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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #90 on: September 11, 2022, 10:12:48 PM »
Dev stream: Tune in to see what's new in 0.93!
12 Aug 2022

I will go live later today to showcase some of the new features planned for the 0.93 update.

In this stream I will show you some of the new features in the 0.93 update!

As usual I will host an AMA-session (Ask Me Anything), so please ask questions in the chat and I will try my best to answer. :)

Hope to see you there!

// Petri Wilhelmsen

Past Event StartedThu, 18 August 2022
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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #91 on: September 11, 2022, 10:13:42 PM »
Update 0.94 is out - Updates to Mercury, the Lunar Guidance Computer & Bug Fixes
Fri, 9 September 2022

0.94 is another stability update where a lot of bugs has been fixed. The main features are updates to the Mercury physics model (ascent, guidance) and retrofire engines, some Mercury interior fixes and updates, in addition to some huge updates to the Lunar Module inertial platform and the Lunar Guidance Computer.

Mercury Physics Update

The physics model of ascent, deorbit and entry in Project Mercury has received an overhaul, and it is finally possible to fly similar missions to what was flown in real life. Launching into orbit, with retrofire scheduled after about 4 hours and 30 minutes, just like in Mercury-Atlas 6 (Glenn), will make you splash down in a similar location to real life.

Mercury Cockpit Window

One of the features is the addition of panels or doors that can shut the Window in Mercury. It consists of three doors that can be adjusted by clicking on them, just like any other selector/knob.

Mercury Cockpit Interior

The model of the Mercury fuses has been updated to better reflect how they looked in real life, and the UV mapping issue has been fixed. Additional cockpit props has been added and the attitude gauge needles has been colored. This makes it easier to see what's pitch, yaw and roll on the attitude rate needles as they match the coloring of the axis.

Lunar Module Inertial Platform updates

The inertial platform in the Lunar Module is updated to behave more realistically. It is used to improve the methods that uses the REFSMMAT to execute other tasks such as alignment and burns.

Lunar Guidance Computer: P30 & P40

Requesting burns using the Burn Planner will insert a planned burn into the LGC (if you use it when the Lunar Module is the active space craft). The data and logic has been overhauled to be more predictable, with better default values for attitude. A new button is added to the burn planner that lets you request the REFSMMAT before the burn is requested. This allows you to align the IMU using P52. If you then request the burn, the default attitude values should make more sense (this is only needed if you want to torque your gyros ahead of a burn).

The old procedures still works, but it required you to be in control of the attitude to set in V49 (usually all zeros).

Lunar Guidance Computer: P52 opt. 1 and opt. 2

The updates to the REFSMMAT lets P52 opt.1 behave more predictable, and can be used to orient the spacecraft with the burn direction. Requesting burns using the DPS will for example give you the option to align the S/C so that the DPS engine faces prograde/retrograde (90 degrees / 270 degrees pitch). It should now be simpler to execute a DOI burn using the Lunar Module instead of the Command Module, like they did in Apollo 11.

P52 opt. 2 will let you align the platform with the local vertical at a specific mission time.

Inverted Mission Transcript

I have also reverted the Mission Transcript to make it easier to see the last message received.

Links to Space Flight Academy videos

Going forward I will be focusing on creating videos that will teach you and show you the key procedures for each space craft. I link to these has been added to the Academy.

A brief overview of 0.94 can be seen here:

Please see the list below for a full list:

    Mercury Physics update for more realistic atmosphere (ascent, entry)
    Slight Mercury Cockpit updates: New fuses and cabin props, adjustable window shields
    LM REFSMMAT updates to better support DPS burns
    LGC P30 and P40 updates. When requesting a burn, note the burn attitude offset of about 90 degrees on attitude
    Added support for LGC P52 opt. 2
    Reverted the Mission Transcript so last message is on top
    Some additional tuning on the CM ECS and Gemini ECS
    Fixed: OBC Catch-up rounding issue, so numbers match with comms
    Fixed: Added the missing highlighter support for 3 circuit breakers in the Command Module
    Fixed: Inverted LM x-pointer scale control
    Fixed: SPS exhaust visible when fuel is depleted
    Fixed: SPS fuel depletion logic
    Fixed: PAD toggle should now care about UI work, preventing to open them when typing in a text field etc.
    Fixed: dV THRUST A/B labels
    Fixed: G-trace line disappears when setting EMS to off
    Fixed: G-trace graph renderer rendered it outside the EMD display area. It's a graph but the TSS scaling changed the size of it
    Fixed: CM/SM jets temperature sensor offscale
    Fixed: Gemini navigation lesson asks to set the FDI selector to the wrong position
    Fixed multiple typos and issues in checklists
    Fixed multiple typos in language files
    Fixed multiple typos in missions
    Fixed: Inverted the Gemini lift vector. Heads up -> Lift down, as with the Command Module is correct
    Fixed: Gemini Event Timer sign issue
    Fixed: Gemini CO2 gauge limit to prevent negative readout
    Fixed: Agena RCS visibility
    Fixed: Agena engine SFX
    Fixed: Blank PAD visibility in Apollo
    Fixed: Mercury Stable Orbit should work again now (had a slight roll before)
    Fixed: Gemini Abort Handle (part of it was baked into a static mesh, preventing animation)
    Fixed: Flickering Gemini Attitude Indicator during startup routines
    Fixed: Gemini Rendezvous orbit prediction showed a circular orbit, it should be an elliptical orbit. Wrong lookup data was used

A special shoutout to all the alpha-floor testers, those who report issues and provide feedback, and to the Test Pilots. Thank you all for helping me creating a better game for all of us.

