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Re: Astra Exodus Conquer the galaxy
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2020, 01:39:29 PM »
Astra Exodus - v1.00.06 Update
Tue, 24 March 2020

A new update for Astra Exodus is here.

Hi everyone!

We are releasing a new patch for Astra Exodus, updating the game to version 1.00.06.

Update 1.00.06 mostly focuses on fixes and both performance and quality-of-life improvements. Once again, thanks to everyone who provided their feedback to us, so that we could keep improving the game. Atomic Kaiser in the meantime will continue to work on their plans to further improve the game... stay tuned!

Version 1.00.06 Changes

+ Reduced the default difficulty to Captain and the difficulty to get bonus plaques to General
+ Fixed a significant bug in which the AI retrofiting starships disabled the end turn button
+ Made sure the AI gets a bit angry with constant demands, even if it accepts them due to high relations or threat. There are new modifiers for this.
+ Added the current selected Operative mission description to the corresponding panel
+ Now the file saves are ordered by date and time in the load game main panel
+ Added your/theirs to the tech being requested/granted in the audience screen to highlight who gets what
+ Improve the description/stats of the specialization picks so it's clear what you get
+ Improved english localization campaign messages and heroes
+ Removed the file extension in the name of a file save within the load game panel
+ Improved the visibility of of the board button in the colonists
+ Increased the upkeep/fee of the Ancient hero skill
+ Made sure to update heroes stats and skills as soon as they gain a level
+ Added the timestamp to the load screen of file saves
+ Improved performance by delaying loading audio files until they are absolutely necessary and added audio cue to the selected fleet panel
+ Improved load performance of graphic files from the hard drive
+ Added missing sound effects for troops in battle
+ Improved overall space battles performance, thanks to audio improvements
+ Strike craft now spawn further away from the carrier starship
+ Made sure assault starships(specially strikecraft) get the correct heading when you speed up the battle.
+ Improve significantly the initial game's startup time
+ Parametrize the Creative trait to set the number of techs available per level
+ Reduced minimum material efficiency to 20% to make mining more important
+ Pollution installations/techs affect morale instead for factions with the plantoids trait
+ Lowered the megafauna and native population peculiarity bonus to 6 food
+ Improved DataNet UI feedback on failed operative missions
+ Fixed a rare hero bug in which an operative is able to sabotage fleets of ships
+ Added an option to flip the mouse zoom scrollwheel direction
+ Fixed a bug in which support module space specialization picks were not working correctly

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Online Asid

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Re: Astra Exodus Conquer the galaxy
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2020, 11:43:54 PM »
Astra Exodus Dev Diary #17 - Advanced Modding Guide
Tue, 21 April 2020

A new Dev Diary for Astra Exodus: an advanced guide for all modders and modders wannabe!

Hey everyone.

Fernando here again guys, first of all I hope you are all doing ok, with all that is going on. Stay safe! In any case, here I come with another entry of the Astra Exodus dev diaries. I thought since I’ve received lots of requests for a more in depth modding guide and pretty much many of us are staying indoors, it was a good time to actually do it. Why not before? Because I’ve been busy working on the next major update to the game, which we hope to reveal in a couple of weeks ;) you can expect news about it to come your way very very soon, so stay tuned! Anyway, onto modding now!

Where to start?

Well in the basic modding guide, which you can find here:

This guide will assume you have at least read through that one first, before proceeding with this one. You can also check out the manual, where you have more material on the subject. Finally it is always recommended to pick an already working mod to start from and use as a reference. For this you can use the Star Wars and/or Translation mods, which were created by me, but any will do of course.


This file under the /Data/ directory contains all the game’s most important variables. Beyond the objects in the game, like factions, techs, etc, this file defines the overall rules; with which it must be governed. We will go over each section, which is denoted by a comment starting with --, to see what kind of variables each one has.

Debugging: Here you can toggle on/off logging and also the cheats. The log will be outputted to C:/Users/<UserName>/AppData/LocalLow/Atomic Kaiser/Astra Exodus.

Localization: In this section you can add more languages to the game by providing a localization RESX file. You can use one of the two provided under /Data/Localization as examples. Here all you have to is enter the two letter country code with which the localization file ends with. It must be a proper ISO3166 country code. Each coded string here will be referenced from the other data files of the game, such as techs, modules, etc to find the localized text to display. These are usually shown as ID, Name, Description and Stats. However stats is, in most cases, autogenerated by the game(special abilities are the only exception).

AI: For the AI you have two main parameters so far, one that adjusts how social it is, meaning how often it will seek others to trade, threaten, etc. And finally an aggressiveness setting that will regulate how often it is willing to pick up a fight.

Economy: There are many variables herer that affect the economy in the game. Probably the most importants are the required foo per population, the minimum materials efficiency factor(determines how fast you can construct stuff if you are out of minerals) and tax income per population. You also have the rate at which construction/industry is converted into Credits, Research and Population; as well as how much these projects cost.

Pollution, Corruption and Morale: This section is clearly named after the mechanics it rules over. Here the most important are the maximum pollution percentage, the minimum morale percentage and the maximum corruption percentage. Remember that morale affects minerals extraction, pollution affects construction/pop growth and corruption affects credits/research.

Start: Here you can adjust the base start date and the initial starting conditions for each era start. It is important to remember to not reference here any installation or troop, which won’t be in the mod.

Galaxy: Here you can adjust the size factor to generate bigger galaxies, as well as the min and max distance between starts, to make them sparser. You can also adjust the min/max players per galaxy size allowed.

Victory Conditions: Most people here will want to adjust the number of turns required for enabling each victory condition. One thing to keep in mind though, are the extra values used in the calculation, one as a base starting value and the other as a multiplier per galaxy size (Tiny = 1, Huge = 5).

