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Author Topic: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT  (Read 35401 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #90 on: May 30, 2024, 12:56:52 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 4)
Wed, 29 May 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1.

We hope that this patch will resolve all issues with faulty torpedo solutions (details below). Starting from now on, the game no longer minimizes in Fullscreen Borderless mode when loosing focus. There were also some tweaks to voiceover and once again a bunch of fixes to tutorial missions.

- English localization update by Steve.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Portuguese localization update by AlexShuma.
- Turkish localization update by Narberal Gamma.
- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.
- German localization update by Ruby.
- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.

Firing solutions:
- When an automatic torpedo solution is ordered, the crew now uses AOB and bearing motors on the TDC. This slightly increases their accuracy.
- Fix: AOB was computed in a wrong way when any of the two periscopes of Type IIs or an observation periscope on Type VIIs were used for the attack.
- Fix: Officers working on an automatic firing solution were sometimes pointing the periscope a bit to the side, instead of the center of a target.
- Fix: A few other fixes that should make the automatic torpedo solutions more accurate.

- Fix: Gyro angle pointer was rotated by 90 degrees to the left on C/37 TDC present on Type IIs and Type VIIB.

- Fix: Torpedo pictures weren't centred inside the torpedo tubes in the UI.
- Fix: When supplies were handed to shipwrecked sailors, text on the screen was claiming that 2x more reputation progress would be received than was later actually received.
- Fix: It's no longer possible to add whitespace at the beginning or at the end of a character's name. It was causing minor issues in the UI. It's also no longer possible to use only whitespaces as the name.

Tutorial missions:
- Fix: In tutorial mission #4, the first two popups were appearing twice in a row.
- Fix: Added red arrow to point "Continue" button in tutorial #3, when crew is about to be sent onto the second merchant ship.
- Fix: It was possible to press "Continue" button in tutorial #3, before the tutorial asked for this and break the mission script.
- Fix: In tutorial #4, it was possible for the officer using flak gun to have serious wounds requiring hospitalization.
- Fix: In some cases during tutorial #2, #3 or #4, officers could be in a loop, where they started to work on a station, stopped and started to work on it again. This was sometimes causing issues.
- Fix: When a tutorial mission is completed and the tutorial starts to explain how to start another one, play as skipper mode is deactivated for that time being.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to activate ladders and hatches in FPP, when tutorial asked to interact with something specific.

- Increased frequency of the event with smoke coming out of the engines. Note: It should be still relatively rare.

- Fix: Officers were sometimes incorrectly commenting sinking of ships, like they would be sunk with a torpedo, even though they were sunk by different means.
- Fix: Officers were sometimes repeating many times, when a shallow area was entered.
- Fix: Engineer no longer reports a completion of torpedo maintenance when a time compression higher than 100 is used.

Starting scenarios:
- Changed start date and an emblem for U-616.

- If fullscreen windowed (borderless) mode is active, game no longer minimizes after loosing focus.
- Fix: Minor issues and errors in the log, when crew was returning to a Type II U-boat from a vacation.

- Fix: Issues with the graphics on HDR displays.
- Fix: Water and rain were sometimes visible between the conning tower and the control room in a section view of Type IID U-boats.

- Fix: Many dials and clocks on the ship were stopping to update after loading a game state from the main menu.

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Offline Asid

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #91 on: May 31, 2024, 12:15:33 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 5)
Thu, 30 May 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1.

- German localization update by Ruby.

- Fix: After a saved game state was loaded from the main menu, and later U-boat was changed to another type, there were many issues present, such as not working section view and various storage issues.

- Side-mission where enemy becomes aware of player's mission and starts a chase was rewritten from the ground up. From now on, enemies rely only on deduction and don't have any special knowledge. The longer player goes undetected, the larger area they search. Number of enemy ships and aircraft searching for the player is now also lower.

- Fix: Certain types of contacts were reported as visual contacts, even when that wasn't the case, for example when U-boat was deep under the water and had no means of visual detection.

- Fix: It was possible to ask command for relocation to ports that were belonging to enemy for example to La Rochelle in 1939.

Torpedoes & torpedo solutions:
- Fix: T5 torpedoes were no longer homing on their targets.
- Fix: If player fired at a target without using TDC, it was sometimes possible for infinity to appear in the computations. When that happened, all further torpedo solutions without TDC were incorrect and were always aimed directly at the target.
- Fix: If gyro angle receiver was manually set to "none" after flooding a tube, and later the default torpedo launchers UI was used to fire, the changed setting wasn't automatically fixed.
- Fix: Torpedo salvo preview visible on the map now displays the actual path that torpedoes would take after launch, considering their currently set gyro angle.
- Fix: Small fixes to computations performed by TDC to fix certain discontinuities in edge cases.
- Fix: Torpedo solutions are now also correct, when firing at targets that aren't targeted by any officer. In such case, bearing is set on TDC directly, without setting any bearing transmitter.

- Fix: Decreased volumetric lights intensity from port lamps.
- Fix: Guests waiting to be welcomed on the ship were becoming invisible, once they reached their destination on the deck, where they waited for the captain.

- Added description for each U-boat on the U-boat selector screen. This text better explains differences between each following type.
- Added tooltip for silent run button to explain all its effects.
- Fix: Compass at the top of the screen was sometimes displaying extra green dots pointing mission objectives, that shouldn't be there.

