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Offline Asid

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Warlord: Britannia
« on: July 29, 2022, 12:39:57 AM »

Lead a Roman expeditionary force into the heart of Ancient Britain! Recruit, promote, and upgrade your legionaries while constructing a series of fortified marching camps. Use Roman tactics and strategies to conquer the entire island and become Warlord!

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Single Player

Warlord: Britannia Trailer


Warlord: Britannia is the first entry, in a new series of immersive-strategy games, created by Solo developer Darkmatter Games. Step into the shoes of a Roman General given direct command of a Legion, with orders from the Emperor to conquer an entire island.

A unique combination of first-person strategy elements places Warlord: Britannia in a genre of its own. Immersive-Strategy fixes the player in the first-person perspective of their character. Lead a large army, construct bases, conquer settlements, and disrupt enemy forces in the open world—entirely from this Immersive-Strategy perspective. Turn the tide of battle by participating directly in the action and fighting alongside your own troops, all in real-time.

Dynamic Open World
The world of Warlord: Britannia is an island more than 45 square kilometers in size, divided by latitude into three visually distinct geographic zones. Start your occupation in the densely forested Lowlands, then march north to the rolling hills and farms of the Midlands. Finally, push further north into the imposing and desolate Highlands. All three zones flow seamlessly together, and never subject the player to a loading screen.

Travel the roads cautiously and keep your eyes on the treelines, as trading convoys and roaming warbands criss-cross the open world in real-time. The local population quickly spreads word of your exploits, so choose your actions carefully. Manage the population’s unrest levels and prepare for uprisings and raids on your camp. Enemies will react aggressively to repeated attacks and transgressions by the Roman invading force.

Massive Battles
Recruit up to 9 Roman centuries and their officers to fully staff your Legion. Hundreds of Romans and Barbarians will clash and die on the battlefield. Use your legionaries to attack local strongholds and towns, pillage and loot settlements, impose draconian taxes, and send the population back to Rome in chains.

Base Building
Construct a series of marching camps as you conquer the open world. Clear the forests and put up palisade walls. Set guards and patrol to keep watch over the camp at night. At any time, you may pack up and relocate your camp, allowing for complex strategic maneuvers. Decide where and when to set up your fort, and for how long to stay before conditions become too dangerous.

Roman History
All of the weapons, armors, structures, names, and gameplay elements are inspired directly from extant material and literary archeological remains. Solo developer, Darkmatter Games, has painstakingly recreated these elements from scratch and by hand to bring the ancient world of Britain in the 1st Century AD to life like never before. Historical authenticity is the core element of the Warlord franchise.

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

Stylized blood and dismemberment portrayed on amorphous characters.

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2022, 12:41:06 AM »

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2022, 01:41:00 AM »
Foundations 2.0
Mon, August 29, 2022

Laying the Groundwork


After a tumultuous month, and nearly all of last week spent constructing IKEA furniture, I am finally back in action with the much anticipated Foundations major update!

As the name of this update suggests, the primary focus is paving the road for future additions. Now, the in-game Legion is modular, expandable, and more interactive. To do this, much of the underlying organization was modified. In the coming major updates, this will simplify the coding task, so I can focus on crafting high quality content.

In addition, this update adds new Formation control options. Before, only the position of troops in a Century could be adjusted with Marching and Battle mode. Now, higher level control over Century positions in the overall Formation is possible with layouts. This was also made fully expandable, so new Formation layouts and modes can be added with ease.

Speaking of new Formation modes, Testudo has also been introduced in this update. Although it may not be entirely useful just yet, further down the road, archers will make it a life-saving necessity…

In the coming month, I plan on introducing some additional improvements and new features to the experience. This will lead into the Auxiliaries major update, which I may combine with elements of another part of the Roadmap. If/when this happens, a new edition of the Roadmap will be published. For now, things are on course with the original plan.

I am looking forward to this Fall and Winter. Thank you all for your patience and support!

