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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2018, 04:02:23 PM »
Battle of Moscow is one of Panzer Strategy future scenarios
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

Operation Barbarossa called for the capture of Moscow within four months.

The Soviet Union did everything to prevent it. The Soviet forces conducted a strategic defense by constructing three defensive belts.

Moscow itself was also fortified. 250,000 women and teenagers worked building trenches and anti-tank moats around Moscow, moving almost three million m3 of earth with no mechanical help.

The Luftwaffe launched large-scale air raids on the city but those raids caused only limited damage because of extensive anti-aircraft defenses and effective civilian fire brigades.

And the last but not the least, the European Winter of 1941-1942 was the coldest of the twentieth century. The lowest December temperature reached –30 °C. The German troops were freezing with no winter clothing, using equipment that was not designed for such low temperatures. The Soviet troops were better prepared for this.
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2018, 04:54:21 PM »
The list of scenarios we expect in the full version of Panzer Strategy

•   Siege of Madrid
•   Fall Weiss
•   Operation Weserübung
•   Fall Rot
•   Battle of Dunkirk
•   Battle of Britain
•   Operation Sea Lion
•   Siege of Tobruk
•   Operation Marita
•   Operation Mercury
•   Operation Barbarossa
•   Battle of Kiev
•   Siege of Leningrad
•   Operation Typhoon
•   Operation Fredericus
•   Fall Blau
•   Operation Citadel
•   Battle of the Atlantic

Best regards,
Panzer Strategy Team

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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2018, 05:11:30 PM »
Range of 2 hexagons
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

We use the range of 2 hexagons for several units.

For instance, some German tanks can attack from distance longer than 1 hexagon. This light Soviet T-60 has no chance against the German Pz.IV Ausf.F2.

Various ranges add an additional strategy layer to the gameplay. You can attack an enemy unit from distance without risk.

Thank you all for the feedback!
Panzer Strategy team
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2018, 05:12:38 PM »
Big update is coming!
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

Hi, everyone!

Thanks for your support and comments! Your feedback and ideas really give us inspiration and drive Panzer Strategy development.

Right now we are preparing a big update for the game, it’ll fix various issues and bugs you’ve reported.

But that’s not all – along with a more stable and polished game you’ll get a whole new scenario ‘Operation Weserübung’ that takes place during the German invasion of Norway in 1940. The update will be available in the coming weeks.

And once again, don't hesitate to reach us – we’ll be happy to communicate.

Best regards,
Panzer Strategy team
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2018, 05:13:40 PM »
On 23 August 1942 the 6th Army reached the outskirts of Stalingrad
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

The battle began with the heavy bombing of the city. Much of the city was quickly turned to rubble, although some factories continued production while workers joined in the fighting. The Stalingrad Tractor Factory continued to turn out T-34 tanks literally until German troops burst into the plant.

Fighting within the ruined city was fierce and desperate. Stalin's Order decreed that all commanders who ordered unauthorized retreat would be subject to a military tribunal.

The following scenario features are based on these facts: close quarters combat and Soviet plants supplying ammo and vehicles.
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2018, 05:15:01 PM »
Find out more about the new ‘Operation Weserübung’ scenario
Panzer Strategy - Daizor


The new scenario in the upcoming Panzer Strategy update is ‘Operation Weserübung’. It is a Wehrmacht operation carried out between April 9 and June 8, 1940. The game’s version of the events takes place on the map with 1530 hexes.

German infantry and reconnaissance units start on the transport ships. They have to land on the western coast of Norway. Also Germans can begin an invasion with light land forces available on the first turn – with the support of aviation and naval artillery.

The operation involved large German ships: ‘Scharnhorst’ and ‘Gneisenau’ battleships, ‘Admiral Hipper’ cruiser, as well as Type VII submarines and German Type 1934 destroyers. They will face the Royal Navy at the sea. Also expeditionary forces transport ships approach the western coast of Norway in order to prevent the German occupation.

You will command the key battles of the Danish-Norwegian operation: the naval clash of ‘Scharnhorst’ and ‘Gneisenau’ with HMS Renown, the Royal Navy battle with German destroyers near Narvik and the German forces’ assault of Oslo from the sea.

This is the most complex operation of the first three scenarios:
•   You have to command naval, air and ground forces at the same to secure the landing operation;
•   The AI acts strategically – in the same way as the Allies did;
•   The are multiple ways to achieve victory.

The update will be available in the coming weeks.

