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Author Topic: RGW Patch v1.2  (Read 3537 times)

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Offline Asid

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RGW Patch v1.2
« on: May 27, 2016, 09:33:39 PM »
Russo-German War 41-44
Patch  v1.2
Released: 24 November 2001
Size: 320 KB
Download: Click Here

Changes (from v1.1)

1.  Updated Help/About to Version 1.2.  Check it to see if patch was
    successful. The patch changes only rgw.exe and the help file.

2.  Ensured that all defenders required are retreated or eliminated,
    and that pursuits to defenders hex cannot occur if an enemy unit is
    still in that hex.

3.  Fixed bug that caused German movement slowdown in Scenario #51.  Fixed
    bug that allowed Soviet units to enter game in hex 0,0 in Sweden.  These
    two bugs were related.

4.  Resolved "one hex retreat strategy" by determining whether a friendly
    unit (infantry/rifle, parachute, cavalry, marine, ski, artillery, mountain)
    can retreat if in the ZOC of an enemy armor/mech/motorized unit based on TEM.
    TEM = 0, no movement allowed.
    TEM = 1, 12% chance of movement
    TEM = 2, 50% chance of movement
    TEM = 3, 88% chance of movement
    If movement is not allowed, RGW displays no destination hexes, and release
    of the mouse button marks unit as already moved this phase.  Friendly
    armor/mech/mororized units can always move regardless of enemy ZOC.

5.  Fixed incorrect terrain array information in the following hexes:
    95,38      98,41          36,75          46,08          62,57
    37,28      54,15          38,46          34,101         37,64
    25,68      11,46

6.  Limited transport air units to supply, recon, move to city, and airborne

7.  Prevented fighter air units from performing air supply ops.

8.  Changed Computer opponent to move air units out of enemy ZOCs, and to
    move HQ units further back from the front lines.

9.  Limited units to three overrun attacks per combat phase.  The end of the
    third attack marks unit as fatigued due to attacks, and prevents unit
    from attacking in the rest of that combat phase.

10. Set river modifier to minus two in Help section.

11. Found and fixed bug so that maximum of 9 attackers rule is enforced
    regardless of double clicking.

12. Synchronized Phase on Status bar on bottom of screen, and Status display.

13. Changed Move No ZOC to Strategic RR moves on Status display.  Each 4 hex
    Strategic Move decrements the counter.  Previously, the counter was
    decremented only on the fourth move by one unit.  Also, ensured counter
    remains positive.

14. Prevented overstacking by air units.  If returning air units find their
    return hex to already have 3 air units, then RGW returns them to the
    closest friendly city.  If it is also fully stacked, then RGW eliminates
    the air unit.

15. Prevent armor/mech/motorized units from pursuit into a mountain hex.

16. Fixed Scenario Editor display bug on Expected Points.  For #51, valid turns
    are from 1 to 177 only. Scenario Editor was previously displaying invalid
    data for turns greater than 177.

17. Fixed Computer opponent so that it will allocate replacement points.

18. Changed initial dialog box to be more descriptive.  It is there for first
    time players of RGW to know that initialization takes 1-2 minutes.

19. Changed from a blue "/" to a "-" to show when unit's link to their HQ
    have been broken.  This allows HQ ID to be more easily read.  Also,
    units with a broken HQ link may or may not be able to move, based on a
    die roll and their TEM.
    TEM = 0, no movement allowed.
    TEM = 1, 12% chance of movement
    TEM = 2, 50% chance of movement
    TEM = 3, 88% chance of movement
    If movement is not allowed, RGW displays no destination hexes, and release
    of the mouse button marks unit as already moved this phase.

20. Fixed Strategic RR moves so that only RR hexes that were previously
    (end of last turn) marked as Supply railheads are valid destination hexes.
    This (abstractly) emulates railroad hex conversions.

21. Fixed Help file for the Tikhvin-Leningrad-Oranienbaum special supply
    rule.  Rule applies if Scenario Unique option is chosen, regardless of
    scenario chosen.  Supply is available only in snow/storm weather.

22. Fixed Help file for the ice bridge from Taman-Kerch special rule.
    Rule applies if Scenario Unique option is chosen, regardless of
    scenario chosen.  Bridge is available only during the following turns:
    a. 23 November 1941 to 8 March 1942
    b. 1 November 1942 to & March 1943
    c. 12 December 1943 to 27 February 1944

23. Changed UNDO so that it is not allowed for PBEM play.  Also, changed
    UNDO so that Strategic RR and Move No Attack moves are correctly counted.

24. Fixed RGW so that map and units always remain synchronized.  Previously,
    there were two cases reported of units being displayed one half hex
    above the map hexes.  The fix prevents this from occurring.

25. Units are now allowed to retreat to hexes where there are enemy air units
    as long as the air units are performing air operations.

26. Production/Manpower points are affected by the cities controlled.  Limited
    this impact to a maximum of 5 P/M points per turn, regardless of the
    city points controlled.

27. Added Scenario 52, a blank scenario for creating new ones from scratch.


« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 04:18:10 PM by Asid »
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