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Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« on: February 22, 2020, 02:52:41 PM »

Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg is a turn-based strategy set in the period of WW2. It brings a modern look and new features to a good old wargame genre. You are to lead the German Armed forces overcoming unthinkable odds and claiming the ultimate bittersweet victory in Europe. Blitzkrieg is the way!

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Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg. First trailer


Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg is a turn-based strategy set in the period of WW2. It brings a modern look and new features to the good old wargame genre. You are to lead the German Armed forces overcoming unthinkable odds and claiming the ultimate bittersweet victory in Europe.

The game is created with great care and attention to historical details by a team that is passionate about WW2 history. The cinematics before and after every operation add depth and immersion into the events unfolding before your eyes. Moreover, a number of primary and secondary objectives allow you to explore every scenario in detail. The gameplay is plot-driven and features many historical personalities such as Franz Halder, Heinz Guderian, Erich von Manstein, Erwin Rommel, Karl Dönitz, Wilhelm Canaris, Hermann Göring and others.

Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg is the second installment in the Strategic Mind line of games. While “The Pacific” was more about naval warfare, the “Blitzkrieg” brings us all into the continental battles fought by the German troops. As a part of the Strategic Mind franchise, it will retain many features of the series along with adding new content and features to the existing variety.

Key features:

•   You will have the opportunity to command ground, air, and naval forces with the emphasis on the land battles.
•   Modern 3D graphics brought by UE4 engine with detailed models of all the units, day/night cycle and weather effects.
•   You can upgrade and customize your troops by leveling them up and selecting skills that best suit your strategy. Moreover, you can equip your troops with additional equipment for each operation to better suit both your strategy and the war theatre.
•   You will gain a number of awards throughout the game and get access to unique HQ skills, which you can learn to increase the efficiency and synergy of your troops.
•   You can acquire new units of various types, or upgrade your existing ones. All new units and equipment are available at historically accurate moments of the campaign.
•   You can take numerous trophies and use some of the enemy`s most advanced units against him in future battles.
•   While we strive for historical accuracy, we also allow you to explore various “what if’s” and see what could have happened should the German Armed forces be even more successful in their struggle for dominance over the European continent.
•   Storytelling cinematics, as well as in-operation dialogues with full voice over, will help you get a better feeling of the epochal events.
•   Full content, no “pre-made DLC nonsense” and long-term support. You pay once for a full game and enjoy all the benefits without any additional pesky transactions. That includes new updates and some additional content and support along the way. While we reserve the right to add extra DLC content in the future, that will in no way take away from you the whole experience of the game.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2020, 02:54:04 PM »
Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg vs Panzer Strategy
Thu, 30 January 2020

Comparative table
Previously we have announced our new title Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg. It will cover the German campaigns from 1938 to 1944 with the majority of operations being historical and several alternate history ones in one twenty-operations-long campaign.

The game will be based on Strategic Mind series mechanics, but unlike “The Pacific” it will feature mostly land operations and lots of new units, content, and features.

For all those wondering how would Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg would differ from our previous game Panzer Strategy, we prepared a list of all major differences.

See table here

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2020, 02:54:39 PM »
New units in Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
Fri, 17 January 2020 17:53  GMT

Episode 1: Stalin`s Sledgehammer

The Soviet heavy 203 mm howitzer M1931 (B-4) (Russian: 203-мм гаубица обр. 1931 г. (Б-4)) compared to the German 150 mm sFH - one of the most numerous German field artillery guns.

This B-4 monster was packing an extremely heavy punch and had a solid firing range of 18 kilometers (compared to the 13 kilometers of 150 mm sFH). It was first used in combat during the Winter War of 1939-1940.

“The B-4 was called the "Karelia Sculptor" as Finnish pillboxes hit were virtually turned into a bizarre hodge-podge of concrete chunks and iron armatures.”

It was later used against Germany when its Armed forces invaded USSR in June 1941. The German soldiers were greatly impressed by such a powerful artillery shelling and started to call this artillery piece "Stalin's sledgehammer".

Yer it was only 3 days into the war when the German soldiers found themselves a bunch of “Sledgehammers” to toy with.

“23 B-4's were captured by the German 11th Panzer Division as the town of Dubno was captured at nighttime on June 25, 1941.”

We do not want to spoil you the gameplay of the Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg too much, but what we can say is that: “Captured B-4's used by the Wehrmacht were given the designation 20,3 cm H.503(r)”

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2020, 02:59:11 PM »
Historic personalities in Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
Fri, 21 February 2020

Episode 2. Erwin Rommel

“One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization.” (c) Erwin Rommel

Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel was one of the most prominent German commanders. “Popularly known as the Desert Fox, he served as field marshal in the Wehrmacht (Defense Force) of Nazi Germany during World War II, as well as serving in the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic, and the army of Imperial Germany.”

“War without Hate”. (c) Erwin Rommel

Rommel went through both World War I and World War II with an impressive service record both in infantry and panzer forces.

“Among his British adversaries he had a reputation for chivalry, and his phrase "war without hate" has been used to describe the North African campaign.”

