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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2018, 07:26:10 PM »
Update News #6
Niffelheim - Andrew

Hi there,

just small news for our group. So, all of you, have asked about sorting in inventories and chests. So ...

We have added sorting option in inventories and chests!:)
You will have the opportunity to sort in any chest or inventories with the next update.

Have a nice weekend,

Ellada Games Team
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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2018, 10:42:41 PM »
Update news #7
15 May - Andrew   

Hi folks,

as promised, today I'm going to tell you about the new inventory in the game. Now there will be more space, lots of filters and convenient controls.
All right, first things first:

From now on the inventory will include 6 bags with 40 slots each.

Weapons and tools.
All kinds of weapons, arrows and tools are automatically placed into this "bag".
All your armor and shields will be here.
Potions and cooked food. Anything you could need on the road.
All the stuff you can use for hunting (traps) or while moving through dungeons (doors, portals and lamps), as well as all kinds of living creatures and amulets.
Everything you use for crafting, but also plants that can be used for medicine – so this is something you’ll have to explore.
You won’t be able to do anything with this bag:) All items are put in here automatically and automatically consumed. This is a place exclusively for the statuette that activates the dragon and for fragments of the portal to Asgard. When you are playing in multiplayer mode, the entire team has access to this bag and sees this inventory.

Item descriptions are displayed under your inventory. Here you will see stat comparison for weapons and ammunition, as well as a brief description of the object and what do you need it for. (We are still working on the texts).

You see all the equipped items to the right of the inventory – to check what you can use in combat, without opening other interfaces. Here you see the appearance of your character with the basic four characteristics.

And below you see active keyboard/gamepad tips for convenient managing of your collection.

Next time – more info about the chests :)

Have fun playing,
Ellada Games team
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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2018, 10:43:26 PM »
Devs News #8
5 June - Andrew   

Hi everyone,

Lately we’ve been adding a lot of interesting and useful things to the game, so we just didn’t have any time to post about our progress. But we should not forget about news updates.

So, where were we last time? Oh yeah, I’ve told you about the new inventory (BTW, right now we’re finishing a neat feature - a beautiful display for when you equip an entire armor set)

And for now - a few words on the new chest features.

1. You can put everything in the chest and take everything out - this has been requested a lot by the community.
2. Quick transfer of a stack - using a single button (there will be a text hint displayed below).
3. You can take half a stack and put it away item by item.
4. You cannot use an item from the chest - you have to place the item in your bag first.
5. The chests in your workshiops will be available once you open any of them. You don’t have to run around the workshops in search of an item.
6. Items are sorted in the chest the same way as in your inventory.

As you can see, many of your requests and suggestions have been implemented for chests and inventories.
Currently we are working on the game window. And next time I’ll tell you about the diplomacy window, what will be displayed in there and how will it work.

Ellada Games Team,
Enjoy the games!
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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2018, 09:01:13 PM »
The biggest update 0.9.023
Niffelheim - Andrew

Greetings to all Niffelheim players,

After 5 months, we are finally ready to release our largest update for the game as of yet. A lot of what has been promised was finally realized. All that is left now is to include a few locations, enable a couple of effects, and we’ll be all set for the game’s release - so the game finally will be released soon. And right now, I'll try to tell you everything that has been implemented during this time, and how much it affected the game. Well, and you can check everything by yourself - so do not hesitate to run the game. Special topic for the update 0.9.023 on our forum.

Global changes
•   New characters - our Viking is joined by Shaman, Berserker and Valkyrie! Every character has its own advantages, but my current choice is Valkyrie!
•   New interfaces - completely new and modern. We have considered all your suggestions concerning management and inventory (more space!) I already mentioned these changes before - check out the rest yourself.
•   Full controller support - we’ve taken all the nuances of control into account, made a lot of improvements, and now you can - or rather you should! - play using a controller. The game displays buttons for PS4, XboxOne, SwitchPro controllers and, of course, Steam Controller. Oh yeah, and my favorite Xbox360 and PS3 Dualshock, too.
•   Descriptions for all the items in the game - now you can learn a lot about these: how to use them and much more. And if there is no description, it’s implied that the item is self-explanatory - for example, a pinecone is a pinecone! :)
•   A new combat system including buffs and debuffs - oh, there's so much we've implemented that it would take too much time to cover all the changes - you should play and see for yourself. Some of the most important things - you will see the current active effects on your character; the enemies now have armor and various abilities. So don’t go picking fights, and you can check your stats in the inventory.
•   All the weapons and ammunition has a new stat: durability. When inflicting or receiving damage you spend the durability of your equipment.
•   NEW balance - we removed some things from the game, but implemented a more logical balance. We will continue to improve it based on your feedback. Something of the things will return to the game, we also have some new items in the game! But now - new crafting, new prices, and a completely new system of damage and defense.
•   The seeds and animals, that can be used to produce various items on your farms, now also have durability. Once their durability is depleted, they will disappear.
•   NEW bosses - meet new trolls and all sorts of evil dead creatures!
•   TUTORIAL - everyone was waiting for this to happen! 127 000 Steam players added our game to their wish lists - it's time to buy the game! Our tutorial is a journal with 12 topics covering the main features of the game. We will add new topics later on if necessary.
•   Earthquake - every few days your dungeons will collapse, and the resources and chest in the dungeons will be updated.

