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Author Topic: CBA 3 Updated to Version:  (Read 4397 times)

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CBA 3 Updated to Version:
« on: November 27, 2016, 04:51:30 PM »
CBA 3 Updated to version

Size: 402KB
Date: 30-09-2016

Known issues:
Some CBA keybinds might not appear in the controls menu. The easiest currently known workaround is to create a new user profile.

ADDED: CBA_fnc_hashSize function to get size of hashes (#528, #531) Killswitch00
ADDED: RETDEF() macro (#537) 654wak654
IMPROVED: Performance of RETNIL() macro (#537) 654wak654
FIXED: Script error about variable with empty name (#535, #536, #539) commy2
FIXED: IS_INTEGER() macro unsafe when used with low priority commands (#537) 654wak654
FIXED: Errors in some function headers (#541) PabstMirror

ADDED: Format versions of ERROR_WITH_TITLE() macro (#516) jonpas
ADDED: ERROR_MSG() macro to display on-screen message and log (#517, #525) commy2
ADDED: Some state machine enhancements (#522) BaerMitUmlaut
IMPROVED: Formating of log macros (removed "File:" and "Line:") (#514) commy2
IMPROVED: Internally use format log macros where possible (#518) commy2
IMPROVED: Check for removed cba_linux.pbo (#520) commy2
IMPROVED: Removed a semicolon to indicate a return value (#524) commy2
FIXED: A typo in a function header (#523) commy2

ADDED: JR muzzles to pistols (#436) robalo
ADDED: JR compatibility with APEX bipods (#436, #500) robalo
ADDED: Listenable events for CBA settings initialization (#437) PabstMirror
ADDED: Garrison waypoint in editor (#438) commy2
ADDED: PerFrameHandler Objects (#441) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_getArea to return the array form of any area construct (#442) SilentSpike
ADDED: Optional pbo to load settings from a userconfig file (#450, #459) commy2
ADDED: Template for creating a settings file inside a pbo (#451, #459) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_removeWhitespace (ported from ACE 3) (#457) commy2
ADDED: PATHTO_FNC and RECOMPILE macros for CfgFunctions (#475, #494) dixon13
ADDED: "format" versions of LOG()/WARNING()/ERROR()/INFO() macros (#482) commy2
ADDED: Optional parameter for CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler (#490) PabstMirror
ADDED: Unit test for network component commy2 (#497)
ADDED: Event handlers for creating and deleting markers commy2 (#505)
ADDED: Fix for broken "callsign" Eden attribute commy2, snippers (#508)
IMPROVED: Remove some obsolete productVersion checks (#432) commy2
IMPROVED: Remove some obsolete and unused files (#434) commy2
IMPROVED: Missions can force global settings if not forced by the Server (#437, #506) PabstMirror
IMPROVED: Group behaviour when using CBA_fnc_taskDefend (#440) SilentSpike
IMPROVED: CBA_fnc_randPosArea accepts areas in form of array or location (#442) SilentSpike
IMPROVED: CBA_fnc_taskSearchArea accepts areas in form of array or location (#442) SilentSpike
IMPROVED: CBA_fnc_inArea in favour of new inArea command (#442) SilentSpike
IMPROVED: Remove obsolete PlayerConnected, PlayerDisconnected band aid fix (#443) commy2
IMPROVED: Disable "Default" settings button if setting is already the default value (#444) PabstMirror
IMPROVED: CBA_fnc_hashSet to use the deleteAt command (#445) PabstMirror
IMPROVED: Some internals in XEH component (XEH_CLASS_BASE macro) (#446) commy2
IMPROVED: Internals of serializing array type settings (#449) commy2
IMPROVED: Correct wrong information in some functions headers (#463) commy2
IMPROVED: Precompile displayLoad functions (#464) commy2
IMPROVED: Simplify CBA_fnc_filter with new SQF commands (#465) commy2
IMPROVED: Align DEBUG()/WARNING()/ERROR() macros to their ACE versions (#466, #480, #498) commy2
IMPROVED: compileFinal internal CBA missionNamespace functions (#469) commy2
IMPROVED: Remove obsolete and non functional marker persistency feature (#473, #485) commy2
IMPROVED: Remove obsolete code from network component (#474, #476, #477, #479, #481) commy2
IMPROVED: Remove CBA_fnc_benchmarkFunction (use diag_codePerformance) (#478) commy2
IMPROVED: Check data type of the arguments of CBA_fnc_addKeybind (#484) commy2
IMPROVED: Save expression in debug console when hitting the enter key (#491, #493) PabstMirror
IMPROVED: Remove obsolete configs for the old XEH from diagnostic component (#495) commy2
IMPROVED: Remove obsolete unreachable code from common component (#496) commy2
IMPROVED: Remove obsolete fire team synchronization code, deprecate event (#511) commy2
FIXED: Incorrect building position storage in CBA_fnc_taskDefend (#440, #488) SilentSpike
FIXED: Infinite building searches caused by CBA_fnc_taskSearchArea (#440) SilentSpike
FIXED: Only logged in admins are allowed change settings (#448) commy2
FIXED: CBA_fnc_addKeybind running on headless clients (#467, #468) commy2
FIXED: CBA_fnc_setVarNet and CBA_fnc_publicVariable broken (#471) commy2
FIXED: CBA_fnc_error (internal) not safe for scheduled environment (#472) commy2
FIXED: CBA_fnc_formatNumber not behaving as expected (#486, #489) Sniperhid
FIXED: Default value for argument in CBA_fnc_hashHasKey was not a hash (#503, #509) commy2

