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Author Topic: DOW 4-7 CAV Greece Incursion Campaign by Cougar11  (Read 12389 times)

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Offline Cougar11

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Re: Recon by force?
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2015, 10:12:32 AM »
Heheh.  This should be a barrel of laughs.  Especially if I get a chance to set up some ambushes, depending on the battle map.  Troops in trucks?  Must be the airborne (truck-borne?).  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  And think of how well we defended against that battalion in Phase Two.  Well, we got hurt, but got the job done.  So, are we now C Troop?  Or a whole different type of company unit in the DOW Squadron?

It doesn't have to be that detailed right? 

Now if we can get Asid back...

Red. If you want to look at the map you can look at the previous maps and make a line from the rail station one to two K east of that as your East map border, your West border will be one to 2 K West of St. Joseph, South border will be the river of Thessaloniki with the rail station just inside the southern part of the map, and will extend North about 5K from St. Joseph. Map I think is about 12 by 12 or so. There is a area of 8 sq Km to the north east that the scouts will recon and conduct counter recon. They most likely will then withdraw under pressure from the main attack if possible, or whatever the commander has decided to do for defense.

I have given all dismount/mech infantry squads the STORMS 1 ready 2 carried if they survive long enough, and the truck units have a infantry squad and a TOW squad.

Yes we are C troop, but since NATO has given additional units we are more now like a BCT or brigade combat team, or battalion combat team minus meaning not full up numbers since we will be less one company, but I could have called us a task force as well, and maybe is more accurate in this case.

How well we defended??? We almost lost and the units were T62-up to and including a few T90s. This time you will be going against T72M1, M4, T80, T90, BMP3, and some BRDMs. This will not be a pushover, especially if the scouts get cut up, and cannot do their job of counter recon!!!!

Its going to be interesting for sure. If we loose I will have to go back to the drawing board as to where things are going to go, as I have not even thought of a mission if that were to happen.  ??? 8)
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 02:27:33 PM by Cougar11 »
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Offline Cougar11

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Re: DOW 4-7 CAV Greece Incursion Campaign by Cougar11
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2015, 11:32:09 PM »
On phase IV is 80% done, and ready for online testing. Would be nice to get 4 people plus myself to test it, but 2 and myself will work too. This mission really come down to how well the mechanized infantry/scout units do!!!! If they fail in their jobs, then the rest of the unit will suffer. Scouts must give a picture of avenues of attack for the commander, so that he can position forces, and especially relief forces in the correct places, and the proper use of artillery. Hopefully this can get done by this weekend, and we will have all next week to develop the plan, and possibly make a manning roster for the game.

Here is a possible list of positions.

CO Charlie
XO Charlie
1C (1-1C & 4-1C) M3A2 -
2C M1A2SEP                   -
3C (3-1C & 4-1C) M3A2 -
4C M1A2SEP                   -
1 & 2B Troops rifle squads with STORMS and TOW missile teams -
1A LEO2A5A2DK not at start  -
2A LEO2A5A2DK not at start  -
3A LEO2A5A2DK not at start  -
4A LEO2A5A2DK not at start  -
5A CV90-35DK    not at start  -
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Offline RedWardancer

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Playtesting Phase IV
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2015, 04:02:12 PM »
I'm in.  Other than a phone interview this Thursday afternoon and planning for TGIF, I have nothing better to do than study for the FSOT.  Something about this game, it's almost as addictive as Skyrim... :D
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Offline Cougar11

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Re: DOW 4-7 CAV Greece Incursion Campaign by Cougar11
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2015, 09:24:00 AM »
I will be testing this weekends mission this week to put the final touches on it. Then I will be starting the next phase of the campaign mission design. Right now it looks like after this weekend, there will be between 1 and 3 more phases depending on how the maps and design work out. Our part of the battle may be drawing to a close in the near future 2-4 weeks.  :'(
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Offline Cougar11

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Re: DOW 4-7 CAV Greece Incursion Campaign by Cougar11
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2015, 12:52:33 AM »
Look like the campaign is coming to an end. I have one more possibility to end the campaign. It would require max participation from the group and time.

Looking at creating a mission that deals with timelines, deadlines, rescue, route clearance, attack, city clearing, air units, infantry, and good old tank/IFV combat.

Right now if we can get more than 12 people for a Saturday the map would be 22 Km x 14 Km.
Would require 3 to 4 companies of vehicles and aircraft.
I am guessing the time would be between 2-4 hours. (would know more after testing drive/combat times from start to finish). Maybe a pause halfway if that is possible, but this would not be a good mission to do a save in progress or to break up into two separate missions.
Most likely we would do a manning roster or signup sheet allowing for those that could not do the entire mission, but would really like/need all to participate the entire mission length.

