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Author Topic: Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa  (Read 25281 times)

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Re: Barbarossa: Decisive Campaigns
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2015, 01:03:58 AM »
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Re: Barbarossa: Decisive Campaigns
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2015, 03:51:58 PM »

Download Edition
£ 34.99

Boxed Edition +free download
£ 45.99
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Re: Barbarossa: Decisive Campaigns
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2015, 05:21:51 PM »
Grogheads Previews Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa
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Re: Barbarossa: Decisive Campaigns
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2015, 05:58:07 PM »
Update Version 1.00c

You can download the patch from here (10.5MB):

changelogo below!

Version 1.00c
• AI keeps a bit more troops on high VP hexes than before

• Soviet AI glitch fixed where in special circumstances it kept to many troops on a good defensive line at the expense of its flanks.

• Tuned down the volume of the start turn drum roll

• Very small scenario version added on scenario setup screen

• Game music now restarts after watching a tutorial video in Windows Media Player upon clicking anywhere in the game screen

• Theatre violations with Soviet reinforcement armies adressed

• Bug when playing Zhukov's All out Effort card on an HQ which is destroyed soon after is fixed

• Report Status! now correctly shows effect of Zhukov's All out Effort on Divs

• German AI now receives more winter bonuses/penalties depending on weather

• Numerous text, grammar and spelling errors corrected

• ‘Model' references in OOB tab (scripted name change)

• AI rail conversion (German) now shown visually on map

• Picture change to better highlight Soviet Comm's breakdown

• Kupio becomes 'Kuopio' in Finland
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Re: Barbarossa: Decisive Campaigns
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2015, 10:33:19 PM »
Historical Flags and Symbols mod version 1.0
Posted with permission of Philippe

The purpose of this mod is to represent all flags and symbols that were used by the different units in the game as accurately as possible within the constraints of the game engine. I am interested in vexillology, heraldry, and semiotics, not politics. You should never be allowed to forget who is doing what to whom, because when you bowdlerize evil you make it more acceptable.  And then the bad guys win.

This mod is a graphics-only mod.  It makes a few changes to the graphic presentation, nothing more.  It will have zero impact on any pbem games, and won't cause problems if one player uses it but another doesn't. It is very similar to my mod for DC:Case Blue, but not identical.  Several of the flags from that mod have been repainted (e.g. the Romanian and Soviet flags).

This mod is designed to be used with other graphics mods. These don't exist yet, but no modder can resist making grass mods, so sooner or later...

Here is a list of what this mod changes, by country:

The mod uses a German roundel derived from the roundel on the Parteiflag.

The large, medium, and small headquarters flags are the Reichskriegflag, the German warflag. This is the flag that would have flown in front of any army or navy headquarters, as well as in front of administrative offices in any occupied territory.

The crossed anchors icon for the Wehrmacht navy is the emblem that was worn on the shoulder boards of the Kriegsmarine.

The Luftwaffe eagle icon has been repainted.

I have replaced the SS icon with the white SS runes on a black background.

The Romanian flag is now King Michael's warflag.

The national icon for Romania is now the Romanian cross (reportedly modeled on the German balkenkreuz).

The mod uses the Finnish warflag from WW II.  The Finnish warflag is unusual in that it uses a medieval swallowtail design with the national coat of arms mounted on the intersection of the two arms of the cross.

The national icon for Finland is the national coat of arms (gold lion rampant on a red shield).

The alternative would have been to use the airforce symbol.  The Finnish airforce began using that symbol when the country was becoming independant during the aftermath of the Russian Revolution.  A Swedish nobleman whose ancestor had gone crusading in the Baltic donated a personal airplane to Finland, the first airplane in what was to become the Finnish Air Force. To show their recognition Finland adopted part of the nobleman's coat of arms as their aircraft symbol.  In the Middle Ages, if you had gone crusading in the Holy Land, you often added a Jerusalem Cross to your coat of arms.  But if you hadn't gone all the way to the Middle East and had only crusaded with the Teutonic knights in Prussia or the Baltic, you removed half of the crossbars from the Jerusalem cross before you mounted it on your coat of arms. So that is why the Finnish Airforce was using a symbol that we now think of as a swastika long before the German Nazi Party came into existence.  The Finnish Air Force swastika isn't really a swastika, it just looks like one.  I didn't want to use the Finnish Air Force symbol as the national ID symbol because I always prefer to use national coats of arms instead, and on top of that I find it very confusing to see a swastika on Finnish units, even though I know where it really comes from.

