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Offline Asid

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« on: March 04, 2017, 03:51:05 PM »
H-Hour For The 2017 WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT Upgrade Patches!


Let's Make Turn Based Tactical Wargaming Great Again!

Wilmington, NC, 3 March 2017

Twenty tons of metal mayhem thundering from our servers to your computer, crushing all false wargames, Camo Workshop and Shrapnel Games raises once more the crimson flag of glory with the 2017 WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT upgrade patches! Unleash a storm of new content, revisions, and bug stomping that will leave you breathless. Clear your calendar and plunge into the fire of the most intense tactical wargaming available on your PC!

The WinSPWW2 upgrade patch updates the game to version 10.0 while the WinSPMBT version updates that game to version 11.0. These patches are applicable to both the FREE and the Extended CD versions. Owners of the Extended CD version will be excited to hear about some of the new features that are only available for you, so be sure to keep on reading.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the upgrades it's time for that annual public service announcement. DO NOT apply the upgrade patches while in the midst of a secure PBEM game as the game will fail. You have been warned.

As to be expected, both patches add plenty of additional content to the games. So, by the numbers we have the following bits of greatness...

WinSPWW2, upgrading to version 10.0 includes:
•   20 new scenarios, 17 revised scenarios, and 2 revised campaigns.
•   4 new maps.
•   134 new or revised photos.
•   36 updated OOB files.
•   73 new or revised vehicle/aircraft icons.
•   135 new or revised icon and terrain graphic files.
•   3 revised text files, 71 campaign text files.
•   7 new or revised sound files.
•   7 new terrain sets, 10 revised terrain sets.

And WinSPMBT, updated to version 11.0 has:
•   15 new scenarios, 6 revised scenarios.
•   10 new or revised map files.
•   77 new or revised photos.
•   176 new or revised vehicle/aircraft icons.
•   93 updated OOB files.
•   138 new or revised icon and terrain graphics files.
•   6 new or revised text files.
•   2 revised picklist files.
•   18 new or revised sound files.
•   7 new terrains, 10 revised terrains.

While all of the above is nothing to sneeze at there is also the long list of bug fixes, enhancements, new features, and more. Being a press release and not a Wiki we won't delve into everything, but we will highlight some of the more interesting changes that will have you wanting to hit that download button as soon as you can.

Bug Fixes!
A PBEM campaign bug has been corrected where games that should have ended went on even when there was no enemy activity.

The "phantom crews" bug in long campaigns have been corrected.

(WinSPMBT) Long range SAMS with extremely long minimum ranges were not engaging incoming aircraft or those that were performing stand-off attacks, this has been fixed.

New and Cool!
Nations that signed the Ottawa Land Mine Treaty will not longer be able to purchase and place mines in defense after 1999. Additionally, nations that signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions will no longer have cluster munitions in their game OOBs after the date the ban was put into effect by the signatory nations.

Units that manually turn to face a new hex may now draw opfire (based on a number of variables). No longer will players be able to be gamey and freely rotate units to present their best defensive facings without any form of repercussion. Turn and perhaps burn now!

A scenario info button has been added to the gameplay screen, allowing players to know the scenario battle location once the game is underway.

Some of the revised terrain include: summer trees totally redone, beach sand totally redone, reworked autumn trees, denser orchards for summer, autumn, and winter, very light snow now replaces winter grass, and more.

(For Extended CD owners) Don't have Borland Paradox? The .DLLs that Scenhack uses to sort scenarios have now been included.

(For Extended CD owners) SAM and AAA will save shots on low-probability shots. Also, when using vehicles in building hexes a warning message will ask for confirmation so you don't need to call AAA from a rubble-stuck M1A2.

(For Extended CD owners) A new unit sorting routine groups formation types together in a more logical way that makes finding formations in the purchase menu easier.

(For Extended CD owners) New way to do maps! After choosing the "Fill Range" enter a number up to 255 (the entire map) or less. After this a new query will appear, asking for either Block Fill or Splatter Effect. Block Fill provides a solid mass of terrain while the Splatter Effect controls the percentage that is covered, allowing the ability for the map creator to gradually build terrain.

Additionally, instead of right-clicking the mouse and adding a cluster of 7 hexes of terrain to the map at a time you can change the right-click to utilize the same function as the fill range to create a variety of ranges and densities for terrain when right-clicked. Essentially right-clicking almost becomes a terrain air-brush when used with the new Splatter Effect code that allows a user to make varied, but realistic, maps much quicker and easier than before. Check out some of the examples in the forum.

And of course, as they say on TV, there's much, much more! You can check out the complete list of changes by visiting the respective forums:

Wot's new in WinSPWW2:


But really, why wait to read about them? Just download them already!

WinSPWW2 Version 10.0 Upgrade Download Link:

WinSPMBT Version 11.0 Upgrade Download Link:

WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT are the officially sanctioned extensions of the classic SSI game, Steel Panthers. Begun as a super-mod they have essentially evolved to the point that they are practically all-new games. While recognizable the inner workings have been continually worked upon, creating the ultimate turn-based tactical wargame. Wargamers can battle from the '30s until 2020 in literally hundreds of scenarios, a massive number of campaigns, and unlimited play with random set ups and user crafted scenarios and campaigns. Single player and multi-player is supported, with a strong community supporting the games. Continually upgraded, WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT are the last wargames you will ever need on your hard drive.

WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT are available as COMPLETELY free downloads, but are also available in premium Extended CD versions that provide gamers with a wealth of tools available only to the Extended owners. NOTE: In order to give new CD owners the very latest version, the physical Safebox product of both games is currently on backorder, but will be available very soon. The download Extended CD Version is updated also and is available now.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:52:36 PM by Asid »
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Re: WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2017, 04:03:52 PM »

WinSPWW2 version 10.0

20 New Scenarios
17 Revised Scenarios
2 Revised Campaigns
4 New maps
134 New or Revised Photos
36 Updated OOB files
73 New or Revised vehicle/ aircraft Icons
135 New or Revised Icon and Terrain Graphic files
3 Revised Text file
71 campaign text files
7 new or revised sound files
10 revised terrain sets
7 new terrain sets

There was a bug showing when off map batteries that were due to arrive later as reinforcements but the scenario designer had programmed them to fire in turn 0 pre-game bombardment that caused phantom fire missions. This has been fixed. Off map artillery that are plotted to fire before they arrive now properly clear down the illegal fire mission instead.

A bug whereby the early end of battle routine in a PBEM campaign was not engaging correctly and games that should have ended went on even when there was no enemy activity has been fixed.

Map sizes now increment/decrements by 5 hex increments, not 10 as before giving players more control over map size

The "phantom crews" bug in long campaigns has been fixed

A bug where the wrong observer may be used as the basis for scatter when the observer was retreating or worse was fixed.

The function to recombine split off crew with their vehicles (usually caused by loading the vehicle onto a cargo plane and then unloading again) had been inadvertently removed from the code. The "j" key functionality is restored to the deployment screen so if you have loaded a vehicle into a heavy air transport aircraft for a para drop. You can now unload it during the deployment phase for whatever reason and you can now re-join the crew and vehicle by pressing 'j' ( for "join" ). Previously you had no choice but to leave it behind. This is really not an issue for the time period winSPWW2 covers as there are no aircraft that can carry and paradrop vehicles but this puts both games in sync

A scenario info button to the game play screen, this is helpful if you have forgotten what battle you were fighting or need to know the scenario battle location ( batloc # ) once the game is underway. Previously there was no way to know which map your battle was on after the game had commenced. Helpful if you like the map and want to generate a similar one again using the same batloc #.

Units which manually turn to face a new hex may now draw opfire. This affects both infantry and vehicles at different ranges and there are random variables we tossed in to make in unpredictable but generally ( and the randoms we added really do mean "generally" ) in hex infantry movement could possibly attract opfire from enemy units up to 3 -5 hexes away (generally...). Vehicles shifting hull or turrets around could attract opfire from enemy units up to 10 hexes away ( and maybe a bit more... ). And all that depends on the enemy's training, morale, suppression level, vision rating and battle visibility etc. AS WELL AS your units training, morale, suppression level, visibility etc.. This new game feature was originally intended to stop players from turning their tanks in place to present their heaviest armour towards the most likely threat without attracting enemy attention. That was expanded to include swinging the turret as obviously that kind of movement if spotted by the enemy would naturally draw fire in a real battle situation and then that was expanded to include infantry as well. The bottom line is if you just want to "look around" to check your LOS use the } hotkey otherwise you risk drawing unwanted attention to your unit .

