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Author Topic: Rise to Ruins  (Read 9381 times)

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Offline Asid

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Rise to Ruins
« on: May 11, 2019, 03:20:18 PM »

A challenging godlike village simulator designed to bridge the gap between the complexities of village simulation with the simplicity of classic 90s real-time strategy. Inspired by games like Towns, Gnomoria, Banished and Dwarf Fortress but not quite like any of them. Updated frequently.

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Rise to Ruins InDev 30 Official Gameplay Trailer


Rise to Ruins is at heart a godlike village simulator, but it also throws in plenty of familiar game play mechanics from classic 90s era real-time strategy games like Settlers, along with some tower defense and survival elements in an attempt to create a new kind of village simulator. The goal is to try to bridge the gap between the depth and complexity of traditional village simulators, the fun of godlikes and the simplicity of real-time strategy.

Build a village, and die trying!
A major part of the game is village management, and trying to discover new and creative ways to use the tools at your disposal to keep yourself alive as long as possible. In this game, you will lose frequently, but with every failure you learn a little bit more about how to survive and apply that knowledge to your next attempt.

Several Game Modes
Currently, the game offers three game modes. Survival, Sandbox and Peaceful.

Survival is the game the way it was meant to be played, as a brutal survival style village sim, you will probably die often trying to figure out the best way to survive, but that's half the fun right?!

Peaceful is very similar to Survival, but it's balanced much like a traditional village simulator with some godlike and RTS elements sprinkled on top. The monster spawn rates are much lower, and the main focus is keeping your village happy and fed. It's a very easy mode, designed for casual players, or players just wanting to experiment.

Sandbox, like the name implies, is a mode where you can play around with the game mechanics. Change the time of day, weather, spawn monsters or villagers, or even edit the map while you're playing on it. This is the ultimate "Screw around" mode for players wanting to play with the game mechanics.

Godlike Elements
Not only can you manage your village, but you also have many godlike abilities at your disposal. You can alter the terrain, blast enemies from afar, pick up objects or creatures, heal your villagers, speed up resource growth and all sorts of other fun godly stuff.

Tons of map set themes!
Every set of maps will follow a certain theme (Forest, Desert, Underground, etc). Most of the current screenshots only feature a few of these map sets. But many more are planned.

The Soundtrack!
A full original soundtrack, made by Bibiki Garcia that blends orchestral instruments in a way fans of old 1990s era PC gaming will love and remember!

SixtyGig Games is a DRM free independent game developer! Rise to Ruins will not now or ever in the future have any sort of DRM! Piracy protection only hurts you guys, the loyal paying players. So you rest assured knowing that once you buy yourself a copy of Rise to Ruins you'll never again have to concern yourself with nagging questions about if you can continue playing the game down the road due to something like always-online logins, lost registration codes or because you bought a new computer and you're only licensed to put the game on one. All I ask from you is to be reasonable and responsible, you can buy the game and play it as much as you like, wherever you like. Just tell your friends to support my DRM-Free philosophy and buy their own copy! Free Content Patches, no paid-DLC

I don't believe in paying for Downloaded Content. If you buy Rise to Ruins you will have access to the entire game and all the content I'll ever create for it, forever! I believe DLC is greedy, and you deserve to have the full gaming experience from day 1, right out of the (figurative) box!

Your feedback is extremely important. You can reply here or head on over to the Official Website and help shape the direction of development! :)

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2019, 03:21:24 PM »
RISE TO RUINS Tutorial: Crash Course Tutorial for Rise to Ruins Basics

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2019, 09:24:09 PM »
I need to stay off this forum.  Too many good games that I just have to buy after seeing them here.

Someday I might even catch up playing them all.
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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2019, 12:13:28 AM »
I need to stay off this forum.  Too many good games that I just have to buy after seeing them here.

Someday I might even catch up playing them all.

The list is loooong

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2019, 01:44:52 PM »
InDev 33d - Miscellaneous Bug Fixes and AI Improvements Update - Released!
12 May @ 9:58pm - Rayvolution

This is a fairly small bug fix patch, correcting a few issues that creeped up in InDev 33. If you're looking for the previous "Passive Tips" update, check out InDev 33c's change log.