The national icon for Italy is now the coat of arms of the house of Savoy (white cross on a red shield with a blue border).

The icon for Hungary is now the national coat of arms with the crown of St. Stephen.

Soviet Union:
The Soviet Roundel now sports a hammer and sickle. 

The Soviet flag has been repainted.

The icon for Soviet regulars is derived from the Red Army badges that were made out of enameled metal, and is a red star with a gold edge and a gold hammer and sickle  mounted in the middle of the star.

The icon for troops from Siberia is identical to the icon for Soviet regulars, except that the red and gold star is shown against a green background.  Siberia has lots of taiga and tundra, and both are green when not covered in snow.

The icon for Soviet conscripts is identical to the icon for Soviet regulars, but without the gold trim around the edge of the red star (a very small hammer and sickle on a red star).

The icon for Partisans is a simple red star cut out of fabric (no hammer and sickle).

The icon for Soviet Naval Infantry (the Black Death) is based on the fouled anchor that appears on Russian marine badges.

Non-swastika version:
I have decided not to make a swastika-free version of the mod.  The game's vanilla graphics are perfectly adequate if you happen to be squeamish about that sort of thing.

The mod can be downloaded from this link:

I frequently run out of bandwidth towards the end of the month.  If that happens you could always wait until the begining of the next calendar month and try again. But there is also a copy of the mod hosted on Vic's site here:

If you are interested in the flag mods that I've made for the other games in the series, here are the relevant links:

Historical Flags and Symbols mod version 1.0 screenshots:

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Re: Barbarossa: Decisive Campaigns
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2015, 09:04:25 PM »
Public Beta 1.01

Hi all,

To err on the side of caution we are releasing the 1.01 patch first as a public beta. It already has been tested a bit and should be stable. If all goes well we'll make it official start of next week.

You can install it right now by downloading the 1.01 public beta patch installer from here:

Its an installer. So just download it anywhere and execute!

Save files are fully compatible and you can continue your old games without worry, but in order for big part of the fixes/additions to come in effect you'll have to start a new game with 1.01.

v1.01 / Scenario version 1/12/2015-Vic / Internal scenario version 16

-Friends and Foes report (Past history) now shows in relationship section of report tab for reference rather than just on the first turn.
-List of Cities lost or captured by date and theatre added to the end of game analysis and PDF's
-Video on how to mod the TO&E :

-3 hexes added to East Prussia on map. Units and Soviet AI deployment routines adjusted accordingly.
-Soviet fortification card disabled if entire map is mud or snow
-SS Motorised Divs Heavy Inf increased from 7000 to 8000
-PG HQ staff increased slightly
-Improved dynamic text on Soviet 'Change Orders' card to make it's status clearer.
-AGN starting fuel bonus lowered from 6000 bbls to 4000.
-Soviet AI now has some limited flexibility of which front to deploy certain reinforcement armies.
-Finetuned the victory point influence that LOST cities have on the Soviet AI.
-Finetuned the HOLD/ATTACK Stance for fronts. In special cases the AI will be more aggressive and will chose an ATTACK stance where it used to chose a HOLD stance.
-Various other AI finetunes
-German staff will gain experience at a slightly slower pace in the later rounds.