Update Log:

•  Added support for more Formation modes
•  Added support for Formation layouts
•  Added Testudo mode (in addition to Marching and Battle)
•  Added new Testudo mode shield animations for units in rear ranks
•  Added 1 column and 2 column Marching layouts
•  Added 3 row (the original layout), 2 row, wide, and stagger Battle layouts
•  Added new “Foundations” music track
•  Added ability to mouse-over and see unit info in the Legion menu
•  Added ability to click on units in Legion menu to upgrade and promote
•  Added ability to transfer units via the Legion menu
•  Added new unit icon colors in Legion menu, default is Soldier and Officer, orange is Guard, red is Worker
•  Added individual Call to Arms toggles to each Century in Legion menu
•  Added Soldier and Guard/Worker sliders to each Century in Legion menu
•  Added support for new unit types in future updates
•  Added support for generic groups (includes officers, positions, modes, etc), which could apply to the Britons in future updates
•  Added Hold Pila toggle (H)
•  Changed Tesserarius and Optio to be counted as Officers, can no longer guard or work
•  Updated the Help menu with proof-read text
•  Moved Recruit button to the Legion menu
•  Moved Call to Arms/Disband button to the Legion menu
•  Moved “Cancel All” buttons to the Legion menu
•  Removed the Manage menu, everything is controlled via the Legion menu now
•  Removed the Unassigned job

For quick reference, here is the Roadmap. Warlord Britannia is now heading towards the Auxiliaries update!

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2022, 01:07:18 AM »
Update 2.1
Wed, 28 September 2022

That's Cheating!


Work on the anticipated Auxiliaries roadmap update has officially begun! In the meantime, this update aims to alleviate some quality of life concerns. In addition, it introduces the cheats menu, which is sort of like a “creative mode.”

By all means post ideas for how I can expand this feature! Looking forward to seeing cinematic shots from the air as well as new creative mode bases.

Update Log:

    Added Cheats menu (default keybind is O). Be warned, while using cheats Quests and Steam achievements will not unlock
    Added building rotation (45 degree) snap option
    Added building grid (1 meter) snap option
    Added Clear Cut option in the Legion tab to remove foliage beyond storage capacity
    Added Reverse Order option in the Legion tab to invert the formation order of Centuries
    Improved Testudo behavior by allowing units to break state and lower their overhead shield if attacked in melee
    Overhauled worker AI to remove interruptions between jobs
    Fixed camp preset placed objects rotation
    Fixed century sliders when relocating camp

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2022, 01:22:52 AM »
Auxiliaries 3.0
Mon, 24 October 2022

New Friends, New Enemies


I am happy to announce the release of the second major roadmap update, Auxiliaries! As the roadmap suggests, this update adds a new infantry unit, replete with its own centuries and some unique ranks. These auxiliaries behave in much the same way as their Roman-citizen counterparts but with a few stat differences. They are more expensive initially, have more health, and deal slightly more damage. In addition, hailing from the recently conquered province of Transalpine Gaul, they are visually taller than the Romans, more akin to your Briton enemies.

Speaking of the Britons, they have also received reinforcements in this update in the form of roaming Warbands. Unlike convoys and noble gatherings, these groups are a permanent menace in the world. Warbands have their own uniquely named leader, who is present on the battlefield, accompanied by a bugler carrying the fearsome carnyx.

Aside from the two big features, auxiliaries and warbands, a number of other additions, improvements, and optimizations have been made as well. Please enjoy the new content, and as usual, utilize the Discord server for reporting bugs and making suggestions!

Also, see below for an updated roadmap (this is version 2). I have decided to expedite the delivery of the Archers and Artillery update. This of course pushes out the Logistics and Outposts update, but I think having all recruitable units (with the exception of cavalry) ready first will work out smoother.

Thank you for your support!

Update Log:

    Added 4 Auxiliary infantry centuries
    Added new Auxiliary object variations and assets
    Added 2 Auxiliary high-command ranks
    Added Gaulish personal names for Auxiliaries
    Added 4 Auxiliary-related quests and 2 Steam achievements
    Added Auxiliary contubernium tent structure
    Added Warbands of varying size and difficulty
    Added new barbarian leader and carnyx bearer assets
    Added upgrade-armor button for each century
    Added random chance for Pila to drop an enemy shield instead of dealing damage
    Added positional damage to barbarians, applies when the player is attacking them
    Added legs dismemberment
    Added mortal wound
    Added new track when encountering warbands
    Added new warbands defeated statistic
    Added 3 warband-related quests and 2 Steam achievements
    Added spacing guideline to tents when building
    Updated help menu with info on warbands
    Updated Museum with auxiliaries
    Updated Museum with carynx and waterloo helmet
    Updated Museum with legion vexillum
    Improved at-camp pathfinding in front of tents
    Improved testudo behavior so units always have their shields up
    Improved camp life with tent distinction (officer/enlisted) and pausing in front of tents
    Improved AI targeting when in large groups
    Improved barbarian shield usage
    Improved player ability to push aside AI
    Changed Legion menu organization to display groups as they would be arrayed in-game when in Battle 3-rows formation
    Changed AI pilum accuracy with added randomness
    Changed charge behavior so Centurions participate
    Changed main menu theme
    Optimized AI targeting by reducing memory usage
    Optimized player controller
    Optimized environment reflection probe
    Optimized AI audio controller
    Optimized convoy/raid/gathering controller
    Optimized AI projectile controller
    Optimized character models with GPU instancing
    Increased legionary speed when in marching mode
    Increased base health of all AI to make fight last longer
    Increased base health of barbarians slightly
    Increased barbarian damage slightly
    Deceased roman armor effectiveness slightly
    Fixed workers not completing structures
    Fixed pilum pool running out when in large battles
    Fixed furca not dropping to the ground if legionary is killed
    Fixed UI issue when selecting units in the Legion tab