// Petri W.
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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #92 on: October 02, 2022, 01:55:08 AM »
Update 0.95 is out - TLI, Mercury, Bug Fixes
Fri, 30 September 2022

The 0.95 update will improve the logic surrounding Trans-Earth Injection (TEI) and how it behaves as you travel between Lunar and Earth SOI, and fixes many bugs related to this. It also adds the first PADs for the Lunar Module. These PADs will be provided when requesting PDI, Lunar Ascent and DPS burns. PAD sheets are also available in the CREW MEMBERS menu.

In addition, a lot of updates has been made to the Mercury program related to various visual models and general bug fixes all over the game.

Note: If you experience issues with this build, you can roll back to a previous version using the Steam Betas tab.


The logic surrounding TEI has been improved and should fix many of the reported issues. The two biggest issues are that it has been impossible to find a TEI-burn even if you are in a proper circular orbit around the Moon, and that the orbit is wrong once you enter Earth SOI (when timescale stops).

Initial PADs for the Lunar Module

With the changes to the DPS in the previous update, the LM has also received PADs (Preliminary Advisory Data). When requesting a DPS burn using the maneuver planner, P30 PAD is provided. Same applies for Powered Descent Initiation request and Lunar Ascent request.

Lunar Guidance Computer updates[/ib]

I have corrected some major issues related to the LGC and save states, and corrected an exception that would make timers stop working correctly (mission timer in the CM and LM stops and countdowns does not work anymore).

Mercury Graphics Improvements

I have remade the Mercury LES tower, changed how it is rendered from the virtual cockpit and made some changes to the heatshield and landing bag.

Mercury Orbit Decay testing

A toggle (default off) has been added to Realism Settings to test an orbit decay function for the Mercury capsule only. This will circulate the orbit while passing through the upper parts of the atmosphere such as LEO. The closes point (Pe) of Earth will have the most drag.


Some updates has been made to VR where a toggle (bindable in the Input Mapping (not for the VR controller)) to switch between 2d mode and VR mode to use features not yet implemented in VR. I have also fixed the ROGER button in the Lunar Module.

Thank you for reporting issues and helping me create a better game! :)

    TLI improvements and feature fixes
    Initial PAD tools for the Lunar Module
    PAD LM P30
    PAD LM Ascent
    Logic to test if it's possible to change between VR and 2D mode (to interact with advanced UI or VR-unsupported features)
    Added a Hotkey to toggle between VR and 2D mode
    Made the ROGER Button in the LM functional in VR
    Fixed some "waiting for Mission Objective to complete"-bugs
    Changes to Gemini ascent/insertion procedures related to OBC Catch-up routine
    Fixes to various campaign missions
    Fixed issues related to the Mission Timer in the CSM/LM
    LGC Memory State
    LGC corrupt memory fixes
    LGC DAP lookup fixes
    Updates Mercury EPS lesson
    Fixes to AC VOLTS gauge in Mercury
    Improved Mercury LES (tower) model
    Minor Mercury EPS lesson fixes
    Simpler to close the console (toggle from in-game menu or press ESC when it is open)
    LES rendering changes
    Mercury Heat Shield Post Landing material
    Mercury Attached heatshield on landing bag so it moves with it as it inflates
    TESTING: Orbit Decay (Mercury only) as an optional realism setting
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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #93 on: November 03, 2022, 02:04:42 AM »
Update 0.96 is out - Mercury: Debriefs, Dynamic Skybox, Flight Manual, Bug Fixes
Wed, 2 November 2022

I'm happy to share that the 0.96 update has been released! This update is focused on Project Mercury and contains a new Debrief System used to refine the "Mission Accomplished" window when ending a mission.

This first release of the Debrief System will be used to test how it works and integrates with Mercury, before being rolled out to Gemini and Apollo as well (planned for 0.97 and 0.98). It also applies a new update to the Mercury Flight Manual, the first step in updating all flight manuals and the reentry game manual before 1.0, and a dynamic skybox during pre-launch operations.

Note: If this updates gives you issues, you can revert back to a previous version by using the Steam betas tab for the game.

Mercury Debrief System

The main feature update is the improved Debrief System for Project Mercury. The goal of this system is to better communicate what goals you completed in a given mission and give you a timeline of your mission execution along with stats and graphs from various stages.

For example, the mission timeline will show you all of your main events:

And various stats and graphs can be used to analyze your mission execution and performance:

The is just the first step of this system and more stats/graphs will be added over time once I verify that the generic system works. If you have any good ideas for this, be sure to let me know!

Updated Mercury Manual

The flight manuals for Reentry is in need of updates. This is the first step of giving all of the flight manuals a big update before the 1.0 release. The screenshots has been changed, sections has changed and all checklists has been updated to the latest version.

Mercury Dynamic Skybox during pre-launch

A new dynamic skybox has been added to Project Mercury as an initial test. The skybox requires quite a lot of calculations and will update at an interval of 10 seconds (or after completing a timescale).

The sequence below shows the skybox as time to ignition counts down from T -2 hours for an early morning launch.

Read on:
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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #94 on: December 01, 2022, 09:52:15 PM »
Update 0.97 is out - Gemini: Debrief System, Dynamic Skybox, Flight Manual
Thu, 10 November 2022

The 0.97 update adds the Dynamic Skybox and the new Mission Debrief System to Project Gemini. A big update to the Gemini Flight Manual is also included, and the rendering of the same recovery ship as seen in Mercury.

