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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #45 on: December 23, 2020, 02:38:04 AM »
War of Rights Sale, Hotfix & So Long, 2020
Wed, 23 December

Steam Winter Sale

Hello everyone,

As part of the Steam Winter Sale War of Rights is currently 50% off!

-50%  =   £11.89

You can get the game here:

We look forward to welcoming you as much as the player-driven company recruiters (okay, maybe not as much but still a lot!) who will be keen on inviting you to join the many excellent player-driven organizations in the game known as companies.


Today we are releasing another hotfix to the recently deployed platform system game update.

The hotfix primarily includes several UI fixes & upgrades but also brings in new features such as being able to click on any player name in the tab screen to be taken to the steam profile of said player, new flag additions, NCO updates to the 5th New York. The in-game nametag system has also been redone to be more efficient. This update also contains the first iteration of the Steam rich presence integration. Though very basic at this point. You will notice in your Steam friends window that it now says you are playing War of Rights and that you are in the Menu. Our intent is to greatly expand this in the following updates with it being able to display information such as, current battlefield, current skirmish area, current class, current regiment, did you just win or lose a round, which server are you playing on and whatever other fun and useful things we can come up with.

You can find the hotfix patch notes below:

- Fixed a bug where the in-game menu would sometimes move to the upper left corner.
- Fixed a bug where the Gameplay Options menu would not change the settings properly if the options menu was opened and the user immediately clicked the Gameplay button and then proceeded to change gameplay settings.
- Added debug logging options to the gameplay section of the options menu. Excessive logging can have a negative impact on performance and the new default logging level is now much lower than it was in the previous versions of the game. The debug log level can now manually be increased by the player out of personal interest or if requested by the developers.
- Fixed and reenabled the benchmark which can be accessed from the options menu in the main menu.
- Servers can now be joined directly from the Steam client’s server browser.
- Players in the Tab menu can now be clicked on which will open their Steam profile in the Steam overlay.
- Added an additional action “Player Info” when having selected a player in the admin menu. Clicking this will open the Steam profile of the selected player in the Steam overlay.
- Several Harpers Ferry level updates.
- Optimized the river & canal wall models found in Harpers Ferry.
- Fixed several minor animation issues found in the kneel, short rifle reload and fence vaulting animations.
- Adjusted the sight on the 10pdr Parrott rifled cannon.
- Updated several of the NCO’s of the 5th New York to be using gold trimmed jackets & insignias.
- Remade the in-game player name tag system in order to have a more efficient setup. This should slightly improve performance as well as reduce bugs.
- Reworded some of the ban messages to be easier understood by the players.
- Random players should no longer appear as developers when typing in the chat.
- Sent text chat messages should no longer sometimes be posted twice.
- Player names should now be consistent throughout all aspects of the game.
- Added or updated the following battle flags:

•   8th Alabama national
•   13th Alabama regimental
•   2nd North Carolina national
•   4th North Carolina national

•   39th New York regimental
•   2nd Wisconsin regimental
•   6th Wisconsin national
•   6th Wisconsin regimental

So Long, 2020

As 2020 draws to an end we thought it a good idea to recap the year – it has been a special one for sure and while it can’t end quickly enough due to obvious reasons it has also been a hugely important year from a WoR standpoint.

Much of the first half of the year was spent on getting our artillery branch ready for public testing. Due to the complexity of the systems, and the visuals and authenticity we were going for this process took longer than we expected. We hope, however, that you would agree that the time was well spent in the end.

When we did open for public artillery testing in the summer, we saw the biggest surge of new players we have seen since the release on Steam Early Access and a half year prior. It was very exciting to see all of the new faces in the midst of cannon mayhem.

Later on, we expanded the artillery release to feature not only the 3 inch ordnance rifle but also the 12pdr Napoleon and the 10pdr Parrot guns. The transport system (the system which is the main supporting factor of artillery) is currently being overhauled in order to get ready for the first implementation of horses into War of Rights. The animations required for this to happen are currently in production as well.

2020 was also the year in which we had the pleasure of welcoming Bradley to our little team. He’s been hard at work at recreating the battle flags flown in September, 1862 to the utmost of his ability ever since – we hope you enjoy his work as much as we do!

At the tail end of 2020 (just a few weeks ago actually) came the Platform System release – the single biggest programming task done for WoR so far. It has already brought an end to several long lasting bugs and issues such as player mass booting, lack of proper messaging to players, unified player naming and it will continue to bring in more new features and fixes going forward.

Lastly, we’d like to thank all of our crowdfunding backers and early access customers for sticking with us for yet another year and we can’t wait to see what 2021 brings as we continue to push on for the ultimate immersive and teamwork-centric period shooter.

Stay safe everyone and happy holidays!

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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #46 on: January 16, 2021, 02:41:03 AM »
Update 170: Anti trolling features - Released!
Fri, 15 January 2021

Hello everyone,

The main focus of update 170 is to fix up some of the anti trolling features left exposed following the platform system integration as well as expand them.

- Added artillery teamkill ban support. Firing a poorly aimed shot that ends up killing a bunch of friendlies will not get you immediately banned. The player pulling the lanyard will get notified of each teamkill comitted. A popup warning will also be displayed to the player pulling the lanyard when the teamkill limit is getting close to the ban threshold.
- Fixed past teamkills expiring sooner than they should.
- Improved the performance of characters by hiding small character objects when viewed from a distance.
- Fixed a bug where the player couldnt aim with the revolver or zoom in with the binoculars if the player had unselected the sword while being in melee mode.
- Removed various interact labels such as Open Door when spectating.
- Added the name of the banned player to the banlist.json file on servers.
- Players can now be unbanned in the admin menu by entering the players SteamID.
- Players currently not connected to a server can now be permanently banned by entering their SteamID in the admin menu.
- Fixed a couple of crashes.
- Prevented players from posting super long messages in the ingame chat.
- The boundary desertion system has been completely reworked to much more easily support desertion behavior for entities that are not necessarily players.
- Artillery and Limber Carts will now automatically be teleported to their starting position if they are left outside of the play area.
- Flags will now automatically be removed if they get dropped outside of the play area or in the enemys spawn area. This will allow a new flagbearer to immediately spawn with the flag.
- A custom player name can now be entered inside the Gameplay Options menu. To prevent name exploits, changing this name when already connected to a server will not come into effect until the player leaves the server and joins again.
- Servers without passwords can now be joined via Steam friends. Joining passworded servers via Steam friends will likely be added in the next update.
- Allowed the spectator camera to fly higher on all skirmish areas.
- Made the head sit higher for a better view when aiming the Parrot Rifle artillery.
- Added vaultable ledges to the artillery pieces at the bolivar heights camp skirmish area to counter the players using the arty pieces as a wall around the capture point, Harpers Ferry.
- Fixed some issues where certain character animations on the artillery could look very funny, in patricular when holding the trail spike if the artillery was moving.
- Improved the performance of the cornfields and reduced the stuttering they cause with rapid camera movements.
- Removed the floating blood cloud.

