on Cities controlled by other Factions, and the caster will still be the recipient of the Souls - not the controller of the city.

Mythos Editor

•   You can now set custom Icon and Image graphics for the various entities. This applies to Deities, Planes and Deity Groups. Currently this is only shown in the game UI for Deities (on the Details view and some tooltips), but it will be added to additional parts of the UI, including those relevant to Planes and Deity Groups.
•   Icons are intended as an identifying sigil, depiction or similar - similar to the sigils of the various realms and factions. These should be square.
•   Images are background images shown on relevant game dialogs and windows. They will be dimmed when text is displayed on top. Aspect ratio of the custom image is maintained when displaying it, with margins added above/below or to the sides depending on layout.
•   Plane Layout can now be edited

User Interface and World Map

•   Dungeon window now has tool tips for party members showing traits, class type(s) and level
•   Encyclopedia now shows equipment cost values
•   Added a new musical track to the playlist
•   Improved the 'Details' view in the Deities Panel
•   Added a toggle for Realm Names to the World Map. Hold shift when pressing the Province Name toggle to shift to Realm Name mode.
•   Changed the 'Go To' functionality for factions and realms, so that they are zoom to the map location of the entity rather than open the diplomacy window.
•   Normalized the range state for (ranged) attacks to use the same distance units in all places.

Bug Fixes

•   Fixed a bug related to 'empty' dungeon expeditions that lingered in the UI and game data
•   Fixed a bug where references to the Dragon Worship religion would not save correctly and would create 'phantom' copies of the religion
•   Fixed a bug causing unit equipment display to be incorrect
•   Fixed a bug causing some world spells to not be castable
•   Fixed a bug causing the Sabotage impact on Sieges to off by a factor 100
•   Fixed a number of bugs related to AI having friendly/hostile switched around in a subroutine
•   Fixed numerous text and tooltip bugs.
•   Fixed some domains not showing in the Mythos Editor.
•   Fixed a bug causing Allied Unit (from Culture traits) not being available in Cities.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2022, 11:44:06 PM »
Wed, March 23, 2022

Bug fixes and single minor resource site tweak.

Reduced the Food and Furs resource output from Hunter's Lodges by approx. 20%
Fishing Villages built on a Spices hex special will now produce 1 Spice per turn (in addition to the existing resource production)
If a Planar Invasion ends and any armies convert to unaligned marauder armies, any that share a hex will now be merged before this happens
Deity Groups (if they exist) are now shown in the Encyclopedia when using a custom Mythos
When deleting save games, the game will now properly delete any (game save data) sub-folders that become empty
Fixed the tooltip for the Spices hex special to be more correct
Fixed an AI bug sometimes causing Planar Invasions to stall and just accumulate armies at the Portal
Fixed a bug related to site construction duration display
Fixed flavor text missing from Details mode on the Deities Panel
Fixed flavor text missing from Planes and Deities in the Encyclopedia
Fixed missing text bugs in several Mythos Editor panels
Fixed a crash bug in the Mythos Editor
Fixed a bug where two (or more) provinces and/or oceans with the same name could be generated during random world generation
Fixed the Gunpowder module being shown twice in the game settings dialog

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Offline Asid

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #38 on: May 18, 2022, 11:13:00 PM »
Wed, May 18, 2022

City Leaders now gain XP from city population growth and building construction (up to Level 5 for characters that have none of: Civic, Artisan, Mercantile).
Custom Unit Types now have access to weapon and armor variants (ie culture 'specials').
Changed the Diplomacy Window display of Dungeon Factions to include more relevant information and to show the Dungeon site name as header.
Faction Flags are now shown for major factions in the Diplomacy Window.
Outliner now shows City Population next to the type moniker.
Outliner now shows if an Outpost is in the process of upgrading to a City or Fortress.
Fixed a bug causing the special ability availability logic for Custom Unit Types to use an inverted flag for cavalry status, leading to ability options not being as intended.
Fixed a bug causing some special modifiers to damage to not be applied correctly when applied to ranged weapons.
Fixed a bug causing Dungeon Factions based on Dungeons from custom map seeds to have the wrong name.
Fixed a crash bug related to sieges by unaligned armies.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2022, 11:16:21 PM »
Fri, May 20, 2022

Map Search now has special keywords which can be used to perform a special search (not sensitive to casing): dungeon, wizard, warlord, major, minor, realm, independent, rebel, rebels. Free text search using these keywords is still possible, with exact matches sorting above the 'special result' and partial matches below. (major and minor refer to factions).
Fixed a bug causing mana nodes and dungeons on the world map to have mutually exclusive visibility. If the node was selected, the dungeon was hidden, and vice versa. Both can now be displayed at the same time, as is the case for mana nodes and other sites.
Fixed a bug causing a crash when accessing the Guide while not connected to Steam. An error dialog is now shown and the URL to the guide is copied to the clipboard for easy manual browsing.
Fixed a bug causing the same behavior as above, but with planar portals and dungeons.
Fixed a bug causing the tutorial to not auto-progress correctly in all cases.
Fixed a bug causing the 'old' Military Window to display when closing the Custom Construct Window.
Fixed a crash bug related to loading multiple different games (campaigns) in succession.
Fixed a crash bug related to having multiple Fortress Upgrade in progress.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Wizards and Warlords
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2023, 12:01:53 AM »
Sat, March 4, 2023

This update took longer than I expected or wanted, but now it's finally here. I had originally intended for the next update to be a upgrade of the Unity engine version and some pending graphical improvements. However, due to the delay in bringing you this update, I want to put out at least one, maybe two, smaller updates on the heels of this one, before doing anything with even a small risk of delay. There is a decent backlog of QoL improvements and misc. requests that I will want to make sure are done in the not too distant future.