ADDED: Joint Rails compatibility with new weapons and optics from Tanoa DLC (#388) robalo
CHANGED: Fire Teams no longer have to be synched by CBA (#424, #430) PabstMirror
FIXED: XEH compatibility with new assets (#399) commy2
FIXED: Error Message / Server crash Script userconfig\cba\settings.sqf not found (#425, #426, #427) commy2

ADDED: Settings framework (#317, #409) commy2
ADDED: Module variants of taskAttack, taskDefend, and taskPatrol functions (#342) Wired-Tiger
ADDED: Support for sending events to client IDs via CBA_fnc_ownerEvent (#352) PabstMirror
ADDED: Override capability to CBA_fnc_taskAttack (#356) Wired-Tiger
ADDED: CBA_fnc_viewDir and CBA_fnc_turretDir (#372, #377, #386) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_addEventHandlerArgs (#375) commy2
ADDED: Parameter to CBA_fnc_createNamespace to create a public pseudo namespace (#381) commy2
ADDED: QQ macros for escaped config implementation (#383) kingsley
ADDED: State machine system (#389) BaerMitUmlaut
IMPROVED: Optimization of CBA_fnc_sortNestedArray(#380) commy2
IMPROVED: Use XEH for RscDisplayConfigure instead of the onLoad config entry (#382) commy2
IMPROVED: Optimization of CBA_fnc_headDir (#390, #405) 654wak654, Killswitch
IMPROVED: Optimization of CBA_fnc_directCall (#391, #411) commy2
IMPROVED: Some function headers by adding passed magic variables (#393, #394, #395) commy2
IMPROVED: Optimization when checking for XEH incompatible classes (#408) commy2
CHANGED: CBA_fnc_players no longer reports headless clients (#371) commy2
CHANGED: Updated URL in mod.cpp (from dev.withsix to github) (#413) commy2
CHANGED: Adjustments for new APEX options menu grid (#396, #397, #419, #420) commy2, PabstMirror
FIXED: CBA_fnc_execNextFrame are executed out of order if used before postInit (#343) PabstMirror
FIXED: Credits bar misalligned for non default interface sizes (#362, #398) commy2
FIXED: Some missing strings (#368, #369, #403) Dorbedo, PabstMirror
FIXED: Virtual Arsenal was showing incompatible optics ("ghost optics") (#373) commy2
FIXED: Potential script error when calling undefined events (#378) commy2
FIXED: Potential script error in Versioning component (non-numbers in array) (#401) PabstMirror
FIXED: Taru helicopter sometimes not executing XEH init events (#407) commy2
FIXED: Early globalEventJIP could be executed twice (#418) commy2
FIXED: Early globalEventJIP could be executed twice (#418) commy2
FIXED: Incorrect results for CBA_fnc_find when using initialIndex (#421, #422) nilsms
FIXED: Placement of Settings button at GetReady map (#423) PabstMirror