Planets: Planet specific values go here, including the max population modifier per size and how the Construction is impacted due to abnormal gravity in them. Also more importantly, here you define the base per labourer resource generation, for each planet type.

Starsystems: Just as you did with planets before, here you can adjust stuff for starsystems, such as the planets and peculiarity chance. You can also change here the label colour for unowned and custom factions.

Fleets: Here you change how fleets work, more precisely their detection and movement range. Plus of course their base speed.

Diplomacy: In the Diplomacy section you can change how much tribute is paid, the base credits exchange and the factor result for some treaties.

Heroes: There are tons of variables here to modify how heroes work, from how many as a base you can have, up to their starting salary(hiring cost). However the most important are probably how much experience they gain pero class and how many turns it takes them to to wait for you, be out of action and go from one place to another.

Battles: The main value you will probably want to adjust here is the maximum starships per battle. Not that this affects only capital ships, it doesn’t affect strike craft. Other important values are related to the autoresolve randomization, the difference between the min and max damage here will determine how random they feel.

Starships: Within this section you will first have to set the ID for some of the base modules in the game, meaning the default Constructor, Colonizer and Engine modules. Then you can adjust the upkeep and core module cost modifier for all ship sizes.

Espionage: In this section you can adjust the base chance in percentage and duration turns of each of the espionaje missions in the game. Remember that these values will be added to the corresponding hero, when determining the success chance of a mission.

Ground Battles: Here you can adjust mainly the initiative delta time(how many seconds each initiative unit value take), the max troops per planet and the bonuses some installations provide in battles.

Menaces: Here you can provide a list of starship designs to be used as galactic menaces, when the game starts. Remember to make sure any specified designs here actually exist within the mod’s structure!

Ability/Trait IDs: Within this section you can specify the IDs you will use to represent specific abilities and traits which affect the game in a particular and significant way, which is not otherwise adjustable. An example is the Ancient trait, which fires an ability, showing the whole map at start; without giving away the other player’s start systems.

Starsystem names: Finally in this last part of the text file, you can specify the starsystem name which you want used in order to create the galaxy at game start. Make sure to have enough for whatever galaxy sizes you are going to allow. Using 250 should be enough, but it is not as varied as the default number of close to 500 names.

Factions and Traits

Besides the usual ID, Name and Description used for all other objects in the game, you will have to specify some other values for any custom made factions in your mod.

The values in the lore section are pretty self explanatory, just remember that these will be used in the game’s text when generating messages to the player, so make sure they make sense.

In the graphics section you can adjust the map color, which you can set from any online editor with RGBA values, and several relative graphic files. In this case an icon(flag or emblem), small portrait(faction pick), character graphics(500x680) and leader background(1024x768 for audiences).

Related to graphics but separated, since it’s worth it’s own section, you can find the starship set and visual keys. These are used to look up the ship graphics for this faction. We’ll talk more about these when we go over starship designs and classes.

You also need to specify a list of trait ids that belong to this faction. Traits are Abilities or Modifiers which affect how the game plays for the faction.

As you can see, traits are really simple, besides the obvious localization and icon, all you have to provide is its pick points worth, whether if it is positive, any trait id which it excludes(if this one is added to the faction, then this one can’t be added as well, when customizing a faction) and finally the modifier or ability id.

Finally you need to define how the faction will behave when the AI is using it, this is done through the setting of an Agenda, Focus and Rival; plus its Preferences for Starships, Troops and Tactics. You can find a more in depth explanation of each of the possible values here within the AI Dev Diary, which you can find here:


Techs are filed under the /Data/Techs folder, each one of them can reference a Troop, Installation, Ability, Modifier and/or Module. This is done by an ID, which each tech must set, in order for the game to find what it unlocks.

To recap, you build installations and troops in your colonies. Modifiers are added to your empire, affecting everything you own. Abilities let you do things you couldn’t to before. And finally modules are used to design starships, so you can then build them.

Besides that all you need to establish is to what category it belongs to, what level and it’s research cost.


Installations are relatively simple, besides the obvious localization and icon stuff, all you need is to set a classification, a generated or added modifier, a cost and finally how much upkeep it will cost. An installation’s classification can be: Defense, Construction, Credits, Food, Metals, Research, Industry, Morale, Organics, Rares, Corruption, Population and Special.

The effects of an installation can either be to increase the per colonist (GeneratesModifier) output of a resource or to simply add a fixed amount (GeneratesAdditionally) of said resource automatically to the colony’s totals. For a value of GeneratesModifier, you will usually have “Percentage” added to the resource name, as it is the case for the example given. In the case of a GeneratesAdditionally value, you only need to put the resource name and the given amount. You can check all the examples on this, under the /Data/Installations game folder.

Starship Designs and Classes

A starship design file is the representation of a design, which you can actually make in game. However some designs are needed before the player starts, these are the ones used as default and those used as menaces.

A design then consists of a Class reference, a combat tactic, the core/support module ids it has installed and finally a list of weapon mounts (with grade). Each weapon mount can then have a weapon installed or not, like in the screenshot above. Additionally an IsDefault flag is set, for those designs reserved for the start of the game. For more information on the designs themselves, weapon mounts, grade etc you can refer to this dev diary: Z.

The most important part of a design however is a concept that is barely seend within the game, which is the configuration of the class it represents. For that we have another file, referenced by the StarshipClassID value, where that is setup.

A starship class, like the one shown in the previous image, will most importantly have besides a unique ID; a StarshipSetKey which is used in the Graphics section to find the corresponding graphics for the class in the following form:


The VisualVariationKey helps the player customize the ships to his or her liking, by changing their color scheme in the appropriate screen. Regarding the sprite sizes, you can follow the table below, to make sure any custom starship graphics are correctly set up for the game. Just in case all sprites are YxY, meaning they are squared.

