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Holdfast: Nations At War
« on: January 23, 2017, 12:54:25 AM »

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Official trailer

About This Game

Holdfast: Nations At War is an online multiplayer first and third person shooter focusing on a combination of teamwork and individual skill. Take part in historic clashes on land and at sea waged by the most powerful nations during the great Napoleonic Era.

Play the way you want!
Command and crew historically accurate sailing vessels in powerful duels or within squadron operations where cooperation in running your vessels leads to victory. War at sea is an entirely different setting and these clashes will take place off the coast in a selection of beautiful arenas.

Take the King’s shilling or fight for the Emperor in glorious Napoleonic field battles. Join the ranks and keep the line steady or provide support from the rear with cannon fire as you strive for dominance over the battlefield.

Fight On Multiple Fronts

Join the Navy
Experience what it’s like to be a crew member on board a military sailing ship. Raise the sails, fire the cannons, test the water depths and cooperate to keep your vessel afloat!

Enlist in the Army
Work with your comrades to storm enemy fortifications, support the fight from the rear with artillery fire or keep the line steady in open field battles and lead your men to victory!

Class System

Play as a Captain, Sailor, Line Infantry and more! Every class comes with its own traits and roles which are crucial for your team’s survival.

Holdfast: NaW’s order-based system allows for intuitive cooperative play where your ability to work as part of a team matters just as much as your personal skill.

Challenging Combat

Whether you are manning cannon, firing a musket or swinging a sword, Holdfast: NaW's combat mechanics are easy to learn but hard to master. Skill is rewarded via a precision and timing based directional melee combat system that puts players’ reflexes and dexterity to the test.

Competitive Play

There will be plenty of chances for you and your mates to take on other groups in tournaments and fierce competitive events. Hone your skills because you can be sure that your opponents will too!

« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 03:12:02 PM by Asid »
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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2017, 09:53:41 AM »
Looks interesting,

Kind of took the concept of blackwake and mount&blade together.

You can be 99% sure this will end up in my inventory...
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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2017, 08:40:04 PM »

Holdfast: Nations At War Greenlit in just 5 days!

Holdfast: Nations at War has just been Greenlit on Steam! We made it through in an incredible five days’ time which is largely thanks to our fantastic group of supporters. We look forward to bringing Holdfast: NaW to the Steam store as Early Access in 2017.

Stay tuned for more information on the game. We’ll keep you updated with our developer blogs and Q&A.

Until then feel free to give us a follow on Facebook & Twitter.

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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2017, 01:27:08 AM »
Q&A January 26, 2017 Answering your first set of questions.

We have been receiving a lot of questions about our game which is understandable. Now that we are safely through Greenlight we are able to look at the future for Holdfast: Nations At War with a lot more certainty.

This Q&A will be the first in a series of information posts that we intend to release in order to feed information about the game as we can confirm it. It is very important to us that we do not over promise so we are taking our time to only talk about features that we are certain will be present in release.

The first three questions are below but you can expect more and soon. If you want to join in the discussion head over to our forums here.

1. Will the community be able to host it’s own servers?

On Steam Community Group

Yes. You will be able to host your own community servers alongside the official ones we’ll be hosting ourselves. We’ll be distributing the server files as part of the game on release.

2. When do you plan on releasing into Early Access?

On Steam Greenlight

The game will be available through Early Access in 2017. We’re not ready to give a specific release date yet. We will make that announcement only when we're sure that we can deliver.

We're glad to see the game being received so well. Thank you!

3. Will there be artillery on land or just on ships?

On Our Forum

There is a scene in Holdfast: NaW - Official Trailer within which cannon on a fort are firing at a ship in the bay. So not only can you expect artillery on land and sea distinctively, you can also expect them in concert. Napoleonic naval assaults anyone?
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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2017, 12:36:34 AM »
Ahoy! Setting sail in Holdfast: Nations At War

Dev Blog
February 05, 2017

Welcome to our second Developer Blog for Holdfast: Nations at War. Today we’ll be talking about the nautical half of Holdfast: NaW; Naval Gameplay!


There are a number of naval vessels in the game which range in size from small rowboats and gunboats up to a triple masted brig-sloop. We pack a lot of detail on our ships so they take anywhere from three to four months to complete and yes, they are destructible.


