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SGS Korean War
« on: October 31, 2022, 12:02:15 AM »

The first intense conflict of the Cold War, this war is very often forgotten, its very rapid and dynamic but unknown aspect obliterated by months of stagnation following the first year of operations in Korea. Can you make it remembered?

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The Korean War
This war is remembered as the first intense conflict of the Cold War, but usually not much more than that.

Few know that the conflict’s first year was a very rapid and dynamic Blitkrieg-like struggle, with the North sudden invasion at the beginning of summer 1950 and the counter-offensive from the United Nations in Fall and early Winter, followed by the intense counter-offensive led by Communist China in winter and spring of the following year. Then after this active phase, the mobile aspect of the war was obliterated in memories by months of stagnation and tense struggles alongside a rarely fluctuating line of fortified positions, reminding many of the trench warfare of the Great War. The ‘hot” part of the conflict finally ceased in 1953 with an armistice, but officially the war has not ended.

The Scenarios
The goal of the game is to recreate the different phases of the war, either in a complete grand campaign covering the whole actual duration, or in shorter scenarios set at different starting points, such as:

• Chosin Scenario: a 3-turns scenario on the infamous battles around Chosin reservoir in Winter 1950
• Incheon Scenario: a 4-turns scenario of the landing at Inchon and subsequent liberation of Seoul, Fall 1950
• Pusan Perimeter scenario: a 4-turns scenario covering the final NK attempt to conquer all of Korea, Summer 1950
• Spring Offensive scenario: a 4-turns scenario covering the Chinese offensive against Seoul in 1951.

• Invasion of South Korea Campaign: a short 3 months (12 turns) campaign covering the initial North Korean invasion, early Summer 1950
• Naktong Campaign: a short 2 months (9 turns) campaign covering the Battle for the Pusan Perimeter, Summer 1950
• Across the 38th Parallel Campaign: a short 4 months (16 turns) campaign covering the UN counter-offensive, from Fall 1950
• China Enters Campaign: a medium 6 months (25 turns) campaign covering the Chinese intervention from Late 1950
• The 1951 Campaign: a medium 24 months campaign (100 turns) covering the war from Spring 1951.
• The 1952 Campaign: a medium 12 months campaign (50 turns) covering the war from Spring 1952.

• The Korean War Grand Campaign: the whole war (150 turns), from June 1950 till the end.

All turns in the various scenarios and campaigns above represent one week, between 26 June 1950 and 15 May 1953.

One player represents the North Korean and Chinese Communist armies, with Soviet backup, and the other plays the United Nations, comprising South Koreans, UNO, Commonwealth and American forces.

•    The Communists have very numerous land forces at the start of the game, and the Chinese reinforcements are impressive, but they are lacking strength in the air (except when the Migs arrive).
•    The South Korean player must first hold desperately against the initial invasion, waiting for American reinforcements to alter the course of events. Their aerial superiority and economic might are important and can compensate for the lower numbers.

The game scale is at the regimental level for land units of both sides, with smaller units (e.g. armor bataillons, UN contingents, partisants) beign also present. Air units are in the form of squadrons. Naval units are present, although most are abstracted at Task Force groups levels (as the war at sea was too much one-sided to be of sufficient interest in our game besides logistical and naval support aspects). Other items such as fortifications, minefields, HQ’s, logistical depots or vehicles, or even industrial infrastructures (to cover the strategic warfare aspects) are also present in good numbers.

The map covers all of Korea, from the border with China and the Soviet Union till the southern Straits of Korea and Japan. All natural types of terrain of the peninsula are present, as well as a new model of weather system, showing map changes when it rains or snows, and with the relevant impact on military operations.

Players and Sides
Players will not only enter detailed military operations and battles (both on land and in the air) but also join in the political and diplomatic aspects of the war, with most of those being handled through the play of cards or via the occurrence of events.

In the military field, you have to handle troop movements and maneuvers, organization of air, HQ and artillery supports, breathroughs, exploitations, build-up of logistical networks or fortified lines. Strategic bombing of the Communist industrial and transportation base is also present, as well as popular resistance, training of troops, recompletion of forces, management of unit rotation or partisan warfare.

