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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2019, 01:34:36 PM »
October 7th - Update 163 Released!

- Made the long lasting weapon smoke slightly darker to reduce the amount it burns out.

- Fixed a bug where first choosing to spawn on the base, then instead clicking the flag and pressing deploy, would result in the player spawning on the base anyway.

- Fixed a bug where a player would be unable to spawn if the player had left a server while it was in last stand. When joining a new server where Last Stand was not active, choosing the team which on the previous server had entered Last Stand, would result in a message being shown that the team had run out of tickets with the player unable to proceed and then being forced to restart the game.

- Added (Spectating) in front of player names in the tab menu who are spectating with the free flight camera. While in this spectator mode, their names are now also colored dark Grey. This only happens for regular players. Admins will not get the (Spectating) tag added to their names and their name color will remain Red or Black, depending on what they have chosen in the admin UI.

- For admins, the chat will now post a message whenever somebody starts and stops spectating using the free flight camera.

- Made the nametags be visible on players from both teams while using the free flight camera.

- Updated the artillery embankments throughout Harpers Ferry.

CSA battery, Loudoun Heights, Harpers Ferry - A playable location come the artillery update

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2019, 02:42:32 PM »
War of Rights on sale - 50% off!
Tue, 29 October 2019

Part of the Steam Halloween sale, War of Rights is currently 50% off! -50% = £11.89

Partake in truly team-oriented, historically authentic & immersive massive Civil War battles!

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2019, 12:55:12 AM »
Update 164: Counter-Attacks - Released!
Wed, 13 November 2019

New Counter attack mechanic added to the skirmishes gamemode

•   A counter attack by the defending team is triggered when the attacking team captures the point of contention when the morale state of the defending team is above Breaking.
•   The length of the counter attack is determined based on the morale state of the defending team - the more morale the longer the counter attack.
•   If the counter attacking team manages to retake the point of contention before the counter attack timer runs out, it will gain a morale boost, putting it at the same morale state as the attacker.
•   If the counter attack timer runs out before the point of contention is retaken, the counter attacking team will lose the match.
•   The end game events Final Push and Last Stand can trigger during a counter attack.
•   A counter attack can happen several times during a skirmish round.

- Added an overtime mechanic to the Skirmishes gamemode. This will trigger if the attacker or counter attacker is in the process of capturing the point of contention as the timer runs out. The overtime mechanic will be canceled if more defenders than attackers are inside the point of contention.

- Removed the endgame event Last Stand's requirement of having to stay inside the point of contention. The defenders in Last Stand are now free to move about as they please.

- More than doubled the capture speed of the point of contention in order to increase the chance of counter attacks happening.

- Improved the networked interpolation of player positions. This will make the movement of other players on your screen respond a lot faster to the movement data your client receives from the server. In theory this will also make it easier to move in a cohesive line formation as you can much more accurately adjust your own position to the position of the player in front or next to you.

- General level detail pass of Antietam.

- General level detail pass of Harpers Ferry.

- General level detail pass of South Mountain.

- Added gabions to the artillery redoubts at Harpers Ferry.

- It is now possible to vault over certain parts of the artillery embankment models found on Harpers Ferry.

- Prevented players from spawning under the ground at Sherrick and Roulette Farms, Antietam.

- Optimized the proxies of various models.

- Added several new interior props.

- Optimized the destroyed cornstalk models.

- Added a new splash screen when starting the game.

- Made the dropped flag not collide with players in order to avoid players being pushed around by it.

- Moved the on-screen popup message slightly up as well as increased their background opacity in order to provide an easier time of aiming.

- Fixed a few animation issues related to the officers using revolvers.

- Rebel Yells and Union Huzzahs now only trigger from players that are In Formation.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2019, 02:47:45 PM »
Winter Sale! War of Rights 50% off!
Thu, 19 December 2019

Part of the Steam Winter Sale 2019, War of Rights is now 50% off!

Campfire Games would like to wish all of our veteran players as well any fresh recruit a happy holidays - we hope it's a good one!

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2019, 11:35:47 PM »
Happy New Year: Artillery Progress Update
Fri, 27 December 2019

Hello everyone!

We hope you all had a nice Christmas and that you are now looking forward to a new decade of PC gaming as much as we here at Campfire Games are!

We realize there’s a lot of interest about how the development of artillery, one of the core features of War of Rights is shaping up and so we thought it a good idea to give you a brief rundown of some of the issues still keeping us from releasing the first version of it as well as a video showcasing two of our developers interacting with a cannon in a networked environment. The video displays a number of issues (and misses quite a few as well), some more serious than others that should make it clear why artillery is not yet released to the public.

(Note that the 2nd shot was the first time we actually tried to aim the cannon at the firing range target - we thought that went pretty well!)

As you can see in the video above, a number of animation issues are currently present - both in regards to general animation polish but also in relation to characters turning invisible for a period of time after having left the different positions of the cannon as well as characters currently glitching out when the cannon is moving over an uneven/sloped ground, sometimes resulting in falling through the ground (not shown in the video).