The physics section is to help with hit detection when the sprites has issues that prevent the automatic collider generation from generating a closed optimized 2D shape. They only to be changed in this case, otherwise they can be left out.

After that you have the Thrusters and Weapons sections, the most important part here is the position they are going to take, from within the center of the sprite. In order to find the exact position you can open the Unity3D game engine, create a sprite renderer object and assign the image of your ships. The create an empty gameobject as the child of the ship, moving that object across the sprite will net you the coordinates you need, to fill out the position for the class engines and weapon ports. Finally on weapon ports, you need to specify an ID, which I encourage to be as follows: Turret/Fixed + Micro/Light/Main/Heavy/Massive + a number.

The decals used are the same across ship roles, so just copy the decals info for your ship, according to the role/size it has. Finally the same position logic as with thrusters/weapons, must be done with the Faction Logo, however here one must also specify the scale it is going to take. You also need to specify whether it will be copied in symmetry or not, along the Y axis of the ship(to the sides).

Starship Modules

As we saw in the Starship Designs dev diary here Z, there are three base categories of starship modules: Core (defenses and engines), Support (power, ordnance, etc) and Weapons. In turn, each category has many types, however since these have already been covered in said dev diary and the manual; we are not going to go in depth in each one of them.

To create a new or modify an existing module, you need to specify, besides the basic localization and icon stuff, the classification info. This includes the category, type and PrefabID (only for shields and engines). For a prefab id, you can use the ones already in the game, to represent your module for now. In the case of Weapons, you will also have to specify what mount grades it can be equipped into and what type of weapon it is (Mass, Particle, Beam or Missile).

After the classification section, you will have to set the proper stats of the module, which will vary greatly with the type of module you want to create. I again recommend that you pick one from another mod or from the game itself as an example to follow. Most modules however will consume power, so the PowerRequired stats will be there. For weapons of course, you will have the Damage, Range, RateOfFire, etc as usual. In the case of support modules, you will also have to specify the amount of space it will take in the spaceship and whether more than once can be equipped(by default this is true).

Finally all that is left to set is the production and upkeep cost for the module, this will of course reflect on the ship that uses these modules, as in turn said ship Production/Upkeep cost will be an aggregate of the modules it carries. In the case of core modules, since they are different according to role/size, that cost will be modified accordingly. The same thing happens with weapons and the mount grade where they are equipped, meaning a Micro weapon will cost less than a Heavy one.


Troops are simple enough to modify, besides the base localization and icon, you need to start first by assigning a Classification (Infantry, Armor, Mech or Airborne) and Domain (Ground or Amphibious). Then you need to specify a sound group ID, you can reuse one of the ones created for the game, assign the stats for the troop. Including finally its production and upkeep cost.


Peculiarities are easy enough to set up, all you need to do, besides the basic localization and icon stuff; is specify what they generate (just like with installations), to what planet classes/sizes they are restricted to and whether if they can only appear on alive (Food > 0) planets.

Heroes and Skills

Heroes are perhaps the easiest entity to set up in the game, all you need besides the localization and icon (portrait in this case), is the list of skill ids which the Hero is going to have access to. The added upkeep cost of these traits will then become both the upkeep and hiring cost you will have to pay to enjoy his or her services in game.

In turns skills are a little bit harder, you need to set up the increment per level, meaning how much the modifier goes up when levelling the skill. Whether or not the increment is Additive (for example the Navigator traits gets an Additive +1 to range) or a Percentage (for example the General traits gets an additional 10% experience bonus). Then finally the ID of the modifier to be applied and of course the upkeep cost of the trait.

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Re: Astra Exodus Conquer the galaxy
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2020, 11:37:14 PM »
1.00.08 - Beta - Help us test the new Arena Update!
Mon, 11 May 2020

We are currently working on a huge new update, bringing new game modes, tools heroes and much more!

Hello Everyone,

Atomic Kaiser has been working hard to improve and expand the game. We are currently working on a huge new update, bringing new game modes, tools heroes and much more! The full changelog can be found below.

Some of the main changes are:

- Arena Mode - Configure armies and fight battles, testing your own designs and tactics!

- Ship Designer - Now you can design ships for all factions right from the comfort of your main menu! Experiment at will, and test your designs in the arena

- HOTSEAT - Play local multiplayer games.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the massive nature of this update, it is NOT savegame compatible with previous versions.

We are at the stage where we are asking for your help to test this massive update, before we roll it out as an official patch. You can access the beta version of this update by activating the beta branch. Instructions can be found below.

We would greatly appreciate all the feedback we can get! Spotting bugs or glitches? Let us know! Having questions or ides? Drop us a line on these forums!

Please give the new build a try and drop me a line if you have any questions about how to access the build.

How to sign up to the beta:
- Open your Steam library
- Right click Astra Exodus
- Select Properties
- Open the BETAS tab
- Select Open Beta from the drop down menu
- Wait for your download
- Enjoy!

