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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2018, 12:21:25 AM »
Spell book learnable description

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2019, 02:04:01 PM »
Version 1.0.0 Released!
Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG - Rogue Empire

Ok guys, it is time to merge the beta build to the main/default branch increasing the game version from v0.9.8 to
A few minutes from getting out of EA!!! :D Join the Party!!!

Now, without further ado, here are the main changes ( I might have missed some) introduced into the game since v0.9.8:

New Features
•   New druid mechanics added. For more information see:

•   Two new druid abilities.
•   Added 11 new achievements.
•   Character now shows randomized birth dates, height and weight. Months now tracked in Ethistos naming.
•   Loading message now randomly shows useful information. This is general information as well as contextual information regarding the current game.
•   Starting screen now chances depending on the campaign you are playing!
•   Added 12 new potions.
•   Certain Caves are now proper cave environments.
•   Added 3 new item modifier.
•   Added 5 new warrior abilities.
•   Added 1 new special room type.
•   Added 5 new hunter abilities.

•   Load game entries now show difficulty.
•   Added 4 new twitch judgments.
•   Added 3 new enemies.
•   Added 1 new optional location.
•   Added 1 new optional boss.
•   Improved the main screen soul essence UI.

•   Added 1 new soul essence upgrade. This one is special.
•   Soul Essence Upgrades can now be removed returning 80% of its original value.
•   Soul Essence Upgrades can be toggle off and on.
•   Using as little Soul Essence Upgrades as possible now give you a bonus to score and soul essence gathering.
•   Added twitch gameplay got its own UI now.
•   Auto explore now stops on chests.

•   Nerfed insectoid damage.
•   Mages and druids have had their initial arcane threads increased.
•   Rune drop rate reduced by 10%.
•   Increased merchant base item amount.
•   Enemies now regenerate health when you leave the level depending on how much time you leave.
•   Base max weight was increased.
•   Strength and Constitution contribution to max weight was increased.
•   Learning spells is now easier, specially for low level spells.
•   Theoretical blocking chance maximum increased to 100%.

Bug Fixes
•   Nature's twister now tosses entities around to reachable locations.
•   Fixed bug where artifact would teach unlearn able spells braking the UI.
•   Fixed bug where the mummy's curse would not do anything.
•   Fixed bug where disarm would not work on staffs and ranged weapons.
•   Now in order for an friendly NPC to turn against you (for example the merchant) you need to accumulate a certain amount of damage relatively to his max damage. This will prevent small collateral damage to angry friendly npc's.
•   Fixed inventory bug related to bad backtracking to the group selection you had selected when equipping or dropping an item.
•   Fixed issue where enemies would beat you to death after resurrecting with the ring of life
•   Fixed issue where dungeon level icons on the world map would not properly show.
•   Fixed issue with graphics of ruin like dungeons near the borders
•   Fixed some minor bugs.

•   Reduced the clutter of fire spread text.
•   Main menu game start UI was improved.
•   Updated version to 1.0.0

Thanks so much for all the support and love!!! And know this, it does not end here!

Cheers and happy crawling!

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2019, 12:00:41 AM »
New Version 1.0.3: Fixes Balance (Main Build)
Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG - Rogue Empire

Thanks everyone for the patience and invaluable feedback. Its time to merge the beta into the main build!


•   Added fail safe for a rare event where the story window would not go away.
•   Jump over now does not allow for characters jump into walls.
•   Added frame rate limit to title screen.
•   Swapping weapons in game now does not require energy (as it is in the inventory screen).
•   Story mode now properly brings you back to the previous level instead than the level before it.
•   Fixed some path highlighting issues when targeting. I suspect they are some more.
•   Fixed a graphical glitch where a shapeshifted druid using ring of life would show the humanoid and shapeshift form at the same time till the game reloads.
•   Corrected many typos.
•   Summons should now correctly target insectoids.
•   Auto target should not target barrel if an enemy is within range.
•   Learning spells on the world map is not allowed anymore.
•   Doors should not be allowed to be shut when a character is on its location.
•   Fixed an issue that might bring to much enemies near your character right when you change levels.
•   The legendary <Ancient tome> will now properly work without the need of reloading the game.
•   When not playing a caster "s" freezes the game until you hit it again.
•   Spells window hotkey can now be enabled to to the key binding option.
•   Night time light for volcano theme is now brighter.
•   Esc now stops resting and auto explore.
•   All encounters should now show their level name.
•   Wands now scale their price properly according to their amount of mana.
•   Fixed issue with the <Arobase's Vampiric Broadsword> Healing more than the it should
•   Worms division should is now limited to slashing weapons. Worm splits(childs) do not give xp. This prevents infinite amount of them on fire spread too.