Minor improvements
•   At night, skeletons spawn in the upper world. They won’t attack the castle, but will be looking for you.
•   New trophies (lamb, porcupine and spider).
•   New security system for castles. Towers are equipped with stationary weapons with only ammunition supplied later on.
•   The production process on your farms is shown on a progress bar so you can easily find out how much time is left until the next item.
•   We’ve added UI tip in the gaming world. These can be disabled in the game settings.
•   When you equip a full set, the ammunition cells change showing that a set is assembled.
•   You can immediately unload your inventory or take all items out of a chest at once.
•   Portal fragments and the dragon statuette are placed in a special bag - there is no interaction with other items whatsoever, so you won’t lose any of them.
•   Skills are now activated automatically - there are only 7 professions that improve your character. With each level, your character gets +5 HP.
•   There is an event system that will notify you about what is happening in the world.
•   In the journal you will see all your tasks, including already completed ones, as well as stories from various NPCs.
•   The Diplomacy tab shows the statistics of your character, as well as other players.
•   After death the character receives a permanent debuff, which can stack up to 5 times and is removed only by a Regeneration Potion.
•   The character bar displays the effects that are active at the moment.
•   After the damage is dealt, you’ll see the numbers showing the amount of inflicted damage. Yellow numbers depict a critical strike.

As always, we are looking forward to receiving your comments and feedback. The release is very near, we are planning to some improvement to visual effects and complete addition of the remaining two locations. The release date will be announced once we’re done polishing the game :)

Subscribe to our groups on Steam.

Have fun playing nice games,
Ellada Games Team

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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2018, 01:28:08 PM »
Free OST and 50% off CtW!
Niffelheim - Andrew

Hi everyone,

Today we have two great news.

First of all, we are proud to let you know that the game OST is now available for all Early Access Niffelheim players for free! Second of all, for all players we are offering a 50% discount on a game by our friends - Craft the World . And vice versa, all Craft the World players receive a coupon with 50% off on Niffelheim.

As promised before, any and all DLCs will be available for Early Access players for free. In the game installation folder, you’ll find 8 wonderful tracks to remind you of Niffelheim.

Check your Steam inventories (maybe you will have to re-login to Steam to receive the coupon). In the inventory you will find a discount coupon for Craft the World. In case you’ve already played the game, try out the multiplayer mode with your friends!

Once version 0.9.023 has been released, we’ve started preparations for game’s release. Very soon we will be able to name the exact date of the release. All that is left are a few enhancements and some optimization.

Have fun playing and congratulation on the upcoming release of Niffelheim!
Ellada Games Team
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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2018, 02:47:43 PM »
Patch to 0.9.023
Niffelheim - Andrew

UPD: Bug with black screen fixed. Thank you for your patience.

Hello everybody,

thanks for your feedback, we are all reading and looking to improve.
but we also have fixed many different bugs