“Mortal danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas.” (c) Erwin Rommel

Despite being an ardent supporter in Hitler in the 1930-s, Rommel remained true to the officer’s honor and was against the atrocities of Nazi regime.

“In 1944, Rommel was implicated in the 20 July plot to assassinate Hitler. Because of Rommel's status as a national hero, Hitler desired to eliminate him quietly instead of immediately executing him, as many other plotters were. Rommel was given a choice between committing suicide, in return for assurances that his reputation would remain intact and that his family would not be persecuted following his death, or facing a trial that would result in his disgrace and execution; he chose the former and committed suicide using a cyanide pill Rommel was given a state funeral, and it was announced that he had succumbed to his injuries from the strafing of his staff car in Normandy.”

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2020, 12:29:05 AM »
New units in Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
Fri, 28 February 2020

Episode 3. The first operational jet fighter

Messerschmitt Me 262 - is the first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft in the world.

It was fully introduced in April 1944. Despite its superior speed and firepower, it could not turn the tide of aerial combat, due to low production figures.

In Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg you will be able to take this matter into your own hands and explore the endless possibilities of what could have happened if, through the war, the German military leadership was headed by a more capable person.

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2020, 02:10:39 PM »
Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg early gameplay video
Mon, 2 March 2020

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.
Please add the new upcoming title - Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg to your wishlist!

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2020, 01:56:33 PM »
Tue, 3 March 2020

The information panel of the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein shows that it is equipped with four 280-mm main-caliber guns, 37-mm AA guns, an armored deck, and a reconnaissance seaplane. The ship also has special options specific to the class “Battleship”.

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2020, 12:58:16 PM »
First shots of WWII
Wed, 4 March 2020

In August 1939 Schleswig-Holstein had been positioned in the port of Danzig, moored close to the Polish ammunition depot at Westerplatte under the guise of a ceremonial visit.

In the early morning hours of 1 September, 1939 Schleswig-Holstein bombarded the Polish base at Danzig's Westerplatte. So, She fired the first shots of WWII.

This is how it happened:

This is how this episode looks at Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg:

Although there are port cranes in both pictures, it's just a coincidence, we have not sought such historical authenticity :)

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2020, 11:53:41 PM »
Historic personalities in Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
5 March 2020

Episode II. Hermann Goering

My measures will not be crippled by any bureaucracy. Here I don't have to worry about Justice; my mission is only to destroy and to exterminate; nothing more. (c) Hermann Goering Speech in Frankfurt (3 March 1933)

“Hermann Wilhelm Göring (or Goering German: [ˈɡø:ʁɪŋ]) was a German political and military leader as well as one of the most powerful figures in the Nazi Party (NSDAP), which ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. A veteran World War I fighter pilot ace, he was a recipient of the Pour le Mérite.”

Guns will make us powerful; butter will only make us fat. (c) Hermann Goering Radio broadcast (1936)

“An early member of the Nazi Party, Göring was among those wounded in Adolf Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. While receiving treatment for his injuries, he developed an addiction to morphine which persisted until the last year of his life.

After Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, Göring was named as Minister Without Portfolio in the new government. One of his first acts as a cabinet minister was to oversee the creation of the Gestapo, which he ceded to Heinrich Himmler in 1934.

Following the establishment of the Nazi state, Göring amassed power and political capital to become the second most powerful man in Germany. He was appointed commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe (air force), a position he held until the final days of the regime.

Upon being named Plenipotentiary of the Four Year Plan in 1936, Göring was entrusted with the task of mobilizing all sectors of the economy for war, an assignment which brought numerous government agencies under his control and helped him become one of the wealthiest men in the country.”

Shoot first and inquire afterwards, and if you make mistakes, I will protect you. (c) Hermann Goering Instruction to the Prussian police (1933)

“In September 1939 Hitler designated him as his successor and deputy in all his offices. After the Fall of France in 1940, he was bestowed the specially created rank of Reichsmarschall, which gave him seniority over all officers in Germany's armed forces.”

The victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused. (c) Hermann Goering

“After the war, Göring was convicted of conspiracy, crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials in 1946. He was sentenced to death by hanging but committed suicide by ingesting cyanide hours before the sentence was to be carried out.”

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2020, 12:02:02 AM »
Fri, 6 March 2020

Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg brings a modern look and new features to a good old wargame genre :)

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2020, 12:28:37 AM »
StartedMon, 9 March 2020

You will acquire more details by clicking the unit's image at its information panel.

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2020, 12:09:41 AM »
Operations in Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
Thu, 12 March 2020

Operation Weserübung

First, you will have to capture Denmark, to obtain a convenient staging area for the landing operation against Norway.

Upon capturing Denmark you can proceed with boarding your troops on transport ships and your paratroopers on transport aircraft. These forces then can land in Norway to continue the offensive. Nighttime might be an opportune moment for troops redeployment.

Ensure that you have redeployed enough troops to Norway and continue the onslaught.

You will also have to hold hast against the superior British Navy. You will have to perfect your tactics and unit coordination to repel the naval attack. Another way to make your life easier would be to use Ju-88 aircraft equipped with torpedoes to support your Kriegsmarine efforts with Luftwaffe units.

