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Offline Asid

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Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« on: January 20, 2017, 03:36:03 PM »
Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!

Hardcore Tactical Realism Modification for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon

Official Site: Here
Official forum: Here
Facebook: Here
Download (6.72GB): Here

Official trailer


Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed is a hardcore tactical realism mod / expansion pack for the universally acclaimed and multiple GOTY award winning squad-based military first-person shooter Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (2001), originally developed by Red Storm Entertainment.

Heroes Unleashed offers a ruthlessly unforgiving tactical shooter experience by maximizing realism in every aspect of the game.  Weapons perfectly match their real-life counterparts in accuracy, effectiveness, and handling.  Your AI opponents display terrifying levels of tactical acumen in trying to outwit you through flanking, laying down suppressive fire, hiding, taking cover, etc.  Missions take place in realistic open-world environments and are completely nonlinear, with a minimum of scripted events and lots of random elements for infinite replayability.

The mod pushes Ghost Recon's tactical realism gameplay to the absolute extreme and sets it lightyears apart from anything you are accustomed to in todays ubiquitous action shooters.  One bullet can kill, there are no med packs, no health regeneration, no sci-fi equipment, enemies are not shown on HUD, there is no handholding, no guide towards your objectives.  There is just you and your squad of elite soldiers, pretty much on your own out there deep behind enemy lines, with cautious tactical execution being your best bet to survive.

Whether you play alone, with friends via Internet or local network, either cooperatively against AI or in adversarial PvP / TvT challenge, Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed delivers rivetingly realistic squad-based military tactical FPS combat hard to find anywhere else.

Key Features:

 • Intensified focus on hardcore tactical realism gameplay
• Enhanced and extended Ghost Recon trilogy SP / MP CO-OP campaigns
• Nonlinear randomized SP / MP CO-OP mission and game type execution
• Cinematic mission intro & outro cutscenes for single player
• Automated save game function for single player missions and games
• Huge choice of maps (over 200 total), available in all SP / MP games
• Overhauled realistic map environments (viewing and drawing distance)
• Dynamic mission weather change (precipitation, intensity, direction)
• Novel random mission generator for SP / MP CO-OP on all maps
• Many new and improved game types (100+ total for SP / MP combined)
• Comprehensive SP / MP CO-OP tactical score / rating system
• Intricate AI stealth / enemy detection and alertness routines
• Improved overall opponent and friendly AI capabilities and behavior
• Loads of authentic weapons and equipment items (more than 400 total)
• Revamped equipment kit selection menus (quick equipment browsing)
• More realistic weapon characteristics, handling, and ballistics
• Closer to real-world bullet penetration and wounding system
• Innovative new weapon sight zoom effect (visible weapon scope)
• Reworked SP kits and MP unit and equipment restrictions setup
• Extra characters (more than 1,000 total) with many new attachments
• Expanded SP team character appearance (varying character skins)
• Additional marksman character for SP Ghost team and all MP teams
• Battle Dress Uniform (BDU) updated to Advanced Combat Uniform (ACU)
• Added MP units (Navy SEALs, SAS, Delta Force, KSK, Spetsnaz, etc.)
• Supplementary military and civilian vehicles (more than 100 total)
• Boosted audio dynamics and scores of authentic new sounds
• Countless new high-resolution textures and more detailed 3D models
• Updated user interface (menus, HUD, command map, PDA, sounds etc.)
• Optimized for current 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio HD displays
• Tons of technical and gameplay fixes, adjustments, fine tuning, etc.
• Customizable to personal preference via 50+ included add-on mods
• Immeasurable treasure in game- and mod-related bonus content ;)
• Streamlined file / folder naming and structure for easier modding
• Elaborate measures for compatibility and discrete modular content
• Included development tools and essential modding information
• Cross-platform compatible (same download for Mac and PC)


• Mac OS 9.2 / OS X 10.1-10.x, Windows 9x/ME/2k/XP/Vista/7/8/10 (x86/64)
• 1.0 GHz processor (2.0 GHz or faster recommended)
• 512 MB RAM (2 GB or more recommended)
• 64 MB video card (512 MB or better recommended)
• 1024x768 or 1280x720 display resolution (1920x1080 Full-HD or higher recommended)
• 640x480 resolution support for game menu and movie playback
• 19 GB available disk space (up to 26 GB during installation, fast SSD recommended)
• Hi-Fi stereo or surround sound (surround sound gaming headset recommended)
• 56 kbps TCP/IP connection (for network / online play, broadband access recommended)
• Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (2001), updated to version 1.4 (preferably English version)
• Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Desert Siege (2002) official expansion pack
• Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Island Thunder (2002) official expansion pack



• Campaign, missions, and game types have been re-scripted to improve scenario realism, e.g. no reinforcements spawn out of thin air right in front of you, enemy locations may vary each time a mission or game is done, there are less fixed (and subsequently predictable) scripted events in order to realistically increase randomness, and so on. 

