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Author Topic: SOW Waterloo MP AAR Seen from Div commander perspective army vs army  (Read 5299 times)

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Divisional commander under Napoleon against the teadrinkers
Setup:army vs army vanilla
Me Ushiri Commanding some inf brigades and a small battery.
Army commander human + 2 corps human commanders and me as a divcom under one of the other players
with some fellows on steam that I have been trying to build up some good friendly teamwork with.

In the last battle I was in I had 3 others on my side, 1 army commander and I was beneath my human corps commander.
I travelled forward to a position with a big open field and we could see some enemy cavalry in the distance. Then my corps
commander got orders, me not knowing the whole picture and not caring since I was just trying to do my best with the orders
I would soon get. So I was ordered to doubletime with my complete division some km away to help another divisional commander
 and take control of his left flank and hold a valley while he would continue trying to lay seige to a town with enemy
inf and arty defending it.

I took up position on top of the hill and put my small batteries in the valley close to the top, and marched down with my
infantry and formed up a line to defend from enemy flanking my fellow Divcommander named Rome (ai) I saw an opportunity rise
and I pressed my infantry into the enemy forward position and charged some infantry that broke and retreated and took 2 cannons.
DivCom Rome moved forward a bit and we held control just in front of the town.

I noticed that british infantry was marching down to me in the valley along with good skirmishers. We held them back quite
good but with some casualties. Then after quite some time I saw a Uhlan cavalry brigade coming up on the hill on the opposite of
my position behind the enemy. This wasnt going to bode well I thought, reported the situation that very much needed the cav that
was supposed to be here earlier.

I got the response that Kellermans cavalry was allready supposed to be here and my commander had no more information
why they hadnt yet come to our section to support us. I put several units on my right flank in square formation behind my
lines to be ready for them if they wanted to aproach, but the cavalry just kept trotting down the road to support the town
defenders it seemed. I still didnt to pull back and held my square, the ttruth was that I online had 1 square formation on
my right but 2 other rested infantry marching up to there to support. Now the cavalry started to move back and getting
closer and also into the woods on the right flank where I allready had positioned another infantry, but unfortonatly not in square.

My infantry in the woods didnt form up in a square that quick and was overrun and routed by the Uhlan cavlry with their horrible
spears. By then I had several squares holding the right flank and it actually seemed like we could hold on for some more time. My
units supporting DivCommander Romes siege took heavy casualties and DivCommander Rome didnt do a good job taking the town
from my point of view and using the momentum I created when I before broke several units and took the cannons.
I looked through my binoculars and noticed behind the wood on my right flank I noticed several artillery batteris riding to
completely get around us, reported to my commander, The units I had in the valley where now pinned into combat and holding
the line and in squares on the right flank to defend from cavalry charges and my artillery was stationened together with several
other batteries on top of the hill.

My commander ordered me to not fall back with my units which I tried to do at some point since they where being a bit
under heavy fire against enemy infantry. I reinforced them with my leftovers from the seige of the town and held my ground.
I asked again where the promised cavalry support was, my commander told me he hadnt recieved any orders from Napoleon
and it seemed our couriers had gotten shoot.

Now one of my infantry units in lineformation at the front got smashed cause of a sudden cavalry charge by the Uhlans, they
screamend and run. I had supportive units in squares behind and the cavalry retreated but now at this point I had 2 cavalry
units behind my lines not so far from our batteries. I had to weak infantry units protecting my batteries but I feelt it wasnt
enough so I moved my batteries to a safer location closer to DivCommander Romes area to where he had several infantry units.

The situation was unbearable since I didnt have any good reserves or cavalry to meet the enemy cav or try to take control
of the woods at our right side, I had seen moving enemy batteries moving up behind the woods and now they where nowhere
to been seen which made me fear it even more. I asked if it was possible to get infantry reinforcements to cover a fallback to
form up a line a bit back and the answer was yes, which was very needed.

I tried to fall back my most forward square since it  was getting shoot to pieces by skirmishers and regular infantry, the
problem was that there was also cavalry hanging around  very close, I rode down there myself to get the orders out fast,
I Doubletimed march them away in column into my square behind, but it proved the wrong thing to do

The enemy Uhlans made the unit crap their pants and me too. So they got crushed aswell. Now I had only 2 good squares
and cavarly looming around on my direct flank. The new infantry support took a stand against the a british line and I charged
them from the side, we broke them off and we did it a second time and it feelt like it wasnt all lost.
My commander told me the siege of the town had stopped some time back since it wasnt possible to take it and instead just
holding on top of the hill and defeding.

And I marched down my beaten units and put up a mixed defence of line and squares and it seemed okey for a very small
time until I noticed huge numbers of fresh units that didnt seem to have entered combat at all where coming in at the distance
preparing themself to go down into the valley. All seemed to be utterly lost even.

My commander now sent me information about that Kellermans now was here with a full division of heavy proud cavalry. We
both feelt that we didnt care anymore and I also was told that the whole operation overall was a complete disaster.
I feelt I had earned my pay since I had followed my orders and had held the area even if I had high casualties and also managed

to help a fellow commander on his flank to break down the resistance.
After battle when I watched the replay it showed that the Brits had at least 3 corps not engaged into combat and all fresh,
and in a strategic level we where overrun on our right flank since we hadnt put up defenses in the big woods that was there
and the enemy completely overrun our army before we had been setup properly.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 12:52:33 PM by ushiri »
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Offline Asid

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Re: SOW Waterloo MP AAR Seen from Div commander perspective army vs army
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2016, 03:04:58 PM »
Very interesting Ushiri. Thank you for taking the time to make and post this here.

You say you played "Vanilla" so no KS? No HITS?

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Re: SOW Waterloo MP AAR Seen from Div commander perspective army vs army
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2016, 09:54:58 PM »
No KS but with HITS, it was the battle you didnt join in on.  Nice you liked it. :)
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