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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #47 on: February 12, 2021, 02:16:56 AM »
Update 171: Performance Upgrades - Released!
Thu, 11 February 2021

Hello everyone,

Today we’re happy to be bringing you alpha update 171 of War of Rights, bringing in some much needed optimization upgrades, resulting in quite a performance boost for a number of hardware configurations running the game!

The CPU is the primary benefactor of this update. This means that any system that might be having a slower CPU (processor) than GPU (graphics card) is likely to see a performance increase due to the bottleneck of the CPU. The improvements come from a fairly wide range of changes that all work together to improve the performance:

- Updating various subsystems of characters are now being started earlier in the frame in one big batch for all characters. Previously, the updating of each character was scattered all across the entire frame. This helps significantly reduce the overhead of starting each subsequent threaded job related to character processing and thus helps significantly improve the performance.

- Characters are now skipping animation updates when they are far away from the camera. The amount of frames the animations skip, depends on the characters distance to the camera. This in effect means that at a distance, the animations on characters might look like they are lagging, it has been set up to first take effect at a fairly long range where it’s really difficult to actually notice the animation lag while still contributing a fair amount to improved performance.

- We now hide various character parts at various distances. The distance at which we hide a particular part depends on the size of the part. For instance the small brass belt buckle gets hidden fairly close to the camera where the backpack is one of the very last things we hide at long range. The character’s trousers, jacket and head will always remain visible. This helps significantly reduce the amount of drawcalls each character adds to the overall rendered scene as well as reduce the amount of transforms that constantly needs to be updated for every little part of each character.

- Player characters are now being hidden when they are not visible on the screen. This allows the engine to stop updating a lot of unnecessary elements on the players that are off screen and as you rarely have every single player visible in your current view, this helps improve the performance.

We have monitored a number of in-house systems as well as user feedback from the public test branch running the performance upgrades these past few weeks and have generally seen gains ranging from excellent to hardly any at all (due to whether the CPU is a bottleneck of the particular system or not).

One of our machines consisting of a 2080ti GPU and an i9 9900K CPU running the game with “very high” settings in 1080p saw a benchmark average frame rate increase from 52,5 to 66,2 running the new performance upgrades. That’s a 34,8% performance increase.

Some of the changes for the performance improvements have however been quite invasive and did result in a few bugs of which most have been fixed. Expect fixes for the remaining issues in the upcoming updates.

We have added an initial implementation of Playfab which will later be used to integrate the Company Tool into the game itself. For the foreseeable future the features it will add will be of the behind the scenes type of features. For instance, it will post an entry in the database whenever a game client gets involuntarily disconnected from the server and what the cause for the disconnect was. It will also post the benchmark results as well as a very basic listing of the graphics settings and current hardware setup.

The update also includes a number of other needed bug fixes to issues primarily introduced in the platform system update as well as a few new content additions as well. You can read the patch notes below:

- Reworked Miller’s Cornfield, Antietam. You will notice a new layout of pockets of trampled corn compared to the old area’s setup. It is also no longer possible to trick the corn stalks to vanish in order to gain a clear view of the enemy.
- Fixed an issue with the artillery spawn points on Miller’s Cornfield, Antietam.
- Updated the Saint Peter’s Church model, Harpers Ferry.
- Updates to all skirmish area boundary logic in an effort to reduce or remove various desertion issues upon spawning in.
- Made corpses display at longer distances.
- Fixed the stamina breathing sounds sometimes playing in the main menu after having left a server.
- Fixed the sprint button sometimes getting stuck ON when vaulting.
- Players can now freelook and chat during the vaulting animation.
- Allowed the artillery to set their fuze timer to half a second instead of clamping it at 1 second which helps them make the shell explode at closer targets.
- Fixed a miscalculation with the fuze timer when aiming at a very close target.
- Fixed a single frame A pose when a character starts aiming with the revolver when moving.
- Optimized the remaining cornfields of the game.
- Cox’s Push skirmish area, South Mountain detail work updates.
- The underwater bloodpool particle effect now correctly spawns once again.
- Added cornfield footstep sounds.
- Removed initial delay on third person gunshot sounds in an effort to debug why some of the gunshot sounds seem to be triggering at a delayed fashion.
- School House Ridge, Maryland Heights & Bolivar Heights camp, Harpers Ferry detail work.
- Removed the regimental flag of the 42nd PA as our studies indicate that the unit was unlikely to field such a flag during the Maryland Campaign of 1862.
- Added or updated the following new battle flags to the game:
•   8th Alabama national
•   65th Illinois regimental
•   1st Maryland PHB national
•   1st Maryland PHB regimental
•   3rd Maryland PHB national
•   3rd Maryland PHB regimental
•   114th Pennsylvania regimental

- Added a darker, varnished flag pole variant into the mix.
- Added the first implementation of specific specular maps for the battle flags depending on whether they are silk or a wool-cotton blend to better visually differ their materials. In the future this will be expanded in order to make the specular qualities of the paint on the silken flags appear different (much flatter) than the non-painted silken parts (much more shiny).
- The flags raised at the infantry drill camps are now dynamic. They will change to the battle flags of whichever regiment most players in the level have spawned as soldiers of. Note that all sizes of battle flags displayed at the flagpoles of the infantry drill camps from our many featured regiments will currently default to a rectangular shape for the time being.
- Detail work to the fields where the union spawns at the Garland’s Stand skirmish area, South Mountain. The stonewall separating the field from forest now has more holes in order for the union artillery pieces to be easier pushed towards the enemy.
- Fixed the missing CSA flag texture projected above the top of the players when spectating.
- Minor stonewall work, Anderson’s Counterattack skirmish area, South Mountain.
- Artillery crews & their officers can now no longer pick up fallen infantry flags.

Steam Lunar New Year Sale

War of Rights is currently on offer at a 50% discount at the Steam Lunar New Year Sale! With today’s performance updates & sale there has never been a better time for new players to give the alpha a try. You can grab a copy for yourself or your friends at:

We hope you’ll all welcome the fresh recruits in the ranks and we look forward to seeing you all on the fields of glory!

That’s all for now. Until next time, have a good one!

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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #48 on: February 25, 2021, 03:37:46 AM »
Update 172: Bug Fixes - Released!
Wed, 24 February 2021

Hello everyone,

We have just pushed a new alpha update.

Alpha update 172 is smaller update primarily focusing on fixing several bugs within the game.

- Possibly fixed overly stretched corpses.
- Prevented a bug with the desertion areas where it was possible to exit the skirmish area without deserting.
- Fixed the formation status always showing as Out of Line after having left and joined a server in the same play session.
- Fixed a couple of crashes when leaving a server.
- Fixed inconsistent teamkiller names in the teamkill messages.
- Fixed a bug where other players would not be moving after having joined a server. The only way for these players to start moving on your screen would be if they performed a character action, Enter Ready, Enter Melee Mode etc.
- Fixed a bug where the spectate camera couldnt be rotated and the spectated player could not be changed when spectating during the Last Stand endgame event.
- Various minor level detail updates.
- Slightly optimized the cornfields of the game.
- Fixed a bug that prevented union soldiers from being able to capture Lane's Battery at Colquitt's Defence, South Mountain.
- Fixed several broken ledges not allowing players to vault some of the fences at Pry House, Antietam.
- Updates to flag material settings.