• Game scripts now dynamically adjust the number of AI enemies and their placement on each map depending on a map's size and where your soldiers' (often randomized) starting location will be, in order to (largely) avoid the (usually) unrealistic situation of having your squad infil in direct vicinity of hostile forces. 

• AI awareness of your presence now takes such things as dead bodies laying around into account, so enemies will ultimately realize that they are under attack, if they repeatedly stumble upon dead comrades. Frequently being seen (or heard) by an opponent will eventually also spread the news of your arrival, leading to increased enemy alertness. 

• New game type scripting allows for dynamic weather conditions, i.e. by continuously adjusting precipitation intensity on maps that feature e.g. rain or snow (within realistic parameters for map environment). Full-scale missions allow for weather conditions to change even more drastically over time, so rain could slowly turn into a blizzard, or the weather may improve and clear up altogether, etc. 

• Mission environment settings (fog range, color, and opacity, as well as overall rendering distances etc.) are adjusted for a more realistic and immersive visual appearance. 

• Spotting distances for AI characters are corrected on all maps - if you can see the enemy, they can see you, too. 

• All mission locations displayed during briefings are corrected and shown with proper coordinates on new world maps covering the entire planet.  Mission times displayed during briefings correspond to visual environments in their respective maps. 

• All textures have been reviewed one-by-one for potential visual inadequacies and touched-up or recreated if necessary to achieve the best possible level of visual realism. 

• Many visual effects like muzzle flash, tracer ammunition, ricochets, blood, gunshot wounds, fire, explosions, debris, smoke, rain, snow, lightning, shadows, clouds, lens flare etc. are retextured for a more realistic appearance. 

• AI characters are adjusted to exhibit more realistic behavior and capabilities (e.g. there are no more enemies with super-human weapon accuracy that lets them shoot the wings off a fly at a distance of hundreds of meters with a standard-issue assault rifle, and your special forces AI team mates display improved combat skills). 

• Enemies carry a wider more authentic range of weapons and equipment. 

• Non-player characters now fire their weapons in full-auto or burst mode where the appropriate trigger group / fire rate is available. 

• Additional new player, enemy, and noncombatant characters provide a more varied and thereby more realistic and immersive experience. 

• Every character features individual appearance (skins) including facial features, which means that you will no longer encounter two characters that look like the same person. 

• New weapons and vehicles are added for a broader and more realistic variety of military materiel encountered in the field. 

• Vehicle characteristics are adjusted for more realistic behavior. Their weapons correspond to real-world armaments with realistic weapon effectiveness, and vehicle handling allows for realistic movement. 

• All weapons are correctly designated, adjusted using their real-life properties (weight, ammunition capacity, trigger group, rate of fire etc.), and feature authentic ballistics (range, penetration, stopping power, recoil, muzzle flash etc.) that take many technical details of each individual firearm into account (exact ammunition cartridge type incl. loading information, barrel and projectile geometry, empirical real-world external and terminal ballistics data etc.) to provide the most realistic shooting experience within simulation constraints. 

• Weapon handling is adjusted for more realistic weapon control, e.g. to facilitate improved shooting during slow movement, smaller lighter guns like pistols, SMG's, etc. feel more compact overall and allow for quicker target acquisition than larger heavier rifles, bulky weapons like sniper rifles and machine guns require the shooter to crouch or assume a prone position for their full accuracy potential, etc. 

• Single shot (manual) rate of fire of all hand guns is limited to slightly more authentic levels, meaning that e.g. frantically clicking the mouse button will produce less ridiculous ROF, and AI characters won't be able to shoot e.g. bolt action sniper rifles at 300 rpm. Fully realistic single shot ROF is not implemented, because the game ties muzzle flash duration to current ROF (hard-coded), which in turn would render its animation even more unrealistic. 

• Tracer ammunition is limited to realistic applications, i.e. mainly used in belt-fed or high-capacity (e.g. drum, helical) magazine-fed machine guns loaded four-to-one tracer (i.e. every fifth round, e.g. in ammunition belts). 

• The muzzle flash of each weapon more closely matches its real-life size and appearance with corresponding firearms and ammunition types. 

• All weapons feature authentic firing sounds which also exactly reflect the rate of fire for each weapon.  For example, when you fire an assault rifle with an effective ROF of 750 rounds per minute at full auto you hear a staccato with intervals of exactly 0.08 seconds. 