If you're interested in following development much more closely, don't forget to follow me on Twitter or join the awesome community on Discord[]!

InDev 33d Change Log

Miscellaneous Changes
•   Clearing terrain, roads, digging and all harvest AI now obey the new threat map introduced in InDev 33c, and should drastically cut down on villager's suicidal behavior when new work becomes available after pushing back the corruption.
•   Increased the rate trash decays in the corruption.
•   Decreased the rate corruption destroys natural resources like trees and food.

Bug Fixes
•   Fixed a crash if you assigned road work to upgrade to a path, and before the road was actually upgraded to a path one was generated naturally on the same tile, causing a loop in the road AI and eventually crashing the game when the AI tried to interact with that tile.
•   Guards posting at a building being upgraded no longer has a very small chance of crashing the game.
•   Implemented a possible fix for the rare bug that could sometimes cause resources to be generated in a building that was just destroyed, causing the game to crash next reload.
•   Fixed a rare bug that would corrupt a save file if you saved and exited while you were carrying a resource your hand.
•   Fixed a bug that could cause organizers to accidentally place the wrong resources in the wrong buildings, mainly keys. Credit to Veldrin on Discord.

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2019, 12:06:25 AM »
InDev 33e - The Red Sands Biome Update - Released!

The last planned content patch of InDev 33 is here, introducing 9 brand new maps in a brand new biome, and created by a member of the community no less! The Red Sands biome, by Shade(Give him a follow on Twitter as a thank you!)

In addition to the new biome, I've also fixed a ton of bugs and improved the AI. So be sure to check out the change log!

If you're interested in following development much more closely, don't forget to follow me on Twitter or join the awesome community on Discord[]!

InDev 33e Change Log

Miscellaneous Changes
•   9 new maps have been added to the world map, creating a brand new "Red Sands" biome to explore!
•   Increased the threat range of hostile towers and mobs.
•   Added several community contributors to the credits page.
•   Monsters can no longer spawn from incomplete buildings.
•   "Clear Resources from Road" AI added that will prevent incorrect resources from sitting on a road and stopping your way makers from upgrading it.
•   New builder AI improvements that should help avoid the "Waiting for one last hit of work" taking forever because the worker tasked with the job is on the other side of the village.
•   All other panels on the world map now close when the player attempts to open a chest or complete a goal.
•   The total available storage resource counts on the resource bar and panel no longer count buildings with paused or banned resources.

Bug Fixes
•   Fixed a crash if you tried to place a building or draw terrain with a very tall shadow on the most-eastern or southern edge of the map.
•   "Ready to migrate" no longer pops up on already established villages with migrants en route.
•   Fixed a rare bug if a mob was killed while another mob was attacking it, and you saved and exited the game before the other mob's AI reset, it could cause a crash on reload.
•   Fixed total years being offset by 1 day.
•   Workers no longer repair abandoned buildings.
•   Fixed a bug where water harvesting will not respect if a building's storage if paused or disabled when deciding to harvest more water, possibly causing an over harvesting problem.
•   Fixed an issue where the game would crash with no sound device active.
•   Fixed an issue where sometimes some goals that has map specific requirements on maps you didn't yet occupy would cause the game to crash.

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2019, 12:02:47 AM »
InDev 34 Road Map - The Fishing and Hunting Update

Just slightly over 5 years ago (May 3rd, 2014), I decided to make a simple pathfinding tech demo, to prove you can design a large scale pathfinding system for thousands of creatures all at once on a large, complex map. Well, that tech demo sparked an idea, an idea that turned into what you're currently playing; Rise to Ruins.

Now, after 5 years of solo development, the final InDev release is underway! (Actually, it has been underway for about 2 weeks, but hey!) Your support has been amazing over these 5 years, and I'm proud to announce InDev 34 will be the last content update before Rise to Ruins leaves Early Access In October!

This primary focus of this update is (you guessed it!) to add new hunting and fishing to the game. Part of that will also mean reworking guards and adding more complex food options. There will also be a ton of tweaks and improvements done to the new save system, corruption mechanics, as well as the usual general optimizations and improvements.