- Fix: Game was freezing after a sailor was disbanded.
- Fix: After batteries were upgraded, they were no longer charging to 100%.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to rotate knobs on devices when the game was paused.


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Offline Asid

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #92 on: June 01, 2024, 12:22:32 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 6)
Fri, 31 May 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for the 2024.1 beta version.

- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.
- German localization update by Ruby.

Periscopes & TDC:
- Fix: Once player enters into manual control mode of any periscope or UZO, the officer that controls it stops to rotate periscope afterwards and keeps it pointed at the same bearing. This behaviour is reset once he leaves the station.
- Fix: It was often not possible to lock a clearly visible target. Please let us know, if this would be still happening in some weathers.
- Fix: Gyro angle dial on C/37 torpedo calculator had numbers arranged counterclockwise / mirrored horizontally.

- Fix: Since a few versions, there was missing realism setting during setting up a new campaign called "Mission types". This setting allows to select what kinds of missions will be offered by the command.
- Fix: Character role dropdown on character screen wasn't working.
- Fix: Positioning of telegraphs outside the screen is no longer possible. They also won't disappear after changing resolution to a lower one in any case.
- Fix: Lock arrows for distant targets were sometimes appearing below the target rather than above it, while using observation periscope on Type VII.

- Added help links to several screens.
- Updated Uboatopedia in German and Polish.

- Fix: It's now possible to use Type II gun to complete the mission at Hopen Island.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to complete mission by talking with the leading officer.

Type II:
- Increased fuel capacity of Type IID to give it historical range.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to upgrade batteries on Type IIA and Type IID.

- Fix: Officers were often blocking, when they encountered a sailor on their path that was doing something, for example cleaning, sitting on a bunk etc.
- Fix: If U-boat was returning with wounded sailors from a mission and was welcomed by the orchestra, wounded sailors could appear among the crew that saluted to it. Once the cutscene ended, there were various issues with them.
- Fix: Crew members sometimes weren't going to rest on a bed, even when they were supposed to, for example when given an order.

- When a silent run is ordered, ventilation is now automatically turned off by the crew. If it's enabled later on manually, it's not turned off again.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to enter into U-boat upgrade mode at the warehouse, if gameplay perspective setting was set to "FPP Only".
- Fix: In some cases, after loading a saved game state, saved in FPP, it wasn't possible to rotate the camera with mouse movements and there were some other issues too.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to start electric engines, if fuel tanks were empty.
- Fix: After changing U-boat to another type, the new U-boat's detection wasn't affected by weather factors.
- Fix: Fixes to a few errors spotted in the logs sent by the in-game bug reporting tool.


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Offline Asid

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #93 on: June 05, 2024, 12:36:14 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 7)
Tue, 4 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1. It fixes some of the most commonly reports bugs and issues.

- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.
- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- Ukrainian localization update by vovanvoks.
- German localization update by Ruby.
- Japanese localization update.
- Korean localization update.
- Polish localization update.

- Improved texture resolution on UZO, periscopes, antenna and several other elements.
- Fix: Shadows were sometimes heavily flickering in FPP and free cam modes inside the U-boat when shadow quality was set to Simple or Good.
- Fix: Fixed volumetric light issue around blue lamp on both TDCs.
- Fix: KDB and GHG-balkon weren't attached to Type IIA and Type IID hulls and were floating in the air. This fix will work for the game states with this problem saved after changing the boat.
- Fix: Wrong textures on handles of a few valves in the control room of Type VII U-boats.
- Fix: Rendering could sometimes temporarily freeze, while playing in FPP and looking from the bow torpedo room towards the center of the boat on Type VII U-boats.
- Fix: Gyrocompass repeaters on Type VII U-boats were smearing during rotation, if FSR, DLSS, TAA or motion blur were in use.
- Fix: Effect of water flowing from a hull hole could be visible below water surface inside the compartment.
- Fix: One of the sailors on a Flower-class corvette could clip with searchlight at one of his observation positions.

- Fix: When a character was going to speak several statements in a sequence, some of them could be missing. This was especially apparent when passing measurements from the periscope to TDC and during certain dialogues between several characters.
- Fix: Corrected orders spoken by the captain, when reverse movement is ordered.
- Fix: Corrected how AOB is spoken when it's passed verbally from the periscope to TDC by the officer.
- Fix: Added missing statements for Voice 01 in English voiceover. This fixes several issues, especially when passing measurements from the periscope to TDC operator.
- Fix: Added a few missing statements for Voice 03 in German voiceover.

- Updated Uboatopedia in German.
- Fix: If Uboatopedia was opened in FPP view, cursor was disappearing and mouse movements were rotating the camera in the background.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to interact with Uboatopedia for several seconds after it was opened.

- The objective about sinking certain GRT in patrol assignments now appears after reaching the target area. This prevents exploit, that it was possible to ignore patrol area, travel in any direction and complete patrol without ever reaching the target.
- All campaign objectives that ask for sinking a certain GRT now have a list of squares in their description, inside which sinkings count. This change may take some time to propagate into all languages.
- Fix: After mission was completed manually by talking with the leading officer and then watching the entire assignment summary, the camera was going back to the position from the dialogue and wasn't reacting to inputs.

Play as skipper mode:
- It's now possible to enter into radioman's menu by clicking on a dedicated button near his portrait.
- The skipper now doesn't have an assigned role by default and won't do anything on his own, unless the role is assigned to him manually.
- Fix: It's no longer possible to initiate dialogues with port officers in the orders mode. It's necessary to do it in FPP.