In addition, I have remodeled a lot of the interactable components in the Mercury capsule.

Note: If this updates gives you issues, you can revert back to a previous version by using the Steam betas tab for the game.

Mission Debrief System for Project Gemini
The most important part of this update is the integration with the new Mission Debrief System for Gemini. As with Project Mercury, you will now get a mission summary with timeline, stats and graphs related to your Gemini mission execution.

Dynamic Skybox for Gemini
The new Dynamic Skybox has been added to Project Gemini. As with Mercury, the skybox requires quite a lot of calculations and will update at an interval of 10 seconds (or after completing a timescale). This adds the capability of night launches, and for early morning pre-launch procedures, you get to see the sun rise as you prepare for launch.

Updated Gemini Flight Manual
The Gemini Flight Manual has received an update. The screenshots has been changed, sections has been added/changed and all checklists has been updated to the latest version.

Mercury Cockpit Updates
I have doubled the resolution of the main textures used to render the Mercury Cockpit and updated fonts/font sizes and layout. A lot of the interactable switches has also been remodeled and made more realistic to improve the Mercury cabin experience.

Here is a summary of this update:

Gemini: Mission Debrief System
Gemini: Dynamic liftoff skybox and landing
Gemini: Recovery ship
Gemini Flight Manual Update (to be released on public update)
Fixed: Gemini cockpit sunlight orientation relative to cockpit fix
Fixed: Gemini cockpit sunlight shadow artifacts removed
Mercury Cockpit updates
Fixed: Mercury entry particle line in external view
Fixed: Gemini entry particle line in external view
Fixed: Gemini interior light bulbs illuminated when batteries depleted
Fixed: Gemini entry effect during PPS burns
Fixed: Engine noise from Agena PPS when fuel runs out
Fixed: Agena RCS thruster jets stuck visible when OAMS is turned off
Fixed: Lots of shadow artifacts in Mercury
Fixed: Mercury illuminated switch sockets and EPI when it should be dark
Fixed: CSM Mission Timer RESET and SET logic
Fixed: FC monitoring gauges and minor CM FC logic updates
Fixed: Minor CM FC purge logic changes
Fixed: Gemini lights has stopped working
Lots of typos and mission updates
Language updates
Dictionary updates
Runnable checklist updates

Thanks to the contributors for helping make this game better and better, and to the test pilots and alpha floor players for feedback, testing and helping out.
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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #95 on: December 05, 2022, 10:39:43 PM »
Reentry has been patched to version 0.9821.EA
Mon, 5 December 2022

This is a minor patch and a hot fix for an issue regarding lunar orbit causing the orbit of both the LM and CM to change during any SPS or DPS burn, eventually causing the crafts to crash with the Moon.

Patch noted:
- Retro at Orbital Cursor should work when OBC isn't running
- SPS/DPS burn fixes during lunar orbit
- TLI logic updates related to issue above

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #96 on: December 27, 2022, 02:40:40 AM »
Update 0.99 is out - Improved Moon Data, Updated Apollo Mission Pad Maps, Fixes
Mon, 26 December 2022

The 0.99 update contains a lot of fixes related to the Moon dataset and improves the maps used in the Apollo Mission Pad. In addition, a lot of bugs has been addressed.
This is the first of multiple 0.99 patches with the primary goal of fixing bugs and improving game mechanisms. I will soon publish a new post with the update roadmap for Reentry 1.0 to 2.0.
Note: If you are experiencing issues with this update, you can always revert to an earlier build using the Steam Betas Tab.

Improved Moon Data

The update will double the lunar texture data set resolution used during lunar orbital maneuvering. The height data set is improved from 8k to 23k and the lunar color map is improved from 8k to 16k.

In the image below, the top image is the old system (including normal shadows), while the bottom image is the new system (but without normal shadows, making it look flatter - however, you can still see the improved level of detail).


Update of the Moon Planet Shader

The shader that has been used to render the moon during orbital maneuvering has been updated. The update will render normals and diffuse shadows better, and has support for detail mapping. The two images below compares the shaders. Top image is the old shader with the old dataset, while the bottom image is the new shader with the new dataset.

Another comparisson:

Mission Pad: Lunar Map

The lunar map is an important tool used during Lunar Navigation and orbits. With permission from the Aeronautical Chart Information Center, United States Air Force and Lunar and Planetary Institute, the entire texture set used to render the map in the Mission Pad has changed. In addition, I have added the ability to zoom and pan the maps in the Mission Pad.

You can now use the map to identify what craters you are seeing through the windows of the CSM/LM and better be able to learn the surface of the Moon.

Mission Pad: Earth Map

I have added a similar feature set to the map of Earth. The Earth Map now supports zooming and panning, and an improved texture.

Reference trajectories are visible on the map to compare your trajectory, and radio stations has been added to Apollo (like in Mercury and Gemini).

Lunar Module Flight Manual updates

The Lunar Module flight manual has also received its first update in a long time. Sections has been rewritten and new content has been added.

A summary of the update can be seen in this video:

List of updates
•   Apollo: Doubled the Moon Textures and Heightmap
•   Apollo: Rewrote the Moon shader and tessellation to better support PBR and normal mapping
•   Apollo: Improved the Lunar Map
•   Apollo: Improved the Earth Map
•   Apollo: Major updates to the Lunar Module manual
•   Apollo: Lunar Descent Guidance updates
•   Apollo: Lunar Ascent Guidance updates
•   Apollo: Lunar Ascent Engine fixes and visual changes
•   Apollo: Orbit View Updates
•   Apollo: CM/CSM switch checks in the Caution & Warning System
•   VR (all programs): Debrief Menus input support (like the in-game menu)
•   Typos in Missions and Dictionaries
•   Apollo: Corrected the issue preventing ascent stage to enter the TSS. It would flicker/dance/teleport around the CSM after final undock and prevent large timescales.
•   Apollo: Initial Save State support for Lunar Ascent staged state (saving after CSM/LM docking post-ascent)
•   Delete/Reset Storage button should now work (TM)
•   Fixed the Player Character from being invisible with only headsets visible

Thanks to you all who have contributed and provided feedback to improve this game!

