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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #225 on: November 21, 2018, 06:02:22 PM »
The Holiday Sale is here!

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Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations

Offline Asid

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #226 on: November 27, 2018, 12:24:28 PM »
CMANO has been updated to version 1.14.6

You can download the update from: here.

Several bugs have been fixed, together to some changes in the DB.

1.14.6 Changelog

* FIXED: Weapon fired in CEC mode could link up with its firing parent instead of another suitable platform providing CEC guidance. This led to the weapon not getting any target updates, because the firing platform was blind to the target.
* FIXED: Aircraft should postpone its Winchester/Shotgun doctrine-dictated RTB if it has to crank to maintain mid-course guidance of BVR weapons
* FIXED: Datalinked ARH AAM in terminal phase giving priority to parent guidance (or lack thereof) over its own radar readings
* FIXED: Non-towed decoys not participating in point defence sequence
* FIXED: Font-scaling issues on "Doctrine & ROE" window in Asian locales
* FIXED: #12556: [B998.14] Vessels readying in port ignore ready times when manually launched

Includes the v476 update of the DB3000 database.

DB additions/changes:
-11m Navy RHIB -- Generic (Navy), Basic
-11m Navy RHIB -- Generic (Navy), Enhanced/SpecOps
-7m Navy RHIB -- Generic (Navy), Basic
-7m Navy RHIB -- Generic (Navy), Enhanced
-Armored Plt (M-24 Chaffee) -- Generic (Army)
-SAM Sec (SA-24 Grouse [9K338 Igla-S] MANPADS x 3) -- India (Air Force), 2017
-DD 119 Asahi -- Japan (Navy), 2018
-EC-1 -- Japan (Air Force), 1982-2011, Electronic Warfare / Training, 1x
-EC-1 -- Japan (Air Force), 2011, Electronic Warfare / Training, 1x, Upgraded OECM
-Harushio SSs retired in 2017
-OP-3C Orion -- Japan (Air Force), 2014, IMINT
-Armored Plt (NM-116) -- Norway (Army), 1972-1993, Based on M-24 Chaffee
-SSM Plt (NM-142 x 4) -- Norway (Army), 1983
-Removed erroneous LPI tag on EL/M-2052 radar
-C-130H Hercules -- Taiwan (Air Force), 1993, 18x
-C-130HE Hercules [Tien Gan] -- Taiwan (Air Force), 1995, 1x, OECM/ELINT
-EC.225 Super Puma -- Taiwan (Air Force), 2012, 3x +17
-RF-5E Tigergazer -- Taiwan (Air Force), 1998, 7x
-S-70C-3 Super Bluehawk -- Taiwan (Air Force), 1999, SAR
-Anka-B -- Turkey (Navy), 2019, 12x
-Bayraktar TB2 UCAV -- Turkey (Navy), 2019, 10x
-CH-47F Chinook -- Turkey (Army), 2017, x11+3
-Added long range loadouts for AH.Mk.1 [WAH-64D]
-F/A-18E Super Hornet Blk III -- United States (Navy), 2022, CFTs, IRST, RCS reduction
-F/A-18F Super Hornet Blk III -- United States (Navy), 2022, CFTs, IRST, RCS reduction
-Added CEC-LOAL flag to AIM-120D and increased ARH sensor cone
-Updated ranges for GMLRS and ATACMS
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #227 on: November 27, 2018, 01:24:17 PM »
Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations with Rory #1

Published on 26 Nov 2018
First #CMANO stream where Rory Noonan, member of the dev team of Command, will play live and show you his best in different scenarios.
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #228 on: December 03, 2018, 03:02:52 PM »
Slitherine’s Command: the wargame transforming operational simulation

Video game developer Slitherine is well known in the gaming community for its expansive stable of strategy and war titles. Berenice Baker finds out how the professional edition of its commercial Command operation-level military simulation game is winning a new global audience of military and defence industry customers.

Full  article: here

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #229 on: January 09, 2019, 01:18:26 PM »
Santa’s new year gift: Thirty new Command community scenarios
Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations WOTY - Dimitris

Miguel Molina has released the updated version of the Command community scenario pack. In addition to updated and refresh versions of existing works, the new release includes a blistering thirty new scenarios:


* Syria 413, 2018: President Trump charged the Syrian government that it had used chemical weapons to attack the Syrian opposition and general citizens had suffered damage. He declared to strike Syrian major chemical facilities with the aid of the UK and France.

* Air Battle - July 28, 2020: Chinese and Taiwanese air forces clash over the straits.

* Albania Strikes Again, 1984: A sequel to the classic "Albania Airstrike", this features Albania hitting back against the Italian Navy and Air Force, with new features like detailed aircraft damage and ports that were not present in the original.

* Beyond Kashmir, 2019: Amidst a new crisis between India and Pakistan (and an intervening Iraq), a joint USAF/USN task force is assigned to neutralize Pakistan's nuclear capability within 3 days.

* Coiler's Halloween Iceland Adventure, 2018: It's Halloween, and the zombie sorceresses have decided to send an air force of rather spooky creatures (or rather, aircaft named after them) to strike Iceland. Are you a bad enough dude to hold back the zombie sorceresses?