•   General:
o   Insectoid special abilities effects reduced.
o   Reduced hp creep on enemies slightly.
o   Fendor underground tunnels are now never generated as open dungeons.
o   Pylon hp has been reduced significantly. Range has also been reduced slightly.
o   Pylon of beaming fire effect has its damage done reduced significantly.
o   First boss on the dawn of shadows campaign had its chance to trigger the jump back ability reduced.
o   Spell learning failures changed in chances for each possible outcome. Item destroying removed till I come up with a not so "I need to kill the developer" option.
o   Increase the cool down on the infinity sword.
o   Lowered Potion weight in general.
o   Reduced the energy used by consuming a potion from 1000 to 350.
o   Most over world levels (not a tower or cave/dungeon) except volcano and dessert will have less of a chaotic level layout.
o   Item destroying in twitch votes removed.
o   Overall dodge chance reduced.
•   Warrior:
o   Leap attack jumps over enemies yet still needs a target.
o   Colossal strike was buffed to balance its energy usage.
o   Whirlwind Attack can now also be used from where your character is standing.
o   Whirlwind Attack range and damaged increased.
o   Weapon specializations talents have had their modifiers increased.
•   Assassin:
o   Dagger and Sword Specializations talents have had their modifiers increased.
•   Druid:
o   Tiger charge ability changed to be based on your character's speed.
o   Increased the effects of the cornered tiger talent.
o   Bear's prepared blow bonus damage was increased.

•   Added numpad enter as an alternative confirmation key to the possible bindings.
•   Changed Tree sprites to have more contrast and be more dense.

If all goes well, I ll continue to work on the backlog with your feedback the next week in a similar fashion. Updating the beta and then releasing an update into the main build by the end of the week!

Cheers and happy crawling!

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2019, 01:51:20 AM »
Dev Blog #88: Development Update
25 Mar @ 9:49pm - NVYVE Studios   

Happy Monday! It's been awhile since our last update so we wanted to share what we've been working on, and why we haven't been able to push any updates in the last little while.

We've been quite busy on a few fronts lately! First up is Optimization & Porting to Unity 2018.3.

Optimization and Unity Version Porting

We've been pushing for some time now to port the game forward to the latest version of Unity, which we've largely finished, but are unfortunately being held back by waiting for some custom engine features to be ported forward alongside PAMELA.

Long story short - the folks at Unity added some extra bells and whistles to help us bring PAMELA to life on the previous version we were using (2017.2) and now those changes need to be brought forward to 2018.3

What this means, sadly, as that we can't launch an update using a "standard" version of Unity, and are waiting on Unity for these fixes to be ported forward. We could have stayed on 2017.2, but we REALLY needed access to some new engine features and optimizations to address performance concerns;
we were stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to speak.

The good news is we've done most of the hard work and are just waiting an a stable release version from Unity.

On the optimization front, we've also worked on reducing the amount of memory item spawning took up, as well as some music memory optimizations. Along with texture streaming (a new feature of Unity 2018.3) you should see some pretty significant memory improvements on the GPU and CPU.

NPC Abilities

The Widow and Reaper have received some love, gaining some nasty new abilities and attribute tweaks. Widows will soon have very poor eyesight but excellent hearing, as well as a deadly lifesteal attack.

Reaper are gaining a Roar attack, which will drain stamina if caught in the blast. This ability makes them an even more fearsome melee combatant!


