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Author Topic: T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer Sunday 10/01/16  (Read 4327 times)

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Offline Asid

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T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer Sunday 10/01/16
« on: January 08, 2016, 03:25:16 AM »
T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer 10/01/16 @ 21:30GMT

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The Battle of 97 Eastings 2016 by Assassin
This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

Mission Summary :
Russia has had its eye on Ukraine for many years. Border skirmishes have increased. Tensions are rising. There is a definite escalation in hostilities. It is not full out war. Yet!


Dogs of War Company is to provide a quick reaction force to support Ukrainian Forces by moving eastward into Ukraine and setting up a hasty defense to engage and destroy all enemy elements encountered. 
Your Platoon is to conduct a road march down route Blue to set up in Battle Position 1 to defend against any enemy elements that is encountered.
Excerpts of the battalion commander's orders.

a) Enemy:
                       Russia has had its eye on Ukraine for many years. Border skirmishes have increased. Tensions are rising. There is a definite escalation in hostilities. It is not full out war. Yet!
                       A few days ago, Russian Scouts were caught in the town of Horodkivka. They were taken to HQ for interrogation. One of the  Scouts revealed that an all-out invasion on Ukraine
                       was imminent…He was talking days! 
b) Own:
                      US forces have been deployed to Poland for war games and training for such an event of an invasion. The Command intent is to help prevent an invasion at all costs and to provide
                      assistance to Ukrainian forces if needed. Dogs of War Company is assigned as a quick reaction force to cross  the Ukrainian Border and provide a Hasty Defense.   
c) Attachments and detachments:

Dogs of War Company:

                    Alpha: 2 platoons of M1A2 SEP's
                                2 platoons of Leopard 2A5DKA2

                    Bravo: 2 platoons of M2A2's TOWs with missile teams/Javelins
                                 1 platoon of CV90/35-NL's with missiles teams/Spikes

                    Charlie:  Support- Resupply, Fuel, Medics, Mechanics

                    Delta: 2 AH-64 Apache's
                               2 Tigers

Other Support elements:

                  82 Airborne with CH-47's, Apaches, Missile Teams/Javelins
                  F-16 support with 500 lb Bombs
                  Papa: 3 platoons of M109's ( HE, HE with Smoke, ICM)
Polish elements:
                Alpha: 3 platoons of Leopard 2A4's

Ukrainian elements:
               8 Platoons of T-80U
               3 Platoons of T-72B's
               2 Platoons of T-64B's

**                      Notes                       **
SB Version: v3.028 32/64bit
Mission Name: The Battle of 97 Eastings 2016
Created by: Assassin
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Mission Duration: 90-120 minutes approx
Date:  10/01/16  Sunday
Time: 21:30 GMT
Time (local): Click Here
Teamspeak  IP: Session will be played on SimHQ TS ( if you do not have SHQ Details)
Room: Dogs of War

Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)


Leopard 2A5DK

M2A2 Bradley


AH-64 Apache

Tiger ARH


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« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 03:29:50 AM by Asid »
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