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« Reply #75 on: March 30, 2020, 12:17:58 AM »
Update 24.5 - Bug fixes and a new thing!
Sat, 28 March 2020

Hi all,

Update 24.5 is now available for all platforms.

This is just a small bug fix mainly, but I managed to sneak in a new feature.

New Bits

•   You can now rebuild hits and houses into a different style


•   Slight adjustment to fog

Bug Fixes

•   Fixed a bug where recent transactions would not display
•   Fixed a bug where crops would not grow, thus breaking farming
•   Some navigation fixes
•   Fixed bug where rental money would not show

Next Major Update
(Not set in stone)

•   Playable Bishop
•   New Map (if time allows)
•   Some very basic construction
•   Rebuild houses and huts in a different style
•   Inventory tooltips
•   Towns to expand and change when populations increase
•   Perks
•   Elder voting events


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« Reply #76 on: June 24, 2020, 01:43:11 AM »
Update 25 - New fun things, and lots of fixes
Tue, 23 June 2020

b]Hi all,

Update 25 is now available for all platforms.[/b]

Quite a few new things, changes, and fixes in this version. Hope you enjoy!

New Bits

•   Become a gravedigger at the graveyard if the position is free.
•   Become a teacher at the learning hall if the position is free.
•   New carts and load system which shows the kind of items on the cart.
•   A simple foliage mode which will give you less trees and grass.
•   Swords and axes. Can be made, bought, used.
•   Assassinate people with a sword or axe.
•   Foxes. New production events will spawn foxes. Dogs will keep them away.
•   Elder events. New events which occur when you're an elder.
•   New production events.


•   No more trees in map mode.
•   Graphical changes. Textures, trees, terrains.
•   Map filter changes.
•   When inside a building you can now exit while the UI is hidden.
•   New notifications when certain things happen.
•   Comparing inventory items in a business inventory will now show other items that it can produce.
•   Some extra UI changes.
•   People will now buy more food and medicine.

Bug Fixes

•   Fixed bugs where people would not return to work or leave work properly
•   Fixed bug where ducks would not spawn at Farmhouse.
•   Fixed bug where coats would not display.
•   Fixed some waylay positions.
•   Fixed bug where seasons and years would not pass correctly if playing more than one day per season.
•   Fixed bug which would make the game fail to save.
•   Fixed bug where tenants would move out after loading a saved game.
•   Fixed bug which would cause guards to break after you bribe them.
•   Looting carts that have no drivers will now not break interactions.
•   Fixed some interior nav issues.
•   Made it easier for people to navigate through fences.
•   Fixed bug where a worker could move to a different town and break production.
•   Fixed bug where buildings would not be able to be entered.
•   Fixed bug that would cause the game to freeze when paused.
•   Fixed bug where people would vanish from family trees.
•   Fixed some coding errors that could cause some slowdowns.
•   Fixed bug where recent transactions were not listed.
•   Fixed bug where certain people would not work at certain jobs properly.

I didn't end up doing everything I wanted for this update, but I did some other cool stuff instead.

Happy gaming!


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« Reply #77 on: September 14, 2020, 11:44:25 PM »
Update 26 - Stuff to make life easier
Mon, 14 September 2020

Howdy, hope you're all doing well!

Update 26 is now available for all platforms.

New Bits
•   You can now convert corrals to fields and fields to corrals, if you have the Building Placement upgrade for the farm. The more fields or corrals doing the same production means more bonus crops or increased production speed.
•   A new event for both teachers and gravediggers.
•   New church.
•   A second possible alehouse interior.
•   At certain heights and distances you can now see town names above towns, to help you know exactly where you are.
•   A trading skill that can grant you a gold bonus when selling items to market.