-Brest removed from 'Garrison' card text (automatic major garrison at Brest, no need to play the card)
-Stalin's missing bio added (deleted when reloaded Soviet Officer Lib)
-Soviet units not reporting AP effect of severe weather when asked to Report Status! (no change to game play effect) is fixed.
-T-26 description typo is fixed.
-Relationship #'s in German Command tab tool tips now correctly updated after each decision
-Bug with PG reassignment from AGC (only) where full amount of fuel was being transferred to the adjacent theatre instead of half (AGC has two Panzergruppen) is fixed.
-German 'Transport!' card incorrectly being able to be played on the Siege Artillery protection unit and the garrison units is fixed.
-Soviet HQ's are now correctly auto disbanding when they have no subordinate units (Germans gain PP's). Only affected Sov Player, not Sov AI.
-Reinforcements message for Soviets in Aide De Camp indicating 'x' Div's failed to deploy when it was referring to HQ cards not yet played is fixed.
-One AI crash bug found and fixed

Manual Errata
A dedicated page has been created over here:

Best wishes,
Vic and Cameron

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Re: Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2015, 04:43:23 PM »
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Re: Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2015, 10:47:26 PM »
Big update today, mostly AI oriented making the Russians tougher:

Original Post

Barbarossa, one of the most innovative wargame of the year has received un update! Version 1.01 is finally live and it brings a lot of improvements!

Alongside some fixes – like the addition of three hexes to East Prussia on map – this update is strongly AI oriented!

Now the Soviet AI has been implemented to perform better in this version, having more offensive edges, more caution with the defense of key objectives such Leningrad and Moscow and more flexibility in army placement!

Be sure to check the entire list of changes below

You can download the patch from here.

Changelog v1.01

Friends and Foes report (Past history) now shows in relationship section of report tab for reference rather than just on the first turn.
List of Cities lost or captured by date and theatre added to the end of game analysis and PDF's
Video on how to mod the TO&E

3 hexes added to East Prussia on map. Units and Soviet AI deployment routines adjusted accordingly.
Soviet fortification card disabled if entire map is mud or snow
SS Motorised Divs Heavy Inf increased from 7000 to 8000
PG HQ staff increased slightly
Improved dynamic text on Soviet 'Change Orders' card to make its status clearer.
AGN starting fuel bonus lowered from 6000 bbls to 4000.
Soviet AI now has some limited flexibility of which front to deploy certain reinforcement armies.
Fine-tuned the victory point influence that LOST cities have on the Soviet AI.
Fine-tuned the HOLD/ATTACK Stance for fronts. In special cases the AI will be more aggressive and will chose an ATTACK stance where it used to chose a HOLD stance.
Various other AI fine-tunings.
German staff will gain experience at a slightly slower pace in the later rounds.

Brest removed from 'Garrison' card text (automatic major garrison at Brest, no need to play the card)
Stalin's missing bio added (deleted when reloaded Soviet Officer Lib)
Soviet units not reporting AP effect of severe weather when asked to Report Status! (no change to game play effect) is fixed.
T-26 description typo is fixed.
Relationship #'s in German Command tab tool tips now correctly updated after each decision
Bug with PG reassignment from AGC (only) where full amount of fuel was being transferred to the adjacent theatre instead of half (AGC has two Panzergruppes) is fixed.
German 'Transport!' card incorrectly being able to be played on the Siege Artillery protection unit and the garrison units is fixed.
Soviet HQ's are now correctly auto disbanding when they have no subordinate units (Germans gain PP's). Only affected Sov Player, not Sov AI.
Reinforcements message for Soviets in Aide De Camp indicating 'x' Div's failed to deploy when it was referring to HQ cards not yet played is fixed.
One AI crash bug found and fixed
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Re: Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2015, 11:46:31 PM »
Big update today, mostly AI oriented making the Russians tougher:
Hi Beef.

This was released a few days ago....Matrix is very slow at putting out patches. Once they have put one out they sometimes are very slow in publishing the fact :(

Thanks for posting :)
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Re: Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2016, 06:02:29 PM »

Episode 345:
Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa

February 26, 2016 Bruce and Troy "I know his ideas are weird but let's just hear him out" Goodfellow are joined by Rod Humble to talk about Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa. The latest entry in the Decisive Campaigns series adds intriguing elements of roleplaying into the wargaming formula as the player attempts to sway, cajole, and stay on the good side of superiors and fellow staff.

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Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa updated
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2016, 07:33:16 PM »
Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa Version 1.03r available!