There are two main reasons for the vessels we have chosen. These decisions were not made lightly as the naval gameplay in Holdfast: NaW is important to us and we want to get it right. The first is content; we have taken a realistic inspiration when it comes to the design of our sailing vessels. The vessels need to feel like real ships as the crew manoeuvres in tight spaces around masts, cannon and each other. This has two effects, namely that the vessels feel much larger when you are onboard and also feel pleasingly crowded at the same time. Packing more content into a space generally increases the satisfaction and enjoyment from the scene.

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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2017, 06:14:20 PM »
Firearms. Gunpowder and shot

Dev Blog
February 12, 2017

The topic we have chosen for the blog this week is perhaps the most iconic family of devices when one considers the setting that we have chosen for Holdfast: NaW. Black powder firearms changed the nature of warfare during the 16th century when it became cheaper to train hundreds of musketeers than it did to train a bowman. By the time the 19th century arrived black powder warfare had evolved into a complicated rock-paper-scissors affair between cavalry, artillery and infantry.

We have all the systems in game for all aspects of musket-based gameplay. This includes both ranged and melee features. Fire off your shot before charging in with bayonet raised to close with the enemy in fierce hand to hand fighting. A lot of thought has gone into these systems and our ultimate goal is to balance them so that the inaccuracy of these weapons is represented within the game to both encourage closer engagement ranges and also emphasise massed volleys over individuals skirmishing at long range.


We also feel that it is not conducive to the success of any game to sacrifice good gameplay for any reason so balancing this will be an ongoing effort with help from our community. We have done preliminary testing ourselves but will be looking for feedback from both our closed beta and early access release to finalise the content.


Our system allows us to customise firearms individually in multiple ways.


Shot Deviation - A smoothbore musket was not very accurate when compared to modern firearms. There is a randomised element that affects how much and in what direction the projectile deviates from where the musket is pointing after being fired. We are interested in adding more depth to this feature, for example, we would like to take in wind strength and how this would impact the velocity and direction of a musket ball. Server administrators would also be able to toggle this feature on and off.


Shot drop - The large round metal projectiles fired from these weapons were not magic and suffered the pull of gravity like anything else. The moment the ball leaves the barrel gravity is pulling it towards the earth. We can individually set maximum ranges for distance.

Damage over distance - The raw physical energy and therefore the piercing impact of a projectile is affected by how far it has travelled, forcing it’s way through the air and against the pull of gravity.

Amount of shot in the barrel - Currently this only affects the blunderbuss. This setting allows us to track how many projectiles have been loaded into the firearm.

Ammunition count - This enables us to set how many times you can fire a particular weapon.

Reload time - How long it takes to reload a weapon (for instance a pistol will be reloaded slightly faster than a musket).

To use a musket it is a simple process of right clicking on your mouse to raise the musket to your shoulder and aim it. You can then press left click on your mouse to pull the trigger and fire. While damage to the body will not always result in a kill shot, taking a projectile to the head will always end your fight, so try not to stick it above the parapets too much!


Reload: Long | Range: Medium | Damage: High

The primary firearm of choice during the Napoleonic Era. Muskets are single-shot muzzle-loaded firearms. Muskets have long reload times, medium range and deal high damage.

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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2017, 07:20:39 PM »
Q&A Answering another set of questions

February 19, 2017

Welcome to another Q&A blog. Once again we have taken some time to answer a few questions from our community. If you want to join in the discussion head over to our forums here.

1. Are you accepting donations?

On Our Forum:

We are currently self-funding the game to avoid any sort of outside influence to the development of Holdfast: NaW. We want to create the game without the need for accepting donations or loans largely as part of our overall motivation and dedication to this project.

The game is not something we plan to release and run away from but rather the start of a long and enjoyable journey. When there is something that you can actually purchase (Early access or full release) then, of course, we would welcome the exchange!

2. What factions will be included at the early access release?

On Our Forum:

As has been discussed in the point above we lack the resources of a triple-A development studio. On top of that we have had to build the game from the ground up (using the Unity 5 engine) and while that brings many benefits in and of itself it does mean that we had to limit our scope. We decided to include French and Britain as our two primary factions for the first release mainly because we feel that they are very recognisable and also appeal to a large audience. With that being said, both of these nations utilised foreign soldiers within their armies (Scottish, Dutch and Corsican for instance) and we have included examples of these units within the rosters in Holdfast: Nations At War.