We've done a wave of item spawn balancing, including readjusting the game's economy to encourage exploration of higher-level areas to find rare items.

Story Mode

Last but definitely not least is Story Mode (which will be the default option when we hit 1.0 release). We've been working on a ton of foundations behind the scenes, as well as designing new items and areas. We're moving full steam ahead on this and are aiming to be getting it out into the wild later this summer.

That's it for now! As soon as we're able to resolve the Unity engine blockers we mentioned above, you'll be getting a pretty meaty update. We can't wait for that to happen, and want to say thank you for the patience while this gets ironed out behind the scenes.
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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2019, 01:55:38 PM »
New Beta Branch Update 1.0.12: Custom Localization Support + Fixes & Balance

IMPORTANT: How to try the beta branch?

Steps to try out the beta branch of the game:
•   In your game library right click on "Rogue Empire -> Properties"
•   In properties select the "Betas" tab
•   On the drop down select the version: beta - Beta testing for next release

With this update you can now mod the game and add support for other languages! Scroll down to the Other section for information on how to do so. If you decide to give it a try, feel free to ask for help or coordinate with me at the game's discord.


•   Cut scenes now pause timed mode.
•   When playing in timed mode switching the game/app out of context (eg clicking another monitor) will forfeit the turn.
•   Pylon beams graphics should now behave properly.
•   Pylon buffs should end immediately on their destruction.
•   diagonal movement with 2 new binded horizontal and vertical keys should now properly work.
•   Use of mana stones will now properly update in the inventory.
•   Shadow status effect from WM now properly disappears when entering a location.
•   Fixed save UI issue where characters with the same name from 2 different campaigns would mirror their description.

•   Entity turn order to recover their energy is now defined by their type:
o   Player always goes first.
o   Bosses go second.
o   Regular enemies and champions go third.
o   Objects such as Pylons go forth.

This change should not be very noticeable in gameplay. Nevertheless its a fairly important change to the code base and so be on the lookout for possible bugs.

•   Potions of quelch fire and unfreeze have been renamed to potions of fire ward and cold ward respectively. In addition to removing harmful effects they ward against fire and cold/freeze effects and damage for 6 to 17 turns. The effects of the potions are mutually exclusive, meaning you can have 1 up at a given time. Prices have been increased accordingly.
•   Hunter's explosive shot explosive factor can now do critical damage (as a separate check of the first shot).

•   Added support for modding game language. In order to add a new language:
o   Under "\steamapps\common\Rogue Empire\Rogue Empire_Data" you will find a folder named "SmartLocalizationWorkspace".
o   Inside you will find a file called DefaultLanguage.txt. Edit this file and change the "en" to the equivalent in I18N standards of the language you want to add. As an example lets use "es" for spanish.
o   Then navigate further to this folder: "AutoGenerated\Resources", copy the Language.en.txt file and rename it The "es" is for the configured language in the previous step.
o   Edit the new and change each value entry in English to the language you are modding.
•   Slightly increased brightness on shadow forming maps.
•   By popular demand, dwarfs now start with a pick axe.

If you want to help out you are welcome to check this build out.

Cheers and happy crawling!

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2019, 10:01:29 PM »
New Beta Branch Update 1.0.13: Easter + Custom sprites/images + Fixes
17 Apr @ 8:01pm - Rogue Empire

IMPORTANT: How to try the beta branch?

Steps to try out the beta branch of the game:
•   In your game library right click on "Rogue Empire -> Properties"
•   In properties select the "Betas" tab
•   On the drop down select the version: beta - Beta testing for next release

With this update you can now mod many of the game images! Scroll down to the Other section for information on how to do so. If you decide to give it a try, feel free to ask for help or coordinate with me at the game's discord.

Also some Easter stuff will be available for limited time (starting tomorrow). Remember if this is not of your style and you hate colorful eggs you can turn it off in the game settings!


•   Hand(cursor) should now properly disappear after dialog in the eventful dungeon levels or world map quests.
•   Resting should no longer be interrupted at home (first map of the dawn of shadows campaign).
•   Fixed main menu flickering on some screens.
•   Fixed bug where high scores would not show up in your local leaderboard.