There were very rare cases when palm trees were generated on winter maps and we *think* this is now fixed. It was more an issue in winSPMBT where there are a lot of "re-cycled" batlocs but safety code has been added to both games "just in case"

54 pages of OOB suggestions were integrated into the game OOB's

Info on revised terrains for 2017

After a hiatus of many years we added more terrain and revised to varying degrees some of the old ones. All terrain will show up on generated maps at one time or another but this year only CD owners will have access to edit the new terrain and we have added new way to edit them into maps

Here's a list of revised terrain. The list of new terrains are in the New for CD holders section below

•   Summer trees are totally redone and more have been added to the base set
•   Ground level grass
•   Beach Sand has been totally redone ground level and hills
•   Autumn trees have been reworked a bit so they aren't as colourful
•   Winter trees have been reworked a bit as well. Not as much as the summer set but they have had a touch up
•   Summer, Autumn and Winter orchards have been reworked to make them a bit denser than before.
•   What was "winter grass" in the game is now "very light snow" because there is a new "light snow" set ( see below )
•   Short dry grass set has been totally redone ground level and hills
•   Impassible terrain has been totally redone ground level and hills
•   The green crop set has been totally redone ground level and hills

NEW for the extended CD version holders only

* The DLLs that Scenhack uses to sort scenarios have been included with this patch for the vast majority of players who don't have Borland Paradox installed on their Hard Drives for over a decade (and why we forgot everyone else needs them too )

* CD / extended version holders will now get a warning message if they try to enter a building hex with a vehicle. You are now asked to confirm that you really want to do that. This is to stop you from inadvertently immobilising yourself as most cases involving building entry with vehicles is the result of a too long movement call through an urban built up area. The feature will also display on rough+slope combinations if you have travelled 3 or more hexes and thus are in danger of sticking. It's just a "friendly reminder."

* We have introduced a new Formation sorting routine for the premium game. Over all the years these games have been developed, unit classes have expanded as required, but there was no logical order to the expansion as they were added on a need-it-now basis so the different infantry, armour and artillery unit classes that were used to build formations were spread all over the 256 unit class slots available and this meant that in some cases when buying formations you had to search through multiple pages of formations to find the ones you wanted. The new routine in place for CD holders only helps group unit types together and in a more intuitive and logical way. The caveat to that is that when sorting formations by unit class the unit class of the formation is still determined by the first unit in the formation and there is really no getting around that.

For example. with this new routine if you go into the artillery page you will generally find that Forward observers are the first formations listed then generally if there is consistency to the first unit in the formation you will find the light mortars, then the medium mortars then the heavy mortars then the AT guns, then the Hvy AT guns through field guns into rocket formations, off map guns and finally AA guns. Again...its all determined by the first unit in the formation but in the past ( and the free game will still use the original method ) you may have had a one type of infantry company with unitclass #1 infantry as the first unit but the second type of infantry company may have had a unitclass # 64 Medium Infantry unit leading to in some cases a dogs breakfast of the sort order. A good example of that was the winSPMBT Russian OOB in the years that the T-55 and T-62 unitclass #13" medium" tanks were active along with the T-64 and up unitclass #59 "MBT" formations but the lower end Mediums were on page one and the higher end MBT's were on page 2. With this they are all grouped on page one and we think this will help bring a bit more order to the game

* A new button has been added to the main screen that allows access to the premium map editor from inside the game.

Info on new terrains added for 2017

* There is a new "scrub grass" ground and hills set in dark brown tones for ground and hill levels that would be useful on maps between November and March but also as an accent on any map type. In the map editor this can be accessed from the "add short grass" button which is on page 2 of the editor to the right of the add trench button. You will be prompted to " Press 1 for regular grass, 2 for scrub grass "

* There is a new bare field ground and hills set that represents either a freshly planted field or a freshly harvested one. These are also handy as a base for any orchard type. In the map editor this can be accessed from the green crop button. You will be prompted "Press 1 for Crops, 2 for Tilled "

* There is a new "light snow" ground and hills set that will show up in the game in place of the old "winter grass" which is now called " very light snow". The new "light snow" is used by the game as a base tile over which winter trees are placed. It can be accessed only on winter maps from the button on page one directly under trees. You will be prompted "Press 1 for light snow, 2 for very light snow"

* There are now pure coniferous sets for summer and winter and those will be auto-generated on maps. These represent "old growth" pine forests and have additional movement and sighting restrictions above regular mixed forests. This can be accessed from the Trees button and you will be prompted "Press 1 for mixed Trees, 2 for Pines "

* There are also new vineyards and coconut plantations/ groves for use in map making and these are also placed in small amounts on game generated maps. In the map editor this can be accessed from the Orchards button and you will be prompted "Press 1 for orchard, 2 for Vineyard, 3 for Coconut Grove "

* Deep water has been added ( ground level only naturally ). It is a very subtle change as it had to be . The water animation palette is fixed and not very big which limited my options and after two failed experiments I settled on what we have now as a compromise but as I's subtle but sometimes subtle is best. The game palette was tweaked a bit to brighten up's a bit more " Mediterranean" or "South Pacific" blue now.........a little less " dreary November " grey-blue.

We have also added an exciting new way to apply terrain to the map

Previous to this release the "Fill range" and "Fill" functions in the map editor were mainly used to flood and entire map with a base terrain that would follow the contours already on the map. If you tried to fill less area it placed whatever terrain you chose to use as a giant Hex shape block of terrain that was virtually useless for making maps so as a general rule anyone making a map avoided that control unless they were "skinning" and entire map. We have added a new dimension to the fill range controls that expands it's usefulness 10 fold or more

Now when pressing "Fill range" Extended game ( CD ) owners will see the following prompts:

First you will see "New Fill Range: " and you can enter any number you like. 255 will fill and entire map but you can choose any amount . After entering the number of hexes you wish to place your terrain onto the map, this new message will appear: "Enter 0 for Block fill, or 1-90 for a Splatter Effect ". "0 for Block fill" will give you what this feature has always given... a solid mass of terrain but entering 1-90 for a Splatter Effect controls what percentage is covered in the area you selected. Enter a high number and it will fill to that amount, Enter a low number and you have a much finer control over how much is placed on the map allowing you to build terrain gradually. It can almost be thought of as a spray gun. It is very useful when building up a forested area or when starting a map off after building the hill contours if you want to blend different types of grass.

AS WELL ( yes.... there's more ! and to anyone who builds maps this will be huge )we have changed the old SSI function of "right clicking" the mouse to add 7 hex clusters of terrain to the map at a time. Left clicking the mouse button will still give you single hex fine control but now right clicking the mouse utilises the same function as fill range so whatever range and density you have set you can now add by clicking the right mouse button. If you want to use it the "traditional" way simply set the range to 2 and 0 for Block fill and it will behave as it always has but now you can set whatever range you want to control the size of the fill but you can also adjust the splatter effect which GREATLY enhances the usefulness of the tool so adding terrain becomes quick and easy reducing the time it use to take to hand build a map by many hours.

This new tool has many uses but one thing you really want to avoid is mixing contrasting terrains together too much. A little is OK but it really depends on what you are mixing as too much is very distracting and can totally camouflage any contours on the map. What it's ideal for is blending similar colour densities together or placing forest. you can also use it to place hills but even a fast computer will take a few seconds to compute everything and place it on on a full sized map so be patient at first as slower computers may take a little longer to complete the command. We are after all, asking a 20-year-old game to do a lot more than it used to but it will with sometimes spectacular results. I help design the feature and I'm still finding new ways to use it. We look forward to seeing the maps players design with this new feature.
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Re: WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2017, 04:06:39 PM »

WinSPMBT version 11.0 Upgrade patch

15 New Scenarios
6 Revised Scenarios
10 New or Revised Map files
77 New or Revised Photos
176 New or Revised vehicle / aircraft Icons
93 Updated OOB Files
138 New or Revised Icon and Terrain Graphic files
6 New or Revised Text files
2 Revised picklist files
18 New or Revised sound files
10 Revised terrains
7 New terrains

There was a bug showing when off map batteries that were due to arrive later as reinforcements but the scenario designer had programmed them to fire in turn 0 pre-game bombardment that caused phantom fire missions. This has been fixed. Off map artillery that are plotted to fire before they arrive now properly clear down the illegal fire mission instead.

A bug whereby the early end of battle routine in a PBEM campaign was not engaging correctly and games that should have ended went on even when there was no enemy activity has been fixed.

Map sizes now increment/decrements by 5 hex increments, not 10 as before giving players more control over map size

The "phantom crews" bug in long campaigns has been fixed

A bug where the wrong observer may be used as the basis for scatter when the observer was retreating or worse was fixed.

