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Author Topic: Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985  (Read 19905 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2018, 07:18:24 PM »
Campaign Series: Middle East 2.0 Manual is now available: download it from here

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Re: Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2018, 07:21:58 PM »
Here's the video from Twitch:
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Re: Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2018, 04:50:14 PM »

Campaign Series: Middle East Version 2.0 is OUT

Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 has reached what can be easily considered a tremendous milestone!

Version 2.0 is massive. It contains over 50 implementations and new features added, a completely revised UI, new graphics and visuals, new terrains, improvements on an already challenging AI, and a lot more!

To celebrate this important achievement, Campaign Series Middle East is on sale for a week! 50% discount from today to January 25th!

Waste no time and join the fight!

Important information for the installation! This update is completely free but in order to play with the new version, please make sure to uninstall the old version of the game. You can find the Uninstall option in the game's Start menu folder.
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Re: Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2018, 12:26:40 PM »
Campaign Series: Middle East has been updated to version 2.0.1!

You can download the update from here

Check out the full changelog below!

• When loading a Pontoon Ferry or Crewed Boat to an Engineering Truck, Unit List sidebar omits one of the units in the hex and shows a blank tile instead.

• Added a new frontend variant, Middle East no3D.exe, to run on low-powered systems.
• Added a new multi-colored game engine toolbar option (Options > Toolbar > Color).

• Finished implementing the edmap Display > Map Hints feature.
• Set Options > Smooth Scroll to OFF by default.
• Fixed a bug where CycleSel #s > 12 were not saving/reloading properly.
• Adjusted the timeline defaults for EF III etc. (should not impact ME at all).
• Fixed a bug where changes in exit objective hex values were discarded on phase turnover, thus exit hex objective points were not recording properly.
• In the frontend random battle generator, company size engagements are no longer possible (fixing a possible crash if company size engagements were selected).
• Fixed a bug where, if PBEM no side replay were selected, the .bte file might be corrupted, and the game might crash.
• Crewed boats (and rafts etc.) were not loadable on engineering trucks. This has been corrected.
• In PBEM play, with side replay selected, Side B was shown Side A's private beginning-of-mission (Lua EE) briefing. This should no longer happen.
• Low probability AI reinforcements were always arriving with 100% certainty. This has been fixed.
• Fixed several CSEE issues (involving set_reinforcement_turn() in PBEM, and other bugs).
• Re-encrypted Platoon*.OOB files to fix a bug where previous *.OBX files missed the last line of each file.
• Bootcamp 4.lua event engine coding error fixed.
• Fixed a few typos in Unittext.txt
• Removed accented letters from *.OOB files that did not show properly in Organization Editor.

• Added new 3D Minefield markers
• Color Coded Toolbar
• Provided a set of Unit Picture defaults with a background color that does not show in Unit Viewer like the previous Magenta background color did.
• Fixed the French DUKW unit graphics that had white artifacts

• Added a correct Front End background music file xbackg1.ogg version.
• Added Grenade launcher sound files

• Added Leaders to Teaching Sets 1-5
• Fixed a AIW20.scn helo reinforcement to arrive at NoE air level.
• Fixed typos in Jerusalem48, Khanyunis56, and Khanyunis67 map files
• Added a missing commander entry to

• Added a set of 3D Alternate Bases mods for all nations by XLVIII PzKorp.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2023, 12:07:21 AM »
Campaign Series Middle East - Update v2.30
June 23, 2023

Campaign Series Middle East v2.30 is a free update that features the same improvements released earlier in the year for Vietnam v1.30. Included in both game’s updates are UI and QoL features, graphical improvements, and bugfixes. Over five years of changes and improvements are now available in this massive update. Download the new launcher here:

The full changelog is posted below:

    • Implementation of new Game Action Speed system for speeding up, slowing down, pausing the AI turns, PBEM replays and human player turns. See Status → Action Speed → AI Play → Slow Down and Status → Action Speed → Replay → Slow Down for setting the AI play and Replay speeds while in the Human Player turn mode with new ALT+ and CTRL+ associated HotKeys.
    • Implemented a message to display a confirmation of the changed Action Speed.
    • Unit List and Info Box were given makeovers to make it easier to read the information with larger and bolder fonts, revised layout and new graphics.
    • Implemented Options → Unit List → Unselected Highlights → White, Black, Alternate, and None options for the Unit List.
    • Implemented new side bar Unit List icons, including new icons for Double Time and Slow Time
    • Implemented a white halo for red Unit List values.
    • Implemented Display → Roaming Mode (CTRL+SPACE) for quickly identifying units as you move the mouse over the map. Clicking anywhere on the map will toggle OFF Roaming Mode.
    • Implemented Slow Time for all units except Aircraft that allows units to expend more.
    • Points when moving to reduce the likelihood of casualties from Mines and IED’s.
    • Updated the Toolbar to incorporate buttons for Slow Time, Roaming Mode, and Game Action.
    • Speeds and revised placement of the Jump Map button.
    • Implemented new, dynamic, random Hex Info Box CSLogoXX images, with the option to fix images on a per scenario basis by appending [LG##] to the scenario description in the scenario.
    • Implemented Options → Damage Results → Position → Center, Upper Left, Upper Right, Lower Left and Lower Right, allowing the user to display the Damage Results where they prefer.
    • Overhaul of Mine/IED system with improved movement effects, including the addition of night.
    • and enemy proximity effects, delayed side awareness and several bug fixes.
    • IED’s now operate much like Mines in most ways. (For instance, step-down reductions, on activation and removal, not all in one go.)
    • Revised the Scenario Information dialog to display the scenario’s map region and biome.
    • Implemented the Scenario Information dialog in the scenario editor.
    • The Location Dialog will no longer display the ‘=’ and ‘+’ border labels, just the relevant place
    • Implemented a new Place All button in the Arrived Dialog for placing all listed reinforcements with a single click.
    • Units moving Double Time will be more likely to lose concealment and Units moving in Slow Time will be more likely to remain concealed.
    • Implemented single button Opportunity Fire Limit adjustments within the Opportunity Fire Dialog.
    • Implemented new XAlliedAttack/XAxisAttack hex flags that has the game engine recording any combat action originating from any hex and for any such hex, the “authorization denied” will not apply to artillery fire and.
    • Implemented additional Lua CSEE Debugging capabilities in the scenario editor.
    • Updates/improvements in the Find Organization Dialog in game and the Forces Dialog in the scenario editor providing additional information such as the hex location.
    • The Units/SPs/Losses Dialog will now also show unit type surviving Strength Points in addition to Strength Point losses.
    • Watercraft out in open water and in waterways will no longer have a chance of being concealed.
    • Implemented additional testing features, for on the fly toggling ON/OFF new and workinprogress features.
    • Implemented several new CSEE functions: fire_indirect_nearest_from(), garrison(), accompany(),  order_airstrike(), move_slow(), has_attack()
    • In the Scenario Editor, implemented a new, standalone Missions Dialog, for specifying one or more Mission Types for each side. (We anticipate making expanded use of this legacy capability, both in the EAI and the CSEE/SAI.)
    • Expanded the list of Mission Types from the legacy 11 to 23.
    • Extended the sound categories from 35 to 43, to accommodate the eight new aircraft/helicopter sound types.
    • Extended Map Hints to display ‘W’ marker labels at inland Waterway hexes.
    • In 2D, when direct firing blindly into apparently empty hexes, the tracer fire and explosion graphics will newly display.
    • Trace fire and light arms explosion graphics will no longer display, and map recentering to the target hex will not happen, if the target hex is out of Line of Sight.
    • Implemented the new CSEE functions: game(), game_name(), scenario(), missions(), mission_name(), region(), region_name(), biome(), biome_name(), condition(), shuffle().
    • Implemented a new CSEE/SAI uber function, attack_sequential().
    • Implemented a new CSlint utility,, for modifying unit flag values.
    • Revised the CSlint utilities & to accommodate the new Mission Types and new CSEE functions.
    • With the -V command-line option, every game EXE will display its version # and build time/date.
    • Revamped the log system ERRID codes, for better CSEE/SAI debugging.
    • Updated several CSlint utilities.
    • Ambush situations will now come with assault background sounds.
    • Implemented several new CSEE functions: attack_nearest_arc(), hexes_habitat().
    • Enhanced Developer debugging.
    • In the game engine Status Bar, spread out display elements to mitigate info crowding.
    • Implemented new CSEE function: counters_active(), function_name().
    • Removed the OK button from most reports, clicking anywhere will dismiss the dialog.
    • Added new command-line parameter (-V), for reporting the EXE version and whether or not the built in DEBUG or RELEASE mode.
    • Implemented new and improved Tool Bars.
    • Implemented colour-coded border map labels.
    • Implemented dynamic, customizable message dialog backgrounds (with all such image BMP’s in a new game folder, Backgrounds).
    • Implemented two new CSEE message dialogs: Bulletin (between Message & Report in size), and Remark (the smallest, smaller that Note). Also implemented new CSEE functions pertaining to the new dialogs, including an auto sizing, all-purpose dialog function.
    • Incorporated the previous Monochrome (“Coin”) bases mod as the new Alternate Bases. The earlier Alternate Bases have been retained as Insignia Bases.
    • In user.lua, revised csee_check() with improved CSEE memory management (garbage collection.
    • Reinforcement arrival scatter extends to all types of reinforcements, not just paratroops. Implemented Help →Unit Handbook (Passenger) (ALT + F2) to reveal stats of passenger.
    • Implemented Higher Organization Highlight (select and press CTRL) in the scenario editor.
    • Implemented dialog windows minimize, maximize and restore for many of the larger dialogs.
    • Improved Highlighting of selected unit in Unit List.
    • Changed and increased font for numbers in the Unit List.
    • Implemented Display → Hex Jump for map, scn editors and in game (ALT + X).
    • Updated Scrolling Options and Screen Edge default.
    • Added new assault sounds to enhance play.
    • Added new combat and assault graphics with much more variation.
    • Added aircraft ordnance indicators to quickly identify ordnance loads in CAS dialog.
    • Airstrikes are centered on the map when they arrive.
    • Added “Ambush” feature where 0 Assault value units will potentially suffer losses or eliminations if attempting to perform an assault.
    • Implemented Separate Side A and Side B Objective Points displays in Victory dialog.
    • Implemented ability for selecting unit in the Organization dialog to find a unit on the map.
    • Implemented cycle through currently selected/highlighted company using Next.
    • Implemented Option for centering map on combat area.
    • Implemented Option → Center on Action to recenter the map to where combat occurs.
    • Implemented TrackID Jump (ALT + K) to find and select a unit by its TrackID
    • PBEM: With Enhanced Reporting ON, no dialogs are displaying during replay. With
enhanced reporting OFF, dialogs will display with full details.
    • Helicopters flying Nap of the Earth at night have an increased movement cost over day time flight