Periscopes & torpedo fire systems:
- Fix: If there was no lock active on any target in the periscope and player switched from TDC to that periscope, bearing connection was lost between these two devices.
- Fix: Schnellgang lamps on gyro angle receivers were sometimes toggled on when they shouldn't.
- Fix: Decreased delay of torpedo launches after fully pressing the lever from 1.5s to almost instant once the lever is down. When torpedoes are launched with an order, the delay was decreased from 1.5s to 0.9s.
- Fix: Restrictions for locking targets were further decreased. It was still possible for a ship to be clearly visible, but it wasn't possible to lock on it.

- Fix: Fixed position of officers in Brest intro cutscene and positions of several other objects in this port.
- Fix: Aesthetical fixes to Marseille.

- Added descriptions to tooltips of all ports that didn't had them.
- AOB tool in the periscope was improved and now contains a smaller dial with 0 - 10 values at the bottom, just like its real counterpart in TDC.
- Fix: Corrected description of Type IID on the U-boat selector screen. It had an incorrect mention about being able to carry additional torpedoes. This change may take some time to propagate into all languages.
- Fix: Icon of gyro angle receiver was sometimes visible when hydrophone was used manually.
- Fix: Icon of torpedo launch lever was sometimes visible when guns were used manually.
- Fix: After the entire ammunition was used up by a manually used gun, there was still a sound of an additional shell reload been heard. In addition the "out of ammo" notification wasn't appearing until this mode was left and entered back.
- Fix: Various aesthetical issues with free survivor button on the crew list in a few languages.
- Fix: After pressing ALT on a Type VIIC or VIIC/41 U-boat, an icon called "Conning Tower" was appearing near the conning tower, even though it didn't serve any purpose and there was actually functional counterpart nearby called "Turm 0", "Turm I", "Turm II" or "Turm IV".
- Fix: Changed "Course" label in the periscope UI to "AOB". The default tool for determining the course is now the AOB tool.
- Fix: Instead of absolute course, ship tooltips now display AOB, to remain consistent with the rest of the UI.
- Fix: Leaks inside the U-boat had their flow rate displayed with a reversed sign (usually negative).
- Fix: Assignment selection panels could appear partially outside the screen.

- Fix: Crew no longer makes noises, eats at the tables etc. when the U-boat remains at a dangerous depth, even without the alarm. Crew stops such activities also during a silent run.
- Fix: Crew members could sometimes get permanently stuck on deck after saluting to orchestra and weren't reacting to orders.

- Decreased volume of bells sound effect when changing course.
- Added new sound effects for the U-boat's hull when it's exposed to high pressure. The sound effects are more frequent and appear at appropriate depth for each U-boat type. Previously, Type II hull was starting to creak at unreachable depths.
- Added a sound effect for hull implosion.

- UniTask library is now accessible to mods.

- It's now possible to enter into radioman's menu by clicking on him in FPP, while playing as another officer, for example as the skipper in the play as skipper mode.
- Anisotropic filtering of textures is now enabled by default when the game is launched for the first time.
- Ship propellers now rotate with varied speeds, depending on a ship type.
- Fix: Fixed a major technical problem in Type IIA that was causing several issues. Among others, it was disabling time compression right after it was enabled, when U-boat was submerged below the periscope depth and there were enemies nearby. This fix will work for saved game states only after switching the ship type.
- Fix: Launched torpedoes could disappear after saving the game state and reloading it.
- Fix: While moving on a ladder between the control room and the conning tower in FPP on Type VII U-boats, there was a part, where rendering was temporarily freezing and a water entry sound was sometimes playing.
- Fix: Camera was appearing a bit too close in 3rd person after activating bed as skipper in FPP.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to fire with guns after reloading them with new ammo, that was loaded by the crew from the main storage. For existing saved game states, it may be necessary to unload the ammo and load it back to make this fix work.
- Fix: If FPP mode was used, game was left to the main menu and then a game state saved in FPP was loaded, it wasn't possible to move the camera with mouse movements and the cursor was permanently visible on the screen.
- Fix: Fixed general problem with orders not being removed from the orders queue when they should be removed. Among other problems it was making it impossible to switch from the gyro angle receiver manual mode to the hydrophone manual mode using TAB menu.
- Fix: Possibly fixed issue with "Days later" text staying permanently on the screen.


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Offline Asid

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #94 on: June 06, 2024, 01:00:24 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 8)
Wed, 5 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.

- Fix: It wasn't possible to surrender nor scuttle the boat at the end of the war. The button wasn't reacting to a click.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to destroy tanks at Haifa and complete the associated mission.
- Fix: Huts on the Hopen Island were disappearing after reloading a game state with them already present in the scene.
- Fix: Mission at Hopen Island wasn't translated and in some places, there were translation keywords visible.

Type II:
- Fix: Engineers were frequently stopping work on Type IIA and Type IID U-boats when there was damaged equipment on the deck and the U-boat was submerged. They were trying to repair it, but couldn't get there.
- Fix: Some characters on deck weren't hiding into the U-boat during a dive.
- Fix: On Type IIA and IID, there was a small nav-mesh hidden in the conning tower. Characters could sometimes get snapped to it and weren't able to get out.
- Fix: Character repairing AA gun wasn't fully aligned with the deck.
- Fix: It sometimes wasn't possible to open hatch between the control room and conning tower on Type IIA and Type IID. There was a warning about pressure being too high on the opening side, even when that wasn't the case.
- Fix: One of the RPM dials in the conning tower wasn't working.