* Enough Is Enough, 2018: Russia has been steadily militarizing the Kuril islands against Japanese protests. New intelligence that elements of an S-400 system are to be deployed there was the last straw for the Japanese government. In direct violation of the its constitution, Japan will conduct its first offensive action since WWII.

* Escape Port Haucurt, 2022: A bloody civil war exploded in Nigeria in year 2022 and radical muslims have taken control of several cities. Western citizens in the country were evacuated but some of them were stranded in the coast in a factory protected by contractors in Port Harcourt area, facing growing hostility. A tiny US Navy task force, focused on new LCS ships, fully equipped for littoral warfare, approached the coast to extract western citizens, knowing the rebels have very limited air support. LCS Montgomery ventured inside the huge Niger delta at night undetected and thanks to spec ops boats, Seahawk helicopters and a SEAL unit managed to extract all the people. The operation has been a great success, but at dawn rebel forces knew they have been cheated and throw at the Americans everything they have.

* Hanukkah War, 2018: Iran has established a series of ballistic missile batteries aimed at Israel, protected by its newly-acquired S-300 SAM units. Israel's armed forces have been tasked with promptly eliminating this imminent threat.

* Into the Dark Nordkapp, 1985 (NATO + USSR versions): Realizing the Reagan military buildup was pushing the correlation of conventional forces away from their advantage and toward NATO, the Kremlin decided it was time to act. At Noon, Moscow time, on December 24th the word went out to all commands to execute “Operation Rhine” - the “Bolt Out of the Blue” attack from barracks, airfields and ports with no notice. The Soviet Union (& Warsaw Pact) would achieve strategic, operational and, for the most part, tactical surprise on all fronts with NATO caught massively out of position.

* Mesa Verde meets 'em head-on, 2024: The Republic of the Congo has been involved in a border dispute with Gabon in the last few years, and some of its soldiers are accused of having committed war crimes. The United Nations has attempted to broker a cease-fire, but has been rebuffed. The US and its allies believe this represents sufficient justification for limited "show of force" strikes that it is hoped will finally bring the Republic of the Congo to the bargaining table.

* New Mexico goes to war, 2023: Tensions between the United States and China have finally boiled over into actual hostilities. To the surprise of China, the American strategy was not to take the offensive in the South China Sea, but rather to make sure its allies could defend themselves. Meanwhile, the US moved to attack China on other fronts--cyber, space, and in the Indian Ocean.

* Oil In Somalia - Italy vs India, 1990: Italian Somaliland was an Italian colony and in later years the Trust Territory of Somalia until 1960 when Somalia was granted independence. During this period Italians made up a significant proportion of the population. The civil war has escalated and the nation is in a state of chaos, the civil government close to complete collapse. Nine days ago the Indian air force dropped troops providing ‘humanitarian aid’ to the small port town of Eyl. It is clear the Indians are establishing a foothold attempting land grabs and expansion of an Indian-controlled Indian Ocean. The Italian marines of the San Marco regiment have been loaded onto the LPDs San Giorgio and San Marco and are tasked to land at Eyl and re-establish control of the airfield and expel the Indian troops.

* Red Phoenix - Battle of the Tsushima, 1987: The 2nd Korean War is over. A Chinese airborne division sits in the no-mans-land between the 2 sides, making sure that the peace is kept. North Korea is finished. Not even the late intervention of the Soviet Union could have prevented its demise. However, that same Soviet intervention has sent shockwaves around the world. NATO and the USSR are closer to WW3 than they were during the Cuban Missile Crisis. In the North Pacific, a massive Soviet SAG prepares to cross through the Tsushima Strait. The only problem is that the survivors of the South Korean navy, as well as the American Constellation and Nimitz battlegroups, stand in their way.

* Revenge in Beirut, 1983: On October 1983, a USMC barracks and a French paratroop headquarters were almost simultaneously bombed, with heavy casualties. Historically, France and the US took separate retaliatory actions with mixed results. This scenario assumes that both nations instead agreed on a joint reaction just before the 24th Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU) turn over on 17-19 November to both show resolve and create a safer environment for the relieving 22nd MAU. This attack would have three full (combined) carrier task forces in a battle group with the French carrier Foch also participating.

* Senkaku Islands Clash, 2019: Tariffs and work economic disruption lead to increased tension and nationalism across the globe. With major problems in Chinese ports due to slowing trade, the PRC whips up nationalism over the Diaoyu (Senkaku) islands, leading to a Falklands-like amphibious assault in November 2019. Japan is not prepared to let that aggression stand and unlike the Falklands the U.S. (honoring their treaty obligations) will be a full belligerent. The World's three largest economies are poised to square off over 7 square miles of island.

* Southern Brawl (The War That Never Was), 1989: One day into World War 3, and Greece and Turkey are already beginning to crack under Soviet, Bulgarian, and Romanian pressure. The skies over Northern Greece and the Bosphorous Strait have been surrendered to Warsaw Pact air forces, who roam freely over the retreating Greek and Turkish armies. A new day brings new hope, but also dread at what the Warsaw Pact forces will do today. The Turkish and Greek air forces are given one job: Stall the Warsaw Pact air offensive, or die trying.

