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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #90 on: August 25, 2021, 11:34:09 PM »
Update 60.1 - Follow Up And Improvements
Wed, August 25,

Hey Everyone,

We have another update for you today that fixes some of the remaining problems of the 60th milestone updates, as well as brings some new features - like all new night time light system that makes it a lot easier to play when in the dark. In addition we worked some more on base component placement, and adjusted some sound effects and missions.

We`ll continue with one more smaller update in a few days to add some more voice acting to the game, as well as some fixes, before fully digging into the huge 61st update that will bring offline singleplayer as well as fully updated game engine.

Meanwhile, lets take a look at today`s update:

Update 60.1 Patch Notes

•   New lighting system for all planets, that makes sure player is well visible in all types of lights
•   Phased out the old moon system which still had issues due to it running opposite the sun
•   Add light source above player that`s always on with light ambient light
•   Reworked the effect when placing various base components with small creation animation effect
•   Fixes major issues on non SSD harddrive that made the game now load properly
•   Fixed rare issue with character constantly falling through the ground
•   Fixed missing hit sounds for some melee weapons.
•   Fixed saw showing the ammunition HUD
•   Stability Improvements
•   Fixed rare issues of environments not loading properly
•   Adjusted prologue by moving Captain Danvers into a new Captains Office, located at the start of the Crew Quarters area
•   Fixed up several issues with floors and ceilings in the Crew Quarters
•   Removed several old spawn points that could have dropped players into open space
•   Fixed some old unused missions referencing old spawn points, reset them all to zero to prevent an error.
•   Fixed a misc error in building controls
•   Minor balancing fixes

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #91 on: September 01, 2021, 11:50:16 PM »
Update 61 - Improvements before the big Engine Update (ETA - tonight)
Wed, September 1, 2021

Hey Everyone,

Updated: Sorry for the delay, had to do another build, we should have this update live later tonight. Bellow is the original announcement of whats to come:

We have another smaller update today before we go into a month long production stretch as we complete the work on the updated game engine, as well as offline singleplayer, and hundreds of other improvements and major changes to the game. We expect the big 62 update to be ready towards end of September. Sorry for the wait, but it`ll be well worth it - 62nd update is literally the game changer.

Meanwhile, lets take a look at today`s update 61:

Update 61 Patch Notes
•   Added voice acting for the tutorial dialogues
•   Various fixes for the tutorial on the ship
•   Nav resource icons have a gradual increase or decrease based on distance.
•   Nav resources icons are a bit bigger when near the resource.
•   Fix to player visuals initializing with nulls fixing various creation issues
•   Fixed error preventing new characters from being created
•   Fixed, optimized and used the new placement effects on some remaining components.
•   Configured several long audio files to Streaming, so they're not entirely loaded in memory.
•   Fixed storing player location and equipment on character creation to resolve disconnect during loading a new character into the world.
•   NPC voice clips are loaded when a conversation starts and unloaded when it finishes, instead of being forever in memory.
•   Increased loading timeout to prevent game world not loading fully

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #92 on: December 22, 2021, 04:15:05 AM »
Update 62 - Big Engine Update is almost ready for testing
Wed, December 22,

Hey Everyone,

After a number of delays, due to complexity and sheer scale of our big engine rewrite, we are finally in the final stages and expect this massive 62nd update to be available in the steams beta testing mode soon, with a dedicated beta server available for our players to help fine tune this big update before we finally push it live later in January.

Also please accept our sincere apologies for the delay. Due to complexities of upgrading to a newer game engine, and countless changes to how the game`s database works it took us two months longer than we initially planned. Unfortunately during these two months we also couldn`t update the main game client as everything else was changed as we migrated to the new game version. But once this large update goes into beta, we`ll return to releasing bi-weekly updates.