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #97 on: January 15, 2023, 07:50:55 PM »
Update 0.991 is out! - Gemini OBC updates, lot's of fixes
Sat, 14 January 2023

The 0.991 update is all about fixing issues and improving existing systems. It comes packed with multiple fixes and aims to improve the overall experience while playing Reentry - An Orbital Simulator. The major changes are bug fixes across all programs, the introduction of UI scaling, and some great improvement to the Gemini Onboard Computer.

Note: If you are experiencing issues with this update, you can always revert to an earlier build using the Steam Betas Tab.

Gemini Computer updates
The Gemini Onboard Computer (OBC) has received some major changes and will break some of the procedures you are used to. The Gemini Computer and Gemini Burns lessons has been updated to reflect the changes.

In short, the COMP light is used as a cue to when you should execute the burn. After the planned burn parameters has been inserted into the computer and the catch-up program enters its closed-loop functionality (basically everything is set up for the burn), the COMP light will extinguish 2 minutes before the burn, and illuminate again when you should execute the burn. This can be used together with/replace the use of the Event Timer for Gemini Burns.

The MDIU (Gemini Display) has also become more realistic by spending time (up to 3,5 seconds) to display data, and plays a sound effect as the dials rolls to the target value.

The Memory Core map checklist has been updated, as well as the checklists for burns (circularize and rendezvous). Most importantly, you will need to use Core 84 as the time to ignition if you need this, but its recommended to use GET from Ground, or the time from the PAD to know this.

You will need to press CLEAR before any new input string to the OBC (should already be a habit), and new logic will reset the display (all digits return to zero) if you enter a string incorrectly (exactly 2 digits for READ OUT and 7 digits for ENTER). Computer lesson will walk you through this as well.

I have also started to convert a lot of the internal data and messages shown on the OBC from metric to imperial (nmi alt etc).

UI Scaling
This is the first iteration of a UI scaling solution and provides you the capability to change the size of the UI. Currently it can be changed from the Main Menu -> Settings, and lets you scale it between 0.5x to 2x. The scaling will affect most of the in-game elements, and once I see if the system is working, I will apply this to the rest as well.

Apollo ECS timescale stability
I have improved the stability of the Command Module ECS, the Lunar Module ECS and the CSM Fuel Cells during time scaling. This should trigger less master alarms and false warning lights while time scaling. It requires more work but its a good start.

Gemini OAMS and jet thruster updates
I have been fixing the Gemini OAMS and jets when it comes to logic and fuel consumption.

Mercury attitude during entry
I have applied a similar logic to Mercury as both Gemini and Apollo has, where the Mercury capsule should follow its aerodynamic attitude during atmospheric flight.

Critical fixes
The full list of changes can be seen in the bottom of this post but I wanted to highlight some of the more critical bug fixes this update will address.

1. Stuttering
The dynamic skybox caused stuttering at frequent intervals during pad operations. This has been addressed and fixed.

2. S-IVB rotating when extracting the LM
The Apollo Saturn S-IVB stage rotates independently from the CSM as the CSM is docked with the Lunar Module, while the Lunar Module is attached to the S-IVB. This looks strange but also prevents you to extract the Lunar Module.

3. More comms during Mercury pad operations
After watching the streams from Raiz Space as he was playing Mercury, I wanted to improve the comms and feedback while performing ground operations. I have added more messages and feedback as you switch to internal power and perform abort tests.

4. Checklist Guidance System fixes
I have fixed bugs and issues on the Checklist Guidance System. Specifically one bug worth mentioning was that when you press RUN on a checklist, the first switch would not be visible and you would need to either clear the checklist or find it yourself. This has been fixed, finally. Also fixed so that the highlighter would stop showing a spring switch as an "error" because it springs back from for example UP to MIDDLE.

5. Fixed the coloring of the Lunar Module Guidance Computer display warning lights and made the CO2 gauge functional again. Also improved the Lunar Module light test logic.

6. Updates to the Gemini lock on radar and ranging, and made the suit/cabin temperature selectors between the seats functional.

7. Corrected so that the 0.05G light in Mercury is green, and not red.

I'm very happy with what the game has evolved to become, and it's already way beyond what I ever imagined the title would become when I first started out back in 2015. This is all thanks to the invaluable feedback and active participation of you, our dedicated player base and community. With over 2,500 members on the Official Reentry Discord server and 1,500 subscribers on YouTube, I'm grateful to have each and every one of you alongside me in shaping this game. Thank you!

What you now see in the 0.9 patches will be close to what you can expect for Reentry - An Orbital Simulator 1.0. I have a solid fundament of all the core systems needed for the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions and the tech to support a lunar mission with a landing on the Moon, including lessons and campaigns to well cover all of the crafts. However, this is a dynamic product, meaning that 1.0 is just the beginning of the journey towards 2.0. After the 1.0 milestone and the removal of the Early Access flag, the focus will remain on improving what the game currently is, while also introducing completely new features and space crafts to the game. If you are curious about the Early Access foundation for the game, I recommend you to read the Early Access interview accessible from the games page on Steam.