•   Warping to a character, building, etc, now retains your existing camera rotation. No more camera automatically changing rotation for you.
•   Opening the map will also keep the existing Y rotation of your camera.
•   Fines for crimes now increase based on previous criminal record.
•   When you're tired you will now learn at a slower rate.
•   Tweaks to various things, including recipes, UI, and entertainment income.
•   People will now be more likely to stay around home when dark.
•   You can now wake up your sleeping spouse to engage in activities.
•   New notifications in certain situations.
•   Cured fish is now considered a food.
•   The wage info panel will now take into consideration child workers and free workers.

Bug Fixes
•   Some loading corruptions have been banished.
•   Give item was disabled for no obvious reason sometimes.
•   Fresh orphans sometimes would not properly change their town based on their new home at the church.
•   There was a bug where it was possible to have a bounty of 0.
•   The farmhouse had purple hives sometimes.
•   The odd situation made right click not work. Not anymore!
•   Fixed a bug that would cause people to stand around doing just about nothing for no reason.
•   The camera will no longer jump around when the game is paused.
•   Waylay had some problems. These problems have been improved.
•   Navigation bugs have been identified and smashed.
•   There was a couple problems with inheritance which have now been squashed.

Happy gaming!


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« Reply #78 on: November 13, 2020, 01:04:55 AM »
Update 27 - Some big things
Thu, 12 November 2020

Howdy, hope everything is swell,

Update 27 is now available for all platforms.

New Bits
•   Playable Abbot. Apply the same way you'd apply for Guard Captain. You'll get to run the Church, receive 'donations' from people during sermons, and bless people.
•   A new toggle that lets you disable or enable direct sales from the Alehouse and Bakehouse.
•   Entire new design for inventory trading. The new system allows you to trade with a building from a cart or character, so you no longer have to click on the market. And other good bits.
•   Tooltips for items. Long time coming, but now you can see proper details about items.

•   Lots of UI tweaks and inventory tweaks.
•   No more selling direct from Herbalist.
•   Big changes to a lot of items, recipes, prices, etc. Cured fish removed.
•   Big AI changes. They are able to sustain themselves a lot better, which also translates to better automation.
•   Tweaks to starting goods for some merchants.
•   People make better choices when they are poor.
•   Learning at the Learning Hall is now more effective.

Bug Fixes
•   Inventory duplication bugs fixed.
•   Fixed production events happening at the wrong time.
•   Fixed missing production events from Bakehouse and Farmhouse.
•   Fixed a bug that would cause save corruption.
•   Fixed bug that would cause your cart to stop moving after pressing TAB.
•   Fixed some bugs with pausing.
•   Fixed a bug where AI characters would not get 'Well Rested' buff.
•   Fixed a bug where some people would not go and eat food. Which is just a bad choice on their part.
•   Fixed some interior camera issues in the Estate Farm and Herbalist Hut.
•   Fixed a bug where you could not set default keys during gameplay.

Quite a few other bits have been done as well. You'll probably notice things I have not listed. This update was a long time coming and I'm very happy with the tooltips and new trading. The new trading feels way less awkward and cumbersome.

I spent a lot of time on tweaking recipes and items and running various businesses in AI mode for years to make sure the items and the AI had profit potential. Which is why this took so long... Just so much testing. Like millions of testings. Maybe.

Happy gaming!


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« Reply #79 on: December 10, 2020, 01:44:44 AM »
Update 27.5 - Some good bug fixes
Wed, 9 December 2020


Update 27.5 is now available for all platforms.

Sorry this one is just bug fixes. However I am working on a new map for update 28. So that's exciting.

Bug Fixes
•   Carts will now load properly when loading a saved game. No more returning home on load.
•   Fixed bug where the home location of the Estate Farm cart would not be picked up by the Estate Farm trading menu.
•   Fixed a bug where automation sometimes would not start or load properly.
•   Fixed a bug where tooltips would not display when game paused.

Also did some general tweaking.

Enjoy your December!

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« Reply #80 on: February 23, 2021, 01:55:42 AM »
Update 28
Mon, 22 February 2021

Lots of new toys!