Rise to Ruins development will not end when the game leaves Early Access in October.

So be sure to keep posting your suggestions and opinions! I will be supporting the game and continuing on with additional 100% free content patches well after Rise to Ruins has left Early Access. 

You guys have been amazing over the years, and I thank you for all your support on discord[], twitter and writing reviews on Steam! This has been an amazing experience, and I have you guys to thank for it!

I encourage you to post your nitpicky tweaks/gripes/suggestions below! Now that the game is moving into its home stretch to launch, all future patches will have a heavy focus on fixing/polishing "the little things" as I go. So now is the time to complain about all those "little things" that bug you, no matter how small! :)

InDev 34 Road Map

Hunting and Fishing
•   Guards will be completely redesigned into a new hunter job (Name pending, suggest one below!) This new job class will combine the functions of the new hunters and the function of guards into a single job. During the day time, they will hunt animals out in the wilderness, and during night they will defend the village.
•   The current outposts and barracks will be re-purposed into hunters guilds/lodges (Again, name pending! Suggest something!). Functionally they will remain fairly similar. This is a rename/reskin of the building to make it suitably themed with the new hunter job.
•   New animals will be added to the game, to be hunted. They will spawn on uncorrupted land in and outside the village.
•   A new fishing hut will be added, allowing you to fish in nearby waters.
•   Dev time permitting, the new fishing hut will be able to be built on the water.
•   To complement the new fishing and hunting systems, new complex foods will be added. The kitchen will be able to combine multiple combinations of foods into more complex and nutrient rich dishes.
•   A new farm type will be added to house captured animals, to be slaughtered, bred or farmed as needed.

Corruption Changes
•   Due to rioting with pitchforks popular demand, the corruption mechanics will be altered, allowing you to completely annihilate the corruption in a region if you're skilled enough. (But it won't be easy!)
•   Monster spawn rate will be slightly re-balanced, opting to spawn higher level monsters rather than higher amounts of monsters. Although spawn counts will still increase, just at a lower rate.
•   A nightly spawn cap will be reintroduced (Similar to InDev 32's mechanics), but instead, when the nightly spawn cap is reached the game will start to greatly increase monster levels.

Miscellaneous Changes
•   The object/building data will be completely overhauled, reducing overall memory usage, and decreasing save and load times.
•   All building perks will now be retroactive.
•   Dev time permitting, workshop support will be added for custom maps.
•   Dev time permitting, bridges will be added to the game.

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2019, 12:50:32 PM »
Build InDev 34 Unstable 1 Released
25 Jun @ 2:28am - Rayvolution

Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

The first unstable patch for InDev 34 has arrived! This patch introduces a ton of improvements to the save system, lower memory usage, and faster save/load times. In addition it also brings in a ton of balance changes to trash and the corruption mechanics as well as some other nice tidbits. Check out the change log!

NOTE: This patch makes extensive chances to your save data, I highly recommend backing up your profile before playing. When you launch the game, a warning panel will pop up, when it does, click "Open Install Folder" and then make a backup copy of the /profiles/ folder!
InDev 34 Unstable 1 Change Log

Save System Optimizations
•   The entire save system for object/building data has been completely rewritten, significantly reducing memory usage and save data size.
•   Numerous changes and improvements to tons of modules have been done to drastically decrease save file size, save time, load time, and memory usage. (Note: The first time you load an old save it may take some additional time as it converts the data to the new format. I also strongly recommend loading and then saving and exiting at least once on every region just to decrease overall load time and memory usage on the world map.)

Balance Changes
•   Less monsters now spawn overall, but their levels increase more rapidly.
•   Monster level increases extremely fast when the corruption is highly threatened. (Warning: If you pinned the corruption in your save, the difficulty may be unexpectedly much higher suddenly.)
•   The corruption can now be completely destroyed, but it's extremely hard and time consuming.
•   Doubled resource decay times for most resources, and tripled others.
•   It now takes less trashy trash to make a trashy cube.
•   Reduced farm range to 24.
•   A fourth dark purple work selection color has been added to signal when a work selection has been threatened.
•   When pushing back the corruption, it becomes more resistant and slower to push back the more pinned it is.