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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2021, 11:53:17 PM »
Update 173: Maintenance - Released!
Wed, 17 March 2021

Hello everyone,

We have just released a new alpha update to War of Rights. This update is primarily a maintenance update while we work towards revamping the victory/defeat screen shown at the end of the match while also aiming to do a better job at presenting the historical, geographical & situational relation each skirmish area has to the many other skirmish areas on the battlefield.

Expect to hear/see more from us regarding this matter in the not too distant future.

Below are the patch notes of update 173:

- Fixed a bug causing some of the regiments in the game to be unable to pick up dropped flags.
- Fixed the text chat not showing admin messages.
- Reduced the amount of visible corpse frame spawning (sometimes reported as teleporting players). This is not entirely fixed but it is much improved.
- Possibly fixed the stretching corpse visual issue.
- Fixed a terrain hole that would sometimes trap players at River Crossing, Harpers Ferry.
- Detail work done on all levels of the game.
- Work on all cornfield borders in the game.
- Updated the 114th Pennsylvania regimental flag.
- Added some key backend systems for future features.

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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #50 on: July 07, 2021, 12:07:29 AM »
Update 174: Battle Reports - Released!
Tue, 6 July 2021

Hello everyone,

Today, we’re very happy to announce the release of alpha update 174 of War of Rights! Before we will get into the patch notes themselves, let us take a brief look at 3 of the major additions update 174 brings to War of Rights: Battle reports & the historical events being narrated, overhauled artillery physics and last but certainly not least: the biggest client & server performance improvements we have released yet!

Battle Reports

Starting from today, players will be presented with a battle report as the round ends. The battle report consists of an overview map of the finished skirmish or picket patrol area, showing a 30 second timelapse of the entire round, with animated markers such as Union or Confederate skirmishing units, line formations, artillery, casualties, etc.

Battle Report at Evening East Woods in action.

This is not all that has changed with the “inter-skirmish area flow” in the game in this update, however. Update 174 also brings new unique victory screens for each skirmish area and a “Historical Events” narration written and presented by Campfire Games Historical Advisor George Crecy. This is part of our continued efforts in pushing the boundaries of what is achievable in terms of historical and geographical context in a multiplayer game and how said context is best presented to the players.

If you wish to read a more complete run-down of the new features listed above, you can do so by checking out our latest Field Report.

Overhauled Artillery Physics

The transport system originally developed to support artillery in its initial implementation last summer has now been upgraded to a vehicle system, sporting much more accurate physics for the cannons and limbers, resulting in more realistic behavior when pushed over an uneven terrain, down a steep slope, etc.

The upgrade also means that players can no longer enter an artillery seat (such as pushing the wheels) while it is blocked by the environment.

The introduction of the vehicle system is also an integral part in bringing future content additions such as mounted infantry officers, horse drawn artillery and mounted cavalry to the game.

Client & Server Performance Improvements

Update 174 brings major CPU performance improvements for both clients as well as servers achieved by several code optimizations implemented by our programmers the past few months in an effort to gain more performance headroom to make higher player counts on the servers a possibility in the future.

Below is a comparison of the results of the in-game benchmark results in update 173 (66 FPS) and update 174 (81 FPS) using the same hardware and options settings.

We expect to be able to test a 200 player cap in the days or weeks following the release of today’s update (depending on how many bugs & issues surface when mass testing begins today) so please keep an eye out for an announcement in the near future if you wish to take part in the test.

Update 174 Patch Notes

- The 36th Ohio is now issued with Enfield rifles.
- Detail work, Garland’s Stand skirmish area, South Mountain.
- Detail work Mumma Farm & East Woods areas, Antietam.
- West woods & Dunker Church area detail work, Antietam.
- Hatch’s Attack area updates, South Mountain.
- Maryland Heights skirmish area updates, Harpers Ferry.
- Added rifle butt impact sounds.
- Drill Camp level detail work.
- Added more click sounds to the UI.
- New cornfield footstep sounds.
- Reworked drill camp kitchen utensils.
- Various modular building asset fixes.
- Reworked Saint John’s Church, Harpers Ferry.
- Detail Work, Colquitt’s Defence, South Mountain.
- Reworked the weather system.
- Miller & Nicodemus area work, Antietam.
- Updates to Cox’s Push, South Mountain.
- Overhauled the Pry Grist Mill model and proxy.
- Detail work, Shenandoah Street area, Harpers Ferry.
- Decal & Prefab work, Harpers Ferry.
- The sun is now smaller.
- Overhauled the environment probes to support probe blending resulting in much smoother time of day transitions.
- All environment probes are now cached on level load, resulting in no probe texture changing stutters while playing the game.
- Improved the global illumination, resulting in more accurate lighting based off of the surrounding area you are in.
- Improved the sharps rifle and carbine reload animations.
- Overhauled the quicktime animations when moving while At The Ready.
- Updated the strafing animations while at Shoulder Arms in quicktime.
- Fixed the server restart messages not being correctly shown in the text chat.
- Removed all dead body entities pre-placed in the levels - these will likely make a return at a later date.
- Added a global field of view (FOV) of 65 when aiming a weapon resulting in a level playing field when aiming no matter your FOV settings.
- Converted all animobjects to AnimatedMesh components.
- Added 18 new battle flags:

•   2nd Mississippi Regimental
•   18th North Carolina National
•   14th Tennessee Regimental
•   72nd Pennsylvania Regimental
•   2nd USA Regulars Regimental
•   10th USA Regulars regimental
•   2nd Maryland National & Regimental
•   2nd Georgia National
•   6th Georgia National
•   20th Georgia National
•   4th Alabama National
•   8th Ohio Regimental
•   1st Louisiana Zouave National
•   7th Michigan Regimental
•   28th Massachusetts Regimental
•   6th Louisiana National
•   9th Louisiana National

- Replaced the remaining legacy Lua particles with ones made with the newer particle editor. This includes the large smokestack from the burning Mumma Farm on the Antietam battlefield.
- Evened out how often various regiments are featured on Harpers Ferry to reduce the amount of overused units there.
- Detail work, Picket Patrol areas.
- Fixed GenericBuilding windows.
- Tweaked the materials of most windows in the game.
- Added soldier class images in the UI for the 17th Michigan, 28th Massachusetts and 5th New York.
- Changed the license screen on startup.
- Replaced Hampton’s Legion with the 4th Texas at the Evening East Woods skirmish area, Antietam.
- Fixed a team changing exploit used by exploiters to legally teamkill.
- Fixed the Picket Patrol game mode.
- Fixed up a bunch of unsupported symbols in the level descriptions/loading screens and regimental descriptions.
- Replaced the player info in the bottom right corner of the screen with a new version that is much more flexible as well as way cleaner behind the scenes.
- Overhauled the Henry Rohrback farmhouse to match an earlier version of the structure much closer to how it would have appeared in 1862.
- Shell, case and canister rounds can now be placed back into the limber.
- Fixed bullets passing through enemies if they get shot while standing too close to the player shooting. To reduce friendly fire incidents, bullets can still pass through friendly players at very close range.
- Fixed a desertion bug which would occur if you ran into the enemy staging area to die and then switched to the enemy team and spawned in their base.
- Made the field of view and audio volume option sliders update as they are dragged instead of first updating when the slider is released.
- Added a FPS counter setting in the Graphics Options menu.