The function to recombine split off crew with their vehicles (usually caused by loading the vehicle onto a cargo plane and then unloading again) had been inadvertently removed from the code. The "j" key functionality is restored to the deployment screen so if you have loaded a vehicle into a heavy air transport aircraft for a para drop. You can now unload it during the deployment phase for whatever reason and you can now re-join the crew and vehicle by pressing 'j' ( for "join" ). Previously you had no choice but to leave it behind

A scenario info button to the game play screen, this is helpful if you have forgotten what battle you were fighting or need to know the scenario battle location ( batloc # ) once the game is underway. Previously there was no way to know which map your battle was on after the game had commenced. Helpful if you like the map and want to generate a similar one again using the same batloc #.

HEAT and HESH guns had stopped firing reaction fire at infantry at <1000m or so due to a knock off effect when we coded for NLOS ATGM. This has now been corrected.

Long range SAMs with extremely long minimum ranges were not engaging incoming aircraft or those that were performing a stand-off attack. This has now been fixed. SAM minimum range is now irrelevant for a stand-off attack (that includes entry onto map). However these very long minimum range SAMs will not fire on the surviving planes as they then move across the map only upon entry and in stand-off attacks.

Post 2014, "What-If" battles involving NATO nations versus Russia will be in the Baltics

Any nation that signed the Ottawa land mine treaty will no longer be able to purchase and place mines in defence after 1999. Additionally, any nation that signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions will no longer have cluster munition weapons in their game OOB's after the date that nation put the convention ban into effect. Depending on the nation that could currently be any time between 2010 and 2016 as there is a wide range of dates the various nations covered by the game have put the convention into effect. Conversely any nation that IS NOT a signatory to the Ottawa Treaty will still be able to purchase and place mines in a defensive battle and any nation that DID NOT sign the Convention on Cluster Munitions will still have access to cluster munitions in the game. Hopefully that explanation will cut down on the amount of erroneous "bug" reports.

Units which manually turn to face a new hex may now draw opfire. This affects both infantry and vehicles at different ranges and there are random variables we tossed in to make in unpredictable but generally ( and the randoms we added really do mean "generally" ) in hex infantry movement could possibly attract opfire from enemy units up to 3 -5 hexes away (generally...). Vehicles shifting hull or turrets around could attract opfire from enemy units up to 10 hexes away ( and maybe a bit more... ). And all that depends on the enemy's training , morale, suppression level, vision rating and battle visibility etc. AS WELL AS your units training , morale, suppression level, visibility etc.. This new game feature was originally intended to stop players from turning their tanks in place to present their heaviest armour towards the most likely threat without attracting enemy attention. That was expanded to include swinging the turret as obviously that kind of movement if spotted by the enemy would naturally draw fire in a real battle situation and then that was expanded to include infantry as well. The bottom line is if you just want to "look around" to check your LOS use the } hotkey otherwise you risk drawing unwanted attention to your unit .

Players should see a reduction in the number of cases where ERA defeats large aircraft launched anti tank missiles.

There were very rare cases when palm trees were generated on winter maps and we *think* this is now fixed

26 pages of OOB suggestions were integrated into the game OOB's

Info on revised terrains for 2017

After a hiatus of many years we added more terrain and revised to varying degrees some of the old ones. All terrain will show up on generated maps at one time or another but this year only CD owners will have access to edit the new terrain and we have added new way to edit them into maps

Here's a list of revised terrain. The list of new terrains are in the New for CD holders section below
•   Summer trees are totally redone and more have been added to the base set
•   Ground level grass
•   Beach Sand has been totally redone ground level and hills
•   Autumn trees have been reworked a bit so they aren't as colourful
•   Winter trees have been reworked a bit as well. Not as much as the summer set but they have had a touch up
•   Summer, Autumn and Winter orchards have been reworked to make them a bit denser than before.
•   What was "winter grass" in the game is now "very light snow" because there is a new "light snow" set ( see below )
•   Short dry grass set has been totally redone ground level and hills
•   Impassible terrain has been totally redone ground level and hills
•   The green crop set has been totally redone ground level and hills

NEW for the extended CD version holders only

* The DLLs that Scenhack uses to sort scenarios have been included with this patch for the vast majority of players who don't have Borland Paradox installed on their Hard Drives for over a decade (and why we forgot everyone else needs them too  )

* CD / extended version holders will now get a warning message if they try to enter a building hex with a vehicle. You are now asked to confirm that you really want to do that. This is to stop you from inadvertently immobilising yourself as most cases involving building entry with vehicles is the result of a too long movement call through an urban built up area. The feature will also display on rough+slope combinations if you have travelled 3 or more hexes and thus are in danger of sticking. It's just a "friendly reminder."

* SAM and AAA will tend to save shots on low-probability to hit shots. Especially against Spotters (inc UAV) with less than about a 20% chance, other fliers at about 10%. AAA guns will hold fire at longer ranges (>1 KM) if to hit is under about 10% and wait for a better shot. This applies only to CD owners.

* We have introduced a new Formation sorting routine for the premium game. Over all the years these games have been developed, unit classes have expanded as required, but there was no logical order to the expansion as they were added on a need-it-now basis so the different infantry, armour and artillery unit classes that were used to build formations were spread all over the 256 unit class slots available and this meant that in some cases when buying formations you had to search though multiple pages of formations to find the ones you wanted. The new routine in place for CD holders only helps group unit types together and in a more intuitive and logical way. The caveat to that is that when sorting formations by unit class the unit class of the formation is still determined by the first unit in the formation and there is really no getting around that.

For example. with this new routine if you go into the artillery page you will generally find that Forward observers are the first formations listed then generally if there is consistency to the first unit in the formation you will find the light mortars, then the medium mortars then the heavy mortars then the AT guns, then the Hvy AT guns through field guns into rocket formations, off map guns and finally AA guns. Again...its all determined by the first unit in the formation but in the past ( and the free game will still use the original method ) you may have had a one type of infantry company with unitclass #1 infantry as the first unit but the second type of infantry company may have had a unitclass # 64 Medium Infantry unit leading to in some cases a dogs breakfast of the sort order. A good example of that was the winSPMBT Russian OOB in the years that the T-55 and T-62 unitclass #13" medium" tanks were active along with the T-64 and up unitclass #59 "MBT" formations but the lower end Mediums were on page one and the higher end MBT's were on page 2. With this they are all grouped on page one and we think this will help bring a bit more order to the game

* A new button has been added to the main screen that allows access to the premium map editor from inside the game

Info on new terrains added for 2017

* There is a new "scrub grass" ground and hills set in dark brown tones for ground and hill levels that would be useful on maps between November and March but also as an accent on any map type. In the map editor this can be accessed from the "add short grass" button which is on page 2 of the editor to the right of the add trench button. You will be prompted to " Press 1 for regular grass, 2 for scrub grass "

* There is a new bare field ground and hills set that represents either a freshly planted field or a freshly harvested one. These are also handy as a base for any orchard type. In the map editor this can be accessed from the green crop button. You will be prompted "Press 1 for Crops, 2 for Tilled "

* There is a new "light snow" ground and hills set that will show up in the game in place of the old "winter grass" which is now called " very light snow". The new "light snow" is used by the game as a base tile over which winter trees are placed. It can be accessed only on winter maps from the button on page one directly under trees. You will be prompted "Press 1 for light snow, 2 for very light snow"

* There are now pure coniferous sets for summer and winter and those will be auto-generated on maps. These represent "old growth" pine forests and have additional movement and sighting restrictions above regular mixed forests. This can be accessed from the Trees button and you will be prompted "Press 1 for mixed Trees, 2 for Pines "

* There are also new vineyards and coconut plantations/ groves for use in map making and these are also placed in small amounts on game generated maps. In the map editor this can be accessed from the Orchards button and you will be prompted "Press 1 for orchard, 2 for Vineyard, 3 for Coconut Grove "

* Deep water has been added ( ground level only naturally ). It is a very subtle change as it had to be . The water animation palette is fixed and not very big which limited my options and after two failed experiments I settled on what we have now as a compromise but as I's subtle but sometimes subtle is best. The game palette was tweaked a bit to brighten up's a bit more " Mediterranean" or "South Pacific" blue now.........a little less " dreary November " grey-blue.