Miscellaneous Changes
•   Building perks are now retroactive.
•   Wolfmere is no longer connected to Deepnesse
•   Added a new "Make/Maintain until storage is full" option for all resources.
•   Harvesting tasks are now set to maintain to storage limits by default, rather than infinite. Although the infinite option still exists if you want to use it.
•   Made loot boxes more encouraged to teleport closer to the village.
•   Added a "backup your saves" warning to old profiles loading InDev 34 for the first time.

Bug Fixes
•   Send villagers goal now counts correctly.
•   Year calculations fixed (Yes, again)
•   Fixed a string key call in the trash AI task list.
•   Fixed a bug where a monsters "breakaway chance" would fire too rapidly in the day time, possibly causing some lag at dawn.

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2019, 11:32:15 AM »
InDev 34 Revised Road Map - The Hunting Update

Greeting everyone! Every once and a while I have to revise my road map plans. This is one of those times! After some extensive thoughts on the future of Rise to Ruins I've decided to rearrange the development scheduled a bit, and drop fishing from the next update, replacing it with some heavy rebalancing, trash system changes and AI adjustments to prepare for Rise to Ruins' launch in October!

Don't worry though, fishing is still planned. It'll likely happen after Rise to Ruins releases in the many free content patches you guys will get post launch.
Rise to Ruins development will not end when the game leaves Early Access in October.
So be sure to keep posting your suggestions and opinions! I will be supporting the game and continuing on with additional 100% free content patches well after Rise to Ruins has left Early Access. 

You guys have been amazing over the years, and I thank you for all your support on discord[] and twitter! This has been an amazing experience, and I have you guys to thank for it!

I encourage you to post your nitpicky tweaks/gripes/suggestions below! Now that the game is moving into its home stretch to launch, all future patches will have a heavy focus on fixing/polishing "the little things" as I go. So now is the time to complain about all those "little things" that bug you, no matter how small! :)
InDev 34 Revised Road Map

•   Guards will be completely redesigned into a new Ranger job This new job class will combine the functions of the new rangers and the function of guards into a single job. During the day time, they will hunt animals out in the wilderness, and during night they will defend the village.
•   The current outposts and barracks will be re-purposed and the barracks renamed to a ranger's station. Functionally they will remain fairly similar. This is a rename/reskin of the building to make it suitably themed with the new hunter job.
•   4 new animals will be added to the game, to be hunted. The Beefalo, The Entler, the Rous and The Clucker. They will spawn on uncorrupted land in and outside the village.
•   To complement the new hunting systems, new complex foods will be added. The kitchen will be able to combine multiple combinations of foods into more complex and nutrient rich dishes.
•   A new farm type will be added to house captured animals, to be slaughtered, bred or farmed as needed.
•   The kitchen will now be able to slaughter animals for meats and byproducts like raw leather and feathers.
•   The toolsmiths and armorsmiths will now be able to make wooden and leather tools, weapons and equipment.

Corruption Changes
•   Due to rioting with pitchforks popular demand, the corruption mechanics will be altered, allowing you to completely annihilate the corruption in a region if you're skilled enough. (But it won't be easy!)
•   Monster spawn rate will be slightly re-balanced, opting to spawn higher level monsters rather than higher amounts of monsters. Although spawn counts will still increase, just at a lower rate.
•   A nightly spawn cap will be reintroduced (Similar to InDev 32's mechanics), but instead, when the nightly spawn cap is reached the game will start to greatly increase monster levels.

Trash System and Resource Changes
•   Resources will now take twice as long (and some, 3 times as long) to decay into trash.
•   Less trash is generated overall.
•   A new harvest/refine to storage limits setting will be added to the production panel, allowing your workers to only generate more resources when there is a place to store them in the village.
•   The entire resource storage system will be redesigned to store specific amounts of specific resources rather than totals of all resources. For example, the lumber mill will no longer store 36 wood or boards in total, rather it can store 12 boards and 24 wood.
•   Due to the above changes, many buildings will get their storage heavily buffed or nerfed accordingly.