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2022, 12:32:38 AM »
Update 3.02
Wed, 26 October 2022


More fixes for the Auxiliaries update! I am sorry to those experiencing bugs with the Legion menu, I know that can be supremely frustrating. These IU issues tend to crop up as symptoms of an underlying problem, which is harder to track down. This patch fixes the legionary over-death glitch, which I think may be the greatest underlying issue causing the higher level UI malfunctions.

Please continue to submit reports as you encounter unexpected behavior. As a solo developer, your reports are the most useful tools I have in combating bugs and improving the user experience. Thank you!

Update Log:

    Fixed auxiliary gold requirement
    Fixed odd rotation of units loitering around camp
    Fixed error with legionaries dropping shields
    Fixed error with doors when removing and trying to open at the same time
    Fixed error caused by legionaries being decapitated
    Fixed error where legionaries could be damaged after death, resulting in multiple notifications and log entries, may have been the source of other bugs

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2022, 11:52:49 PM »
Update 3.03
Mon, 7 November 2022


Just a couple small fixes as well as the invert Y-axis option I promised, but failed to deliver in the last patch!

Work on the Archers and Artillery update already well on the way. This is going to be a very exciting one…

Update Log:

    Added invert Y-axis option
    Fixed backwards compatibility check not unlocking auxiliaries
    Fixed gate rotations when relocating camp

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2022, 12:11:31 AM »
Development News
Wed, 30 November 2022

Archers and Artillery to release December 14th!


It has been a while since the last official announcement so I wanted to send out some news regarding the next update...

The much anticipated Archers and Artillery roadmap update is well underway and planned to release on December 14th! I typically avoid sharing a hard date, but in this case I think generating some hype ahead of time is in order. Assuming I don't fall ill or otherwise become unable to work, you can mark your calendars and keep a look out come the 14th!

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2022, 09:20:02 PM »
Archers and Artillery 4.0
Wed, 14 December 2022

The Throwing War

After nearly two months of coding, modeling, and perfecting the new ballistics calculator on the starting farm, I am proud to present the much anticipated Archers and Artillery major update! Archers and Artillery hopes to expand the ranged combat ecosystem in Warlord: Britannia.

The Testudo formation will now be put to its ultimate test, defending Roman lives against a hail of incoming arrows. Keep an eye on the sky, position your formation well, and keep your troops upgraded to minimize casualties from this new threat.

To get back on the offensive, a Thracian Cohort has been called up to bolster your Legion’s ranged capabilities with their professional archers. In addition, a number of Scorpion and Ballista launchers are now at your disposal. In dire circumstances, or when wanting to instill a sense of shock and awe into the barbarian forces, use the Incendiary ammunition option.

For players new to Warlord, or those finding themselves struggling initially to gain the upper hand in Britannia, a new difficulty setting was added to the Options menu. Legate is the default, with no modifier. Centurion decreases damage dealt to Romans by 50%. Warlord increases damage dealt to Romans by 50%.

This update introduces a number of interwoven elements that are difficult to balance against one another. Please reach out on Steam and Discord with balance suggestions! And as always, do not hesitate to notify me of bugs. I rely on all of your help in this regard!

