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How I used PCem to create a virtual 486 PC

Now I can enjoy playing Tornado the way it was originally played in 1993! Warning: Geek alert!

Tags: virtualisation, PC emulation, reviving them olde dead games, PCem, DOSBox, Tornado flight sim, high fidelity sound, pure Voodoo graphics, leave your dusty outdated PC in the attic, maximum coolness, extreme awesomeness

I don't have a 486 PC. The last time I used one was in 2002. It's 2017 now and I can't play lots of old games on my modern PC. They simply won't work. So yesterday I created a virtual 486 PC on my 64-bit Windows 10 Dell laptop. My specs are Intel i5-4210U, 1.7Ghz, 8Gb RAM. Now I can play any old DOS or Windows95/98 game on my laptop. I did this exercise more as a geek challenge than anything. After all who has time these days to play tons of games?

Using PCEm is about getting older software/OSes running on modern machines and emulating other pieces of period hardware (like 386/486/VESA S3 video, Soundblaster/Adlib sound cards, etc). That what this post is about.

Here's the thing. You've got lots of CDs of old games, but you can't play them because they can't and won't run on your modern machine. Short of downloading...

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Covering the Waterfront: NorbSoftDev on Scourge of War Gettysburg

By Matt Peckham

PCWorld | Oct 12, 2010 8:01 AM PT

Gettysburg: Scourge of War isn't a real-time strategy game for the masses. It has a perfectly functional interface, but you'd never call it "slick." It's more study-intensive than the comparably simplistic Total War series but yields commensurately higher returns. It tackles the mother of all Civil War battles with aplomb and occasionally startling historical verisimilitude, offering control of blues and grays from army scale down to regimental level. It's wargaming without apologies, designed by hardcore history buffs for hardcore history gamers.

This spring I spoke with the Scourge of War's creators, Jim Weaver and Norb Timpko. In part one, we talked about Gettysburg maps, canonical books, and how they got from Waterloo to Little Round Top.

Game On: We were hoping to get Larry Tagg in on this interview, but it sounds like he's had to take a rain check.

Jim Weaver: Larry had to bow out. I'd forgotten that in his day job, he's an English teacher. He's also this semester the drama coach, and it's the last week before the performance, so he's in the middle of, as he said, frantic...

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Sunday, March 5, 2017
By: JC
DCS: AJS37 Viggen (Beta) - Naval Strike

Mission for today: locate and destroy a Russian Neutrashimyy-class frigate that is interfering with the deployment of special operations forces aboard HMS Vigilant.

Loadout: 2 x Rb15f anti-ship missiles, 2 x Rb74 air to air missiles. Target area: 1 km off the coast of Abkhazia, in the proximity of the Sukhumi airport.

Last check before taking off.

Stage 3 afterburner, the Viggen pushes the runway down to the depths of irrelevance. Me and the beast, unleashed.

Did you know? A common mistake of virtual Viggen pilots is to retrieve the landing gear too soon. By doing this, the flaps are raised at a relatively low speed, accompanied by a severe loss of lift.

Turning onto waypoint B2. By this time I have my anti-ship missiles ready, and I start a climb to get a better radar view of the sea. I need a target, snart

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