Miscellaneous Changes
•   The object/building data will be completely overhauled, reducing overall memory usage, and decreasing save and load times.
•   All building perks will now be retroactive.
•   Tons of miscellaneous AI and balance improvements.

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2019, 12:30:49 PM »
Build InDev 34 Unstable 2 Released

Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

The big Unstable 2 patch has finally arrived! This patch introduces a large majority of the new hunting mechanics, and a ton of miscellaneous changes I hope you guys will love. Check out the change log for the juicy details!

NOTE: This patch makes extensive chances to your save data, I highly recommend backing up your profile before playing. When you launch the game, a warning panel will pop up, when it does, click "Open Install Folder" and then make a backup copy of the /profiles/ folder!
InDev 34 Unstable 2 Change Log

Rangers and Hunting System
•   Renamed the barracks to ranger station.
•   Renamed guards to rangers.
•   Two new buildings added, the animal pen and the clucker coop. Both buildings house animals that the hunters capture and return to the village. When full, excess animals are then taken by the cooks and slaughtered for meat in the kitchen.
•   Rangers will now hunt for animals during midday, capturing them and taking them to animal pens or clucker coops.
•   Rangers no longer patrol the perimeter of the village during the day time.
•   Rangers no longer can post at outposts or barracks.
•   Rangers now patrol the village during a blood moon, rather than the front lines.
•   Rangers outside the village are no longer called when a village is in danger.
•   Moved rangers lodge and outpost to the food and water category.

Animals and Cooking
•   Four new animals have been added to the game, the clucker, entler, beefalo and rous. All four can be hunted by the rangers.
•   Tons of new resources have been added, including raw meat, cooked meat, eggs, boiled eggs, raw hide, and feathers. Feathers currently serve no purpose, but will in unstable 3.
•   Most non-monster mobs now drop meat and byproducts like raw hide upon death, including villagers and doggos.
•   Doggos now only spawn on the edges of the map.
•   Animals also spawn on the edges of the map.
•   Wild animals try to seek out safe locations with food and water to congregate.
•   Rebalanced all food.
•   Doggos and other animals now require less food and water to sustain themselves.
•   Doggos and other animals can no longer die of overheating or freezing.

Balance Changes
•   Elders can no longer turn into zombies when blighted.
•   Rebalanced zombies very slightly.
•   Removed intelligence from the game.
•   Removed happiness from the game.
•   Completely overhauled entire resource storage system, now buildings can store fixed amounts of each resource type rather than a total of any resource types they can store.
•   Completely rebalanced storage limits of nearly all buildings.
•   It is now easier to push back the corruption.
•   Maintaining infinite refined resources will now manufacture them regardless if storage space exists.

Miscellaneous Changes
•   Raw food renamed to raw vegetables.
•   Slightly optimized mob rendering code.
•   Perimeter generation code completely removed from the game.
•   Changed Doofy Wild Doggo to Wild Doofy Doggo.
•   Armorsmiths can now make leather armor.
•   Wooden shield renamed to leather shield, and can also now be made by armorsmiths.
•   The toolsmith can now make wooden swords.
•   Villagers no longer enter a home when they claim it for the first time.
•   Console banners are now smaller, 6 can be displayed at once, and they decay faster when there's a backlog.
•   Tweaked the storage priority of many buildings.
•   Resources can no longer be paused or banished from a building.

Bug Fixes
•   Fixed a bug that could cause object data to not load correctly on custom user maps.
•   Fixed a minor bug in damage calculations RNG that could throw an error if the mob's stats were too low.
•   Fixed a very minor layer color issue with the doggo sprite animations.
•   Barracks can now store ballista bolts when at max upgrade.
•   Outpost can no longer store ballista bolts until its at max upgrade.
•   Placing walls for construction no longer automatically deletes the topography under it.
•   Fixed a crash when nomads tries to visit a village and the camp/castle was destroyed.
•   Sleeping AI branches now obeys the booleans that dictates if they can sleep inside or outside.
•   Fixed a bug where sleep and incapacitated animations would not reset properly.
•   Fixed an issue with refine AI if no storage exists anywhere for the refined material (even if the building would make space once a resource is refined) production would halt.
•   Fixed a crash related to the clear out resources AI by deleting the clear out resources AI.

