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Author Topic: D.O.W. Steel Beasts Wednesday Mission 06/10/21 @ GMT18:00  (Read 969 times)

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Offline Rinix

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D.O.W. Steel Beasts Wednesday Mission 06/10/21 @ GMT18:00
« on: October 06, 2021, 04:23:28 PM »
D.O.W. Steel Beasts Wednesday Mission 06/10/21 @ GMT18:00

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

BR_mission3_krause by Zipuli (modified by krause)

Mission 3

Porta Westfalica
June 15th 1988, 0440hrs

Most important events and radio chatter heard during last 30 minutes:
0408 - Apache lead element passes 2C positions, 2C confirms visual on M1A1s and BFVs following.
0410 - Artillery and smoke fall into Klus, 4C confirms.
0414 - 4C reports Apache attacking Klus and crossing road 65 to north. Heavy firing at Klus. 2C reports Apache maintenance section passed their positions. Brief radio contact with withdrawing West German unit: "Any Amerikaner units, hier WALROSS. We are what is left of ze German Bataillon from Wunstorf. We have ze Ruskies right on our tail und our ammo ist seht low! Help, please... (connection lost) ...und as far as we know, we are ze last NATO forces coming out alive hier! Quick, hilf... (connection permanently lost)" (yes, the Germans did speak like this in the 1980s!)
0417 - Enemy artillery falling on the intersection of Roads 65 and 482. 4C confirms visual. Heavy fighting at Klus.
0418 - A Troop informs Klus is clear of enemy. 4C and 66C receive green light to move back to Porta Westfalica.
0420 - A Troop reports contact with ATGM units at Berenbusch. A Troop fires King Battery to Berenbusch.
0424 - A Troop reports their lead element being under ATGM attack from Berenbusch. Damage received.
0431 - A Troop reports losing 2 tanks to ATGM fire. Heavy artillery sounds heard from Bückeburg direction. A Troop reports taking Röcke.
0433 - A Troop reports Hinds from north! 1 tank and 2 BFVs lost north of Klus to Hind fire. B Troop reports reaching Porta Westfalica.
0437 - Hinds are reported being shot down or withdrawn leaving a smoke trail. German units spotted north of Bückeburg, they seem to have contact with the enemy. B Troop passes 2C, visual established. C Troop gets green light to pull all units back to Porta Westfalica.

C troop "Crazyhorse" XO meets Squadron CO "Tiger" at Porta Möbel. Sound of heavy fighting heard from the north:


We are heavily engaged at Röcke. Squadron main body is fighting there as you can hear in the comms. We got our right flank more or less open for enemy attacks... Only intel from that direction is the recon platoon you killed on route E30. Other than that, there should have been more retreating NATO forces from that direction, as informed by the M60 crews, but nothing has been heard of them. We presume the enemy is using the Kleinenbremen area for an attack route around 1st Squadron to Minden... The enemy mech forces have so far avoided going into urban areas, as they present too big an obstacle for speed. So you should not be too worried about enemy units lurking inside the buildings in towns... Should not!

Your mission:
1) Probe along E30, destroy any enemies encountered and secure line Concord at Kleinenbremen - Todenmann area. Establish contact with Bandit at Wülpke (using CO or XO vehicle and moving it to the ref point marked on your tactical map). Prevent enemy from using the Kleinenbremen corridor for attacks towards Minden.
2) Screen the Squadron right flank by taking Line Caboose at Bad Eilsen - Buchholz - Steinbergen area.

In addition to your 2 107mm mortars, King Battery (6 x M109, 155mm) will support you with HE and SM fires - ICM fires are all given to main attack...
You will also receive platoon from 43rd Combat Engineer Company for breaching and marking minefields in cooperation with your plow units.
7C (maintenence platoon) has also made it in the area and is joining your company as soon as it gets here, shouldn't be more than 5 minutes!

Remember that force preservation is of utmost importance, but failing to take Kleinenbremen may turn out catastrofic for the SQN later on! We're counting on you!

Good luck! And keep that intel coming!"

Mission begins 0440hrs, visibility is still "only" 2500m. Mission time is 90 minutes.

Mission ends after 90 minutes or after final objective is reached.

Dogs Of War Vehicles: (in mission)

M1A1 (HA): Click here

M3A2 (ODS): Click here

** Notes **
SB Version: 4.265
Mission Name: BR_mission3_krause
Created by: Zipuli
Available at:
Modified by: krause
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Company
Smallest command: Crew Position
Mission Duration: 90 minutes
Minimum number of players: 2
Date: Wednesday Mission 06/10/21
Time: 18:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here
Teamspeak IP:
Room: Steel Beasts Pro

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Complete at least 1 tutorial for M1A1(HA) or M3A2 (ODS).
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
•   HAVOC designated members and Red Alert.
•   Our goal is to have the DOW session more immersive and realistic.

Manning list:


M1A1 (HA)s

M3A2 (ODS)s

Support units:

Any position:

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