• Weapon reloading sounds are reworked (within the severe limitations of the game) to be a bit more realistic than the defaults. 

• Weapon models are more detailed and exhibit more authentic overall appearance.  Every single weapon texture has been manually reworked and refined for a perfect finish providing realistic visual features. 

• Weapon scopes feature accurate magnification levels and realistic field of view.  Weapons without magnifying optics provide no zoom. 

• Weapon optics are represented with more authentic visual appearance based on their real-life reticles.  All reticle textures have been completely recreated from real-life weapon optics.  Weapons with iron sights retain symbolic default reticles. 

• Night vision and binoculars more closely match the field of view and appearance of their real-life counterparts. 

• HUD, command map, and compass / threat indicator are changed, with some elements removed, for a cleaner and less obtrusive look, and to allow a less restricted field of view.  Direction of incoming fire and enemy positions are no longer shown to improve realism and suspense. Hostiles in close proximity (within 40 meters) are still displayed via a (nondirectional) threat indicator (optional). 

• NPCs (Non-Player Characters) and vehicles are no longer shown on the command map, and sensors are removed from the equipment selection to facilitate more realistic tactical play. 

• Nonessential UI elements like symbolic animations representing e.g. reloading, weapon switching, or opening doors, are removed to limit distraction and to maintain a higher level of realism and immersion. 

• Some audio-visual feedback (e.g. on-screen text messages and voice confirmation of kills) is removed / randomized to limit diversion, raise immersion, and to improve overall suspense and realism (e.g. without kill confirmation you can never be sure whether a distant threat has been eliminated unless you confirm the kill yourself). 

• In-mission text chat functionality is severely limited, and other text feedback during missions is kept to a bare minimum, for a further increase in realism and immersion through even less superfluous visual distractions. 

• Rangefinders are no longer available by default to improve realism in unit equipment (in real life not every soldier carries an AN/GVS-5 laser rangefinder).  The corresponding keyboard shortcut is renamed and now simply holsters your weapon.  Rangefinders are still available via the equipment selection menu. 

• The body damage model provides more authentic wound lethality (e.g. shots to the head are more likely to kill, while hitting arms, legs or abdomen has a higher probability to result in non-lethal wounds) and body armor more closely reflects real-life NIJ Standard 0101.04 Type I, II, and IIIA armor levels, e.g. characters wearing Type IIIA ballistic resistant vests (like most support experts) enjoy at least single hit chest protection against high-velocity 9mm FMJ RN and similar threats. 

• Body armor is adjusted for each individual in-game character, e.g. an irregular wearing a t-shirt no longer exhibits any unusual bullet resistance, while a soldier with a bulky vest and / or combat uniform very likely has body armor of some kind.  In general, the bulkier the vest / uniform a character wears, the higher the type of body armor. 

• Combat loadout is altered to realistic levels for mission parameters and corresponds to Special Forces unit agility requirements, with TAT ABL and equipment weight approximating FORSCOM regulations to maintain total fighting load of up to 25 kg wherever possible.  Real-life load distribution across squad members (e.g. chain-linked LMG ammunition, anti-materiel sniper rifle rounds etc.) is taken into account through compromising individual load to compensate for simulation limitations. 

• Military units present in the game use authentic materiel fielded by their real-life counterparts, meaning all NPC and player characters in both single player and multiplayer mode feature a true-to-life range of authentic weapons, vehicles, and other equipment. 

• Overlap in equipment kits between soldier classes is increased (e.g. anti-armor weapons can be found in non-demolitions kits etc.) for more realistic unit variety and flexibility. 

• Obsolete U.S. Army BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) and DCU (Desert Camouflage Uniform) are replaced with contemporary (2008) ACU (Army Combat Uniform) with UCP (Universal Camouflage Pattern).  However, e.g. some unlockable Specialists retain their classic style BDU / DCU and the old uniforms are still available via multiplayer restrictions. 

• The sniper class now offers two different characters in distinctive roles: A sniper with ghillie suit camouflage for solitary work and rural surroundings, and a marksman with standard issue uniform for teamwork and in urban environments to avoid the unrealistic employment of ghillie-suited snipers in team roles or urban areas, and to reflect real-world distinction of sniper and designated marksman roles. 

• Other soldier classes feature additional character skins to provide more realistic varied team selection (e.g. so not all riflemen in your team look almost exactly alike, anymore). 

• Many other small technical and cosmetic fixes and improvements are implemented to maximize authenticity and realism throughout.