Torpedo calculator:
- When torpedo calculator locks itself due to unsolvable inputs, a warning now appears in the UI that explains what happened and how to recover from this situation.
- Fix: Fixed several cases where calculator's inner simulation could break due to numerical errors. The calculator was behaving erratically when that happened. This fix should bring back TDC to normal also in game states that were affected by this problem.
- Fix: When target speed set on the calculator was very low or zero and the spread slider was adjusted on the torpedo launchers UI, target length on TDC was set to a correct value, but with negative sign.

- Updated Uboatopedia in English, German and Polish.

- Fix: Some guns in Aruba were in the water.
- Fix: Aesthetical fixes and improvements to Brunsbuttel.
- Fix: Corrected gun positions in Tunis.

- Fix: Measurements in the periscope UI now enforce certain limits on values that are set. For example, it's no longer possible to input a distance below zero. Such values could break TDC in some cases.
- Fix: Changed "Course" label to "AOB" in torpedo calculator UI that appears, when there is a locked target.
- Fix: Measurements entered in the periscope UI were changing into different values, when the game was running with Nautical units.

- Fix: Audio effect of working diesel engines was sometimes audible even when diesel engines were disabled, after loading a game state.
- Fix: Audio effect of working diesel engines on Type IIA and Type IID U-boats wasn't played with varied speed, depending on the current RPM. It was only becoming quieter or louder, but the effect speed was remaining the same.

- Fix: After loading another game state in-game, submarine's hull no longer could be crushed by the pressure.
- Fix: After changing U-boat to another one, the new U-boat wasn't named as declared in an U-boat selector, but instead had the old name from the old U-boat.
- Fix: Fixed several errors that could appear in a log, but most likely didn't had any impact on the game.

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Offline Asid

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #95 on: June 08, 2024, 12:02:59 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 9)
Fri, 7 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Portuguese localization update by AlexShuma.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- It's now much more unlikely to get a second officer with a cook personal skill, if already having an officer that has it.
- Crew no longer equips raincoats inside submarine pens, even when it's raining outside.
- Fix: A sailor that died, could in some cases not disappear and was standing in a single spot inside the U-boat. This fix will repair this situation also in game states where this already occurred.
- Fix: If something interrupted work of officer with a cook skill in the galley, he was becoming idle, but still acted like he would cooking and a notification was appearing about lack of cook.
- Fix: On Type II it wasn't possible to assign officer with a cook skill to work in the galley, when there was a sailor working there and another sailor was taking a meal.
- Fix: Sailors working at the depth steers on Type II weren't fully aligned with the seats.

- Fix: Aircraft no longer attack an U-boat, when it's inside a submarine pen.

Play as skipper mode:
- Fix: If game was paused, while manually using a device and then the station was left with pause toggled on, the camera was instantly switching from FPP to orders mode in section view, but there were various graphical issues with that view.
- Fix: If a device was being used manually and then map was opened and then closed, the skipper was stopping to operate that device.
- Fix: If a device was being used manually, then map was opened, then something made the skipper to stop using the device and go onto the deck and then map was closed, FPP view was opened, but there was a uniform black color all around the U-boat.

- Fix: Disconnected terrain on Malta.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to step out from the U-boat to port of Tunis in FPP.
- Fix: Uniform textures were visible on the side of wharfs of Aruba, Freetown, Capetown, Dunkirk, Copenhagen, Key West, Port of Spain, Brunsbuttel, Oban, Edinburgh.
- Fix: NPC U-boats were docking too high in Wilhelmshaven.

Torpedo fire systems:
- Fix: On Type VII, salvo setup knob had a duplicated setting for launching torpedoes from tubes I and III, while there was a lacking option for I and II.
- Fix: Numerous issues with salvo setting knob on Type II. The knob didn't had any effect and the displayed settings weren't correct.
- Fix: Bearing angle transmitter knob on torpedo fire control boxes on Type II was rotating a bit off when "Aus" option was selected.
- Fix: Gyro angle receiver knob on Type II had two settings "None" and it wasn't possible to set it correctly.

- Updated Uboatopedia in English, German and Polish.

- Fix: Hull creaking sounds are now more intense at high depths and are also audible in the outside views.
- Fix: Hull creaking sounds were much more quiet on Type II than on Type VII U-boats.

- Fix: Fixed numerous issues with radioman's report about hearing propellers above the U-boat. The radioman was often repeating this too much and was also reporting it for units that didn't had working propellers.

- Fix: After changing U-boat to another type or loading a game state with a different type of U-boat, light probes were stopping to work in the interior and shadows were becoming too dark.

- Fix: Various issues were happening, if a shift was deleted, while it was also being renamed.
- Fix: UI tools were snapped back to the default position from too far away, if UI scale was lower than 145%.

- Fix: After installing or even viewing Tunis radar detector in the upgrade mode, there was a permanent +5% visibility modifier being applied that wasn't going away even after diving. This problem may be fixed in existing game states by changing U-boat to a different type (and then changing it back, if that's preferred).
- Fix: After taking survivors on board and docking in a port without a recruitment officer, it wasn't possible to leave, because game was asking to release them in the port. Due to lack of mentioned officer it wasn't possible.
- Fix: After changing U-boat to another type, the new U-boat could be not aligned properly with the port and it wasn't possible to move between the port and the U-boat.
- Fix: After a game state was loaded with a Type VIIB U-boat, its conning tower was changing into Turm 0. This fix was designed to repair this issue in game states that were already affected by this problem.
- Fix: Rudder rotation indicator and RPM indicator in the stern torpedo room on Type VII were pointing at opposite values.