•   Highlight! Easter limited time content! This will be enabled starting on Thursday till Sunday! Crag colored egg! Enjoy cute bunnies and kill evil ones! All of this can be disabled from the menu of course!

•   Highlight! There is now support for changing in game graphics of characters, monsters and items. This is not feature complete and more customization will be added with time. See manual under the folder "CustomResources" in the app installation folder for details on how to customize your character!

•   you can now see the tool tips in the action bar when inside the inventory, spells or abilities screen.

If you want to help out you are welcome to check this build out.

Cheers and happy crawling!

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2019, 10:20:06 PM »
New Version 1.0.13: Easter, Sprite Customization, Custom Localization Support + Fixes & Balance (Main Build)
18 Apr @ 8:39pm - Rogue Empire

Thanks everyone for your amazing support! It's time to merge the beta into the main build!

Take advantage of Easter specials that lasts till this Sunday! And remember ff this is not your kind of thing, you can disable this from the settings menu!


•   Cut scenes now pause timed mode.
•   When playing in timed mode switching the game/app out of context (eg clicking another monitor) will forfeit the turn.
•   Pylon beams graphics should now behave properly. Update: There are some cases that still behave weirdly.
•   Pylon buffs should end immediately on their destruction.
•   diagonal movement with 2 new binded horizontal and vertical keys should now properly work.
•   Use of mana stones will now properly update in the inventory.
•   Shadow status effect from WM now properly disappears when entering a location.
•   Fixed save UI issue where characters with the same name from 2 different campaigns would mirror their description.
•   Hand(cursor) should now properly disappear after dialog in the eventful dungeon levels or world map quests.
•   Resting should no longer be interrupted at home (first map of the dawn of shadows campaign).
•   Fixed main menu flickering on some screens.
•   Fixed bug where high scores would not show up in your local leaderboard.

•   Entity turn order to recover their energy is now defined by their type:
o   Player always goes first.
o   Bosses go second.
o   Regular enemies and champions go third.
o   Objects such as Pylons go forth.

This change should not be very noticeable in gameplay. Nevertheless its a fairly important change to the code base and so be on the lookout for possible bugs.
•   Potions of quelch fire and unfreeze have been renamed to potions of fire ward and cold ward respectively. In addition to removing harmful effects they ward against fire and cold/freeze effects and damage for 6 to 17 turns. The effects of the potions are mutually exclusive, meaning you can have 1 up at a given time. Prices have been increased accordingly.
•   Hunter's explosive shot explosive factor can now do critical damage (as a separate check of the first shot).

•   Highlight! Easter limited time content! This will be enabled starting on Thursday till Sunday! Crag colored egg! Enjoy cute bunnies and kill evil ones! All of this can be disabled from the menu of course!
•   Highlight! There is now support for changing in game graphics of characters, monsters and items. This is not feature complete and more customization will be added with time. See manual under the folder "CustomResources" in the app installation folder for details on how to customize your character!

•   you can now see the tool tips in the action bar when inside the inventory, spells or abilities screen.
•   Added support for modding game language. In order to add a new language:
o   Under "\steamapps\common\Rogue Empire\Rogue Empire_Data" you will find a folder named "SmartLocalizationWorkspace".
o   Inside you will find a file called DefaultLanguage.txt. Edit this file and change the "en" to the equivalent in I18N standards of the language you want to add. As an example lets use "es" for spanish.
o   Then navigate further to this folder: "AutoGenerated\Resources", copy the Language.en.txt file and rename it The "es" is for the configured language in the previous step.
o   Edit the new and change each value entry in English to the language you are modding.
•   Slightly increased brightness on shadow forming maps.
•   By popular demand, dwarfs now start with a pick axe.

I have something excited to announce but can not tell yet :S!

In any case I ll continue work on bugs fixes and balance as well as the rest of the mid-term objectives in the road map remaining!

Cheers and happy crawling! Oh... and go kill some evil bunnies!