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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #51 on: September 17, 2021, 11:54:10 PM »
Anniversary Update: Musicians, 200 Player Support & Demotion Systems - Released!
Fri, 17 September 2021

Hello everyone,

Today marks the day of the 159th anniversary of the battle of Antietam/Sharpsburg and so we are excited to be releasing a major update to the game in celebration and remembrance of the courage and sacrifices of the soldiers engaged in what would be America’s single bloodiest day in wartime.


Musicians are (at long last) making their way into War of Rights!

Featuring a drummer and a bugler per regiment, the sole objective of the musicians in battle is to relay the orders of the officers to the men outside of hearing distance of the shouts.

On the Drill Camp level outside of combat, musicians (including the fifer exclusively available there) are also able to play a selection of Civil War period tunes should the company want to liven things up a tad while on the march or warming themselves next to the campfire.

When spawned as a musician, press Q in order to bring up a radial menu to select the call/signal or tune you wish to play. Note that you can only play while either standing still or at the quicktime speed.

Musicians can also sync up and play the same call or tune together. All it takes is both of the musicians being in relative close proximity to each other, both selecting the same call or tune and they will sync up with each other.

With today’s update comes the very first musician class introduction into the alpha. Players should expect to encounter various bugs and issues tied to the class due to this.

200 Player Support

Much has changed since the early days of our technical alpha when we supported 32 players on a server and today we are happy to announce that the player cap supported is going to be increased from 150 to 200 players!

This has been made possible thanks to a large number of code optimizations implemented by our two programmers, Mike & Aleksi the past 4 or 5 months.

As an extra present for our community we’re very pleased to announce that the new 200 player slot option will cost exactly the same as what you’ve been paying for a 150 player slot server up until now - that’s 50 additional player slots for free thanks to Gportal’s willingness to work with us which we are very appreciative of.

The 200 player slot option is unlocked in the basic settings
for anyone that rents a 150 slot War of Rights server at Gportal
- no need to select a more expensive 200 player slot server via the slot slider when renting one.

If you wish to rent your own War of Rights Alpha server you can visit their website over at:

Demotion Systems

Today’s anniversary update also includes the very first implementation of the promised demotion system as well as the server-wide mute system in order to give the community a democratic means of policing non-admined servers. Below is a quick rundown of the workings of the demotion system as well as the server-wide mute system:


Downvoting is performed against another player on the tab screen. Here, you will find a down arrow icon located next to the player's name.

Upon pressing the down arrow icon next to a player name it will be highlighted to indicate that you have downvoted the individual. When the player has started receiving votes a tally will appear next to the down demotion arrow showing how many “effective votes” have been cast against the player.

To cast an “effective vote” you need to be on the same team as the player you downvoted. This is to ensure that a highly competitive enemy team can’t just target the best officers of the enemy team in order to remove them from command for instance. Furthermore, if the player you have cast your vote against changes team or you yourself change team your vote will be removed from the tally. Returning to the same team will make your vote an effective vote again. If you no longer wish to vote against a player, you can click the arrow again to forgive the player and revoke your vote.

Your votes are cast persistently which means that should you ever encounter that same player again in another game session your vote will be automatically applied again. For those who play across multiple devices; Steam Cloud will track your preferences.

You will not be able to see which individuals have downvoted you - only your total amount of downvotes received from the players currently on the server. This is a change in design from when the demotion system was originally previewed - there are pros and cons for both approaches but we felt this option was the better to initially test and is subject to change.

Demotion Triggered

Once you reach the vote threshold you will be demoted. The threshold is determined by a server determined fixed percentage of the server population. For example if the threshold is 15% on a 200 player server 30 votes will trigger a demotion.

Your name on the tab view will get a red “D” icon next to it, representing a demotion, alongside the total votes cast against you. This icon will also be shown under your in-game nametag (next to the speaker icon).

When you fall back below the vote threshold your demotion will be revoked and its enforced restrictions will be lifted from your player.

Demotion Restrictions

When demoted, you are restricted to the Infantry Private class. All other classes: NCO’s, Officers, Flag Bearers, Musicians and all of the artillery branch classes will not be selectable.

If you are playing as any of the aforementioned classes when a demotion is triggered you will be immediately slain and greeted by the branch selection screen.

After having spawned in as an Infantry Private you will notice red “Demoted” text in the lower right corner. This will be visible for as long as you are demoted.

Demoted players cannot pick up dropped flags. Upon trying to pick up a flag you will be shown a user interface message in the center of the screen stating that you can’t do so as a demoted player.

The infraction decay timer (for team damage inflicted by you) is also greatly increased from the normal non-demoted rate for demoted players, resulting in much less teamkill trolling being possible for you compared to non-demoted players.

Server Wide Mute Sub-system

Player mutes (initiated by pressing the little speaker icon next to player names on the tab menu) are now tallied up in much the same way as downvotes - the total amount of mutes a person has received are hidden however. Once a certain threshold has been passed a server-wide mute (both VoIP & text chat) is triggered, muting the individual for everyone for as long as said threshold of mutes received by players on the server has been surpassed.

Upon reaching this, the server wide muted player will be shown a message informing him that he has been muted server wide in both VoIP & text chat and a muted icon will be shown under his nametag in-game (the VoIP speaker icon with a red cross over it), letting everyone know why the player they try to communicate with is unable to answer them.

The normal speaker icon next to his name on the tab view will also be changed to one that stands out to indicate that the player in question has been muted server wide.

Horse Teaser (Work In Progress)

Being that this is the anniversary update, we thought it’d be an excellent occasion to share a bit about the progress of getting horses functional in War of Rights. A lot of animation work has already gone into their implementation but you will notice key features such as audio missing.

Many of the systems to be tied to horses are also not ready yet and so their deployment is not exactly imminent. Even so, we hope you’ll enjoy this short teaser.

War of Rights Anniversary Sale

As part of the anniversary of the Battle of Antietam/Sharpsburg, War of Rights is now on sale for the next 72 hours at 50% off!

