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Author Topic: (AGPT) training unit combat simulator Panzertruppe Leopard 2 battle tank A5/6  (Read 4040 times)

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(AGPT) training unit combat simulator Panzertruppe Leopard 2 battle tank A5 / 6

Hardly a learning experience is as sustainable as the one that makes the human being in practice. The learning material characterizes a particularly sustainable if it is applied in real-world situations. Therefore, the Armored Corps relies on the so-called "technical" Simulation for years. Whenever practiced on equipment, or for interactive combat training.

The four "Leopard main battle tank" (Source: army / Volker Jung)

"Here we are at the Alpha fire fight," comes on the radio. "Battle command, take contact with the enemy. Attack on the bunker face to the north passage, "instructs Lieutenant Christian Graeser (27) his armored train. Graeser's platoon commander in the 3rd Company of the Tank Battalion 33, in Luttmersen in Hannover. "We are preparing the training ground stay in the Oberlausitz", says grasses. You could have chosen among other simulator training at the training center MUNSTER. His train has "taken place" in the four cabins of the simulator. In each, the interior of the leopard is built true to the original. In a line cabin commanded the instructor, in the representational function of the company commanders, the train. The training sergeant controls the opposing forces. He can move tanks, allowed to settle and protect affect the weather and the wind, to name just a few mouse clicks.


Lieutenant grasses is convinced of the training (Source: army / Volker Jung)

Good and Inexpensive

The train enters. The drivers step on the gas. On their monitors they see in three dimensions where the journey goes. Radio communication is increasingly more hectic. On the screens appear enemy tanks. The loading and gunner follow the orders of their commanders. Objectives are "lasered" for distance determination, fire, misses and hits. The virtual battle runs. Every situation can be traced. Single screen scenes are recorded as well as the radio communications and the activities of crew members. For the final discussion as Playback an important help. "This simulator training is a fast and cost-saving tool," says grasses. "On the one hand as the cooperation of the tank crew is trained on the other hand I can practice the interaction as realistically as possible with my commander on the train" ,
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