So again, thanks to everyone who have been reporting issues, providing feedback and testing the game, and a special shoutout to the community and the Test Pilots!

Apollo 9 in real-time in the "Project Apollo - NASSP" add-on for Orbiter
XPBoeing is currently performing the full Apollo 9 mission in NASSP for Orbiter live on YouTube. If you are interested in learning more about the Apollo Command Module and the Lunar Module, this guy plays the entire Apollo 9 mission in real-time (yes, many days) following the sleep schedule and the real flight plan astronauts and mission control used during Apollo 9 over 50 years ago. There is a lot to learn here for those who want to dive into Apollo.
You can see the videos here:

0.991 release notes

Made so that the Gemini COMP light gives you a cue to when you should burn. It will now extinguish 2 minutes before a planned burn, and illuminate when the burn should start.
Remade the MDIU logic. Digits will now spin in sequence and make some noise as irl.
Changes to the OBC:
--> Clear needs the be pressed before inserting a new string of data (2 digits for READ OUT, 7 for ENTER)
--> The INPUT will CLEAR if you try to enter an illegal input string (it is required to input 2 digits for READ OUT and 7 for ENTER, no less, even if the next digits would complete your input string.
Fixed the issue that made the S-IVB rotate even when docked with the LM as it's still attached to the LV
Fixed the Apollo CM pre-flight states (basically the panel state used in for example the T-25 min state)
Mercury: Added more comms/messages when executing pre-flight tasks like abort capability test
Fixed some bad stuttering in the Apollo CSM during pad operations
Updated the Gemini MEMORY CORE checklist
Converted some of the internal values in the Gemini OBC from metric to imperial
Corrected bug that occasionally prevents the Checklist Guidance System to highlight first switch when running a checklist
Updated the Gemini Burn tutorial to mention the new use of the COMP light before a burn
Updated the Gemini OBC tutorial to reflect the new OBC MDIU changes
Updated the coloring of the Lunar Module LGC warning lights
Initial stabilization of the CSM ECS during timescale
Initial stabilization of the LM ECS during timescale
Fixed the CO2 gauge in the Lunar Module
Updates to the Gemini Radar and its Lock-On light
Fixed so the material on the light bulbs in Gemini works again
Minor updates to the Gemini ECS system
Added the Gemini Suit/Cabin temp selector (between the seats, center)
Updates to the Lunar Module academy lesson 1 - ingress and lesson 2 - activation to correct the initial panel state and lesson logic
Fixed so a mission command that requests a switch (highlighter shows) will be removed when the switch is correctly set
Fixed so that the highlighter would stop showing a spring switch as an "error" because it springs back from for example UP to MIDDLE.
Updated the logic behind the CM and LM light-tests and caut lights in the Lunar Module
Updates to the CSM and LM ECS systems
Fixed more typos here and there
Fixed the red/amber 0.05 g light in Mercury, it should be green
Generic Canvas Scaling setting
Gemini OBC core updates. Procedures should be changed and the core memory map should be updated, along with missions and lessons.
IMU STBY/OPER timer issues corrected
Lot's of LM lesson 5 and 6 updates
COAST -> COAS texture change in the CM LEB
Apollo LES thrusting updates
Checklist Editor step rendering info updates
Added a Description field to the checklist that will make it easier to read the file manually (json)
Overhaul of the OAMS fuel system
Overhaul of the OAMS jet system
Updates to the Gemini OBC Cores
Gemini Star Rendering updates
Lunar Map ap/pe flag labels set to apolune and perilune
Mercury dynamic entry attitude updates
Doubled the resolution of panel 225, 226 and 229 in the CSM

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #98 on: January 22, 2023, 11:36:47 PM »
Reentry has been patched to 0.992
Sun, 22 January 2023

Reentry has been patched to 0.992 and contains the following changes:

    Gemini radar lock-on light does not extinguish after radar is turned off
    LM ascent stage cutoff immediately after ignition during lunar ascent in some save states
    UMA rebuild (rendered only headsets in character editor)
    Removed deltaRoll from logs
    Gemini SII lights amber during SII burn (race condition)
    Mercury ECS temperature fixes
    Mercury Temp Check updates
    Gemini Rate Command thruster fix
    Fixed loading data screens for MCC and MOCR
    Added missing Para and Para Jett buttons to Gemini Checklist Dictionary
    Gemini TTR (Time to Retro) OBC variable fixes
    Dynamic Skybox refresh fixes
    Mercury LES abort propulsion visibility in Virtual Cockpit fixes
    Mercury LES jettison burn timing
    A lot of typos corrected

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #99 on: February 01, 2023, 11:35:06 PM »
Update 0.994 is out! - Unity Engine update, Alpha-Feature opt-in, bug fixes
Wed, February 1, 2023

The main part of the 0.994 patch is a major upgrade of the rendering engine. Finally, after a couple of years in Unity 2019, the engine has been upgraded to the latest Unity Long Term Support version (2021.3). This affects most aspects of the game so you might notice some improvements to graphics, antialiasing, and performance. Due to the size of the project, please expect some upgrade-artifacts that is yet to be detected.

Note: If you are experiencing issues with this update, you can always revert to an earlier build using the Steam Betas Tab.

Unity 2019 -> Unity 2021.3 Upgrade

The rendering engine Reentry runs on has been stuck in version 2019 due to being required to use some features that was deprecated in Unity 2020. The major blocking feature was the research I was doing related to the preliminary VR implementation. This implementation has now been deprecated and move to a dedicated branch named VR.