Now lets take a look at some of the upcoming changes, as they are quite monumental. Lets start from the main menu and walk through the players experience step by step

Update 64 - Main Features Walk-through

•   As you log into the game - be in any game mode - singleplayer or onilne, you`ll notice that loading times and wait times have been drastically reduced. Things run as much as 10 times faster in some cases
•   First thing you`ll notice are the changes to the main menu, allowing to have the game playable both with steam online or offline. You`ll notice various new welcome and help screens and tooltips as well
•   From here on you can choose to play game completely offline, locally with no need to even have steam online or internet connection. Players have long been asking us for this feature, and it`s finally here.
•   Previously Stars End used very aged Unity 2018 game engine, with this update, we finally completely finally switched everything over to the latest Unity engine! You`ll notice some difference compared to the old engine, though we are just getting started using the new capabilities like improved visuals. The main changes for now is how much faster everything works, and how a lot of bugs we previously had are now resolved by the new Unity engine
•   There`s also now linux powered CMD like hosting that makes hosting dedicated servers very easy, with all the powerful tools available to the hosts. And hosting is now lighting fast and you don`t have to wait forever for the game to initialize
•   If you are playing the singleplayer you will notice that a lot of game rules and features have changed, as we worked to tailor singleplayer experience to make it stand our from online mode. We streamlined all the online oriented features that didn`t make sense in the singleplayer game
•   On top of this you will notice a lot of gameplay changes in all game modes from stats to interface and so much more. It`s a very long list to share now, and we`ll save this until update is finally ready for you to play soon.

We`ll keep you posted on our progress and let you know as soon as it`s ready to try in the steams beta testing mode. Meanwhile wishing everyone all the very best this Holiday season. Stay merry and safe.

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #93 on: July 07, 2022, 02:53:21 PM »
Update 63 – First Steps and Global Server
Thu, 7 July 2022

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Today we start rolling out a series of big updates that has been in works for the past months. Have to warn you - it will be a process – as we are expecting 7 updates over the next two months before everything is finally in-game and running. Our goal is to make the experience as smooth as possible, keeping the live build working well, without downtimes.

Majority of changes are behind the scene, until we ready to drop bigger features like offline multiplayer, or super fast loading times. But right away you will star noticing better stability, a lot of fixes across the board, and same time we will be adding new content here and there.

Over the course of the summer you will see new vehicles, new planets, a lot of gameplay improvements and balancing, UI updates and more. Though the main features that we have been working on is a smooth, fast game, without game breaking bugs, and a better gameplay flow.

Please keep in mind that these changes do not affect current online Singleplayer, and to experience the improvements please play the game on the new Global Official Server or restart self-hosted server. Today`s update includes mostly behind the scene changes, but a lot of outstanding issues has been fixes and performance and server stability has been significantly improved.

Important note - there will be some cleanup on the Global Server tomorrow morning around 6am EST that might effect a few players, downtime will be brief. Also please keep in mind that update size will be large during the next few weeks - from 2 to 5Gbs, and we`ll be overriding vast majority of game files.

Also we are expecting a potential clean-slate server wipe, but we`ll try to postpone it as far as possible, hopefully as late as September, and players will be able to store their items in global storage before the wipe.

And you can expect the next big update towards end of next week or sooner. As always thanks for all your support and staying with us through all these years.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #94 on: July 19, 2022, 10:55:26 PM »
New Update This Week
19 June 2022

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone is well and we are glad to see players migrating to the Global Server and getting a fresh start. We have been hard at work as we continue to roll out the big engine upgrade that we`ve been working on for the past half a year.

Later this week we should have 64th update ready for you. This update once again includes a lot of back-end engine changes that improve server capacity, overall performance, stability and a lot more, but we are also including a lot of other visible improvements as well. For example - a lot of new gear - get ready to see some new spaceships, spacesuits, clothing and so much more.

In addition we have some very exciting news that we`ll share with you later this week - hopefully by Friday.

And you can expect an even large 65th update to be ready around middle of next week. Having spent all these months in closed production mode we are happy to finally share all of this cool new stuff with you.