Update Log:

    Added Archer unit type with 2 new ranks
    Added 2 extra-strength Auxiliary Archer centuries
    Added Archer tent
    Added Archer guard point
    Added 2 Archer Quests and 2 Steam Achievements
    Added Scorpion launcher and ammo types
    Added Ballista launcher and ammo types
    Added Engineering unit type with 4 new ranks
    Added 6 Scorpion teams
    Added 2 Ballista teams
    Added Engineering tent
    Added Artillery guard point
    Added 5 Artillery Quests and 3 Steam Achievements
    Added Platform structure
    Added News section with links in the Main menu
    Added Ranged Combat section to the Help menu
    Added new music track
    Added Archer and Artillery exhibits to the Museum
    Added difficulty setting in Options menu
    Added Indirect Fire toggle to Legion menu
    Added Incendiaries toggle to Legion menu
    Added new projectile behaviors when hitting armor
    Added barbarian archers mixed into all groups
    Added new Hold/Open Fire (N) keybind for ranged units
    Improved AI ragdoll forces when dying
    Adjusted Testudo spacing
    Adjusted shield height when blocking
    Adjusted weather cycle to reduce rain and storms slightly
    Fixed Primus Pilus behavior in formation
    Fixed missing Quest errors
    Optimized audio code
    Optimized AI targeting

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2022, 12:02:49 AM »
Update 4.01
Thu, 15 December 2022


Just some bug fixes and improvements to the latest update!

Update Log:

    Fixed roman archers not counting ranged kills
    Fixed romans not counting pilum kills
    Fixed projectiles not hitting destroyable camp structures like walls and tents
    Fixed engineer units switching to guard duty during a transfer
    Fixed soldier menu to not allow background units to be selected
    Fixed engineers and archers not transferring backwards
    Fixed archer and engineer tents reverting to other tent types when relocating camp
    Fixed artillery not following the formation when their crew is killed/not present
    Fixed formation unit count not keeping track of officer deaths correctly
    Added new unit special override unlock. Acts as a failsafe in case quests are not loading right and preventing new unit unlocks
    Artillery now warp to their guard points when within a range, like other units. Acts a failsafe incase the machine gets trapped under the platform
    Increased roman archer range slightly
    Increased plate-like armor arrow deflection chance slightly
    Decreased barbarian archer accuracy slightly
    Decreased archer fire rate slightly

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2023, 10:19:14 PM »
Update 5.01
Sun, 19 March 2023


Just some QOL changes and fixes for the new major update! Special thanks to Discord server member Generation Internet
for their intelligent feedback.

I am looking forward to the GDC this week, and getting back to work on the next update thereafter!

Update Log:

    Added ability to recruit new units while at an outpost
    Disbanding now automatically assigns formed-up groups to nearest outpost or homebase
    Food and supply fulfillment is now calculated with the current stored amount as well as daily extraction, making requirements more lenient, and vast storage space less critical
    Fixed artillery following the formation mistakenly when Calling to Arms from an outpost
    Fixed formation layout ghosts of non-called groups showing
    Fixed possibility for convoys to start and end at the same settlement

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2023, 11:16:02 PM »
Update 5.1
Tue, 4 April 2023

Help is on the Way


Greetings! I am back from the GDC and working hard as we draw closer to the end of Warlord: Britannia’s official roadmap.

This update aims to address a long standing point of contention in the game, its tutorial. Some players appreciate the hands-off approach to the help menu, while others found themselves overwhelmed, lost, and frustrated.

In order to solve this issue while maintaining a balance, the help menu has been reworked to include two books. The first book is a Quick Start guide, designed purely as a step-by-step tutorial, fast, organized, and without any superfluous information. The second book, which used to be the help menu, has been reworked into a Field Guide.

New players can now work their way through the Quick Start, which sees them set up camp and capture their first farm, and are then guided to the Field Guide for more advanced gameplay features and information. Returning players might benefit from browsing the Field Guide too, as new info was added.

In addition, the books are organized further into chapters, which are navigable either by changing pages, or using new dropdown panels.

Aside from the new help menu, see below for a list of changes and improvements.

As always, thank you for your support, and I will be back shortly with another addition before moving to the Animals and Ambience roadmap update!

Update Log:
Added quick start guide
Added field guide, replaces the old help menu text
Added four new logistics-related museum exhibits
Added option to call/uncall the command staff
Added option to assign command staff to an outpost
Added call all and un-call all buttons in legion tab
Reworked Help menu to include books and chapters with subpages
Improved formation mode switching with a bouncing cycle, insteading of reverting to marching from testudo, the formation returns to battle mode
Edited core museum texts, awaiting edits for 3.0+ update content
Increased ambient light at night
Optimized torch and campfire lights
Fixed escape menu camera sliding
Fixed legionary weapons still up when disbanding in battle or testudo mode

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2023, 09:11:09 AM »
Update 5.2
Wed, 26 April 2023

Fortress Britannia


I am excited to deliver one more unannounced update before moving to the next major addition, Animals and Ambience! This update brings a huge improvement and expansion to the base building side of Warlord: Britannia.