We’ll also be announcing additional classes in our future developer blogs which fall under a separate military branch other than the navy or the army. It is also important to note that we are crafting a lot of depth to our factions with many playable classes and the corresponding uniforms.

However, we are very aware that there were many more nations in various wars throughout the same time period that also deserve depiction. We would very much like to include more factions in Holdfast: NaW.

We look at this as an exciting prospect for future expansion and content. The community will be involved in our decision as to what setting is included next.

3. Will you keep developing the game after early access?

On Facebook:

In short, yes. Holdfast: NaW is not just a single release for Anvil Game Studios. We have plans both for the game directly (in terms of patches, additional content and expansions) but also for a Holdfast franchise.

We wish to build a community around this release, support it and keep new content coming so that it grows. This covers bug fixing in patches and later additions of planned content before then moving forwards into new regions, ships, factions, gameplay features and maybe even exploring new conflicts!

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for more Q&A and developer blogs from us.
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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2017, 01:50:26 AM »
Fort Imperial. Coastal siege

February 26, 2017

Inspired by a historical fort built during the 1600s by the great military architect Vauban, Fort Imperial is one of the coastal siege maps playable in Holdfast: Nations at War. The fort was part of a chain of fortifications that protected the walled city of Saint-Malo and Brittany itself.

But more importantly, how will the map play out? We’ve split the information in two to detail the roles, objectives and provide some tactical insight for the opposing teams - The attackers and the defenders.

The Attackers - Assault Fort Imperial
Your objective is to topple the enemy's defences and capture the fort. Launch rowboats from larger vessels to land ashore, siege the fort with artillery from ships, destroy walls to create breaches and capture strategic objectives.

Besieging Fort Imperial will be a tough and hard-fought affair. It has two layers of defences with long guns, mortars and swivel guns covering most of its surrounding areas. The fort is not impenetrable however and there are a variety of ways to breach it. Keep your head low and watch out for the musket and cannon fire!

You will not be able to go very close to the shore with the larger naval vessels so the use of rowboats and gunboats will be required to go on-shore and capture the fort.
Ladders to scale walls
A variety of ladders positioned around the fort can be used to scale the fort’s walls. This method is the most daring of all, so be prepared to get shot down as you and your fellow men attempt to conquer the fort.

Destroy the walls to create a breach
Bring the ship’s guns to bear on the fort’s walls and batter them down with iron round-shot. You will see the wall gradually tearing down the more round-shot you pour into it. Certain parts of the wall can be shot down to remove cover for the defenders and others will create a breach enabling you and your teammates with easier access to the fort.

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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2017, 11:23:29 AM »
Infantry Officer. Lead your men to victory!

March 12, 2017 

Welcome back to yet another developer blog for Holdfast: Nations At War! You will find that even within the release of Early Access this year, there will be a variety of playable classes on both land and sea. We will be gradually revealing our plans for them starting with the leader of the rank and file - The Infantry Officer.

Military Branches

Classes are sectioned into several military branches.

Join The Army - Fight with a variety of classes such as the Infantry Officer, Line Infantryman and Rifleman from the army military branch on dry ground. Cannons will also play a major role in open field battles.

Join The Navy - You will find the Captain, Sailor as well as other classes playable aboard military sailing ships. The navy not only serves as a proponent to control territorial waters and make quick work of the enemy’s ships but also plays a decisive role in the assault of coastal emplacements.


Serving as a brief overview of the role that a specific class plays within the battlefield, we have categorised our classes to better distinguish those which play a commanding, offensive or supportive role.

Command - Lead your men to victory! Keep the line steady in open field battles or command your crew aboard ships from the age of sail. Issuing orders, rallying up your regiment before a charge, calling men to reinforce your position in the field of battle and sailing ships of war, are some of the duties that come with playing this role.

Offense - Join the rank and file. Your duty is to bring a swift end to your enemy. Black powder firearms are your primary tools of choice but if things get up close and personal, the bayonet amongst a variety of other melee weapons can do their task.

Support - Increase the chance of your team’s success in battle. Cripple the enemy's defences by supporting the fight from the rear with artillery, heal your wounded teammates and more.


Play as one of the commanding roles such as the Captain or Infantry Officer in Holdfast: Nations At War to direct the field of battle! You’ll be able to issue orders to the rank and file or your fellow crewman. When you issue an order, a message will be displayed alerting players in your faction of your command.

