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Author Topic: Germany 1995 release of Falcon 3.0 & Tornado "Best In Flight Twice" combo box  (Read 2937 times)

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Offline Frankie

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Germany 1995 release of Falcon 3.0 & Tornado "Best In Flight Twice" combo box (rare)

According to MobyGames, this Falcon 3.0 and Tornado compilation box was released for the German market in 1995.
Both flight simulators are classic icons in the world of early 1990s flight simulation. Both had a cult following among flight simmers, with Falcon 3.0 being a bigger hit in the USA. Falcon 3.0 ended up having tons of third-party software created that extended the game.  More than Tornado's third party software mostly created by Kenneth "ICEMAN" Larsen, Eric Joiner, Basil Copeland and Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein.

Front of box

Well Falcon 3.0 came out in 1991 which meant that its graphics must be originally designed around 1989 or 1990. Which explains why Falcon 3.0's polygon aircraft and ground mobiles look even more dated than Tornado's 1993 simulator's graphics which were first coded and designed in 1991 by Kevin Bezant and team.

Back of box. Notice that Falcon 3.0 models jet shadows while Tornado has no shadows under the jet?

Of course both had their followings because they were two entirely different aircraft. Falcon 3.0 was the turn-and-burn type with a larger market.  The F16 being more widely know in the US and globally. The Tornado, however, was a mud-mover, jointly developed and manufactured by Italy, the United Kingdom, and West Germany. The Tornado was less widely-known within the US.

From what I can see in the box contents images (cover art), it didn't come with the original 332-page Tornado manual, but rather the abbreviated Tornado manual.

This is the Tornado manual, erm, Quick Start Guide that accompanied the game in the box.

In contrast, this is the Falcon 3.0 manual inside the box

If this were a "Best in Flight Thrice" three-in-one box, what would you add in? Microprose's Fleet Defender?

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 04:37:25 AM by Frankie »
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Offline ajthenoob

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Definitely EF2000. Dynamic campaign, the same kind of environment, and more modern than the other 2 while still being DOS (1995).
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