The first and most immediately noticeable change is the new Build menu, accessible with (B). This menu organizes the game’s structures into a number of lists, which are then internally traversed using the mouse scroll wheel.

The second main improvement is true grid rectification. Before, palisades and gates did not align exactly when using the grid and angle snapping options. Now, palisades and gates have been resized and adjusted to fit perfectly with 6 meter (long) and 3 meter (short) lengths. Tent placement stakes have also been updated to coincide with this new system, where tents now take up 6 meters in width (conveniently the same size as the long walls, or two short walls), making it easy to ascertain the required footprint of your fort when planning its construction. See below the update log for a simple example of this new system in action.

Making wall corners has also been greatly improved with new small and large corner pieces. These fit into the square size of their straight counterparts (either 3 meters square or 6 meters). Corners can be combined to create perfect circles, even. In addition, the old battlement has been updated with 3 variants, a long version, small corner, and large corner to match the new wall sizes.

Finally, a series of wall segments and gates, the “plankwalls,” have been added to help players bolster their camp defenses. These walls are thin, but well constructed, and adorned with parapets which provide solid cover from incoming arrows.

Thank you all for your patience and support. And as always, please submit bug reports and suggestions, I rely on your feedback!

Update Log:
Added build menu accessible with (B)
Added palisade corner large
Added palisade corner small
Added battlement short
Added battlement corner small
Added battlement corner large
Added plank wall short
Added plank wall long
Added plank wall corner small
Added plank wall corner large
Added plank gate clockwise
Added plank gate counter clockwise
Added sudes long
Added helmet feathers for the tesserarius rank
Added Shift and Control options when converting money or dumping food
Improved tent placement in snap mode by aligning their posts with the 6 meter grid
Improved battlement placement to align with walls in grid mode
Improved building speed by saving rotation when switching plans
Improved pila throwing in formation, will not waste pila on very small amount of enemies
Resized old palisades and gates to fit perfectly into 6 and 3 meter widths
Resized and renamed the old battlement, now the battlement long
Renamed the old sudes to sudes short
Reduced pila aiming randomness in formation
Adjusted build tool to default to grid and angle snap placement
Updated gate palisade model to have clipped bottoms
Updated Quick Start and Field Guide books with proof-read texts
Updated Quick Start book with new build menu controls
Optimized camp fires by having them switch on and off randomly at night
Fixed workers freezing up on harvest jobs when storage full

Here is an example of a simple 1-Century fort. Using the newly rectified palisade walls and tents, a perfect 5x3 grid was created to neatly house 4 defense platforms, 5 contubernium tents, 1 officer's tent, and a storage area. With the new battlements, plankwalls, and corner pieces, this base could be improved further, as seen in the update cover image.

Darkmatter Games will be hosting a base-building competition in the “Houses'' section of the Discord server. Please join and submit your base. I am looking forward to seeing your new designs!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2023, 11:28:48 PM by Asid »
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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2023, 12:17:00 AM »
Update 5.21
Fri, 28 April 2023


Just a quick bug fix for the latest 5.2 Update. There was an issue with the updated Help Menu that prevented Auxiliary recruitment for some players. This has been fixed!

See also a creative design for an artillery platform, posted by Discord member, and current Imaginifer in the server, Stechus Kaktus.

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Re: Warlord: Britannia
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2023, 12:10:48 AM »
Update 5.22
Tue, May 2, 2023


Another bug fix for the latest 5.2 Update. There were two serious issues I have resolved. First, command staff not following the formation correctly, and second, outposts not functioning correctly. These should both be squared away now. If you built an outpost in 5.2, you may need to re-assign groups to them, as they might have been reset with this patch!

Update Log:
Fixed units going to the wrong outposts or to the homebase instead of an outpost
Fixed command staff not working in formation when changing to battle mode
Fixed auxiliary helment feathers not removing when promoted to optio
Fixed outposts refunding for wood
Lowered minimum enemy-nearby amount to throw pilum

Thank you all for your patience and for the helpful bug reports!

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