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Author Topic: SGS Halls of Montezuma  (Read 3011 times)

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Offline Asid

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SGS Halls of Montezuma
« on: April 14, 2021, 12:33:38 AM »

Halls of Montezuma recreates the Mexican-American war of 1846-1848. Play the USA and conquer Mexico City before Whig opposition in Congress forces a negotiated peace. As Mexico, hold desperately against the enemy’s onslaught, to gain enough time for America's internal politics to end the war.

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Single-player, Shared/Split Screen PvP, Cross-Platform Multiplayer, Remote Play Together

SGS Halls of Montezuma Trailer


Halls of Montezuma recreates the Mexican-American war of 1846-1848. Play the USA and conquer Mexico City before Whig opposition in Congress forces a negotiated peace. As Mexico, hold desperately against the enemy’s onslaught, to gain enough time for America's internal politics to end the war.

The Halls of Montezuma game contains many scenarios, covering different periods of the Mexican-American war of 1846-1848. The war was initiated by US President Polk on the premise that the southern border of Texas should be he Rio Grande River, while Mexico claimed that the border was on the Nueces River. The Whig party and many American citizens opposed the war, and this is a decisive factor in the game. Small scenarios cover the early stages of the war over the disputed territories in southern Texas or, in the West, in California and New Mexico. Another scenario deals with Scott’s famous 1847 campaign, starting with the landing at Vera Cruz till the capture of Mexico city. And, of course, a complete Grand Campaign covers the whole war.
Scenario durations last from 8 turns (for the smaller ones) to over 44 turns, each representing a two-weeks period between April 1846 and March 1848.

One player represents the United States of America's land and naval forces, the other has Mexico's land and Naval forces.
•   The Mexican forces are more numerous at the start of the game, but are poorly led and have lower morale. They receive only a small number of reinforcements and must hold desperately against the onslaught and superior morale of their enemy, hoping to gain enough time for America's internal politics to disrupt and eventually end the war.
•   The USA must advance and eventually conquer Mexico City before the Whig opposition to the war forces a negotiated peace. This anti-war sentiment is represented in the game and shall be carefully watched. The starting forces are small initially, but supplemented many Volunteers and further reinforced by regular Army units. And the US Navy dominates the seas, giving a sizable strategic advantage.

Be careful of the potential weakness of some quality but small units. As the USA, losing regular army units will seriously affect the anti-war sentiment at home. Watch your supply assets, as early success may easily outrun your capacities in the logistical nightmare of Mexico in the early 19th century.

The game's event and cards allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that they create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.

The game is named after and in tribute of the USMC famous hymn.

Estimated Playtime: from 1h00 to many hours...
Favored Side: USA.
Hardest to Play: Mexico.

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Offline Asid

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Re: SGS Halls of Montezuma
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2021, 11:11:51 PM »
Halls of Montezuma is releasing today
Thu, 20 May 2021

The US-Mexican War 1846-1848

The latest game from Strategy Game Studio is now ready for launch.

Play the war that oppose two major nations of North America.

•   As the US, you must conquer Mexico and ensure victory before domestic politics hamper the President's efforts.
•   As the Mexicans, resist the best you can to the American onslaught and obtain a favorable peace, either on the field or through your play on the latent antiwar sentiment of some of the US citizens.

Fight from 1846 to 1848, and from California and Texas to the heart of Mexico.

The Strategy Game Studio

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Offline Asid

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Re: SGS Halls of Montezuma
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2021, 11:47:27 PM »
Thu, September 9, 2021

Online Rules and other Fixes

We have decided to put the SGS manual online, on the SGS website. This will allow for easier consultation and faster update when we make changes.

You can access them here:

Code related to Air Rules is present but obviously not used in this game due to the game context and time period.

- (Air Movement and Stacking) Added scenario-level air stacking limit, with some special terrain-level exceptions, complete with move alerts and on-map display and filter button in minimap
- (Supply) Supply units now take one hit when used instead of being killed directly
- (Stacking) Damaged units with a base stacking value different from 0 now cannot have a 0 stacking value because of rounding (-1 or 1 instead)
- (Unit Context Info) Now the current base of origin (airfield) is displayed for air units, whether they are in it or not
- (Map) Added automatic focus on regions to select (reinforcements, events)
- Stacks with infinite move range now display the infinite symbol

- (Retreat) Fixed possibly very slow retreat calculation in the case of an encircled retreater
- (Battle) Fixed several missing battle modifiers
- (Structures) Fixed supply information given in Structure's Information Window

- (Supply Stack Effect) The effect can now be restricted to a specified Location
- (Stacking) Fixed bug where region's stacking value included units popping above their host structure
- (Stacking) Fixed bugs with overstacking during aerial movement phases

- (Camera Controls) Fixed selected image for Supply and Air Stacking
- (Animation) Removed animation when reinforcement arrive on existing stack to avoid scaling issues

- Finished improving economy phase (for the upcoming Taïpings game and other SGS games later)
- (Economy) Mostly fixed Purchase phase and appearance of Income window.
- (Production) Now supports definition of units that can be produced through unit sets
- (Purchase) Now supports definition of units that can be produced through unit sets
- (Purchase) Added automated zoom to production regions + blinking

- (Movement) Implemented indigenous Units to restrict movement to certain zones (e.g. militias)
- (Movement and Transport) Added escort units, implemented new version of the transport effect

- (Battle) Fixed bug with computation of main round execution, the value was never set to true

- (Save / Debug) The date when the scenario was exported when created with SGSEdit is now stored in saves (scenario.json), to allow better checks on saves reports returns by players (i.e. on which version of the scenario they play).

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