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2019, 12:32:46 AM »
Build InDev 34 Unstable 3 Released
Wed, 11 September 2019

Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

Unstable 3 has arrived! This patch introduces a ton of small changes, AI improvements and general preparation for the game's launch in October! For the next month, all additional changes will be to gear up for the big "Release" patch on October 14th. So post all your nitpicks in the comments! Exciting times are coming. :)

NOTE: This patch makes extensive chances to your save data, I highly recommend backing up your profile before playing. When you launch the game, a warning panel will pop up, when it does, click "Open Install Folder" and then make a backup copy of the /profiles/ folder!

InDev 34 Unstable 3 Change Log

Balance Changes

•   Cooks and bottlers can now manufacture with their entire workforce again.
•   Doubled both the speed and damage of bows. (Resulting in 4x more DPS)
•   Tripled the ammo capacity of quivers.
•   Villagers now use hostile towers and corruption in their fight or flight mechanics.
•   Tools now require wood boards and iron.
•   Bows now require silk and wood.
•   Iron armor now requires raw hide and iron ingots.
•   Medkits now require silk and wood.
•   Quivers now require feathers and wood.
•   Heavily buffed rations.
•   Rations now require a raw meat and a raw vegetable.
•   All buildings that make the above mentioned resources now have had their storage changed to store those resources.

Miscellaneous Changes

•   Rangers now hunt animals in the morning.
•   Cluckers can now lay eggs.
•   Animals being slaughtered no longer plays the death sound.
•   Workers now try to equip the best tools or food available rather than anything they can find.
•   Loading tips moved to the main game, and now the game starts paused.
•   Top popup panels no longer overlap the left panel's category buttons.
•   Reduced the overlay font size slightly.

Bug Fixes

•   Implemented possible fix for the "lazy bowyer" problem.
•   Animal domesticated this period now properly ticks up when you capture an animal.
•   Fixed a few incorrect tips and tooltip descriptions.
•   Missing water bottle drinking flags for new animals added.
•   Processed leftover trashy trash at the trash processor can no longer go over the storage limits.
•   Fixed a typo in the Total Home Occupancy tooltip.
•   Twitch integration text box now properly loses focus when you close the settings panel.
•   Problems panel now properly detects all food types when checking if the village has food.
•   Fixed numerous areas where the game AI was only looking at raw food and rations rather than all new food types.
•   Fixed an Ancillary on Black Coast that could not be dismantled or reclaimed.
•   Implemented bandaid fix for the resourceCount crash.
•   Domesticated animals no longer count on the population panel's unassigned workers.

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2019, 02:06:31 AM »
Build InDev 34 Unstable 4 Released
Sat, 28 September 2019

Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

Unstable 4 has arrived! This patch introduces mostly small bug fixes in preparation for InDev 34 Stable to be released in early October. The game is officially in "Feature lock", all additional changes will be to gear up for the big "Release" patch on October 14th. So post all your nitpicks in the comments! Exciting times are coming. :)

InDev 34 Unstable 4 Change Log

Balance Changes

•   Buffed the stats and levels of all animals except the doggos.
•   Quadrupled the rate cluckers produce eggs.

Miscellaneous Changes

•   Animal pens and clucker coops no longer store dirty water.
•   Changed the disclaimer page to remove mention of Early Access.
•   Warning panel can now be translated.

Bug Fixes

•   Fixed some errors in the way point module that would cause animals to not seek out locations with both food and water.
•   Fixed offset construction art on the Clucker Coop.
•   Fixed the speed control tip not properly displaying the shortcut key name.
•   Fixed an issue that would cause builders to "lock up" if they had a clear terrain task in a threatened area that was required to complete a building.

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2019, 12:07:21 PM »
It's The Final Countdown!
Mon, 7 October 2019

The light at the end of the tunnel is arriving rapidly. Rise to Ruins will be launching out of Early Access on October 14th. But this ride isn't over yet, Rise to Ruins will continue to get new content as long as you're still around to support and play it.

