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Author Topic: T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer 18/09/16 @ 19:00GMT  (Read 3087 times)

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Offline Asid

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T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer 18/09/16 @ 19:00GMT
« on: September 15, 2016, 09:57:00 PM »
T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer 18/09/16 @ 19:00GMT

You can watch it live.  You do NOT need Steel Beasts.

Death Valley Plateau V4 by Cougar11

Friendly, easy to get into session. Suitable for beginners

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

Mission summary:
Asid Defense Corp. a mercenary company based in Scotland has taken control of the area of Rivers Edge and the bridge area of the Little Fork River in Pennsylvania near their US HQ. Enemy consists of mostly infantry with missile teams of a battalion size, but has a reserve force of stolen CV-90/30FI, AMX13/75, Centurion Mk5/2, and some Challenger 2s of about 3 companies. They have limited artillery support.You must as TF Orion attack, secure, and penetrate the enemy infantry defenses, occupy the city of Rivers Edge, secure the three bridge crossings, and neutralize any affective fighting force the Asid Corporation has in the area.


Excerpts of the battalion commander's orders for... TF Orion a combined training taskforce exchange program of the PA National Guard.

   a) Enemy:
   The Asid Defense Corp. a mercenary company based in Scotland has taken control of the area of Rivers Edge and the bridge area of the Little Fork
River in Pennsylvania near their US HQ. Enemy consists of mostly infantry with missile teams of a battalion size, but has a reserve force of stolen CV-90/30FI, AMX13/75, Centurion Mk5/2, and some Challenger 2s of about 3 companies.

They have limited artillery support.

   b) Own:
   PA National Guard units and German exchange troops in the area have
been mobilized with the vehicles in use for their exercise consisting of Hummwv-1025, LEO2E, M2A2, M1A2, Challenger2 and M60A3. The units have been training for almost a month, are well supplied, trained, and have priority of fires of CAS and artillery.

   c) Attachments and detachments: 1 UAV, supply, medics, FO, recovery, and repair units.

TF Orion is to attack, secure, and penetrate the enemy infantry defenses, occupy the city of Rivers Edge, secure the three bridge crossings, and neutralize any affective fighting force the Asid Corporation has in the area.

TF Orion

Intent: Given by Player CO

   a) Concept of Operation:
   Given by Player CO
      i) Maneuver:
      Given by Player CO
      ii) Fires:
      TF Orion has priority of fires of 3 batteries 6 tubes each with smoke, HE, and ICM. They will also have 1 aircraft available for 4 air strikes.

      iii) Additional assets: Support, recovery, U.A.V, repair, and medics. Infantry rifle teams equipped with RB57 NLAW-Storm ATGM.
   b) Tasks to Maneuver units:
   Given by Player CO

   c) Tasks to Combat Support Units:
   Given by Player CO

   Given by Player CO

Given by Player CO
You have 3 hours or 180 minutes + or – random time. You must take the objective and secure the town by having more units in each

Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)

M60A3 (TTS) Click here

LEO 2E: Main Battle Tank Click here

M1A2Sep: Click here

Challenger 2 Click here Willie P is on leave ;)

M2A2(ODS) Infantry Fighting Vehicle Click here

M1025 HUMMWV Click here

M113A3/Medic Click here

M88A1 MRV Click here

M977 HEMTT/Fueler/Supply Click here

**                      Notes                       **
SB Version: 4.004
Mission Name: Death Valley Plateau V4.004
Created by: Cougar11
Modified by: Asid
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Company plus
Smallest command:Crew Position
Mission Duration: 180 minutes max
Minimum number players: 1
Date: Sunday 18/09/16
Time: 19:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here
Teamspeak  IP:  Please wait in lobby for access to other areas.
Room: Steel Beasts

Player Skill/Ability:

All Welcome

Mission discussion Click here
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 05:02:12 AM by Asid »
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