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Please leave the name.

The rules are these one

First Battle: Frontline Battle

Next battles types will be decided by the victory conditions.

Victory conditions:

<1000 points difference - draw - same kind of battle just fought
<2000 points difference - minor victory - protect line battle with the losers in a new defensive line, the attacker on the previous scenario line.
<3000 points difference - major victory - attack\defense battle with the losers in a new defensive line

Types of Battle:

Frontline Battle
Time: 2:00
Objectives: 3, occupier: both, type: Hold, time: 15 minutes, points: 500, occupiers 1000, range: 200, occ.mod: 2

Protect The Line battle
Time: 2:00
Objectives: 6, occupier: 3 for Allied and 3 for French, type: Hold, time: 15 minutes, points: 500, occupiers 1000, range: 200, occ.mod: 2

Attack\Defense Battle
Time: 2:00
Objectives: 3 occupier: the attacker, type Waypoint, time 15 minutes, points: 1000, occupiers: 1000, range 200, occ.mod: 2. The defender will receive 1000 points at the end of scenario for each objectives still in his possesion at the end of scenario (to manage manually).

So resuming the first battle will be a frontline clash; the kind of victory will define what battle


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SimWorks Studios hacked!
25 Sept 2019

I received an email from SWS titled "Update available for Nimitz Class Vol.1" on Mon 23 16:04 from the official SSW

I clicked the links as it was an official email but no updates were available.

I went onto their site and no information.

I then contacted them via Discord at 11:48 pm because the dev was online. The developer said that he knew and it was a hack. I asked him to post publicly about it and let people be aware but he disagreed (I am putting this bit politely). I told the dev I would post about it. He was not happy.

I checked SWS FB page later and found the following below AFTER I said they should publicly post. Not everyone uses or wants to use FB.

Yet they managed to tell everyone a new add-on was out via email. Why not email their customers to warn of the issue?

SWS make good products. They are a small team. They have very few resources. HOWEVER it costs nothing to tell people there is an issue. They hold personal account information so have a duty of care morally and legally. especially in this day and age of data breaches!


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Alpha 16 Testing Live + AMA + TwitchCon
Mon, 23 September 2019

Hey squaddies!

As we mentioned on Friday, the time has become to test Alpha 16! Please note: Choppers are in their first release and will continue to be developed with the help of your feedback! Expect some bugs, rough edges, and some antics, to be sure.

Head to your test client (Squad - Public Testing) in Steam to get started!

Abridged A16 Notes


Added Helicopters. Helicopters are an exciting new system of transport that brings about a new dimension to the battlefield, literally. Each conventional faction will get access to medium-lift helicopters capable of transporting troops and supplies. Helicopters are piloted by special Pilot roles much like how heavy vehicles require dedicated Crewmen.
Added Helicopter Tutorial. Helicopters require a degree of skill and practice in order to operate effectively, so weve provided a tutorial that takes you through the basics of piloting, the interface, and even a special time trial challenge course! (Complete with rings!)
Added a Soft-Boundary system for all layers that feature helicopters. This new boundary system is improved in that it gives the player a warning to turn back...

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