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Author Topic: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Saturday 06/06/2020 at 20:00 GMT  (Read 7011 times)

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Offline Jakmin

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Saturday 06/06/2020 at 20:00 GMT
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2020, 11:41:25 AM »
Considerazione strategica del senno di poi:
Col senno di poi naturalmente siamo capaci tutti. Ma è il bello della analisi post battaglia.
Considerando che pensavamo i prussiani impossibilitati a difendere tutto il fronte guadabile, la nostra tattica poteva essere vincente. Occupare praticamente tutta la linea in attesa di entrare dove non potevano difendere adeguatamente. Purtroppo però la disposizione difensiva copriva benissimo tutto il fronte. Di conseguenza l'attrito è stato il denominatore di tutto lo scontro.
Ora, sempre col senno di poi, mi verrebbe da pensare che se avessimo battezzato un punto di sfondamento, usando praticamente un corpo prima, e l'altro a seguire per entrare tra le linee cosa sarebbe successo?
Non lo sapremo mai, come tutte le analisi fatte a posteriori. Ma ipotizzo che lasciando liberi altri fronti i prussiani avrebbero concentrato tutto nel punto di sfondamento e si sarebbe risolto in un niente di fatto comunque...🤔
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Offline General Sandman

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Saturday 06/06/2020 at 20:00 GMT
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2020, 08:34:38 PM »
Well, the tirelessly onslaught of the French managed to push back the Prussian ranks on the western front section in the last third of the battle, bringing two of the three bridges behind their own lines, but taking the primary goal, regardless of the time remaining, was completely unrealistic to achieve.
The eastern Prussian wing was represented by that of Ziethen Corps, with Praetoria as corps commander and Sargon controlling the Steimetz division. This formation made up a good half of the Prussian army! During the final third of the battle, this corps had pushed back and almost smashed the weaker left wing of the French. It had suffered relatively few losses. Four brigades were almost completely fresh. These forces were now free and were instructed to counterattack the French who had been transferred to the west while the remnants of the units of the Spanish generals were able to guard the main target, although there would never have been a threat here.
Given the high losses on the French side, I assume that at this point there was hardly any French unit left undamaged. I am very certain that the four brisk Prussian brigades (approx. 13,000 - 14,000 men) would have easily chased away or even smashed the battered French divisions, especially since almost 1,000 cavalry men were still available and almost the entire reserve artillery was in tact .

The Stonewall brigades of my Spanish generals were able to repulse the French waves of attack for a good two hours before having to back away. At that time, the French had already paid such high expenses of blood that the disclosure of the secondary targets could no longer play any significant role. I can imagine that the Spanish defensive was desperate towards the end and belief in victory might have waned. But a look at the overall situation showed a completely different picture. The wages of the bloody defensive battle on the left wing and in the center nevertheless promised to smash the left French wing and free the Prussian forces there in order to assert the main objective and to be able to counterattack by a largely intact corps.
The always resounding call of General Fabian for cavalry support may have been understandable at first glance, but an early wear and tear of these forces could not be responsible. In fact, I have already used them excessively. The study of the replays also reveals at least one and a half fresh French Dragoon divisions 40 minutes before the end. If you consider that my von Pirch Corps had only light and half inexperienced cavalry units, you can easily see the potential danger. Anyone who has already experienced how the Blonde General uses combined forces to attack and destroy uncovered infantry formations knows what I'm talking about here.
Last but not least, there is a smaller and a bigger adversity with which I was confronted as a Prussian CiC.
1. The heavy reserve artillery arrived without ammunition replenishment. Fortunately, the supply units of other formations seemed to have helped out at some point.
2. The corps commander of the von Ziethen Corps (Praetoria) had to leave the battlefield about an hour before the end of the battle due to an injury. Unfortunately, I was initially not aware of this. So my order to start the counterattack failed. When I noticed the loss and took command of these troops myself, so much time had passed that the counterattack could only be initiated at the very end, but without being able to develop sufficiently.

Ultimately, however, we can celebrate a clear Prussian victory. If I am not mistaken, the point difference may be around 4000. The French had to take about 25% more casualties and the main goal had never been compromised.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 07:52:24 AM by General Sandman »
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Offline tadzio73

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Saturday 06/06/2020 at 20:00 GMT
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2020, 09:22:26 AM »
Tactic map of the battle.

Congratulations Biondo you have created a great community of players in Italy, I feel healthy envy, we can not gather more than 3-4 players.  :grin_2

Il momento tanto atteso dell' avanzata

Face to face general  :Nap3 :roker

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Offline Jakmin

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Saturday 06/06/2020 at 20:00 GMT
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2020, 09:49:42 AM »
Al comando del III corpo Vandamme.
Gli ordini sono di nascondere una parte del corpo e indirizzare una sola divisione per l' attraversamento del ponte più a sud, organizzando poi la vera offensiva nella tarda mattinata, coordinata al corpo D' Erlon e Lobau.
ordino dunque al generale Berthenzene (Presy63) di occuparsi di quella faccenda preliminare e "nascondo" il resto del corpo d'armata dietro un bosco a ovest del ponte stesso.
Presto avviene la consapevolezza che contrariamente alle nostre aspettative l' esercito prussiano riesce a mantenere una linea difensiva robusta lungo tutto il fronte. Impossibile individuare un punto debole dove poter sfondare. Forse proprio alla nostra destra dove ho mandato la mia prima divisione vedo meno cavalleria.
A questo punto la battaglia diventa di attrito. Attraversare quel fiume costa alle nostre truppe centinaia e centinaia di morti. Lacqua del torrente è rosso sangue. I prussiani non cedono che solo dopo due ore di combattimenti, e finalmente il guado avviene. Un senso di liberazione pervade lungo tutto il fronte, ma il tempo è tiranno e nonostante la divisione di Habert ancora abbastanza integra non vi è il tempo materiale per tentare di raggiungere il villaggio di Merlino.
Per questa volta i Prussiani hanno avuto la meglio.
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Offline Jakmin