This has been an amazing several years, and the support from the entire community over all this time has been absolutely amazing. It's very rare a one man developer can launch a game of this magnitude all by himself, and if it wasn't for the support of every one of you Rise to Ruins never would have reached this milestone.

Launching a game is one of the biggest moments in a developer's life, and can make or break their entire career. But, no matter what happens during the launch, thank you for allowing me to follow my dreams.

Here's to more years of completely free Rise to Ruins content, and someday, more SixtyGig Games!

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2019, 06:18:31 PM »
InDev 34 - The Hunting Update - Released!
Fri, 11 October 2019

It's time to hunt! The final InDev version of Rise to Ruins has been released! On October 14th the game will launch out of Early Access and the next big content update you'll see after will be called the free "Content Update 1". Exciting times are ahead! :)

This update introduces a massive amount of balance changes, a new hunting system, new mobs, and a ton more. The list is simply too long to summarize properly, so check out the change logs!
InDev 34 Change Log

Rangers and Hunting System

•   Renamed the barracks to ranger station.
•   Renamed guards to rangers.
•   Two new buildings added, the animal pen and the clucker coop. Both buildings house animals that the hunters capture and return to the village. When full, excess animals are then taken by the cooks and slaughtered for meat in the kitchen.
•   Rangers will now hunt for animals during midday, capturing them and taking them to animal pens or clucker coops.
•   Rangers no longer patrol the perimeter of the village during the day time.
•   Rangers no longer can post at outposts or barracks.
•   Rangers now patrol the village during a blood moon, rather than the front lines.
•   Rangers outside the village are no longer called when a village is in danger.
•   Moved rangers lodge and outpost to the food and water category.

Animals and Cooking

•   Four new animals have been added to the game, the clucker, entler, beefalo and rous. All four can be hunted by the rangers.
•   Tons of new resources have been added, including raw meat, cooked meat, eggs, boiled eggs, raw hide, and feathers.
•   Most non-monster mobs now drop meat and byproducts like raw hide upon death, including villagers and doggos.
•   Doggos now only spawn on the edges of the map.
•   Animals also spawn on the edges of the map.
•   Wild animals try to seek out safe locations with food and water to congregate.
•   Rebalanced all food.
•   Doggos and other animals now require less food and water to sustain themselves.
•   Doggos and other animals can no longer die of overheating or freezing.

Save System Optimizations

•   The entire save system for object/building data has been completely rewritten, significantly reducing memory usage and save data size.
•   Numerous changes and improvements to tons of modules have been done to drastically decrease save file size, save time, load time, and memory usage. (Note: The first time you load an old save it may take some additional time as it converts the data to the new format. I also strongly recommend loading and then saving and exiting at least once on every region just to decrease overall load time and memory usage on the world map.)

Balance Changes

•   Cooks and bottlers can now manufacture with their entire workforce again.
•   Doubled both the speed and damage of bows. (Resulting in 4x more DPS)
•   Tripled the ammo capacity of quivers.
•   Villagers now use hostile towers and corruption in their fight or flight mechanics.
•   Tools now require wood boards and iron.
•   Bows now require silk and wood.
•   Iron armor now requires raw hide and iron ingots.
•   Medkits now require silk and wood.
•   Quivers now require feathers and wood.
•   Heavily buffed rations.
•   Rations now require a raw meat and a raw vegetable.
•   All buildings that make the above mentioned resources now have had their storage changed to store those resources.
•   Elders can no longer turn into zombies when blighted.
•   Rebalanced zombies very slightly.
•   Removed intelligence from the game.
•   Removed happiness from the game.
•   Completely overhauled entire resource storage system, now buildings can store fixed amounts of each resource type rather than a total of any resource types they can store.
•   Completely rebalanced storage limits of nearly all buildings.
•   It is now easier to push back the corruption.
•   Maintaining infinite refined resources will now manufacture them regardless if storage space exists.
•   Less monsters now spawn overall, but their levels increase more rapidly.
•   Monster level increases extremely fast when the corruption is highly threatened. (Warning: If you pinned the corruption in your save, the difficulty may be unexpectedly much higher suddenly.)
•   The corruption can now be completely destroyed, but it's extremely hard and time consuming.
•   Doubled resource decay times for most resources, and tripled others.
•   It now takes less trashy trash to make a trashy cube.
•   Reduced farm range to 24.
•   A fourth dark purple work selection color has been added to signal when a work selection has been threatened.
•   When pushing back the corruption, it becomes more resistant and slower to push back the more pinned it is.