Version 1.00.08 Changes
+ Fixed first time game start problem with strange resolutions and aspect ratios, which defaulted the resolution to the minimum available resolution
+ Improved support for rare resolutions and aspect rations
+ Gravity generator now can not be constructed on normal gravity planets
+ Fixed a bug that made imposible to remove the same module installed on an existing design from the quick designer
+ Fixed a bug in which optimized shields specialization was not lowering power consumption value
+ Enable specializations in the quick designer, which were disabled somehow
+ Modified the trading holds special support module so it has half the space, power and costs, while giving double the credits
+ Changed the Might function to make sure the value is more relfective of the effectiveness use of the ship and is balanced between roles/cost
+ Disable tactical battles in ground and space when fighting other human forces, as it was unfair to fight them under the AI control
+ Fixeda a bug when doing 1v1 hotseat games with the audience screen at the first meeting
+ Significantly increased max pop and materials production in all planet types except terran. Increased trade a bit in terran and taxes for all planets.
+ Made sure the AI is more strict when giving into player demands like techs, tribute and starsystems
+ Increased and extended diplomatic penalty for bombing enemy colonies
+ Fixed a problem in which bombard a planet to extinction might sometimes rename the player's homeworld
+ Fixed an issue with the homeworld icon, after one is destroyed via bombing, since it remained over the planet
+ Improved the datanet area, by increasing it's size and making it not overlap with the VC box
+ Fixed a bug in which conquering an enemy colony would sometimes change the player's homeworld name
+ Fixed a bug in which the AI would not retreat fleet correctly from a tactical space battle
+ Added a visual indicator of the Battle Simulator update in game
+ Made sure the right click to close asks for confirmation when loosing changes to an existin design
+ Made sure research tab buttons remaing highlighted when selecting a tech, removing it from queue and changing the queue's order
+ Made sure the galaxy tooltips do not display over the file system name modal panel
+ Made sure not to open or close a main panel, when the corresponding button is highlighted and the player presses the space bar
+ Fixed a bug in which, when scuttling a fleet with only one ship, the fleet list was not immediately updated
+ Added 8 entirely new heroes to the game
+ Made sure that autosaves go in a different folder and made sure to highlight them in magenta
+ Fixed a bug in which file saves were not being removed from the list when deleted
+ Improved AI picking of build projects, specially combat starships. Now it weights more heavily performance vs default preference, which is better in easier difficulty levels specialy.
+ Madesure the designs advisor suggests the most efficient design might/cost instead of the most powerful
+ Enabled custom factions for the hotseat game mode
+ Madesure save files loaded from hotseat games work alright
+ Added a new full featured system to the game called Hotseat Multiplayer, where the player can set the human players in the sandbox settings, to play against
+ Added bigger galaxy sizes, like Huge and Gigantic to the game, with up to 200 starsystems
+ Improved zoom, fleet starting positions and allowed for more ships to participate in battle
+ Fixed battle zoom bugs, when you zoom out to the max, while hovering or after pressing one of the side buttons
+ Improved battle simulator fleet UI panels and added environment to the randomization
+ Improved initial load performance of the Battle Simulator and Quick Designer
+ Added a new full featured system to the game called Battle Simulator, which allows the player to setup battles, selecting ships and the setting; right from the main menu
+ Added a new full featured system to the game called Quick Designer, which allows the player to design ships from the main menu

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Online Asid

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Re: Astra Exodus Conquer the galaxy
« Reply #33 on: June 30, 2020, 02:18:42 PM »
Astra Exodus - The Talos Arena Update is out
30 June 2020

"We are releasing the biggest update ever for Astra Exodus.

It is truly a massive one, and we call it the Talos Arena Update."

Talos Arena Update Highlights

- Battle Simulator: Play battles right from the main menu. Select the your ships, the ones for your enemy and just start a battle. You can also adjust how large the battle is and even randomize it. Plus you can change the color of your ships.
- Quick Designer: In order to make it practical, you can access a full featured ship editor right from the main menu, with all the modules in the game enabled. So you can quickly create any ship design you want. These designs will show up later in the game, as well as those in the game show up in the battle simulator.
- Hotseat Multiplayer: Basically the ability of several people to play in the same computer, as different factions. You pick the ones that are human controlled and then manually switch players each turn.
- New Heroes: 8 new heroes were added to the game, to add more variety in large games specially.
- Larger Maps: Two new galaxy size settings were added, which increase the max map size significantly, with over 200 starsystems.
- New Galaxy Content: Two new peculiarities, one new menace, one new exploration event. The Astra Exodus universe has never been more rich.

All this new content and the new features are absolutely free and it was made possible thanks to Atomic Kaiser's dedication to improving Astra Exodus. We're looking forward to hearing what you think, so don't refrain from giving us your feedback in the comments section or on the forum.

Live Stream

If you'd like to see the new features in action, we are going to stream the game tomorrow July 1st at 6 pm BST on our
. It'll be a special stream completely focused on the new features - don't miss it.


Last but not least: Astra Exodus is currently on sale, at 30% off, for two days. If you'd like to give it a try this is the perfect chance to acquire it. You can find the discount here.