If we can make this happen, it would be planned 2-5 weeks out.

Let me know if this is something you would like to do, and if it is something you could do. Doing this will depend on the response from the community. If it does not look like it can fly, then the campaign will be over this Saturday.

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Offline Asid

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Re: DOW 4-7 CAV Greece Incursion Campaign by Cougar11
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2015, 03:49:56 PM »
Looking at creating a mission that deals with timelines, deadlines, rescue, route clearance, attack, city clearing, air units, infantry, and good old tank/IFV combat.

Sounds great. The "features"   ;)  of SB would require extra thought and work when it comes to urban environments as well as the use of infantry.
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Offline Lumituisku

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Re: DOW 4-7 CAV Greece Incursion Campaign by Cougar11
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2015, 04:24:48 PM »
Well, Im in, even when I don't like that much of big missions but always ready to help fellow dogs at war.
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Offline Colebrook

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Re: DOW 4-7 CAV Greece Incursion Campaign by Cougar11
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2015, 11:50:54 PM »
Im in ,of course.
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Re: DOW 4-7 CAV Greece Incursion Campaign by Cougar11
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2015, 04:52:16 AM »
count on me!
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Offline Beef

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Re: DOW 4-7 CAV Greece Incursion Campaign by Cougar11
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2015, 07:31:40 PM »
Sounds awesome Cougar.
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Offline Cougar11

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Phase VI rough draft briefing
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2015, 12:55:50 PM »
Intel Brief from HAVOC 6: Russian forces have been forced out of the area. NATO forces sent a recon force to the city in an attempt to gauge enemy operations in the city and surrounding area. The unit has not been heard from after a short few radio calls for quick reaction forces, CAS, and medical support. Flights over have not been able to reach the area due to radar anti-air threats.
It is believed that Russian forces are attempting to seize the area as a Russian interest due to the pro Russian population, which claims they have been oppressed by Greek forces. The size of Russian forces moving into the area are of battalion size, with anti-air, air mobile infantry with ground attack capabilities, mechanized infantry, recon, and armor. Pro Russian forces are unconventional, with limited armored fighting vehicles of cold war era. It is possible they will use terrorist tactics as well. It is believed Russian or pro Russian forces hold the city of Loki, and the surrounding schools, factories, and smaller towns.
Pro Greek units in the area with limited armored, mechanized, recon, infantry, and anti-air vehicles are prepared to move into the area. They will be leading the initial push into the area, and will be moving units to objective towns, factories, schools, the city of Loki, and the surrounding areas. They will attempt to secure all objectives, and provide advanced recon for NATO forces that will follow.
TF Hawk consist of four companies of armor, recon, mechanized infantry, air mobile infantry/missile teams, air attack aircraft, support, and artillery. TF Hawk is to support Pro Greek forces in their attempt to secure objectives, eliminate anti-Greek forces, and destroy or expel all Russian forces from the area. NATO forces are limited in Artillery options in populated areas due to neutral civilian population in the area, industry, and to limit destruction for recovery after hostilities. All units will have to identify their targets as to not kill allied forces, and civilian population. We do not need Pro Greek becoming Pro Russian. As well as we do not need any unnecessary civilian deaths. TF commander will need to use the assets at hand to deal with the support of Pro Greek forces, and to accomplish NATO objectives.

Let me know what you think. Like I said before this would be a long mission. Still have not tested anything yet, and it is so large that I am not sure I will be able to actually run through an entire mission with it, but will be testing the AI forces only.

This mission will require enough people to handle arty, helicopters attack and infantry, and 4 companies of vehicles.

Will need a manning roster for this one for sure. It would be great to get 15 or more people. Definitely going to test Steel Beasts and its features  :P on this one within our group.

So far mission design time 10 hours. Amount done is 4 factions, place all units, routing and tactics for 2 of the 3 AI forces, graphics, trigger zones, concept, options, and rough draft of a briefing. Is see another 10 hours in the future with testing and refining after finishing the Russian forces routing and tactics.
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Offline Lumituisku

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Re: DOW 4-7 CAV Greece Incursion Campaign by Cougar11
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2015, 01:17:20 PM »
Count me in. Ill gladly take charge of platoon of mechanized infantry or artillery / FO unit.
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Pain is the nature of life. it is the recognition that I'm nothing more. - Mark Rowland's


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