Miscellaneous Changes

•   Workers now try to equip the best tools or food available rather than anything they can find.
•   Loading tips moved to the main game, and now the game starts paused.
•   Top popup panels no longer overlap the left panel's category buttons.
•   Reduced the overlay font size slightly.
•   Raw food renamed to raw vegetables.
•   Slightly optimized mob rendering code.
•   Perimeter generation code completely removed from the game.
•   Changed Doofy Wild Doggo to Wild Doofy Doggo.
•   Armorsmiths can now make leather armor.
•   Wooden shield renamed to leather shield, and can also now be made by armorsmiths.
•   The toolsmith can now make wooden swords.
•   Villagers no longer enter a home when they claim it for the first time.
•   Console banners are now smaller, 6 can be displayed at once, and they decay faster when there's a backlog.
•   Tweaked the storage priority of many buildings.
•   Resources can no longer be paused or banished from a building.
•   Building perks are now retroactive.
•   Wolfmere is no longer connected to Deepnesse
•   Added a new "Make/Maintain until storage is full" option for all resources.
•   Harvesting tasks are now set to maintain to storage limits by default, rather than infinite. Although the infinite option still exists if you want to use it.
•   Made loot boxes more encouraged to teleport closer to the village.
•   Added a "backup your saves" warning to old profiles loading InDev 34 for the first time.
•   Changed the disclaimer page to remove mention of Early Access.

Bug Fixes

•   Implemented possible fix for the "lazy bowyer" problem.
•   Fixed a few incorrect tips and tooltip descriptions.
•   Processed leftover trashy trash at the trash processor can no longer go over the storage limits.
•   Fixed a typo in the Total Home Occupancy tooltip.
•   Twitch integration text box now properly loses focus when you close the settings panel.
•   Fixed a bug that could cause object data to not load correctly on custom user maps.
•   Fixed a minor bug in damage calculations RNG that could throw an error if the mob's stats were too low.
•   Fixed a very minor layer color issue with the doggo sprite animations.
•   Placing walls for construction no longer automatically deletes the topography under it.
•   Fixed a crash when nomads tries to visit a village and the camp/castle was destroyed.
•   Sleeping AI branches now obeys the booleans that dictates if they can sleep inside or outside.
•   Fixed a bug where sleep and incapacitated animations would not reset properly.
•   Fixed an Ancillary on Black Coast that could not be dismantled or reclaimed.
•   Implemented bandaid fix for the resourceCount crash.
•   Fixed an issue with refine AI if no storage exists anywhere for the refined material (even if the building would make space once a resource is refined) production would halt.
•   Fixed a crash related to the clear out resources AI by deleting the clear out resources AI.
•   Send villagers goal now counts correctly.
•   Year calculations fixed (Yes, again)
•   Fixed a string key call in the trash AI task list.
•   Fixed a bug where a monsters "breakaway chance" would fire too rapidly in the day time, possibly causing some lag at dawn.

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Re: Rise to Ruins
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2019, 06:31:12 PM »
Release 1 - The Milestone Update - Released!
Sun, 13 October 2019

Introducing the most important patch in the history of Rise to Ruins, Release 1! It's been a long ride, but I'm proud to bring you this milestone update.

In less than 24 hours, Rise to Ruins leaves Early Access. But development isn't over! Expect more free content patches over the years as Rise to Ruins continues to evolve and expand into an even more complex game with deeper mechanics.

For now though, check out the most extensive and important change log in Rise to Ruins history.

If you're looking for the recently released "Hunting Update" change log for InDev 34, check it out here.

Release 1 Change Log

Miscellaneous Changes

•   Released the game. 🎉🥂🍻🍾

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