Version 1.01.04 Changes

+ Increased level 2 and upwards installations costs, as they were way too cheap
+ Made sure to clear selected profile when opening the profiles panel, so no ghost selection happens
+ Added alphabetical sorting to planets
+ Added the homeworld of allies/enemies to the known starsystems at mission start in the campaign
+ Rebalance planet fraquency so more inorganic planets are generated instead of organic across all settings
+ Redesigned options panel so it doesn't look so tall, now that we have tons of options
+ Tweaked the IluminaStarnation and VeloranHorde colors so they are more distinguishable
+ Made sure autosaves with the same settings don't overwrite each other
+ Fixed a bug in which autosaves wouldn't be deleted because they were being searched in the wrong folder
+ Made sure to clear factions after loading a game with a custom faction and going back to the main menu
+ Improved speed at which save files are generated
+ Increase Ancient trait cost by one and remove xenophiliac trait from Freudalim Hold
+ Parametrized and Increase/Decrease the values for max heroes traits individualists/collectivists
+ Increase/Decrease values for colony assimilation in xenophiliac/xenophobic traits
+ Added preventive measures for memory leaks in the late game, after hours of play. This should not happen anymore.
+ Added a way to dismiss for heroes available for hire(dismiss button next to hire)
+ Added an option to show the game's grid visually
+ Made sure that when moving pop from planet to planet within the same system, the lossing planet immediately shows one less.
+ Made sure rankings and score reflect the true state of the galaxy, instead the one corresponding to the past turn.
+ Added alphabetical sorting to colonies
+ Made sure that factions with the ancient trait do not agree to or try to share starcharts
+ Made sure the tool tip for possible planet/colony sort options lists the final option to the right (Corruption).
+ Made sure the resources/materials are shown correctly when they have extremely big numbers and format them in ks
+ Increased the number of possible labor icons on the colony screen to make sure each labourer has an icon, even if the colony has a ton of them in a categoy
+ Added the corrected datavid for ColonyManagement, with the clarification of non persistant resources
+ Made sure that when creating new designs, the new one shows up immediately for retrofits in colonies, without having to wait a turn
+ Fixed fleet eta times, which were not reflecting correctly the true hyperspace rating of the fleet, even if the actual speed was correct
+ Fixed a bug that happened when a new fleet was created, after the construction of a ship in a system without a stationed fleet, as the fleet list was not updated automatically
+ Changed the color of the sliders to make them pop up more, specially on the Fleets and Colonies panel
+ Made sure that Probability Engine event that generates a peculiarity skips Jovian/Asteroid planets
+ Fixed a bug related to the foreign diplomatic relations of eliminated players when loading a file save
+ Improved the battle/objective map indicator, so it is more correctly shown when zooming in and out
+ Improved fleet detection code and incoming enemy fleets datanet notifications
+ Increased battle time to 1000 seconds
+ Make sure to show population and troop transports in fleet battles if present
+ Increased base detection range and bonus detection range from techs, while reducing a bit the ones that give range
+ Improved fleet/colony detection code for the AI, since AI players were not correctly detecting each other fleets
+ Fixed a bug in which campaign missions, failed to check faction elimination VCs correctly
+ Improved text readability on filesaves UI, specially on autosaves
+ Made sure autosaves in a session, end up on top on the list, while on the same game session
+ Fixed a bug in the second campaign mission, which was screwing up the end condition
+ Made sure the AI can declare war, even when colonizable planets are known to it
+ Clicks on a planet within the planets screen, now keeps the screen location over the starsystem
+ Made sure that when 2 fleets are merged, both with admirals assigned, the higher skill one ends up in command of the resulting fleet
+ Fixed a bung in which fleets were moving in one turn from colonies with astra portal to systems without one
+ Fixed a bug in which the Astraportal was not working for more than one turn in some instances
+ Fixed a bug in which victory conditions were not being correctly visually updated
+ Increased planetary shipyard bonus to 25%
+ Fixed a bug in which the Evolutionary Ascenscion VC progress was not being saved
+ Fixed a bug in which rebelled colonies were not being saved
+ Now colony lost messages are correctly set when dealing with rebels
+ Fixed a bug in which if a colony got a rebellion, via a succesful operative mission, while constructing a starship; this would generate a problem that disabled the end turn button
+ Boost dockyards and shipyards bonus to make them more attractive
+ Reduced tax income a bit
+ Decreased base pop growth for a bit and parametrize it through the globals.lua file
+ Made sure new savefiles are ordered by time, when in the same game session
+ Massively increased the ability for the AI to expand in the early game
+ Improved AI capability to compare itself in terms of research, credits and construction
+ Now AI properly retreats when facing each other in battle if it thinks it can't win. Specially against the environment.
+ Made the AI more likely to construct ships it can't afford to upkeep but needs, now it will just try to balance the budget later
+ Now the AI does not move population to new colonies as much, specially in the early game
+ Now the AI evaluates only known players when making choices in the early game
+ Now the AI is more daring when facing a battle and evaluate planets better
+ The AI will now prioritize expansion over extermination for as long as it can
+ Improved timer control and move order lines visuals in space battles
+ Added time management controls like in space battles
+ Made the save file list faster, specially useful when you have tons of them, and be better presented to the player
+ Made sure the space battle and mission objetive indicators do not look bad when zooming out
+ Fixed a bug in which admirals ETA when assigned or dismissed to fleets, was not being updated in the hero list each turn
+ For the human player, now when splitting a fleet, the hero stays in the same fleet by default
+ Added a mechanism to disable a tech for the grid, if a required tech is not already available. Used it for Shielded/Armoured Fighter/Bombers and troop techs.
+ Fixed a bug in which the battle simulator didn't respect the might limit set, after the player manually added ships to the battle
+ Increase fixed ammount resources installations generate, to balance them with the increased per pop base resource generation in planets
+ Music now changes to the appropriate mood when loading a file save
+ Made sure that datanet notififcations for battles are marked as important
+ Parametrize in the globals.lua file and increased the maximum tactical space battle duration to 600 seconds
+ Fixed a bug that happened when a fleet was deployed whe you were zoomed out, the icon became smaller than it should
+ Improved AI to focus more in colonizationin the early game, even if it found targets and it is aggresive
+ Improved AI use of constructors, outposts and its valoration of planets
+ Made sure the AI uses the new industrial conversion projects correctly
+ Fixed a bug that happened when an invading army lost a tactical ground battle, in which after in the result panel it showed the invading troops as being in the defending fleet