1. Fixed bugs related to the controlling of the character.
2. If you shoot an arrow, then its damage will be counted. regardless if the animation was interrupted
3. Additional damage to buildings is taken into final damage count.
4. If the resource collection animation is interrupted, the resource will still be collected.
5. fixed controller issues when you crafting workshops and chests.
6. If you are killed on the throne, then you will die for sure :)
7. Fixed bugs with loot some new items. now do not disappear
8. Fixed bug with moving the portal fragment in the chests.
9. Now the porcupines in trophies is taken into account
10. Fixed bugs in the Diplomacy tab.
11. the sensitivity of the controller is improved
12. Added more information about the weapons of the towers.
13. increased the damage from the towers
14. Improved spawning of skeletons on the surface. will become more complicated not only in time but also in your progress as a whole.
15. Localization was fixed.
16. Improved damage calculation.
17. Improved some characteristics of the characters. Soon we'll bring them out to the character selection window. We are working on it.
18. Corrected the bug with picking loot in some places. Write if you meet again.
19. Castle repair is not required until health is more than 90%
20. The debuff of hunger is displayed, when satiety is 0
21. The frugality characteristic is activated, when pumping a miner and a woodcutter you will improve the characteristic. It works like a chance not to waste durability.
22. Improved skills of the characters.
23. Some durability of items, some mobs and their characteristics have been improved.
24. All comments on localization have been corrected.

We continue to work on the balance sheet. Soon there will be further improvements.

Thanks for your feedback,
Team of Ellada Games.
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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2019, 01:25:28 PM »
Update 1.0.009. Improves and 70% off
24 Jul @ 12:31pm - Andrew   

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since we’ve shown ourselves, but it’s finally time for a news update.

Firstly, don’t miss the chance to purchase the game with 70% off - that’s the highest discount in history.
Secondly, we’re proud to announce the release of the game for Xbox One, PS4 and Switch on September the 20th.
Thirdly, we have updated the game and there are a few more updated coming up.

Now let’s focus on the features of version

1. When a character is resurrected, they are invulnerable for 6 seconds, which should be enough time to get away from the surrounding enemies.
2. There are new fixes for gamepad control and pop-up hints. From now on the hints will be displayed no matter what device you are using - the keyboard or the controller.

What is planned for the next updates:

Improving the store feature, including the controls. New items will be unlocked as you keep playing the game.
Repairing weapons, equipment, and tools. There will be new items that will restore the durability of currently equipped items.

New balance for mobs and weapons.

All this and more will be introduced in the new updates, we are going to keep you updated on the course of development.

Also, we are currently working on a prototype for a new game - more news soon to come!

Good luck and have fun,
Ellada Games Team

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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2019, 06:36:03 PM »
New free update is coming soon
26 Aug @ 4:27pm - Andrew   

Hey all,

would like to say that Update is coming on Steam on 23rd September.
Weapon, armor and tools repair mechanics, new items, new crafts, new balance, and others will be included in this update. And of course - Jotuns!

All these things also included in console version at XboxOne, PS4 and Nintendo Switch on 20th September.

Good day!
Ellada Games Team

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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2019, 12:42:38 AM »
Update "Jotuns" is now live
Mon, 23 September 2019

Huge free update and 50% off!

First of all: Niffelheim (single player mode only) was released on 20th September (a few days ago) on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch platforms. Over the past six months, we have been working on game balancing and porting to these consoles. So now feel free to congratulate us and play the game on your console. The console release includes the latest update by default.
Also, thanks to the active member of the Niffelheim community Brechler Zsolt, the game is fully translated into Hungarian. Kudos to Brechler for his work and support!

And now - more news about the latest update.

1. We’ve added new bosses who will attack castles – the mighty Jotuns!
2. Also added Repair Kits to allow you to repair currently equipped items.
3. Added scrolls of weapons and ammunition- these are needed to craft cool weapons and equipment. Certain bosses will drop these scrolls.
4. The balance of all weapons has been tweaked.
5. The balance of almost all mobs has been changed. Now the mobs will appear stronger – so you should definitely think twice before start picking a fight.
6. Now almost all armor (except for Hunter’s Armor) can be crafted in workshops. However, you’ll need scrolls for cool swag.
7. All weapons can be crafted in workshops. You’ll need scrolls for cool weapons.
8. The strength of weapons and tools has been increased.
9. Later on, in the game you’ll find it very challenging to kill bosses without potions. (I was able to do this eventually, but definitely not during the first attempt).
10. The chance of getting rare stones from chests of bosses has been adjusted. Some stones will only appear near spiders, some objects - near trolls only, and the witch’s skull can only be found by the undead.
11. Alchemy and kitchen recipes have been changed. Now you will be able to cook pig meat from the first level. Crafting rare potions will now become simpler. As mentioned above – you will need A LOT of potions.
12. Wave timing for mobs and ultimatums, as well as the day duration, has been changed. The dynamics are slightly improved.
13. Over time, new items appear in the store.
14. Ore generation has been improved. (Though titanium ore was rather rare during my latest walkthrough, that’s random parameters for you)
15. Character development has been balanced.
16. Additional fixes for grave loot and various flora. The chance to get a Hare amulet is at 100%. Some achievements can now be unlocked faster.
16. Various bug fixes and minor tweaks.