Also a note to these who are waiting for offline singleplayer - once again we apologize, but as we explained earlier it will be one of the last features that we roll out as part of releasing all the new content/engine improvements that we have been working on. Majority of players do play the game online, and we risk introducing major new bugs if we are rush with rolling out offline singleplayer before everything else is updated. But rest assured - it`s on the way.
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Re: Stars End
« Reply #95 on: July 27, 2022, 02:08:28 PM »
Update 64 - New Features
Tue, 26 July 2022

Hey Everyone,

As we continue to roll out a series of big updates this summer, we are happy to introduce update 64. We continued to include a lot of back-end updates, but this update also brings noticeable changes and new content.

Some of the biggest additions are humanoid AI, with locations around the game world protected by hostile NPCs that guard great loot and will put up a fight. AI uses variety of weapons like pistol or SMGs. We are also bringing back territorial control with hubs that players can capture and build up, as we prepare the framework for factional warfare and territorial control. In addition, reworked Ferry network allowing players to travel anywhere in the star system with introduction of short hall and long hall pricing. And first batch of new gear is now available at the NPC merchants. There are a lot of other changes and improvements across the board

We are in a final stages of getting everything ready to release the main part of the engine upgrade that will be coming with update 65 – in about 10 days. This milestone update fully switches Stars End to the new version of Unity engine, as well as new network code with PUN 2.0 engine (before we were using Unity 2018, and original PUN 1.0). So everything will get a lot faster, smoother, variety of remaining server/performance issues will be dealt with, and this upcoming update will also include all the new space vehicles – can`t wait for you to try these out.

Let’s take a closer look at what Update 64 brings:

    Final back-end changes in order to get ready to migrate to new network Pun 2.0
    Other back-end work in preparation to Unity engine upgrade coming in the next update
    Humanoid AI – certain NPCs can now fight back, firing a range of weapons, chasing players and guarding locations
    Beta Prairie now has Comms Outposts that are guarded by NPCs with weapons
    Locations with NPCs are marked as dangerous and are PvP zones as well
    Territorial control is back with 3 capturable HUBs on Beta Prairie and 2 on Nox
    These territory points can be captured and build up by players or crews
    Prep work for adding a lot more of these HUBs to other locations and planets soon
    While in a vehicle player can now control radio with Y/U to change between 5 radio stations
    Started adding factional clothing and other items to NPC merchants
    Added Patriot and United Corporations suits with gloves and boots
    Reworked names of spaceships switching to classes – like Fighter, Interceptor. Additional spaceship to be added in the next update
    Some preparation work for world location that will host capital ships and carriers in space and near planets, for now as eye candy and locations to explore and loot
    Fixed various issues on Beta Prairie where certain locations like Clayton Shire will not load properly
    World music now doesn`t play while in the vehicles as Radio takes over
    Improved large space objects – like gas giant Anu – not displaying textures properly
    Improved overall look of sky and space where objects were not textured or rendering properly
    Vehicles Merchant have been updated to also sell all ground vehicle components. Spaceship Component vehicle can now be found on Orbital Stations. Weapons and Spaceship Merchants are only available on the three main hub stations - Shoden, Kallus, Hera
    Main menu adjustments - reworked the status of Early Access and Welcome Message to reflect our progress
    Update the main menu logo
    Disabled non-English version of the game, we are adding and updating a lot of text, so until it`s all translated we only support English version of the game

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #96 on: August 10, 2022, 11:20:48 PM »
Update 65 - Major Changes
Wed, 10 August 2022

Hey Everyone,

And we are back with our 65th update. This update includes a lot of noticeable changes, as we decided to save the rest of the back-end stuff like Unity engine and PUN 2.0 for the next update 66, and get more content and gameplay features out first.

You`ll see improvements everywhere – from the majority of user interface windows to new loading screens. In addition, a lot of gameplay mechanics has been reworked, new epic world locations has been added, AI NPCs reworked and so much more. Another change of note is that NPC Merchants only buy the type of goods that they sell – one step closer to the dynamic trading system we plan ahead. Please note we would need a few days to properly balance out the new Merchant system and pricing - it’s a lot of items, merchants and locations...