One of the major things that still need to be implemented is the ability to pick up shells from the limber chests (hence why an invisible shell was loaded into the gun in the video above).

While we do have firing sounds for the artillery we’re currently lacking most other sounds related to manipulating the piece.

That being said, we hope you will agree with us that the development of the first version of artillery is indeed headed in the right direction.

We will continue to push on in order to get it out to you all as soon as possible. Until then, we would like to wish you a very happy new year and also thank you for supporting the development of the alpha for yet another year.

We would also like to welcome the many new players who have decided to fill the ranks during the Steam Winter Sale - we are happy to have you and we hope you’ll enjoy the alpha and its great community.

We can’t wait to see what 2020 has in store for the development of WoR!

War of Rights is currently 50% off at:

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2020, 02:48:50 PM »
War of Rights 40% off! Cavalry & Artillery Progress Report
Thu, 23 January 2020

Hello Everyone!

While we continue to work on the first implementation of artillery to the game we thought it a good time to show you all a bit of some of the other content we're working on which is to be released at some point after the introduction of artillery as well as give you all a brief update about the progress of the artillery development itself. But first we have a new sale to announce!

War of Rights is currently 40% off!

Part of the Steam Lunar New Year sale for the next 4 days, War of Rights is now 40% off! We hope you will all join us in giving the new recruits that are about to swell the ranks the warmest of possible welcomes!

Cavalry Development Showcase

The development of the cavalry army branch is progressing nicely, we think (we hope you will agree!). It being a major content addition coming to the game after the introduction of artillery, we hope you're looking forward to be exploring its uses on the field of battle as much as we are.

For now, we're pleased to be able to show you the very first in-engine screenshots of several cavalry horses complete with all of their tack, supporting CSA specific as well as Union specific variations as well!

Artillery Progress Report

The introduction of artillery into the alpha as soon as possible remains the absolute priority of the team. A lot of work is currently being done in order to make the limber chests functional in-game, allowing the players to not only move the limbers themselves in order to keep the ammunition supply as close as possible to any cannon or battery on the move, but also to allow the crew to open the limber chest lid, select each shell they wish to pick up individually (consisting of several different shell types) as well as the option to move over the tray of tools (which hides half of the shells in the limber chest) to the other half of the chest, exposing the remaining half of the ammunition of the chest for usage.

It is quite the task from a systematic as well as animation setup point of view but we're happy to let you all know that we're making progress in allowing the above stated to happen.

That's all for now - we hope you're looking forward to be greeting the new players welcome as well as the introduction of artillery and the eventual addition of cavalry as much as we are!

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2020, 03:11:13 PM »
Artillery Progress & The Platform System Explained
Sat, 2 May 2020

Hello everyone!

We thought it might be a good idea to give you all a bit of an update as to the progress we’re making regarding two of the most complex systems we’ve yet to develop: Artillery & The Platform System as well as list some of the release blocking issues currently stopping us from releasing artillery in its current state despite the great amount of anticipation surrounding it.

Artillery Progress Report

Since we last showed you any of the artillery in action we’ve been adding fully functional limber carts containing Shell, Case & Canister rounds as well as being moveable in much the same way as the cannons themselves are. We’ve also polished a number of animations as well as having updated the firing particles of the cannons. Another addition is the displayed “Elevation Angle” shown in the lower left corner when turning the elevation screw of the cannon. This is the total of the barrel elevation as well as ground elevation combined and should prove very useful for gunners wanting to shout out angles to the other crew members after successful hits. We have also added a 2nd quicker speed when strafing with the limber cart pole, the cannon trail spike and turning the elevation screw. This will allow crews the ability to quickly turn the pieces most of the way (holding shift) with the faster speed as well as use the precision of the slower speed (letting go of shift) to properly aim the piece.

We have also populated all of the battlefields with the correct batteries at the correct locations (based on the exact key moments the skirmish areas portray) as well as added capturable forward battery deployments for each individual active battery (This is basically our way of giving the battery crews a forward spawn just as the infantry regiments have their flag spawns).

Here is a quick video we recorded of the above new additions.

Artillery Release Blockers Detailed

As we know just how anticipated the deployment of the first version of artillery is by many of you we have decided to give you a quick rundown of the current major release blockers we are working on fixing. Please note that this list is the current list and that it may grow in future internal playtests.It is also possible that several of the below issues are caused by the same bug.

1) Reset the state of artillery pieces when the round is over.

2) Look into cannon firing sounds and particles not triggering for some clients when firing - once this is triggered it appears to be in place until a game restart.

3) Sometimes the inserted shell is not removed correctly from the player, leaving him in a shell carrying animation pose without a shell and allows him to switch to the rammer as well, enabling him to both load (with the invisible shell he holds) and ram the cannon on his own without having to grab a new shell.