* Sri Lanka Crisis, 2021: The recent election in Sri Lanka has been challenged by the losing party. The new government, already meeting strong opposition in the country, is expected to strengthen even further the commercial and military ties with the Chinese government. These include massive investment in Sri Lankan business and a new port at Hambantota, extensive sales to the army and the recent sale of a squadron of JF-17 Thunder fighters to the Sri Lankan Air Force. The Indians, asking for new elections are sending an amphibious task force to Colombo to stop the civil war, but the Chinese carrier task force Liaoning in the area is challenging them. A fierce fight between the Chinese and Indians formations with air support is expected in the next few hours.

* The Gauntlet, 1989: With WW3 raging, NATO attempts to deliver two Amphibious Ready Groups centered on the USS Iwo Jima (LPH-2) and the HMS Ocean (L11) to Narvik and possibly bring the Warsaw Pact offensive in the North to a halt. Soviet forces will throw everything in their arsenals to stop this force from reaching Narvik.

* The Seto Submarine Scare, 2018: In June 2016, the US put sanctions directly on China for "transfer of missile technology to North Korea, human rights abuses, aggression in the South China Sea, and sinister trade and diplomatic practices. Japan quickly followed, copying the US's decision, adding sanctions for "mistreatment of Japanese POWs after WWII, promoting anti-Japanese sentiment, and espionage". Anti-US and anti-Japanese protests broke out throughout China almost instantaneously as CCTV reported on the sanctions. Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned the US and Japan it would not tolerate aggression against the Chinese people, and would eagerly respond to the "information war declaration" that they had delivered.

* Three CV's exercises, 2017: The USN carriers Reagan, Roosevelt and Nimitz gathered around the Korean Peninsula to contain North Korea launching missiles. The North Korean government abruptly declared they would launch an ICBM toward the Continental United States. The US president decided to strike North Korean missile pads and nuclear facilities. Because the South Korean government expressed that it did not hope an all-out confrontation with North Korea, only the US forces would engage in the operations.

* Turning the Tables, 1992: No US ground forces have come under air attack since the Korean war. This is now about to change.

* Ulleungdo Island, 2018: A failed coup attempt on September 8th has resulted in civil war in North Korea and heavy, but confused, fighting is occurring across the country. On 10 September 2018, a US-Flag Ro/Ro ship was torpedoed and sunk by a rogue submarine. Your mission, as commander of the USS Campbell, is to sink that submarine before more commercial vessels can be sunk. One problem is you are alone, the ROK and Japan do not want to take action due to the sensitive situation in the North, and American naval assets in Japan have been evacuated due to a Category 5 Typhoon rapidly approaching the islands.

* WWIII '87 - Air Campaign Denmark, 10 July 1987: 10 July saw the beginning of a major effort by the Pact to secure air and sea supremacy in the Baltic. The focus of this effort was on Danish airbases. Of the fifty NATO airfields that were hosting combat aircraft in Central Europe, six were located in Denmark. The Royal Danish Air Force was a relatively small, well-equipped force with a respectable number of F-16 Fighting Falcons forming the core of its inventory. USAF F-16s were also anticipated to begin arriving in Denmark within the next forty eight hours to reinforce AIRBALTAP. When WP amphibious and airborne operations against the Danish homeland were inevitably launched, it was anticipated that they would be taking place in uncontested airspace. In order for that to happen, Danish airbases, radar sites, and air defenses had to be dealt a knockout blow before then.

* Baltic Fury #1 - Storm The Gates, 1994: You are the commander of NATO’s BALTAP (Baltic Approaches) Command. BALTAP is a joint force of land, sea and air forces arrayed specifically to keep hostile WP forces bottled up in the Baltic Sea. Your forces are primarily Danish and German but some NATO reinforcements can be expected. The restricted waters in the western Baltic funnel hostile forces directly to the island of Zeeland and Copenhagen itself. One thing is certain, there will be a lot of combat power deployed into a very small space.

* Caribbean Fury #2 - Retribution, 1994: You are tasked with continuing the reduction of Cuban/Soviet combat power while positioning for the next move – assisting a British and French force in stabilizing Belize while driving the three errant Central American governments out of the war (Caribbean Fury 3 – Rumble in the Jungle). In the midst of these sweeping objectives, the Commander of the new Special Forces Command wants to turn the situation to an advantage by gaining as much strategic intelligence as possible.

* Indian Fury #4 - The Gate Of Tears, 1994: You are commanding the newly formed CTF 155 combining diverse forces to secure the island of Socotra and the Bab el Mandeb (BeM), the narrow gateway between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden know from ancient times as 'The Gate of Tears'. Your forces will conduct several amphibious and airmobile operations while simultaneously fighting for control of the air and sea in this vital maritime choke point.

* Indian Fury #5 - Hormuz Hoedown, 1994: You are commanding the newly formed CTF 154 centered on the USS Saratoga CVBG and combining all forces in the Persian Gulf region. Your primary task is to open the Straits of Hormuz to unrestricted navigation, but a critical and essential secondary task is to tie down Soviet and Soviet aligned forces (primarily Iran) so they cannot interfere in other theatres, particularly Syria and the Mediterranean. Finally, you must impress Saudi Arabia to commit to the conflict on our side, while preventing the spread of the war. The Indian Ocean is a secondary theater and cannot expect many reinforcements. Commander 5th Fleet will deploy to Socotra Island once it is clear, from there he will fight the larger battles in the Pentagon, but right now more forces and supplies are leaving the area then are arriving.