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2019, 12:33:59 AM »
Rogue Empire won a spot in the Best RPG category at the Dreamhack Dallas - Indie Playground contest!
16 May @ 3:55pm - Rogue Empire   

Hi everyone, I wanted to share this bit of nice news with everyone. Rogue Empire won one spot as best RPG and a both for the Dreamhack Dallas event from MAY 31 – JUN 2 ! More info on the event here!

After some deliberation (these news did not came in the best moment for me personally) I decided to attend and try to make the best of it! I hope it will help me too!

I know the world is huge but if any of you happen to be near by I would love to meet you!

Feel free to ask anything you want!

Thanks again everyone! On some game news I hope to put up a small update before the trip, if not after it its full steam ahead with new exciting stuff!

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2019, 12:07:34 AM »
New Beta Branch Update 1.0.14: Balance + Fixes + QoL
12 Jun @ 2:03pm - Rogue Empire

IMPORTANT: How to try the beta branch?

Steps to try out the beta branch of the game:
•   In your game library right click on "Rogue Empire -> Properties"
•   In properties select the "Betas" tab
•   On the drop down select the version: beta - Beta testing for next release


•   Action buttons should scale properly on very wide screens.
•   Fixed issue with timed mode not working on saved games.
•   Fixed several issues with the inventory that appeared with the last patch.
•   Water splash no longer moves an entity or character pinned down by an effect.

•   Melee hit chance now uses a new formula similar to the one for ranged (but using STR as a stat instead of AGL). In addition both formulas are influenced by the difference in levels of the enemy you are attacking by a very small amount. While this will make your character miss a lot less now, take into consideration monsters will miss less too ;)
In both ranged and melee, to hit modifiers have been improved in value now representing roughly 15 points of their main stat toward miss reduction.
I hope this avoids some of the issues play ability with missing a lot.
•   Dodge chance was reduced slightly for characters and enemies alike.
•   Several one handed weapons of mithril tier and above have had their base damage revised to make them feel a better upgrade and reduce its damage deviation.
•   Legendary effect improved.
•   Warrior organ targeting and organ protection talent effects where improved from 30% to 50%.
•   XP item modifiers where increased (nearly doubled) to tempt their usage.

•   Added a UI volume slider to the setting menu.
•   Racial buffs should now apply after item gearing.
•   Added french to the AvailableCultures file for language modding.
•   If you are an assassin looking on an enemy shows the exact chance to stealth for that enemy and distance.

If you want to help out you are welcome to check this build out. I ll probably put it up on the main branch Friday if all goes well.

Cheers and happy crawling!

PS: Checkout how the Dreamhack Dallas 2018 both turned out:

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2019, 08:25:36 PM »
New Version 1.0.14: Small HQ Illustrations download DLC! Balance + Fixes + QoL (Main Build)

HI every one! It's time to merge the beta into the main build!

Without further redo here is the change log. Be sure to read on after it ;)


•   Action buttons should scale properly on very wide screens.
•   Fixed issue with timed mode not working on saved games.
•   Fixed several issues with the inventory that appeared with the last patch.
•   Water splash no longer moves an entity or character pinned down by an effect.

•   Melee hit chance now uses a new formula similar to the one for ranged (but using STR as a stat instead of AGL). In addition both formulas are influenced by the difference in levels of the enemy you are attacking by a very small amount. While this will make your character miss a lot less now, take into consideration monsters will miss less too ;)
In both ranged and melee, to hit modifiers have been improved in value now representing roughly 15 points of their main stat toward miss reduction.

I hope this avoids some of the issues play ability with missing a lot.

•   Dodge chance was reduced slightly for characters and enemies alike.
•   Several one handed weapons of mithril tier and above have had their base damage revised to make them feel a better upgrade and reduce its damage deviation.
•   Legendary  effect improved.
•   Warrior organ targeting and organ protection talent effects where improved from 30% to 50%.
•   XP item modifiers where increased (nearly doubled) to tempt their usage.

•   Added a UI volume slider to the setting menu.
•   Racial buffs should now apply after item gearing.
•   Added french to the AvailableCultures file for language modding.
•   If you are an assassin looking on an enemy shows the exact chance to stealth for that enemy and distance.