Some of you might have already noticed from what we hinted within our trailer but the orders themselves are also voice acted. For the sake of authenticity and increased immersion, we did our voice acting in both English and French.

Traits & Abilities

Traits are bonuses given to certain classes that play a role in differentiating playing styles. Some of these traits not only affect the class you’re playing but also others close to your vicinity. Traits which affect others were specifically tailored to give our support classes a purpose on the battlefield.

Abilities define what a class is able to do and provides you with a deeper understanding of the role the class plays within the battlefield. For instance, this could be the ability to issue orders, fire cannons or heal other players.

Server Customisation

We'll make sure to provide functionality for server administrators to enable or disable traits and orders. This will allow you to customise your own experience and friendly or competitive events to your liking.

Holdfast: Nations At War is being coded from the ground up on the Unity Engine by a single programmer. Anvil Game Studios is an indie company with a relatively small team and while that has it’s own benefits, we do have to limit our scope with regards to certain features and put our priorities on the ones we know the community wants most.

Some of these features may not be present directly on the first day of Early Access. They will, however, be included during the course of the Early Access period. We want to share our thoughts, ideas and plans for the game with you and while we're at it, be able to gather feedback and iterate at an early stage.

Infantry Officer

Role: Command

Lead your men to victory with the Infantry Officer class in Holdfast: Nations At War! Lead charges and command the rank and file into advantageous positions on the battlefield.


Army Authority - An officer in command. You are able to issue orders.


Reinforce - Call for support from your fellow men! A message will be relayed to all players in your team to reinforce the position where you are located. An objective will also be shown on the minimap along with an icon in 3D world space marking the Infantry Officer’s location for a short time.

Charge! - Lead your men in a glorious charge! This will increase the damage dealt by nearby teammates when using melee weapons for a short period of time. Players will also receive a message instructing them to charge.

Both the charge and reinforce orders will have a long cooldown so one must make careful use of them.


Resilient - A strong sense of duty. This trait slightly increases the HP of the Infantry Officer to give him a better chance for survival in the field of battle.

Distinguishable - Stand out from the rank and file. You appear in a different colour on the mini-map. This will make it easier for players within your distance to spot your location and follow you into battle.

Sword Specialisation - Excels with using swords. Your damage when wielding a sword is slightly improved.


Officer’s Sword - An officer’s melee weapon of choice. You wouldn’t be able to lead a proper charge without one.

Pistol - Single-shot muzzle loaded firearm limited by its short range. Pistols can be reloaded more quickly when compared to other firearms.


Spyglass - Spot the enemy from a greater distance.

Lantern - Light your way through the map during night time. Watch out, though, you can easily make your location known to the enemy!

We very well understand that balancing is an ongoing process within games. The class system and any other mechanic for that matter will be subject to improvements and changes upon feedback.

Do you have any ideas or suggestions for the Infantry Officer class? We would love to hear them. Go ahead and join in the discussion on our forums here for this blog.

Stay tuned for more developer blogs on Holdfast: Nations At War. We’re looking forward to revealing more classes!
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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2017, 12:58:19 AM »
Holdfast: NaW on Steam. Play before early access!
18 March

The smell of black powder leaves an acrid taste in your mouth. The enemy are so close now you can see patterned lace on their uniforms. You hear and feel the men beside you matching your movements, directed by the shouted orders. Another volley. Too late to run. Can you stand?

Holdfast: Nations at War is now visible on the Steam store. While you cannot purchase it as of yet, being on the store means two things to you. The first is that much of the work required to integrate the game into the Steam family has been completed and therefore we are that much closer to an Early Access release. The second is that it now opens up Steam to be another platform for both discussion and the release of further news.

You’re more than welcome to give us a follow and add us to your wishlist.

Giveaway Announcement! - Play Before Early Access

Your very own chance to play Holdfast: Nations At War before Early Access!

We will be hosting both testing and promotional events before our release into Early Access this year. To do this we need players and therefore we will be handing out a number of keys on our social media.

Be sure to like our Facebook page and give us a follow on Twitter so you don’t miss this opportunity! Start spreading the word around because when we host the giveaway, you will also have to involve your friends.

One of our most common questions is the price. We are now in a position to announce that Holdfast: NaW will be 19.99 EUR when it is out on Early Access.

