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Author Topic: Damage model 5.0  (Read 3371 times)

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Damage model 5.0
« on: May 19, 2016, 12:04:16 PM »
Damage model 5.0
Implemented 19 May

Penetrations and armor has been finalized to the final state and will be deployed in next patch
•   Ship armor has width and strength of planking is now measured in effective armor (from 25 to 100cm)
o   Effective armor does not equal real width of planking. Victory armor is 60cm, but because of the hull construction methods, quality of wood the real effective armor is 90cm.
o   Effective armor is also affected with the angle of shot (final implementation). hitting the ship at 10 angle drastically increase effective armor width
•   Cannon penetration fall off with distance reworked based on historical gunnery data and adjusted for gameplay
o   Long guns penetration now falls off a lot less compared to medium guns
o   Carronade penetration sharply falls off after 500 meters
•   Partial penetration implemented. Shot can now hit and have a partial penetration giving less damage.
•   Armor width now gives less damage. If you shoot the very narrow planking it will give almost no damage to hull.
•   Vertical ricochets angles bugs fixed
•   Gun loss reworked
•   Mast damage reworked - no more long distance mast shooting. Masts have strength and if cannonball has lost the penetrating power it will not damage the mast
•   Rudder penalties fixed. Yellow broken rudder was only giving 15% penalty due to a bug. It will be more dangerous from now on.

As a result
•   Broadside tanking should work a lot better now
•   Certain ships will be almost invincible against lower class guns at medium or long distances if they are not raked or damaged through bow

Future additions
Double shot as a consumable or as skill on cool down to bring tactical depth
Double charge as a consumable or as skill on cool down to bring more tactical depth
We are thinking of reducing reload a big across all guns.
Please provide historical tables if you have any references on gun reload rates (sustained reload not 3 shot gun test data).

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