Well this has been a long time coming - Update 28 is here but it has been a lot of work so I've split it into two parts. This is part one.

This update meant I had to completely rewrite the system that buildings use to exist within the game, since when I first wrote it years ago the scope of the game was a lot smaller and thus the system was pretty basic. This new system though is brilliant and easily expandable, and best of all it is fully compatible with your saves!

While making this update I had some time to reflect on how far SAELIG has come as a game and how far I've come as a developer. I genuinely love this game and I love what I'm doing, and I'm so glad to have you all along on this ride with me. Thank you for everything.

I recently saw some videos from years ago when I first released SAELIG and I think it's amazing how far it has come. The first screenshot is from the release version of the game, and the second is from Update 28. That is the same town in both screenshots!

Anyway, that’s enough nonsense from me. Below is the change log accompanied by a video to show off the best bits.

The Good Bits:
• Some UI additions and improvements.
• Fishing boats can be built at the fishing dock.
• New random clutter placement.
• Skill changes – burglary, arson, entertainment, can result in injury at lower levels.
• Changes to rentals – AI will now rent houses more often and various other AI improvements for housing.
• Map updates.
• New plants.
• New terrain shaders.
• Wild animals.
• Buy a drink and have a dance with someone in a nearby Alehouse.
• New starting system. No longer will you select your starting money, but instead you select a starting situation.
• A bunch of backend changes which has resulted in major FPS gains for a lot of systems. Some systems will see 20 to 30 fps improvement, others will gain 5 to 10. Can’t guarantee all systems will benefit, but I can hope.
• Estate Farm and Farmhouse replaced with individual Fields and Corrals.
• AI are better at moving around the map to find work.
• Empty plots of lands that can be purchased. Two sizes, large and small.
• Empty land plots can be developed into actual buildings using wood and money. So basically, you can build stuff now, but you need to own the land first.
• Existing buildings can also be redeveloped into other buildings.
• NPCs will also buy and develop land.
• New fancy fog.
• Automation improvements.
• Market alerts. Open the market compare panel to add alerts for when items are added to any market.
• Fancy new snow that melts slowly and builds up depending on snowfall. The new snow also does not build up under shelters or around lit fires. As well as that there is a new snowfall particle.
• Map population limits increased.
• All town and village starting populations increased.
• Probably more, but my actual list has like 80 items in it, and this list is just for the really good stuff.

Bug Fixes
• Honestly, there are a lot, and I didn’t write them all down. But bugs have been fixed in almost every system, including the below.
• Fixed some bugs with some LODs.
• Fixed a problem with the Employment window. It will now properly hide your current employees by default.
• Fixed issues where carts sometimes didn’t do cart stuff.
• Fixed bug that caused milk to be undrinkable.
• Fixed bug with gaining excess skill levels during Waylay.
• Fixed some AI detection bugs.
• Fixed bug where people wouldn’t assign themselves to work properly.
• Fixed a bug where the guard captain wasn’t getting a portion of bounty.
• Fixed bug with people not moving into gifted houses straight away.

Now as I say, part two of this update is coming as well. No ETA yet, but it will be a lot easier to get out compared to this one.

I’m also looking at encouraging some streamers and YouTubers to take a look at SAELIG with this new update. So, if you know anyone who may fit, or you are that person, get in touch.

Woo woo, have fun.

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« Reply #81 on: February 25, 2021, 03:23:08 AM »
Update 28.1 - Small things
Wed, 24 February 2021


Just a few small fixes here. Nothing to get excited about.