We have also added an exciting new way to apply terrain to the map

Previous to this release the "Fill range" and "Fill" functions in the map editor were mainly used to flood and entire map with a base terrain that would follow the contours already on the map. If you tried to fill less area it placed whatever terrain you chose to use as a giant Hex shape block of terrain that was virtually useless for making maps so as a general rule anyone making a map avoided that control unless they were "skinning" and entire map. We have added a new dimension to the fill range controls that expands it's usefulness 10 fold or more

Now when pressing "Fill range" Extended game ( CD ) owners will see the following prompts:

First you will see "New Fill Range: " and you can enter any number you like. 255 will fill and entire map but you can choose any amount . After entering the number of hexes you wish to place your terrain onto the map, this new message will appear: "Enter 0 for Block fill, or 1-90 for a Splatter Effect ". "0 for Block fill" will give you what this feature has always given... a solid mass of terrain but entering 1-90 for a Splatter Effect controls what percentage is covered in the area you selected. Enter a high number and it will fill to that amount, Enter a low number and you have a much finer control over how much is placed on the map allowing you to build terrain gradually. It can almost be thought of as a spray gun. It is very useful when building up a forested area or when starting a map off after building the hill contours if you want to blend different types of grass.

AS WELL ( yes.... there's more ! and to anyone who builds maps this will be huge ) we have changed old SSI function of "right clicking" the mouse to add 7 hex clusters of terrain to the map at a time. Left clicking the mouse button will still give you single hex fine control but now right clicking the mouse utilises the same function as fill range so whatever range and density you have set you can now add by clicking the right mouse button. If you want to use it the "traditional" way simply set the range to 2 and 0 for Block fill and it will behave as it always has but now you can set whatever range you want to control the size of the fill but you can also adjust the splatter effect which GREATLY enhances the usefulness of the tool so adding terrain becomes quick and easy reducing the time it use to take to hand build a map by many hours..

This new tool has many uses but one thing you really want to avoid is mixing contrasting terrains together too much. A little is OK but it really depends on what you are mixing as too much is very distracting and can totally camouflage any contours on the map. What it's ideal for is blending similar colour densities together or placing forest. you can also use it to place hills but even a fast computer will take a few seconds to compute everything and place it on on a full sized map so be patient at first as slower computers may take a little longer to complete the command. We are after all, asking a 20 year old game to do a lot more than it used to but it will with sometimes spectacular results. I help design the feature and I'm still finding new ways to use it. We look forward to seeing the maps players design with this new feature.
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Re: WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2017, 05:39:32 PM »
One of the best tactical war games every made. And still being updated after all these years.  Love it!
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Re: WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2019, 12:57:49 PM »

WinSPMBT version 13.0 Upgrade patch

( the 2019 patch updates any version of WinSPMBT ver 10 and up to version 13.0 )

Please NOTE.... if you downloaded the patch on April 2 before 8:26 PM EDT , there is a replacement now. Please read post #38 for further details



•   100 New Scenarios
•   15 Revised Scenarios
•   2 Campaigns resurrected from old archives
•   2 Revised Campaigns
•   9 New or Revised Map files
•   76 New or Revised OOB Photos
•   1 New or Revised Game Interface Photos
•   280 New or Revised vehicle/aircraft Icons
•   93 Updated OOB Files
•   35 New or Revised Icon files
•   6 New or Revised Text files
•   109 Revised picklist files
•   2 New or Revised Game Guide Photos / Graphics

* Campaign games – If your core force is extremely large, then the only way the AI will be able to have sufficient points is to be the delayer or defender. Therefore the human player will see more assault and advance missions in this case.

* Planes which crash off map should now show the entire points value for the aircraft, not the damage at the point it was shot down.

* Random games will generate fewer low visibility conditions than before.

* UnitClass Commandos now have the same parachute ability level as Paratroops so they suffer fewer casualties when landing.

* Aircraft will no longer strafe at extreme angles though they may still fire one or two hexes off the flight path.

* Maps will now save crater damage again.

* Ammo containers can be loaded onto trucks.

* Fewer objective flags will be auto placed on mud hexes in generated battles.

* There is now a slightly higher chance of flaming wrecks blocking LOS.

* The Replay key Y / N will no longer play UNLESS Y or N is pressed. Formerly any key other than N set off the replay.

* Airstrikes set for specific in and out points in scenarios should now " follow orders". The AI was sending them in at random directions as it would in a generated battle but they should behave as the scenario designer set them now.

* The formula for calculating aerial bomb ratings has been adjusted so the "little" ones are more effective and are not so much worthless wet firecrackers any longer. This was generally more of an issue in the time period covered by SPWW2 but there are some in SPMBT as well and the codes are in sync on this issue.

* A code quirk, some might call it a bug, that allowed players, particularly PBEM players, the ability to Z-Fire or X- Smoke into a hex with on map artillery then go to the bombardment menu and get a 0.1 delay for a full bombardment has been eliminated. It is no longer possible to do that and a side benefit for some players, but perhaps not to the players who loved to do " recon by Z-fire", is that it is no longer possible to Z-fire into a hex then repeat, repeat, repeat using the F key. Every Z fire now needs to be done individually because after a Z-fire the process is reset to zero after each Z-Fire so that hex cannot be used to circumvent the artillery bombardment routine delay.

* Vehicles will now show drop shadow on paved road. They didn't for years. Now they do.

* 83 scenarios that Don Lazov resurrected from old archives have been added and updated.

* A bug that has existed in the game back to before we started working on the code has been found and eliminated that affected paved road in particular when it was manually placed on a map but not when the map was auto-generated by the game. The bug, in slightly different forms, affected streams as well as hedgerows when placed on the map but then had sections removed and then added back in again, if the mapmaker did not place the terrain on either side of the gap then in some cases it would appear the terrain was there but the game recorded and treated that hex for sighting and movement as being whatever the underlying terrain was. This bug fix not only corrects that problem for any new maps made but also in pre-existing maps and scenarios where the problem was mostly confined to hand made maps that used paved road as before this release if a map maker placed a paved road in a 5 hex line there would be paved road showing in all five hexes but the last hex placed would show a road tile but it was not being recorded as a road and this means if a map maker added small sections of road to a map and each time started the next section after that last hex showing a road was being built with many breaks that could not be seen but anyone driving down that road you would not be getting the full road allowance as you would passing over sections of the underlying terrain even though it appeared to be a road. The bug did not cause a problem with secondary roads as secondary road code was slightly different, and still is, as it only placed a tile up to the last hex but not on it.

In the case of streams, it was placing a "ford" on the map every time you started a stream which isn't such a problem as the roads but it was unintended and in Hedgerows, it was not giving the proper density to the first hex in the line for sighting purposes. However, all these little problems, that were not so "little" to fix, have been eliminated so now WYSIWYG and all old maps and scenarios will be automatically purged of these issues when using this new EXE.

* CD owners Only- As the result of code changes to the way the game displays terrain graphics, there are now 8 game display levels. Three more than previous, each of those allow you to zoom in closer to units on the map. The base zoom level, the one you see when you first start up the game is Z4 and previous versions of the game also allowed you to zoom in 1.5X closer than Z4 using Z5 but the new zoom-ins allow 2X closer than Z4 using Z6 and 3X closer than Z4 using Z7 and 4x closer than Z4 using Z8. How this will look to each gamer depends on what size your monitor screen is and what resolution it uses so in some cases with older, smaller monitors the greater zoom-ins may not be as useful to you as they would someone with a large monitor that displays at very High resolutions.

* CD owners Only. You can now flood fill areas of zero elevation with deep water using the " key in both the in-game map editor and the extended map editor. This was primarily added to be a map making support tool for use with the Venhola map contours generator but it can be used for hand made maps as well. For shoreline maps it saves a great deal of time but be aware that sometimes beach areas are recorded by Venhola as the same level as the water so those areas and any areas of shallow water you may want troops to wade through will need to be added manually.

* CD owners Only. There is a new “find text” function in the Scenhack utility that allows players to search through all scenario description text files to find specific text references. Once the search is run this new feature will provide a list of the scenarios in order, that match the search inquiry. For example, perhaps Israel or Warsaw pact or WW3 is entered and all the scenario with that word or phrase used in the scenario description file will be listed, You can then click on the one that interests you and you will be taken to the "Scenario Fixer" tab and read the scenario description by clicking on the Scenario button. It can also be very handy for finding a scenario created by a specific designer. Simply enter the name and it will provide a list of any scenario that has that designers name on it. As well, scenhack now allows SQL's database queries to be saved and loaded from a new folder placed in the game named 'SQL". The usage of these functions is explained on the CD features /Scenhack section at the end of the game guide.

* CD owners Only- There is now a Delete button for the scenarios page like the one for saved games.

* CD owners Only- There is now a GoTo button in the Campaign Editor scenario links page.

* CD owners Only- Pressing ( the # HotKey ) during your turn will turn your bombardment markers on and off so you can see where they are and if you are advancing into your own barrage. It will also show which guns are targeting the hex .

* CD owners Only- Pressing [ HotKey on your keyboard will show the victory hex values under the V hexes.