If you wish to join the ranks and experience the new 200 player battles, musician classes & demotion systems please head over to our steam store page

Anniversary Update (Update 175) Patch Notes

- Added Musician classes to all of the Infantry & dismounted Cavalry units of the game.
- Increased the max player cap from 150 to 200 players.
- Added the new grievance system which handles demotions and server wide mutes.
- Implemented the following battle flags:
51st New York National
4th Rhode Island National
12th South Carolina National
13th Alabama National
32nd Pennsylvania Regimental
56th Virginia National
56th Virginia Regimental
1st North Carolina Regimental
- Implemented the following regiment-specific drums:
9th New York
2nd US Regulars
10th US Regulars
- Minor tweaks to the artillery foley sounds.
- Improved the camera/head position when on the elevation screw seat of the artillery.
- Various 3D model proxy optimizations.
- Detail work on the Harpers Ferry level.
- Detail work on the Drill Camp level.
- Fixed subtitle misalignment on Hatch’s Attack, part 1.
- Fixed the old map being used on Anderson’s Counterattack, South Mountain.
- Updated the Dunker Church 3D model.
- Increased the animation speed of enter and exit “at the ready” as well as aiming resulting in a more responsive experience.
- Updated the UI in the lower right corner to specify whether you’ll return to double quick or quicktime when you stop sprinting.
- Fixed a potential crash with the ban and unban console commands when entering a SteamID incorrectly.
- Prevented developers from being banned by administrators.
- Fixed an issue where players could not be permanently banned.
- Ban time formatting has now been fixed and will display in the format 00H : 00M : 00S
- Rain and snow will now evaporate and melt respectively much faster.
- Added chat messages for when a player is unbanned or when a player not on the server has their SteamID banned.
- Steam cloud support is now enabled; saving both your keybindings and demotion preferences.
- Improved the user interface performance for the chat and tab view.
- Fixed an issue where puddles and settled snow were not visible for joining players.
- Improved the sky and lighting environment for snow sessions
- Optimized the CPU performance for non-static objects.
- Potential fix for sliding artillery.
- Fixed some cases where a player would briefly appear on their corpse.
- Added a spectator-only text chat.

That’s all for now. A big thank you to our community for offering us the support and patience in bringing the main features of this update into fruition. We look forward to be joining the ranks with you, recruits and veterans alike, as we take the next step towards fulfilling the vision that is War of Rights!

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #52 on: October 15, 2021, 11:59:47 PM »
300 Player Public Test Branch Open!
Fri, 15 October 2021

The 300 player public test branch is now open!

All War of Rights owners can now access the public test branch version of the game by right clicking on War of Rights within your steam library, selecting "properties" and navigating to the "betas" tab. There you will be able to opt into the public test branch by clicking on the dropdown menu. Once selected, steam will download the branch. To opt out of the public test branch again, simply select "none" in the same dropdown menu.

You may need to restart Steam before you can see the public test branch option in the dropdown menu.

The stress test will help us gather valuable data both in regards to client as well as server performance and greatly aid us in our continued efforts in increasing the available player cap in War of Rights.

Please note:
As this is a stress test, issues such as poor performance, crashes and an increased amount of bugs should be expected.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #53 on: October 26, 2021, 11:54:33 PM »
Update 176: 400 Player Testing - Released!
Tue, 26 October 2021

Hello everyone,

War of Rights Alpha Update 176 is upon us!

A few weeks ago we held a 300 player test on the public test branch of the game (thanks to everyone that showed up to help us test) and after having implemented several fixes and improvements based off of the data we were able to gather from said test, we are now ready to not only bring an increased max player cap test to the live build in today’s update, but also to take it one step further and test a 400 player cap instead of a 300 one!

Look for the official War of Rights test server if you wish to try out the 400 player cap.

Please note:
The increased player cap is still in its testing phase and thus issues should be expected. Please report any issues you might encounter on any of our social channels, thank you.

Update 176 Patch Notes

- Added an experimental 400 player cap test server to the game.
- Overhauled the tab view with a new design, dividing the players into their respective regiments and batteries for an easier way of getting an overview of your unit and the limited player classes within it.
- Additional network optimizations.
- Reduced the overall number of corpses on the battlefield to lessen the physics thread load during high player count matches.
- Various musician animation improvements.
- Added a cord to the bugle.
- Added 3 new unique drums: 14th TN, 8th OH and 69th NY.
- Tweaks to distant fife & drum sounds.
- Created a new system to handle all character files - this should result in less character file-related issues in the future.
- Various level detail work and bug fixes.
- Updated the Roulette farm house model.
- Various character model fixes and tweaks.
- Increased the heart rate of the servers in an effort to make all servers listed in the server browser at a more consistent basis.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #54 on: January 29, 2022, 12:16:48 AM »
Field Report 45: Character Customization Preview
Thu, 27 January 2022

Hello and welcome to the Forty-Fifth Field Report!

Today, we’re going to be giving you a bit of a preview of a long awaited feature, debuting in its initial form in the next game update: Character customization!

Character Customization

The character customization of War of Rights consists of two segments: Facial & bodily features and uniform customization.

The initial implementation of the system focuses on the uniform customization part and so we will as well in today’s preview. Please note that the system is a work in progress and so changes between now and its initial release should be expected.

Uniform Customization

In the next game update, players will be able to customize the uniform of each player class (Private, NCO, Flag Bearer, Fifer, Drummer, Bugler & Officer) as well as each rank within the player classes (Corporal, Sergeant, 1st Sergeant, Sergeant Major, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel & Colonel).

Currently War of Rights features over 130 playable infantry regiments and artillery batteries. Each of which has a wide range of unique and distinct features. There is no small amount of work required to maintain both the historical accuracy of the uniforms and player customization agency. Consequently, we will be rolling out uniform customization options on a per-regiment basis in future updates. We look forward to hearing from the community what their most anticipated regiments are so we can tailor our efforts accordingly!

Until the facial & bodily features part of character customization comes online, you will all be given a random head configuration that will be your persistent appearance whenever you use a customized uniform. Should you opt to not use a customized uniform you will be given one of the pre-made characters already created for the selected regiment (the ones currently given to all).

The uniform customizer allows you to change just about any uniform and equipment asset that is acceptable from the historical constraints of your selected regiment, player class and rank.

Several in-game environments and poses are going to be featured as well as an in-depth photo mode for you to view (and share) your creation in a way that suits you by changing settings such as time of day, weather, depth of field focus,blur amount, field of view, saturation, contrast, photo filter, sun & moon rotation, sepia and wind on/off.

We expect to be expanding the features of the photo mode based off of feedback from the community once it is released as we can see its possible uses in a wide range of scenarios.

Other Upcoming Additions

We thought it best to give you all a bit of a sneak peek regarding some of the other work that is currently going on at Campfire Games.

We’ve been rewriting the code handling the game modes in an effort to better combat bugs (especially plaguing the Picket Patrol mode currently) going forwards. It also allows us to start expanding the amount of game modes supported in the game - expect to hear more about the latter in the near future.

The rewritten game mode code, as well as a rewritten spectating and freelook systems are all scheduled to be released in the next game update alongside the initial character customization. The same goes for an easy way for us developers to download server crash dumps from any War of Rights server which will greatly help us in being able to fix various server related bugs & crashes quicker.

Artillery has seen a few improvements for the upcoming update as well. Exploding rounds nearby should result in a more prominent screenshake and blackouts in order to convey the sheer power as well as danger to the players better, the canister misbehaving for the CSA variant of the Napoleon cannon is fixed up and the lanyard is now once again visible.

Many more additions and fixes are scheduled for the next game update but we thought we’d just share some of the most often reported ones. As always, thank you for reporting the issues you come across. It is an instrumental step in our bug squashing effort.

Lastly, we hear a lot of questions about how the horse implementation progress is coming along so we thought we’d let you know that our animator is currently focusing on creating some of the animations very much required in order for its release to become a reality; jumping, stopping when about to hit an object at low speed as well as hitting an object at high speed (resulting in the rider being thrown off of the horse if the object is immovable and in a trampling if said object is another player on foot).