Next update 66 is about two weeks away. And will finally upgrade Stars End to the new version of Unity engine, as well as new network code with PUN 2.0 engine - so everything will get a lot faster, smoother and better. We will also include more new space vehicles – can’t wait for you to try these out. (Have them working but they use new Unity engine version - sorry about the delay with these)

Now let’s take a look at what Update 65mbrings...

Update 65

    Majority of the user interface art, styling e.t.c have been updated or reworked
    Added a lot of new UI capabilities like dragging and dropping items and more
    Fixed a lot of issues and bugs the previous version of the UI had
    Major changes to merchant system in preparation for dynamic trading across the star system
    Certain Merchants will now only buy certain wares from players, and offer different prices. For example if you have a lot of spare Ore to sell you will need to travel to Orbital station to sell it to the Ore merchant
    Gameplay now rewards selling resources or components to Merchants in certain locations
    Humanoid AI guarding Com Tower outposts now gives player amazing loot
    Humanoid AI will only attack if there’s a bounty on the player, or player attacks it
    Completely revised Humanoid AI - new weapons, new abilities, new behaviors
    Humanoid AI now uses shotgun, and will strive to avoid player attacks
    Melee attacks for humanoid AI in close range
    Everything is set for placement of humanoid AI into majority of locations in the game world as well as massive AI defended bases
    A lot of improvements, new locations, new resources added for Janson planet
    New story location - Planet Core Stabilizers - two of them on Janson planet, near the Delta outpost. NPCs to be added soon.
    New story location - Mercantile Fleet in Beta Prairie orbit - had several capital ships player can land on, fight NPCs and loot
    Added new capital sip to the game - Titan Battleship class (can be visited and explored by the Mercantile Fleet location)
    Added new capital sip to the game - Homebase Carrier class (can be visited and explored by the Mercantile Fleet location)
    New HD screen blood effect really makes combat visually engaging when taking damage
    Completely reworked loot system for dead bodies of animals and humanoids
    Looting dead bodies is now more rewarding and comes with more loot variety of the correct type
    Looting containers, or stealing from them now gives bigger rewards
    Several all new loading screens added using concept art for the game
    Changed the way loading of the game works - new progress bar, placement e.t.c
    A lot of back-end changes to loading into the game world
    Fix issues and bugs with capturable hubs not saving what players has built
    Fixed some exploits with item copying
    Fixed an issue with the loading screen rendering the HUD on top of it
    Fixed bounty waypoints not showing up for outlaw players
    Fixed long standing issue where loot containers cant be opened twice
    Bounties also adjusted to note be added twice in these circumstances
    Fixed issues with Humanoid AI randomly disappearing (this will be applied to all characters soon)
    Ignite device popup window updated to use the new UI system and the generic popup implementation.
    A lot of other back-end stuff that we shouldn't bore our players with - thanks for reading this far in!

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #97 on: September 14, 2022, 11:22:02 PM »
Server Updates & Update 66 incoming
Wed, 14 September 2022

Hey Everyone,

After a hectic month we are finally getting close to wrapping up work on our 66th update that includes the final components of networking and engine update. We are aiming to launch this update within a week (give or take).

In preparation for this major update we have completed all the server migration work, and we can finally say we are one happy family with one Global Server. And for clarification - we are expecting Global Server to last all the way until the game is fully complete, and aside from any major balancing issues coming into play, we don`t foresee upcoming wipes to the Global Server.

We are very excited to finally share the new update with you, but want to make sure everything works as we switch to the newest Unity engine and Pun 2.3 networking.

Thanks for your continuous support!

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #98 on: September 19, 2022, 03:27:02 AM »
Update 65.2 - Game Design Updates
Mon, 19 September 2022

Hey Everyone,

Today we have a fun little update 65.2 for you. This update concludes the large task of updating the Merchant system and the game economy. Players are finally able to purchase most of the late game spaceships as well as get access to all the resources, vehicle components and much more.