A new update is ready for this revolutionary wargame! Version 1.03r is now available and it brings a lot of important improvements!

Among all, the Hugo’s (War Diary) unit is given a darker shade to ID it in counter mode 1, a Soviet Instant Win Victory not triggering in unusual circumstances has been solved, and numerous text and typos are now fixed!

Be sure to check the entire list of changes below!

You can download the update (46.1MB) following this link

Get more information about the game from its official product page

1.03r Changelog

• Fixed a unit, that was withdrawn during the previous turn and who was also involved in combat (and retreated), from inadvertently ending up on the Honor roll (they didn’t die, they just withdrew).

• Fixed Soviet Instant Win Victory not triggering in unusual circumstances

• Typo’s in ‘Propaganda Film’ decision fixed (OKW instead of OKH)

• Text in tool tips for Relationship tab (German) changed to highlight the difference between dynamic and static information

• Graphics speed improvements with mouse to edge of screen scrolling and option in prefs tab for faster drawing utilizing some optimized drawing code. This improves noticeably map scrolling on high resolution (4k) monitors by quite a large amount. (E)

• For all those people with special systems… Added a windows.txt file in which users can run the game in Windowed mode (at a specified width*height) or with DPI still run by Windows if they want. Not advised to use, but I thought I open it up. (E)

• Soviets Massed ART/Tanks & Air Defense card activations fixed (not showing previously when they should)

• Duplicate 56th Inf bug (German - withdraw, deploy, only one instance reported). Possible fix.

• Improved PDF victory texts for clarity in case of sudden death victories

• Numerous text and typo corrections

• Sevastopol now receives supply by sea (from Sukhumi - upgraded to major city/port in order to facilitate this)

• Hugo’s (War Diary) unit is given a darker shade to ID it in counter mode 1

• German language corrections throughout

• War Diary - fixed several issues that can occur with the death of poor Hugo.

• Tried to address some multi-monitor issues. Will need feedback to see if I made a difference. (E)

• Capping some rare to long text strings (E)

• Option to reread the diary entry once in-turn (small button next to oil) (E)
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Re: Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2018, 12:21:31 PM »
Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa AAR Workers of the World United!

eing the supreme leader of Soviet Union is not an easy duty. Being the paranoid supreme leader of Soviet Union seems very tough.

Being the paranoid supreme leader of Soviet Union during Barbarossa must be an impossible challenge!

But apparently, our glorious user John B. has been not intimidated at all and decided to write a very useful AAR playing as the Soviets with Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa!

“So, as we know, this will be a short a very boring AAR because Hitler is not about to attack the USSR. That is a myth foisted upon us by that arch imperialist Churchill who wants to embroil us in his capitalist war to pull his own chestnuts out of the fire. Members of the Politburo am I not correct? YES COMRADE STALIN!

Nevertheless, Zhukov wants me to pick an objective that we must hold. I pick Moscow since that's where I live. Members of the Politburo, is this a wise decision? YES COMRADE STALIN!

And now it's early in the morning and my phone is ringing. It's probably Zhukov calling to beg forgiveness. I'll shoot him next week.”

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Re: Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2018, 03:56:33 PM »
DC: Community Scenario November 1942 released

A great and huge new scenario for DC: Community Project

4 German Army Groups, 11 Armies, 4 Allied Armies 50+ Corps, 200+ Divisions are facing 13 Soviet Fronts, 500+ Divisions and Brigades. The great Soviet winter offensives are about to test the mettle of the Wehrmacht once again! All is in the balance.
This scenario by Davide Gambina (nikdav) models operation Uranus, operation Mars and the subsequent operations Little Saturn, Ostrogohsk-Rossosh and Voronezh-Kastornoe. All this on one huge map that gives the player full operational control.
Amazing detail and very well researched order of battle. Including detailed military hardware, full biographies and officers for both sides, special units like Ski Troops and Arko.
This scenario is a MUST HAVE for any Eastern Front aficionado!
Big thanks for Davide Gambina for completing this titanic work of excellence.
Click here to go to the November 1942 entry in the scenario bank.
To see the Front Overview, click here

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