This example shows both the Victory Hex values ( [ ) on, and the bombardment markers with guns targeted (#)CD features

* CD owners Only- Pressing ] HotKey on your keyboard will force V hexes to the top of all building rubble , as well as smoke and units , so they cannot be hidden in any way. Just remember when this is on it may hide units as well so it is intended for temporary use only.

* CD owners Only- Scenhacks "Nation" button will no longer switch the entire OOB from one nation to another only the ID tags now.

* CD owners Only- Scenhack now shows the Scenario number and they are no longer being added to the CMT file.

* CD owners Only- Setting visibility can now be done in 10's or ones. Low visibility games 7 and under show a red number, 8- 20 will show yellow numbers and anything greater than 20 shows in green. You will see two rows of up/down arrows. The inner set changes by one and the outer set changes by 10's.

* CD owners Only - There is a new "Units In Hex" feature for the Full CD game that allows you to select the unit you want easily when you have multiple units in a hex.

If for example you have four units in a hex and you own the CD version you will see this to the right of the screen

The top unit shown is the one you clicked on and is the "active" unit that you can move or fire or whatever you want to do but let us assume you want to use the observer team to call artillery, Click on that unit and the list will re-order and change.

Now the Observer team is the unit you have direct control over in that hex and if you wanted to select one of the rifle sections just pick the one you want and it will appear at the top of the list and that is the one you have control of.

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Re: WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2019, 01:01:07 PM »
The list of new or revised Icons added to winSPMBT v13