•   Fixed a bug where your spouse would live in the bunkhouse even when you have a house. If you had this bug, your spouse should correct themselves after load.
•   Mines and woodcutting huts now begin with less inventory slots.
•   Fixed an issue where people would start work incorrectly in very rare situations.
•   Fixed a nav issue at one of the fishing docks.
•   Fixed blurry fonts.
•   Fixed a bug where you could start the game as a market worker. Which is not by design and broke stuff.
•   Some tweaks to automation. Including adjustments to when woodcutting huts sell goods.
•   When automation is on, horse carts will sell a load at the end of the work day if required.
•   Fixed a bug where double clicking an equipped item would duplicate it.
•   Various inventory bugs have been fixed, including one that would cause major delays in transferring goods when the game is paused.

Yay, have fun.

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« Reply #82 on: February 28, 2021, 01:26:31 AM »
Update 28.2 - Watching people sleep
Sat, 27 February 2021


So I was standing there watching her sleep, waiting for her to wake up so I could dazzle her with some flirts, when it hit me. That ain't normal. Or it's hella creepy at the very least. This moment encouraged me to make some changes.

•   You can no longer view inside, or step inside houses that are owned by people who you don't know very well. I'm sorry.
•   You can however, now keep tabs on people by selecting them and clicking "TRACK PERSON", this will add them to a list on the left side of your screen. Now you can have a custom list of all the people you want to stalk, abuse, or arouse.
•   Work hours are now specified in 12 hour time instead of 24, to match the game clock. Why did it take me three years to do this?
•   The player can no longer ride a cart that is a caravan.
•   People should now avoid fences when the game starts, not just later on.
•   You can no longer develop your active house.
•   Fixed a bug that would give you free money on load if you were an abbot. I enjoy that no one reported this bug.
•   Fixed a bug where certain events would break if the player was the only employee.
•   Tweaked the some of the conditions that influence what kind of building the AI will develop. They should be less trigger happy with things that aren't needed.
•   You will no longer be able to equip a bow. Because that's not ready yet.
•   Certain buildings will no longer be cheaper than the plot of land they sit on.
•   Fixed a bug where the Flour Mill would lose upgrades on load.

I think that's it.

Have fun,

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« Reply #83 on: May 04, 2021, 12:04:09 AM »
Update 29 - Stop right there criminal scum!
Mon, 3 May 2021

Good hello to you.

Update 29 is here and it's pretty good.
•   Guards have been changed to Watchmen and they are now normal people who can be interacted with as normal and do normal stuff.
•   You can now join the Town Watch and catch criminals. You will need to either witness the crime and catch them in the act, or be the first watchman to the scene of a reported crime.
•   Metalworker is now called Workshop.
•   Round shields and kite shields can now be produced at the Workshop.
•   Show off how cool you are by wearing a shield.
•   People will now be more inclined to use rivers and whatnot to put out fires.
•   Fixed an issue where skills would not be assigned properly after character creation.
•   Drunk people are now more likely to start a fight.
•   The number of Elders and Watchmen a town can have is now based on the current population, so these numbers can change.
•   If you are the Town-Reeve you can fire a Watchman you don't like.
•   New map! Hamtunscir. A small map with only a single town. This is a good map for those who like the quiet life. It has very little in the way of buildings at the start of the game but plenty of room to expand. Also really good for systems that might struggle to run the other maps.
•   Various UI fixes, including item quantity scroll, and estimated price when selling.
•   Fixed an issue that caused lag when selling in large numbers.

And a few other things here and there.


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« Reply #84 on: May 15, 2021, 11:49:38 PM »
Update 29.4
Sat, 15 May 2021


Another minor update while I get stuff ready for the next major update.

•   Fixed a bug that would cause some merchant camps to not load correctly.
•   You can now supervise workers during winter.
•   AI will now build less of certain types of buildings.
•   Fixed a bug that would cause gardens and fields to no load correctly.
•   Your spouse should no longer buy woollen coats.
•   Corrected some wage calculations.
•   The production queue should no longer clear after hours.
•   Added a Learning Hall to the new map.
•   Increased the standard starting money to 4000, and the businesses owner starting money to 6000.