• The mod's campaign contains all missions of Ghost Recon and both official expansion packs, Desert Siege and Island Thunder, combined into one trilogy sequence.  It features all Specialists (except Jodit Haile) as unlockables, each with appropriate uniforms and suitable camouflage for all mission locations. 

• Every Specialist can be unlocked in more than one campaign mission, so if a player does not succeed at first try, there is still a chance to unlock the same Specialist at a later point in the campaign. 

• Specialists already unlocked prior to installation of the mod are unlocked within the mod as well (the mod uses the same database for unlocked characters as the original game). 

• Some Specialists' soldier classes are changed and adapted for a more versatile team setup, i.e. to provide a broader choice of personnel as well as weapons and equipment e.g. for demolitions objectives. 

• Campaign missions are re-scripted to provide a more demanding game experience with increased realism and (almost) complete nonlinearity (which also means that many original scripted events are removed for the sake of improved replayability / non-predictability and realism), as well as adjusted for a unified look'n'feel, e.g. objective triggers and response messages are more consistent throughout.  Additionally, several errors and glitches of the original missions have been fixed. 

• Participation in campaign missions no longer results in additional combat points for individual soldiers, and no extra combat points are given out in quick missions anymore, either.  All soldier stats are completely reworked for improved character abilities and AI behavior, so the combat point system would no longer have any effect. 

• To further increase replayability, missions and game types feature a scoring system which displays additional information about your team's performance after a mission / game.  The score takes various aspects of mission execution into account (completed objectives, team member health / survival, stealth / detection by enemies) and provides extra incentive for replaying a mission to optimize each individual score component, thus maximizing the total score. 

• Both missions and game types feature sequential auto-saving of game progress throughout single player gameplay. 

• Movie sequences are adapted for the new campaign (and the final movie features a little bonus). 

• All movie sequences are re-cut and re-encoded with corrected common widescreen aspect ratio. 

• Intro and / or outro cinematics are added to all missions depending on mission circumstances, i.e. if the briefing context calls for or allows insertion and / or extraction by e.g. boat, helicopter, etc. 

• In-game text is corrected with proper English title capitalization and modified for homogeneous sentence spacing, as well as a more consistent wording style. 

• Maps and missions are renamed and reordered for a more consistent naming convention and to provide logical sequence for single and in multiplayer mode.  The map sequence is the same for all game types, both single and multiplayer, and maps have the same numbering as their corresponding missions. 

• Single missions outside of the campaign are in a shuffled order by default to provide varying environments for all map sequence options. 

• Map names feature S / M / L (Small / Medium / Large) labels as extra information during map selection.  Multiplayer server setup features additional map information on the map selection screen.  In addition to map size and recommended number of players, the map summary now provides a variety of combat environment information (e.g. default, desert, or jungle territory; rural or urban setting; CQB situation; day or night; time of day; weather conditions). 

• Many new maps, missions, and game types are added for both single and multi-player to increase the game's variation and replayability. 

• All game types for both single and multi-player games are completely re-scripted for improved gameplay and replayability, and to provide ideal compatibility with the mod's wide range of map sizes - from its smallest CQB locations up to its vast long range outdoor scenarios. 

• Among the new game types is Black Ops, a random mission generator representing classified military operations with countless possible combinations of mission objectives.  The Black Ops game type takes the game's scripting capability to its absolute limit to provide realistic random mission parameters for infinite replayability. 

• All missions and maps are unlocked for single player Quick Missions by default. 

• All maps feature completely reworked map scripting that makes them available in all single and multiplayer game types.  Every map script is also modified to allow an increased number of enemies and a greater variety of enemy locations in all game types. 

• Many maps feature newly created UI elements like snapshots, briefing world maps, command maps, and command map briefing images, as well as mission briefing text. 

• All UI elements like menus, PDA, loading screens, HUD including the command map interface, mouse pointer, credits screens, etc. are fully redesigned for a fresh game look that not only offers an updated appearance while staying close to the base game's unique visual style, but also offers several usability and functionality improvements. 

• The command map interface is modified to display all other human and computer team members with authentic military rank insignia next to their names.  The player's character is identified as Captain, other human players as Master Sergeants, and computer players as Sergeants. 

• All command maps are recreated to feature a more homogeneous design and tactical grid coordinates that facilitate strategic team play. 

• As all online services have been shut down by Ubisoft, the "Play on" option for online multiplayer is removed from the game's interface.  You can still play online multiplayer via (manual) direct IP connection or through popular third-party gaming networks like GameRanger (please see the LOCAL & ONLINE MULTIPLAYER SETUP section of this document for details). 