+ Fixed a bug in which troops sounds were disabled after file load in ground invasions, which causes tactical battles to be bugged
+ Fixed a bug in which some sutoresolved battles, generated a retreat and the assasination of an admiral(as in a defeat), when they should be a victory; since the enemy fleet was totally destroyed
+ Improved the datanet notifications list, to make sure they are more easily seen and managged by the player
+ Fixed a bug that was causign the homeworld or other colony to change name, after the player conquered an enemy colony
+ Changed industry conversion projects so they convert industry each turn, instead of every X turns
+ Improved the AI so is able to better move population around, specially in the early game
+ Added info to the tooltip for all non persistant resources, on their nature versus others like the credits in the treasury
+ Added to the ColonyManagemet DataVid script info about the resources not being persistent
+ Fixed a rare bug on file save load, in which the first tech on the queue received extra research somehow
+ Fixed a bug in which the research queue order was changed, when the game was loaded after an inmediate order change
+ Fixed a bug for the natural aphrodisiacs peculiarity, which was giving one pop per turn as growth rate
+ Improved the AI in all difficulties to expand faster and better take into accounts rivals score
+ Fixed a bug in which population installations were indicating they increase pop growth when they don't
+ Now when a planet is terraformed, the planet list will be updated immediately
+ Adjusted victory conditions required turns to make them fire earlier if possible
+ Fixed a bug in filesaves after you meet other races and load, their small portraits did not show in the diplomacy screen
+ Modified score calculation to take colonists more into account and better reflect materials extraction
+ Added a highlighted warning that an asset will be scrapped next turn and added a visual warning in the government screen about the credits imbalance, within the upkeep section
+ Added the ancient cruiser menace to the game
+ Added a new event that grants a pecualiarity to a world
+ Fixed a bug related to optional fleet objectives in the campaign mode and autosaves. Basically once they were destroyed, the game still atempted to save them.
+ Increased the max zoom out value for huge and gigantic galaxies
+ Increased the total number of wormholes in huge and gigantic galaxies
+ Fixed a bug with campaign missions that started the player at war, which caused the whole mission to be bugged
+ Fixed a bug in which loading an auto save file from the caused a crash, due to the highlighting of the text incredibly
+ Made sure the player can only load valid file saves, meaning from the installed version, by disabling the load button on older file saves
+ Fixed a bug in which autosaves were not being loaded into the filesave list, from the auto subfolder
+ Parametriziced in the globals lua file and increased duration + frequency of galactic crises
+ Parametriziced in the globals lua file and increased base system event chance
+ Parametriziced in the globals.lua file and increased peculiarities base chance
+ Added the Extreme Bacteria (pollution reduction) peculiarity
+ Added the Natural Aphrodisiac (pop growth) peculiarity
+ Add the ability to replay an engagement from the after action report panel
+ Revised the update info on the lower left side of the screen
+ Added random tip to the loading screen, after a simulated battle is executed from the main menu
+ Added a basic after action report panel for the simulated space battles
+ Fixed a bug in which the player couldn't fight tactical battles against galactic menaces
+ Fixed first time game start problem with strange resolutions and aspect ratios, which defaulted the resolution to the minimum available resolution
+ Improved support for rare resolutions and aspect rations
+ Gravity generator now can not be constructed on normal gravity planets
+ Fixed a bug that made imposible to remove the same module installed on an existing design from the quick designer
+ Fixed a bug in which optimized shields specialization was not lowering power consumption value
+ Enable specializations in the quick designer, which were disabled somehow
+ Modified the trading holds special support module so it has half the space, power and costs, while giving double the credits
+ Changed the Might function to make sure the value is more relfective of the effectiveness use of the ship and is balanced between roles/cost
+ Disable tactical battles in ground and space when fighting other human forces, as it was unfair to fight them under the AI control
+ Fixeda a bug when doing 1v1 hotseat games with the audience screen at the first meeting
+ Significantly increased max pop and materials production in all planet types except terran. Increased trade a bit in terran and taxes for all planets.
+ Made sure the AI is more strict when giving into player demands like techs, tribute and starsystems
+ Increased and extended diplomatic penalty for bombing enemy colonies
+ Fixed a problem in which bombard a planet to extinction might sometimes rename the player's homeworld
+ Fixed an issue with the homeworld icon, after one is destroyed via bombing, since it remained over the planet
+ Improved the datanet area, by increasing it's size and making it not overlap with the VC box
+ Fixed a bug in which conquering an enemy colony would sometimes change the player's homeworld name
+ Fixed a bug in which the AI would not retreat fleet correctly from a tactical space battle
+ Added a visual indicator of the Battle Simulator update in game
+ Made sure the right click to close asks for confirmation when loosing changes to an existin design
+ Made sure research tab buttons remaing highlighted when selecting a tech, removing it from queue and changing the queue's order
+ Made sure the galaxy tooltips do not display over the file system name modal panel
+ Made sure not to open or close a main panel, when the corresponding button is highlighted and the player presses the space bar
+ Fixed a bug in which, when scuttling a fleet with only one ship, the fleet list was not immediately updated
+ Added 8 entirely new heroes to the game
+ Made sure that autosaves go in a different folder and made sure to highlight them in magenta
+ Fixed a bug in which file saves were not being removed from the list when deleted
+ Improved AI picking of build projects, specially combat starships. Now it weights more heavily performance vs default preference, which is better in easier difficulty levels specialy.
+ Madesure the designs advisor suggests the most efficient design might/cost instead of the most powerful
+ Enabled custom factions for the hotseat game mode
+ Madesure save files loaded from hotseat games work alright
+ Added a new full featured system to the game called Hotseat Multiplayer, where the player can set the human players in the sandbox settings, to play against
+ Added bigger galaxy sizes, like Huge and Gigantic to the game, with up to 200 starsystems
+ Improved zoom, fleet starting positions and allowed for more ships to participate in battle
+ Fixed battle zoom bugs, when you zoom out to the max, while hovering or after pressing one of the side buttons
+ Improved battle simulator fleet UI panels and added environment to the randomization
+ Improved initial load performance of the Battle Simulator and Quick Designer
+ Added a new full featured system to the game called Battle Simulator, which allows the player to setup battles, selecting ships and the setting; right from the main menu
+ Added a new full featured system to the game called Quick Designer, which allows the player to design ships from the main menu