4) Sometimes cannons and limbercarts will lose their proper physics behavior. Their proxy will be broken and they will be pushable by the player if they are walked into. They are also not allowing any seats to be interacted with in this state. This has been reproduced by having a limbercart (note: the cannon in this experiment did not break - the limbercart did however) interacted with/pushed, etc. so it is no longer in its default position on the skirmish area, then quit the game and rejoin the server. It will now be in a broken physics state where it is pushable and non intractable as described above while all of the rest of the limbercarts that haven’t been touched by anyone are still fully physicalized. Cannons have also been seen to break in the same way but it has not been reproduced by the above test.

5) All of the rounds inside the limber chest are sometimes invisible. You can still see the text above them and the second you pick one up they all come into view. This was seen on the Dunker Church skirmish area, Antietam in the Carlton Battery, CSA.

6) Friendly (and possibly also enemy) players killed by the explosion of a shell will sometimes appear dead for everyone but themselves. They are in fact alive and can be seen by their nametags moving about. While invisible they can still damage other players so this is a major release blocker.

While the above can give the impression of it going to take a lot of work to fix we are confident that we indeed are in the last phases of development before the update is ready for deployment.We hope the seriousness from a competitive game’s standpoint some of the above issues are will help you understand why the update has not been released yet.

Once the release blockers have been dealt with we plan on hosting a public dev branch test of the artillery patch prior to its actual release on the live build of the game. We will be sure to let you all know the when and how’s as soon as testing is ready to start.

Technical Issues in the Alpha

In the wake of the last few weeks of posts by our community highlighting some of the issues they are currently (and have been for a long time) experiencing in the alpha we felt we needed to explain to you all what is being done in order to fix them. We therefore asked Philipp - the other part of our programming team not focusing on the artillery, to explain what he primarily has been up to since the alpha was released on Steam Early Access nearly 18 months ago.

The Platform System

Hey, I am Philipp and one of the Programmers on the War of Rights Team.

I have mainly worked on core systems like Game rules, Spawning or Networking to name a few.
For quite a while now, since January last year, I have been focused on a rather large and difficult undertaking that we deemed necessary to make developing War of Rights easier and allow us to deliver a viable online multiplayer experience. That being a completely new Platform / ”Lobby” system.

What is it?

The job of the Platform system is to handle all functionality relating to a “Platform” the game is currently running on.

Some of the crucial features being:

- Authentication
- Matchmaking and Server discovery
- Connection handling between client and server
- Platform related data exchange (Usernames, Clans, etc.)
- Chat

And some of the less crucial ones:

- Friends/Clans/Groups
- Ability to join games your Friends/Clan/Groups are on
- Rich status display about what you are doing to other (i.e. “Attacking on map x for side y”)
- Statistics
- “User generated content” (Icons, server banners, etc.)

Why is it?

Right now, our online functionalities are being handled by a library that was designed for ps3/xbox360 era p2p style gaming, onto which we added the functionality required for steam servers. Since we released into early access this has been an ongoing headache. It makes it far too difficult for our small team to debug issues relating to connection failures and other connectivity issues. Adding new functionality is also a pain every time and might cause more issues down the line. In short, our current solution is not viable if we want to keep expanding on it.

What does it solve?

A completely new implementation allows us to separate all online functionality into its own module and focus on solving issues that have plagued the game since early access release, which we so far are barely even able to reproduce, let alone debug.

Some of the issues that this will fix or help us fix are:

- Stuck on establishing context
- Random disconnects
- Failure to reconnect to a server
- Failure to connect to a server
- Server mass drops
- Servers not showing up in the list
- Connections to other players staying active after disconnecting
- Lighten the load on the game networking module and thread

What does it allow us to do?

Apart from allowing us to properly debug and fix all our connection issues, it also allows us to implement some planned features as well as hypothetical features down the line so we don’t need to rip everything apart each time we want to add something.

Some of the planned features are:

- Proper error messaging for networking related issues. This includes a description of why a join attempt may have failed or a message that tells you why you have been kicked/banned from a server.
- Integrate with Steam’s friend system so that you can join your friends and groups directly from the Steam client.
- Integrate with a backend service that allows us to supplement user data with our own persistent data. This makes it possible to integrate the company tool into the game itself.
- Backer reward cosmetics

Some hypothetical features this system allows us to implement without an insane amount of work:

- Cross battle persistent data
- Game events
- Server slot reservation based on company or event
- Expanding to other platforms in the future (Epic, xbox, playstation, switch, phone, microwave)
- Platform cross-play

Why is this taking so long?

As you might imagine, this is a huge amount of work for a small team like ours and involves threading, networking, serialization, and other fun stuff.
The key here is to get it right and build a sustainable framework that is maintainable as well as extensible. This includes designing it to allow for easy integration of the different Platform Apis. (Steam being the main one, but lan also needs to be implemented for internal testing).

So, finding a combination of tools and learning them has been quite a challenge, but we hope to release the first iteration of this soon, and alleviate some of those ongoing connectivity woes.