The changes also do a lot more to complete the mid to late game content and game loop, including players acquiring parts and resources for different space ship classes and professional (non-player made) gear and weapons, that`s only available at deep-space space-stations.

This updates also includes a lot of new coding that`ll be enabled to the next update, as well as a lot of fixes for user interface and various other improvements.

We also worked on crafting as well as planet visuals. See the patch log for the list of complete changes.

Meanwhile the core programming team is wrapping up work on the engine/networking update and we plan to roll this out within a week or so. Almost there folks!

Lets take a look at what Update 65.1 has in store:

    Completed rework of the merchant system
    Completed rework of the mid and late game economy and game loop
    Reworked deep-space spacestations with new layouts and merchants
    All merchants now have waypoints on the planets like Clayton
    Added new merchants in various waypoints to orbital and deep-space merchants
    Various fixes for spaceship parts store in orbital stations
    Deep-space Spacestations now sell factory produced Spaceships
    Deep-space Spacestations now sell factory produced Weapons and Gear
    Major improvements to how planets look from players FPT/TPS prospective
    Long distance objects like trees and large props now visible most of the time instead of only loading when near them
    Various optimization to foliage on Beta Prairie main starting planet
    Major change to UI so that al Close Windows button now function the same
    Various UI improvements
    Stability improvements
    Various changes to player crafting - UI will only suggest crafting 1 item instead of max possible for larger objects
    Fixed a number of remaining exploits even though mostly harmless with stacking items

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #99 on: October 04, 2022, 02:08:12 AM »
Update 65.3 - Engine Update Prep
Tue, 4 October 2022

Hey Everyone,

We are happy to say that our long-awaited engine update is complete and ready for launch next week. Meanwhile we have another update 65.3 for you today that sets the stage for this upcoming 66th milestone update.

Today`s update includes a lot of back-end infrastructure for the upcoming launch as well as several dozen fixes and improvements in all areas of the game. We wanted to make sure to tie up all the loose ends and fix remaining known bugs before the big launch.

You can see the full patch notes on our Steam forums or Discord. As always – grateful for you support!

Lets take a look at what Update 65.3 has in store:

    Reworked outlaw system, NPCs will now only attack player who has 3 stars wanted level or more
    Killing a player grants 3 wanted star, Killing a mech grants 2 wanted stars, 1 start for NPC
    Added global loot terminal beside air vehicle vendors on System Stations
    Fixed NPC waypoints on System stations to show for 200 meters
    Nav points now update as player moves across the planet with new once showing on proximity
    Fixed an issue in final tutorial objective where Copper ore collection will not end tutorial
    Added Saw to Blade Check to fix various issues with sawing
    Added Trout and Carp to Cooked Meat cooking tutorial
    Other various improvements to the tutorial
    Relocated quest NPCs in the starting cryo ship quests so players don’t need to walk as much around the ship
    Captain Harper re-positioned in new Captains Office with new environment
    Quartermaster in Prologue now only gives basic items
    Update for AI frequencies on BP, Bears now spawn less, foxes, boars and trawlers – a lot more
    Foliage waypoints for the spotter now update every 5 seconds, if the spotter is active
    Fixed an issue with a wrong item ID making players unable to use Frigates
    Majority of items that are end products in crafting – like workbenches, tools and larger items will no longer stack or auto-ques multiple when crafting
    Disabled stacking on crude oil so it acts like other containers now
    Some restyling on the greyed out "buy" button for Merchants
    Added Global Storage terminals on space station for players to store their newly purchased spaceships
    New UI element added for greying out the inventory neatly, while crafting is in progress
    Integrity Averaging added to all items stacks. Stacking an item will no longer reset the integrity preventing a number of small exploits
    Items like finishing hooks and other small items now stack correctly
    Fixed issue with placing some base components on the ground
    Various unnamed exploits fixed effecting various items, merchants, transactions e.t.c
    Fixed an issue with certain merchants now showing goods correctly
    Fix for red box showing under crafting list

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #100 on: November 12, 2022, 01:43:45 AM »
Update 66.4 - Early Game Improvements
Fri, November 11, 2022

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone`s staying nice and frosty - and we have a new update today. Now that the foundation of the game is complete with the upgraded game engine and networking running well - we are combing through the rest of the content to fix whatever smaller issues remain, before we push forward with offline singleplayer and late game content.