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Offline Asid

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #96 on: June 13, 2024, 12:25:24 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 11)
Wed, 12 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.

- Fix: UI tools with custom position were permanently moving after switching between certain views or pressing ALT in FPP mode.
- Fix: Chronometer tool didn't had its position saved and was in the default position after restart.
- Fix: Torpedo depth and salvo spread sliders in the launchers UI were changing value each time this UI was reopened.
- Fix: Character portraits could disappear after opening map, if resolution to UI scale proportion was too low, and they weren't appearing back when there was again space for them.
- Fix: Bearing in the hydrophone tooltip was having a reserve sign.

Play as skipper:
- Fix: Section view orders mode wasn't activated correctly after toggling the pause, when scroll view modes setting was turned off in the settings.

- Fix: Survivors and guests on board could receive serious wounds and then be hospitalized on land like crew members.

- Fix: Distant smoke usually wasn't visible in the scene.

- Updated Uboatopedia in English and German.
- Added shortcuts to Uboatopedia in the storage and galley UI.

- Fix: Added description for Capetown.

- Fix: Adjusted range of all U-boat types to be close to the historical range when not charging the batteries.
- Fix: Possible fix for the lack of food in the storage after starting a new campaign. This fix is unconfirmed yet due to this issue happening rarely and randomly.
- Fix: It was possible to place on the deck cargo boxes floating on the sea, even when being submerged, after selecting an officer and clicking on the cargo box directly.


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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #97 on: June 15, 2024, 12:30:42 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 12)
Fri, 14 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Czech localization update by Spid3rCZ.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Ukrainian localization update by vovanvoks.
- Portuguese localization update by AlexShuma.
- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- Fix: Ships scuttled with the Ship Engineer skill weren't counted towards GRT progress in missions and campaign objectives.
- Fix: The objective about finding a hut on the Hopen Island was sometimes not progressing when looking at the hut through binoculars / UZO / periscope.
- Fix: The objective about finding the first hut on Hopen Island is no longer marked with a green dot, to avoid confusion that it's located at its location.

Torpedo fire systems:
- Officers are now much more accurate at estimating AOB.
- Fix: On Type IID it wasn't possible to set UZO as the active bearing transmitter on torpedo fire control boxes (the option for it was missing).
- Fix: Corrected typo on "Lagenwinkel" label on TDC and "Schuß" label on the launch lever.

- Added a new loading hint explaining that it's not possible to charge batteries at maximum speed.
- Fix: Radio stations sometimes weren't listed on the radioman's menu, even though there was an information that they should be available.
- Fix: Chronometer tool wasn't continuing to measure time after it was hidden.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to open torpedo launchers UI from TDC UI, the button was always disabled.

- Fix (regression): After the last fix for sailors playing lying on bed animation after selecting them for an external mission, officers started to have a similar problem.

Type II:
- Added a new depth meter in the control room. We will also update the dial in the UI soon.
- Fix: New dial textures on the electric engines.

Type VIIB:
- Fix: It was possible to move through a net cutter on Type VIIB U-boats.

- Fix: Kiel canal is now deeper and it should be possible to traverse it.
- Fix: Kiel canal is now called with its historic name, Kaiser Wilhelm Canal.

- Fix: If an autosave was made, while Uboatopedia was open, the time was permanently slowed down after this save was loaded.
- Fix: Bearing displayed in the hydrophone UI is now within range of 0 to 360 degrees instead of -180 to -180 degrees, to match the scale present on the device.
- Fix: Indicator lights on various devices could be in an incorrect initial state after loading a saved game state.
- Fix: Indicator lights weren't changing its state during a pause.

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #98 on: June 21, 2024, 12:08:16 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 13)
Thu, 20 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Chinese localization update by Alex Zheng, JM-LeiDao, 36 D, Xenon_Tennessee, 人生多忐忑, 肚子困脑袋饿, Parrot with Carrot.
- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- Czech localization update by Spid3rCZ.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- Ukrainian localization update by vovanvoks.
- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.
- Portuguese localization update by AlexShuma.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- Added compass tool to the UI. It's accessible in the top-right toolbar.
- Added alternative depth meter tool to the UI for Type II U-boats.
- It's no longer possible to open torpedo launchers UI in TDC view.
- Fix: After completing a free roam without any notable successes by starting a new assignment, the summary of that free roam was opening with mission selection UI present on the screen.
- Fix: FAT/LUT panel was often not useable due to clipping with locked ship info.
- Fix: Tooltips of buttons near the top edge of the screen in periscope UI were partially outside the screen.
- Fix: Ship upgrade mode was still not always working correctly in play as skipper mode.
- Fix: Ship identification book was stopping to work, if it was opened after locking a periscope on a target that wasn't in the book.
- Fix: Base +8 modifier to discipline is now called "Base value" instead of "Base" to make it more clear what it means.
- Fix: Chronometer was blocking clicks on nearby elements.

Realism settings:
- Added a new setting called "Size of convoys" to allow for having larger convoys on machines that are able to simulate that.

- From now on, all ships that are sunk within target squares of a GRT campaign objective are counted towards its progress. Previously, they were counted only during patrol assignments associated with that campaign objective.

