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Author Topic: D.O.W. Sunday Open Mission 28/03/21 @ GMT18:00  (Read 1626 times)

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Offline Rinix

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D.O.W. Sunday Open Mission 28/03/21 @ GMT18:00
« on: March 28, 2021, 05:33:16 PM »
D.O.W. Sunday Open Mission 28/03/21 @ GMT18:00

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

Three Bridges by ssidiver

Sleezarians are occupying most of New Katar, the Allies are pushing back.

a) Enemy:
More than one Sleezarian Armoured Battalion, expect multiple thrusts from the West; as well as Sleezarian allied terrorists.
Probable enemy equipment will include T-90s, BTR B-10s and BMP3s.

b) Own:
2 Coy is operating to the South and 3 Coy to the North, and are moving forward against opposition.

1 Coy group:
1st Pl Inf
2nd + 3rd Pl Mechanized infantry
4th Pl Tank
5th Pl Armoured Recce

c) Attachments: 
Armed recon helicopters
Self propelled mortars

The New Katar forces are known to be unpredictable as are their irregular forces.

One battery of artillery is available. You also have some air support available.

Sleezarian artillery is still active.

Seize town Obj 01 (at approx 205863); expected within approx 30 minutes

You are incharge of 1st Pl Inf, take and hold bridges 01 (at approx 241843), 02 (at approx 230848) and 03 (at approx 208863), in that order. Use the utility helicopters for heli assault.The mechanized infantry (2nd and 3rd pls) will pass through your lines, securing the route and town Obj 01 (at approx 205863).

You must have control of all three bridges, as well as town Obj 01. Men from 1st Pl Inf at each bridge out numbering any enemy units. As well as men occupying the town out numbering any enemy unit.

Medium cloud, very light precipitation expected. Wind from the SW at 4 m/s, 18 to 22 deg C, Pressure 1015 mbar, visual range 3 km


Date and Time 5th of Nov 2022, 0600 hrs

Playing options:
Seize the bridges one at a time using 1st Pl.
Optionally take control of 2nd (trigger 2) and/or 3rd Pls (trigger 3) as well.

There are five different 'forces':
- Your own 2 Coy (Blue)
- 2 Coy and 3 Coy (Green)
- New Katar regulars and irregulars (Purple)
- Sleezarian regulars (Red)
- Sleezarian irregulars (Brown)

The Sleezarian units are scripted quite randomly, both in their routes and number of units.

This should be approximately a half hour scenario.

Map: Revingehed

Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)

UH-60 Blackhawk Click here

** Notes **
SB Version: 4.250
Mission Name: Three Bridges
Created by: ssidiver
Available at:
Modified by: N/A
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Platoon
Smallest command:Crew Position
Mission Duration: Unknown
Minimum number players: 2
Date: Sunday Open Mission 28/03/21
Time: 18:00 GMT
Event time
Teamspeak IP:
Room:Steel Beasts Pro

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Read the Wiki page for the UH-60.
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
•   Open mission, those outside the unit are welcome, previous DOW members contact us.

Manning list:


Any position

Mission discussion Click here
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