Along with this I have been working a lot on performance optimization and rendering to improve the visual quality of the sim. You will most likely not notice much here but iterations on this is always a step in the right direction.

With this update, Reentry runs on a modern engine at the latest stable version. This can also fix bugs related to unity engine crashes, but also at the same time introduce new. I wanted to do this update asap, so we can get your experience reports on it before the 1.0 milestone.

Launch, Ascent and the Atmosphere
The launch areas has had some offsets and been moving around a bit during EA. I have now fixed these and positioned things correctly, as well as increased the resolution and quality of the area around launch. This is visible during ascent. I have also made some tweaks to the rendering of the atmosphere.

Quickstart changes
One of the most important parts of the game for new players is the quickstart. This has been modified and updated to only contain two missions, where the focus is camera control, interaction, checklists, maneuvering and mission execution, just to get you started.


A first version of an in-game roadmap has been added. It does not yet contain anything post 1.0 (this will be announced soon), but will be a central location where you can read up on the main features of the game and their goals/purpose.

Fixed the LM LGC sequential button press bug
When running a checklist in the Lunar Module, and the checklist contains multiple presses on buttons such as the LGC buttons, they would automatically proceed as you had been pressing the button in a previous step. This annoying bug as finally been fixed.

Camera snap points
Using the Function keys or the View Selector to move the camera will now also snap the cameras orientation to a predefined orientation that makes more sense with the view. This will make you see the COAS directly when pressing the LM Overhead camera, or seeing the Optics in the CSM when selecting the LEB view, or seeing the ECS in the LM even if its behind you, or seeing the Computers when you select a computer view, etc.

Virtual Reality

The current preliminary VR implementation has been scrapped and moved to a dedicated branch to allow for the engine to be updated from 2019 to 2021.3. This was required to start implementing the new VR implementation as it was with Unity 2020 that the methods used for VR was changed. This has been planned and the new VR implementation will be leveraging what I learned from the preliminary implementation.

If you still want to use the old VR version, you can find it on the Steam Betas Tab, on the branch named Virtual Reality.

Alpha Features

Alpha Features not part of the core game targeted for the 1.0 milestone has been marked as alpha features. You can opt-in or opt-out from any of these incomplete features from Alpha Features section found in the bottom of the MAIN MENU -> SETTING page. Simply enable the features by using the check box and restart the game to install the bits.

If you are using the Alpha-Floor branch and it contains alpha-bits, these features will always be enabled.

Alpha features are features like:
- Mercury Control Center
- Apollo Mission Control
- Challenges
- Virtual Reality
- etc.

Thank you for playing Reentry, and to everyone who has been reporting issues and provided suggestions! A special thanks to all the Test Pilots who have been part of testing these bits.

Change log:
- Major change: Updated the rendering engine from Unity 2019 to latest 2021.3 LTS
- Major change: Updated internally used libraries to support latest version of reentry
- Major change: Old VR implementation moved to a dedicated VR-branch.
- Performance optimizations in all programs, and rendering stability
- Some minor changes to the Earth atmosphere
- Overhaul of the Quickstart campaing
- Added a road map, will soon be populated with post 1.0 features
- Alpha Feature opt-in
- Moved the Mercury ascent data down
- A lot of updates to missions, language, dictionary and campaigns
- Fixed the Checklist Run feature related to Lunar Module button presses
- Made so the camera snaps to an orientation when using the function keys/view selector
- P12 LM ascent guidance updates

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #100 on: February 11, 2023, 12:12:31 AM »
Update 0.995 is out! - Alignments, CM entry guidance, tuning & bug fixes
Fri, 10 February 2023

The 0.995 patch mostly contains bug fixes (2 blocking) and minor improvements. The biggest changes are some core fixes to the IMUs in Gemini and the Command Module, and ascent guidance for both the Titan-II and the Saturn V.
Note: If you are experiencing issues with this update, you can always revert to an earlier build using the Steam Betas Tab.

Initial CM Entry Guidance

This update rolls out the first (originally planned for post 1.0) entry guidance logic designed to make you survive entry in AUTO mode (PGNCS controlled). I decided to roll this out before 1.0 to start testing and gathering data (will it actually make you survive). I still recommend the manual entry mode but if you want to try this, set the CMC to AUTO and keep a steady hand at the manual takeover. :)

Cockpit Layering Alignments

Some major changes has been done to the cockpit layering alignments. This will improve the relative movement of the camera inside the cockpit and it's view out through the windows. This will let you better see the angle and differences of docking targets from both the commanders and pilots side for example.

Blocking fix: Ascent Guidance

There has been some recent reports of broken ascents in Gemini and Apollo due to the alignment updates in 0.994. This update should fix this.

Mission Messages

I have changed so the messages you get when making radio requests, planning burns and requesting pads gets injected after the current message (so it won't render above current message) and some changes to TTS related to this. They are also colored differently so its easier to see that something has been injected into the queue.

Lunar Contact light

Decided to make the blue lunar contact light in the Lunar Module nicer. :)

Thanks to everyone who has been providing feedback, reporting issues and a special thanks to all the Test Pilots!