Torpedo fire systems:
- Fix: The parallax correction dial on the TDC had its inner and outer indicators reversed. The inner indicator was showing values that should be displayed by the outer indicator, and vice versa.
- Fix: T5 torpedoes could move above water.
- Fix: Dud torpedoes had working propellers, even though they were sinking.
- Fix: Missed shots were reported too early.

- Fix: Wrong texture on springs on diesels in Type VII.
- Fix: There wasn't enough lighting present during decoration cutscene at night on Type IIA and Type IID U-boats.

- Fix: Many ports didn't had any ammunition for defence guns.
- Fix: Merchant ships were docking at too shallow areas in Port of Edinburgh and were instantly sunk by hitting a shoal.
- Fix: Seam between terrain segments in Brunsbuttel.
- Fix: Various issues with lighting near Bergen with built submarine pens.

- Fix: The crew could consume a lot of food in one go after leaving a port. This problem may still happen once in old game states, but shouldn't happen again afterwards.
- Fix: After ordering officer to go to work at the helmsman station, when Type VII U-boat has dived, the officer wouldn't go and there was notification about lack of helmsman appearing afterwards.

- Fix: Canada now joins the war on 10th of September instead of 3rd.
- Fix: Ensured that convoys have reasonable proportions of merchant ships to escort ships in all cases. It was sometimes possible that a convoy was spawned with less merchant ships than there were escorts.
- Fix: NPC U-boats now less often sink ships in convoys when player is not nearby.

- Officers no longer report reaching patrol area etc. when silent running is enabled.
- Sailors now never speak background comments during return to port cutscene.

- Crew now disables gyrocompass only when silent run is ordered. If it's enabled back later on, the crew will no longer disable it again.
- Fix: After loading any game state with a sailor carried by a crew mate to safety, there were many issues present afterwards. If this was happening outside, the sailor that was carried was becoming stuck outside and it wasn't possible to dive because of him.
- Fix: After loading several saved game states in a sequence, where one of them had a skipper with Tight Packing skill, it was possible to cause an error, that was causing various side problems. Among other things, it was making it impossible to repair anything on the boat that required a replacement part.
- Fix: Fixed major issue in a save system that could change port types after game updates, for example it was possible for Port of Kiel scene to load in place of La Rochelle. This fix won't repair this issue in saves that were already affected by this problem.
- Fix: After loading a saved game state with another U-boat type, if certain steps were made before, it was possible for various issues to occur, like missing dialogue options with port officers and various problems related to ship storages.


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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #99 on: June 22, 2024, 12:45:20 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 15)
Fri, 21 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Russian localization update by Hard.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- Fix (regression): It wasn't possible to delete a saved game state from the main menu.

- Fix (regression): Invisible walls were present in Wilhelmshaven and Pi 1.1 torpedoes were available in the warehouse right from the start in 1939.

- Fix: After removing sailor from the ship and adding him back, some actions on him were no longer available, like assigning him to an officer.

- Fix: Enemy warship and aircraft groups were sometimes very stubborn at following the U-boat and were aware of its location, even when they had no means of detecting it. This problem may continue to occur for nearby groups after loading an old saved game state, but the fix should start to work fully after some time.
- Fix: After loading a saved game state from the main menu, often Papenberg depth gauge and inclinometer were stopping to work.
- Fix: Various minor errors spotted in the logs.

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #100 on: June 25, 2024, 11:30:17 PM »
2024.1 (Preview 16)
Sun, 23 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Russian localization update by Hard.
- German localization update by Ruby.

Torpedo fire systems:
- It's no longer possible to leave a torpedo calculator manual mode with a mouse wheel, when the cursor is over a calculator. This allows to use a mouse wheel for the purpose of adjusting the dials.
- Added a warning system to the tooltip of a torpedo launch lever that explains many common mistakes and how to fix them before firing. This tooltip now also contains information about the current setup for a quick reference. This change may take some time to propagate into all languages.
- Calibrated sensitivity of various dials to mouse wheel to make it possible to set the value with more precision.
- Fix: Torpedo launch lever was in some cases launching torpedoes with a speed of 30 knots and 3 meters of depth, ignoring the settings from the UI.
- Fix: There was a small discrepancy of up to 0.25 knot between the torpedo speeds used in calculations by the calculator and the actual torpedo speeds in the game. This could make the solutions slightly off. This discrepancy will remain for already owned torpedoes in the old game states, but everything should be correct for the new ones.
- Fix: Parallax knob and torpedo speed knob could sometimes be displayed in a wrong state after loading a saved game state, different than the actual value set in the calculator and displayed in the tooltip. This problem was going away after switching the value on them at least once.
- Fix: Mentioned knobs also weren't instantly reacting to clicks when the game was paused and they could make an impression that they don't function.

- Fix: When requesting a flotilla change, it was possible to get the same option on a list twice.
- Fix: Compass tool had the same keyboard shortcut as the shortcut for switching to orbiting view. It's now changed from 'F3' to 'G'.

- Fix: Aesthetical fixes to Copenhagen and Brunsbuttel.

- Fix: After switching U-boat to another type at the warehouse, command station benefits were stopping to work even when there were officers present at it. This problem will remain in old game states until the U-boat is changed at least once.