That’s all for now - we can’t wait to eventually bring you the platform system, posed to fix or at least help to fix a number of some of the most reported and annoying alpha issues of the game and also heading into public testing of the artillery patch with you all as soon as the pesky release blockers have been dealt with!

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #37 on: June 19, 2020, 03:00:03 PM »
Public Test: Artillery - Now Open!
Wed, June 17, 2020

Hello everyone.

Today, we’re extremely happy to be able to invite every owner of War of Rights to partake in the public test branch of the long awaited artillery update!

In order to partake, all you have to do is right click War of Rights in your Steam library, head into its properties and locate the “betas” tab. There you will be able to select the public test branch from the dropdown menu.

Please note that you will not be able to play on the live game servers nor be able to see them in the server browser until you opt out of the public test branch again.

The artillery update consists of many months of work - it is by far our biggest update to date. No mass testing has yet been done (this is why we need you guys!). As such, a large number of issues should be expected when partaking in the public test: incomplete features, client crashes, server crashes, skewed team balance, visual issues to name but a few. The public test server is also not guaranteed to be online 24/7 during the testing period.

There is currently no end date to the public test. This will depend entirely on how the test goes. We expect to cycle to different battlefields & drill camps throughout the testing period.

The artillery update is featuring more additions and changes than just the introduction of the artillery branch: Major overhauls to all of the forests in the game, reworked lighting, most materials of the game reworked, overhauled town assets, updated animations, etc.

A complete changelog (or as complete as we can muster, we are bound to miss a lot of things given the scope of the update) will be posted when the artillery update is released onto the live build of the game.

Known artillery issues
•   It is currently impossible to stow a round in the limber chest if you have picked one up. We’ve decided to go with a stow feature instead of a drop feature as the latter will be highly trollable.
•   The rounds inside a limber chest are currently invisible in the first skirmish area you join. They will come back into view once you interact with them or when the next skirmish area starts.
•   The rounds inside a limber chest currently have a chance of appearing as if they are shaking.
•   The cannons and limbers feature rather basic collision meshes currently. This can result in some interesting results.

That’s all for now. We can’t wait to partake in the very first public artillery test with you all!

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #38 on: June 19, 2020, 03:12:49 PM »

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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2020, 01:52:08 AM »
War of Rights on Sale! 50% off!
Thu, 25 June 2020

War of Rights is currently 50% off being part of Steam's summer sale!

Whether you'd like to fill the infantry ranks on the live servers or help playtest the new artillery on the test server we welcome you. :)

-50%   £23.79   £11.89

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #40 on: July 15, 2020, 12:54:40 AM »
Update 166: Artillery - Released!
Tue, 14 July 2020

Hello everyone,

Today, we’re happy to announce the release of playable artillery onto the live build of the alpha! The artillery release is part of update 166 which is the largest update we have ever released for the game. We’re looking forward to be sharing its details with you below!

Before we get started, however, we’d like to thank everyone who’s helped us test out the features of the artillery in the public test branch of the game - we’ve been able to identify and fix a substantial amount of issues thanks to you all.

That being said, we do expect to see several new issues coming into view as we now begin mass testing on the live alpha build and so we look forward to seeing all of your feedback.


To get things started, we’ve created a little demonstration video highlighting the basics of the artillery mechanics. The video features Campfire Games Historical Advisor George Crecy as the mean drill instructor - enjoy!

Artillery basics demonstration

Let’s now take a look at exactly what we’re adding in update 166.

- Added the first version of player operated artillery to the alpha. This includes an operational 3 inch ordnance rifle and its limber.

Union Battery volley firing near Otto & Sherrick Farms, Antietam

- The 3 inch ordnance rifle can be operated via a number of loading steps as well as movement & aiming interaction points: sponging the barrel, inserting the round & powder, ramming the round & powder, priming the cannon, firing the cannon, pushing the cannon by its wheels (two players are recommended for this but it can be done with one at a considerably slower speed), turning the elevation screw in order to adjust the aim of the cannon vertically and picking up the trail spike in order to adjust the aim of the cannon horizontally (these feature two different speeds - hold shift in order to speed up the process).

Turning the elevation screw to change elevation and set the fuze

Read on...

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #41 on: September 18, 2020, 12:37:16 AM »
Update 167: 12-Pounder Napoleon - Released!
Thu, 17 September 202

Hello everyone,

Today, on the 158th anniversary of the Battle of Antietam we're happy to be bringing you the next War of Rights game update!

The update brings the iconic 12-pounder smoothbore bronze cannons often referred to as "Napoleons" into the game, an overhauled character movement system, lots of animation setup fixes and more.

For the full patch notes, please read below.

- Added playable versions of the M1857 and M1861 12-pounder Napoleon bronze cannons to the available batteries in Skirmishes and firing ranges at the Drill Camps.

- Added 12-pounder limbers complete with shell, case and canister rounds.

