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Point Of Attack 2.5.09 (Beta B4Q) 15/10/17

Pleas Note: These patches are made publicly available by Dogs Of War Vu. They are not publicly available anywhere else. We do it to help the community.

This is a D.O.W. exclusive. There is another new Beta for Point Of Attack 2.

This is a beta patch. All the usual caveats apply. You might get errors, lock-ups or crashes. Please report if you do. Do not download and install this patch if you do not accept that issues can arise.

Please give feedback if you have any suggestions or issues.

Download v2.5.09 (Beta B4Q) (3.85MB): Click here

Install: (make backups first)
You will need the P.O.A. 2.5.09 A13_Beta applied first Download
Extract the file, 2.5.09 (Beta B4Q).
Copy it into the install directory
Overwrite existing files.

15 Oct 17: POA 2.5.09 (Beta B4Q)

* = Corrections
+ = Additions/Improvements

Latest Release:
* Fixed occasional Invalid Pointer Error on closing (Tigers Unleashed).
* Corrected issue where some composite sub-units would have their speed set to zero after being issued orders by the AI .
* Fixed situation where Player 1's map would be shown when Player 2 was logging in or viewing...

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Tigers Unleashed Beta v1.2.01 (Beta B4R) 15/10/17

Pleas Note: These patches are made publicly available by Dogs Of War Vu. They are not publicly available anywhere else. We do it to help the community.

This is a D.O.W. exclusive. There is another new Beta for Tigers unleashed.

This is a beta patch. All the usual caveats apply. You might get errors, lock-ups or crashes. Please report if you do. Do not download and install this patch if you do not accept that issues can arise.

Please give feedback if you have any suggestions or issues.

Download v1.2.01 (Beta B4R) (3.85MB): Click here

Install: (make backups first)
You will need the Tigers Unleashed Beta v1.2.01 (Beta 2) 17/07/17 applied first here
Extract the file, Beta v1.2.01 (Beta B4R).
Copy it into the install directory
Overwrite existing files.

15 Oct 17: TU v1.2.01 (Beta B4R)

* = Corrections
+ = Additions/Improvements

Latest Release:
* Fixed occasional Invalid Pointer Error on closing (Tigers Unleashed).
* Corrected issue where some composite sub-units would have their speed set to zero after being issued orders by the AI .
* Fixed situation where Player 1's map would be shown when...

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1 Comment
Tears and joy on St. Helena as 'world's most useless airport' finally opens

JAMESTOWN, St. Helena (Reuters) - One of humanitys most isolated outposts joined the 21st century on Saturday when the British island of St. Helena, home to the worlds most useless airport, welcomed its first commercial flight.

Onlookers peer through windows shortly after the first ever commercial flight landed at St Helena airport near Jamestown, October 14, 2017.

As the inaugural plane from Johannesburg touched down on the forbidding volcanic outcrop in the middle of the south Atlantic, the travel and history buffs on board clapped and cheered.

Ive never felt so emotional in all my life, said Libby Weir-Breen, a British travel operator who has been bringing tourists to the island, 1,200 miles (1,900 km) west of the African nation of Angola, for the last 12 years.

She had flown in specially from Scotland to be on the plane, and dabbed away tears as it touched down on the spectacular cliff-side runway. I never thought Id see this day, she said.

The 4,500 people living on St. Helena, a British colony since 1658 - most famous as the windswept outpost where French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte breathed his last - might...

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