We’re working as hard as humanly possible to bring Holdfast: Nations At War into your hands. We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

Once again thank you for all of your support from all of us on the Holdfast: NaW team,

- Peter, Andrew, Julian, Andreas, Nico, Cameron & Tassilo

Anvil Game Studios

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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2017, 12:27:10 AM »
Sailors & Marines. Crew your ship

April 02, 2017

Greetings ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to another developer blog for Holdfast: Nations At War. The selection of classes available for the navy military branch shouldn’t go amiss! Today we’ll be revealing two classes which are essential to crewing your ship -The Sailor and the Marine.

Seeing as this is our first time we’re revealing some of the classes available to be played on our ships, it would be a great opportunity to start by announcing that swimming will be present in Holdfast: Nations At War. Certain classes will be able to swim for a temporary amount of time while others won’t.

We have previously given an overview of the entire class system in one of our blogs. For a better understanding of what it all entails, we suggest that you give it a read.


Role: Support

The main brunt and force of a ship’s crew. Excels at doing various tasks on a ship.


Deckhand - Drilled with knowledge on how to operate a ship. You are able to raise and lower sail, launch rowboats and do a variety of other tasks.

Artillery Basics - Trained with the use of cannons. You are able to fire them.

Swim - Familiar with the ways of the sea. You can swim for a short amount of time.


Hasty Swimmer - Lightly equipped. Your swimming speed is slightly increased.


Pistol - Single-shot muzzle loaded firearm limited by its short range. Pistols can be reloaded more quickly when compared to other firearms.

Melee Weapon Selection - Equip a 1-Handed Axe, Cutlass or a Boarding Pike.


Role: Offense

Equipped with a bayoneted musket, they excel at killing other infantry. You will find the Marine class present in greater numbers aboard ships during an assault on coastal emplacements.


Guard - Duty bound to guard the high-command. You passively increase the HP of nearby allied captains.

Swim - Familiar with the ways of the sea. You can swim for a short amount of time.


Bayonet Specialisation - Excels with using bayonets. Your melee damage when wielding a bayoneted musket is slightly increased.


Bayoneted Musket - Muzzle loaded firearms equipped with a pointy end. They’re your best bet at making quick work of your enemy if things get up close and personal.

Giveaway - Play Before Early Access

We have recently announced that we will be providing some members of our community with a chance to play and test Holdfast: Nations At War before it is out on Early Access this year.

If you’d like to give it a shot, be sure to like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter

Do you have any ideas or suggestions for these classes? Join in the discussion on our developer blog here and tell us about it. That is all we have for today folks, stay tuned for more Developer blogs on Holdfast: Nations At War!

Once again thank you for all of your support from all of us on the Holdfast: NaW team,

- Peter, Andrew, Julian, Andreas, Nico, Cameron & Tassilo

Anvil Game Studios
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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2017, 09:20:46 PM »
Exclusive Interview. Historia Games
April 16, 2017

Instead of our usual Q&A blog, we have an exclusive and rather lengthy interview we did with Historia Games for you this week. Interested in taking a look at yet another class for Holdfast: Nations At War? Or perhaps a sneak peek at one of the maps we’re working on right now? Go ahead and check the interview out!

Click on the 'In English' tab to read the interview.

Historia Games – Holdfast: Nations At War Interview

We’re working as hard as possible to bring Holdfast: Nations At War into your hands this year. Feel free to join in the discussion for the following blog on twitter.

Big thanks to everyone for your support and may good health be yours.

Once again thank you for all of your support from all of us on the Holdfast: NaW team,

- Peter, Andrew, Julian, Andreas, Nico, Cameron & Tassilo

Anvil Game Studios

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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2017, 07:28:22 PM »
Voice acting. Vive L'Empereur!
April 30, 2017

Greetings ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another developer blog for Holdfast: Nations At War. Inside a recording studio in London, we’ve brought together a team of native English and French speaking voice actors to record a great selection of orders, cheers, taunts and roleplaying shouts.

Recording voices in the native languages spoken by both factions that will be in-game on the release of Early Access this year, was at the very top of our priority list. This along with a variety of other features in the game will bring a certain degree of authenticity and immersion that will surely be appreciated by our community.

Before we went into the recording studio, we spent weeks preparing a script for the voices to be recorded. We wanted to make sure that we also record voices that will compliment features we have planned further down our development roadmap.


Be it when ordering your men to charge into battle or to reinforce your position, your issued order will be voice acted. As we have previously described in our class system developer blog, some of these orders will directly impact gameplay but others are there for roleplaying purposes and to direct the field of battle.