- Replaced the old movement style with a new one. These changes are intended to make the player feel a bit more grounded in the world when moving around, accelerating and decelerating. This also include changes to the way the camera behaves when moving around.
- Prevented players from interacting with the artillery guns immediately after they have been fired.
- Other players will now tilt slightly in the direction they are turning towards while moving.
- Fixed nearly all occurrences of the hands of players sometimes spinning 360 degrees when starting to perform certain actions.
- The text chat box is now more responsive, resulting in little to no chance of getting stuck in it when double tapping the enter key.
- Detail work on the Drill Camp level.
- Possible desertion upon spawn fixes to Bolivar Heights Artillery Redoubt skirmish area, Harpers Ferry.
- Level detail work, Colquitt’s Defence skirmish area, South Mountain.
- Added the map overview of the Drill Camp level to the deploy screen when playing on a drill camp server.
- Level detail work, West woods skirmish area, Antietam.
- Fixed two non-functioning spawn points at River Crossing and Bolivar Heights Camp skirmish areas, Harpers Ferry.
- Fixed and improved the sharpshooter fur knapsack model.
- Updated LD Moore house, South Mountain.
- Level detail work, Maryland Heights skirmish area, Harpers Ferry.
- Overhauled the Harpers Ferry river wall models surrounding the town itself.
- Optimized the army tent models.
- Level detail work, Roulette Lane and Hagerstown Turnpike skirmish areas, Antietam.
- Fixed the broken proxies of the large beech trees, primarily found in the Drill Camp and Picket Patrol level.
- Fixed a bug where the player did not exit Right Shoulder Shift properly when starting to kneel.
- Improved the enter and exit melee mode with a bayonet animation.
- Improved the start and end reload and fix and unfix bayonet animations.
- Fixed a rare crash with the artillery.
- Added a new Siege of Harpers Ferry splash screen.

That's all for now. We look forward to be testing the new bronze beasts with all of you on the alpha servers. Until next time, have a good one!

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2020, 02:03:23 PM »
Update 168 - Battle Flags - Released!
Sun, 27 September 2020

42nd Pennsylvania national & 1st Georgia regimental

Hello everyone,

Today, we’re pleased to be releasing our biggest update to the infantry battle flags of the game yet as part of alpha update 168. We’ll also be giving you a fresh progress report about the much anticipated “Platform System” - a core system for War of Rights going forward.

First thing’s first, however. Let’s talk about the massive flag addition featured in update 168. It’s my pleasure to pass the word on to our newest team member at Campfire Games, Bradley.

Battle Flags

My name is Bradley and I am the Historical Texture Artist for Campfire Games, as well as a Graduate Student concentrating in the American Civil War with special interests in Confederate Chaplains, the Siege of Vicksburg, small arms and artillery, and vexillology in the Civil War (the study of flags).

19th indiana regimental & 18th Mississippi national

One of the most important material objects of the Civil War is without question the battle flag. The battle flag was more than just a signal to communicate a regiment’s identification to other units on the chaotic and smoke-filled battlefield, although the “colors” were vitally necessary in serving this practical purpose—the battle flag was also an important symbol to the men that fought under it. For many enlisted men, their regimental standard was a piece of their past and a reminder of home. Not infrequently, ladies back home had sewn the regimental colors and sometimes even constructed the standard from their own wedding dresses, as silk was a precious wartime commodity. The soldiers themselves carefully stitched or painted Battle Honors such as “SEVEN PINES” and “WILLIAMSBURG” onto their banners. These were more than names where gallant fighting happened, these were the final resting places of brothers-in-arms, many dear friends and family members killed hundreds of miles from home.

69th New York regimental & 5th Texas national

My great-great-grandfather, his brother, and their brother-in-law fought at Sharpsburg with the 8th Florida Infantry, some eight hundred miles from their homes in Nassau County, Florida. At Bloody Lane, their under-strength and relatively untested brigade suffered fifty percent casualties. A Chaplain in the Florida Brigade witnessed, "Five times our colors fell." The flag staff was shot in two and the final bearer was killed as the Confederate center abandoned the sunken road. In October 1862, Abraham Lincoln and George B. McClellan posed for photographer Alexander Gardner in the general's tent at Antietam. At the bottom left hand corner of this famous image is a crumpled Confederate battle flag that some have identified as the battle flag of the 8th Florida Infantry. So it was, this particular rebel flag continued to serve an important symbolic purpose even in Union possession.

Lincoln & McClellan next to what is probably the captured battle flag of the 8th Florida

With this update, most of the flags in-game have been rescaled to historically accurate proportions, and we are proud to introduce over fifty new battle flags based on months of meticulous research. War of Rights players, whether on the battlefield or in drill camp, will encounter flags nearly identical to surviving artifacts, down to the tilt of stars and placing of text. Where no artifacts survived for us to follow, we strove for authenticity. We expect future findings may require some flags to be revisited.