Well, are you ready to check out the new update?

I completed the new version of the game in 65 days. It was quite interesting and difficult, even for me! :) Definitely worth checking out! Especially since many of you play Niffelheim way better than us.

I will create a topic in the community and post a screenshot of my result. I encourage you to post your results there, but no cheating, please! Odin's eye sees everything!

Let us know your opinion about the update here and in the Discord channel. Create new topics in the community and tell us how you got to Asgard!

Thanks for your support,
Ellada Games Team

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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2019, 01:00:05 AM »
Thoughts Blood Moon DLC
Thu, 26 September 2019

Hey guys,

what do you think about Blood Moon DLC special for Halloween?
Just pumpkins, spiders and sceletons!:)

Only hardcore:)

Leave your thoughts here

Ellada Games

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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2020, 02:37:19 PM »
Update 1.0.11
Mon, 2 March 2020

Traditional Chinese


we have added Traditional Chinese localization for our players from China.

and also fixed couple bugs,

some bug with the black screen issue
and the bug with control settings saves the issue.

we are working yet on DLC, I hope soon we will have more news.

Take care,
Ellada Games team

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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2020, 12:43:56 AM »
Bloody Moon DLC is live now!
Mon, 20 April 2020

a red moon and lots and lots of spiders and skeletons

The Bloody Moon DLC features a long night, a red moon and lots and lots of spiders and skeletons. No hens or hares, it’s just you and your dragon - let’s set everything on fire!

DLC features:
1. Players have a dragon from the very start
2. No quests
3. No farms
4. Only a wooden castle that you can set on fire using your dragon!
5. No bots
6. The day is 4 hours long, whereas the night is 20 hours long
7. A lot less vegetation, all the trees are dry
8. All workshops fully deployed
9. No character development, just a handful of weapons
10. Spiders can poison you and skeletons can injure you
11. The dungeons are smaller, but there are still enough resources
12. Your castle gets assaulted 100% more often and there are only 1 chest and no vault!
13. The dragon burns everything except for mushrooms!
14. The city is closed and you cannot enter! There’s nothing to do there!
15. Spiders and skeletons run amok at night
16. Characters have abilities as default
Warrior - Frugality 75%,
Valkyrie - Laborer 75%,
Berserk - StunBlockChance 75%,
Shaman - PoisonBlockChance 75%

Finally, you can only get to Asgard if you burn everything!

All Early Access users will receive the DLC for free, as promised before!

Stay safe and take care of yourselves and your loved ones!
Stay home and play games!

Ellada Games Team

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Re: Niffelheim
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2021, 12:07:24 AM »
5th anniversary celebration
Thu, 22 April 2021

Hi everyone,

We are happy to share that it’s been 5 years since our title Niffelheim was shipped to Early Access on Steam. We’ve been together through quite a lot: there’s been a lot of work on game improvement, a lot of bug fixing, and more! There’s a reason why there are over 40K members in our Steam group, after all.

We’d like to celebrate this milestone with a game update ( ver. 1.0.12) and announce a few more updates on Steam and other platforms. It’s been a while since we got in touch, but there’s a reason: we’ve been busy with the mobile version for Niffelheim. The game will be released on iPhone and iPad as early as 18th May and is already available for preorders. Other mobile devices are in QA right now, and we’re not ready to share the release dates on other platforms yet.

Apart from the current game update, we are planning to work on the initial quests and game balance during this year. We’re also working on a new NPC.

More insight on the current 1.0.12 update

- Healthbars of mobs are displayed over their heads - increased visibility.
- Mobs and characters are highlighted when getting hit.
- Increased (x2) Satiety from all types of food.
- Decreased Satiety spent when digging and cutting trees.
- Improved “Inventory full” message.
- Fixed the issue with an invisible enemy when playing against AI.
- Games scenes are slightly increased to improve interaction with items.
- Achievements “Access denied!” and “Conqueror” has been deleted due to being too challenging.

We’ll do our best to release the update in due time.

Thank you for 5 years of your support and for helping us to develop great games!

Ellada Games Team

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