T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer 31/05/15 @ 20:00GMTYou can watch it live. You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvuAggression SeriesVendetta Created by Asid
Thunderdome Created by Asid
VendettaDescription:It is a small engagement. There is a central objective. You must take it and hold it.. Either as a team or single player. You must hold it for 10 minutes (Like capture the flag). You will either have 1 tank/IFV/PC or multi-crew one of them. Blind AFV's are available. You lose your vehicle then you are out!
MapWinning conditions:• You hold the objective for 10 minutes
• You kill all enemies
• Only an AFV can capture and hold the objective
Extra info:Own map updates: Yes
Time limit: None
Leave map. You die!!!
Visibility: 2000m
Time: 12:00
Season: Summer
Wind Speed: 0 m/s
Minimum Skill level: Beginner
Who can play?: Open to all
This will be a fun, casual mission. No brief or AAR. Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)
Note: Pc's & IFV's have dismounts.
• M1A2Sep
• M1A1(HA)
• STRV 122
• T62
• T72M1
• Challenger2
• Cougar 6x6 MRAP
• CV90-40B
• M3A2(ODS) TOW-2B
• M2A2(ODS)
• 1.2T Technical (HMG)
• 125cc Motorcycle H
• M1025 HMMWV (HMG)
• UAV (Sperwer)
• Blind AFV's also included
ThunderdomeDescription:"Now, when tanks get to fighting, it happens here! And it finishes here! Multiple tanks enter....One tank leaves! "
MapThis is a mission designed for Dogs of War.
Designed to be played as multi-crew, or single tank.
All tanks are blind.
This is a head to head mission.
Fight and survive in a walled town.
Beware of "Master Blaster!"
Multiple tanks enter....One tank leaves.
You are in Thunderdome. Every one is hostile. Multiple tanks enter.....One tank leaves!
You lose your tank = Your are out!
You lose your 3.5T Truck-G = You have no re-supply!
You leave Thunderdome (Concrete walled area) = You are out!
You do not enter Thunderdome at the start of the match = You are out!
Beware of "Master Blaster!"
When you lose your tank your UAV will arrive in the UAV base. You can continue to watch the carnage! You lose the UAV then you will be blind!
Kill them! Kill them all!
Extra info:Own map updates: Yes
Time limit: None
Leave map. You die!!!
Visibility: 2000m
Time: 12:00
Season: Summer
Wind Speed: 0 m/s
There is a Key chart to the right of the map in game.
Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)
Note: Tanks are blind.
• T62
• 3.5T Truck-G / Supply
** Notes **********************************
SB Version: v3.025 32/64bit
Session Name: Vendetta & Thunderdome
Created by: Asid
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Mission Duration: Controlled by players
Head 2 Head / CO-OP: H2H
Date: 31-05-15 Friday
Time: 20:00 GMT
Location: DOW TeamSpeak
Time (local):http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20150531T20&p0=%3A&msg=T.A.N.K.S.+Sunday+%28Steel+Beasts%29&csz=1TeamSpeak IP: , Port 9987
Room: Dogs of War
***Important!***You can just listen if you wish by using Teamspeak. You do NOT need Steel Beasts.Required:
Teamspeak Download (windows):
http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads&type=ts3_windows_client_latestTeamspeak IP: , Port 9987
All Welcome