- Fix: Most likely fixed the issue with random textures overlayed over officer portraits. We didn't had good reproduction steps for this problem and will appreciate confirmation from the community.
- Fix: After entering torpedo calculator manual mode with enabled pause, the officer that was using it was visible and was occluding the view for about a second.

- Fix: Danish flag wasn't displayed correctly.
- Fix: After loading a saved game state, part of the periscope tube could be not displayed, if it was extended fully up and not manned by an officer.
- Fix: After talking with the leading officer right after starting a new campaign, there was wrong music played in the background.


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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #101 on: June 25, 2024, 11:33:29 PM »
2024.1 (Preview 18)
Tue, 25 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Czech localization update by Spid3rCZ.
- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- Russian localization update by Hard.

- Fix: If a game state was loaded in-game that had the same type of U-boat, but with a different selected color of lighting, the lighting in the loaded game state wasn't looking correctly. It was a mix of both colors.

Torpedo fire systems:
- Fix: Crew reports about torpedo run weren't present when torpedo was fired without using a torpedo calculator.
- Fix (regression since Preview 16): Sometimes it wasn't possible to select a torpedo speed for a salvo which consisted of only G7a torpedoes and should have such option.

- Fix: Skipper and officers now never perform a panic animation during battles.
- Fix: Various issues with crew schedules could happen, if there was an officer with ammunition reloading task on an U-boat and then the U-boat was changed to a different type at the warehouse.

- Added setting to the audio settings that allows to disable the bell sound effect when course is changed.
- Added a voice report from the crew about reaching the destination.
- Fix: Bells sound effect played after changing the course was sometimes becoming unintentionally loud during long campaigns.

- Fix: Once a demolition team completed its mission on land, it wasn't possible to receive them back, if there were other interactions available near the coast.

- Optimization to torpedo calculator inner workings on a high time compression. It could noticeably degrade performance in some cases.

- Fix: After clicking on Type VIIC U-boat button in an U-boat selector UI, the pattern in the background of that button was changing to a different one.

- Fix: In tutorial #3, if the first torpedo salvo was a miss or all torpedoes were dud, the tutorial was asking to fire the next salvo even when the gyro angle wasn't synchronized which usually meant that they would miss.
- Fix: In tutorial #3, there was usually an unnecessarily long wait time after hitting the first merchant ship with torpedoes before the tutorial progressed forward.

- Fix: Added a warning that explains the situation, if maintenance of a hovered torpedo is not possible due to presence of a wounded sailor on one of the bunks in front of the tube. Previously there was simply no action displayed and it wasn't clear why.
- Fix: While playing on a mixed HQ mode, the tasks chosen automatically by HQ could sometimes be already completed by the player's officers or be in progress.

2024.1 (Preview 17)
Sun, 23 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Total noise displayed in the detection tooltip now contains decimal value to make most modifiers visible despite rounding.
- Fix: After changing the boat to another type at the warehouse, all modifiers related to crew emitted noise were stopping to work, including from Silent Running specialization of sailors, from blue lighting on the boat and from Iron Fist skill.

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #102 on: June 29, 2024, 12:14:36 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 19)
Fri, 28 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Ukrainian localization update by vovanvoks.
- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- Portuguese localization update by AlexShuma.
- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.
- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Czech localization update by Spid3rCZ.

Torpedo fire systems:
- Torpedoes now apply more damage upwards. This change increases effectiveness of magnetic detonators.
- Fix: Tube I on Type VIIs was having an internal rotation of 1 degree to the left. Torpedoes launched from this tube were also rotated by 1 degree to the left.

- Patrol assignments for Type IIA and Type IID U-boats now require to travel a shorter distance to complete the assignment, considering their shorter range and lower speed.
- Fix: In agent landing assignments that were targeting Iceland, patrols near the coast were of wrong nationality.

- Fix: If a game state was loaded, which was saved with a disabled FSR and DLSS, these effects weren't working even though they were enabled in the settings.

- Added several new commands to a gyrocompass tool in UI.
- Added an option to delete crew task presets.
- Fix: Mission selections number option was missing from the in-game gameplay settings.
- Fix: If periscope was used manually and a mouse was clicked on a gyrocompass tool in UI, mouse movements were starting to move the camera in the background until next click somewhere outside that tool.
- Fix: Gyrocompass tool in UI could be dragged by clicking on functional parts on the inside.
- Fix: Assignment selection UI and recruitment UI were having cut off text in several languages.
- Fix: Contact list was sometimes displaying entries with only one letter.

- Updated uboatopedia in English, German and Polish.

- Fix: One of the guns in Lyness naval base was misplaced.

- Fix: Tutorial #3 could break when the mission was asking to send an officer to an attack periscope.

- Fix: Following issue was fixed only for some cases in Preview 18, but not all: Various issues with crew schedules could happen, if there was an officer with ammunition reloading task on the ship and the ship was changed to a different type at the warehouse.

- Fix: Aircraft starting from an aircraft carrier could instanly fall into the water, if high time compression was in use.
- Fix: Gyrocompass repeater dials on the U-boat could stop to work after loading a saved game state from the main menu.
- Fix: If the game was running with realistic bilges option and the U-boat was moving in reverse, the water seepage through shafts was working also in reverse, removing water from the boat rather than adding it.
- Fix: Built submarine pens could permanently disappear in certain cases.
- Fix: Camera could sometimes get stuck above submarine pen's roof in external view mode.
- Fix: Fixes to several common errors spotted in logs sent with bug reporting tool.


