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Battles of Normandy: Tiller
« on: December 20, 2015, 08:11:22 PM »
Battles of Normandy

Store page:

"Men, I am not a religious man and I don't know your feelings in this matter, but I am going to ask you to pray with me for the success of the mission before us. And while we pray, let us get on our knees and not look down but up with faces raised to the sky so that we can see God and ask his blessing in what we are about to do."

"God almighty, in a few short hours we will be in battle with the enemy. We do not join battle afraid. We do not ask favors or indulgence but ask that, if You will, use us as Your instrument for the right and an aid in returning peace to the world."

"We do not know or seek what our fate will be. We ask only this, that if die we must, that we die as men would die, without complaining, without pleading and safe in the feeling that we have done our best for what we believed was right."

"Oh Lord, protect our loved ones and be near us in the fire ahead and with us now as we pray to you."

Lt Col Robert Wolverton, Commanding Officer, 3rd battalion, 506th PIR. KIA June 6th, 1944

The Battle of Normandy evokes so many emotions. It was the beginning of the 'Great Crusade' in Northern Europe by the Western Allies, yet was viewed as long overdue by the bloodied Soviets. Few realize that the casualties suffered in the three months of the summer of 1944 in Normandy rivaled the worst of the Eastern Front. The air and seaborne landings in Northern France were the largest the world has ever seen, with meticulous planning for D-Day, yet marked by a surfeit of clear goals once ashore. Both the bocage terrain and the dogged defense by the Germans resulted in the need for unexpected improvisation. Both sides had significant constraints; the British were nearing manpower exhaustion and would have to rely excessively on their armor arm, the United States had boundless resources but many of their divisions had never been in combat, while the Germans were short of everything and it was only through their ability to organize disparate troops into flexible kampfgruppen that they held the Allies for as long as they did. Ultimately, the Battle of Normandy resulted in the utter defeat of the Germans at Falaise with France and Belgium quickly liberated thereafter. The Allied advance would last till late September 1944, ending in the streets of Arnhem with Operation Market Garden. This second release in the Panzer Battles franchise is focused on many of the battles that occurred across the Calvados & Cotentin regions of Northern France. Fought across nearly three months from June 6th 1944 to August 20th 1944, actions from the D-Day landings, through the bocage fighting to the pursuit and destruction of the German forces at Falaise are included.

Campaigns and Scenarios
Battles of Normandy includes 2 Campaigns with 23 scenarios, 5 variable scenarios and a further 65 standalone scenarios ranging from 6 turns to 144 turns in length – a total of 93 different situations. Representative days of battle from June, July and August 1944 are included with a good mix of small (battalion/regiment), medium (division) and large (corps) engagements.
•   June 6th; D-Day Landings 14 scenarios
•   June 7th; Hitlerjugend's counterattack 2 scenarios
•   June 11th; Operation Perch 3 scenarios
•   June 13th; Villers Bocage 2 scenarios
•   June 13th to June 14th; Carentan 2 scenario
•   June 22nd; Cherbourg 3 scenarios
•   June 25th; Operation Martlet 2 scenarios
•   June 26th to June 29th; Operation Epsom 4 scenarios
•   July 4th; Operation Windsor 1 scenario
•   July 11th; St Lo 4 scenarios
•   July 18th to July 19th; Operation Goodwood 6 scenarios
•   July 25th; Operation Spring 2 scenarios
•   July 26th to July 29th; Operation Cobra 3 scenarios
•   July 30th to August 5th; Operation Bluecoat 7 scenarios
•   August 7th to August 8th; Operation Lόttich 3 scenarios
•   August 8th to August 9th; Operation Totalize 4 scenarios
•   August 11th to August 12th; US 3rd Army breakout 2 scenarios
•   August 19th; Falaise gap 1 scenario
•   4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards Campaign 5 scenarios
•   2nd Armored Division (US) Campaign 18 scenarios