Roleplaying Shouts

What’s better than complimenting your fellow comrade or better yet an enemy of their exceptionally fine shot after they missed a target so close that they could practically touch it with their own hands?

The same shouts amongst a variety of others can also be used in a more serious roleplaying context. We’ll leave it up to the players to decide what they want to do with it.


But you know what’s even more brilliant? Taunts!

Shout at your enemy from above your ship’s deck or the safety behind your fort’s walls. Do choose your enemies carefully, however. It wouldn’t be the first time one of us had to hang his head in shame during a play session after a misstep.


Praise the name of your King or Emperor as you march your way into battle! It certainly won’t keep the enemy's musket fire from reaching your line, but it will make bayonet charges ever more glorious.

Faction Victory

Coupled with a short tune at the end of the round, we thought that it would do well to recorded a couple of voices that we can use to announce a faction’s victory.


Multiple takes for each acted line were taken by two voice actors for each faction. We also make good use of the audio engine in the game to create even more variations from the audio files produced during the recording session.

Community Discord

We're now on Discord. We're plenty busy working on the game but we'll be sure to find the time to say hi.

We would highly appreciate it if you were to spread the word around about the community Discord channel to your friends. We do hope to see you there soon!

The voices that we’ve revealed above do not make up for the entire list of voice acted lines available in the game. The selection is far greater, but for the purposes of making this blog concise, we haven’t put them here. It was jolly good fun recording these voices and we are looking forward to doing more in the future.

Do join in the discussion for the following blog here and tell us what you think. We hope you’ve enjoyed listening and until next time, may good health be yours.

Our thanks go to Joseph Bracken, Rejenorst, Dodo and to all of the voice actors for their hard work.

Historia Games – Holdfast: Nations At War Interview

We’re working as hard as possible to bring Holdfast: Nations At War into your hands this year. Feel free to join in the discussion for the following blog on twitter.

Big thanks to everyone for your support and may good health be yours.

Once again thank you for all of your support from all of us on the Holdfast: NaW team,

- Peter, Andrew, Julian, Andreas, Nico, Cameron & Tassilo

Anvil Game Studios

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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2017, 01:51:32 PM »
Line & Light Infantry. The rank and file
7 May - AGS | Refleax

Greetings ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another developer blog for Holdfast: Nations At War. Today we’ll be talking about two classes which are perhaps considered to be some of the most iconic units commonly available to be played on land based scenarios - The line and light infantryman.

Line Infantry
Role: Offense

Part of the rank and file. Excels at killing other infantry.

Bayoneted Musket - Muzzle loaded firearms equipped with a pointy end. They’re your best bet at making quick work of your enemy if things get up close and personal.

Light Infantry
Role: Offense

Quick-footed skirmishers. Make use of their increase in running speed to navigate around the battlefield.

Skirmisher - Drilled with knowledge on skirmishing tactics. Your musket reload speed is slightly increased and your melee combat damage slightly decreased.

Light-Footed - Fast and nimble. Your running speed is slightly increased.

Bayoneted Musket - Muzzle loaded firearms equipped with a pointy end. They’re your best bet at making quick work of your enemy if things get up close and personal.

Sword - The French light infantryman comes equipped with a sabre briquet.

New Firearms
The list of available weaponry to combat your enemies with is set to become much greater than before thanks to the feedback from our community.

We are currently working on seven new firearms to compliment classes in the army military branch. No longer will these classes be equipped with sea service muskets!

Community Discord
In our previous developer blog, we have mentioned that we’ve set up a discord channel for our community to reside in. It’s been great getting to know you all. We do hope to see you there soon if you haven’t made up your mind yet!

You can join in the community discord channel down below:

In our next developer blog, we’ll be revealing a support class which will surely be a sight to behold.

Until next time, feel free to join in the discussion for the following blog here and may good health be yours.
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Online Asid

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Re: Holdfast: Nations At War
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2017, 02:01:54 PM »
Musicians! In-game footage
14 May - AGS | Refleax

Drum roll, please. You heard me! Make wood hit leather because today we are taking a look at the musician class. This time around, we also coupled it with some in-game footage to give this class the proper attention it deserves.

Watch the video below to check out the in-game footage:

The objectives user interface to the left of the screen, the buff icons as well as the menu to select music from shown in the video, are all placeholders.

