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Offline Asid

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« on: March 06, 2019, 01:36:50 AM »
Neverdark has been announced!

On December 24th 2030 a global blackout occurred. In an instant, the world lost access to electricity, and suddenly so many things that we had taken for granted were gone; the Internet, global communications, electronic devices… all gone.

War emerged as governments fell. Society collapsed upon itself and guns, medicine and food became the new currency. A new world rose from the ashes of the old one, one ruled by bands of raiders, religious cults, bikers gangs, idealistic democratic communes and organisations built around charismatic leaders. Cities became battlegrounds. This is the world of Neverdark!

Real-time simulation strategy gameplay

Neverdark is a pausable real-time strategy game which brings you to a post-apocalyptic world. Following a global blackout, society has collapsed, and it will be your goal to rebuild it.

You lead a group of survivors, and you will need to contend with other factions over the control of the city. Invest resources, expand your influence and take over the city, street by street. Neverdark is as much about politics and social evolution as is about combat.

Real cities and real maps

In Neverdark you play in a fallen and ruined city; you need to rebuild it, adapt it to new needs and conditions and build a new kind of infrastructure. But you are going to play across real urban maps of existing cities; Paris, New York and Tokyo. You will find yourself leading your people and expanding across familiar streets. Take over existing buildings and repurpose them. Perhaps you might want to use the Louvre Museum as the seat of your Black Market, or it might be a good idea to grow your crops on Rooftop Farms in Brooklyn? It is entirely up to you.

Political decisions and events

A new type of society has emerged, one without a central government and your goal is to shape it and see it evolve. React to dynamic random events, which force you to make ethical or political decisions. Pass new laws and edicts, adapting to ever-changing conditions. Adopt new policies, and decide what direction your new society will take.

Tactical combat

One way or another, you need to deal with other groups competing for control of the city. Both you and your enemies have powerful and influential agents at your disposal. You will need to send those specialists across the city to perform political and military tasks. Perhaps sending a Political Agitator in a contested neighbourhood might sway the locals that your cause merits their support? Or perhaps your enemy got there first, and then it might not be a bad idea to send a Sniper to take him out?

Eventually, the streets will run red with blood. Take the fight to the streets, and lead your crews of specialists in exciting turn-based tactical combat missions.

Neverdark is set to release on PC in 2019! Stay tuned, like us on Facebook and wishlist it on Steam to get all the latest news on Neverdark!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Neverdark
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2019, 12:26:51 AM »
Neverdark - Dev Diary #1 - What is Neverdark?

Today we start a new series of Dev diaries coming directly from the developers of Neverdark, Simteract studio.

In this first entry they will speak about their vision for the game. It's an introduction to what the game will be about, and it will be followed by future dev diaries going more in detail about specific features. The word to them!

What is Neverdark?

A question we’ve been asked time and time again at conferences, but one we’re excited to answer for you as well! We’re very eager to talk directly with all of you about what our game is, and how it came to be. This will be the first of many dev diaries showcasing both the game and the development of Neverdark as it progresses towards release.

Neverdark, at its core, is a love child between a society management sim and a tactical, turn-based combat game. You, the player, act as the leader of your society after a man-made blackout has destroyed the world’s electrical grid. You’re tasked with the not-so-simple burden of reclaiming cities that have fallen under the control of unfriendly factions and gangs. How you reclaim these cities, however, is a choice only you can make.


Post-apocalyptic settings are not new, and we knew that in order to move forward with the idea we needed to differentiate Neverdark from other games in the genre. With an electrical blackout we have the opportunity to focus on our society and the hardships that come with managing groups of scared, desperate people. Old-world technology exists, but is nonfunctional. Remnants of cities stand as hollow reminders of how much mankind was able to achieve. Memories of what used to be “normal” will never fade, but it will not be an easy task to restore even a fraction of those memories.

Neverdark levels – real-world cities’ maps: Tokyo, New York and Paris

Restoration & Rule

A leader can progress and reign with a variety of methods, and we want players to explore these methods to find their unique preference with ruling. Edicts are proclamations that give you the freedom to steer your civilization towards peace and prosperity, or war and militarism.

Each of your decisions carries weight. Your citizens react to the way you treat them, and the sacrifices you make for them… or using them. The happiness, obedience and safety of your citizens is tracked through our Social Parameters system. Let any of those three parameters fall too low and the consequences could be disastrous.

Unfriendly Faces

When the blackout occurred, the innocent and scared fled from the chaos of the cities. The opportunistic and less honourable stayed behind to pillage, murder and destroy without reprimand. As you attempt to wrest control from the gangs and factions that now rule the city, you’ll find yourself having to play their own game in your desire to succeed.

Bribe, pacify, ignore or attack these factions. Pit groups against each other as you gather your own strength, or build up prosperity and pay off each faction to keep the peace. Do whatever is necessary to persevere, whether that means making allies or destroying enemies.

More to Come

This is just the first of many dev diaries from us at Simteract! We have more features and mechanics to show off over the coming months, as well as giving you an inside view of the development process. We look forward to answering any questions you may have about Neverdark, and we’re eager to share more in the next diary!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Neverdark
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2021, 11:31:05 PM »
Developer update
Tue, 9 March 2021

Since we announced Neverdark we have been surprised by the amount of interest around the project.

Since we announced Neverdark we have been surprised by the amount of interest around the project. We were thrilled to see so many of you anticipating the game.

During the testing phase of some extremely important gameplay mechanics, though, we noticed that some things were not quite working yet.

Therefore we have taken the decision to allocate more resources and more time for development so we can go back to the re-design phase and tweak certain core gameplay mechanics. We are currently deep in the re-design phase, and this means we are not quite ready to reveal when Neverdark will be released.
We are committed to making Neverdark the best game it can be: the team is working extremely hard right now, and we hope we’ll be able to deliver more news in the coming months.

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