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« Reply #85 on: May 23, 2021, 11:37:25 PM »
Update 29.5 - Interesting Title
Sun, May 23, 2021


Been working hard for the last couple days to make some decent changes. I've run through a bunch of the businesses and done a bunch of balancing based on my findings. Here's the complete list of changes.

•   Complete overhaul of business AI and Automation. Workers will now be a lot more active at looking for new tasks, and carts will be a lot more regularly used.
•   AI will now once again chop firewood at woodblocks around town.
•   Player's spouse will now make sure to not have a job too far way from home.
•   New families will only show up if there is spare housing.
•   Fixed three bugs that caused games to no load properly.
•   Adjusted timings and recipes for a lot of productions.
•   Adjusted prices for a few items.
•   Added more plots to Hamptunscir.
•   Fixed production selection bugs at corrals and fields.
•   A bunch of changes to the butcher, including a new production - Bone Charm. Bone Charms will increase a random skill when consumed and are produced as a side product of butchering a carcass.

A few other changes here and there.

If you have any odd bugs or troubling loading a saved game please send me an email to and I'll help you out.


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« Reply #86 on: May 25, 2021, 11:28:27 PM »
Update 29.6 - The mother of all bugs
Tue, May 25, 2021

Hello again,

Another small update.

•   Fixed a massive bug that was causing people to duplicate, which would make the game slow and unstable.
•   Removed the logbook for now because it was causing issues and bloating out saves.
•   Fixed a bug that would cause Butcher employees to not work in a loaded game.
•   Herbs have been removed as a food.
•   Chicken coop sound removed while I figure out a bug.
•   Removed an exploit that let you rapidly increase your supervisor skill.
•   Increased the money required before someone will be listed as 'Happily Unemployed'
•   Made certain jobs more important to AI.

Hoping to start work on new features soon. :)


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« Reply #87 on: July 12, 2021, 11:42:03 PM »
Update 30 - Many things and some stuff
Mon, July 12, 2021

Well hello, fancy seeing you here.

I would like to introduce you to Update 30, it's quite neat and has some goodies to offer.


•   A new larger house called a Homestead. It has more beds than a standard house and has a garden upgrade. The garden upgrade allows you and your family to harvest small amounts of fruits, vegetables, and eggs throughout the year.
•   Another new type of house called a Longhouse. It is primarily designed as something to sink money into as it's stupid expensive to build and upgrade. You can build walls around it, plant a garden (see above), and also raise some animals (like the garden upgrade but meat and wool).
•   Owners of a Longhouse can host a feast which if done correctly will make you the most popular person in town.
•   You can now train other people in skills that you are better than them at.
•   You can now transfer workers more easily from other nearby businesses that you own.
•   Sheds! You can now develop small and large plots into sheds to store all your goodies.
•   Two new achievements.
•   Corruption and criminal record now have a great influence on your life. However if you are generous enough with the church they can fix this for you.
•   Major changes to how prices adjust. This should fix some strange prices that some people noticed.
•   A new cart for the final level of cart upgrade. When you ride this one you sit up front, like a pro.

Less Good, Goodies

•   A few UI changes to make certain things more obvious.
•   Fixed the spelling issues.
•   Fixed a bug where you would lose relationship with child workers when they grow up.
•   Fixed broken controls after using first person as a lady with a dress (yes, this was an actual bug).
•   Fixed a bug where you could not catch an outlaw if you were a watchman.
•   Fixed a bug where crime reports at the end of the day could be incorrect.
•   You can no longer offload random items into an empty plot.
•   Some new notifications.
•   You can now properly hire your family for free again.
•   Wood cutters will now properly sell wood.
•   Fixed some exploits.
•   Fixed an issue where people would rent your houses then leave then rent your houses again.
•   People will now eat more food from their own houses.
•   Various other bug fixes.

I hope you all enjoy the new stuff. Sorry I'm really slow at development - life is crazy sometimes.