32nd Pennsylvania national & 1st Texas regimental

Update 168 Patch Notes

- Added or updated the following battle flags:

•   CSA 2nd Bunting
•   CSA 7 star national
•   3rd Arkansas regimental
•   3rd Alabama regimental
•   6th Alabama regimental
•   8th Alabama national
•   8th Florida regimental
•   1st Georgia regimental
•   1st Georgia national
•   18th Georgia regimental
•   1st Louisiana regimental
•   6th Louisiana regimental
•   9th Louisiana regimental
•   18th Mississippi national
•   4th North Carolina regimental
•   14th North Carolina regimental
•   27th North Carolina regimental
•   Hamptons Legion South Carolina national
•   Palmetto Sharpshooters South Carolina regimental
•   1st Texas national
•   1st Texas regimental
•   4th Texas regimental
•   5th Texas national
•   13th Virginia regimental
•   30th Virginia regimental
•   33rd Virginia national

•   USA 32 star national
•   14th Indiana national
•   19th Indiana regimental
•   19th Indiana national
•   15th Massachusetts national
•   28th Massachusetts national
•   1st Maryland national
•   7th Michigan national
•   17th Michigan national
•   1st Minnesota national
•   1st Minnesota regimental
•   9th New York national
•   9th New York regimental
•   20th New York national
•   69th New York national
•   69th New York regimental
•   8th Ohio national
•   87th Ohio regimental
•   28th Pennsylvania national
•   32nd Pennsylvania national
•   42nd Pennsylvania national
•   114th Pennsylvania national
•   2nd US Regulars national
•   10th US Regulars national
•   1st US Sharpshooters national
•   1st US Sharpshooters regimental
•   2nd US Sharpshooters national
•   2nd US Sharpshooters regimental
•   2nd Wisconsin national

- Added 4x4, 6x6.5 and 8x6 feet flag models in order to support the historically correct sizes of battle flags.
- Overhauled the corpse manager: corpses are now divided into sectors of the skirmish area. A sector is able to spawn in as many corpses as the corpse count in the game options allow for. By moving the corpse count setting from being global to being sector based you will now be able to see many more corpses spread out across the entirety of the skirmish area with no change in performance.
- Added a ringing noise following discharging to all bronze cannons in the game.
- Fixed the sponge clipping through the barrel of the cannon when sponged while the barrel is elevated.
- Made all artillery pieces and limbercarts produce sounds when hit by small arms fire.
- Improved the enter bayonet melee mode from shoulder arms animation.
- Fixed a bug where most weapons in first person when aiming were not aligned properly to the direction they would shoot.
- Detail work, North Woods, Antietam.
- Pry Grist Mill skirmish area vegetation work, Antietam.
- Bolivar Heights detail work, Harpers Ferry.
- Drill Camp level detail work.

Platform System Progress Report

Given it’s been a while since the last time we spoke of the upcoming platform system (which can be read here) we thought it might be a good idea to give you all a fresh progress report. We’re happy to announce that internal testing has begun and we’re making steady progress towards being able to bring it to a public test branch available to every War of Rights owner very soon indeed.

The goal of the public test branch is to stress test the platform system as much as possible - this means to fully populate the test server and leaving and joining it multiple times, possibly even causing it to crash or mass boot everyone on it. At the core of the platform system is clearer information available to us developers when things do go wrong which is going to massively help us increase alpha stability (client and server alike) going forward so we’re extremely excited to be seeing what sort of new information we can get our hands on during the initial stress test. We hope many of you will join in on the testing when we soon announce the details of the public test branch launch.

That’s all for now. Until next time, have a good one!

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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #43 on: October 24, 2020, 02:20:49 AM »
Public Test Branch: Platform System - Now Open!
Fri, 23 October 2020

Hello everyone

We have just opened the public test branch of the game for stress testing the initial implementation of the platform system, a major core code replacement created to combat several alpha issues such as connectivity ones that have long been part of the game. In short this will mean us being able to deliver a better working game at a quicker rate going forward, resulting in less stuck at establishing context and mass player drop issues, better game-to-player communication in terms of messages sent based on whether you were kicked, banned or lost connection to a server and more.

The public test branch can be joined by all owners of War of Rights. In order to locate it, simply navigate to War of Rights in your steam library, right click and enter properties. Once there head into the beta tab, open the dropdown menu and select publictest-platform.

Steam will now download the public test client. Once downloaded you'll be able to join the public test server. Should you wish to return to the live version of the game you'll be able to opt out of the test in the same dropdown menu as you used to opt into it via.

The public test branch will also include a few other additions for you to test out such as an updated options menu and the next cannon in line to be released; the 10 pounder Parrott. It can be found throughout many of the available batteries in the game.

We hope you will join us in the very first stress tests of the platform system, arguably one of the core systems to better the development of the game going forward.

We're currently aware of at least two scheduled mass testing events on the public test branch server this weekend:

Friday (tonight) 23rd of October - 8 PM EST / 2 AM CET
Saturday 24th of October - 8 PM EST / 2 AM CET

We invite everyone willing to help us out stress testing the platform system prior to it headed to the live build to join in!