Play me some tunes! How does it work?
The music system is designed with cooperation in mind. A team-mate playing a tune in your vicinity can be joined at any point in the tune. Tracks are selected from a list that are colour coded to show which songs are being played around you (yellow) as well as which song you are currently playing (green).

The current selection
We have selected a list of music associated with the era from upbeat tunes like Rule Britannia to slower ballads such as Over The Hills and Far Away. Each tune has an accompanying percussive element to it for joint play. The idea was to represent many iconic sounds and to have players share this experience with each other.

The British Grenadiers
Men of Harlech
Rule Britannia
Over The Hills and Far Away
Hearts of Oak
Spanish Ladies
La Victoire est à Nous
Pas Cadencé
Auprès de ma Blonde
Le Chant de L'Oignon
Cadet Rouselle
Trois Jeunes Tambours
A drum roll
A selection of tunes by Bach for the violins.

Role: Support

It takes powerful lungs and a constitution of stone to play a fife into battle. This class supports nearby allied troops with bonuses.

Musician - Inspiring presence. You increase firearm reloading speed of nearby allies when playing music.

Resilient - A strong sense of duty. This trait slightly increases the HP of the fifer to give him a better chance of survival in battle.

Pistol - Single-shot muzzle loaded firearm limited by its short range. Pistols can be reloaded more quickly when compared to other firearms. A solid defensive choice for a front-line support unit.

Sword & Sabre Briquet - The French musicians come equipped with a sabre briquet while the British have a sword available at their disposal. Sometimes the fighting gets uncomfortably close, even for a musician.

Fife - There is a reason that a high pitched mouth instrument was used on the battlefield; you can hear the higher notes playing across the field of battle despite the deeper sounds of fierce conflict. Pierce the orchestra of war with your tunes.

Role: Support

An old favourite; Drums are the percussion of war, inspiring warriors with their thudding tempo since man first learned to kill. Like the fifer, nearby allied troops are supported with bonuses.

Musician - Inspiring presence. You increase firearm reloading speed of nearby allies when playing music.

Resilient - A strong sense of duty. This trait slightly increases the HP of the drummer to give him a better chance of survival in battle.

Pistol - Single-shot muzzle loaded firearm limited by its short range. Pistols can be reloaded more quickly when compared to other firearms. A solid defensive choice for a front-line support unit.

Sword & Sabre Briquet - The French musicians come equipped with a sabre briquet while the British have a sword available at their disposal. Sometimes the fighting gets uncomfortably close, even for a musician.

Drums - Thud, bang, crash and WAR! You know that chaos is around the corner when the war drums start to beat the percussion of battle.

Role: Support

The violinist isn’t just for jaunty dancing tunes in small taverns, ship crews need their morale regular kept high by their ship’s musician prancing around the deck. We have a variety of deckhand outfits which the violinist will use. Keep the ship moving!

Musician - Inspiring presence. You increase firearm reloading speed of nearby allies when playing music. Violins make infantry more accurate, everyone knows it!

Resilient - A strong sense of duty. This trait slightly increases the HP of the violinist to give him a better chance of survival in battle.

Pistol - Single-shot muzzle loaded firearm limited by its short range. Pistols can be reloaded more quickly when compared to other firearms. A solid defensive choice for a front-line support unit.

Cutlass - A brutal slashing weapon primarily associated with naval troops. A scary choice for a close encounter, stay away from the violinist’s sword arm.

Violin - A slender neck, gracefully curved body and smooth finish. In the hands of a master, it sings like the haunting Siren’s call. In the hands of an unskilled layman, it screeches like chalk on a wall.

Here’s a little extra something! You can find these scattered across a variety of maps, find them and become a master pianist in the midst of the chaos of war.

This was a brief glimpse into a selection of different musician classes that we have currently in the game. We have plans to increase this roster as the game progresses. On top of that our hope is to expand the music available to play by hiring professional musicians to introduce later in the game’s development. Our priority at the moment is creating a stable, cohesive build for an early access release.

Currently, our thoughts for the benefits musicians give to players is that when a group plays together, a further bonus to friendly player’s reload experience will be applied. We are keen to hear feedback on this system and others like it from our early access adopters. Feel free to head over to our forums here to join in the discussion.

Once again thank you for taking the time to read this and know that it brings us one week closer to getting the game into your hands!

May good health be yours.
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