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« Reply #88 on: July 22, 2021, 11:53:01 PM »
Update 30.2 - 01110011 01100001 01110101 01110011 01100001 01100111 01100101
Thu, July 22, 2021


Just a small patch here folks, but a couple items are highly requested, so yay.


•   Fixed a bug where transferring items between inventories with lots of items in them could cause hangs and crashes.
•   Fixed some navigation issues.
•   When you exit from map mode the camera will now go back to its previous position if you didn't move it while in map mode.
•   When pressing escape the game will now remember your previous game speed and resume at that speed when you unpause the game.
•   Storm optimisations.
•   Fish can now be used as meat at the longhouse for a feast.
•   Some crashes have been smashed.
•   The currency used in the game is being renamed from gold to silver (let me know if you see gold still being used anywhere that should now be silver).
•   Fixed several bugs that could cause time to stop at midnight.

Things I'm Working On For Update 31

•   A range of travellers to bring more variety to the game. Including horse riders, royal visits, fyrds, and mysterious strangers.
•   A new caravan system.
•   Bows and hunting.

If you encounter any strange bugs that you think need to be fixed asap please send me an email at with a copy of your save. The saves can be found under
appdata/locallow/atorcoppe games/saelig
 on Windows. Unfortunately I'm not very professional and I cannot remember the location on Linux or Mac.
Additionally, for anyone who wants to - I'd like you to email me the one feature you'd like to see above anything else (excluding MP and Mods), and I'll try to start work on it asap.

I nearly ordered a 1300 year old Anglo-Saxon silver coin today from the UK. I ended up not doing so because I really don't need one. But scrolling through the coins gave me some good inspiration for Saelig, which is always a good thing.

That's pretty much everything I have for you right now. Thanks for playing, suggesting, and reporting.

Much love,

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« Reply #89 on: October 03, 2021, 11:22:20 PM »
Update 31 - Go forth and defecate
Tue, September 14, 2021

Hello, welcome to another update. Hope all is well.

Got some goodies for you, oh yes I do.

New Stuff
Automation redesign. This includes being able to automatically transfer excess goods to Sheds and Trading Posts.
People who don’t like you can now spread gossip about you.
Player can now fish in boats at the Fishing Dock.
New Pearl production at the Fishing Dock.
AI can now murder.
Some new travellers that will walk through town and buy stuff.
Some good foods can give a new buff.
New scoring system that will rank the wealthiest families in the map. (Works best with a new game)
Player can now rent a room at an Alehouse.
You can now defecate on your enemies’ doorstep. Not kidding.
Added a daily balance to the top of transaction history.

Added more vibrance to game colours. Let me know if you want even more.
Simple foliage will now also shrink trees. This is ideal for people who don’t like the big trees.
Building price adjustments.
Fog tweaks.
Relationship tweaks.
All productions are now contribution based. This means that Wood, Iron, Gold, Gems, Silver, and Fish are no longer produced by individual workers, and are instead produced in groups like the other productions.
Some further production tweaks.
Children will now work for free if you own them.
Tweaked the health system to be more robust during very long games.
Pregnant people are now immune to murder. Because you know, children.
Adjusted the Leatherworker for better returns.
Adjusted the Fishing Dock for better returns.
Adjusted hunger, warmth, and social needs for the AI.
Supervising will now only give a single notification.
Tweaked the default storage in some buildings.
Increased the buyout price for buildings that are already owned.
Made the snow darker.
Tweaked the audio levels.

Bug Fixes
Music should now slot and play properly at higher speeds.
Fixed a bug where your heir would not get your moola when you died.
Fixed a bug where you could not put numbers in save names if you had actions about to those numbers.
People should no longer sell the coats you just gave them.
Fixed some production bugs.
Fixed some typos and whatnot.
Fixed some notifications.

Send me an electronic message at if you have any trouble with your saved games.

Much love,
« Last Edit: November 07, 2021, 11:47:50 PM by Asid »
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