Thank you for your help - we look forward to be seeing you on the fields of glory!

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #44 on: December 02, 2020, 03:38:42 AM »
Update 169: Platform System - Released!
Tue, 1 December 2020

Hello everyone,

Today marks yet another major milestone in the development of War of Rights as the long awaited platform system is released as part of update 169!

Platform System

The platform system, having been in the works since January of 2018 is one of the biggest programming updates to the alpha we’ve ever done. It is bound to change how a lot of the game features function on the backend due to its complexity and thus bugs should be expected in this very first deployment of it on the live alpha branch.

Here to give you all a brief rundown on the details regarding what exactly the platform system is, why we’ve decided to spend the time required to create it, what today’s implementation of the initial platform system version brings to the alpha and what to expect coming from later additions going forward, is Philipp, one half of our programming team & creator of the platform system:

With the release of the platform system in its first iteration it's time to talk about its purpose again.

As mentioned in an earlier field report, the goal of the platform system is to replace the old system that handles all “social” and platform related functionality and allow us to expand functionality in that area as well as make it far easier to diagnose and fix problems.

At its core, the Platform System is a data driven collection and management system, built around the entity component system framework EnTT. This means it collects information from various sources, like steam, aggregates it, filters it and then has other subsystems operate on it depending on their needs. As a result, all sub-systems and “information” providers are completely disconnected from each other and can operate only on the data they need, or not at all if the required data combination is not available. Furthermore, data collection can be deferred so that systems only start using it when it's available, without blocking any work while waiting for it.

As with the old system, the networking functionalities provided by platforms like steam are also included in their own modules to facilitate direct connections between clients and servers.

For the user this replaces the back end to the current connection and matchmaking systems, so visually there will not be any changes for this release, but probably some improvement in responsiveness.

Since the matchmaking and connection handling is now completely separate from game systems, we were already able to identify the cause of some major issues that have eluded us for quite a while with just two public test sessions. One of them is the famous “mass booting” issue, which, as it turns out, was caused by the basic steam P2P system timing out a large number of users seemingly at random. This has now been replaced with a lower level system that also resulted in some connection speedups.

The intent for all this is to serve as a base for future features, like the integration of the company tool, and potential expansion into other platforms as well. For the near future I am planning to add in a few steam social features like friend/server joining and currently playing information which did not quite make it into this release. But with all the work that has been put into the platform system, this has become a far less complicated and much, much quicker task, which was the core of the problem in the first place.

Update 169 Patch Notes

Today’s update contains quite a bit of changes and additions (some are tied to the platform system’s introduction while others are not). Below is a complete list of what update 169 brings to the alpha.

- Implemented the first iteration of the platform system, resulting in added features such as better messaging to players when issues or unexpected things happen, possible fixes for long-lasting alpha major issues such as servers mass booting players and drastically increasing the rate at which we can locate and thus work on fixing bugs in the future.
- Added or updated the following battle flags in our continued effort to bring you the most beautiful & accurate battle flags in any game:

•   1st Virginia Infantry national

•   18th Virginia regimental
•   4th Alabama regimental
•   27th North Carolina national
•   3rd South Carolina national
•   17th South Carolina national

•   1st Maryland regimental
•   20th Maine regimental
•   5th New York national
•   5th New York regimental
•   20th New York regimental
•   39th New York regimental
•   126th New York regimental
•   30th Ohio regimental
•   32nd Ohio regimental
•   4th Rhode Island regimental
•   1st Delaware national
•   1st Delaware regimental
•   51st Pennsylvania national
•   51st Pennsylvania regimental
•   72nd Pennsylvania national
•   9th Vermont national
•   9th Vermont regimental

- Added the 5th New York “Duryee’s Zouaves” Infantry regiment to the game, playable on the fictitious Pry House skirmish area.

Organized under the command of Col. Abram Duryee at Fort Schuyler at New York harbor in April of 1861, the regiment soon became renowned as the efficient and disciplined “Duryee’s Zouaves.” However, they would also quickly prove their mettle and coolness under fire over the course of their regiment’s brief career, including their first fight at Big Bethel in June, and in the Peninsula Campaign a year later. After several charges into Rebel lines, their ranks were already depleted by the time they met their foe again at Second Bull Run. Joined by the equally small 10th NY Zouaves, the 5th NY barely mustered 490 men when a Confederate division 30,000 strong under James Longstreet crashed against them. The Zouave lines were literally ripped to shreds by the Rebel volleys, leaving only 200 to stagger back. As such, the 5th NY was left in reserve for several months while the ranks were reestablished, while a final engagement at Chancellorsville heralded the end of their two-year enlistment, where several hundred reenlisted into the 146th NY Infantry.

- Added 10pdr Parrott rifled cannons and their matching limbers to various batteries throughout the game.