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Saturday 06/06/2020 at 20:00 GMT
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2020, 10:11:09 AM »

Il momento tanto atteso dell' avanzata

Face to face general  :Nap3 :roker


Mezzogiorno di fuoco  ;)
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Offline Biondo

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Saturday 06/06/2020 at 20:00 GMT
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2020, 08:35:08 AM »
From Napoleon HQ:

My plan for this battle was quite simple. The two main corps of D'Erlon and Vandamme had to probe with a division each of the two bridges in the west and northwest while I was maneuvering the smallest corps of Lobau to the north to make the enemy think that the main attack would have come from the shortest path to the objective; then Vandamme had to deploy his forces from the western to the northwestern bridge and D'Erlon from the northwestern to the northern, my cavalry corps had then to support the attack in the weaker point we would have found.

Original plan

After the battle starts and the first visual contact with the enemy was made, I realize some things:
- D'Erlon corps has no cavalry division in his corps
- Lobau division has no artillery in both of his two divisions

So I had to detach a cavalry brigade and an artillery company from Exelmans corps to follow Lobau's corps and a cavalry brigade in support of the first D'Erlon's division attacking the central bridge.
Here the things went immediately bad for us, I asked D'Erlon to support Donzelot's division with an additional artillery battery. Probably I didn't make clear enough that this had to be a probe attack until the order to start a major one. This division took a lot of damage inflicting very few casualties to the enemy (something like 1:5 ratio)

The last order to the two corps commander was to start the main attack at 11:15 then I had to leave the central bridge and move to the north to see the situation in front of LObau's corps under my direct command.

Northern bridge

Prussian regiments on bridge's right (from my view)

So a complete prussian corps was waiting for my two small division, 6 guns and a cavalry brigade, but I was hoping that this would have permitted to my other two corps to crush the resistance in one spot elsewhere.

At 11:15 the plan had to start and indeed I saw one division of D'Erlon corps moving to reach my flank

Durutte Division?

I was unaware of what was going on in the south to Vandamme's corps but it was my order to not be updated by corps commander because of our surely interrupted line of communication.

With this situation I started a light attack on the northern bridge to give the possibility to the french division on my right to safely deploy and attack what seemed a weaker point of their line (from our view).

After some minutes something seemed strange to me. On my right I saw only a small brigade and far away in the west I saw Marcognet's division standing still.

From the replay I saw what happened:
-Durutte's division started the movement to reach my flank but then turn and deployed against the central bridge
-Nogues brigade of Marcognet's division moved to my right flank and start a first attack moving to the central bridge after 15 minutes, the second brigade was held in reserve far in the west, the artillery engaged in the central bridge
-Passage's division held in reserve

After a courier exchange with Colbert, I decided to move the cavalry division of Strolz between Lobau's corps and D'Erlon left, in the meantime I tried to push a bit more in the north to hold there the prussians. With a bold attack I took the bridge and some guns but the prussian counterattacked quickly and I had to retreat again behind the river

Prussian squadron charging a square

But the prussians didn't limit to push me back, they chase my men and I had to keep retreating saving only a fresh brigade and few battalions of the second infantry division. I saw that incredible mountain of prussian troops moving to our left flank from the north and I fallback to the centre where I saw we had just passed the bridges.

I ordered a general advance to the objective Trying to place a defence against the prussian corps in the north which now was in the northern bank of the river but the hope to really go for the objective were equal to zero.

Too few time, too much losses, too much prussians.

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Offline Biondo

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Saturday 06/06/2020 at 20:00 GMT
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2020, 09:18:57 AM »
Tactic map of the battle.

Congratulations Biondo you have created a great community of players in Italy, I feel healthy envy, we can not gather more than 3-4 players.  :grin_2

Good replay video as always :thumbsup

Our Italian community has grown  a lot in this last period thanks to some old and to new players also. Credits go absolutely to them :winner

It requires time and probably a bit of luck to find players who like this kind of game and gameplay and have them keep playing the game.

But you all guys are already part of this community  :grouphugg
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Offline Asid

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Saturday 06/06/2020 at 20:00 GMT
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2020, 01:20:18 PM »

It requires time and probably a bit of luck to find players who like this kind of game and gameplay and have them keep playing the game.

But you all guys are already part of this community  :grouphugg



A lot of effort has been put in behind the scene over the years. It is an excellent community and great friendships have been made  :thumbsup

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Offline Colbert

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Saturday 06/06/2020 at 20:00 GMT
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2020, 08:37:11 PM »

It requires time and probably a bit of luck to find players who like this kind of game and gameplay and have them keep playing the game.

But you all guys are already part of this community  :grouphugg




A lot of effort has been put in behind the scene over the years. It is an excellent community and great friendships have been made  :thumbsup
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