• Multiplayer server setup now allows selecting the availability of both equipment and military units through restriction sets, so the "AVAILABLE KITS" option is renamed to "CONFIGURATION" to reflect its influence on available military units as well as their equipment. 

• New military units are made available as multiplayer characters to improve balancing between teams through competitive camouflage on all types of map terrain. 

• The four standard multiplayer teams are U.S. and Russian special forces: U.S. Army, Company D, 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (5th SFG) a.k.a. "Ghost Recon" (Blue Team), Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), Alpha Group, a.k.a. "Spetsgruppa Alfa" (Red Team), U.S. Marine Corps (USMC), 1st Force Reconnaissance Company, a.k.a. "Marine Force Recon" (Gold Team), and Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), Vega Group, a.k.a. "Spetsgruppa Vympel" (Green Team), each available in woodland, desert, and jungle camouflage combat uniform to even the odds of being spotted and approximately equalize body armor levels for Team-vs-Team and Player-vs-Player battles. 

• Further available multiplayer units are U.S. Army 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta (1st SFOD-D) a.k.a. "Delta Force", German Bundeswehr Kommando Spezialkraefte (KSK), British Army 22nd Special Air Service (SAS) Regiment, and U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG), a.k.a. "DEVGRU" or "SEAL Team Six". 

• All multiplayer teams feature a new marksman character in the sniper class with standard uniform (woodland, desert, and jungle) for better visual integration into teams and for urban environments. 

• New multiplayer restrictions / configurations feature more authentic compilations of equipment based on both individual soldier class and selected military unit, which means that e.g. Delta Force demolitions experts have a different range of weapons and equipment available than Navy SEALs of the same soldier class. 

• Original multiplayer restrictions are renamed and labeled "Legacy" to be easily discernible from the new restrictions system.  They offer team and equipment selections more closely based on the original game, yet are significantly updated / expanded. 

• Several aspects of the UI are changed for ease of use and improved functionality, e.g. to fully display longer names of maps, missions, game saves, game types, multiplayer restriction sets, etc. 

• Many interface strings are adjusted to streamline miscellaneous UI elements and to reflect a variety of changes introduced by the mod, e.g. the existence of anti-armor weapons other than the M136 and their availability outside of the demolitions soldier class, etc. 

• The equipment selection screens are adjusted to correctly display up to 4-digit kit numbers and slightly longer weapon names.  It is now possible to quickly browse kits by click-and-holding selector arrows. 

• All equipment outline textures for equipment selection screens were completely reworked to reflect weapons and their attachments with more detail.  Additionally, all weapons with magnifying optics are marked with crosshairs symbols, and all grenade launchers, antitank weapons, shotguns, and demo charges are identified by corresponding symbols. 

• Symbolic iron sight reticle design generally differs between western (e.g. NATO) and eastern (e.g. former Warsaw Pact) weapons, as well as between (an expanded variety of) different weapon classes.  Additional weapon class reticles are implemented for anti-material sniper rifles, general purpose machine guns, full-power battle rifles, designated marksman rifles, light support weapons, compact designated marksman rifles, personal defense weapons, submachine guns with high-capacity magazines, standard submachine guns, machine pistols, and shotguns. 

• All used files have been reviewed one-by-one for possible conflicts with any other files in the mod, the original game and both official expansion packs, and - if necessary - adjusted, to ensure the perfect compatibility of all components. 

• Many other small technical and cosmetic fixes and improvements are implemented to achieve the best possible gaming experience. 

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Offline Stardog765

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Re: Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2017, 04:33:39 PM »
 :'( I found all my Ghost Recon CDs except Island Thunder NOOOOO!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2017, 04:37:03 PM »
:'( I found all my Ghost Recon CDs except Island Thunder NOOOOO!

It seems to be working for me without the addons....Just installed 1.4 GR
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Offline Cougar11

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Re: Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2017, 04:39:16 PM »

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

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Offline Stardog765

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Re: Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2017, 04:46:26 PM »
Hmmm says on their page its required to have both addons.

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Offline Cougar11

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Re: Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2017, 06:52:14 PM »
I would be interested in some mp on this if possible. Would be awesome to run thorough some co-op missions as a group, or force on force.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

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Offline Stardog765

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Re: Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2017, 07:09:49 PM »
Ya man use to love Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six back in the day!

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Offline Pipe

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Re: Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2017, 02:53:26 AM »
Man I cant find any of my GR cd's
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Offline Asid

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Re: Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2017, 03:12:01 AM »
Man I cant find any of my GR cd's

What's a CD?

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Re: Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2017, 03:17:21 AM »
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Offline Attila

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Re: Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed!
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2017, 02:31:18 PM »
Very good MOD :)
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