As the United Nations, the uncertainty as to when Chinese intervention will occur in the game (an almost certain outcome, but at an unknown date… yet) will be a decisive factor for your military campaign but also for the decisions you can take in politics (shall MacArthur retain command?) or dipliomacy (shall we accept help from Nationalist China?). On the Communist side, the amount and blatancy of Soviet support, as well as Mao’s implication in the conflict are tools at your disposal.

Also, the grand campaign offers option to explore various opening moves and states: what-if the North (or the South) was better prepared, or the USAF ready to jump-in, or extensive fortifications built alongside the 38th Parallel.

All of this is for you to discover in the most detailed recreation of the Korean War to date.

Variable according to scenarios, from a few hours for the shortest scenarios to 100+ hours for the full war.

No side is specifically advantaged. Both are playable and enjoyable once you capture the essence of their specific strong points and weaknesses. Detailed scenario information sheets are here to help you get into the game.

Estimated Playtime: Few hours - 100+
Favored Side: none.
Hardest to Play: None

What is the Strategy Game Studio (SGS)

The Strategy Game Studio (SGS) has been founded by Philippe THIBAUT (see bio below) and other veteran wargame players and designers. They have acquired a license to the source code of a digital game named Wars Across the World (WAW) which gave them access to most base functions for a strategic and operational (not tactical) wargame engine. Most key aspects of that engine were extensively and widely modified, as well as a great number of graphics and UI elements.

The goal is to create a generic but flexible tool, complete with code and game editor, to allow the design and production of games, with a focus on the history years from 1850 and later.
The first game made with the engine, to try the ideas and concept with a real subject, is called Winter War, and covers the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. Two other World War 2 games are in the production pipeline (see The Games) and other titles on previous (or later) moments of history are in the plans.

Each game will come as a separate product, because it has its own map, different scenarios and a large enough content to be a complete standalone product.

Philippe THIBAUT is the well known designer of the famous boardgame EUROPA UNIVERSALIS and many other board and digital games (including the Ageod games).

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Re: SGS Korean War
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2022, 11:35:13 PM »
Minor balancing effects.
Wed, 2 November 2022

* Improved the overall value of the elite divisions of the CPVA (namely the 112, 113, 115, 16, 118, 119, 120 and 125th)
* Improved AA fire value
* Added a safety event to make sure the Chinese "Volunteers Army" card is drawn before end of 1950

* few other localization and content fixes.

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Offline Asid

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Re: SGS Korean War
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2022, 05:58:39 PM »
Balancing Fix
Fri, November 4, 2022

* Increased Heavy Trenches resistance (to 6), morale (to 4) and gave them anti-tank ability.
* (Minor) Trenches resistance increased from 2 to 3.
* Reduced minefield stacking to 0
* Removed the Battle Morale effect of Air Support phases to offset the power of air superiority a bit.

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Offline Asid

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Re: SGS Korean War
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2022, 01:47:49 PM »
SGS Okinawa released
Mon, November 21, 2022

The bloodiest battle of the Pacific War, 1945!

The latest release in the SGS series is taking you to the island of Okinawa in April 1945. This covers the largest and bloodiest battle in the Pacific War. The game is a continuation of SGS Pacific-D-Day series, and you are again – as American commander – leading an amphibious invasion aimed at taking the war closer to Japan, or – As Japanese commander -you have to defend the first part of home territory in the name of the Emperor.


A major content patch will be available at the end of the week for SGS Korean War, with many more events, cards, units, historical elements and gameplay adjustment and fixes. Stay tuned!
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Offline Asid

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Re: SGS Korean War
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2022, 01:49:44 PM »
Fri, November 25, 2022

The bug that sometimes created a group of planes to disappear has been solved.

Thanks to long and fruitful exchanges with Chinese and Korean players, we have been able to get access to more historical data and we have included it in the game, along with some game balance elements. The following is coming this the update

More Events

Added new events to cover for the 1952 Olympics, the US Presidential Election of 1952, Soviet Weapons deliveries to China, War Weariness, Ace Pilots, the Volunteers Railway Corps, James Van Fleet in command.