I realize the updates have been sparse these last months, but there are things happening that should help me pick up the pace a little. I don't want to over-promise, but hopefully the next few weeks will feature game updates that show what I'm talking about. If things pan out as I hope they will, it should increase my development bandwidth a fair bit. Either way, I will keep you all informed on the forums.

Overhauled character aging mechanics, allowing characters to die from old age and be affected by random events that force them to rest for a number of turns as they age.
Added three game settings that allow players to control character aging: character life span, character age impact, and character age variation. These settings can be changed at the start of the game.
Existing games will have the new character aging mechanics disabled, but for new games, the default settings are longer life spans, low impact, and normal variability.
Adjusted recruitment costs of characters to account for their age, with older characters receiving a low to moderate discount on their base cost.
Increased the chances of older characters starting with additional levels. Note that this makes them more expensive to recruit.
Added a detailed battle log for attacks that provides in-depth information on stats and calculations concerning to-hit chance, to-wound, crit, fend, dodge, resistance, armor, armor penetration, secondary damage types, and more. It also tracks individual unit members for hit, wounded, and killed status.
Access the detailed battle log information via the right-click context menu on a unit in the battle window.
Hopebringer (Celestial spell, level 3): targets a non-Civic character, giving them the Influential trait, and treats them as a Civic class type in addition to their existing types.
Lesser Longevity (Life spell, level 3): increases the expected lifespan of a non-Undead, non-Celestial, non-Demonic, non-Vampiric, non-Immortal Follower. The spell will have a reduced or no effect if the character already has a long expected lifespan.
Greater Longevity (Life spell, level 7): greatly increases the expected lifespan of a non-Undead, non-Celestial, non-Demonic, non-Vampiric, non-Immortal Follower. The spell will have a reduced or no effect if the character already has a very long expected lifespan.
Scion of Shadow (Shadow spell, level 4): the target character gains the Guileful and Stealthy traits, and Guileful characters are treated as having the Civic class type in addition to their existing class types. If only one trait can be gained due to existing traits or class type, the character is still a valid target and will gain the single trait. Also added a new button to set the dominant deity of a plane in the Mythos Editor.
Added "Grant Character Trait: Strong" and "Remove Character Trait: Sickly" as possible favor rewards for the Strength domain when being granted Divine Boons.
Added validation checks to ensure that a plane is selected before adding a new trait, and that at least one deity is assigned to a plane before setting the dominant deity.
Display the currently ongoing construction project in the City Window.
Implemented validation checks to ensure that at least one deity is assigned to a plane before setting the dominant deity.
Added a display for the ongoing construction project in the City Window.
Added the ability to cancel the ongoing construction project directly from the City Window.
Added a display for free mana available for unit upkeep in the wizard info window. This shows the amount of free mana available for unit upkeep, as well as the amount of free mana currently being used for upkeep.
Stoneskin and Diamondskin spells can no longer be cast on units with the "Metal" tag, in addition to the existing constraints of the "Elemental", "Spectral", and "Earth" tags.
Iron Skin spell can no longer be cast on units with the "Metal" tag, in addition to the existing constraints of the "Elemental", "Spectral", "Air", and "Earth" tags.
Implemented a new game setting that allows players to specify the number of rounds resolved in legacy battle resolution per step. This setting can be modified via the settings dialog, accessed via the in-game main menu.
Added Siege Mechanics to the Encyclopedia window under the Mechanics group, providing a breakdown of the game mechanics involved in Siege resolution.
Added Unit Mechanics to the Encyclopedia window under the Mechanics group, providing a breakdown of unit stats and their impact on gameplay.
Added a check to the loading process to address an issue where starting Lore levels with bonuses were not being properly applied during game loading for older versions of the game.
Improved handling of movement costs for armies with units possessing shore-only abilities.
Building names now display " (under construction)" when appropriate in the Building List View.
Grid-based battles are now enabled by default when installing the game. An update soon will probably feature a somewhat annoying prompt to switch to grid-based battles for existing players, as it was unintentionally made the non-default options for a while, and many players thus never discovered it.
Fixed numerous (calculation-related) battle resolution bugs and issues.
Fixed a bug in the Military Window that caused an incorrect tooltip to be displayed when the player attempted to recruit a unit that was not recruitable at the currently selected site. The tooltip now correctly displays the reason why the unit cannot be recruited, and also informs the player how many other sites have the unit available for recruitment.
Fixed a bug that occurred when using Add Planar Trait in the Mythos Editor.
Fixed a bug where removing a Deity in the Mythos Editor would not properly remove it from all internal data structures, which could potentially cause data corruption.
Fixed a bug where army movement was incorrectly blocked when passing a fortress.
Fixed a bug in the Blood Portal spell where the ownership of the new follower summoned by the spell was not set correctly.
Fixed a bug where wizard template customization/cloning could result in a crash.

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