(58,51):{85,86}, // 49. T-34/85 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(36,23):{44,45}, // 27. Japan Type 10 ** REV winspmbt v13
(154,62):{179,-1}, // 126. SU-85/SU-85M ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(616,55):{6612, 6613}, // 447. PZ IIIj ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(618,57):{6616, 6617}, // 449. PB m/39-40 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(621,53):{6622, 6623}, // 452. T-34a ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(622,53):{6624, 6625}, // 453. T-34c ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(646,56):{6672, 6673}, // 477. Pz III F ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(705,92):{6743, -1}, // 532. Blackburn Beverly ****Revised winSPMBT v13
(732,67):{6770, -1}, // 559. SB5 Helldiver (US NAVY) *******REV winSPMBT v13
(736,84):{6774, -1}, // 563. SB5 Helldiver (Greece. Thailand, Portugal) *******REV winSPMBT v13
(737,66):{6775, -1}, // 564. SB5 Helldiver (Italy) *******REV winSPMBT v13
(809,68):{6884, 6885}, //1294. T-34/85 Dark green camo ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(934,74):{7056, 7057}, // 724. Syrian T-34 - 122 SPG ****** *Revised WinSPMBT v13
(950,81):{7088, 7089}, // 740. T-34/85 (middle east desert Tan) ******Revised WinSPMBT v13
(954,77):{7096, 7097}, // 744. T-34/85 (tan and green camo) ******Revised WinSPMBT v13
(1285,57):{7692, 7693}, //1044. PT-34 -76 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(1286,58):{7694, 7695}, //1045. PT-34 - 85 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(1564,58):{7900, 7901}, //1298. T62- green-black ***REV WinSPMBT v13
(1565,61):{7902, 7903}, //1299. T62- grey-green camo ***REV WinSPMBT v13
(1566,66):{7904, 7905}, //1300. T62- IDF Tiran6 (Israeli) ***REV WinSPMBT v13
(1567,61):{7906, 7907}, //1301. T62- tan-green camo ***REV WinSPMBT v13
(1568,57):{7908, 7909}, //1302. T62- desert Tan ***REV WinSPMBT v13
(1569,65):{7910, 7911}, //1303. T62- Brown green tan camo ***REV WinSPMBT v13
(1570,58):{7912, 7913}, //1304. T62-desert pink ***REV WinSPMBT v13
(1571,52):{7914, 7915}, //1305. T62-green ***REV WinSPMBT v13
(2123,53):{8912, 8913}, //1804. Pz-IV ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2124,53):{8914, 8915}, //1805. Pz-IV ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2125,53):{8916, 8917}, //1806. Pz-IV ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2126,53):{8918, 8919}, //1807. Pz-IV ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2127,60):{8920, 8921}, //1808. Pz-IV(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2128,60):{8922, 8923}, //1809. Pz-IV(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2129,60):{8924, 8925}, //1810. Pz-IV(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2130,60):{8926, 8927}, //1811. Pz-IV(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2138,55):{8942, 8943}, //1819. Pz IIIj ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2139,55):{8944, 8945}, //1820. Pz IIIm ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2140,55):{8946, 8947}, //1821. Pz IIIm ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2141,55):{8948, 8949}, //1822. Pz IIIm ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2142,62):{8950, 8951}, //1823. Pz IIIm(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2143,62):{8952, 8953}, //1824. Pz IIIm(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2144,62):{8954, 8955}, //1825. Pz IIIm(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2145,62):{8956, 8957}, //1826. Pz IIIn(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2146,55):{8958, 8959}, //1827. Pz IIIn ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2147,62):{8960, 8961}, //1828. Pz IIIn(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2148,62):{8962, 8963}, //1829. Pz IIIn(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2149,62):{8964, 8965}, //1830. Pz IIIn(skirts) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2320,62):{9182, -1}, //1982. Curtiss P-40 *** REVISED WINspmbt V13
(2428,60):{9282, -1}, //2082. JadgPanzer IV-70 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2429,54):{9283, -1}, //2083. Stug IIIf ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2430,67):{9284, -1}, //2084. Stug IIIg (skirts)(brown) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2431,72):{9285, -1}, //2085. Stug IIIg (skirts)(dark green) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2432,68):{9286, -1}, //2086. Stug IIIg (skirts)(3 tone) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2433,66):{9287, -1}, //2087. Stug IIIg (skirts)(tan) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2434,71):{9288, -1}, //2088. Stug IIIg (skirts)(tan-Brown) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2435,53):{9289, -1}, //2089. Stug IV ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(2619,75):{4224, 4225}, //2258. T-62 (Dark green___no fuel tanks) ***REV WinSPMBT v13
(2628,54):{4242, 4243}, //2267. T-55 (green) *REV WinSPMBT v13
(2951,85):{4828, 4829}, //2560. T-34/85 - Winter ****Revised WinSPMBT v13
(2968,82):{4862, 4863}, //2577. T-34/85 Dozer ****Revised WinSPMBT v13
(3044,54):{5004, 5005}, //2648. T-34/76 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3045,57):{5006, 5007}, //2649. T-34/76 BTU ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3046,58):{5008, 5009}, //2650. T-34/76 PT34 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3047,55):{5010, 5011}, //2651. T-34/85M ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3048,58):{5012, 5013}, //2652. T-34/85 PT34 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3049,58):{5014, 5015}, //2653. T-34/85 PT54 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3208,60):{5206, -1}, //2806. P-47 Thunderbolt ****REVISED WINspmbt V13
(3312,61):{5301, -1}, //2901. T-34 improvized apc ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(3313,50):{5302, -1}, //2902. WPT-34 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(3314,50):{5303, -1}, //2903. CW-34 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(3315,50):{5304, -1}, //2904. Wzt-1 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(3348,58):{5337, -1}, //2937. Su-100 (green) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(3351,63):{5340, -1}, //2940. Su-100 (desert camo) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(3366,57):{5355, -1}, //2955. Su-85 (green) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(3422,51):{5404, -1}, //3004. SU-85 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3423,62):{5405, -1}, //3005. SU-85 (Polish camo) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3424,51):{5406, -1}, //3006. SU-100 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3425,63):{5407, -1}, //3007. SU-100 (Polish camo) ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3426,51):{5408, -1}, //3008. SU-122 ***REVISED winSPMBT v13-DRG
(3616,97):{5789, -1}, // 3189 SU-100 winter ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(4159,88):{10510, 10511}, //3703. Archer SPA *****Revised winSPMBT v13
(4249,109):{10686, 10687}, //3791. Pz IV NO HULL SKIRTS DESERT ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(4250,107):{10688, 10689}, //3792. Pz IV NO HULL SKIRTS CAMO ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(4251,109):{10690, 10691}, //3793. Pz IV NO HULL SKIRTS WINTER ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(4253,103):{10694, 10695}, //3795. Pz IV BURIED TURRET ***REVISED winSPMBT v13
(4432,89):{11034, 11035}, //3965. T-62 winter ....REVISED winSPMBT v13
(4493,96):{11152, 11153}, //4024. T-34-76 desert *******REVISED winSPMBT v13
(4494,96):{11154, 11155}, //4025. T-34-76 winter ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(4590,88):{11340, 11341}, //4118. Eitan- RWS - AC&GL ******** Revised winSPMBT v13
(4604,78):{11368, 11369}, //4132. M48A5 winter ********NEW winSPMBT v11 (corrected v13)
(4856,75):{11852, 11853}, //4374. Churchill Mk VII Green ********REV winSPMBT V13
(4873,73):{11886, 11887}, //4391. Brit Boxer MIV Summer ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4874,73):{11888, 11889}, //4392. Brit Boxer MIV Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4875,73):{11890, 11891}, //4393. Brit Boxer MIV Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4876,73):{11892, 11893}, //4394. BW L52 Archer winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4877,65):{11894, 11895}, //4395. PB m31 20 mm ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4878,72):{11896, 11897}, //4396. PB m31 20 mm winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4882,83):{11900, 11901}, //4398. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Dark Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4883,84):{11902, 11903}, //4399. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Medium Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4884,89):{11904, 11905}, //4400. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Medium Olive Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4885,88):{11906, 11907}, //4401. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Medium Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4886,86):{11908, 11909}, //4402. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Dark Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4887,88):{11910, 11911}, //4403. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Dark Green Camo 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4888,87):{11912, 11913}, //4404. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Light Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4889,87):{11914, 11915}, //4405. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Black/Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4890,84):{11916, 11917}, //4406. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Desert Tan ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4891,85):{11918, 11919}, //4407. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Desert Tan 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4892,85):{11920, 11921}, //4408. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Desert Tan 3 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4893,91):{11922, 11923}, //4409. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Desert Tan/Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4894,88):{11924, 11925}, //4410. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Mixed Desert Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4895,92):{11926, 11927}, //4411. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Desert Tan/ Black Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4896,95):{11928, 11929}, //4412. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Desert Tan/ Lt Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4897,85):{11930, 11931}, //4413. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Desert Camo 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4898,85):{11932, 11933}, //4414. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Desert Camo 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4899,84):{11934, 11935}, //4415. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Winter White ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4900,90):{11936, 11937}, //4416. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Worn Winter White 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4901,90):{11938, 11939}, //4417. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Worn Winter White 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4902,92):{11940, 11941}, //4418. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Worn Winter White/ Mud ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4903,93):{11942, 11943}, //4419. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Dark Olive "grey wash" ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4904,95):{11944, 11945}, //4420. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Medium Olive "grey wash" ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4905,94):{11946, 11947}, //4421. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Light Olive "grey wash" ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4906,99):{11948, 11949}, //4422. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Olive-"grey wash" ( winter ) ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4907,102):{11950, 11951}, //4423. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Olive "grey wash" ( Desert Tan ) ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4908,103):{11952, 11953}, //4424. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Olive-"grey wash" ( Desert grey ) ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4909,103):{11954, 11955}, //4425. T-54/55 no fuel tanks Olive "grey wash" ( Desert pink ) ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4910,71):{11956, 11957}, //4426. T-55AMV/AM2 Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4911,71):{11958, 11959}, //4427. T-55AMV/AM2 Camo 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4912,71):{11960, 11961}, //4428. T-55AMV/AM2 Camo 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4913,77):{11962, 11963}, //4429. T-55AMV/AM2 Desert ( Tan) ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4914,77):{11964, 11965}, //4430. T-55AMV/AM2 Desert (Pink) ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4915,73):{11966, 11967}, //4431. T-55AMV/AM2 Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4916,89):{11968, 11969}, //4432. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Drk Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4917,89):{11970, 11971}, //4433. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Med Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4918,88):{11972, 11973}, //4434. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Lt Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4919,96):{11974, 11975}, //4435. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Very Lt Grey-Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4920,102):{11976, 11977}, //4436. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Very Lt Green Desert Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4921,91):{11978, 11979}, //4437. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Desert Camo1 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4922,91):{11980, 11981}, //4438. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Desert Camo2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4923,91):{11982, 11983}, //4439. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Desert Camo3 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4924,95):{11984, 11985}, //4440. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Desert Green/Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4925,91):{11986, 11987}, //4441. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Grey-Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4926,83):{11988, 11989}, //4442. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-WP Weathered ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4927,91):{11990, 11991}, //4443. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Lt Grey-Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4928,94):{11992, 11993}, //4444. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Urban Brick Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4929,87):{11994, 11995}, //4445. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4930,93):{11996, 11997}, //4446. T-54/55 W/Fuel tank-Weathered Desert Camo4 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4934,64):{12000, 12001}, //4448. T-80U Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
4935,69):{12002, 12003}, //4449. T-80U Desert (Alt) ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4936,67):{12004, 12005}, //4450. BMP-3 /m winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4937,66):{12006, 12007}, //4451. BTR-60PB Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4938,70):{12008, 12009}, //4452. BRP-3 Val Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4939,71):{12010, 12011}, //4453. BRP-3 Val Winter Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4940,65):{12012, 12013}, //4454. T-54-1 Summer ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4941,65):{12014, 12015}, //4455. T-54-1 Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4942,65):{12016, 12017}, //4456. T-54-1 Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4943,67):{12018, 12019}, //4457. M1A1 Summer Worn ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4944,67):{12020, 12021}, //4458. M1A1 Winter Worn ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4945,67):{12022, 12023}, //4459. M1A1 Desert Worn ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4946,64):{12024, 12025}, //4460. T-44A Summer ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4947,64):{12026, 12027}, //4461. T-44A Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4948,64):{12028, 12029} //4462. T-44A Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4949,64):{12030, 12031}, //4463. T-44MS Summer ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4950,65):{12032, 12033}, //4464. T-44MS Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4951,65):{12034, 12035}, //4465. T-44MS Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4952,83):{12036, 12037}, //4466. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Mixed camo1 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4953,82):{12038, 12039}, //4467. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Grey-green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4954,81):{12040, 12041}, //4468. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Med Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4955,77):{12042, 12043}, //4469. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4956,82):{12044, 12045} //4470. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4957,83):{12046, 12047}, //4471. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Mixed camo2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4958,85):{12048, 12049}, //4472. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Tan/Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4959,84):{12050, 12051}, //4473 T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Green/Tan Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4960,79):{12052, 12053}, //4474. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4961,78):{12054, 12055}, //4475 T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4962,78):{12056, 12057}, //4476 T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4963,79):{12058, 12059}, //4477. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4964,79):{12060, 12061}, //4478. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4965,78):{12062, 12063}, //4479 T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4966,79):{12064, 12065}, //4480. T-62 no rear fuel tanks-Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4967,67):{12066, 12067}, //4481 DDR T34/85M Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4968,69):{12068, 12069}, //4482. DDR T34/85M Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4969,69):{12070, 12071}, //4483. DDR T34/85M Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4970,70):{12072, 12073}, //4484 M60A1 Worn Grey-Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4971,66):{12074, 12075}, //4485 M60A1 Worn Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4972,70):{12076, 12077}, //4486. M60A1 Worn Winter 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4973,70):{12078, 12079}, //4487. M60A1 Worn Winter 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4974,68):{12080, 12081}, //4488. M60A1 Winter Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4975,69):{12082, 12083}, //4489 M60A1 Worn Desert 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4976,70):{12084, 12085}, //4490. M60A1 Worn Desert 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4977,70):{12086, 12087}, //4491 M60A1 Worn Desert 3 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4978,70):{12088, 12089}, //4492. M48A2 Patton Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4979,68):{12090, 12091}, //4493. M60 Patton Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4980,69):{12092, 12093}, //4494. M60A1 Late Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4981,66):{12094, 12095}, //4495. YPR-765 Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(4982,66):{12096, 12097}, //4496. YPR-765 Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5167,70): {12271, -1}, //4671 SU-85m (green) ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(5168,71): {12272, -1}, //4672 SU-85m (winter) ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(5169,76): {12273, -1}, //4673 SU-85m (green-winter) ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(5216,100):{12338, 12339}, //4717. T-34/85 BTU Green Camo ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(5217,100):{12340, 12341}, //4718. T-34/85 BTU Dark Green ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(5218,97):{12342, 12343}, //4719. T-34/85 BTU Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v12
(5219,101):{12344, 12345}, //4720. T-34/85 BTU Winter Camo ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(5220,102):{12346, 12347}, //4721. T-34/85 BTU Winter White ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(5221,102):{12348, 12349}, //4722. T-34/85 BTU Desert Camo1 ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(5222,102):{12350, 12351}, //4723. T-34/85 BTU Desert Camo2 ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(5302,67):{12500, 12501}, //4798. TO-54/55 Drk Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5303,70):{12502, 12503}, //4799. TO-54/55 Earth/ Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5304,69):{12504, 12505}, //4800. TO-54/55 Light Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5305,71):{12506, 12507}, //4801. TO-54/55 Earth/ Green2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5306,68):{12508, 12509}, //4802. TO-54/55 Green Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5307,69):{12510, 12511}, //4803. TO-54/55 Urban Brick ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5308,69):{12512, 12513}, //4804. TO-54/55 Desert Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5309,68):{12514, 12515}, //4805. TO-54/55 Desert Tan ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5310,69):{12516, 12517}, //4806. TO-54/55 Desert Pink ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5311,70):{12518, 12519}, //4807. TO-54/55 Desert Camo2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5312,68):{12520, 12521}, //4808. TO-54/55 Mixed Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5313,70):{12522, 12523}, //4809. TO-54/55 Desert Camo3 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5314,68):{12524, 12525}, //4810. TO-54/55 Winter 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5315,67):{12526, 12527}, //4811. TO-54/55 Winter 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5316,69):{12528, 12529}, //4812. M1 Abrams Summer Worn ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5317,70):{12530, 12531}, //4813. M1 Abrams Desert Worn ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5318,70):{12532, 12533}, //4814. M1 Abrams Winter camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5319,69):{12534, 12535}, //4815. ACV-S 30 IFV Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5320,71):{12536, 12537}, //4816. Jordanian M48A2 Patton ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5321,62):{12538, 12539}, //4817. Staghound AA ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5322,66):{12540, 12541}, //4818. Achzarit Mk2 RWS ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5323,59):{12542, 12543}, //4819. Puma RWS ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5324,64):{12544, 12545}, //4820. Namer MICV IFV ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5325,56):{12546, 12547}, //4821. MLVM ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5326,56):{12548, 12549}, //4822. KSAM ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5327,59):{12550, 12551}, //4823. K21-105 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5328,69):{12552, 12553}, //4824. VBMR Griffon RWS CAMO ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5329,71):{12554, 12555}, //4825. VBMR Griffon RWS WINTER ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5330,71):{12556, 12557}, //4826. VBMR Griffon RWS DESERT ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5331,71):{12558, 12559}, //4827. T-15 Armata HIFV Summer ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5332,71):{12560, 12561}, //4828. T-15 Armata HIFV Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5333,72):{12562, 12563}, //4829. T-15 Armata HIFV Desert ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5334,69):{12564, 12565}, //4830. M109A6/A7 Dark Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5335,69):{12566, 12567}, //4831. M109A6/A7 Worn Green ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5336,65):{12568, 12569}, //4832. M109A6/A7 Camo 1 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5337,65):{12570, 12571}, //4833. M109A6/A7 Camo 2 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5338,66):{12572, 12573}, //4834. M109A6/A7 Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5339,70):{12574, 12575}, //4835. M109A6/A7 Worn Winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5340,69):{12576, 12577}, //4836. M109A6/A7 Desert Tan ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(5341,70):{12578, 12579}, //4837. M109A6/A7 Desert Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(7915,31):{17526, 17527}, //7311. Japan Type 10 Camo ********REV winSPMBT v13
(7916,31):{17528, 17529}, //7312. Japan Type 10 Desert Camo ********REV winSPMBT v13
(7917,31):{17530, 17531}, //7313. Japan Type 10 Winter Camo ********REV winSPMBT v13
(8116,104):{17912, 17913}, //7504. AAVE7A1- 3 tone green camo ********REV winSPMBT v13
(8117,104):{17914, 17915}, //7505. AAVE7A1- 3 tone desert camo ********REV winSPMBT v13
(8118,102):{17916, 17917}, //7506. AAVE7A1- green-green camo ********REV winSPMBT v13
(8119,105):{17918, 17919}, //7507. AAVE7A1- 3 tone green camo 2 ********REV winSPMBT v13
(8120,105):{17920, 17921}, //7508. AAVE7A1- 3 tone desert camo 2 ********REV winSPMBT v13
(8121,98):{17922, 17923}, //7509. AAVE7A1- Winter camo ********REV winSPMBT v13
(8393,65): {18370, 6976}, // 7770 BTR-60P Winter *****NEW winSPMBT v13
(8394,68): {18371, 6976}, // 7771 BTR-60P-A/B Winter *****NEW winSPMBT v13
(8395,63): {18372, 6976}, // 7772 Polaris MRZR *****NEW winSPMBT v13
(8396,60): {18373, 6976}, // 7773 Nakpadon *****NEW winSPMBT v13
(8397,57): {18374, 6976}, // 7774 Ofek *****NEW winSPMBT v13
(8398,71): {18375, 6976}, // 7775 MLVM-ABAL--AMMO CARRIER *****NEW winSPMBT v13
(8610,92): {18579, -1}, //7979 An-2- NK Camo ***Revised winSPMBT v13
(8659,73): {18624, -1}, //8024 Truck Green- Large ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(8660,74): {18625, -1}, //8025 Truck Winter- Large ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(8661,74): {18626, -1}, //8026 Truck Desert- Large ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(8687,93): {18652, -1}, //8052 SU-100m Camo ********REVISED winSPMBT v13
(8688,66): {18653, -1}, //8053 M1064A3 winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8689,66): {18654, -1}, //8054 SU-122 winter ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8690,70): {18655, -1}, //8055 Patriot ( Desert ) ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8691,61): {18656, -1}, //8056 TAB-71 AR ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8860,68): {18917, -1}, //8217 F-35A Japan ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8861,59): {18918, -1}, //8218 AT-802u ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8862,58): {18919, -1}, //8219 AC-208 ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8863,62): {18920, -1}, //8220 AW.660 Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8864,68): {18921, -1}, //8221 AW.660 Winter Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8865,68): {18922, -1}, //8222 AW.660 Desert Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8866,62): {18923, -1}, //8223 HS.780 Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8867,68): {18924, -1}, //8224 HS.780 Winter Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8868,68): {18925, -1}, //8225 HS.780 Desert Camo ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8869,68): {18926, -1}, //8226 Vought F7U Cutlass ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8870,69): {18927, -1}, //8227 Westland Wyvern-FAA ********NEW winSPMBT v13
(8871,57): {18928, -1}, //8228 J-16 ********NEW winSPMBT v13