•   93 Scenarios – covering all sizes and situations, including specialized versions for both head to head play and vs. the computer AI.
•   The Master Map covers 398,000 hexes covering the area of Calvados and the Cotentin Peninsula. 70 sub maps are included. The map area is four times bigger than the map included with Battles of Kursk – Southern Flank.
•   An Order of Battle with over 21,200 units from two Allied Army Groups and a German Army Group including units from Wehrmacht, SS, and Luftwaffe formations as well as United States, British, Canadian, French, Polish, Belgian and Dutch units.
•   Unit component, Order-of-Battle and Scenario Editors which allow players to customize the game. Sub-map feature allowing any of the included maps to be "chopped" up into smaller segments for custom scenario creation.
•   All new map graphics with a new visual style to improve height perception. Fortifications and other icons are integrated into the game map.
•   Three different counter sets switchable in game including side on, top down and NATO symbols. All new images for unit art for both sides, including infantry, guns and vehicles.
•   Exceptional Documentation including a 136 page 'Visual Order of Battle Guide' and 149 page 'Designer Notes & FAQ'. Both are included with the game. In addition, for optional download an 88 page 'Daily Situation/ Scenario Maps' and a 190MB digital version of the complete game map.

Battles of Normandy provides multiple play options including play against the computer AI, Play by E-mail (PBEM), LAN & Internet "live" play, and two player hot seat.

File Preview
•      (149 page 15MB PDF file)
•      (88 page 203MB PDF file)
•      (42 page 9MB PDF file)
•      (102 page 2MB PDF file)
•   Summer Map  (190MB PNG file)
•      (136 page 68MB PDF file)

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Offline Stardog765

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Re: Battles of Normandy: Tiller
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2015, 04:29:32 PM »
Ohhhh so tempting! This is the one I was waiting on :)

At work now but after today im at home for 2 weeks :)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Battles of Normandy: Tiller
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2015, 01:46:27 AM »
Ohhhh so tempting!
You're easily tempted  :-*
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Patch 1.01 for Panzer Battles - Normandy.
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2016, 03:31:13 PM »
Patch 1.01 for Panzer Battles - Normandy.

Download: Click Here

Changelog for Battles of Normandy V1.01

Bug Fixes
    - Units could use a bridge while in travel mode to enter an obstacle and then exit the hex, rather than lose their whole movement allowance. This has been corrected and units will now lose all their movement points if they move into an obstacle hex
    - Engineer units were in some cases isolated when in a minefield - this should no longer occur
    - Engineer units will not clear a minefield in a turn that they recover from disruption
    - Adjacent engineers no longer remove isolation for units in minefields
    - Off map artillery was not firing during the defensive fire phase - this will now occur at the same frequency as on map artillery
    - Engineers that attempt to damage a bridge or AT ditch will reveal themselves if currently concealed
    - Units can no longer combine if in mismatched travel modes
    - File mismatch due to different encryption setting during PBEM - fixed
    - Campaign auto-advance on wrong password entry - fixed

    - New parameter file entry - Fatigue factor. Used for scaling fatigue accumulation. Set at 2.0 for Normandy & Kursk. Will be 3.0 for future titles to match the fatigue calculations in Panzer Campaigns. 3.0 is the more appropriate value to use, but none of the Kursk & Normandy scenarios were tested with the higher value
    - New on counter broken and disrupted markings - visible when stacked and unstacked.
    - New Getting Started documentation, including Campaign Primer and Terrain & Combat tables
    - Updated General Help guide with a revised layout and additional information.
    - Updated User guide with a revised layout and additional information. All manuals are a work in progress and will continue to be rationalised over time.

Order of Battle Changes
    - Luftwaffe 42 76mm Gun btty (hs) Soft attack value reduced to 9 from 39.
    - Corrected - Is Support- flags for heavy mortars in 5. Fallschirm-Jδger Division & FJ-Regt 6
    - American & French M-21 Halftrack 81mm mortar soft attack value reduced to 10 to align with other 81mm mortars