* A New World, 2005: In 1988, the Cold War turned nuclear. Out of the ashes, many countries emerged as new powers in the world, including Australia, New Zealand, Nationalist China, Argentina, and Brazil. These powers gradually combined to form 2 superpowers, the Pacific Coalition (Australia, New Zealand, China, and the remains of Japan and Korea) and the Latin Confederacy (All of Latin America, mainly occupied by Argentina and Brazil). 17 years later, what remains of the US is finally getting back on its feet. Constantly being probed on its southern border by the Latin Confederation, they turn to the more western-oriented Pacific Coalition for help. The Pacific Coalition responds by dispatching a large naval group of 2 Ex-US carriers, the floating helibase that was once HMAS Melbourne, and escorts formed from every nation in the coalition. As this naval group moves towards the rebuilt Naval Station San Diego, the Latin Confederacy moves to intervene.

* Operation Sapphire Fury, 2019: The United States had in the past stated that the growing occupation and militarization of islands in and around the South China Sea was unacceptable. Publicly stated American policy towards the SCS littoral area was framed in the strongest words, but privately US leadership had made the decision for years to ignore what was happening in the region. Several weeks ago however, after lengthy consultation between the Joint Chiefs and POTUS, Admiral Rolland Marshall commanding officer of USINDOPACOM received standing orders to roll back the illegal occupation of the Philippine island province of Palawan.


As always, the community scenario pack is available for download from the Command downloads page: . The complete pack will also become subsequently available for download on the Command workshop on Steam.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #230 on: January 09, 2019, 01:23:31 PM »
CMANO has been updated to version 1.14.7

Hi Everyone,

We have just released the 1.14.7 update which is identical to the Build 998.17 public beta that was posted HERE recently.

You can install it via the game's updater, grab it from the MEMBERS AREA  or download it from HERE

You can find the list of changes below. Enjoy!

Build 998.17 Release Notes (changes from B998.16)

* ADDED: #11869: Request: Special Actions Button in the main UI. It is visible only when there are Special Actions available for the current side (makes it easier to at-a-glance review available SAs)
* FIXED: Aircraft RTBing while still guiding BVR missiles
* FIXED: Text cutoff on Tanker Planner window in Asian locales
* FIXED: Ambigous contact AOU not refined correctly under certain conditions
* [Lua] Fixed: Updated altitude to use FT/M in SE_AddExplosion()
* [Lua] Tweak: Added "rps" property to Side wrapper (returns all refpoints of side)
* [UI] Map datablock tweak: Do not display speed (0 kts) for fixed facilities
* UI addition: "Clear scoring log" button (on "Scoring Log" tab of "Evaluation" window)

* Includes an updated version of "Chains Of War #12: Hail Mary", with a fix to a scoring issue.
* Inludes .inst import files for Swiss airbases by Roby7979/
* Includes the v476 update of the CWDB database.



AAA Bty (QF 3.7-inch x 4) -- United Kingdom (Army)
AAA Bty (114mm/45 QF Mark II x 4) -- United Kingdom (Army)
AAA Bty (57mm S-60 x 6] -- North Korea (Army)
AAA Bty (57mm S-60 x 6, Fire Can [SON-9]) -- North Korea (Army)
AAA Bty (40mm/70 Bofors x 4) -- North Korea (Army), 1950
AAA Bty (37mm T65 Twin x 4) -- North Korea (Army)
AAA Bty (37mm T55/M1939 Single x 4) -- North Korea (Army)
AAA Bty (130mm KS-30 x 4) -- North Korea (Army)
AAA Bty (100mm KS-19 x 4) -- North Korea (Army)
Radar (Dumbo [P-3]) -- North Korea (Air Force), 1950, 47-
Mech Inf Plt (BTR-40 APC) -- North Korea (Army), 1950
Mech Inf Plt (BTR-152 APC) -- North Korea (Army), 1950
SSM Plt (MGM-52C Lance) -- United Kingdom (Army), 1976-1992, Nuclear
SSM Bty (MGR-3 Little John [40kT Nuclear]) -- Italy (Army), 1959-1973
SSM Bty (MGR-1A Honest John [20kT Nuclear]) -- Italy (Army), 1959-1973
SSM Bty (MGR-1A Honest John [20kT Nuclear]) -- Canada (Army), 1962
SSM Bty (MGR-3 Little John [40kT Nuclear]) -- Canada (Army), 1962
SSM Bty (MGR-3 Little John [40kT Nuclear]) -- United Kingdom (Army), 1964-1976
SSM Bty (MGR-1A Honest John [20kT Nuclear]) -- United Kingdom (Army), 1964-1976
SSM Bty (MGM-5A/B Corporal[20kT Nuclear]) -- United Kingdom (Army), 1957-1966


Spitfire Mk I -- United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1940
Junkers Ju 88 A-4 -- Nazi Germany (Luftwaffe)
Messerschmitt Bf 110 C-4 -- Nazi Germany (Luftwaffe)
Dornier Do 17 Z-2 -- Nazi Germany (Luftwaffe)
Heinkel He 111 H-1 -- Nazi Germany (Luftwaffe)
Hawker Hurricane Mk I -- United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1940
F-51D Mustang -- South Africa (Air Force)