CHANGED: Help module will display pretty name of addons if available (#365) commy2
FIXED: Capitalization of paths referenced in preprocessing (#343) Killswitch
FIXED: 'author/' is not a value; Note: Many other mods still cause the same issue (#345) commy2
FIXED: Addon cba_ui requires addon a3_ui_f_data causing problems with Linux/MacOS ports (#346, #357) ViperMaul
FIXED: XEH preInit no longer executed after returning from 3DEN after 1.60 hotfix (#349, #350) commy2
FIXED: meta.cpp file was lost in limbo (#354) bux578, Killswitch
FIXED: XEH broken on Taru Pods (#355, #358) commy2
FIXED: Placing certain units in 3den-Editor would create a dependency for Extended Event Handlers (#365) commy2
FIXED: Broken optional parameters handling in CBA_fnc_taskPatrol(#360) Wired-Tiger
FIXED: Locality and parameter quoting issue in CBA_fnc_searchNearby (#366) Cuel
ADDED: JM (Joint Muzzles) support for MX, Katiba, Rahim and Mk200 (#252, #281) robalo
ADDED: JIP synched and savegame compatible CBA_missionTime variable (#273) commy2
ADDED: Shortcuts for debug console, functions and config viewer in 3den-editor (#274) commy2
ADDED: meta.cpp file for server browser and Steam Workshop support (#277) bux578
ADDED: Ability to disable all XEH for specific object classes (#279) commy2
ADDED: XEH support for seatSwitchedMan, reloaded, getInMan and getOutMan (#286, #293) commy2
ADDED: Delayed execution functions CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute, CBA_fnc_execNextFrame and CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute (#288) esteldunedain
ADDED: CBA_fnc_addItem, CBA_fnc_removeItem, CBA_fnc_addItemCargo and CBA_fnc_addBackpackCargo (#291) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_getItemConfig and CBA_fnc_getObjectConfig which report the config entry of objects and classnames (#291) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_getMuzzles which reports all muzzle names of a weapon (#291) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_getWeaponModes which reports all weapon modes of a weapon (#291) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_vehicleRole which reports the soldiers role in the current vehicle (#291) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_turretPath, CBA_fnc_turretPathWeapon to report the turret path of a unit or weapon of a vehicle (#291) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_getMagazineIndex and CBA_fnc_currentMagazineIndex (#291) commy2
ADDED: CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base class for easy class inheritance (#294) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_addBISEventHandler to add events to objects, controls, displays or the mission with parameters and additional meta variables (#313) commy2
ADDED: Optional parameter to CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler to retroactively call 'init' events on already existing objects (#324) PabstMirror
ADDED: CBA_fnc_binocularMagazine, CBA_fnc_addBinocularMagazine and CBA_fnc_removeBinocularMagazine (#325) commy2
ADDED: Functions to execute CBA events on certain remote machines CBA_fnc_targetEvent, CBA_fnc_serverEvent and CBA_fnc_globalEventJIP (#284, #314) commy2
ADDED: Support for all display events in CBA_fnc_addDisplayHandler (#284) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_addPlayerEventHandler and CBA_fnc_removePlayerEventHandler (#328, #332) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_clearWaypoints to clear a group of all existing waypoints and halt their preplanned movement (#333) SilentSpike
IMPROVED: Rewrote CBA Events system, deprecating and replacing old functions (#284, #319) commy2
IMPROVED: Performance of CBA_fnc_compatibleItems by adding caching methods (#268, #299) jokoho48
IMPROVED: Use remoteExec in CBA_fnc_globalExecute for security (#269, #275, #327) commy2
IMPROVED: Precompile functions on game start instead of on first mission start (#271) commy2
IMPROVED: Hash functions (#278, #280) jokoho48
IMPROVED: Categories of CBA functions in ingame Functions viewer (#291) commy2
IMPROVED: Removed broken and deprecated functions from Common module (#291, #296, #312, #316) commy2
IMPROVED: CBA_fnc_addWeapon, CBA_fnc_addMagazine, CBA_fnc_removeMagazine, CBA_fnc_addWeaponCargo and CBA_fnc_addMagazineCargo with additional parameters (#291) commy2
IMPROVED: Performance of CBA_fnc_getTurret, CBA_fnc_getFirer and CBA_fnc_getGroupIndex and better support of certain edge cases (#291) commy2
IMPROVED: Compatibilty with 1.54 version of Linux/MacOS build (#301, #330) commy2
IMPROVED: Per Frame Handler with "EachFrame" mission event (#303) commy2
IMPROVED: Use CBA event for CBA_fnc_switchPlayer (#304, #305) PabstMirror
IMPROVED: Use new "PlayerConnected" mission event for improved compatibility (#306) commy2
IMPROVED: Some function headers for documentation (#321) Killswitch00
IMPROVED: CBA_fnc_taskPatrol, CBA_fnc_taskDefend and CBA_fnc_taskSearchArea clear all existing waypoints before assigning the AI task (#333) SilentSpike
IMPROVED: CBA_fnc_taskPatrol completes the patrol loop by placing the "cycle" waypoint back at the start (#333) SilentSpike
IMPROVED: Performance and behaviour of CBA_fnc_searchNearby. In small groups the leader will join the search; search movement is more fluid (#333) SilentSpike
IMPROVED: Performance and behaviour of CBA_fnc_taskDefend. Groups tasked to defend overlapping areas will not double up unit positions (#333) SilentSpike
FIXED: CBA_fnc_addMagazine, CBA_fnc_removeWeapon and CBA_fnc_removeMagazine don't work for remote objects (#291) commy2
FIXED: XEH preInit functions are skipped when entering 3den-editor for the first time (#292, #295, #283, #285) commy2
FIXED: Diary displays all keybindings that were ever used instead of those of the currently active mods (#322, #323) Killswitch00
FIXED: onRespawn flag not working for initPost XEH event (#318, #320) commy2
FIXED: CBA Versioning broken (#290) PabstMirror
FIXED: Replace some true in configs that are converted to 1 by Mikeros tools (#302) PabstMirror
FIXED: CBA_fnc_replace broken for non-ASCII characters (#331) BaerMitUmlaut
FIXED: Handling of killed units in CBA_fnc_searchNearby (#333) SilentSpike