Robert Parrott of New Hampshire, who graduated third of his class with honors from the US Military Academy in 1824, was the inventor of the famous line of Parrott guns in 1860. The 10-lb Parrott Rifle was one of the most common rifled guns to be found on both sides, but was often shunned by artillerymen as being a gun prone to bursting. However, perhaps due to a low production cost compared to other guns, it could be found in many sizes, the largest being the 300-lb Parrott Siege Rifle used against Confederate held Fort Sumter in August of 1863. Parrotts continued to be used in coastal defense roles until phased out in 1900 with the Endicott Fort Reforms.

- Updated the 2nd & 6th Wisconsin uniforms to better portray the uniformity & discipline of the units during the Maryland Campaign of 1862.

- Added several worn Hardee hat models.
- Added a short-brimmed beehive hat model.
- Added a tin bullseye canteen model.
- Reduced the complexity of the setup of every first person animation resulting in slightly different looking first person animations in the game.
- Improved the hand poses when carrying a flag.
- Improved the hand poses when kneeling with a rifle.
- Added different animation variants of entering aiming with a musket.
- Improved the revolver first person recoil animation when firing.
- Updated the two-banded rifle reload animation.
- Updated the double quick animation when carrying an artillery round.
- Added a sword order arms emote (F6 by default).
- Added a sword parade rest emote (F7 by default).

- Made the union cannons & limbers on the River Crossing skirmish area vaultable in order to lessen the blocking strategy as seen often used at the area after the introduction of artillery.
- Fixed a game-breaking bug that would cause counter-attackers to not be able to spawn when they entered final push.
- Added the burned down Wager Hotel, replacing the placeholder model at River Crossing, Harpers Ferry.

- Updated the canal wall models on the Maryland Heights side of the Potomac, Harpers Ferry.
- Added shale roof as a variant to the townhouses of Harpers Ferry.
- Added a St. John's Church model, replacing the generic town house placeholder structure in Harpers Ferry.

- Made the options menu way more reliable by recreating its backend functionality from scratch.
- Improved the usability of the options menu, now featuring tooltips, instant changes to settings (no need to press save settings anymore) & several bug fixes.
- Added a fullscreen and borderless setting to the options menu as well as settings for screen space reflections and ambient occlusion.
- Overhauled the keybindings menu, now allowing the user to change keybindings of every single action in the game.
- Overhauled the in-game controls screen (activated by pressing F2) to display every single action in the game (scroll your mouse wheel to view the entire list).
- Updated the admin menu in order for it to work with the new platform system and generally make it easier to use (now with F3 as its new default activation key).
- Added varying heights to all the characters in the game, resulting in a more realistic look when in tight and large formations.

- Flags now won’t as quickly get dirty when dropped as they did before (the speed at which bullet holes are added has not been changed).
- Updated the small arms projectile impact particle effect on dirt and grass surfaces.
- Increased the max amount of dismembered body parts a player killed by an artillery round might turn into.
- Fixed the bug where players might spawn inside one of the bush models when spawning on the flag bearer.
- Increased the CSA starting morale amount on the Pry House skirmish area by roughly 10% as one in four enlisted men of the newly added 5th New York regiment will be issued with a Sharps rifle.
- Made the canister balls spread out a bit more when fired from the Napoleon cannon.
- Updated the cooking implements of the cook tents featured throughout the game.
- Various level detail work.
- Updated the setup of all of the flags of the drill camps to make them less rubbery and more predictable.
- Wall tents are now enterable.
- Fixed several NCO characters spawning without a weapon selected, requiring the player to spam 1 in order to get a weapon.
- Weapon selection when having several weapons no longer requires the user to cycle through them sequentially. Instead, key 1 will select the primary weapon, key 2 will select the secondary weapon and key 3 will select binoculars. Switching cartridge type on the Springfield M1842 has now been moved to key 5 as its default key.
- Fixed the third person microstutters when in at the ready or in the rifle club melee mode.
- Fixed a bug where the dynamic depth of field didn’t always calculate the proper distance to what you were looking at and thus sometimes blurred the image incorrectly.
- Fixed most occurrences of a bug where an artillery shell hitting a wooden surface, like the roof of a building, would spawn the brick impact effect instead of the wood effect.
- The amount of dark red tint added when wounded now scales based on the time of day, resulting in players not going blind when wounded at night.
- Added a popup warning that the user is going to be killed when enabling the spectator camera (sorry, no more “press F9 for a scoreboard/godmode/fully automatic musket” trolling!).
- Added a lock icon next to passworded servers in the serverbrowser.
- The correct loading screen should now be shown when you’re joining a server.
- Added a “Tutorials” entry to the main menu. Pressing this will open a website containing tutorial videos created by the community & Campfire Games alike which explain most of the current features of the alpha.
- The War of Rights error reporter found at: has been updated to support the platform system.

That’s all for now. We look forward to partaking in playtesting the patch with all of you as well as gathering your feedback, especially in regards to the platform system, in order to iron out the bugs almost certainly introduced in its initial implementation as well as to be utilizing the additional data provided by the system to help us improve the stability of the game on a quicker, continuous basis going forward.

See you on the fields of glory!

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