USN Gato Class -- United States (Navy), 1942, Mod 1
Leninets Class -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Naval Fleet [V-MF]), 1939, WW2
Shchuka Class -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Naval Fleet [V-MF]), 1939, WW2
Pravda Class -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Naval Fleet [V-MF]), 1939, WW2
PL-??? E -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Naval Fleet [V-MF]), 1939, WW2
Kalev Class -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Naval Fleet [V-MF]), 1938, WW2
Dekabrist Class -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Naval Fleet [V-MF]), 1928, WW2
SS 285 Balao -- United States (Navy), 1942, WW2
T Class -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 1942, WW2
S Class -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 1942, WW2


Banshee: M57 250lb GPB, M47 500lb Napalm
Banshee: M57 250lb GPB [Long Range]
Panther: Internal Guns [Long Range]
Cougar: Internal Guns [Long Range]
Spitfire Mk I: (Ferry)
Spitfire Mk I: Internal Guns
Hurricane: (Ferry)
Hurricane: Internal Guns
Ju-88: 250kg GPB
Ju-88: 500kg GPB
Ju-88: (Ferry)
Ju-88: 50kg GPB
Bf 110: (Ferry)
Bf 110: 1000kg GPB
Bf 110: 500kg GPB
Bf 110: 250kg GPB
Bf 110: Internal Guns
Do 17: 500kg GPB
He-111: 50kg GPB
Do 17: 50kg GPB
Do 17: 250kg GPB
Do 17: (Ferry)
B-36: M66 2000lb GPB [5]
B-36: M65 1000lb GPB [10]
B-36: M64 500lb GPB [132]
Mustang: M1A frag CB [Long Range]
Mustang: M1A frag CB
Mustang: M57 250lb GPB [Long Range]
Mustang: M57 250lb GPB
Mustang: M64 500lb GPB
Mustang: M64 500lb GPB [Long Range]
Mustang: M47 500lb Napalm [Long Range]
Mustang: M47 500lb Napalm
Mustang: M30 100lb GPB
Mustang: 127mm HVAR Rocket
F-86H: ZUNI 127mm HVAR Rockets, Long-Range
F-86H: ZUNI 127mm HVAR Rocket
F-86E: ZUNI 127mm HVAR Rockets
F-86A: ZUNI 127mm HVAR Rocket
F-84G: M66 2000lb GPB [Long Range]
F-84G: M66 2000lb GPB
F-84G: ZUNI 127mm HVAR Rocket, Tiny Tim 300mm HVAR [Long Range]
F-84G: M65 1000lb GPB [Long Range]
F-84G: M64 500lb GPB Long Range]
F-84G: Internal Guns
F-84F: M66 2000lb GPB [Long Range]
F-84F: Internal Guns
Jet Provost: SNEB 68mm Rocket
Jet Provost: 2-inch Rocket
Jet Provost: 3-inch Rocket
Jet Provost: RAF 500lb LDGP
Jet Provost: (Ferry)
Buccaneer, RAF, 1966: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB, Short-Range
Buccaneer, RAF, 1966: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB
Buccaneer, RAF, 1966: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB, SNEB 68mm Rockets
Buccaneer, RAF, 1966: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB, SNEB 68mm Rockets, Long-Range
Buccaneer S.2: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB, Short-Range
Buccaneer S.2: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB
Buccaneer S.2: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB, SNEB 68mm Rockets
Buccaneer S.2: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB, SNEB 68mm Rockets, Long-Range
Buccaneer S.1: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB, SNEB 68mm Rockets, Long-Range
Buccaneer S.1: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB, SNEB 68mm Rockets
Buccaneer S.1: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB
Buccaneer S.1: Mk18 1000lb RET GPB, Short-Range
Me 262: R4W Rocket [24]
Me 262: Internal Guns
Me 262: (Ferry)
B-29: M47 500lb Napalm
B-29: M30 100lb GPB
B-29: M57 250lb GPB
B-17: M47 500lb Napalm
FW-190: Internal Guns
FW-190: (Ferry)
Helldiver: Mk13B Pattern Runner, ZUNI 127mm HVAR Rockets
Guardian: Mk34 Mod 1, ZUNI 127mm HVAR Rockets
Avenger AS.3/M: Mk43 Mod 1 -- 1951, Mk54 Depth Charge
Avenger AS.3/M: Mk43 Mod 1 -- 1951, 3-inch Rockets
Avenger AS.3/M: Mk34 Mod 1 Torpedo -- 1948-1958, 3-inch Rockets
Avenger AS.3/M: Mk34 Mod 1 Torpedo -- 1948-1958 , Mk54 Depth Charge

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #231 on: January 15, 2019, 02:08:41 PM »
Command LIVE: The King of the Border is announced

The crisis that has enveloped Venezuela since 2013 has reached a quasi-apocalyptic dimension.

The Government of Caracas has accused in several occasions that the reason for this humanitarian catastrophe is the constant interference of the USA and its puppets in the region, willing to stop the glorious Bolivarian Revolution started with Hugo Chavez.