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Offline Asid

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Re: WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2019, 01:02:15 PM »
Future updates

DRG (developer)

"The release of these upgrades to winSPWW2 and winSPMBT marks 21 years we have been producing the games (1998 - 2019).

Normally as we do our final preparations for release we have already discussed in part what we will do for the next years release. However, this year is a bit different as these two upgrades are not only large but have also been unusually stressful to assemble and both Andy and I have agreed that we need a break from this and therefore have no plans for next year beyond perhaps getting through a winter where virtually all our spare time is NOT spent getting game patches ready. After 21 years it will be a hugely refreshing change that we are both looking forward to as we are both burnt out and in serious need of a break from what has been over two decades of never-ending game development. Therefore, there are no plans to release a 2020 upgrade. Once we have had some time away from development and the stress caused by it, we may, or not, consider to continue development but if we do it will be on a much more limited basis focusing on code and existing game improvements and FAR LESS on OOB changes.

OOB work on winSPWW2 is frozen. Over 20% of the existing scenarios in winSPWW2 had to be rebuilt this year in one way or another to keep in sync with the OOB changes made this release and as they stand now is the way they will continue to be in the foreseeable future. We are not going to continue to re-work and re-issue scenarios and campaigns for OOB changes that have very little real effect on the way the game plays. Far too much of the time we have available to actually develop the game is spent on OOB change drudgery and the spin-off impact of those changes and it makes it all the more tedious knowing that all that work will have next to zero impact on how the game actually plays. Some may disagree and that is to be expected but all the tools to edit the OOB's have been included with the game with every release so anyone who wants to can adjust the OOB's to suit what they consider "correct". OOB work on MBT may continue but I will not be constantly re-adjusting in service dates for tanks that are constantly under development but never seem to reach troops. When one actually enters service we are interested but the latest delay in their production we do not care about at all. We have found with MBT trying to stay on the cutting edge of equipment only means a lot of rewriting of OOB's over and over.

The bottom line is that game development has not entirely ceased but it will be greatly scaled back after these updates and there are no plans at this time to release in 2020. Since 1998 we have released at least one upgrade for at least one game every year and in some years there were 2 updates a year for both of the two games but there were also 2 open heart surgeries, Andy in 2010 and myself in 2015 then a month later I had a stroke, but through all that, updates for these games were produced. There have been increasingly very long stretches in front of the computer and more than a few sleepless nights that can greatly disrupt normal day to day life. As well this year we had to contend with a full HDD failure of Andy's main computer. We were fortunate we had backups but it still meant two weeks of code work had to be redone and as the computer failed just before Christmas we lost an additional 10 days waiting to find out what was wrong so both Andy and I feel we are entitled to a bit of a break from all this and we fully intend to take one."
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2019, 01:59:42 PM »

WinSPWW2 version 12.0

( the 2019 patch updates any version of winSPWW2 ver 9.0 and up to Version 12.0 )



•   255 New Scenarios
•   116 Revised Scenarios
•   8 New Campaigns
•   8 Revised Campaigns
•   20 New or Revised maps
•   401 New or Revised OOB Photos
•   36 Updated OOB files
•   935 Vehicle/aircraft Icons
•   304 New or Revised Encyclopaedia Text file
•   1 revised sound file

* Campaign games – If your core force is extremely large, then the only way the AI will be able to have sufficient points is to be the delayer or defender. Therefore the human player will see more assault and advance missions in this case.