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Offline Asid

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #103 on: July 01, 2024, 12:01:49 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 20)
Sun, 30 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Fix: Parallel course button on a gyrocompass tool is now being disabled, when there is no target.
- Fix: Rudder amidships button on a gyrocompass tool wasn't resetting an existing route.
- Fix: After selecting a hydrophone operator, the contacts list in the upper-left corner of the screen was containing radio contacts in addition to hydrophone contacts.
- Fix: Selecting radio operator, now displays a contact list with radio contacts.
- Fix: After switching to another tab on the Crew list screen and switching back to the crew list, hospitalized characters were no longer marked with red color and they were clickable.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to use some options in dropdowns displayed at the top of the screen in periscope manual mode, when notifications were on the screen. The options were appearing under those notifications.
- Fix: It's now possible to switch to observation periscope using the toolbar visible near the left edge of the screen on all stations related to torpedo attacks, if the attack periscope is unmanned.
- Fix: If a rename operation was started on a shift in the tasks UI and then a tab was changed to officer tasks, it was no longer possible to rename anything afterwards or create a new shift until the game was restarted or escaped to menu.

- Fix: It wasn't possible to leave boat and enter the port in FPP in Dunkirk during a low or high tide.
- Fix: Aesthetical fixes to Edinburgh.

- Fix: If a sailor was assigned by a name to one of the squads and then he was removed from the boat, that squad was stopping to work correctly, until his assignment to the team was manually removed.
- Fix: If an officer was wearing a combat helmet and was wounded, he could end up in an incorrect state, where he was wounded, but he was standing upright and it wasn't possible to help him.

- Fix: After switching to a hydrophone manual mode, all external sounds were louder than they should be for about a second.
- Fix: Fixes to environmental sounds heard in the hydrophone, some of them were played incorrectly.

- Fix: If a rebreather was equipped by officer and then put back into the cabinet, its durability was decreasing as if it was being used.
- Fix: Rebreathers could have a negative durability.
- Fix: Several fixes to errors that could make it impossible to select items for officers departing on an external mission or could make storages work incorrectly.
- Fix: Fixes to several errors spotted in the logs sent to us using the in-game bug reporting tool.


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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #104 on: July 05, 2024, 12:08:41 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 21)
Thu, 4 July 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Korean localization update.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- Ukrainian localization update by vovanvoks.
- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- Czech localization update by Spid3rCZ.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- Fix: If an U-boat was changed to a different type during a mission, some things could work incorrectly for its duration. Especially, if it was a flotilla change assignment, it wasn't possible to complete the assignment by talking with the officer at the target port.
- Fix: From now on, tutorial no. 7 appears for selection only when it's possible to perform HQ tasks (always in Default HQ mode, after increasing HQ influences in Mixed mode or never, while playing with Automatic HQ).
- Fix: After completing tutorial no. 7 and still having other unfinished tutorials, a popup asking to start the next tutorial mission was appearing too fast, before leaving HQ screen.

- Fix: Major optimizations to CPU usage by background threads aimed at decreasing temperatures on CPU cores.
- Fix: A relatively rare, but major problem in a save system, that could silently break data in a loaded game state in a specific way. It could have various symptoms, one of the reported and confirmed ones, was that after entering Kiel, Brunsbuttel was loaded in its place.

- Fix: AOB displayed in the tooltip of AOB dial could be beyond -180 do 180 degrees range, while the pointer was dragged with a mouse.
- Fix: After releasing all survivors in a port, a wrong label would appear at the center of the list, saying that there are no officers delegated to HQ.
- Fix: Resolved various issues with Cyrillic characters in assignment selection screen.
- Fix: A sea depth was displayed after hovering a cursor above some land areas on the map.
- Fix: It's no longer possible to switch tabs in the storage UI with a right mouse button. It could also cause some issues, while dragging items.

- Updated news feed to download data from a new hosting.

- Fix: The U-boat was slightly clipping with a wharf after docking in Dunkirk.
- Fix: Misplaced gun in Halifax.
- Fix: Missing colliders at some port wharfs in Helgoland.

- Fix: Improved the looping of a sound effect emitted by the bow of an U-boat, when its moving forward.

- Fix: Steam powered torpedoes were continuing to leave a trail on the surface, even if they were a dud and started to sink with a disabled propeller.
- Fix: Additional lighting that is used during dialogues with port officers could remain enabled after a dialogue, for example if a new assignment was selected.

- Fix: Crew members could receive injuries requiring hospitalization on land in not fitting situations, for example after chocking due to a lack of air or overworking.

- If a Type IIA U-boat is still used after 10th of June 1940, the command now orders the player to upgrade it to a Type IID or later, since all Allied shipping routes are beyond its range at this point and it's not possible to send it on any patrol assignment.
- Fix: After entering into FPP mode of an officer that was doing a long lasting work, for example was looking for targets on the conning tower, and then FPP mode was left, for example by opening map, the officer would resume his previous work immediately without any timout, even if he had no assigned role.
- Fix: If more than one torpedo was ordered at the warehouse directly to the launchers on the boat, some of these torpedoes would be displayed as not loaded in the torpedo launchers tooltip and if a tutorial #3 was started while having such torpedoes, the tutorial wouldn't progress past the point where it asks for flooding the tubes.
- Fix: Aircraft crew could fall out of the aircraft cabin when it was taking damage.
- Fix: Fixes to several errors spotted in the logs sent to us using the in-game bug reporting tool.


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