These suspects have been reinforced by the enclosing relationship between Colombia and NATO, culminating in 2015 in a joint military operation against maritime piracy.

Recently the situation has further escalated as for days two Colombian bordering towns, Cucuta and Arauca, have been theatre of fights between soldiers wearing the uniform of The Bolivarian National Armed Forces of Venezuela and local Colombian border troops.

Claiming the episode is a machination of Washington to destroy the revolution, Venezuela has asked for support to Russia, granting it the Caribbean Island of Orchila as an outpost. Moscow, eager to expand its influence in the area, agreed immediately and it is confirmed news that an aero-naval expeditionary force is already being sent in aid of its new ally.

The United States has declared they’ll support Bogota from aggression with any means and have put their forces in Panama and Porto Rico on the highest alert.

Stay tuned for further information! Command LIVE news report will keep you informed on any update on this escalation.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #232 on: January 16, 2019, 07:45:50 PM »
Command LIVE: The King of the Border on Twitch

Join Matrix/Slitherine on Saturday, January 19th on our official
and watch Stoic Frog Gaming playing the latest Command: LIVE episode "The King of the Border"

The show will start at 6 pm GMT / 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST, don't miss this occasion!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #233 on: January 21, 2019, 02:01:13 PM »
Command LIVE: The King of the Border out on January 31st

The eyes of the world are pointed on South America, as rumours of fights along the border between Venezuela and Colombia are being confirmed. With the Russians coming in support of Caracas, the situation could escalate very quickly to a full-scale regional conflict.

Will the United States intervene to prevent a new Syria-style crisis at their "courtyard?"

Command LIVE: The King of the Border will be released on January 31st![/b]

Stay tuned for further information.
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #234 on: January 30, 2019, 11:22:19 AM »

Command Live: The King of the Border is an expansion of Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations and requires the base game to be played
EPISODE 10: The King of the Border


Venezuela, Russia ready to militarily support the South American country against Colombia

As the crisis in Venezuela lurches from bad to worse, the chaos unleashed by the country’s slow collapse is threatening to undermine the stability of the entire region and neighboring Colombia in particular.Colombia is bearing the brunt of the refugee crisis caused by Venezuela’s failing state, and the burden is stretching the country’s limited resources to the point where it may fall into crisis itself.

Nicolas Maduro has once again accused the Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos of preparing a series of "incidents" aimed at creating "an armed conflict" between the two neighboring countries. Santos did not recognize Maduro's re-election on May 20, questioning the fairness of the recent Venezuelan presidential vote. Colombia has received hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans, out of the estimated 4.1 million, who have left their country, according to the Organization of American States. "We can not even lower our guard for a second, a series of incidents of military character are being prepared by the Colombian government of Juan Manuel Santos, aimed at generating an armed conflict between us".

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 Moscow .Russia would be ready to help the Venezuelan Armed Forces against possible attacks on their borders.

Yesterday, the Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman stated that his country is ready to support Venezuela from the NATO threat through neighboring Colombia.

The new Cold War of the Third Millennium moves quickly in South America.

The response of the Minister of Defense of Caracas, Vladimir Padrino López, is ready:
"We are ready to face any aggression in the field of armed and unarmed struggle to safeguard the interests that are consecrated in the Constitution and we have sufficient laws and a good legal basis to build a our own model.

Venezuela has more than a million civilians in uniform, volunteers of the Bolivarian National Militia that can also be used against any Army in any scenario of any aggression.

Recall that last June, Colombia has established a partnership with NATO, the first in Latin America.
NATO's cooperation with the South American state has developed steadily since 2013. In those days the Secretary-General of the Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg had accepted the outgoing Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos, in Brussels, praising him for his efforts to bring stability to his country.

"Our cooperation - the secretary general had claimed - has provided real benefits both to Colombia
and to NATO".

In particular, the South American country had worked side by side with the NATO forces off the Horn of Africa

in 2015, in the fight against maritime piracy Jens Stoltenberg also welcomed the fact that the integrity program of NATO construction increased transparency and professionalism in Colombia's defense institutions and that Colombian personnel
benefited from courses at the Alliance School in Germany and Defense College in Italy (NATO Defense College).

"NATO - concluded the general secretary - is committed to working with partners like Colombia who share our values and interests". And turned to Santos he had said. "Our support comes at the request of the Colombian Government and the Alliance will always respect your autonomy and your independence". And now that Colombia has a centre-right administration in sight of the ballots, scheduled in Brazil, on Jair Bolsonaro (PSL-right) and Fernando Haddad (PT-left), Venezuela is back to centre of the geopolitical attention of the area.

 At the border, the situation has degenerated and the cities of Cucuta and Arauca were stormed by the migrants are now a territory of war where the ground troops are confronting already for a few days.

We know that the Venezuelan air force is ready to attack, they will certainly be waiting for the arrival of their Russian allies.


Daily Updates:

Venezuela Agreed To Let Russia Set Up A Bomber Outpost On Caribbean Island Orchila.


Russian media outlets are reporting that the Kremlin is planning to establish a forward outpost on the Venezuelan island of La Orchila in the Caribbean Sea and base nuclear-capable Tu-160 Blackjack bombers, two of which just wrapped up a recent deploymentto the country, at the site. If true, this could help bolster the embattled regime of Venezuela’s dictatorial president Nicolás Maduroand would significantly change the strategic reality in the Western Hemisphere for the United States.