With today`s update we focused on on-boarding and early game - improving everything possible about first few hours player spends in the game. You will notice a few additional changes to the starting Cryo ships, as well as significantly improved starting tutorial objectives, with additional helpful information, tooltips e.t.c

In addition we looked into fixing some exploitable looting locations and fixed a couple of last remaining stability issues. In addition - apologies about the brief server outage earlier this week - we have tracked down and resolved this issue.

Thanks for your patience - and as always – forever grateful for you support!

Lets take a look a what Update 66.4 includes

Various stability improvements
Resolved the last of the sever issues that caused brief downtime this week
A lot of polish of various aspects of the early game, especially tutorial quests
Reworked startup quests with a lot of additional details
Updated description for majority of the quests
Improved some dialogue prologue lines and other text
Reworked some startup quest objectives to make it easier to complete
Work completed to prepare for full localization of the game to come in the following update
Tarphite mine now has a different icon which is much easier to locate
Redberry Liquor fridges marked as secure – stopping exploitable loot
Fixed various location with exploitable loots, marked as stealing now
Adjusted colliders for Two Tap Banking vendor and vending machines
Added some missing fences in Cryo Area
Another redesign of the Cryo ships with more new style lifts
Removed a grey box artifact on of the lift prefabs
Adjusted loading distances on captains’ office for better view from cryo area
Fixed issue with Captains Office window collider
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Re: Stars End
« Reply #101 on: January 08, 2023, 09:12:24 PM »
Update 67 - Foundation Complete
Sun, 8 January 2023

Hey Everyone,

We have a major milestone update today that finally completes the foundation of the game.

Today`s update includes galore of features - from new game servers to the dedicated hosting utility and so much more. With this update done we can finally say that the foundation components of the Stars End are complete, and now we can focus on polishing and improving across the board, and including more awesome gameplay content. This will be a very exciting winter, and we are expecting at least one update per week moving forward.

Also this winter we are switching to an open development – where we will invite our players to offer help in any area of developments. We are looking for people to assist in any capacity – from testing to bringing new gameplay and balancing ideas. From help with Unity coding to translating the game. In addition we will be letting our players decide on what we should focus the development on via polls and feedback. We are looking forward to working closely with our community and building an amazing survival experience together.

Now lets take a look at what today`s milestone update 67 has to offer. Since there are literally hundreds of changes, we will focus only on the most visible parts this update:

Please note that we are putting finishing touches on Offline singleplayer and expect it to be ready within 24 hours. Sorry for the delay! But we want it done right. Meanwhile if you would like to continue playing your Solo - in the main menu press Play - and under Player Hosted Server - please look for Official - Old Solo Accounts

    Greatly expanded variety of Official game servers – from peaceful PvE to hardcore PvP experience. Original sever is now PvE Server # 2 (Old)
    Added 3 additional official game servers
    New servers now have different gameplay settings - PvP, PvPvE as well as difficulty variations between them
    Original sever is now PvE Server # 2 (Old) - it used to be gold Global
    Dedicated Game Hosting Utility – available under Tools in your Steam Library, allows anyone to host dedicated servers, with variety of options - more options and CMD is coming soon.
    Solo experience can be customized with various options like wildlife, loot, these settings can always be changed in the Solo menu
    Private and Public CoOp mode added - at any point can player adjust his Solo experience to be able to invite friends or random players
    Brand new weight system - uses kilograms and grams, every items weight has been re-balanced. System is a lot more realistic and better balanced
    Completely re-balanced entire crafting system and items, especially with mid to late game crafting - including oil, polymers, plastics
    Crafting requires a lot less grinding now especially for the mid to late game items
    Fixed all issues with items not stacking and other related inventory issues
    Fixed very large number of exploits
    Redesigned collision on the Spawn Ship to fix all the issues with walking through falls or falling to the ground
    Improved translated version of the tutorial with a lot more details and tasks
    Redesigned main menu layout a bit, including new welcome message. Hosting is now done via Dedicated Server hosting Tool
    Various improvements to the game`s translation in German, French, Russian and Chinese