Small announcement
Aa suggested by several players, I wanted also to announce a small DLC of HD illustrations was added as a way for you to help me out supporting the game and at the same time get some beautiful HQ illustrations of the story (so yea to some extend... spoiler alert).
Feel free to use them as backgrounds for your screen or maybe some cool d&d campaigns with friends, and so on.

I was planning to release this sooner, but then the passing away of my father happen and I was in no shape of doing so.

In any case I will continue work on bugs fixes and balance as well as start working on some new features for an upcoming content pack.

Cheers and happy crawling!

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2020, 03:12:57 PM »
New work in progress!
Tue, 4 February 202

Showing the first of a series of features planned to expand the game: Runes!
Hi everyone!

I hope all is well on your end! I wanted to start a series on what is coming next for Rogue Empire! At the moment I am working on a dlc with new game play features, classes and other cool stuff. Some of these features (not sure which yet) will be added directly to the main game, expanding its scope even without the dlc.

So get right on it with the new feature for today: Mystic Runes!

Mystic Runes are powerful items that you will find around Ethistos. This runes will enhance your gear in different ways. Common runes might give standard passive bonuses while other runes might add unique effects to your character/gear. Lets dive into some examples:

•   +3 Strength
•   Heal 5 HP on a successful block
•   Destroys a random equipped gear item to prevent a killing blow
•   3% chance on hit to do another hit

While very powerful Mystic Runes come with some important limitations:

•   You can only have one rune applied on any gear piece at any point in time.
•   While you can replace a previous rune enhancement, the original rune will be lost for ever.

This should introduce some strategic decision making to when and to what you consume a rune for!

I hope you liked this small preview. Please be thoughtful this might be subject to change 

Cheers and Happy dungeon crawling!

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2020, 11:31:40 PM »
Who is there?
Mon, 11 May 2020

Upcoming Dev diary for one of the first dlc's new classes

Someone is approaching...

Next week I will show you a little bit about a new class coming to Rogue Empire! Guess which one it might it be? :steamhappy:

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2020, 12:03:12 AM »
The forbidden arts shall embark in Ethistos!
Thu, 21 May 2020

I will discuss a new class coming to Rogue Empire!

Hi everyone,

as hinted last week, I am going to show you one of the new classes I have been working on:

The Necromancer

With a frail body but an eternally willed mind the necromancer will use the bodies of defeated foes to raise his own allies! Not the kind of allies you want around for some drinks but definitely to beat your enemies!

At its core the necromancer will fulfill the classic summoner notion one has of them, raising several types of undead to come to his aid!

You might find your initial minions weak and dumb but experienced necromancers learn how to improve their creations in several ways!

Some necromancers might forfeit their mortal lives and decide to turn in greater undead beings such as a Vampires! Be warned this transformations are unique and shall stay with you till the end of days!

Feel free to ask any questions you might have! Some might not get answered as there are other mechanics to the necromancer you shall discover by yourself!


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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2020, 01:04:24 AM »
New Beta Branch Update 1.0.15
Thu, 6 August 2020

This update for the BETA branch of the game includes: Challenge Dungeon, Balance, Bug Fixes and QoL updates!

IMPORTANT: How to try the beta branch?

Steps to try out the beta branch of the game:
•   In your game library right click on "Rogue Empire -> Properties"
•   In properties select the "Betas" tab
•   On the drop down select the version: beta - Beta testing for next release


Challenge Dungeon

•   The shadow will eventually creep into the level and start to fill it. Any living creature touching the shadow will be harmed by it!
•   A small intro linked to the start of the main campaign added at the start.
•   Each dungeon level after the first one will have its theme randomized.
•   Added new achievements for the challenge dungeon.