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Re: Astra Exodus Conquer the galaxy
« Reply #34 on: July 23, 2020, 01:06:49 AM »
Astra Exodus - v1.01.05 Update
Tue, 21 July 2020

We are releasing a new update for Astra Exodus.

We are releasing a new update for Astra Exodus, bringing the game to version 1.01.05.

This update consists in a number of fixes and additional polish. You can find the full changelog down below. Let us know what you think of it, and if you have further feedback for us don't hesitate to tell us please.


+ Added an option to restrict the maximum number of autosaves per game session. The default number is 20, but it can go up to 100.
+ Got around a problem when loading saves that contain references to designs which are no longer valid, by loading them anyways (they might have been valid in a previous version)
+ Fixed a problem which resulted in an incorrect colony hunger calculation, based on the rouding of float numbers(extremely rare!), even when they had freighters bringing enough food.
+ Fixed a bug with the Researcher hero skill, which was not adding the correct number of research bonus, after game load
+ Fixed stat/description problems for Neutron Lance and Advanced Capacitor modules
+ Now most heroes notifications are auto removed, after the player has taken a look at them, without clicking on the notification itself
+ Now most starsystem notifications are auto removed, after the player has taken a look at it, without clicking on the notification itself
+ Now most colony notifications are auto removed, after the player has taken a look at it, without clicking on the notification itself
+ Added a way to move a group of colonists, instead of only one, when managing a colony's laborer. Basically all to the right of the one selected, are also moved in the operation.
+ The game now hides non valid designs, even if they somehow exist
+ Fixed a problem when a design is modified outside the game and is no longer valid, when an older file save is loaded
+ Fixed a problem in which power consumption bonuses for some specializations was not being correctly applied
+ Fixed a bug in which the prevoiusly selected starship design, was overwriting the new one specializations in some cases
+ Fixed a problem in which the ETA of population only fleets, was not being reflected in the true number of turns
+ Fixed a bug in which the incorrect total materials consumed would be shown at the start of the turn, until some laborer was moved or some other action was performed, which updated the colonies resource consumption
+ Added an Astraportal indicator to the starsystem info ui object
+ Fixed a bug in which the player couldn't remove a core module from a design in the quick designer
+ Added edge screen camera panning down and up experimentally. I added this by having the zone start slightly below the bottom buttons text.
+ Made sure late game campaign eleksun weapons, do not show in the quick designer
+ Fixed text misspellings with the starship tactics and the campaign briefing
+ Made sure bigger ships start in the center of formations in space battles
+ Added a notification for when a colony is idle, which was never shown due to the automatic industry conversion
+ Suggested techs to research now include their field so they are easier to find
+ Added a tooltip explaining gravity effects on a planet/colony
+ Added a datanet notification when a colony reaches max population
+ Made sure that when a new pop is born, it doesn't go to research if you are not researching anything
+ Reduced industry output to 2, to make the game a bit slower, specially in the early game
+ Fixed the Improved Shields tech stats that was showing 1500% instead of 150%
+ Show the research field the tech belongs to, when offering for trade, in the audience screen
+ Made sure that the autosave fires at end turn, if it didn't at the beggining of the turn, due to pending battles/proposals
+ Added a control to be able to focus a colony's labor directly from the colonies panel
+ Fixed an issue that happened when editing a colony name and switching the view to an outpost, the outpost would change name to that said colony
+ Expanded habitability tooltips to mention how it affects morale and how it can be improved through terraforming
+ Fixed a campaign bug, related to special techs received as reward for earlier mission objectives, which was preventing file load in the later missions of the campaign
+ Added the might to stationed menace fleet tooltips
+ Improved the wording of the specialization tech picks, as it is not clear that they increase once you research at least one tech per level, out of all the 9 research fields.
+ Auto retreat now skips systems with an enemy fleet if possible
+ Fixed an issue with wormhole connection lines not showing up when they should in multiplayer games
+ Fixed a bug that was allowing the player to somehow go over the specialization pick limit
+ Added the ability to load filesaves from older versions, which are compatible with the current one
+ Fixed a bug in which a governor could not be assigned to some starsystems, which had all or pretty much all planets colonized

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Re: Astra Exodus Conquer the galaxy
« Reply #35 on: September 09, 2020, 11:22:58 PM »
New playable factions coming with the next free update
Wed, 9 September 2020

There are new playable factions coming soon.

We are working on a new free update for Astra Exodus, which we aim to release sometimes next week.

Among the usual number of fixes and improvements, there is one new addition that we think will really please you: we are adding 5 new playable factions to the game.

Those are 5 factions which appear in the single player story campaign, and now you will be able to play as them in sandbox mode.

We're looking forward to releasing it and hearing what you think.

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Re: Astra Exodus Conquer the galaxy
« Reply #36 on: September 14, 2020, 11:51:04 PM »
Astra Exodus - v1.01.07 Update - New playable factions
Mon, 14 September 2020

5 new playable factions have been added to Astra Exodus
Update 1.01.07 releases today, and with it five new playable factions have been added to Skirmish mode.

This latest update is the culmination of Atomic Kaiser's relentless work on expanding and improving Astra Exodus. You can find the full changelog below. As usual, let us know what you think, your feedback is always welcome.

If you are on the fence, we are running a weeklong deal on Astra Exodus. Starting later today, the game will be 50% off for 7 days.