As always – forever grateful for you support!

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #102 on: January 10, 2023, 11:51:33 PM »
Update 68 - Day Two Improvements
Tue, January 10, 2023

Hey Everyone,

From our small indie team we want to thank all of our players for your support and patience over the past couple of days.

And we are back with another daily updates. Today's update include a lot of improvements to server stability, dedicated server updates, some of the vehicle and animal issue fixes, a lot of balancing and crafting improvements as well as a solution for anyone getting stuck in environment - new Unstuck Teleporter item will be given to each character on respawn or can be purchased for free at a General Store.

Please make sure to restart Steam to download the latest update. Once in the main menu the game should show ]Version 0.68, instead of 0.67. You will not see the game servers if you don`t have the newest version 0.68.

By tomorrow we expect to finally address last remaining problems with vehicles. Meanwhile our moderators are available in-game chat to help, and new moderators just joined our team. Thanks for your understanding and your support. We expect the game to be in the great shape later this week. And offline singleplayer will be finally added to the game later this week as well.

And we are still on track with adding offline singleplayer towards the end of this week - sorry for a bit of a delay there.

As always – forever grateful for you support, and lets go over some of the fixes and changes in this update 68

Added new item – Teleporter Tool – will be added to every new player inventory, and also
when player dies and respawns.
Teleporter Tool can be used by the player to get unstuck if player is stuck in the environment
Fixed majority of issues causing players to loose connection to servers
Fixed a number of issues with players loosing items
Fixed various issues with AI NPCs acting oddly
Fixed most instances of Mech Robots moving in one spot or not moving at all
Various improvement to the AI animals
Countless server stability and performance improvements
Improvements to the Dedicated Hosting utility
Improved French Translation of the game – courtesy of our new member – Jackfarm
Did number of balancing changes based on our players feedback, listing some of the more noticeable once bellow
Adjusted Spotter and Respawn pill price to 0 so that players don`t sell them, and can always get a free one from the General Store if they loose them.
Rebalanced Manufacturing of Plastics The recipe Should now give 2 Polymers and for each Polymer you should get 2 Plastic at the orbital refinery.
Rebalanced pricing on: Empty Water Bottles, Cloth, Ore's, Ingots and Crafting materials to help get some credits early game.
Rebalanced where you can sell basic crafting items to in game, for example Flint can now also be sold to Gas vendors and the Gas vendors will also buy Powercells.
Rebalanced the crafting Recipe of the Spinner; the best ship you can currently build in the game.
Rebalanced the crafting recipe and all of the recipe's and value relating to the Christmas Cake.
Rebalanced the Drinks that didn't return an empty bottle after consuming the drink.
Fixed Items that were in the wrong crafting menu.
Reverted the Crafting Recipe for Wood Planks.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #103 on: January 15, 2023, 07:36:40 PM »
Update 69 - Day Three Fixes
Thu, January 12, 2023

Hey Everyone,

From our small indie team we want to thank all of our players for your support and patience over the past couple of days.

And we are back with our third daily update. We spent the past day on fixes across the board - entirely based on our players feedback. From audio and SFX work to player death loot and so much more. Thanks for all the reports - we hear you!

In addition the outlaw system has also been reworked with wanted levels. We also added a number of quality-of-life improvements from mining status to low-fuel notifications.