That the Tu-160s have the ability to carry nuclear weapons, including nuclear-armed cruise missiles that give a stand-off capability, would also give the forward location an added deterrent quality, presenting an unprecedented standing strategic threat to the mainland United States within the Western Hemisphere. The outpost could also potentially accommodate other types of combat aircraft, as well as anti-shipand surface-to-air missilesand associated radars and other sensors.

So far, there are no details about what the Russian outpost might consist of, what forces might go there and when, and what timeframe the Kremlin and Venezuela might have agreed to for starting the project at all. La Orchila, which sits less than 500 miles from Puerto Rico and less than 1,500 miles from Florida, has significant space for new and expanded military facilities, though, as seen below.

Having a forward base capable of accommodating strategic aircraft would enable Russia to conduct flights near the United States on a regular basis, something it is otherwise largely incapable of doing at present. As it stands now, Russian aircraft are generally only able to fly sorties in the vicinity of Alaskawithout the commitment of substantial support assets.

 The recent deployment of Blackjacks to Venezuela came after a surge in American aerial activityalong Russia’s western flank after the Kremlin launched an unprovoked attack onUkrainian naval vesselsin the Kerch Strait, which separates the Black Sea from the Sea of Azov. The United States and its allies condemned Russia's actionsand offered to increase military and other supportfor Ukraine, to the ire of the Kremlin.



Enemy Forces


       Air Force:

        - Su-30MK2 Flanker

        - Mig-29K Fulcrum

        - F-16 Falcon

        - Mig-31BM Foxhound

        - Su-35S Flanker E

        - Su-57 PAK-F


         Russian threat from the sea:

        - Possible presence of frigates, aircraft carrier and submarines class Oscar III


Friendly Forces

     Air Force:

             9th Bomb Squadron:       

           - B-1B Lancer

             62d and 58th Fighter Squadron:

       - F-35A Lightning

        307th and 334th Fighter Squadron:

       - F-15C Eagle

        18th Aggressor Squadron:

       - F-16CM

        Strike Fighter Squadron 27 and 115:

       - F/A-18E Hornet

        19th and 27th Fighter Squadron:

       - F-22A Raptor



       - E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

       - E-3G Sentry

       - P8A - Poseidon

       - EA-18G Growler


Naval Force:

        Ronald Reagan Strike Group:

        - USS Ronald Reagan

        - USS John Finn

        - USS Lake Erie


        US Patrol Fleet:

        - USS Hue City

        - USS Mahan

        - USS Bainbridge



        - USS Jimmy Carter

        - USS Seawolf

        - USS Hawaii

Colombia Allied

         Air Force:

        Escuadrón de Combate 111:

       - Kfir C.10

        Escuadrón de Combate 211:

       - A-29B Super Tucano



We have MLRS Artillery available.




Friendly Forces


     - Su-30MK2 Flanker

     - Mig-29K Fulcrum

     - F-16 Falcon

     - Mig-31BM Foxhound

     - Su-35S Flanker E

     - Su-57 PAK-FA


Naval Force:

     Kuznetsov Fleet:

     - Admiral Kuznetsov

     - Admiral Grigorvich

     - Soobrazitelny

     - Vasil Bykov


     Russian Patrol Fleet:

      - Makhachkala

     - Gromkiy

     - Sovershennyy


     Russian Combatant Group:

      - Admiral Sergey Gorshkov

     - Volgodonsk

     - Soobrazitelny


     Russian Submarines:

      - Gepard

     - Vepr

     - Tomsk

     - Omsk

     - Tver


Venezuela gave us the "La Chinita" Airport and "Orchila" Airbase where we have some support aircraft available.


Enemy Forces

      Air Force:

     - B-1B Lancer

     - F-35A Lightning

     - F-15C Eagle

     - F-16CM

     - F/A-18D Hornet

     - F-22A Raptor

     - E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

     - E-3G Sentry

     - P8A - Poseidon

     - EA-18G Growler


    Usa threat from the sea:

     - Possible presence of frigates, aircraft carrier and submarines class Los Angeles

•   Playable as Russia or Usa.
•   The new Cold War of the Third Millennium moves quickly in South America.
•   Choose which side to stay, and defend your Allied,deployed on the side of Colombia or Venezuela.
•   Support your allies in hot spots like the two cities on the border,their airports and facilities.
•   Try to defend yourself from the enemy attack from the navy the air force and the army.
•    Intense air battles with 4 nations involved F-15, F-16, F-18, Mig-29, Su-33 and many others.
•    Tough fight by sea,take control of the sea fighting against the most deadly Russian carriers or with the majestic Ronald Reagan..this carefully using your submarines.
•   Defend the main cities on the border with mech and Inf, use your artillery to plan every single shot.
•   Plays the events that have happened recently,the historic tension between these two nations on the border is now at its peak,russia sending two bombers to the Venezuelan Orchila Airbase
•   Attack or Defend the island of Orchila,destroy the two Russian nuclear bombers Tu-160 BlackJack and the the present structures.
•   Pay attention to the Cuban airspace
•   Americans are not welcome...
•   Plan every single move, from choosing armaments to refueling for your units
•   Each side has its own technological or logistical weakness and strength

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #235 on: January 31, 2019, 01:09:24 PM »
Command Professional Edition

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #236 on: January 31, 2019, 02:41:47 PM »
Command LIVE The King of the Border News Report

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #237 on: February 13, 2019, 02:54:03 PM »
CMANO updated to version 1.14.9

CMANO and The latest LIVE Episode (The King of the Border) have been updated!