Version 1.01.07 Changes
+ Fixed an issue in which the starsystem owner would not change, after a colony was conquered through a ground invasion
+ Made sure the AI is always at least a bit aggresive, even in the case of a pacifist AI
+ Made sure that the AI changes victory condition if picked one that was disabled
+ Added an aggresiveness bonus/malus according to difficulty. It is neutral at the default Captain difficulty.
+ Made sure leftover research is taken into account when you trade for a tech you were researching, in order to calculated teh ETC for the next one
+ Fixed a bug related to reserching the last tech in field in a campaign mission, which was disabling the endturn button
+ Increased the max name length of designs to 20 characters
+ Improved the loading speed of the battle simulator
+ Improved the loading speed of the quick designer and in game designer, specially with tons of designs available
+ Fixed an issue with updating the colony list after a project is completed in the campaign, it was simply not happening
+ Fixed a bug when dealing with special techs after loading a save, in which they were being researched but were showing up as unresearched, even when their effects were active
+ Added a description for the ELTF, Vandal Freehold, NeoHuman Imperium, Star Serpents and Pirate Clans factions
+ Added the pirate clans as a playable faction, rebalance its traits and improve it's character graphics
+ Fixed an issue with inverted subject in the Cordial response with the Followers of Kala. It would use the wrong leader name.
+ Fixed some types in advices, crisis and counter tech descriptions
+ Rebalanced campaign faction skills (Expanded Freehold, diferentiated ELTF from Republic and completed Imperium skill poiints)
+ Added the 5 main campaign factions to the sandbox game mode
+ Clicking on a DataNet Notification that a system has been explored now centers the camera/view over that system.
+ Fixed a bug in which when trading techs, the delta left research was added to whatever was left in the queue, enough to sometimes even complete another tech
+ Made sure to remove destroyed players from the factions list, even if you couldn't contact them before
+ Increased the size of the bonus indicators for the profiles list item UI object, so what you get in each difficulty level is more clear
+ Fixed an issue in which finishing the campaign would prompt you to start the mission again after
+ Fixed a bug that was preventing the final capmapign mission from firing steam achievements
+ Fixed an issue with the wormhole gate not registered as constructed in mission 8A, after a file load in the middle
+ Added the min/max opponent setting for huge/gigantic size galaxies is adjustable in the globals.lua file
+ Made sure unarmed ships are not added to any fleet in the battle simulator
+ Fixed several typos in techs and some installations
+ Improved the Camera edges panning offset, since it was getting in the way of the selectiong buttons on the left bottom corner

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Re: Astra Exodus Conquer the galaxy
« Reply #37 on: October 28, 2020, 03:28:26 AM »
Astra Exodus - v1.01.08 Update
Tue, 27 October 2020

We're releasing a new update for the game.

We're releasing a new update for Astra Exodus. It includes a number of fixes and balance changes that were decided thanks to the feedback we receive from the playerbase. Keep it coming, it helps with refining the game and improving it.

Thank you. We hope you enjoy it.


+ Made sure that the player can delete default designs as well, if he so desires
+ Made sure the text fits on the mission setup scene mission/sandbox description always
+ Fixed an issue in which the Vandaal Fighter bay was causing a NAN value for ordnance required
+ Fixed an issue on mission 3, in which the game didn't quite keep track of the fleets destroyed, for achieving the optional objective
+ Made sure you don't start at war with the Okli in mission 05B, also increased the imperium starting colonies to compensate
+ Fixed a bug in which industry conversion into population growth was not working correctly on planets with a peculiarity
+ Reduced the Researcher hero skill bonus to 4 research per level
+ Fixed a bug in which the specialization picks were incorrectly calculated on load game, which allowed the player to research more of techs than he should have
+ Fixed a bug with the Researcher skill, in which when loading a save just after a level upgrade, it increased the research generated exponentially instead of linearly
+ Fixed an error which happened when a fleet from Z is stationed in system where a colony from Y which X tries to invade
+ Fixed a bug when taking over the last planet of a faction, where you couldn't close the battle screen. It was due to an alliance not being able to be broken.
+ Made sure the fleet popup doesn't get in the way when attacking another fleet in the system
+ Made sure the value for resources and planet population on the system view are correctly show when involving huge values
+ Optimized the handling of the planet list, reducing the time it takes for it to be updated
+ Optimized the handling of the colony list, reducing the time it takes for it to be updated
+ Optimized the update of the build queue items for each colony, reducing the delay between view switching
+ Made sure the Installations in the colony screen are shown by order of construction
+ Optimized turn process time for late game saves
+ Corrected a travel time mismatch between ETA and actual turns required for a troop/population composite fleet
+ Increased the size of systems click boundaries, to avoid problems selecting them for fleet movement or to enter them
+ Fixed a bug that happened with weapon specializations applied to a non selected design

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Online Asid

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Re: Astra Exodus Conquer the galaxy
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2021, 04:06:48 AM »
Version 1.01.09 Patch
Mon, 1 February 2021

We're releasing a new update for Astra Exodus. It includes a number of fixes and balance changes that were decided thanks to the feedback we receive from the player-base. Keep it coming, it helps with refining the game and improving it.

Thank you. We hope you enjoy it.

Version 1.01.09 Changes
+ Improved the habitability icons and added more info, so it's not only
indicated with an icon
+ Improved the planet classification section overlay of the info screen
+ Fixed a bug in which the base ship range was not updating in the UI,
after a range increase research is done, even if the actual range was in
fact increased
+ Fixed a problem with the right arrow button, to switch between
planets, in which it's center was not registering correctly the click.
+ Fixed a typo with the colonization shortcut button in the planet view
+ Improved map performance a bit by optimizing scene complexity
+ Improved game initial load performance through texture optimizations
+ Improved edge panning, reducing the pixels where this is triggered in
the galactic map

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