•   Ammo +hit and +dmg now show values in same order as with weapons.
•   Fixed an issues where the story was not showing in a late game part.
•   Fixed some non translatable texts.
•   Getting into a new randomly generated level should now properly generate the character in an not so dangerous room.
•   Fixed bug where the ring of life would sometimes glitch the game.
•   Fixed information on perception and agility tool tips.
•   Fixed wight amount showed to show up to 1 decimal.
•   Fixed UI action bar not graphically updating stacks when using the pickup key to pickup an item.
•   Fixed bug where tabbing and entering a level in a specific way broke the camera following.
•   Fixed UI issues where a stat level up contemplation option by default was not shown on the left side.
•   Added a dynamic level change generation system for the rare occasions where level changes disappear. This was mainly done as I am not able to reproduce the issue.

•   Slings now does bludgeoning damage instead of piercing damage.
•   Shield bash damage now is based on the shield block value. In addition this ability can not be dodged or missed.
•   Eghos campaign food consumption reduced on easy and normal difficulties as it is meant to
a introductory campaign and also has no fixed town.
•   Warrior class hp has been increased slightly.
•   Explosive shot has a chance to break doors.
•   Increased starting ammo stack of hunters from 100 to 300.
•   Greatly reduce cool down and energy usage of the first aid ability.
•   Increased druid's bear aspect HP bonus from 35% to 50%.
•   Increased druid's bear prepared blow ability damage bonus.
•   Shape shifting as a druid now removes freezing effects.

•   Added 9 new soul essence perks.
•   Improved several sounds.
•   Potion and scrolls stay in the action bar when the amount of them reaches 0. For the moment this does not persists when loading games.
•   Added weight sorting option.
•   Added a small timer to reenter the same exit to avoid accidental level reentries.

If you want to help out you are welcome to check this build out. I ll probably put it up on the main branch early next week if all goes well.

Cheers and happy crawling!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Rogue Empire: Dungeon Crawler RPG
« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2020, 11:53:07 PM »
Update 1.0.15 live
Fri, 21 August 2020

This update for the game includes: Challenge Dungeon, Balance, Bug Fixes and QoL updates!

Hi every one! It's time to merge the beta into the main build!

And here are the changes!


Challenge Dungeon

•   The shadow will eventually creep into the level and start to fill it. Any living creature touching the shadow will be harmed by it!
•   A small intro linked to the start of the main campaign added at the start.
•   Each dungeon level after the first one will have its theme randomized.
•   Added new achievements for the challenge dungeon.

•   Ammo +hit and +dmg now show values in same order as with weapons.
•   Fixed an issues where the story was not showing in a late game part.
•   Fixed some non translatable texts.
•   Getting into a new randomly generated level should now properly generate the character in an not so dangerous room.
•   Fixed bug where the ring of life would sometimes glitch the game.
•   Fixed information on perception and agility tool tips.
•   Fixed wight amount showed to show up to 1 decimal.
•   Fixed UI action bar not graphically updating stacks when using the pickup key to pickup an item.
•   Fixed bug where tabbing and entering a level in a specific way broke the camera following.
•   Fixed UI issues where a stat level up contemplation option by default was not shown on the left side.
•   Added a dynamic level change generation system for the rare occasions where level changes disappear. This was mainly done as I am not able to reproduce the issue.

•   Slings now does bludgeoning damage instead of piercing damage.
•   Shield bash damage now is based on the shield block value. In addition this ability can not be dodged or missed.
•   Eghos campaign food consumption reduced on easy and normal difficulties as it is meant to
a introductory campaign and also has no fixed town.
•   Warrior class hp has been increased slightly.
•   Explosive shot has a chance to break doors.
•   Increased starting ammo stack of hunters from 100 to 300.
•   Greatly reduce cool down and energy usage of the first aid ability.
•   Increased druid's bear aspect HP bonus from 35% to 50%.
•   Increased druid's bear prepared blow ability damage bonus.
•   Shape shifting as a druid now removes freezing effects.

•   Added 9 new soul essence perks.
•   Improved several sounds.
•   Potion and scrolls stay in the action bar when the amount of them reaches 0. For the moment this does not persists when loading games.
•   Added weight sorting option.
•   Added a small timer to reenter the same exit to avoid accidental level reentries.

If you want to help out you are welcome to check this build out. I ll probably put it up on the main branch early next week if all goes well.

Cheers and happy crawling!

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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying


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