Below is a render of a work in progress animation of a jumping horse.

Steam Lunar New Year Sale - War of Rights 25% off!

The Steam Lunar New Year Sale is upon us and so War of Rights is currently available at a 25% discount until the 3rd of February.

You can grab the game and join the ranks of immersive 300 player Civil War battles at:
-25% £23.79 £17.84

We look forward to be greeting the fresh recruits on the battlefields and drill camps!

That’s all for now. Until next time, have a good one.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #55 on: March 14, 2022, 11:11:26 PM »
Field Report 46: Public Test Branch: Conquest Mode & Customization
Mon, 14 March 2022

Field Report 46: Public Test Branch: Conquest Mode & Customization

Hello and welcome to the Forty-Sixth Field Report!

Today, we’re pleased to be announcing the release date (18th of March) of the public test branch featuring a new game mode as well as uniform and head customization!

New Game Mode: Conquest

When the public test branch opens come March 18th, you will all be able to experience the work-in-progress new War of Rights game mode, Conquest. We’re inviting you all to help us not only stress test it prior to releasing it to the live branch of the game but also to give you the opportunity to shape the future of the mode via your feedback during the testing as the amount of Conquest areas are scheduled to be heavily expanded prior to its release in the very near future.

But what exactly is Conquest? If you’ve played practically any multiplayer first person shooter game the past 20 years, chances are you’ve come across the mode in some form or another: The mode essentially revolves around two teams fighting for the control of multiple capture points. Each capture point owned results in a slow ticket (or morale in our case) drain of the enemy team. The first team to run out of tickets/morale caused by taking casualties + the drain due to enemy controlled capture points, will lose the round.

While the above basics of the mode are unchanged in War of Rights, our conquest mode retains several features from the Skirmishes game mode (as well as a few new unique ones) created to maintain the organized team play our game has always focused on first and foremost:

First, let's take a look at key War of Rights features carried over from the Skirmishes game mode to Conquest, and thus very familiar to you all:

1.   Formation state buffs are identical to the ones found in the Skirmishes game mode, i.e. suppression resistances and stamina recovery - or a lack thereof should you be out of line.
2.   The morale cost of dying is also still tied to the formation state of the players and the overall team morale levels (Battle Ready, Engaged, Taking Losses & Breaking) are also still used, just as Skirmishes.
3.   Artillery batteries that support forward artillery battery spawns (as seen in Skirmishes) are featured in each Conquest area.
4.   Flag bearer spawning is also featured and works in an identical way to Skirmishes.

Now, let’s concentrate on the features unique to Conquest:

1.   There are 3 capture points per Conquest area (marked by flagpoles as well as UI icons).
2.   We wanted to give the flag bearer a more pivotal role in Conquest. Unlike in typical conquest modes you may be used to where standing by the flagpole will capture it for your team,
we have coined a different approach:

o   The flag bearer will have to approach the flagpole and attempt to raise their flag to the top of the pole, if they successfully raise it to the top the point will be captured.
o   Once the flag bearer has placed their flag on the pole, the flag spawn will no longer be available and the bearer will be given the loadout of a private.
o   A new flag bearer can then spawn at the staging area, giving the enemy a window of opportunity to attack the point while the defending company is without a flag bearer.
o   Should the flag bearer perish or abandon the raising of the flag any of their allies can attempt to finish raising the flag and capture the point for their team.
o   Enemy controlled capture points can be neutralized by approaching the flagpole and lowering the enemy flag.
3.   Conquest is designed to set us free from the strict historical constraints we are bound by in the Skirmishes game mode. Not having to worry about if the initial spawn points, battery locations, capture point locations, area boundaries, units or time of day featured in the game mode are historically correct results in a great amount of flexibility which we’re hoping will allow us to bring you some interesting new scenarios to experience. We plan on allowing server admins to dictate which playable units are to be available as well as whether or not to flip the starting spawn positions of the teams in the future, for instance.

The winning/losing conditions for Conquest are as following:

1.   If a team reaches 0 tickets/morale before the round timer runs out, either via the enemy team controlling more capture points than them or killing their players, the team enters Last Stand (i.e. no additional respawns). Once close to all of the players in Last Stand have been killed the team will lose the round.
2.   A team can also force the enemy team into a Counter-Attack. This happens when one team controls all 3 capture points. When Counter-Attack is triggered, the team with no points in their control will have a few minutes to retake a point. If this is not done in time, the team will lose the round. A Counter-Attack can be triggered while in Last Stand.
3.   Should the round timer reach 0 before any team has depleted all of its morale, the winner of the round will be based on the overall morale level: A “Engaged” team versus a “Taking Losses” one will for example win. Should both teams be at an identical morale level (say “Breaking” versus “Breaking”) the round will end as a draw.

During the public test branch phase, Conquest will feature 4 playable areas on the Antietam battlefield. These are all very different in both overall area size as well as distance between spawn to the first capture point and/or distance between each capture point in order for us to gather your feedback of what works and what doesn’t. Do you prefer action-packed small areas with less than 100 yards between each point or would you rather play the massive ones with 400 yards between them, allowing for some extreme flanking movements? Your given feedback will be used to shape the future of the, possibly, dozens of Conquest areas as we look to expand the mode considerably before its release to the live branch of the game.

Character Customization

The public test branch also sees the very first introduction of customizable characters. Being that this is the very initial implementation of the feature, only a select few regiments will be available for customizing. As the development continues, the hundreds of regiments & batteries featured in War of Rights will eventually all be supported.

For more information about the uniform specific and photo mode features of character customization, please read Field Report 45 at:
War of Rights AnnouncementThu, 27 January 2022
Field Report 45: Character Customization Preview

Head Customization

We’re pleased to be bringing you head customization when the public test branch goes live come March 18th. Originally, this feature was scheduled for a later release but Mike, the programmer responsible for the customization system’s creation, found enough time to squeeze it in there for you.

Head customization is game-wide. This ensures your facial characteristics are carried over to whichever regiment or battery you’re playing as, allowing for some sense of familiarity between player interactions.

Other Additions

The public test branch build contains a massive amount of additional changes - many of those are primarily backend ones such as: The game modes (Skirmishes, Picket Patrol, Conquest & Drill Camp), in-game UI, end-of-round skirmish cinematics, spectator camera and benchmark all having been converted to C++ instead of primarily using their former visual scripting based setups. This should result in considerably less bugs going forward as well as a slightly more responsive UI. The side effect of this is that certain features such as freelook and the free flight spectator camera, may feel slightly different during rotation and movement.

Due to the sheer amount of converted/rewritten systems it is important to note that initial issues such as bugs, instability and missing features are likely to be encountered.

The overhaul of the freelook mechanic has also resulted in less head/body clipping during animation playback (There are a few edge cases remaining currently but we expect those to be resolved soon).

Lastly, the benchmark has been updated to more accurately reflect the current number of supported players in the game (going from 150 soldiers firing to two opposing lines featuring a total of 320 soldiers).