Change log:

•   IMU pad alignment corrections for CMC/SLV
•   IMU pad alignment corrections for Gemini/Titan
•   Gemini Titan and Apollo SLV ascent guidance
•   Blue LM Landing light fixes
•   Gemini cockpit view alignments
•   Command module cockpit view alignments
•   Lunar Module docking view alignments
•   Made so request and prioritized messages will be added 2nd in line, below current message
•   Made so the request and prioritized message boxes are colored differently
•   Added first version (designed to survive) entry using the AGC / PG&NCS
•   Dynamic Skybox Updates
•   Update Notes spacing
•   RCS Jets label updates to Apollo Switch Dictionary
•   Minor cl changes regarding entry pad request for earth entry.
•   Typos

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #101 on: March 01, 2023, 12:06:53 AM »
Update 0.996 is out! - Gemini ascent, restart mission, fixes
Tue, 28 February 2023

I'm happy to share that the 0.996 patch has been released! This sure took a good while due to the complexity of the issues I was trying to solve. But first of all, thanks to everyone who has been helping me with this build.

As with any 0.9 patch, the main goal is to improve the game and correct issues. In this patch you will find the option to disable the quindar tone (the beep when you receive a message), the ability to restart a mission and general improvements to the game.
Note: If you are experiencing issues with this update, you can always revert to an earlier build using the Steam Betas Tab.

Option to disable the quindar tone
The quindar tone was a tone used for recording purposes and is a tone you hear in-game when receiving a radio message (along with some random generated static). This tone can be heard in any real recording of a radio transmission during the Apollo program. However, this is mostly "cosmetic" as the astronauts did not hear this.

This update will let you disable this if you wish. You can do this from audio settings accessible from the Main Menu.

Restart missions
After a lot of feedback and requests, I have finally managed to spend some dev cycles on creating a restart mission button. This button is accessible from the Mission Debrief screen. Pressing this will restart and reload the current mission so you can try it again (in case you failed, want to improve etc.). This is added to all modules (Mercury, Gemini, Apollo).

Lunar Contact light
I have fixed the logic behind the Lunar Contact light to extinguish after DPS shutdown. This light should no longer illuminate during the lunar stay, ascent and return journey.

Gemini roll program
The majority of the dev cycles has been going into figuring out why the Gemini roll program fails, leading to a catastrophic ascent for some of you.
I was able to reproduce this issue 100% of the times (given the launch conditions reported by you where this usually happens). I wrote a fix and have ran tests on it and I am no longer able to reproduce this. However, due to the complexity if this issue, it might still be there so please let me know if you still experience this.

TEI Tool
I have had multiple reports of the TEI tool not working. After looking at data and logs, it seems the main issue is that the tool is opened too soon, before the entire state is properly loaded and the world is aligned. When loading a mission, take a look at the map data to see that you are in the correct orbit before trying to open the TEI tool.

I have changed some logic in the TEI tool and have added a warning message if it detects that the state is not in a good shape yet.

Command Module RCS
Multiple fixes to the internal logic of the Command Module RCS systems, both SM and CM.

Mercury AC volts gauge
I fixed an issue in the logic behind the Mercury AC volts needle logic that visually communicated the wrong value of the AC systems. This should now be corrected.

Thanks again to all the Test Pilots, moderators and community members who help me by providing feedback, testing and reporting issues!

Patch notes:
Continued to iterate on the major rendering engine update introduced a few patches back
Option to disable the quindar tone
Restart missions (End Session -> Restart Mission)
Gemini roll program fixes
Gemini Campaign mission 1 logic changes during initial ascent
TEI tool warning when not yet in a good state
Added a state loading check to TEI
Fixes to the Mercury AC volts gauge
Lunar Contact light should turn OFF after DPS Shutdown.
Minor changes to the logic behind RCS Logic cbs
Minor changes to the logic behind SCS Controller cbs

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #102 on: April 15, 2023, 10:57:14 PM »
Update 0.998 is out! - Critical fixes and a word about VR
Sat, 15 April 2023

The 0.998 update is mainly about fixing issues and continuing to iterate the game towards its first major milestone, the 1.0 update. It will mainly fix some blocking issues and critical issues reported lately.

Note: If you are experiencing issues with this update, you can always revert to an earlier build using the Steam Betas Tab.

A word about VR
A few patches ago the old Virtual Reality (VR) implementation was moved to a dedicated branch as Unity deprecated the VR API that my old VR implementation was based on (preventing me to update the game to the latest and most modern version of Unity). While VR as a main focus is still a post 1.0 feature, I wanted to take this opportunity to speak more about its future in Reentry.

The plan for VR is to start testing the basics of a new VR rendering framework, and iterate on it as I get feedback from the community. I want to first of all test the core logic such as device recognition, rendering and basic interactions. I will do this in the Mercury program, and use this as the playground to learn as much as possible about device detection and basic rendering using the new API.

I'm happy to share that this approach starts today with this update. The beginning of the new VR-implementation has now become an alpha-feature that you can toggle on from Main Menu -> Settings -> Alpha Features.

The primary goal of this first iteration is to get feedback of device support, and I wish to limit it to this. For those who wish to join me in this development journey with regards to suggestions and feedback are welcome to join the official #vr-development channel found under the Alpha section on our Discord server,

With this first implementation you will be able to start a mission in the Mercury Program. I have implemented a very simple interaction model for now where you can use the controllers to control a laser pointer (on the right controller) that should be able to interact with all switches onboard. Using the A and B button, you can move switches and selectors to configure the panels.

For those familiar with VR development, the current implementation will try to initially only use the new OpenXR API built into Unity, with the VR Interaction Framework as its core.

Once I start to get feedback on device support, I will iterate on this implementation to add support for the mission pad so you can interact with to execute checklists and so on, and then move into a more sophisticated interaction model where you can use the controllers directly on switches instead of using a laser pointer. When this is done, you will have basic VR support that will let you complete any mission in Project Mercury!