Graphics Changes
    - Regiments in British, British Airborne, Canadian and Polish are now show as battalions, conforming to the correct unit size.
    - Corrected incorrect alternative graphics in US airborne
    - New -small- terrain features. All files are under \Maps\Map Variants\Small. Copy all the 11 files into the map directory and overwrite the existing. To revert to the original graphics, copy the files out of \Maps\Map Variants\Original directory back into the Map directory.
Scenario Changes
    - #01 Getting Started: Hill 192 - Kraut Corner   Missing entrenchments in hex (5,8) added. All entrenchments now halved in value i.e. marked as vacated.
    - #02 Getting Started: Utah Beach         Erroneous reinforcements and releases removed. Game length extended to 12 turns. Selected defences now begin disrupted.
    - #0607_02: Authie - 12th SS Riposte      Corrected scenario name
    - #0614_01: Return to Carentan         Tweaks for balance
    - #0622_01: Cherbourg Landfront         Corrected scenario name
    - #0622_01a: Cherbourg Landfront         Corrected scenario name
    - #0622_02: Cherbourg - The Right Flank      Corrected scenario name
    - #0626_01: Operation Epsom - Day One      Replaced DD tanks with standard Shermans
    - #0629_01: Operation Epsom - Day Four      Corrected scenario name
    - #0711_01: Le Dezert            Added a supply source in (48,16), 60th Regt, 9th Infantry added
    - #0711_01a: Le Dezert            Added a supply source in (48,16), 60th Regt, 9th Infantry added
    - #0711_02: Hill 192 - Battle in the Bocage      Missing entrenchments in hex (5,11) & (6,10) added.
    - #0718_03: Operation Goodwood - Fifes      Corrected -fixed- reinforcements
    - #0719_01: Goodwood Day 2            Corrected scenario name
    - #0803_01: la Bistiere - Tigers Marsch!      Removed redundant British smoke. 3 turns added for HTH play
    - #0803_01a: la Bistiere - Tigers Marsch!      New vs AI scenario
    - #0803_02: Les Grands Bonfaits - Nedforce      Updated description
    - #0808_04: Gaumesnil            Corrected scenario name
    - #0808_05: Cauvicourt - Blooding the Polish   Corrected scenario name
    - #0809_01: Worthington Force          Corrected scenario name
    - #0811_01: Barenton - V Corps Strikes      Corrected missing stream hex sides in hex (11,220 & (11,29), II SS Pzkorps HQ now off map
    - #0812_01: Forκt d'Ecouves            Corrected scenario name
    - #0820_01: Falaise             Corrected scenario name
    - CG_2US_Armd_6: Barenton             II SS Pzkorps HQ now off map
    - CG_2US_Armd_6a: Barenton             II SS Pzkorps HQ now off map
    - CG_2US_Armd_6b: Barenton             II SS Pzkorps HQ now off map
    - CG_2US_Armd_6c: Barenton            Corrected ownership of trenches

Map Changes
    - Alternate small map graphics included
    - Heavy Bridge removed from hex (85,108)
    - Medium Bridges added at (242,198) and (246,197)
    - Small Bridges added at (232,199), (236,203) & (237,204)
    - All rail bridges converted to small bridges to reflect their poor ability to carry vehicles.
    - Numerous place name updates
    - Rail lines removed as per the below. Thanks to Chris Haigh who did all the research here. Most of these were tramways and were in the actual adjacent road - most closed before the war;
   - Isigny - Grandcamp - St Laurent - Le Molay/Littry - Balleroy - (Closed 1929)
       - Balleroy - Bayeaux (only shown on map going as far as Subles) - (Closed 1930)
       - Balleroy - St Martin des Basacres (358,337) - Closed (1930)
       - Bayeaux - Ryes - Arromanches - (Closed 1930/1)
       - Ryes - Courseulles - (Closed 1931)
       - Luc sur Mer - Ouistreham - Benouville - Caen (shown only going as far as Blainville) - (Closed 1944)
       - Pont de Ranville (actually Benouville crossing Pegasus bridge!) - Dives - (Closed 1932)
       - Caen (west station) - Potigny (547,336) - Falaise - (Closed 1932/3)

Changes for Battles of Normandy V1.0
    - Added Hard Fire Modifier to balance hard attacks.
    - Fixed AA range calculation to use new range effect.
    - Added fire benefit when direct firing at a target at a lower elevation.
    - Added Highligh Recon Units feature.
    - Modified unknown strength to show highest digit when unit is in unobstructed terrain.
    - Adjusted reporting for air attacks.
    - Corrected hex stack reporting when a wreck is in the hex
    - Corrected a crash bug when the last man/gun/vehicle is destroyed by defensive fire
    - Corrected a fog of war bug when right clicking
    - Included a check that all off board artillery is not placed on the map.
    - Any fixed unit that is fired on will now instantly un-fix
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