That’s all for now. We very much look forward to hearing your feedback on
March 18th
of what is shaping up to be one of the biggest updates to the game we have ever released.

Keep your eyes peeled for the release of the public test branch as well as information about how to access it come Friday.

- The Campfire Games Team

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2022, 11:22:17 PM »
Update 178: Conquest & Customization - Released!
Thu, 31 March 2022

Hello everyone,

Today, we’re excited to be bringing you War of Rights alpha update 178 featuring not one, but two major features! The first of which being Conquest, a genre fan favorite, with a unique take and all the gameplay nuance that you would expect from War of Rights! Secondly, the very first implementation of our character customizer with a photo mode to boot!

The past month or two, we have been releasing several Field Reports detailing the specifics of the two main features being released today.

You can find them above:

Field Report 45: Character Customization Preview

Field Report 46: Public Test Branch: Conquest Mode & Customization

Update 178 also contains a massive amount of backend code work on the user interface and various game systems. This includes: game modes, spectator camera, battle reports, freelooking and much more beyond the scope of this change log! We have also been making a concerted effort to move away from flowgraphs/visual scripting as they have proven unreliable and unstable throughout the lifetime of War of Rights. These have been rewritten in C++ to streamline the continued development of the game. Moreover, providing a more stable experience for you and for us to more easily debug and fix issues that may arise going forward.

We thought it a good time to give you a visualization of some of the work the programmers Mike, Aleksi, Emil & formerly Philipp have been working on since 2020. The visualization shows file changes made over time where each dot represents a file. Every lazer represents when that file has been modified and by whom. The branches and overall structure constitutes the folder hierarchy. Quite notable from the showcase is the acceleration in progress over the past 11 months since we restructured our programming team.

Busy little bees indeed!

War of Rights Conquest Sale: 50% Off!

To mark the release of alpha update 178 featuring the two major game features Conquest & Customization, War of Rights is now on sale at 50% off for the next week!

Now is a great time to pick up your musket, trim your beard, tailor your uniform and join the ranks!

You can purchase the game below:

-50%  £23.79  £11.89

Update 178 Patch Notes

•   Added Conquest, a brand new game mode for War Of Rights. This game mode focuses on taking control of points scattered strategically throughout the map. Capturing them with the use of the pivotal Flag Bearer class by interacting with the flagpoles. The team that controls the fewest points will suffer a morale drain.
•   Featured with Conquest are 8 exciting new areas: Smokestacks, Forest Stream, Framing Fencelines and Farmland to Antietam and Corn Crib, Farm Lane, Railroad Cut and Towering Trunks to the Drill Camp level.

•   Added the first implementation of uniform customization, featuring 8 fully customizable regiments: 6th Wisconsin, 69th New York, 72nd Pennsylvania, 8th Ohio, 1st Texas, 6th Louisiana, 3rd South Carolina and 27th North Carolina. Additionally, a photo mode to let your artistic talents fully capture your custom character in the way you want.

•   The first implementation of character head customization with a wide range of options to create your perfect civil war digital self.

•   Greatly improved the quality of shadows on characters and buildings.
•   Reduced the specular on all distance trees for a less washed out look.
•   Added a slight color variation to all trees.
•   Reduced the amount of wind bending on leaves.
•   Replaced the cornfield distance model.
•   Increased the depth buffer from 24 bit to 32 bit, reducing the amount of shadow and volumetric fog banding as well as shading artifacts.
•   Developers can now download the latest server crash memory dump, making it easier to debug server crashes.
•   If a client should crash, it will now put its memory dump into a new Diagnostics folder in the game directory.
•   When deploying on a flagbearer, the deploy timer will now display the estimated time to deployment, taking the queue size into account. If the flag bearer is In Formation and you are number 4 in the queue, it will estimate your time to spawn to be 40 seconds, if the flag bearer is skirmishing, the estimated time to spawn will be 80 seconds.This also means that the estimated time to deploy may change drastically as the flagbearer continuously switches from being Skirmishing, to being In Formation.
•   Made flag bearers able to wave their flag. It can be done by pressing and holding the left mouse button.
•   Fixed the flag cloth sometimes turning invisible, resulting in flag bearers just running around with a stick.
•   Updated the benchmark to be more representative of the larger servers.
•   Increased the camera shake from artillery explosions.
•   Replaced the default view system with a new camera system, no more freezing into cutscene cameras.
•   Replaced the localization system and updated the file structure of all localization.
•   Added a star icon to the officer of your company to more easily locate your officer. It can be seen by pressing T.
•   Replaced all icons with dynamic ones that now follow the entity they belong to.
•   Added a new icon to all skirmish and conquest areas, indicating the location of your teams main spawn.
•   The round timer and morale state indicator on the deploy screen is now able to display exactly the same info as the compass ingame, counter attack, overtime, overtime timer and capture progress.
•   On the Skirmish gamemode, the UI will now display Capturing in the bottom right corner when you are close enough to the capture point to assist in its capture. Likewise it will now say Defending, if you are close enough to help keep it in your teams favor.
•   The flag bearer position of your company will now be highlighted on the map on the deploy screen as an orange flag. Friendly flag bearers of other companies will be displayed as a blue or red flag for the Union or the Confederacy.
•   Rewrote the user graphics and keybindings saving to be more reliable (Your current settings will be wiped)
•   Fixed the tabview not scrolling to the top when typing into the search field.
•   Fixed the chat sometimes losing focus while it’s active, forcing the player to hit enter twice to get rid of it.
•   Added a graphics option that disables collisions between corpses, greatly improving their performance on heavily populated servers. It defaults to on.
•   Added an option in the sounds menu to disable the tinnitus effect.
•   Officer order chat messages will now only display to players in the same company.
•   Updated the steam rich presence for the menus, showing what you are doing on the menu to your steam friends.
•   Added an advanced mode to the framerate display to give more information.
•   Fixed players occasionally getting stuck on the wrong side of a fence when vaulting.
•   Potential fix for placing shells sometimes removing the artillery sponge rammer item.
•   Reduced the amount of network transmissions whenever a player is interacting with the artillery or limber.

That's all for now. We look forward to be expanding upon both Conquest and Customization in the weeks and months to come.

See you all on the fields of glory!

- The Campfire Games Team

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #57 on: April 17, 2022, 08:02:38 PM »
Update 179: Harpers Ferry Conquest & Battle Report Replays - Released!
Fri, 8 April 2022

Hello everyone,

Following last week's major update, we are now pleased to be bringing you even more content with Update 179. This update focuses on expanding the Conquest game mode with 4 new areas situated at the town of Harpers Ferry: River Town, Outskirts, Overlook and Valley, as well as tweaking the layout and size of the Smokestacks and Framing Fencelines Conquest areas located on Antietam.

Several of the Harpers Ferry Conquest areas are radically different in overall layout than any other Conquest area in the game thus far due to the vertical differences as well as urban layouts found in the level and so we will be keeping an eye on any feedback you might have regarding them.

Update 179 also features the first implementation of Battle Report replays (selectable by the “Replays” button found in the main menu). This will present the user with a list of recorded battle reports available to be replayed. This feature could prove useful for any unit conducting a tactical debrief following a battle or simply if you want to relive some great (or bad) outcome of a recent match of yours.