If you wish to test this, enable VR from the alpha feature to toggle the VR section in Settings. From here, you can enable VR. The moon landscape will then render in the VR headset. The Main Menu will render on your monitor and you will need to configure settings and select missions from here. Once you start a mission, the game will start to render Mercury in the HMD.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for the suggestions and feedback during the old technical preview phase of VR, I learned a lot from this, and I'm very excited to start this new phase of VR support in Reentry.

A big shoutout to all the Test Pilots, the Community and those who help new players there, and for helping me shape this game into what it is today.

0.998 release notes:
Blocking issues fixed: Unable to launch the Gemini Campaign Mission 1
Fixes to blocking MOCR session logic bugs
Many fixes to the new Career path/tech tree feature
Updates to save states
Multiple fixes on mission scripts and typos
Multiple fixes on checklists and the checklist guidance system
Starting the new Mercury VR implementation
Fixed: Gemini Lock On light can occasionally get stuck in the lock on state.
Fixed: Gemini Encoder stopped working when docked
Corrected UI scaling issues related to the Mercury Failure Toggle window
Corrected km to nmi conversion in TEI academy lesson
Mercury and Gemini ascent guidance updates
Fixed: In the Apollo academy mission #10 Transposition and Docking, RCS thrusters A1, C1, and A2 are turned off at the beginning of the mission and there is no prompt to turn them on. They are needed to complete the docking.

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #103 on: May 05, 2023, 12:16:12 AM »
Update 0.999 is out! - Fixes, Game Manual, VR Phase 2
Wed, 3 May 2023

The 0.999 update is one of the last updates before the 1.0 milestone, and contains some bug fixes and a big update to the game manual.

Note: If you are experiencing issues with this update, you can always revert to an earlier build using the Steam Betas Tab.

Reentry Game Manual
The Reentry Game Manual has been updated and is accessible from the Main Menu -> Academy, or from the web site. This is the first iteration and it will be updated with fixes and new content along with game updates.

Virtual Reality - Pre-Testing 2
First of all I want to thank you for giving the new VR direction a test, even with its limited support for interactions. As mentioned before, the first iteration of VR (Pre-Testing 1) was all about device detection and HMD rendering. Testing so far has been positive and I'm happy to share that the next phase of VR has rolled out with this update - containing most of the basic systems to complete a Mercury mission (You will still need to press C to toggle the function bubbles and use keyboard to maneuver the ship etc).

Pre-Testing 2 will continue to test what Pre-Testing 1 (PT-1) had as its goal, but also adds support for interacting with a Mission Pad, reading/running checklists, controller bindings and mission commands. Keep in mind that this is still at a very basic level (as with the entire Pre-Testing phase) for Mercury only. This is because I want to limit the scope of testing to the most important matters.

The first main thing is binding support. The new VR implementation is based on the new Unity Input Actions system. So far I have added 4 bindable actions as a test to the Virtual Reality section of Main Menu -> Settings.

When rebinding, make sure you firmly execute the rebind as some controllers will also react on the "touched" event for some buttons. I have yet to filter this out for the various controllers out there, so if the binder triggers on the "touched" event, try to redo the binding until you get the button you want.

If anyone knows how to avoid this, please reach out to me on the #vr-development channel on Discord.

Note: You can also bind these events to the keyboard and other devices as well.

A dedicated mission pad for VR has been added and functions similarly to the old implementation. It can be toggled by using the left hands secondary button (can be rebound to for example the thumbstick button as in the screenshot above). You interact with it using the right hand laser pointer + trigger (same as interacting with the function bubbles). It will follow your left hand. You can run checklists from this pad, but some features are yet to be added such as the map.

Mission Commands will show as a wrist UI where you can use the RadioCommandProceed action to press "roger", or the laser pointer.

The next steps will be to also add a bindable key for toggling the function bubbles and tools to perform timescaling etc using the Mission Pad. This will be added as a minor patch very soon.

Multiple fixes to the Career path nodes
Corrected issues related to the FLIGHT and CAPCOM level-ups in Apollo MOCR
Apollo CM comm button overlap
Added OMNI D to the OMNI antenna sw
UP TLM CMD switch RSET position set to momentary
Removed middle pos for LM VHF receivers
TEI and TLI tool corrections
Profile->Capsule name line 1 and 2 fixes
Mercury RCS strength corrections
Mercury RCS logic corrections

Thanks to the Test Pilots, the community and to you for playing Reentry!

I will very soon start to talk about the next steps of Reentry - An Orbital Simulator, as we are crossing the 1.0 milestone - marking the beginning of a long journey towards 2.0.

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #104 on: June 05, 2023, 07:47:36 PM »
Reentry has been patched to 0.9995.EA
Mon, 5 June 2023

Reentry has been patched to version 0.9995.EA. The Unity rendering engine has been updated to version 2021.3.24, and multiple issues has been fixed.

Patch notes:

Unity Game Engine upgrade (2021.3.16 -> 2021.3.24)
Big updates to the TEI tool
ARM/SAFE logic fixes to Gemini retro jettison squibs
Time scaling in VR
Radio comms toggle in VR
Logic corrections when trying to call lunar rendezvous and ascent tools in LEO
Mission Completion logic corrections when the mission scripts completes the mission without a splashdown
Text-to-speech logic updates
Updates some procedures in the Gemini Pre-Launch Academy lesson
Fixes to issues related to interacting with the Mercury "Jukebox"
Fixed: if Gemini loses all power and power is then turned back on, the cabin lights stay dark until the switch is flicked again
Log file updates

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