    • Fixed the unscripted (no Scripted AI) artillery blind fire strikes. The AI will no longer fire blindly (to be implemented in the future).
    • In the map editor, fixed an issue where the region and biome changes were not saving to the .map file.
    • Fixed several LCG issues in the code, including more than one Crash to Desktop.
    • Fixed color inconsistency in Command Report and Damage Results Dialogs.
    • Fixed a bug in the map editor where the biome would not show properly in Values → Region and where the biome would not show properly in the Values → Biome.
    • Updated the frontend code to process the latest version # LCG .scl files properly.
    • Fixed a bug possibly preventing an amphibious unit moving from land to water or vice versa.
    • Fixed a bug where Landing Zones might be cleared in waterway hexes.
    • Fixed a bug where loaded waterway transports may be prevented from moving.
    • Fixed several bugs preventing the display of the on-map Unknown Unit marker.
    • Fixed a bug where a ferrying watercraft unit may leave a hex and potentially strand a ferried ground unit in the water. Ferrying watercraft will no longer be able to move if any potential
    • Ferried units have moved to shore. This action costs 50 Action Points.
    • When entering a roadblock hex, the moving side will gain side awareness immediately and the roadblock marker will instantly show.
    • Fixed a bug for some Options changes for the Unit List would not update automatically.
    • Fixed the broken Static All toolbar option.
    • Fixed a bug where the DaisyCutter operations were not working for ground units.
    • Fixed a bug where on PBEM (and LAN Play) scenario start, the New Scenario dialog (and Player Dialog), the Rules button was broken.
    • Fixed a bug with Units → Move Air Units Off Map in the scenario editor.Revised CSEE counters_weakest() function.
    • Fixed several UI color and background pattern issues.
    • Extended the game opening splash video by 10 seconds, in case the Windows Media Player is unusually slow to start.
    • Fixed other minor bugs and made other code improvements.
    • Revised Water graphics.
    • Revised Dune graphics.
    • Fixed several unit display artifacts.
    • Cleaned up some game engine and scenario editor dialog display issues.
    • Replaced new Toolbar graphics.
    • Implemented new “button” monochrome unit bases.
    • Tweaks to “coin” monochrome unit bases graphics.
    • Minor UI graphics fixes.
    • Added ~60 new Backgrounds images.
    • Fixed a number of *.bit unit outline files.
    • Fixed several minor UI color issues.
    • Fixed several 3D map graphic issues.
    • Added photos for the new dynamic, random Hex InfoBox CSLogo## images.

    • Numerous unit data edits.
    • Massive update for French forces.
    • Updated all maps with side awareness.
    • Revised aircraft statistics based on OOB file enhancements.
    • Added additional background sounds.
    • Revised movement values in Scrub and Paths for infantry.
    • Updated file with additional functionality for checking Lua files.
    • Map Editor – Plain, Water & Forest labels have been renamed Anthro, Hydro & Natural.
    • Revised CSlint tools.
    • Revised Digging In chance.
    • Revised Lua scripting to speed up unit movement.
    • Revised the airstrike scatter probability.
    • Revised the Weapon.pdt to incorporate the new special forces supply units.
    • Raised village TEM to 0.70.
    • Added new Special Forces supply unit to France/UK.
    • Revised the Weapon.pdt to incorporate the new special forces supply units.
    • Revised the Sounds.dat to incorporate the new sounds for aircraft and helicopters.
    • Fixed several other sound issues.
    • Updated to check for fire capable units with a zero-fire cost
    • Fixed Map in Bootcamp 4.
    • Revised Sirte scenarios with scripting.
    • Removed scripting for all other scenarios.
    • No new mods for the 2.30 UPDATE

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