As noted earlier, this is the very first implementation of the feature and so we’re very much looking forward to hearing your feedback as to what to improve/add to it going forward.

The pool of customizable regiments is also expanding in Update 179. With the addition of the 2nd US Regulars, 1st Minnesota, 1st Georgia and 13th Virginia to the mix.

Aside from the usual bug fixes, this update also includes minor gameplay additions, such as an optional automatic freelook during reloads and bayonet fixings, located in the gameplay options. This setting is off by default. We are looking for feedback from you all as to whether or not it should be enabled by default in the future so please chime in once you have tried it!

Additionally, Update 179 brings a 50% reduction in bandwidth related to the character customization. Furthermore, we will be testing support for changing the level and game mode without requiring a server restart. This will initially be mass tested on the official test server and released for every server owner to make use of relatively shortly after if no issues are found.

Update 179 Patch Notes

    Added 4 new Conquest areas on Harpers Ferry: River Town, Outskirts, Overlook and Valley.
    Reworked Conquest areas: Smokestacks and Framing Fencelines on Antietam.
    Added the first implementation of the Battle Report replay feature to the main menu.
    Added 4 new customizable regiments to the pool of available units: 2nd US Regulars, 1st Minnesota, 1st Georgia and 13th Virginia.
    Reduced the networking load of the character customization system by 50%.
    Added an automatic freelook setting in the gameplay options menu.
    Detail work, Forrest Stream area, Antietam.
    Added 4 new poses to the customization menu: Parade Rest, At The Ready, Wave Flag and Crossed Arms.
    When dead while last stand triggers during a skirmish round, you are now correctly instantly spawned again.
    Drill Camps now have a working inspection camera again.
    Potentially fixed players that seemingly fly when they interact with the artillery pieces.
    Fixed a bug sometimes resulting in the first-person weapon being linked to the wrong hand after spawning.
    Fixed a bug where weather effects such as puddles would linger into the next conquest area.

That's all for now. We look forward to be fighting with you in Harpers Ferry, where the Potomac and the Shenandoah rivers converge and John Brown once sparked the whole thing.

- The Campfire Games Team

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #58 on: July 29, 2022, 12:06:13 AM »
Update 183 - Released!
Wed, 27 July 2022

Hello everyone,

Today, we’re happy to release alpha update 183 for War of Rights. It features additional customizable regiments, flag bearer updates, a spawn system rework as well as several quality of life additions and more!

Update 183 Patch Notes

•   Added 8 new customizable regiments to the game: 1st Maryland, 4th Rhode Island, 1st Delaware, 4th Pennsylvania, 3rd Arkansas, 8th Florida, 14th Tennessee and Holcombe Legion.
•   Added more items to the uniform customizer.
•   In an effort to reduce the amount of time large amounts of players sometimes end up fighting exclusively inside buildings, Flag bearers are now unable to spawn players while inside buildings throughout the game. They are also not able to stay inside them for longer than 30 seconds before deserting.
•   Flag bearers can now see how many, if any, players are queued up to spawn at their position by looking at the player state info at the lower right corner of the screen.
•   Remade the deployment & spawn system in an effort to eliminate any edge case spawn issues.
•   When playing the Skirmish game mode, players now spawn in separate companies (Co. A or B) instead of spawning all mixed up.
•   Server admins are now able to invert the team spawns when playing the Conquest game mode. Alternatively, they can opt with a “Random” selection should they wish to make fate decide.
•   When playing the Skirmish game mode and selecting the “Round Restart” server setting it now skips the post-match narration in order to better facilitate event play.
•   Changing the battlefield of a server now results in a loading screen being shown quicker, reducing the chance of players believing that the server is lagging or has crashed.
•   Fixed the Smokestacks Conquest mode area desertion issue upon spawning in.
•   Various binocular and revolver animation tweaks and fixes.
•   Adjusted sword salute and parade rest emotes.
•   Added revolver salute and exit and enter animations.
•   Fixed the left hand moving upwards for half a second when stopping moving with the revolver.
•   Fixed the order arms emote.
•   Fixed misaligned and broken subtitles on Harpers Ferry Bolivar Heights Camp skirmish area.
•   Fixed frock coat branch collar clipping.
•   Reworked camp stool model.
•   Fixed the aim animation so that the rifle stays in the hands of the soldier while he is turning.
•   Adjusted the sword melee aimpose animations.
•   Tweaked the sword shoulder arms idle and aimpose animations.
•   Fixed a number of fences that could not be vaulted across on South Mountain.
•   Corrected the left arm during the revolver cocking hammer animation playback while moving.
•   Adjusted the revolver crouch exit and enter animation.
•   Enabled server multi threaded pre-processing for received packets from clients.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #59 on: September 18, 2022, 05:38:55 PM »
Field Report 47: 160th Antietam Anniversary Edition
Sat, 17 September 2022

Hello and welcome to the Forty-Seventh Field Report!

Today marks the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Antietam or Sharpsburg, and what better way to commemorate the day with our community than to give an inside look into the future of War of Rights!

In today’s field report, we will be covering a whole host of upcoming, and perhaps surprising, features, eye-watering overhauls, and an insight into our audio production. There is no strict timetable on any of the content featured in this field report; think of it as a de facto roadmap for the end of the year and into 2023.

With that out of the way, let’s get going!

Announcement: “Luminance” Graphics and Lighting Revamp!

Coming in the next major War of Rights update is a big revamp of the shading, materials and lighting in the game, which we call the “Luminance” update. Ever since the start of development, our world lighting has gone through many iterations, and while we have always been satisfied with the look of our game, this iteration is already showing a lot of promise!

The current and previous iterations of our lighting and shading have particularly suffered from too much contrast and a lack of saturation. We have diligently adjusted the tonemapper to overcome these shortcomings and provide a more balanced and realistic image. Furthermore, our indirect lighting has been a point of focus in this update. This more natural indirect light bounce will give a lot more depth and vibrancy to the scene, particularly to interiors and forests. Finally, we have improved our water shader to feature better reflections, light absorption, and accurate sun highlights. We are very pleased with the new look and the visual potential it offers us in future development.

Due to the nature of the asset changes in this update, a full download of the game will be required.

One thing we have always loved about our community is the cinematic quality screenshots and video content you produce with the game, and we look forward to seeing more following the release of this update!

Announcement: “Atlas” Community Level Editor In Development!

We’re excited to formally reveal the development of our upcoming community-level editor, "Atlas." This will open up a whole new realm of content for the game where the community will be able to create, share, and play custom levels built using assets from the game. Atlas will be available, free of charge, to everyone who has a copy of War of Rights.

Atlas, while only being a few months in development, is already taking shape. The screenshot above is a brief glimpse into the interface and toolset that will be available. We are looking to release the editor, during its infancy, to a limited audience in order to gather feedback. We will have more information on this in the future!

We look forward to encouraging and embracing a thriving level creation subcommunity once the level editor is fully released, and we can’t wait to see what sort of levels you’ll all come up with!

Audio Update: Black Powder Recordings

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