Also we have found and fixed a number of separate issues causing players to loose their vehicles – and there`s just one issue left to resolve, that we intend to have sorted by the morning. Meanwhile our moderators are available in-game chat to help, and new moderators just joined our team. Thanks for your understanding and your support. We expect the game to be in the great shape later this week. And offline singleplayer will be finally added to the game later this week as well.

Please make sure to restart Steam to download the latest update. And once you launch the client you will see version 0.69 in the main menu bottom left corner

As always – forever grateful for you support, and lets go over some of the fixes and changes in this update 69

Fixed a number of issues with vehicles going missing – but still couple of situations left
Vehicle access can now be changed by using the PgDw button
Fixed players being able to sometimes steal vehicles on PvE server (was responsible for some missing vehicles)
Reworked stealing vehicles mechanic for PvP gameplay – vehicles stolen are just temporary stolen for the thief to use - PvP only
Original owner of the vehicle can eventually track down the stolen vehicles and reclaim it - PvP only
Fixed various issues with players not being able to see their death loot to recover their items after dying
When player commits crimes – his or hers wanted level will go up
Wanted level is displayed at the top of the screen from 1 to 5 stars
When player has 3 stars or more NPC Mechs will attack player in towns and space stations
Fixed various issues with player wanted level not working or showing
A lot of work on the audio side of the game – sound effects and so on
Fixed various issues with some sounds being extremely loud
Fixed issues with some sound playing even if SFX sound is set all the way to zero
When mining, cutting trees e.t.c it will now show health points bar to show much resources is left in the object
Fixed a number of issues where some crafted items weight would be more than the components that go into it
Nav Point for death loot container is now overwhelmingly large – can`t miss it
Added several voice dialogue notifications when player is running low on fuel in space vehicles
Added fail-safes for players who sell or drop their spotter tool and can`t use it anymore
Fixed all instances where by some reasons players will not see navigation points

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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #104 on: January 15, 2023, 07:37:34 PM »
Update 70 - Daily Updates Continue
Fri, January 13, 2023

Hey Everyone,

And we are back with yet another daily update - bringing a large number of fixes and improvements. Also we wanted to take a moment to thank our players for all the encouragement and feedback! This really helps us push forward as our small team works day and night on getting Stars End into a great shape.

Today`s update resolves a lot of issues with vehicle ownership, fixing some of the remaining critical bugs and adds various improvements requested by our players. In addition we made it a lot easier for our Moderators to help players in-game. If you loose some items or vehicles due to one of the remaining bugs - our moderators will be able to assist you remotely in seconds now.

Please make sure to restart Steam to download the latest update. And once you launch the client you will see version 0.70 in the main menu bottom left corner

Now, lets take a look at what out update 0.70 has in store:

Large number of server stability performance and improvements
Added the back-end work of the offline singleplayer – it`s still disabled, but now is a part of the client allowing us to do final testing on it
Fixed a number of issues with player being unable to enter vehicles
Fixed another issue with vehicles going missing
Fixed a number of issues with vehicles going missing – but still couple of situations left
When getting onto a vehicle it will now show the status of the vehicle, and who can use it - only the player, crew, or anybody.
Vehicle access can now be changed by using the PgDw button
Fixed the issue where crew members could not enter the vehicle sometimes and would get Hijack prompt instead of enter the vehicle
Vehicle in use can no longer be hacked on PvP servers
Improved vehicle stealing mechanics on PvP servers with clear notifications
All consumable food and drink items now stack – please note – this will only effect new food items added to inventory
Player inventory will now be a lot more organized with various stack sorting
Made it a lot easier for new players to locate Tarphite Mine and Refinery on the planet
Gave a lot of additional tools to our moderators to help players
Moderators are now able to refund player lost items remotely, without having to meet the player at a certain location
Servers player chat will no longer show in the main menu when player is creating or selecting the character
Fixed various issues with grenades and their explosions

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