More Cards

    Added extra cards for the Communist side: Night Attack, Ace Pilot, More Migs*, More Soviet SMGs*, Southern Guerrillas, Former Independence Figthers.
    On the UN side: Flares, Former Korean soldiers of the IJA, Lack of snow Equipment, Operation Ratkiller. Committing the 1st Armored division*.
    (those cards with * are coming as options, costing extra VPs)


A review of the combat values of many units was made:

    Many Chinese divisions of the PVA have increased morale and combat values to reflect their strength, experience and elite status.
    All Chinese divisions also now have an upgraded version (when they get equipped with more Soviet weapons). Also the Migs are now upgrading some more Communist air units.
    The US troops have a better defensive factor (to reflect their more widespread use of automatic weapons). Extra South Korean infantry divisions, bataillons and police units added.


More parameters were added to the IA during the campaigns to take more into account the necessity to “plug” holes in the frontlines. Also added some events to help the IA rebuilt depleted units and reconstructed key units.


Added for all of the above. Chinese and Korean still needs extra proofreading.

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Offline Asid

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Re: SGS Korean War
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2022, 12:01:16 AM »
Fri, December 16, 2022

The game already has all the elements of the current major update. In addition we have specifically here:

* Fixed a bug that allowed Chinese entry only for Human player (not for AI)
* Fixed an issue where the ROKA upgrade would create duplicate units.
* Fixed errors on some south Korean units (wrong icons, absence of transportation cost)

* Added the UN Colombian battalion to the OOB (arrives in June 1951)
* Increase AI chance to draw the Volunteer Army card

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Offline Asid

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Re: SGS Korean War
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2023, 12:02:37 AM »
Thu, February 9, 2023

A 5 days promotion on this other great title from SGS

To celebrate the declaration of independence of Korea in 1919 made by a group of Korean students, which will be "officialized" on the following March 1st, we are running a special promotion on the game SGS Korean War of -50% during 5 days.

-50%  £23.79 £11.89

This is a good opportunity to discover another great game of the SGS collection.

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Offline Asid

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Re: SGS Korean War
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2023, 12:12:51 AM »
Game Update
Thu, 16 February 2023


    (Cards) New icon on map stacks indicate if at least one unit of the stack is locked by a card/event, or if an opponent's stack can be examined thanks to a card effect.
    (Cards) Effect that locks/unlocks unit movement now only proposes to select units or stacks that actually lockable/locked.
    (UI) Improved readability of Cards and Events descriptions in Chinese, Japanese and Korean.


    (Fonts) Added missing translations and missing characters in CJK font.
    (Naval Movement) Fixed bug where some units could not get out of the port.
    (Cards) Fixed bugs where game was stuck after playing certain cards.
    (Siege) Fixed bug where some cards that should modify the surrender level had no effect.
    (Battle Summary) Fixed displays of losses and hits.
    (Income) Fixed errors in computation of income from Structures.
    (Move) Removed minimal movement rule inherited from the original source code.
    (Cards and Events) Fixed bug where teleporting units was cancelled if it would have created on overstacking at the destination.
    (Cards and Events) Fixed bug where immobile units could not be teleported.
    (Fonts) Improved support for Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

    (Map) Fixed a bug that could cause the units to disappear from the map after a battle.
    (Chinese Entry) Added a backup event to ensure entry after 1951.
    (Units DB) Fixed some values to better represent real and historical combat performance of some units (in particular the Volunteers Army).

More game balance and content work is underway and will come with the next update.
Thanks to Gomnaru for the in-depth checking and fixing of Korean localization, as well as customer's feedback and support.

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Offline Asid

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Re: SGS Korean War
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2023, 12:44:21 AM »
Minor Update
Fri, 21 July 2023

- (Main Menu) Added Discord, Facebook, Twitter and newsletter page links

- (AI) Fixed bug that prevented AI from using air projectiles
- (Projectiles) Projectiles now automatically pop out of the launchers, removed the corresponding button

- (Movement Rules) Fixed bug that caused interceptions to be detected while the moving stack contained only non-interceptable units

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