* Planes which crash off map should now show the entire points value for the aircraft, not the damage at the point it was shot down.

* Random games will generate fewer low visibility conditions than before.

* A code quirk, some might call it a bug, that allowed players, particularly PBEM players, the ability to Z-Fire or X- Smoke into a hex with on map artillery then go to the bombardment menu and get a 0.1 delay for a full bombardment has been eliminated. It is no longer possible to do that and a side benefit for some players, but perhaps not to the players who loved to do "recon by Z-fire", is that it is no longer possible to Z-fire into a hex then repeat, repeat, repeat using the F key. Every Z fire now needs to be done individually because after a Z-fire the process is now reset to zero after each Z-Fire so that hex cannot be used to circumvent the artillery bombardment routine delay.

* Vehicles will now show drop shadow on paved road. They didn't for years. Now they do.

* 14 scenarios that Don Lazov resurrected from old archives have been added and updated.

* A bug that has existed in the game back to before we started working on the code has been found and eliminated that affected paved road in particular when it was manually placed on a map but not when the map was auto-generated by the game. The bug, in slightly different forms, affected streams as well as hedgerows when placed on the map but then had sections removed and then added back in again, if the mapmaker did not place the terrain on either side of the gap then in some cases it would appear the terrain was there but the game recorded and treated that hex for sighting and movement as being whatever the underlying terrain was. This bug fix not only corrects that problem for any new maps made but also in pre-existing maps and scenarios where the problem was mostly confined to hand made maps that used paved road as before this release if a map maker placed a paved road in a 5 hex line there would be paved road showing in all five hexes but the last hex placed would show a road tile but it was not being recorded as a road and this means if a map maker added small sections of road to a map and each time started the next section after that last hex showing a road was being built with many breaks that could not be seen but anyone driving down that road you would not be getting the full road allowance as you would passing over sections of the underlying terrain even though it appeared to be a road. The bug did not cause a problem with secondary roads as secondary road code was slightly different, and still is, as it only placed a tile up to the last hex but not on it.

In the case of streams, it was placing a "ford" on the map every time you started a stream which isn't such a problem as the roads but it was unintended and in Hedgerows, it was not giving the proper density to the first hex in the line for sighting purposes. However, all these little problems, that were not so "little" to fix, have been eliminated so now WYSIWYG and all old maps and scenarios will be automatically purged of these issues when using this new EXE.

* UnitClass Commandos now have the same parachute ability level as Paratroops so they suffer fewer casualties when landing.

* Aircraft will no longer strafe at extreme angles though they may still fire one or two hexes off the flight path

* Maps will now save crater damage again.

* Ammo containers can be loaded onto trucks.

* Fewer objective flags will be auto placed on mud hexes in generated battles.

* There is now a slightly higher chance of flaming wrecks blocking LOS.

* The Replay key Y / N will no longer play UNLESS Y or N is pressed. Formerly any key other than N set off the replay.

* The AI will now occasionally select the twin-engine ground attack aircraft in the USA and USMC OOB that are set up in unitclass 243 Ground Attack when it picks aircraft for the P2 Computer playing as USA or USMC . Those are the A-26, B-26, P-38 etc aircraft

* Airstrikes set for specific in and out points in scenarios should now "follow orders". The AI was sending them in at random directions as it would in a generated battle but they should now behave as the scenario designer set them.

* The formula for calculating aerial bomb ratings has been adjusted so the "little" ones are more effective and are not so much worthless wet firecrackers any longer.

* Bicycle infantry units ( winSPWW2 only--- this function was not added to winSPMBT ) are now handled differently. Bicycles and riders are now two units instead of one blended one. When riders dismount they change to normal infantry Icons and their bicycles are shown laying on the ground immobilized so bicycle riding units can get the same road speed bonus they used to get but without the unit size penalty they used to have. When they dismount, they can then fight as normal infantry with the same Movement as non-bicycle infantry and when combat is done they can remount their bicycles once again and continue on until the next combat, Abandoned Bicycles can be used by any infantry Unit class in the same way as dedicated Bicycle troops do

* CD owners Only. ( winSPWW2 only--- this function was not added to winSPMBT ) There is a new feature that allows CD owners / scenario designers primarily, the ability to change the ID tags and Victory Hex Flags to either an existing OOB or from a set of tags and flags that have been added to the SHP files for nations not covered by a full OOB which allows scenario designers the ability to customize scenarios and simulate nations not covered by the normal game OOB's. That procedure is detailed in the CD section of the game guide.

* CD owners Only- As the result of code changes to the way the game displays terrain graphics, there are now 8 game display levels. Three more than previous, each of those allow you to zoom in closer to units on the map. The base zoom level, the one you see when you first start up the game is Z4 and previous versions of the game also allowed you to zoom in 1.5X closer than Z4 using Z5 but the new zoom-ins allow 2X closer than Z4 using Z6 and 3X closer than Z4 using Z7 and 4x closer than Z4 using Z8. How this will look to each gamer depends on what size your monitor screen is and what resolution it uses so in some cases with older, smaller monitors the greater zoom-ins may not be as useful to you as they would someone with a large monitor that displays at very High resolutions.

* CD owners Only- There is now a Delete button for the scenarios page like the one for saved games.

* CD owners Only- There is now a GoTo button in the Campaign Editor scenario links page.

* CD owners Only-Pressing ( the # Hotkey ) during your turn will turn your bombardment markers on and off so you can see where they are if you are advancing into your own barrage. It will also show which guns are targeting the hex

* CD owners Only-Pressing [ on your keyboard will show the victory hex values under the V hexes.

This example shows both the Victory Hex values ( [ ) on, and the bombardment markers with guns targeted (#)CD features

* CD owners Only-Pressing ] on your keyboard will force V hexes to the top of all building rubble, as well as smoke and units, so they cannot be hidden in any way. Just remember when this is on it may hide units as well so it is intended for temporary use only.

* CD owners Only- Scenhacks "Nation" button will no longer switch the entire OOB from one nation to another only the ID tags now.

* CD owners Only- Scenhack now shows the Scenario number and they are no longer being added to the CMT file.

* CD owners Only- Setting visibility can now be done in 10's or ones. Low visibility games 7 and under show a red number, 8- 20 will show yellow numbers and anything greater than 20 shows in green. You will see two rows of up/down arrows. The inner set changes by one and the outer set changes by 10's

* CD owners Only. You can now flood fill areas of zero elevation with deep water using the " key in both the in-game map editor and the extended map editor. This was primarily added to be a map making support tool for use with the Venhola map contours generator but it can be used for hand made maps as well. For shoreline maps, it saves a great deal of time but be aware that sometimes beach areas are recorded by Venhola as the same level as the water so those areas and any areas of shallow water you may want troops to wade through will need to be added manually

* CD owners Only. There is a new “find text” function in the Scenhack utility that allows players to search through all scenario description text files to find specific text references. Once the search is run this new feature will provide a list of the scenarios in order, that match the search inquiry, For example, perhaps Arnhem or D-Day or Berlin is entered and all the scenarios with that word or phrase used in the scenario description file will be listed. You can then click on the one that interests you and you will be taken to the "Scenario Fixer" tab and read the scenario description by clicking on the Scenario button. It can also be very handy for finding scenarios created by a specific designer. Simply enter the name and it will provide a list of any scenario that has that designers name on it. As well, scenhack now allows SQL's database queries to be saved and loaded from a new folder placed in the game named 'SQL". The usage of these functions is explained on the CD features / Scenhack section at the end of the game guide.

* CD owners Only. There is a new "Units In Hex" feature for the Full CD game that allows you to select the unit you want easily when you have multiple units in a hex.

If for example you have four units in a hex and you own the CD version you will see this to the right of the screen

The top unit shown is the one you clicked on and is the "active" unit that you can move or fire or whatever you want to do but let's assume you want to use the observer team to call artillery, Click on that unit and the list will re-order and change.

Now the Observer team is the unit you have direct control over in that hex and if you wanted to select one of the rifle sections just pick the one you want and it will appear at the top of the list and that is the one you have control of.

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Re: WinSPWW2 and WinSPMBT
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2019, 02:00:55 PM »
The list of new or revised Icons added to winSPWW2 v12 here
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