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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2018, 05:15:49 PM »
April 21 – a turning point in the Battle of Greece
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

On this day in 1941 223,000 Greek soldiers of the Greek army in Albania surrendered, with their retreat cut off by the German advance.

Operation ‘Marita’ also known as the Battle of Greece was the invasion of Greece by Italian and German forces during World War II. It is the ninth scenario in Panzer Strategy – you’ll be commanding both German and Italian armies.

When the German invasion began on April 6, the main forces of the Greek Army were stationed on the border with Albania. The Italian troops attacked directly there and the Germans invaded from Bulgaria, creating a second front. In Panzer Strategy the Germans will also have several deploying zones to start the invasion.

At the time Greece had already received some reinforcements from Britain, Australia and New Zealand, but that was it – no more help was sent afterwards. The Greek army found itself outnumbered against both Italian and German troops. The Metaxas defensive line didn’t receive adequate reinforcements and was quickly overrun by the Germans – the defensive line and the surrounding events will be featured in the scenario.

The British, Australian and New Zealand forces were overwhelmed and were forced to retreat. The German Army reached Athens by April 27 capturing 7,000 British, Australian and New Zealand personnel and ending the battle with a decisive victory. The conquest of Greece was completed with the capture of Crete a month later – this mission will be featured in Panzer Strategy too.

Image credits:
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2018, 05:16:39 PM »
Expect improved graphics in the next Panzer Strategy update
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

We constantly improve Panzer Strategy graphics and performance. And now the game has been updated to Unreal Engine 4.19 – so it looks much better now. Check the water in the upcoming ‘Operation Weserubung’ game scenario:

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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2018, 05:17:51 PM »
Gameplay features in the new ‘Operation Weserübung’ scenario
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

Hey everyone!

The big update is coming soon! Along with a more stable and polished game you’ll get a new scenario ‘Operation Weserübung’. As we’ve already mentioned, it takes place during the German invasion of Norway in 1940. The scenario features a map with 1530 hexes.

The first important change is that we’ve improved the AI. It will act more strategically, attack with ships and launch troop landings. Moreover, we’ve added some scripted events. For example, after Germans are stranded on the coast of Norway, the British ships will arrive and their troops will land on the coast too.

There are a lot of new units in this scenario including a coastal battery – a stationary unit for responding to attacks from the sea. It automatically engages enemy ships in its line of sight and can be captured via a ground attack.

The most complex part of the scenario are mechanics of naval warfare. Ships have different systems aboard such as main guns, anti-aircraft guns, depth charges, torpedos, sonars and the propulsion system. All systems are destructible and have their own STR. For instance, if the propulsion system is damaged, the ship’s speed decreases. When an enemy attacks a ship, damage points are shared randomly between its systems. Armored systems such as the main battery lose 1 STR per 1 point of damage. Light or unarmored systems such as torpedo tubes or anti-air guns lose 2 STR per 1 point of damage.

When firing you can choose a weapon from a ship armament by left-clicking on a weapon icon on the right interface column. Otherwise a weapon will be picked automatically.

Different types of ships are well balanced. Destroyers are anti-battleship units. They attack a battleship with torpedos from a 2 hexagons range. The ‘Battleship secondary armament’ skill allows a battleship to fire at destroyers automatically when they come close enough for a torpedo attack. Also destroyers have a sonar which makes them ideal for hunting submarines – they are difficult to detect and deal massive damage to transports.

Thank you for your support and comments!
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2018, 05:18:41 PM »
The updated Panzer Strategy trailer
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

Check out the updated Panzer Strategy trailer! It features scenes with new and better graphics, and a sneak peek into upcoming naval battles. Hope you like it :)

And don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2018, 05:19:32 PM »
The detailed patch notes for the upcoming Panzer Strategy update
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

In the previous post we’ve talked about the gameplay features of the upcoming update. Here is the detailed patch notes:

•   Overall performance improvements.
•   The damage calculation algorithm is refined.
•   The settings menu is now available. You can tune performance, audio settings and game settings (including scrolling speed, unit speed and hexagon glowing).
•   A new tutorial.
•   New pop-up messages with unit skills descriptions and current game events.
•   Hotkeys list.
•   New background music.
•   New warships' mechanics, all their systems are rebalanced.
•   New AI scripts, event triggers, and secondary scenario objectives.
•   AI in now better operating with ground forces.
•   Refined troops deployment via rail, navy and air transports.
•   New animations for barrel and turret movements as well as the whole unit rotation.
•   "Happy moments" refined, the camera takes multiple attacks into account now.
•   All tanks are rebalanced. Their 3D models are refined. Tank barrels types are changed.
•   New and improved unit assets for more realistic and smooth movement animation.
•   Refined environment objects colliders. New mechanics for choosing an object on the map.
•   All towed units now move on 1 hexagon without embarking via ground transport.
•   Coastal batteries are added. They can be captured by ground forces.
•   New "home" command for aircraft (aircraft automatically goes to the nearest allied airfield).
•   The right UI panel is refined for a better unit stats indication and airfield conditions.
•   New UI for unit management (leveling up, attaches, upgrading etc) and characteristics.
•   Various minor visual improvements and fixes.
•   Various fixes for technical issues.
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2018, 05:20:04 PM »
May 10 in World War II
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

On May 10, 1940 the Battle of France began. In six weeks from 10 May 1940, German forces defeated Allies with mobile operations and conquered France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

When British, Belgian and French forces were pushed back to the sea by a well-organized German operation, Great Britain evacuated the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and several French divisions from Dunkirk in Operation Dynamo. These events are depicted in the forth and fifth Panzer Strategy scenarios.

There Germans face Belgian and French forces, British Expeditionary Force, as well as Dutch and Luxembourg troops. The keystone of the ‘Fall Rot’ scenario is the Maginot Line, fortifications along the border with Germany. This fortification is historically accurate on the scenario map.

The French had built the Maginot Line During the 1930s. The line was intended to deter a German invasion across the Franch-German border and funnel an attack into Belgium. In 1940 Army Group C and Army Group A encircled and captured the French forces on the Maginot line. ‘Fall Rot’ was the second phase of the conquest of France. The remaining French divisions organized a heavy resistance, but were unable to overcome the German air superiority and armored mobility.

In the game you have several strategic options. For instance, you can deploy all your troops in the South and assault the Maginot Line from the right flank. So you do not need to cross the channels to conquer Belgium.

Also during this scenario you’ll encounter plenty of new units including the French heavy Char B1bis (pictured here). And of course, we couldn't skip the Battle of Dunkirk as a part of the Battle of France on the Western Front.
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #27 on: May 17, 2018, 05:20:53 PM »
May 12 in World War II – "Operation Fredericus"
Panzer Strategy - Daizor

On May 12, 1942 Soviet forces under the command of Marshal Timoshenko launched an offensive against the German 6th Army from a salient established during the winter counter-offensive.

This scenario in Panzer Strategy also combines the defense and counter-offensive. Like in 1942 the Soviet offensive is concentrated near Izium and the "Barvenkovo bulge" while he forces to the South near Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) just hold the line.

In 1942 the Soviet offensive was stopped on 15 May by a massive German campaign of airstrikes. Soviet command failed to accurately estimate the 6th Army's potential and overestimated their own newly raised forces and facilitated a German pincer attack. Hemmed into a narrow area, the 250,000-strong Soviet force was exterminated from all sides by German armored, artillery and machine gun firepower and after six days of encirclement the Soviet troops were either killed or taken prisoner.

In the game scenario the key to success is a proper deployment of core-units. The units available at the start are insufficient to stop the offensive. So the German strategy is completely in your hands.

The battle turned to be an overwhelming German victory, with 280,000 Soviet casualties compared to 20,000 for the Germans and their allies. The German Army Group South pressed its advantage, encircling the Soviet 28th Army and pushing back the 38th and 9th Armies as preliminary operations to Case Blue, – a strategic summer offensive in southern Russia in 1942.
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2018, 06:03:12 PM »
The war begins on September 1. Take a look at the new gameplay video

Today we’re excited to announce that Panzer Strategy is getting a full release on September 1 – on the day World War II began.

To celebrate the announcement we’ve made a new gameplay walkthrough video where you’ll have a look at the fourth game scenario – “The Battle of France”. It features German operations against British, Belgian and French forces including the attack on the Maginot Line.

Enjoy the 18 minutes of new Panzer Strategy gameplay:

Published on Jul 17, 2018
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Re: Panzer Strategy
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2018, 07:59:53 PM »
What about realism? Can someone tell me how realistic the game is, despite being a turn-based one?

You known, once you play hard-cores games such as the Gary Grigb's series, TOAoW or even HOI V, you requirements gets pushed to the limits hehe.
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