You can download the update from here:


Members Area

1.14.9 Changelog

•   Includes a massively updated version of Command-LIVE #10 (King of the Border)
•   FIXED: Unit names not appearing in "Group"-fuel WPF panel
•   Improved presentation of message type options
•   FIXED: Submarine not auto-engaging incoming torpedoes with ATTs
•   UI Tweak on "Load Scenario" window: Tutorials and "Standalone Scenarios" folders always go on top
•   FIXED: #12671: ASROC doesn't drop payload
•   FIXED: Error during save restore in "Back Gold Blitz"

The King of the Border changes:
- USA Side:
  - Improved Air Force and Naval Force
  - Improved A.D.
  - Fixed the Score
  - Fixed Brief
  - Delete AirBase not active
  - Add Airbase Key West FL
  - Add Inf with Anti-Tank ground troops at the border

- RUSSIA Side:
  - Improved Naval Force
  - Improved Tasks
  - Add Units to Air Force
  - Fixed Facilities on Orchila Base
  - Fixed the Score
  - Fixed Brief

  - Improved Tasks
  - Fixed ABs Positions
  - Fixed Tasks Ground Troops at the border
  - Add A-37B DragonFly

"Special Thanks to Tailhook for improvements to the US order of battle”

If you want to check the edits to the Order of Battles for USA and Russia please visit the Product Page

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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #238 on: February 21, 2019, 02:38:16 PM »
Command v1.14 Update - Build 998.20


To apply, unzip in your existing CMANO installation folder, overwriting files if asked.

Build 998.20 Release Notes:

* _Probably_ resolved the .Net 4.7.2 dependency that caused the scenario loading/crash issues in B998.19. (Saying "probably" because we have not been able to reproduce this issue on any of our testing setups. Ask any developer about his frustrations and persistent "no repro" bugs will be always at/near the top of the list)
* FIXED: Datablock of off-grid group not appearing in last-reported position
* FIXED: When all members of a group are off-grid, then the group itself should be considered as off-grid
* FIXED: Aircraft stays at low altitude in dogfight
* FIXED: #12658: Wan Chien missiles cause game freeze
* FIXED: Campaign epilogue for "The Silent Service" not being displayed
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Re: Command: Modern Air/Naval Ops Discussion
« Reply #239 on: February 28, 2019, 02:31:17 PM »
Command: Desert Storm has been announced!

On August 2, 1990, Iraq’s ground forces invaded and occupied Kuwait. 40% of the world’s oil production, and the developed world’s economy, was placed in imminent threat by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. In response, the United States promptly assembled an international coalition to attack and expel Iraqi forces out of Kuwait, and to eliminate Hussein’s capability to repeat such an act in the future. What followed would forever transform the face of war.

Command: Desert Storm has been announced! Relive the pivotal events of the conflict that sealed the Cold War and radically changed the Middle East geopolitical landscape.

The massive coalition build-up following the Iraqi invasion; The first night over Baghdad on January 17, 1991; the “do or die” strike that stopped Iraq’s chemical retaliation in the nick of time; the frustrating “Scud hunts” all over the Iraqi desert; coalition attacks on Iraq’s airfields; the annihilation of the Iraqi navy at Bubiyan, the “highway of death” during the Iraqi retreat from Kuwait, and much more.

Additionally, step into the unknown as you probe the great unanswered questions of the conflict: What if Iraq had pre-empted the coalition build-up and rolled right into S.Arabia? What if Israel had retaliated for the Scud attacks against it? What if Iran or even the Soviet Union had intervened against the coalition?

Command: Desert Storm is a new DLC/Standalone release for Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations, the premier game of air, naval & strategic warfare and the choice of serious hobbyists and defence professionals alike. Fourteen historical & hypothetical campaign scenarios plus a bonus contemporary standalone scenario cover the major actions that marked the conflict, allowing you to explore the events that happened - and the ones that could easily have.

Get more information from the official Product Page


- A standalone expansion for Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations, 2013's Wargame of the Year: play as a single, separate game, or add it to your collection of scenarios for CMANO.
- 14 campaign scenarios plus a modern-day Israel-vs-Iran scenario written by Wayne Stiles Retired USAF veteran and CMANO community star.
- Using CMANO’s acclaimed continuous real-time simulation engine with new wrinkles in the realm of air & naval warfare.
- The complete arsenal of modern warfare at your disposal: Stealth fighters, cruise missiles, tactical air & attack fighters, strike bombers, close support aircraft, heavy bombers, surface ships & submarines and even hypothetical platforms like the navalized F-117X, the A-12 Avenger II stealth naval bomber and the radically modernized Iowa-class battleship as BBG-1.
- Bonus 2019 standalone scenario: Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear forces.

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