At the same time, you will have to continue the land invasion of Norway, where your enemies would be both stout Norwegian resistance and difficult terrain.

! Please note, that this early footage is a “work-in-progress” and it may be improved before the game release.

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2020, 10:41:56 AM »
Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg gameplay video
Wed, 18 March

Here is the early short Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg gameplay video

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.
Please add the new upcoming title - Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg to your wishlist!

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2020, 01:19:11 PM »
New units in Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
StartedThu, 19 March 2020

Episode 4. Lend-lease units

The Lend-lease or the equipment supplies from Great Britain and the US to the USSR have played a pivotal role in the course of WW2 in Europe.

When German troops invaded the USSR, and their swift advance became apparent, Allies decided to support the USSR however they could to prevent Germany from establishing total domination in Europe.

The first tanks and aircraft units armed with lend-lease machinery reached the frontlines during the Battle of Moscow’s early stages in autumn 1941.

Here you can see the British Matilda II tanks as well as US M3 Stuart and M4 Sherman models. While Matildas and Stuarts were available in 1941, M4 Shermans joined the fray later on in the war.

“By the end of 1941, early shipments of Matilda, Valentine and Tetrarch tanks represented only 6.5% of total Soviet tank production but over 25% of medium and heavy tanks produced for the Red Army.

The British tanks first saw action with the 138 Independent Tank Battalion in the Volga Reservoir on November 20, 1941. Lend-Lease tanks constituted 30 to 40 percent of heavy and medium tank strength before Moscow at the beginning of December 1941.”

Aircraft were also instrumental in tipping the scales in USSR’s favor. British Spitfires and US Airacobras were common lend-lease models to be delivered to the USSR.

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.
Please add the new upcoming title - Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg to your wishlist!

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2020, 01:45:32 PM »
Historic personalities in Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
Sat, 21 March 2020

Episode 3. Franz Halder

“There were daily quarrels all summer. The point upon which we had our final disagreement was the decision of an offensive on the Caucasus and Stalingrad - a mistake, and Hitler didn't want to see it. I told him the Russians would put in another million men in 1942 and get another million in 1943. Hitler told me that I was an idiot - that the Russians were practically dead already. When I told Hitler about Russian armament potentials, especially for tank materials, Hitler flew into a rage of fury and threatened me with his fists.” (c) Franz Halder, April 12, 1946, from "The Nuremberg Interviews" by Leon Goldensohn

Franz Halder was appointed Chief of the Army General Staff on 1 September 1938, precisely a year before the start of WW2. Halder was reluctant to wage aggressive war on multiple fronts, but he chose to follow orders and keep his oath of loyalty. Despite following Hitler’s orders, he often criticized Fuhrer’s ideas and often tried to argue with him about war plans - a thing almost nonexistent closer to the end of the war.

“The Führer confirms my impressions of yesterday. He would like an understanding with Great Britain. He knows that war with the British will be hard and bloody, and knows also that people everywhere today are averse to bloodshed.” (c) Franz Halder, May 30, 1940 diary entry

Even after the occupation of France, many German generals harbored hopes for peace negotiations soon to follow, and the cessation of all hostilities, especially against the British Empire. That would have probably been the most prudent course of action at that moment. It seems Halder was sharing this point of view.

“The Russian colossus...has been underestimated by us...whenever a dozen divisions are destroyed the Russians replace them with another dozen.” (c) Franz Halder, August 1941

After the German Blitzkrieg has finally bogged down in Russia, and upon several attempts to renew the offensive in 1942, which had very limited success, in September 1942 Hitler removed Halder from command and retired him to the Führer Reserve.

“Whenever I go and see the Führer, I've got a loaded pistol in my pocket.” (c) Franz Halder, explaining his fear of Hitler

“On 23 July 1944, after the failed 20 July assassination attempt on Hitler's life by German Army officers, the Gestapo arrested Halder. He was imprisoned at both the Flossenbürg and Dachau concentration camps. On 5 May 1945, Halder was arrested by the advancing American troops and was interned awaiting trial or release. He was relieved not to be part of the Nuremberg Trials; instead, he was tried in a German court on charges of aiding the Nazi regime. Halder denied any knowledge of the regime's atrocities and claimed to be outside the decision-making process; he was found not guilty.”

“During the trial, the prosecuting attorney gained access to Halder's personal diary which detailed his formulation of the Barbarossa Decree and Commissar Order so he was subsequently sent for retrial. Halder was working for the American Historical Division providing information on the Soviet Union, and the Americans refused to allow the retrial. It was dropped in September 1950.”

“Rear Admiral Walter Ansel who had worked with Halder while researching Operation Sealion, the planned Invasion of England, recommended he become an associate of the United States Naval Institute. In 1961 Halder was awarded the Meritorious Civilian Service Award for this work. This award was bestowed by Major General Edgar C. Doleman on behalf of President John F. Kennedy. Halder thus became the only German to be decorated by both Adolf Hitler and an American president. (He had received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross from Hitler in 1939.)”

Stay tuned for more information about new content and game development progress.

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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