ADDED: XEH DisplayLoad and DisplayUnload event handlers (#264) commy2
FIXED: Wrong order of arguments in Extended_Fired_EventHandlers (#266) (#267) commy2
FIXED: Conflict between CBA Events and Help prevents mission from loading (#244) commy2
FIXED: Potential script error on mission start (#258) commy2
IMPROVED: Performance improvements in Help module (#265) commy2
IMPROVED: Delay installing PlayerActions PFEH until first use (#262) PabstMirror
IMPROVED: replace PUSH() Macro with pushback (#247) johoko482

FIXED: High zoom optics broken on all LMGs (#159) robalo
FIXED: CBA keybinds did not work in the Zeus interface (#206) commy2
FIXED: CBA_fnc_splitString broken in A3 1.54 (#209, #210), PabstMirror, Killswitch
FIXED: Support configNull and teamMemberNull in CBA_fnc_findNull (#212) commy2
FIXED: CBA_fnc_findMin was broken (#257, #207) commy2
FIXED: CBA_fnc_formatNumber decimals with negative numbers (#214) PabstMirror
FIXED: CBA_fnc_selectWeapon broken (#219)
FIXED: CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandlers for units that spawn inside vehicles (#221) commy2
FIXED: Various issues with CBA per-frame handlers (#230, #236) commy2
FIXED: Many other performance improvements and bug fixes.
IMPROVED: Extended Event Handler system rewritten commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_isPerson and CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon (#219) commy2
ADDED: CBA_fnc_createNamespace and CBA_fnc_deleteNamespace (#260) commy2

Known issues:
The old keybinding bug. Some CBA keybinds might not appear in the controls menu. While the script error was fixed, we are still working on a solution to make even corrupted profile key entries appear.
The easiest currently known workaround is to create a new user profile.
A potential crash on missions longer than 5 hrs. RPT logs are appreciated.
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